Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Mar 1949, p. 8

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1 0900900099006990990000.6”“9000OOOOOM‘OOOOOOOOOO 'I'II 9.000041 Mt #0990090000060OQOOOOOOOOMNOMOMWOO” It} LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. 'l‘htirsday. March "I. IEII‘J D 9 o 3 SPRING SALE OF 2 6 O . 4; Q g mannans § 3 To Quality Extension at Following Prices 3 3 32 ft. . . . . . . . . , . . . $27.20 t 2i; ft. . _ _ _ _ . . . _ . _ _ s22.m ; g :10 ft. . . . . . . , . . . . . $23.20 t 21 ft. _ . . . . . _ . . . . . £20.40 3 3 28 ft. . . . _ . . . . . . . . $33.50 l 16 n. , . . . . . . . . . . . $13.60 3 3 All Reinforced I}. C. I’ir Wltli Solid Oak 'Itlllf.” g : \Vc Also llavc Stepladders I-t-r iiiloi’inatLon ('on.act : g ALIIX CAMPBELL. iox iui. KING. PHONE 2n: if 3 on wooni'iuss'i‘ PRODUCTS 3 E so; warm-(m Ave.. oi. 36:;6. 'rm-tmiti it 99.004900000900906$90000090060496090900960000966900009 REAL L 'L , 0900000000000009w00000000§000000006 09069 6000009600; FENCE $UPP§JE§ Available for immediate delivery. AND 9 LINE FARM FENCE. CHICKEN AND HOG WIRE IN MEDIUM AND HEAVY WEIGHTS. CHAIN LINK WIRE ANI) GREEN SCROLL GARDEN FENCE WITH GA'IIES TO MATCH. BARB WIRE 7 AND S FT. T'E RAIL STEEL POSTS. 12. ll. 16 FT. FARM GATES. COMPLE'I'E STOCK OI“ CEDAR POSTS AND CLOTHES LINE POLES 8 Norman Bone PHONE 259.]. RICHMOND HILL 9 O O 6 O O 0 6 O 0 z 0 O O O O O O O O O z z 0 0 O O i O O O O O 9 g z 2 ELIZABETH ST. 9 4 0 O 0 0 0 9 O ‘4 O Q 9 O O 0 O 0 0 6 O O O 0 O O 0 O Q 9 O O O O 0 § O O Q 9 g 0 9.0.0900.000.009.60909000006069606.0609“0969009969 . . . Saves You Fuel Saves You Money! Think of days when you turned on the furnace draft, forgot it, and had to add more fuel . . . wasted money! Think of fall and spring when the furnace went out. Had to be relit. And you shook half-burned coal through with ashes . . . zcastedmoney.’ ' / .siiluu* isssai. 23?, insure“: .. With a Thermostat you avoid this . . . because it gives you automatic temperature control, all the time, just the degree y0u want. A Thermostat is easily installed and pays for itself usually. the first year. From then on it goes on saving you money, year after year. 0.1.49 You [my for a Thermostat anyway t/Jrll wasted fuel . . . you mfg/1t as well have one! Complete details on request. I. D. RAMER & SON PHONE 10 RICHMOND HILL BLUE COAL “TEMPMAST‘ER” DEALERS :ooooooooooo0009000004)coonmnoooomwowmooooo If your are contempiat'ng selling be sure to take advantage of the Spring Market which will get you peak prices. WA TED 22 FOR WAITING CLIENTS Five rooms on any size lot at $6500. Three bedroom house north to Aurora 338500. Three bedroom hause within ‘20 miles of city. with acreage, $10,000 cash. Six to seven room house from Thornhill to Aurora. Five room house. Willowdale 57000. On Yonge St.. five rooms. conveniences not necessary $6500. Must have good hiin cellar. Ii‘our bedroom house up to $I5000. Summer place within 30 miles of city $3000. FARMS a. to 50 acres with buildings. 20 miles of city. 512000. 50 to 100 acres. good drainage. farm. $8000. .30 acre farm with {L8 room house, $10,000. LOTS Need 2 at rc lots. Yongg'c St. frontage, and :‘lltt'lllt‘l‘ lots. Let experience and past record represent you. We do not make exhorhitant promises but will get you THE price. RONALD M. EENN Real Estate 'I‘n‘oker PHONE 'l’HORNHILL 168 " OOOOOOOQQOQOOOOOOQOOOQO"b 0.9000OOQ900$090990°9$0¢99909¢06069< OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ “00000001906O0&096960990”0960096006000QOQOOQOOOQQ Thornhill District News l«, ’llk' itis. tn a ~litill>tti L‘tl .l_ll.lL .‘t'lil t‘ arranged .\I.»~ itivo . moi s t..‘l'.ttl ii to .c litid on litt-,~i...y I,“ t‘l..t‘l' ..c;i l""' bf. school will. Ill ti.e Sunday March will at e\t‘lti.“._‘_‘. artists .\l..‘> l‘liyilis Wateison. a group of. .Iune' .nost-gay s Li: .\£i~. lLLlllIll> pupils ii.ciuding Iltl I'idilt Ilaidiiiu’ all I l‘llztine lltirkc; instrumentalists from North .ciont». Miss .\I;.r>hall. tcachei‘ tn linoiiiinll Public school will . group which she is training for the ‘\\'nodbii:lec Music Festival. Ad- .n’s~i-iii will be 35c and proceeds will 1c i:~cd by the Guild in connection \itii t.icii' work. AM Thi rnh;ll Woim n's Institute held llL‘ll' Apr.l meeting in the Sunday ~(huol hull of the Ifiiited Church iere l2L>i Thursday afternoon. {Agâ€" tctilturc" was the theme of the .n~ c'..n'_r, an I convenoi. Mrs. George (exnoids lilt'pitl‘ed an intensely in- '.ci'cstiug report on this sub ect. Pur- .ncr parcels are being packed and stii. to Iil'ltztill for Easter. and plans .or the annual bazaar to be held the .-:st Eaturoay in December \\'c.e iot- nulalcd. When Spingr cleaning, will up please ktcp this in mind '.’ Goml iscd clothing and other articles will c mist RICL'CIllZillIt‘, Thornhill \‘ro- men's Institute are having a Family tar... night at which they will en- tcinain all iiicinbeis of their fam- Hits: and incmbeis of the Lions' Club and their families. The party will be held in April 30th in Lawrence Meniorial Hall, and all ladies and girls atttndiizg are asked to bring. a box lunch for two. with two cups. An interesting program is being pre- pared. Mrs. lolieit Duane (formerly Lor» iaine Sinclair) spent a month recent» Iy visiting with be parents, Mr. and M35. C. Sinclair, Yonge St.. and with her husband's parents. Mr. and Mts. Deane. Loraine fie w home from Winnipeg with her baby daughter, Rex erlcy Louise, but returned by train. Needless to say. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair who saw their beautiful lit- t'e granddaughter fer the first time. are very pond of her. The W.A. and W.M.S. of Thornhill I'li'csny'terian Church held their regâ€" ular II'UHIIILY meeting at the home of Mis. T. Steele. Morgan Ave. Thurs» day aftcinoon. March 10. Mrs. Chas. Harper. the president, presided, and Miss Hazel Welsh took the devotionâ€" al exercises. In addition to the regâ€" .Iar members present. one new mem- ber. Mrs. Cole of Bayvicw Avc., and LUes‘lS Mrs. J. W. Hansen. Mrs. E. Galley, Mrs. M. Wildman and Mrs. Steelch sister, Miss .lackson. Toronto. were welcomed. An old fashioned spelling bee was won by Mrs. Han- sen. 'lwo readings ly Mrs. Mizen ind a delightful lunch contributed o a happy meeting. The Mariied Couples (Iroup held a very interesting evening last Tucs- ’ay. Mr. I’. Rene. past president of the Ontario Horticultural Society, 1-:ve an it(ltll‘(‘>s on grrdening and held a question and answer period. Plants anti flowers were given as prizes for the quiz. also on garden- ing. which followed. He concluded the Young Lad-Y l.‘liillllitll tnittd (lunch? ballI inchich present 3 fun-t l with showing of moving pictures of. the I“. T. James gardens. Thunhill Public School teachers attended the Vaughan Teachers’ Fedâ€" <ratfon meeting Woodbriduc on Tuesday afternoon of this week. and 'vhiIo there had an opportunity to lock over the new school. (‘.(-'.I.T. Notes M‘s. A. Martlnrlale. Virginia .It nts 'l“\l Mai'srai-er Jennings, representing ‘1 '~ Thrizhill ham-h of the Canadian Cirls iii Training. attended the C011â€" “':il Ontario C.G.I.T. concert held in Toronto on Saturday. Mach 10. New idcas for UFOIQCIS. games and songs were absorbed. and much enjoyment deiivcd front taking nart in the disâ€" us in . special 'iltkc ll: 1 .¢|ll\lli s..i,i'.;ti to Ilil Illt'jt ..c..t1.ic-sts o set-ti pears and ihim- \ct-Ilt". l:tt two i.iiy ilt'\\Cl‘ ui livit zilttl lit'\t‘t.t-_\‘ H1], iiiiil Hf Tor-I Ill\. and their trot-ks t.l' Educ satin 'Avtk‘ tk‘lllll‘l‘m Hf the maid of lltlllt‘l">.l buy bunncts and carrich pastel slia.:ts. Iicst maul llun liariishavv. and Norman and Robert llolton acted as l‘tll‘ the i'ectpllUIt tutl'cta. .Inoi s. il,\( \\ttlk‘ o. illiil t-i- r..e_-.‘ \vol‘t‘ \\2l.\' l.:;rick i.>.it‘l.\. held at: :hc bride's h nze, her motiurr, rccciv-' t.i in :t tIo-ir tenet}: gown of midnight blue tiltiimrd with sL‘tlllll“.\, pink and Linc ilLL't‘>.\lll'l(‘>'. and cursan 0f swcetlicztt iiscz She \\;Is assisted it), the groom‘s iiiothcr fi'orkld tn :i lilo: length gown of navy blue. navy oi ic access ties and coisaec of pink Jl(’ll‘_’lll roses. For lite \\‘L'tl(llnfj trip to Niagara halls and Iitiilztlti, the biide (Itnned a suit of brown gab- aidine, lLlll length light brown coat., yellow straw but with brown trim»i min;r and brown accessorits. (hit their I'L'tlllll the voting couple wiill reside in Richmond Hill. I A ratepayeis meeting was called by the léoard of Trustees of Thorn- hill Public School last week tor the Vl'ul'l'itiSL‘ ol‘ sanctioning the purchase of the proposed site of the new school 7 a parcel of land on the West side of Yonge St. near Steele's Ave. There was some misunderstanding about. the size of the site. and pending clarifi- cation of the size of the lot, tlic‘ meeting rejected the motion to pt:râ€". chase the site. The matter is being Itioked into very thorougth just now. and the ))UiII(I hopes to be able to picsenl an alternative suggestion to tile ratepayers at a very early date. I’ormtr Thornhill Lad Injured It has been reported that Melvin. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Code, formerly of Morgan Ave.. and now of Liwen Sound. was seiuusly iniuied in an accident recently. Trinity Church Thornhill is plati- iiing a ‘ Maytiine Fair.’ E\ents at this Fair are to include a Bridgeâ€"Tea on 'lnursday. May 5, a dinner and dance on I-‘riday. May 6 and on Sat- urday, May T. a Bazaar and a variey concert. Proceeds from the entire thee-day fair a're for repairs beingr made to Lawrence Hall, Thornhill. Church groups are voluntarily giving hours of time sewing, knitting and in the very necessary planning end (it the events. Tickets are available now for all events. No tickets will be required for the Bazaar at which there will be a beautiful selection of children's handâ€"made Sllllllg‘ and summer clothing which has been uni dtr the artistic direction of Mis. Rc‘; l Ilyford. LANGSTAFF Again we are glad to report im- provement in the health of Rev. A. R. Jones. but he is still confined to his bid. Next week on March 31st. the Wrincn's I“(’ll()\\‘.\‘l1l]) will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Stevenson at Newtonbrook. This is the evening meetingr and will begin at S Mr. Stevenson will meet the bus at New- tonbiook. This meeting will be Of interest as Mrs. Whitman is to be the guest speaker. Besides be-; mg a speaker of wide repute she has spcnt some time on the mission field. It was good to see such a large atttndance at the Youth for Chiist last Saturday. Everyone was espe.-â€" ially thrilled with the beautiful mus:â€" ic of Mr. Ken Baer on his vibraâ€"Iiarp‘ and on the piano. The next Y.I".C. meeting will be held April 235. More particulars later. Glad to see several of the folk out on Sunday who have been confined to their beds with sickness but titer“ ‘are still several on the sick list for cuss-ion grcups. The highlight of the‘ affair was the banquet in Simpson's Arcadian Court. Stewardson-Ellacott Trinitv Anglican Church. decorated whom we wish a speedy recoverv. LANGS'IXUV‘P BAPTIST (‘III'RCH Pastor. Rev. A. R. Jones S'inday morning Bible School 1] p.m. 'vith ftrns and baskets of pink andi hite snapdragons. was the Stfi'ilifl' fer a late afternoon wedding on Sat- r'av. March 10. when Marion Joan Filacott dauo'h'er of M" an” "s «thn Ellacott of Yonge St., Thornâ€" hill. became the brine 01 “1111.11” Sutteiby Stcwardson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewardson of Langstafl‘. Rev. A. R. “70an rsO‘icV‘erl "‘ the ‘iiony. Organist was Mr. "rd and solo'st w .s I\1!I(l u t «lilo of Trronto. Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore a gown of hirsh satin with an Elizabethan col- lar. tight boice, featuring the new ~ilt'ng‘ine' neckline and full skirt with train. Her veil fell from a tiara of scd .pez‘rls and rhinestones, and she rde an all white bouquet of car- 'ia'ions. steiihanotis and sweet peas. Mrs. J. Laskey was matron of honor a . s - ’ 'mvneo in blue tafleta in -the new w. R. Howl. hustli- cfl'ect. and headdress of seed. ‘teai'ls and rhinestones. Her fan slitpcd bcuouet was of sweet peas. rcses and forget-meâ€"nots. Bridesmaids "are two sisters of the bride, Leona "n" M'ire'aret Ellacott. and June ,Cnrtr‘r cousin of the bride. was jun- .,,,. bridesmaid. They were gowned um vwovoooowmowooooommmwm0‘ Richmond Hill -« “~ ' »wvob vavvfl r0000b00609¢~0 id OQOOOOQOOOOOOOQ .0 OOOOOOOOQOQOO¢ 006‘ \i Shampoo and Fingerwave 75c Phone Thornhill 102 for a r" V ‘1 r 3 I IN S M I T H = V 3 EA VES'I‘ROUGHING ROOFING 3 a E â€"â€" s NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES ; Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces .._._â€"__â€"______ __ __......_ ( PAUL DU Bet ‘ 'I‘eleplione 3â€".I ‘ Cold Waves. Machine and Sunday Evening Gospel Services, v 1 pm. W edu‘Prayer Meeting, 8 p.m. Friday, Y.P.S.. S p.nt. [ IN RICHMOND HILL Attractive frame house with 6 nice bright rooms. pleasantly dec- orated with hardwood throughout. Full dry basement, hot water heating with oil. Conveniently located on lot (54 x 148, just 100 yards from Yonge St. DAVID McLEAN Realtor Member of the Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards Phone: Office, Thornhill 12 Evenings, Mr. Overbury, Thornhill 3 law HOUSE FOR SALE v of Permanent Waves Machineless FROM $5.50 appointment. . o r. . ‘ been Women‘s Institute 'Illl‘ Iv: 1c 1 liic Alzti't'li nice 11; of the \Ti 1!.It'.~ t Rotate wa: I’Il>toi'it'tlil llcst-ait,, (-Ild undei the lcadei-‘ sliip of .\ll.\. t. Ii. Litt.c. Historical I‘Itst'aic. co:i'.t.‘.i'1 of [RC liit‘ltltttino IIlll b’r..z c). In llll'L‘llIili: tic: sublet-1. Mr~. Little said: ‘ lut- women‘s Institute motto is Home and (‘uuii‘iu We should hold to the past and keep things of \‘aluc for in future. When Lady Twceds- liltil was :n Canada she suggested that Ilt' \\'onie:i's Institute ha\c ab Illrllitlit‘ Historical Rcsezlrch called the “'I‘wcedsniuii lttscarth." She. icisc't \‘tt‘ttltl ciilitlllitllc tltc "l‘itil'c- woid” fci' this. Richmond Hill Illstoiy goes a long \‘ay I~aai< because of its proximity to Lake (ln‘iniio. Travel was done main- Iy by ill" waterways in those day s. The I'iiitctl States wits \\'cll scitlcd I_\ then. I’ur tiadcrs and some missâ€" it narics had pushed their way tlruttgli the wilderness. Dr. lidgcr- ton Ryci'son wrote to his brother that. he Itad a school consisting of from Iltl to 10 Indian children. In the year 1702 Governor Siincoc was made Governor of I'pper Cana- da. Mrs. Siiucoe, his wife. was quite a person and from her diary and recâ€" ords that she kept. we are able to discover what our early pioneers of I‘ppci' Canada were like. Mrs. coe was also an artist and left some interesting: sketches. Aiuund 1700 there people in Markham township. townships had already been surveyed and some of them named. There were some 200 Iwere North York. Whitchurch. Gwilâ€" limbui‘t, named after a William G\\'l'- lyii‘. whose daughter was married to :1 Thomas Vaughan. Yonge St. h'rld surveyed and named after Sir ('iecrge Yonge. secretary of war the Immrial Cabinet and a close friend of Governor Simcoe‘s. In 180‘.) a local library was begun. under the Mechanics Institute Sticiety. They had S100 to buy books. There was a readingr room and the two local papers, The Libeial and the York Herald placed copies there. Land sold for $16.00 to $20.00 an acre in lf‘iz'). Taverns were at every corner, cattle strayed in the streets. A church supper and entertainment would cost 25c in those days. Women wore long:~ skirts. did their own suin- hing: and used candles for light. They had no sparticular interests eXcept in church work and a very occasional visit to a neighbor. Land was gi- ven through the Government to vet- erans of the War of 1812. {ichm nd Hill was originally called Miles II.II, being named after M12 Miles who owned "2000 acres hereâ€" -abot-t.s. Then it was called Mt. Pleasâ€" (Hi. and finally when thty were building the Is: Presbyterian Churn. the Duke of Richmond, who was on ft ur of the north with Governor Siniâ€" coe. stcppt'd to watch the builders 2's they worked. The people were much in pressed with him and named the village Richmond II II. Another story goes that it was named the town cr city of Richmond in Suri'ev. England. In 1551. Matthew Tcefy was postmaster. Richmond Hill boil it giisit mill and a steam saw mill. There were 17 dams and mills be- tween here aiid Thornhill, and the lDt‘H and Humber Rivers: were wide enough for transportation and salmon was speared in the rivers and creeks. In 1873 the village was 1ncorp0r~ ated with a population of 601. The council consisted of Abram Law. Reeve; Wm. Warren. Ja~k Biillinger. Win. Powell. David Hopkins anl Matâ€" thew Teefy was village clerk and treasurer. By 1841 the population I'ad grown to M3? and the first Rich- mond Hiil station was opened at what is now Maple. In 18"0, the Mithrdist church. the United Cht'rch was built and .Mr. Wm. Atkinson S12, climbed the spire anzi put in place the ornamental top. The Presbyterian Church was built 1881 from bricks from the 10 al HOW' in ~ brickyard at the corner of Richmond and Trtnch Streets. Mr. Jenkins m nâ€" istcred to the people on his rare vis- its as he was a circuit rider and had the district from Markham to Lake Simcoe. The school was also established in 1831. There were 80 pupils and two teachers. Miss Emma Spray and Miss Cruickslianks. ‘ilouse stood where Wm. Neal lives now and Patterson Place, now Don Head Farms, manufactured farm implements. The Montreal Daily Star could be subscribed for at $1.00 a year, and a newspaper advertise- ment for Switzer's Store advertised men‘s shirts ft r $1.00 serge suits for $13.00. These are a very few of the inter- esting facts Mrs. Little has compled for the history of Richmond Hill. This history will e\ entually be placed in the local library and the Women’s Insti‘tt‘te is very anxious to get old pictures, postcards. as well as any interesting items about Richmond Hill past or present for this history. Plans were made for a Home Bak- ing Sale and White Elephant Sale to be held in the Municipal Hall on Sat- urday. April 2nd. An appeal i‘or “white elephants" was made, not only to the members but to anyone who has one or several stored away. The “'1 will be g'ad to have them. The Institute is also sponsoring an ipcn meeting in the Masonic Hall on Monday evening, March 28th, at 8 P- m. and men 5 Mr. Archibald of King will out- l'ne the processing and storing of foods in present day locker plants. There will also be films and refreshâ€" nieiits served at the close of the meet- ing. Come along one and all for an interesting and perhaps piafitalile evening. Mention was also made of the Disâ€" ti ict Project “Aids to Effect ve Speak- ing" to be held at McGill Stieet Y. W.C.A. on April 7th. Miss Wanda Smith favoured with two piano solos which were much en- ,loycd. The Roll Call “Did you know?” was responded to with various household hints :s well some interesting facts about Richmond Hill’s eiit‘lv Ills tory. All present spent a sccial hall? hour with a ci'p of tea before disper- to then HS >c‘\'t‘l al Iiomt‘s. sill}; VICTORIA SQl‘ARE Miss llcssie Ilageinian is stayin: in her home again aftt r having spent .s‘dllt‘ weeks with llt‘l' sistcr :it I’ut'l lltll‘t‘. Many in our community have bccll attacked by the “flu bile." we are happy to see Coral Perkins out again _ after having bein ill one week. _Mr. and Mrs. W. .I, Whittaker oil “cstoii had dinner Sunday evening wilds Misc IL I'Iiii'sl‘f'l_ I In 1840' the l l VACUUM PACKED ’ I ALWAYS FRESH l 09000090 oooowouomoooomooooooo 9 . 0 O 0 Q 0 9 O 9 O O 0 O O 0 0 § § 9 O O O O O O O O 0 9 O O O O O O O O O O O O 6 O O O E O Eyes OPTICAL REPAIRS FROM 9.3 F. L. LOWRIE, R.O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIle DRUG STORE Wednesday, Apr. 13th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month A.M. T0 12.00 NOON Examined, Gksse; FHted BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ‘000666999 09006.00.090990000.0999090960699099 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ¢ 58,500.00 â€"â€" Richmond Hill. 4 FURRIERS Manufacturing Furriers p Telephone Thornhill 371'2 TRORNHILL 4 Thornhill, Ont. Fur Slylcs This Spring Are: CAPES CAPE STOLES JACKETS NECK PIECES We have some in stock or make them to y vtlr order. : .2? id ' .;\'_ DAVID McLEAN OFFERS A FEW OF THE BEST near Richmond Hill. living room. dining room. library. den, breakfast nook, modern kitchen. recreation room. and many extras. bathrooms, 5 bedrooms, large $13,000.00 â€"â€" Richmond Hill attractive 7-r00m house on large. corner lot. large living room, 4 bedrooms, air conditioning, double garage. 513,000.00 â€" North Richmond Hill. Modern storey and a half house on one acre, large living room, fully'tiled kitchen and bathroom, oil heating. conveniently lo- cated. 811,500.00 â€" Thornhill. New :5 room storey and a half bungalow with attached garage and breezeway, hot air heating, attractive lot. 5,510,500 â€" Thornhill.ExcepitonalIy attractive modern Initiâ€" galow, with unusually large living room and fire-place, garage. n‘cciy located on 3,1. acre. $9,500.00 â€" Willowdale. Attractive 5 room bungalow with attached garage. hardwood, tiled sink, hot air heating, desirable lot conveniently located. Centrally located 6 room house with hardwood throughout. hot water heating with oil. Nicely decorated 5 room bunga- low on large desirable well treed lot, 3 bedrooms, comâ€" :43800000 â€" Country estate. of modern design on (57 acres ‘ $7,900.00 â€" Willowdale. 55,800.00 â€" Richmond Hill. bungalow, $5,000.00 â€" $1,700.00 â€" Richmond Hill. fortable living room and large modern kitchen, gas heating (furnace). $7,900.00 â€" Thornhill. New 4 room bungalow convenientâ€" ly located close to Yonge St., bright rooms, good base- ment, hot air heating. 7 room block and stucco house on corner lot with hot water heating, modern kitchen. 6 room storey and a half, hot wat- er heating, pleasant living room with fireplace, coiiâ€" vemently located. 56,300.00 â€" Newtonbrook. 6 room solid brick house. large living r00m._3 bedrooms, hot air heating. laundry tubh‘. and sump, tull basement. house. Richvale. desirable corner lot. full basement .3 Well constructed a room on one acre with chicken Attractive 5 room bungalow on Compact »1 room cement and stucco house with toilet and sink. 55,000.00 â€" Active established feed business showing good profits. $1,300.00 a Retail paint business in Richmond Hill. price includes stock and furnishings of small apartment. $7,500.00 ’_ Thornhill. $7,000.00 Thornhill. l LIST WITH US TODAY FOR A SALE TOMORROW DAVE” MQEEAN Town and Country R ‘aItors Members of the Ontario Association of Real Estate lioards Thornhill Office Phone 12 Evenings Mr. (h-i-rlmi‘y Thornhill IRW f~>~~¢~vv ~,â€"v-_ it It l’l ll 'i I I l i .I it :i ‘ t

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