Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Mar 1949, p. 3

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Better vision through higher, wider Windshields, and a smoother ride as a result of longer wheelbases and better insulation, are outstanding features of the new 1181 "inch wheelbase Dodge DeLuxe and Special DeLuxe models. Seats are wider and there is more head and leg room, front and rear. “You can get in and out with your hat on” Dodge advertises. Fourâ€"Door Sedans and Club Coupes (as shown above) are available in both the DeLuxe and Special DeLuxe series in a choice of eight distinctive body colours. New Dodge Promises Smoother, Safer Ride Yonge 53., Richmond Hill Telehone 210 c. A. L. MURCHISON 7 1G: BISSON R_. J. TALLON UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION TO THE INSURED WORKER!â€"Have you an insurance book in your possession? If so, please take or send it to the nearest National Employ- ment Office for renewal before March Slst. If you send your book, enclose your present address so that your new book may be returned to you promptly. EMPLOYERSlâ€"Please send all unem- ployment insurance books immediately to the National Employment Office with which you deal, unless renewal arrangements have already been made. They must be exchanged for new books before March Blst. The new books have spaces for March contributions, so you can renew the old ones before the end of the month. Renewal of books is important to you, to your employees-and to the Commission. Please Act PromptIy. Commissioner Chief Commissioner Commissioner 1m: BEAUTIFUL NEW Dodge DeLuxc and Special DeLuxc models are cars you will want to see, own and drive. They’re new . . . modern as tomorrow . . . with natural beauty that flows from true automobile design. There's more elbow room, leg room and head room . . . greater visibility . . . plus an amazingly s-m-o-o-t-h ride. Get behind the wheel! You'll appreciate the many improve- ments that add to the Dodge reputation for Dependability. Economy. Roomy Comfort and Smooth Riding. The famous Dodge Floating Ride is even‘quietcr and more restful because of heavier insulation. softer rubber body mountings, im- proved springing, new "sea-leg" shock absorbers. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANBE BOOKS MUST BE RENEWED Ilia/3' Miafym/ gel/'17 life PERFORMANCE â€" The powerful Dodge L-Hcad engine has fewer moving pans to wear â€"â€" is easier to adjust and keep in ad- ius:mcnt. Its amazing smoothnessoriginateswirh unique 3Apoinr Floating Power engine suspension. U.I.C. DE LUXE and SPECIAL DELUXE MODELS One who himself had suffered much wrote: “Each man does at least a bit of reading in the loook of suffering" â€" a book that has no preface to explain its drift, no footnotes to thl-‘OW a light upon its misty passages; a book that is published year by year in the great printing press of human experâ€" ience." Only those who have ever tried to lead an old classic. written perhaps centuries 219:0. will understand the aptness of that reference. The gren- cral trend of the book might be fol- lowed but, without explanatory foot- notes, a great deal is unintelligible. Much of the volume is sealed. A few years ago I visited an old fisherman in his cabin on the west coast of Newfoundland. His life had been hand, with continual exposure to severe weather and to much dan- ger. He had never known luxury and had always had difficulty in get- ting bare necessities. In the course of our conversation he quietly asked why “God does not do better.” There was nothing irreverent in his remark, he was devout as he was sincere, but repeated hardships and seemingly futile labors made him wonder why such things should be. He seemed almost ashamed of him- self for even having voiced his difl’i- culties. When I told him that men had been asking that same question for thousands of years â€" that many of the Psalms of the Bible uttered the same query â€"â€" he was greatly aston- ished. But it is true, and whether it be a scholarly philosopher seeking to reconcile the seeming contradic- tiqns of life or a humble fisherman sadly pondering over his lot, men do iace life with a question mark. In Green’s Short History of the English Peoplekthere is the story of how, in 6:2"? A.D., the men of Northumbria â€"â€" hardy, rude but valiant men of that far-off time â€" were being urged to accept the Christian faith which King Edwin had accepted. An aged man with a directness and simplicity We among them stepped forward and find touching after thirteen centuries said: “So seems the life of man, 0 King! It is a sparrow’s flight when you are sitting at meat in wintertime, with the warm fire lighted on the hearth, but the icy rainstorm withâ€" out. The sparrow flies in at one door, and tarries for a moment at the heat and light of the hearth fire, and then, flying forth from the other, vanishes into the wintry darkness from whence it came. So tarries for a moment the life of man in our sight; but what is ‘before it, what is after it, we know not.” ROOMY COMFORTâ€"The famous Dodge Floating Ride is smoother than ever. New. longer 118% inch wheelbase further i‘rnpnzgv'es' (he Do_dgc “cr‘adled'l berklv'eenf IE3: axles” ride â€" allows ample head and leg room. Jesus encouraged men to ask ques- BOOK WITHOL' '1‘ FOO'IN OTES You'll like the power and economy of the 97 hp. L-Head engine . . . and the inany “extra” economy features such as an oil filter, floating oil intake and self-cleaning fuel filter in the gas tank, which are standard equipment. These new cars start easier, stop faster; you can see over the hoods; you can get in and out with ease. See these great new cars today at your local Dodge-DcSoto dealer's showroom. Compare them feature by feature with other cars in their price class . . . then drive them and you'll agree that they are the outstanding automobiles in the lowâ€"price field. VISIBILITY â€" You get a wide view of the road through the new higher. wider Windshields. Glass area is 37% greater. New, more efficient wipers sweep 61% mote glass area. Defroster vents cover the whole windshield. givings and the knowledge of those brought no stern rebuke from Jesus; on the contrary he praised the Bap- tist with such eulog'y‘as man never received before. When Thomas doubt- ed and loudly volced his position. Jesus showed him the wound-prints in his side and where the spear had pierced him. Jesus did teach that there were some things that could not be reveal- ed to his disciples because they could not at that time understand. “I have yet many things to say unto you. but ye cannot hear them now. Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth. is come, 'He will guide you. into all truth." ]Here he lays down a principle. Truth Iis revealed to men just as they are I able to bear it. ’ tions. Repeatedly we read such pas- sages as, “They asked him again of this matter. And he saith unto them.” That was chiefly how he taught them, by question and answer. In no way was his infinite patience and gentle- ness more fully revealed than when he dealt with troubled minds and an- xious hearts. Jesus could be indig- nant with men â€"-â€" their hypocracy. cruelty and worldliness, but with those who inquired, or ever doubted, he was tender and sympathetic. There is a divine discretion which has its source in the infinite com- passion of the Father’s heart. Know- ledge that would terrify and harm is withheld â€"â€" for the present at least. A veil ’twixt us and Thee, dread Lord, A veil ’twixt us and Thee; Lest we should hear too clear, too clear, And unto madness see. Our quotation to-day is 'Paul Richter: “How much I forgive. We shall remain a time together.” Nicoemus doubted and because of his doubts we have qne of the most illuminating of *Chrxs’t’s discourses. John the Baptisfi had_ strange mis- UNIONVILLE CURLE-RS WIN AT ROYAL C'AN. BONSPIEL Curling honours came to Unionville when Len McMullen’s rink captured the Harry Baillie Trophy at the week long_ Royal Canadian B_onspie1. Besides MoMullen, skip, the trium- phant rink consisted of Milt Findlay, Harold Beaudoin, Doug Brown. Dancing every Saturday nite at Bolton Casino. Merrymakers’ 9- piece orchestra. Avfterwdefeating the rink ékipped by W. H. Karn of Oshawa in the semiâ€" finals, McMullen’s rink downed W. Mitchell of Royals in the finals by eleven to six. DR.AREHER”WALLAEE by Jean ought to so short SAT., MARCH 26 â€"â€" Auction Sale of entire house of high class furniture, household effects, garden tools ,etc. Property of Russell Davidson in the village of Cherrywood. Terms, cash. No reserve. Property sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. ti-on sale of farm machinery, used lumber, etc. The property of John W. Bowser at, lot 95, con. 1, Whit- church, on the westerly limits of the town of Newmarket. Terms, cash. 'Sale at ,1 p.m., sharp. F. N. Smith, auct. c1w39 SAT., MARCH 26 â€"â€" Household Fur- niture and garden equipment at lot 18, con. 6, Markham, 1; miles north of Unionville, the property of E. J. Hobbs. Terms, cash. Sale at 1.30 pm. No reserve as farm is sold. A. S. Farmer, auctloneer. FRIDAY, MAR. 25 â€"â€" Sale of 20 bred heifers, 50 pigs, about 75 tons ‘hay, farm implements, etc. The property of E. A. Creighton rear lot 22, con. 3 Seal-bore, 1 mile west of Brown’s Corners. Sale at 1 pm. Terms, cash. Sellars and Atkinson, Auctioneers. c2w38 SATURDAY, MARCH 26 â€" Aucj TUES., MARCH 29 â€"â€" Holstein cat- tle, pigs, farm implements, and poul- try, at lot 27, con. 10, Markham, at :Mongolia, the property of Chas. Brown. No reserve as farm is sold. Lloyd Turner, clerk. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. and implements, hay, gram. household furniture, at lot ’1', 1 half, con. 3, Whitchurch twp property of J. C. Bal'key. Sale p.111. Lloyd Turner, clerk. A Farmer, auctioneer. springers, .Holstein heifers, farm stock, implements, furniture, etc. on lot 31, con. 4, King Twp., property of Mr. Muth. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms, cash. No reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. TU‘ES., MARCH 29 â€"' Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, seed, etc. The property of Walter Proctor, lot 100, con. 1, East Gwillimbury, on Yonge St. (north of Newmarket). The sale includes threshing machine, 3 tractors, power binder, registered Holstein mllk cows, grade cattle, large amount of farm equipment, hay, grain, etc. Terms cash; sale starts 12 o’clock. L. S. Mount, clerk. F. N. Smith, Auct. c1w38 FRI., MARCH FRIDAY, MARCH WED., MARCH 30 â€" Blacksmith shop, tools and equipment. Property of John Gillan, Wallace St., Wood- bidge. No reserve as blacksmith shop is closed. Terms cash. Ken Love, auctioneer. - c1w39 WED, MARCH 30 â€" Fam stock and implements, IH.C. tractor, blacksmith tools and furniture at lot 30, con. 2, Pickering, :‘1 mile south of Cherry- wood, the property of Miss Edith Roach. Sale at 1 pm. No reserve. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. SATURDAY, APRIL 2; -â€" Auction Sale of high class registered Holstein fully accredited and listed. Near-1y new implements including 6 ft. I.H.C. Combine with motor, George White Thresher 24x42 with shredder; 101 Jr. tractor on rubber; hay loader, side rake and other tracto equipment. Sale at 1 pm. Property of John Faris, Cookstown, on Highway 27. L. M. Rutledge, Auctioneer. *2w39 OOONOMWOOWOO” M inerva’s Beauty Shop Yonge St. OOOQWOQOWOM. M9 We Service Everything We Sell To enable proprietress to attend Hairdressers Convention WOO“”WW”M Elm Grove Oak Ridges ‘ or King 84r4 l‘honc Thornhill 212r12 III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII WASHER REPIAR What a thrlUI Bony limbs fill out: ugly hollows all up: neck no longer scrawny: body loses hall. sr_arved. sickly "bean-hole" look. Thousands of glrls women. men. who never could galn he‘ore. are now proud of sbaPely. healthy-looking oodles. They than: the specie vigor-building. flesh-bundling tonic. Ostrex. 115 1011108. stimulants. lnvlgorators. Iron. vitamin B1. calclum. enrlch blood. Improve appetite and dlgestlon so food glves you more strength and nourlshlnent: out flesh on bare bones. Don't fear getting ma fat. Stop when you’ve gained the 6. 10. 15 or 20 lbs. you negd (or normal weight. Costa lmle. New “not noqumnted" size only 00 Try famous Oatrex Tonic Tablets tor new vigor and added pounds. thls very day. At all drugglsua. Skinny men, women gain 5,1_0,77715 lbs. YEREX ELECTRIC SALE REGISTERS Your General Electric Store will be Closed March 29th, 30th FOR Prompt, Efficient Service CALL Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor Interior & Exterior Decorator [m Grove Oak Ridg RICHMOND HILL HINSON Auction Sale of Farm Stock gram, and 0t ‘1', norm :h twp. the Sale at 1 ‘1w39 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursd PHONE -â€" THORNIHLL 256W For Ali Year Enioyment EASYâ€" FLOOR I’OLISHERS, VACUUM CLEANERS, WASHERS ()IL-O-MAGIC QUAKER â€" OIL BURNING SPACE HEATERS STROMBERG-CARLSON â€" 6 Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, phone 148 RE-ROOFING RICHMOND HILL FARMERS’ SUPPLY PHONE 139 Maple, Ont. THE BELL TELEPHONE Floral Designs Our Long Distance operators now put through over 5 million calls a monthâ€" twice as many as six years ago. To-day more families keep in touch with one another and busy m’en get more things done by Long Distance. Providing for this growing use of Long Distance is an important part of our vast expansion and improvement program. Thousands of new operators have been added â€" more are being selected and trained. Hundreds of new and improved switchboards and lines have been built ~â€" more are on the way. With Long Distance as with local service, we want to put your calls through courteously, quickly and accuratelyâ€"to give you even greater value by continuing to provide more and better telephone service at the lowest possible cost. FLOWERS I C. RIDDELL Wholesale and Retail Florist INSUL BRICK SlDING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Insulating CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, B. W. MILLER We specialize in re-ronfing, csigns Cut Flowers Bedding Plants Delivery Anywhere in North York RADIOS AND COMBINATIONS Supplied and Guaranteed by FERGUSON FURNACE OIL BURNERS WE GROW OUR OWN m a °‘ COMPANY OF CANADA MORE PEOPLE ARE USING long Distance MORE OFTEN March 24, 1949 Telephone 2 RICHMOND HILL

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