9909600000000 000600000900000OOOOOQOM¢¢OOOOOOOOONO: '00....«oonooooooooooooeoooooo«99000oooooomoow; A00000099.0000000900000000OOOOOQOï¬WNOOOOOONOOOOO: 'OOOONOOOOOOOOOOOOQO00000906000â€6.9099060000000006. the g‘ 10C chm make any garman And the dresses! . . . jerseys and plain crepc's in Let us but Spring; into your heart and wardrobe! Never haVe fashions been so gay and becoming! Never have our pricc‘s been so reasonable! Come in soon and we’ll send you out singing! 3129 Yonge Street Ready ï¬or Easter ‘2 .~ «We Are Monday; Tuesday â€" 2 Days â€"â€" April 11, 12 DEBORAH KERR. SABU. DAVID FARRAR. in Wed., Thurs. â€" 2_ Days â€"â€" April 13, 14 GREGORY PEC‘K. ANN TODD. CHARLES LAUGHT‘ON, CHARLES CORURN. ETHEL BARRYMORE. VALLI Showing; at “ Who Killed Doc Robbin†LAST TWO DAY: Fri., Sat. â€" April 8, 9 MONDAY TO FRIDAY Box Office Opens 6.45 Free Parking 3‘riday, Saturday â€" 2 Days â€" April 15, 16 GENE AUTRY and CHAMPION in Suits, coats and shorties in all the r 5 wool imported crepes, in the nowe Our made to measure It canirary to municipal by-law for dogs to run at large in, the Village of Richmond Hill on and after May Isl. All dog Owners are hereby asked to take notice and heed these regulations. Penalties provided for in- fractions of the by-law. Dog Tax is now due and must be paid at the Clerk’s Office by May 10. ROyal T heatre AURORA â€" Plus â€"â€" “CALGARY STLAMI’EDE" in Technicolor PLUS SUPERMAN PART 6 Saturday Matinees at 12.00 and 2 PLUS SUPERMAN PART 7 FRIDAY. SATURDAY SHOW STARTS Saturday Matinees at 12.00 and 'and selection now on Hill, Reev WE'RE SET TO HELP YOU BE THE BEST DRESSED LADY IN THE EASTER PARADE. \ . Sm mm: w "‘PaggyBUMMINS-MBUBURN- ' , Dindld by will: [INS - Produced by VILLAGE OF RlCHMOND Hill “ The Last Round-Up †JAY’S' LADIES’ WEAR “ The Paradine Case fl In Technicolor Adult Entertainment Showing at 7.10. 9.30 PLUS â€"â€" MARCH OF TIME â€"â€" (‘IIARGE AND BUDGET ACCOUNTS ats and shorties in all the ï¬ne gabardines, worsteds and Black Narcissus †you desire in your size and 0010111 At the top of the town. .4) 0 â€" Plus â€"â€" HAL ROACH presents NOTICE ~DGG stunning- new 1949 styles display are beautiful flowered pure silk print ailoring department In ‘ast complete showing Box Office Opens 5.45 Saturday Matinee 1.45 SAT & HOLIDAYS st shades Russell Lynett. Clerk RN - Ruben ARTHUR a a, Row! IASSLEI - (II-runa- -' j: CARTOON are represented in also prepared to lour at no extra 6.00. Hu. 0898 9.10 after when Mrs. B. Lc last Thursday Lolumbia, for Ler and sister The" annual meeting- of the Rich- moml Hill ‘lennis Club will he held on Thursday, April 14th. Watch next week’s Liberal for details regarding Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cuttance and children, Richard and Candace ar- rive Ias‘t Tuesday from Wihnipeg‘ ahd are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Cuttahco. Roseview AVe. Gerald Is now stationed with the R.C.A.F. at Trenton. The regular monthly meeting of t-.: Woman's Association of the United Church will be held oh Tuesday, Ap- ril 12, at 2:30 p.m. Rev. Dr. Taylor will be the guest sneaker. All mem- bers :ind ladies of the congregation The Women‘s Institute will meet Thursday, April 14th, in the Munici- p’al Building. This meeting- will 'start at, 2:30 pm. sharp, so please be On ï¬nite. Mrs. Hicks. the District President will pay her official visit. The subject for the meeting will he Local Industries and roll callvis to be answered ‘by “A Canadian Indusâ€" try." Tickets for the visit to the plant of Canada Packers on June 2']. are now available. Members are reâ€" quested to return their nomination blanks to this meeting. Liié‘éiirdially invited to ati‘ena this meeting. ' ' ' Prize winners at St. Mary’s R. C. er-chre last week were: Ladies 1st, Mrs. F. Cosgro've; ‘2nd, Mrs. 0. Murphy; 3rd. Mrs. Marritt. Gents. ls’t Floyd Bardeau: 2nd, Walter Pax- ton; 3rd, “Cecil Webb. Lucky draw winner on hamper of groceries was G. Murphy. Next euchre Friday, A1)- 1-H r, at 8:30. Convehnr Mrs. M. Gregory. Spring is here, and what a treat it is to see the tiny red nose of the tulip, the yellow and mauve dress of the flows, the soft grey silken fuzz of the pussy-willow and to heat“ the melody of the birds. it is indeed a wonderful thing to be alive in springâ€" time. ime and place And a wonderful treat is, in store for all nature lovers, on Thursday, April 1‘4th, when Mr. Alfred Bunker well known authority on birds, will show in moving pictures his own prized possession of actual camera shots of birds in the most unusual places and habits, which he has caught by hours of patient study in his quest for knowledge and love for the feathered folk. Social and Personal Another outstanding feature of the evening will be the ï¬rst showing by Mrs. Bickle, of the new Pink Iris, which will be a most exciting event in this iris minded community. Refreshments and door prizes will also add to the enjoyment on Thurs- day, April 14th, in the Presbyterian Church Sunday School Room at 8 p. m. UNITED CHURCH MEN’S CLUB The annual ]adies’ night is being held on Monday, April 1~1th, at 6:130 p.m.’ in the Sunday School auditorium. This is the night that the men have set aside to do honor to their ladies. They will do this by waiting- hand and foot on their better â€" ahem â€"~ halves, by providing-v fun to keep them in good spirits, and by putting on the programme providing- enter- tainment. The programme will con- sist of musical numbers a skit and in conclusion ,a ‘beautifu’l picture in technicolor. All members are cor- dially invited to this evening- wheth- er they are ahle to bring- a lady along or not. * Rev. C. B. Brethen, B. A. Minister Sunday, April 10. 1949 10 am. â€" Sunday School, Nursery, Primary, Intermediate Depaitments 1'1 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Worship. 7 p.m. â€"- Evening Worship. Rev. Dr. Taylor will be in charge of the services during Mr. Brethen’s illness. M 1‘ Rev. S. \V. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday, A ril 10, 1949 10 am. â€" The bbath School. 11 11.111. â€" Public Worship Everybody welcome. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L,Th., RI). Rector Sunday, April 10, Palm Sunday 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School. 11 a. m. â€" Conï¬rmation. The Bishop of Toronto. All cordially invited. The Evening Service is withdrawn until Sunday after Easter. Horticultural Notes Held in the Masonic Hall Richmond Hill 3 :00 PM. Come and listen to the story of redemption by “The Blood of the Passover Lamb," illus- trated by flannelgraph. GOSPEL SERVICES Come and hear several young Jamaican and Bahamén prea- chers tell what the Lord means to them. Our Lord Jesus said: “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.†Math. 11: 28 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Warnica is able to be out again his accident last December he broke his hip. "‘West Indies Night!†UNITED CHURCH ONE ng, Richmond St., left tor Vancouver, British a visit with her (laugh- 7:00 P. M. Specia} censideration Requests Discussed By Markham Council Discussiongon special considera- tion to be glven to pollce villages and other settlements ‘occupied ’a “The cb’ntrac‘t for ship roads f0 1949 the Stouï¬'ville Sand Among other routine matters the council adopted by..laws appointing village officialsâ€. That concerning the township assessor was -lairl over pending discussion of assessment methods with the present 'encumbent. BISHOP OF. TORONTO AT ST. MARY'S (‘HI'RCH SUNDAY MORNING NEX’I‘ Mrs. Robert Giles and Mrs. George Clayton attended the funeral of their cogsin, Dr. Fred Conboy. at West- morelund Ave. United Chm-0h Friday. April 1, in Toronto. The Right Rev. A. R. Beverley, M. A., D.D., the Bishop of Toronto, will visit St. Mary’s Anglican Chm-ch on Sunday next, Palm Sunday, at 11 a. m. for the sacred rite of Conï¬rma- tion. The Rector, the Rev. W. F. \Vrixon, will present a class of fourâ€" teen adults for conï¬rmation. The class wil1 assemble in the Parish Hall at 10.40 a.m. All relatives and triends of the candidates are cordially invi- ted to witness and join in this ancient service. BEACH â€" Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Beach (nee Mary Paul) of R'chvale wish to announce the birth f their son, Harold Paul, at St. Michael’s Hos- pital,\March 31, 1949. Mother and 7baby are both well. BUNKER â€" Mr. and Mrs. William Bunker, 49 Mill St. wish to an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Judith Lynn, on March 31, 19-11», at Mrs. Stanford’s Nursing Home, Richmond Hill. A sister for Billy and Sandra. HART â€"â€" At York County Hospital. N'ewmarket, on Sunday, April 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hart, Church St. a daughter. RUMBLE â€" To Mr. and Mrs. John ‘M. Rumble, Maple (nee Lenore Dewsbury), a son on April 3, 1949. it York County Hospital, Newmar- 'et. r In a fashionable restaurant, a new millionaire with no knowledge of French and no desire to expose his ignorance pointed to a line on the menu and said to the waiter: “I’ll have some of that.†$‘I’m sorry, sir,†replied the waiter, “but the band is playing that now." WILLIS â€"â€" In loving memory of my sister, Susie Willis, who passed aWay April 3rd, 1945, and also . brother Lewis Bloug'h, who passed a‘way’, November 27, 1944. Sweet memories will linger forever, Time cannot change them. it's true, Years that may come cannot sever My loving remembrance of you. _â€" Ever remembered bv :VOUI' sis- ter, Ella Patton, Winnipeg", Man. IN THE ESTATE OF Valdemar Holdthusen, Farmer, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York, who died on the 30th of January, 1949, at the Town- ship of North York, in the County of York. are required to ï¬le proof of same with the undesigned on or lie- fore May 2, 1949. Mâ€...m““..§0â€....§‘ 2 IN CASE YOU'RE 3 After that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which he shall have had notice. DATED at Toronto this 5th day of April. 1949. 3 In a tourist camp and 1135123111“: omt with service station attachec‘ :and well known auto racing trac} :Jn property of 17 acres on No. 7% :Hgy. close to Toronto. $20,000 .cash will handle this attractiw :enterpi‘ise. Full price $48,000. : We are in a position to show 9this now. Dâ€... c1w41 § § COMM...†Thornhill Office Phone 12 Evenings: Mr. Overbury, Thornhill 48\V 000004 on Town and Country Realtor Members of the Ontario Assoc iation of Real Estate Boards Native to Creditors AND OTHERS BUTTONVILLE DAVID McLEAN IN MEMORIAM INTERESTED BIRTHS Public Trustee, Osgoode Hall, Toronto. Administrator y 000000000000 , J’ 'In I) O 4: I t0000000 At his home, lot 23, con. 5, Vaughan, in his 66th year. He leaves to mourn ins ioss. his wife Ethel; two sons, Gordon and Glen; and one daughter \Aud'rey) Mrs. D. Mortimer. The pallbearers were Jesse Hamilton, Albert Richards, David Julian, Mur- ay Maiioy, Bruce Murray and Murray .ucUonald. Interment King cemetery, Rev. Mr. Jenkinson officiating. Passed away at her home 204 Brokdale Ave., Toronto, Fri(iay,.Aprii 1. Mrs. Elizabeth Stollery, wife of the late James Stollery, and daugh_l ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rumble. Interment Monday, April 1, to Mount Pleasant cemetery. Congratulations from this com- munity to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rumble in the birth of a 5) ll). son “Jess!- McK/enzie", Sunday, April 3, at Newmarket Hospital. Dr. Fred Routloy is in Geneva. at- :endine‘ the executive of Internation- al Red Cross. Don’t forget the 50th anniversary 3f the Women’s Institute. to be hbld in Maple Villa, Wednesday, April 13, at,1-2.30 noon. Luncheon. Dr. and Mrs. Bigford entertained at a dinner party on Saturday night in honour of Miss Nell Aird’. whose marriage to Dr. Wm. E. Bateman takes place on Saturday, April 9th. veryone welcome. ’lnursday morning, March id L‘. Murray, last SUl'ViVil er of the family of the 12 nd Elizabeth Murray, pass Maple Community and 11 hold a euchre and t asomc Hall. Wednesda 8.15. Uood pnzes. MARKHAM 5 Glorious Days Monday to Friday April 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 Shows at 6.15 & 9.15 Nightly Doors open 6.00 p.m. ROXY THAETRE (LARK'S 2 lb. 0xyd01&Chipso 11:72: 37c Sardines . . EXTRA GLEN SPE( 'IAL VALLEY BRUNSWICK Pineapples . v I FANCY - HONEY A} L‘MER QU ALITY DEW’ FRESH CL'BAX NO. I GRADE SWEET .l 1' I(‘\' Ont. Potatoes RINSO, SUPERSUDS, ag‘ MAPLE .m-ay, passed away 53, um. 5, Vaughan, He leaves to mourn e Ethel; two sons, , and one daughter ). Mortimer. The ALIFORNIA \Iarch 31, Da- u'viving memâ€" the late Isaac . passed away n. 5. Vaughan ST. WILLIAMS I‘l'RE Plum Jam 296 Pickles CRUNCHIE SWEET MIXED SOCIETY Dog Food #2:â€â€˜14c ht. '001 Club l1 1'] PORK & BEANS . THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursd 35c \ Vegetable Salad m;- 15c 0 R A N G E s 37c 16 oz Jar 0999090990999 0696996090909009090.9099909999099900... Tins Lge. Size Yonge Street. Richmond Hill IT IS NOW TIME FOR SPRING CHANGEOVER Time to change those worn out oils and greases to the correct weight for spring and summer driving. We have modern power greasing equip- ment and Imperial and Atlas Products.. Stop 22 Yongc COLONIAL SERVICE STATION FAST‘. EFFICIENT POWER-WINCH TOWING 25c 29c MOTORHSTS YEREX ELECTRIC Kernel Com Shortening . . LYNN V ALLEY JEWEL 0R DOM ESTH‘ Ginger Ale WILSON‘S Glass Wax Spaghetti N0. 1 RED RIPE Tomatoes WIZARD READY TO USE LIBBY’S In Tomato Sauce Phone Thornhill 203 April 20 oz Tins 14 oz 15 oz. Tins 20 oz Tins ll). (‘tn 30 oz. Btls. 16 oz. Tin (‘ello Pack 1949 15c .31c Phone 242 33c 49c 25c 252 27c 5c