Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Mar 1949, p. 5

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TOWING LUBRICATION 3 g Slow Battery Charging and Rentals 2 GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES i J I: 1 Due to decreased export and increased factory production we are now able to make prompt delivery on AT 8:30 P.M. : REFRESHMENTS ADMISSION 350 : 0O0.096060999006609009990009000,0QOOQOOOOOOOOOOOffzg 99991 vvv vv6~90009¢600006069000§WW6M0OOMOOOOOOOOONC PROMPT DELIVERY W006 09¢ @009 690 OOOGOOOOvav 9090*)“.990000000900090‘ 4 The 1949 1 FORD £3 MONARCH 909096;}00900090099 :QO066000000“OOOOOOOOwOOOOWO Ford &- Monarch Sales &’Service PHONE 174 RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL FARMERS’ SUPPLY PHONE 139 Tests’have proven faster growth on less feed at 8 weeks of age. Any Quantity MASONIC HALL, RICHMOND HILL WEDNESDAY, March 30th for free 3/76” 87/78/75’0’ 1447/7 V/ 7 14 D/lV[ [Hm/W Blatcgford Feeds Toronto wr/t’e to YES WE HAVE IT â€" SOMETHING NEW Blatchford’s Chick Starter Krumbles LETTLE BROTHERS 071/! I016? ("fl/6K5 WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION ‘ OF LANGSTAFF SERVICE STATION SOME FORD MODELS MONARCH SEDANS PGULTRY WANTED EUCHBE Phone AGINCOURT 2-48]. or write 10 Telephone Thornhill 16r2 ponsored by L.O.L. No. 2368 â€" in the ~â€" Licensed Mechanics Norolda Poultry â€" SCARBORO JUNCTION AND RICHMOND HILL Good Prices Lulu, uvcnnu "um. -v- ..._ Carnival, 2nd W. Bone, con. Mr. ‘Watâ€" son. The n6xt eucln‘e will be held in the Parish Hall on Friday, March 26. Mrs. Fitz, convenor. CITIZEN‘S CO-OPERATION . AIDS POLICE DEPARTMENT ‘Co-operation between police and citizens resulted in the speedy ap- prehension of an escapee from the Ontario Hospital at Langstafl' on Saturday, March 19th._ a MR. AND MRS. W. T. COOK MARRIED FORTY-FIVE YEARS On Wednesday, March 16, 1949, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Payne entertained ers. Payne’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cook of Richmond Hill to a fowl dinner, it beingr their forty- fifth wedding anniversary. After dinner a surprise party gathered, about foty former neighbors coming to offer congratulations and spend a very enjoyable evening. Mr. Cook was born in the home where Doris (their daughter) now' lives. Mrs. Cook, the 'former Florence Thomas, whose home was also in Hope (where George Thomas a cousin now lives). Many beautiful gifts were showered on the bride and groom of 45 years ago. On receiving word of the escape of Frank 'Hrkac from that institution, P. -C. Frank Moore advised those who he thought might come in contact with the man.- As a result Mrs. Houg'hton of the Richmond Hill Tax: phoned Constable Moore about a suspicious character, who proved to be the wanted ‘man, and who was apprehended (juietly. A very enjoyable evening was spent by all who attended the Euchre held in St. Mary‘s Pa‘rish Hall on St. Patrick’s night last Thursday. Winners in the lucky draw were as follows: lst. tri-lig‘lit lamp. Mr. J. Roberts, Richmond Hill: 2nd, electric iron, Mr. Norman Harrington, Gill Dufferin St.. TOronto; 3rd, master. Mary Seycfert, Richmond Hill. Win~ ners in enchrc were: ladies. 1st, Mrs. Norm Cook, 2nd Mrs. .135. Cowling. con., Evelyn Watling; men, 151: Art Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L.Th., RD. Rector Sunday, March 27, Lent 4 10 am. â€" Sunday‘School. 11 a.m. - Mornincr Prayer, Rev. J. “H. Kidd; Wood‘imdge, Ont. 3.30 pm. â€" Confirmation Class. The Rector ‘ 7 p.111. â€" Evening Prayer. A repre- sentative of The Gideons Intel-nah. tionil will tell the story of their wor . We extend congatulations to Mrs. Marsh of 146 Richmond St., who cel- ebrates her 87th birthday next Sat- urday, March 26th. Mrs. Marsh en- ioys good health except for a fall when she hurt her knee, which is do- ing well. She is a remarkable woman in so many ways. Sh‘e g‘l‘OWS rare and beautiful flox‘vers Which others can‘t grow; she reads the daily papers and glvw, mu: LCuuD mu. “an.” RAH.-.” ...... can converse on any subject. Mrs. Marsh came from Scotland about six- ty ‘years ago and has lived in this community ever since. We wish her many more years of happiness. Hrkac escaped at about 5 pm. and, due to the co-operation of Mrs. Houghton, was picked up by police six and £3. half'hours' later. ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B. A. Minister Sunday, March 27, 1949 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School, Nursery, Primary, Intermediate Departments and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m. â€"' Morning Worship. 7 p.111. â€" Evening Worship. A member of_the Gideéns, an in- ternatlonal Chrlstian Busmessmen's Assomation will speak. Mr. and Mrs. Art White and Mr. Howard White spent the week end with‘Ml'. and Mrs. Wm. White at Hanover. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. \V. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday, 'March 27, 1949 10 a.m. -â€" The Sabbath School. 11 _a.m. .7 Public; Woyship ing their daughter in figure skating class next winter are asked to at- tend a meeting: on Tuesday after- noon, March 29th, at 2 o‘cloak at the Municipal Hall. It is important that as many as possible be'present t0 discusg plans for the next seasnn. The Rev. W. F. Wrixox been‘ ill with tonsilitis, meet his Confirmation cla day afternoon next at 3.3( The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butterill, Arnold Crescent, were sorry to see them leave last week for Quebec. Harold Butterill will fill an important post with the Canadian Armanent and Research Development at St. Malo. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lindon-es Missionaries to South America, will bring" a missionary challenge and message to all this Sunday afternoon. Coloured pictures will be shown. Held in the Masonic Hall Richmond Hill 3:00 PM. SUNDAY SCHOOL TIME And profitable Bible Study considering ‘Major Bible Themes. Everyone weTcome 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC HOUR Speaker: Mr. Tom Lindores Missionary to South America, under the “New Tes'tament Miss- ionary Union". “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every crea- ture.” Mark 16:15. 8:15 P.M. SONG FELLOWSHIP GOSPEL SERVICES Social and Personal Mrs. W. B th Mrs. T. All mothers intérestgd in 9mg)“- UNITED CHURCH Allison Art White and Mr Wrixon, who has ilitls, expects to .on class on Sun- 0 a 'The athlefiic prizes fmpexcellence in field sports at the school during 1948 "were presented by Mr. Nig-hs- wander, Jaqueline Mabley receiving the prize for Senior Girl Champion and Rod Milne for Senior Boy Cham- plan. Douglas Rose Wins Langstah‘ Trophy In the im Grades 7 am first; Barbar Moore, third first in the Grades 4, 5 came second third. In the course of the evening, sev- eral delightful choral numbers were rendered by the school’s junior and senior choirs under the leadership of Mrs. McGillivray and the perfor- mance of 511011 youthful artists as Cecilia) Andersen, Jaqueline Mabley, Joyce Perkins and Lucille Bircha‘l, added to the entertainment of the authence. auditorium Wednesday evening. Chairman of the evening was Mr. D. M. Chamney of the School Board and judges were _Miss E. W. lzzard of the Richmond Hlii High School stafl‘, Mr. O. M. McKillop, inspector of public schools for this area, and Mr. Lewis Nieholls of Victoria Square. Fred Mihorean was awarded first prize in the prepared speeches for Uades 7 and 8 for his informative and well-delivered address about Sir Wal- ter Scott entitled, “The Wizard of the North”. The Langstaff 'l‘rophy' for the outstanding speaker of the even- ing: went'to Dou 1213' Rose, a recent arrival from Scot and whose humor- ous anecdotes and broad Scotch ac- cent delig‘hted the audience in his speeches, “My First Impression of Canada” (prepared) and “A Fishing- Trip" (impromptu), Other winners, all of whom receiv- ed books presented to them by Mr. Lewis NichollS, included, Primrose Craigie, Second in the prepared spee- ches Grade ’2 and 8; Douglas Rose, Other transfers by McLean recent- ly include the sale of the 11/2 storey house of Anthony Desiantis, near Bayview on the Markham Road, to Eric Butterworth of Rapid Grip and Batten, Ltd.. Toronto. 21 Colborne Street, Thornhill, own- ed by Thomas Jones, has been sold by Thomas Jones to Russell Stimson, who has sold" his property at Lang- stalf to William Patterson, of the Anderson Buick Company, Toronto. The house owned by William Ball on John Street, Thornhill, has been purchaSed by Mr. Ritchie, Toronto. ‘Price' trends in all transactions show little change, reports Mr. Mc- Lean. In spite of a he‘avy spring rain, 21 large number of parents and frienn‘s attended yhe Public School‘s annual Oratorical Contest held in the new 3rd in tfiat class; Joyce Perkins. lst in the prepared speeches for Grade 4, 5 and 6; Neil Risebrough, second; and Carol Mansbridg'e, third. ' In the impromptu speeches for Grades 7 and 8, Douglas Rose came first; Barbara Elson second and Bob Moore, third. Margaret Lynett won first in the impomptu speeches fm‘ Grades 4, 5 and 6. Jocelyn Lewis HOLLY’S CHILDREN’S WEAR ’ STORE HAS NEW OWNER Holly‘s Children’s Wear. Store, 117 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, has been acquired by Mrs. Puddy, former« 1y of Toronto, who came to Canada from England about a year ago. iMrs. Puddy, who has aCQuired the lease of the property, will continue the business along present lines and will specialize in children‘s wear. The transaction was handled by David McLean, real estate agent of Thornhill. OAK RIDGES BOY SC‘OUTS PAGEANT WELL ATTENDED Demonstrations of activities in the life of a Boy Scout featured a pa- geant staged by the Ist Oak Ridges Troop on March 11th. The gathering was wel] attended. During the even- ing “0 Canada” was sung as a solo by Miss Rosemary Wright, who also sang the Lord’s Prayer. A lecture on 'bees was given by Mr. Cook of Aurora. Other Visitors included Capt. Schuyler SniVely and Mrs. Snively, also Mr. Richard Ed‘munds of Richâ€" mond IHill. The troop was reviewed by Capt. Hawman. A scroll was presented to the Rector of St. John‘s Church, Oak Ridges, in connection the sponsoring of the Troop by the church. $30,000 LOSS CAUSED BY ELGIN-BATHURST BLAZE Loss reported to amount to $30,000 which destroyed three barns at Bath- urst Street and Elgin Mills side road was caused by a spectacular fire onÂ¥Mgrch 1_8t_}1,”just befOre midnight. Back of the big claim was an at- tack on Mr. Drury’s sheep by two dogs early in March. Unprecedented brutality marked the raid, no less than twenty breeding ewes being mauled and torn to such an extent that all died. ' FIGURE SKATING .The figure skating group closed their season, March 12, with a demâ€" onstration by the girls and Miss Shir- ley Andrews, the skating instructress. Richmond Hill and Maple firemen fought the blaze, which destroyed a large stock of electrical equipment owned by Geo. P. Dowe, operator of Maple Creek Lodge, and which had been pocressed at his Richvale fac- togy. Due to lack of a water supply lit- tle could be done by the fire brigades to save buildings and stock. \Dowe estimated loss of the buildâ€" ings at $115,000. and stock at a sim- Owing; to unseasonable weather which prevented good' ice condition, there have only been six Saturdays for instruction. VVHITCHURCH TOWNSHIP PAYS BIG SHEEP KILLING CLAIM One of the largest sheen claims on record was presented to Whitchurch Townshin Council reqently, when George Drurv Was allowed compensa- tion of $500, plus $50 for damage susiained by the remainder of the oc . \Dowe est: ings at 5115 ilar amount and Jimm§ Pollard mercial Travellers in the United states in 1889. Their first objective was “Winning Commercial Travellers for Jesus Christ." With firm faith in the redemptive power of God’s word, they added another objective to help them attain the first 'â€" “A Bible in every hotel guest room in America.” That was in 1908. The Movement came to Canada in 1911. and for nearly 40 years the Canadian Gideons have worked side by side with American Gideons in placing God's word in the guest nex gii'en to those in uniform. Perhaps the greatest undertaking was under- taken in 1946 with the plan to give a personal copy of the New Testa- ment to all Canadian school children. To reach one complete grade per year will require 150,000 copies of the special Testament; The Gideons are an arm of the Church and‘ its work is supported entirely by voluntary contributions. Come and hear the romantic story for voul'Selve‘s on Sunday evening at St. Mary’s Angli- can Church, and hear a'layman tell what laymen can do. placing God’s word in the guest rooms of hotels. This ministry has been extended to hospitalis, prisons and schools. Upwards ‘of 300,000 Bibles have been placed in Canadian institutions. During- war years, Bi- bles were placed in military-and na- val establishments, with personal copies of film New Testament being Ralph Butler and Alex Baird, for- mer operators of a sawmill on the 2nd Concession of Whitehul'ch. have opened a new lumber yard at the north end of Richmond Street in Richmond Hill. The yard is advantageously situa- ted on Yonge Street, with a railway siding‘ running right into the proper- ty. NEW LUMBER INDUSTRY LOCATES IN VILLAGE 211'. and Mrs. J. A. McNeil will be at home to their friend$ on Thursday afternoon and evening, March 31, on the occasion of their 40th Wedding anniversary. c1w39 THE In a tourist camp and restaurâ€" ant with service station attached and well known auto racing track on property of 17 acres on No. 7 Hgy. close to Toronto. $20,000 We are in a position to show this now. DAVID McLEAN Town and Country Realtor Members of the Ontario Assoc- iation of Real Estate Boards Thornhill Office Phone 12 cash will handle this attractive enterprise. Full price $48,000. A re; ternat CLARK C. C. Sauce: . . Tomato Catsup LAING'S Soap Deal . 4 C Onions . Grapefruit Tomato Soup 2 CHILEAN-SPANISH, MILD Sardines . . 3 SWEET .II‘K‘Y Size FLORIDA 216.5 D02. 1 C (‘AMPBELL’S Margene . . LIBBY‘S CANADA PACKERS INTERESTED FLORIDA SEEDLESS BRUNSWICK IN OIL WOODBURY‘S SPECIAL in Gide I'E IN CASE YOU'RE nings: Mr. Ovo Thornhill 48W VNIVERSARY XDIAN GIDEONS AND TF1le WORK ciation avellers PORK. & BEANS 2 25c tatwe advantageously situa- ‘Street, thh a railway right into the proper- of Chris1 s in the Their first 1‘} TYPE CHINESE I‘h ieons istlan / Size 96’s the M 'enmg Great 1T1 RICE....2 31c THE LTBERAI. 10 oz. Tins 11 oz. Bottle ONMOOOOOOwOOOOOOONOOONOOOOOOOOQWOOOOO”OW‘ 3 Phone 490; Nights and Holidays :15r6 We Deliver o wwmomooomuwom09mmoooonuw POOOWOQQ“099000WOOOOOOMOé‘vWWOOOOOOOQ.00 Saturday morning Show at 10.15 a.m. Matinee at 2 p.m O Wwouowwwomomnw 6x0 ‘akes 1 lb. Pkg. Tins for 8 oz. Bottle Cut Flowers “ The Miracle of the Bells ” Sat. Morning Show at 10.15 am Showing at 7.16, 9.32. MONDAY TO FRIDAY REAR OF TELEPHONE OFFICE. CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL Box Office Opens 6.45 Free Parking WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY â€" MARCH 30 8: 31 RONALD REAGAN‘ SHIRLEY TEMPLE Rice’s F lower Shop RANDOLPH SCOTT, M'ARGUERITE CHAPMAN PLUS SUPERMAN PART 5 Royal Theatre AURORA Zlc 22c 400 21c 21c 25c 30c 250 FRIDAY 8; SATURDAY â€" MARCH 25 & 26 ROY ROGERS in Starring WM. EYTHE, BARBARA BRITTON PLUS SUPERMAN PART 4 MONDAY & TUESDAY â€" MARCH 28 & 29 FRED MCMURRAY, FRANK SINATRA “ That Hagan Girl” “ Wallflower ” FRIDAY & SATURDAY â€" APRIL 1 & 2 “ Eyes of Texas ” “ Corner Creek ” ROBERT HUTTON, JANIS PAGE “ Mr. Reckless Designs and Corsages Flowers For All Occasions TOP OF THE MORNING Fab and Tide . Dog Food . . Swift’ning Coflee SOCIETY Flowerdale Tea SL'I’ERSUDS, RINSO Potatoes . . SWIFT'S NEW Dinner . . Cabbage . . . ORANGE PEKOE NE\V GREEN KRAFT NO. 1 GRADE IIDOIH â€"Starringâ€" â€" PLUS â€" m Box Ofiice Opens 5.45 Saturday Matinee 1.45 SAT (3 HOLIDAYS Last complete show 9.16 Sat. Matinee at 2 pm Ground FRESH L 20 oz. Tins 75 lb‘ Bag ll’Ch 8 oz. Lge. Pkge Pkg. " $159 ll)‘ 53c 29c 37c 43c 582 15c

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