Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Apr 1949, p. 4

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$20.00 â€"â€" ASTRA Battery Radio. used 6 months, A1 condition. McArthuI', Yongeview Avo., .Lanstafl'. c1w42 TUDHOPE RANG‘ET'I‘E, fair condi- tion. Apply A. Leech, 3:91. Rwhmond St., Richmond Hill. phone 388.]. *th2 1934 CHRYSLER SEDAN. good tires, reliable transortation. $250.00. Phone ’l‘hm-nhill 2‘27‘W. c1w42 ably priced RASPBERRY (‘ANES, 1 order now. J. Manley Richmond Hill. HEN MANURE, ~suitable f01 dens; will deliver. Phone Ric .Hill 391W. ‘ RASPIBLE‘RRY CANES; large berries. Order now. J. Manley, 23 Hunt Ava, Richmond Hill. *4w-11 AUTO-TRACTOR, Dodge motor. in "God running order. Apply Arthur umble, phone Maple 101]. ‘1‘1w42 DLNING ROOM TABLE, oak, 4’ x 4'6”closed; 1 sofa; two outside doors. Phone Maple 54M. ch42 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn. Thornhill IGQ. tfc4(‘ ABO'UT 2-0 TONS of real good hay, mostly Alfalfa. Eldon Folliott, phone King 131'14. *1w42 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR. 10- RASPBERRY PLANTS, stl'mvberry lants. ‘C. E. Watson, 40 Mill St.. ichmond Hill, phone 324W. *8w41 Apply B Ave., V; Wilson. 'ALL MAKES and models of good uséd cars; also 1 new R.‘C.A. Victor car radio. Apply Donald Giffen, Ma- ple 741'23. c2w42 LADIP carrier Martin GiOOD WORK HORSE, black Por- cheron. Percy Lcatherdale, phone King 411-32. c1w42 WILL GIVE AWAY 5 cats to anyone who will give them good homes. Ap- ply phone Richmond Hill 346121. IBARN. 60 ft 2 RANG-ETTES, floor models, white enamel. good condition. reasonable. Apply 17 Jackés A\'e., Thornhill, Stop 13A Yongc. c1w-12 GALORE BARLEY. choice sample; also quantity Green Mountain table potatoes. will deliver. N. Brodie. phone Richmond Hill 471-21. c2w41 1937 MAPLE LEAF Dump Truck, 825 tires all round, rebuilt motor and new license. Best offer. Apply Will- owdale 2560. *2w41 1935 CHRYSLER SEDAN, 1'0 WHEELER \VIIJSON )ower sewing machine in good con ition. Mrs. Bowdery, Oxford St, Elgin Mills. A FEW THOUSAND Strmvberry plants “Collossul” trimmed and prunâ€" ed, ready to plant. Phone Richmond Hill 441'22. tfc4l STARTED CHICK bargains while they last, nonâ€"sexed. pullets, cooker- els, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6 weeks old. Also turkey poults 2 3 and 4 weeks old. turkey poults 2 3 and 4 weeks old. Also day old chicks and turkey poults. Send for special sale price-list. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus. Ont. c2w41 solid oal‘ LADIES phont edmmoonououuoooouwo NOWOOOOOOOMOO“: CARROTIS, phone Maple 311‘ DINING ROOM SUITE FOR REAL ESTATE phone Form, Thornhi“ 1H8. til-46 MASSEYâ€"HARRIS TRACTOR, 12 20 on rubber ,in good gunning- order. John Cave, Maple 101-31. c1w42 193‘: able FOR CHICKENS and turkeys. Take no chances treat your poultry with Exterminator No. 1 or 2. Prevent coccidiosis. paalysis, blue comb, etc. Get, a package from your feed man I. D. Ramer and Son. AEents for 1941 24r21 3.0””...O00".....000.09“00.60006090000009009099: Fullâ€"O-Pep and Purina Feeds Poultry Products. Brantford. * 2 ELIZABETH ST. Available for immediate delivery. 8 AND 9 LINE FARM FENCE. CHICKEN AND HOG WIRE IN MEDIUM AND HEAVY WEIGHTS. CH‘AIN LINK WIRE AND GREEN SCROLL GARDEN FENCE WITH GATES TO MATCH. RATESâ€"Five' lines or 193‘ five lines (pent Telephone Richm( Classified Sale 85 Want Ads PIJYMOUTH COACH, reason phone Richmond Hill 234-1113.. FORD SEDAN phone l, 60 ft. x 30 ft., metal roof. B. J. Carruthers. 943 Wilson V; mile west of Dufi'erin St. on 1. Phone Orchard 8720. c1w42 S C.IC.M. BICYCLE with large like new. Apply Mrs. J. Kcele St., Maple. c1w42 FENCE SUPPLIES Norman Bone J. Orr, Maple, phone 31113. c1w41 BARB WIRE 7 AND 8 FT. TIE RAIL STEEL POSTS. I 12. 1-1. 16 FT. FARM GATES. COMPLETE STOCK OF CEDAR POSTS AND CLOTHES LINE POLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill B M) Y‘C LIE 00M SUITE, 8 piece. Phone Maple'691'l4. c1w42 CYCLE, as g0 ichmond Hill. Phone Thornhill uitable for gar- Phone Richmono *2w41 a rg. 'g‘e berries Hunt Ave. a, 35 Cents for fir 5 per line extra 1 nd Hill 9. eason- 61'22. c1w42 Maple c1w4‘2 c1w42 4w41 1W4? lw42 PHONE 259.]. RICHMOND HILL new, 1w42 3w41 FEDERAL TRUCK, panel body in excellent shape, good tires, 1936, a good buv, $375.00; Apply Ned Hill, Richmond Hill, phone 500 01' 254. *tf RANGETTE, 2 large burners, blue enamel oven, white enamel finish, reasonable. H. Walker, Centre St., Thornhill, 2nd door west of United Church. c1w42 PRIVATE SALE: stove, refrigera- tor, Quebec heater, kitchen chair, ovenette, washing machine, Eatonia; dresser and bed. Yonge St., Thorn- hill, pho'ne 5J. c1w42 LARGE TIM‘BERS, about fifty th0u~ sand board feet. sizes 6x6, 6x8; 8x8; 10x12, lengths 15 to 30 feet. B.C. Fir in good shape. Phone Richmond ’Hill 355R. *1w42 1929 PONTIA4C COACH, would make good buck rake, new, oversize tires; motor good, will trade'for broader house 01' used lumber or sell. Apply phone Richmnod Hill 3721‘4. c1w42 1936 CHRYSLER CAR or w tires good, heater, good *mc transmission. Apply Nicl< Hunt Lane, Richmond Hill Richmond Hill 28'31'13. condition throughout. Sell reasonable. Apply Ross Sanderson, Lawrence Keffer’s Farm, 4th con., 1; miles south of Maple. *1w42 FORDSON TRACTOR. 3 furrow Cockshutt plough, stiff tooth cultivaâ€" tor, 7 ft. M-H binder; matched team mares.’ D. Brown. R. R. 2, Gormley, phone Agincourt 21w3. ’ *2w41 W‘ALNUT wardrobe, single; also F‘ORMAN WATER PUMP, 1» inch; police dog puppies; 9 gal. plate glass aquarium. 44 Spruce Ave., Richvale, phone Richmond Hill 2481-22. clw42 BINDER, 7 ft. c1 horse rake, 10 ft. implements and F1;ank Line, Maple STUlDI‘O COUCH, mulberry shade, velour unholstery, good condition, reasonable. Phone Richmond Hill 321.]. *1w42 HOL‘STEIN JERSEY Heifer to fre- sh April 15: cream separator, small size. Apply J. Curtis, Green Lane, 'l'hornhill. c1w42 g‘irl’s‘ Houndstooth tweed “suit, size 14. Call any evening (1' week end. Mrs. A. Davis, 164 Spruce Ave., Richvale. c2w41 continental motbr uéea only one sea- son like new, reasonable. - Phone El- gin 1672. *2w41 WINE CONVERTIBLE BABY Car- riage, used, fair condition ;play pen and mattress, masonite floor, good; baby’s g‘o-cai‘t. All quite reasonable. Mr. Chesney. 27 Roseview, phone Richmond Hill 319J. >2‘1w42 QUANTITY EAL-ED wheat straw, quantity of Ajax seed oats, clean. Cockshutt fertilizer drill, 13 disc, god. Baled Hay, Timothy and clover out of barn. Apply Geo. McNair, RR. '2, Maple, phone King 1114. tfc42 1947 FORD DUMP TRUJCK, 5 yard steel box with cab shield, 8.25 tires, $1600. Apply Butler and Baird, Lumber (10., Richmond Hill. clw-lz 3 PLOW TRACTOR, M_H GS. 102 twin powgr, lighter, power takeâ€"off REGISTERED JERSEY COW, re- cently freshened, 4 years oid. $200 Range; also Essota Electric Pails; ( Refrigerators' and J. A. Rose, Maple ApplSI Mrs. C Bayvie‘w, at I ‘RNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails, fire doge, fire scyeens, five sets and acetylene weld- LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds. aluminum or steel baked en- amel finish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. tfc32 REGISTERED JERSEY COW, fresh with heifer calf; heavy grey team of horses; 1936 Dodge truck, 1‘4 tons; 10 hens; 20 white leghorn pullets. Apply J. Cruickshank. lot 14, con. 3. Markham, phone Unionville 30J4. BRAY PULL‘ETS, dayold, started, prompt shipment. Get these to pro- duce for the fall markets. You‘ll find they’ll pay. Also chicks, cockerels. Be sure your April choice of chicks is Bray's. Save time. contact us. gi‘leld Wise. Bray Broader, Richmond 1 . , 31 CHEVROLET COACH, excellent mg. Apply T. Elliott, 03k Avenue, Richvale. . tfc35 AG E‘NT for first insertion and extra each msertion. CHRYSLER CAR or will trade, good, heater, goodnmotmj, new ‘ for Mofl‘ats New Electric also Essotane Gas Ranges and hursda Caesar, No Langstafl‘. cut; drill, 13 holes; A11 Massey-Harris in good condition. 1e, phone 84R. c1W42 rossley SlfelV‘ador Hinman Milkers. phone 34J. tfc38 April 14 Nick Cal-tel phone "2’ 1 “'42 ,7. and c1w42 c1w41 1949 be your choice for April buying. Get your chicks ordered now, before you get too busy. Canada Approvedv backed by a breeding program on their own farms for 30 years. Pul- lets, cockerels, mixed, started. Buy quality now, buy Big-4. Wesley Clark, R. R. 2, Gormley. NEARLY 50 YEARS with Straw- berries, having bred the new Collâ€" ossal. patented in the U.S.A. under the name of Necterena and sold over YOUNG MAN, nonâ€"smoker abstainep seeks board in village. Liberal Box 43. *1w4l 1/2 million plants the last 2 years at $50.00 per thousand. 50,000 for sale here at $2.00 per hundred; also asâ€" fiaragus roots and raspberry canes. M. J. Johnson, John St, Thornhill. "‘5w40 MAN DESIRES WORK at odd jobs Phone Thornhill 1941‘32. c2w42 weekly during season 29, The Liberal. IMMEDIATELY. two Muscovy ducks and 1 drake. Apply Box 41, The Liberal. clw42 Drill 13 disc in working: order. Fleu- ry Bissell large size manure spreader in good shape; quantity of baled hay. mostly Timothy. Apply Geo. McNair. Maple R. R. 2, polme King: 1114. tfc~12 IOITCHENER BIG-4 CHICKS should 2 DOUBLE BEDIS, metal, 1 coil spring, 1 high riser spring; 1 cotton mattress; 2 coal oil stoves, 2 and 3 burners, on legs; 1 day couch; child’s rocker, good. clean and reasonable. ‘Phone Thornhil] 264J. clw42 “KLEEREX” â€" over 20 yezms a de- pendable family remedy for skin ail- ments, Hsoriasis, Eczemn, Pimples, Itch, Boils, Poison Ivy Ringworm, Impetigo. Two strengths â€" medium, strong._ Two sizes â€" 590, $1.09. Scotchniei"s Drug Store. B.A. GARAGE and service station. also fine cabins suitable for house- keeping the year round. Selling on account of illness. Same owner for over twenty years. Apply E. H. Mac- taggart, Kleinburg. *3w40 T0 RENT 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms in Richmond Hill or district. Apply phone Richmond Hill 453W. tfc41 COCKSHUT'I 3 TO 4 ROOMS for mother and 2 school boys, $40 per month, phone 98J, Richmond Hill. tfc38 WANTED TO RENT house or ap- artment, 2 children in Richmond Hill or vicinity. Apply Box 3, The Lib- eral. *2w42 A GOOD GARDENER, one day PIANO â€" Upright, any make, phone Kenwood 9264 Toronto or write A. qual, 89 Montrose Ave., Toronto. OPERATORS on blouses and childâ€" ren's dresses, experience preferred. Apply Mr. McDougall, Mayfair Mfg, phone Richmond Hill 495. c1w42 1940 BUICK SUPER SERAN, excel- lent condition, fully equipped; also ’37 Fordson Tractor in good condition. Apply Ashton Calvert, lot 17, con. 4, Markham, phone Agincourt 21J‘3. WANTED TO RENT, house or rooms, transportation near. Maude Constable, Alliston, Ont pita]. COUPLE, woman for inside work. man for gardening outside work, all conveniences. 5th con. near King, phone 3514. c1w4'2 WOMAN or gi] keping, Mom, ’ weekly, 9 o 12, Liberal Box 3 have stopped laying. Highest prices paid. Bring them in or phone King 59114. W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Grading Station. tfc39 HOW ABOUT BUILDING LOTS on Morgan Ave” Thornhill for cash buyer. David Mcâ€" Lean, 1-ea1toxz Thornhill Office, phone 12, evenings, Mr. Overbury 48W. (-1w42 WITHIN 20 MILES, young couple, 3 little school girls, urgently required, house duplex apartment or cottage, furnished or unfurnished. references. Phone Thornhill 61‘14 collect. c1w42 RELIABLE MAN wants any type of work in Richmond Hill or vicin- ity. Regular trade T001 and Die maker. Apply Box 1. The Liberal. c1w42 WOMAN for housework ings weekly. Monday. and Friday '9 to 12, 50c Richmond Hill 254, Mrs. for busine with gal-as 60 The Li BATHROOM FLAT. two I‘oon let ful‘vished. middle aged 0 preferred, reduced rent for services. Anply P. O. Box Richmond Hill. ’- III-IEIIIIIIIIIIIIEE Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed â€" Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office, Tel. 9, Richmond Hill FURNISHED FLAT throom, all conveniences r busmess or mlddle ag th garage. Langstaff. 25 PIANO TUNING and {Repairing WANTED S. Hoffman T0 RENT )eral girl for very light house- ,, Tues., and Wednesday, 12, 50c an hour. Apply 33. c1w42 FERTILr THOSE HENS that .AT. two rooms to middle agegi cquple IEZR three morn- Wednesday hour. Phone Ned Hill. A ply Bok p *‘1w42 rooms and as, suitable ged couple Apply Box tfc40 three Mrs. Hos- 4w40 Z w Sem‘ ‘Zw41 2w40 1w42 lié‘ht The moving pictures we had on hand and shown by Dr. Walt Mason went over very well although the western feature was slightly dated. All in all I think that everyone there ,‘had a good time and that we are all anxiously waiting for next winter so that we can get off to an early start. Thank you again for all you have done and I hope that you will save us a little space for next year be- cause it does wonders in keeping the ir‘itgi'est of the people behind such St. Mary‘s Anglican W.A. will hold an afternoon tea and baking sale at 3.30 p.m. on Saturday ,April 23, in the Parish Hall. clubs as those SAND AIN‘D GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 87216. tfc42 CUSTOM W‘ORK DONE, ploughing, cultivating and disking. H. Redman, Brookside Rd., Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 3721-23. >:‘3w42 It may be of interest to note that the banquet we planned for last Fri- day evening came 011' in a real bang up afi‘uir. The meal was one that couldn’t be matched anywhere thank‘s to the eight ladies who so kindly preâ€" pared it and spent so much of their time in being there and serving- it. The presentation of the three cups by Red Horner, followed a short talk by the guest of honor on “Hockey To- day and Yesterday." He stressed the fact that fast skating was the mst essential thing for hoekey today. He presented the H. J. Mills Trophy to Howie Bennett, captain of the De- troit team and to Mr. Dick Mills. coach. The best player award went to Lloyd Grainger of the Leaf team for the best gentleman player on and off the ice. The goalie award was made to Watson Cottrill for showing: the most improvement over the perâ€" iod of the schedule. Mr. Pete Mc- Donald was present and took a few pictures of the winning team and of the group present. The four cap- tains presented the four coaches with a lovely pen knife each which was really appreciated and showed that thet gang were behind us 100 per cen . BAKING SALE TRANSPORTATION to Leaside from Richmond Hill, leaving; at 7 a.m., re- turning 5 p.111. Apply‘ Box 31, The Liberal. *1w42 WE‘LL D‘IG'GING tanks, concrete Weli â€"tile. Tdm jar rett, phone Richmond Hill 466J. ELECTRICAL WIRING House, farm and all electrical alterations, also all makes of washing machines serviced. Yerex Electric. tfc33 LETTERS Editor of Liberal Richmond Hill, Ont. I would like to thank you and your stafl’ for the cooperation received during the winter months in having our hockey programs brought to the public’s attention and for the space it may have taken. It may be of interest to note that the banquet we planned for last Fri- day evening came off in a real bang up affair. The meal was one that 5 ROOMED COTTAGE on Lake Wilâ€" cox, will sell 01' trade. Apply Lib- eral Box 34, or phone Toronto Wa. 0432. *2w41 PAINTING CONTRACTORS, swing stage, industrial, residential: W. J. Smith & Sons, Toronto Mu 7092 01' Richmond Hill 34‘31'6. *4w4-1 PLASTERING, first class workman- ship. Will give estimates. Adam Pohl, Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 3461-21. \ *25w-11 OUTDOOR S‘KE’DCHIN‘G GLASS â€"râ€" Anyone interested please get in touch with Audrey Liversedg’e, by mail only in first instance, at‘ Box 18, Lang- stafi'. *1w42 FOUNDATION TO ROOF, complete in every detail, skilled labour, crew ready to start. Free estimates given. Gardner Construction, Aurora, phone 555W. *4w42 MATTRESSES EPA‘IRED, all mat- erials and wor manship guaranteed. Also new mattresses, specials or standard sizes, 147 years experience. Write Box 24, The Liberal. *1w4‘2 LAWN MOWERS and saws sharpenâ€" ed; folding lawn chairs made; inside panel doors. Apply C. B. Stouen‘ burg, 11 Richmond S., Richmond Hill, phone 392W. tfc4‘2 CUSTOM ROTARY TILLING. Have your lend completely prepared by the new scientific one op n‘aho“. method. W. Hutchinsnn Eia'in Mll's, pnone I‘ichmond Hill 28<\V. tf::41 .6. 0m” RELIABLE USED CARS Phone 174 PRUNING, grafting, spraying. It will pay you to have your trees pro- perly pruned and sprayed this year. C. L. Knappet, phone 45125 Richmond Hill. c4w40 MMMMOONOOOMMO ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. Upholstering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt A\'e.. Richmond Hill. tfc IF YOU WANT TO DRINK and can â€" that’s your business. If you want to stop and can’t â€" that’s our bus- iness. Alcoholics Anonymous. Ap~ ply Box 300, The Liberal. *25w54 1917 FORD Sl'PER DELI'XE â€" 4-door. heater. excellent condition LITTLE BROTHERS MISCELLANEOUS Ford & Monarch Sales & Service $1595.00 28 FROM THE PEOPLE Yours truly. H. J. Mills, soc.-troas pipg lings, septic Richmond Hill R.H.II.I stressed was the ‘y today. Trophy >*‘lw42 The Easter meeting- of St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian W.M.S. was held in the Sunday School room, Wednesday evening, April 6 ,at 8 p.m., with St. Paul’s W.M.S. as guests. The presiâ€" dent, Mrs. G. W. Matheson presided. {Scripture lesson read by Mrs. J. Mc- Donald. An illustrated talk on “The Chinese are like that” was given by Mrs. Andrew Snider. Instrumental solos by Marilyn Snider. and vocal solos by Mr; John Sheppard accom- panied by Mrs. Wade. The meeting closed with prayer by Rev.V C. Bow- man. Refreshments were served. Among; the out-ofâ€"town guests at- tending: the Fuller-Oliver wedding: were: 'Dr. and Mrs. Earl McNaughton. Mrs. Allan Moore of Guelph. Mrs. Herb Jackson, Miss Elizabeth Wilson. Mrs. L. P. Arlett. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Kef’f‘er, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oliver, Miss Marion C. Kefl‘er, all of ’I‘oron- to; Miss Edna Izzard of Richmond Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Ramlolf Fer- guson of St. Catherines, a former missionary of Moose Factory. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. George Crooks and Mr. Elmo Kefl’er are confined to bed, and hope they have a speedy recovery. Mrs. Arnold Rumble had the mis- fortune to get her hand caught in a. wringer and a finger badly injured Among those from Maple attend- ing‘ the Bateman-Aird wedding were: ‘Dr. and Mrs. Roy Bigford, Mrs. Helâ€" en Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Tod Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller, Professor and Mrs. M. C. Boswell, Mr. and Mrs. George Saun- derson and Margaret Saunderson. The April meeting of Maple Com- munity and School Club was held in the school, April 6th. The minutes of the last meeting; Were read and approved. 1The President thanked the members and friends for their help in making: the children’s party a succes. It was decided to hold a Home Baking Sale at McCowan’s Store, April 14, at 2.30 p.m. Our guest of the evening was Mr. Miller of the Department of Education, who showed movies and lectured on the subject “Human Relations.” A disâ€" cussion period followed. Light re- freshments were served by the com- mittee. Don’t forget the W.M.S. Spring Thank-offering Service of the United Church, on Sunday, April 24th. at 7 pm. Dr. Kenneth J. Beaton .will he the 7 speaker. Mrs, A. Forrest’s W. A. Group of the United Church are having a Cro- quinole Party in the Sunday School room on Wednesday, April 20th, at 8.00 p.m. sharp. Everyone welcome. A kitchen shower was held at the home of Mrs. R. Rice, in honour of Mrs. Mervin Jennings (Isabel Miller) on Saturday evening, April 9. Many useful gifts were received. Hostess served a lovely buffet lunch. IN MEMORIAM BOWEN â€"â€" In loving memory dear mother, Mrs. Thos. who died April 17. 1939. ‘We laid our dear Mother d Miller) was Vshc lovely and useful on Tuesday evenir Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Mr. and Mrs. Keit Sharon were visitors : Mr. and Mrs. Harry the week end. Among the curt-of-t‘ tending: the Fullerâ€" \\'ere:,D1'. and Mrs. Ea] Mrs. Allan Moore of Herb Jackson, MiSS El Mrs. L. P. Arlett, M1 V. Kefl‘er, Mr. and Mrs am Sh Mr dear mother, Mrs. who passed away, As angels keep their Please God, just let That we down here We love and miss h Ever remembel‘e daughters. BOWEN Mr. Shhiey Mr. an Sunday Aha and Mr Sharon rest, Ten years ago today. The love our Mother gave to us, We never can repay. And when life’s burden grew too great, God took her by the hand And led her very gently, To His home in the promised land. She is not deadi. such souls forever 1ve, In boundless measure of the love I know that she is happy, In our Saviour’s home above Growing fairer as she lingers In the sunshine of His love. â€"â€" Loving daughter Ethel. I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for all the lovely cards and gifts that I received from friends and relatives during my re- cent illness. c 1 “'42 Mr. Ed Coope this opportunity my friends for other gifts sent hospital and sim they give. â€"â€"‘ Lovingly remembered by daugh- ters and sons. ’1‘1w42 IN MEMORIAM DOWNI‘NG â€" In loving memory of my dear mother, Elizabeth Down- ' ing, who passed' away April 16, 1948. I knew that she is happy. Don’ Meetin urday, M..P.P Alta pita EXPRESSES THANKS EXPRESSES THANKS Ed Cooper would like to take nd useful gifts, by her friends day evening. April 5, at Map- . A dainty lunch was served. and Mrs. Tom McBride and were guests at the home of l Mrs. George Armstrong: on Make “'a NOTICE IN MEMORIAM MAPLE Mrs. Kenneth Jennings Mrs. Keith Jennings and visitors at the home of ;. Harry Jennings, over iity of thanking his :‘or flowers, cards em: to him while in since his return hon MEMORIAM $0th, hear mem oving Mrs. allace will give an e on “Newfoundâ€" >r," in St. Andrew’s lurch, Wednesday, p.m.. which is spon- es of the church. Jennings (Isobel )wered with many the her el'ed hvale at eiz Shirley Chadwicl- Mother down ; memory Thomas April 17 watch 11] her knoV do not f( h up know by their Edmonton c1w42 SOUS for Bowen '. 193‘ of our Bowen c1-w42 and 1w4'2 ma- and ht >606... TWO COMP] JCT] ' NIGHTLY â€" 7 21 .OOOOOOOOOONMOWMOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOMQOOOQOQWOOQ 0”...“QOOOOOOOOOOOOO000096000OWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO5 '66..9.900906000000009OM90660600.066000090000366006’ QOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO09¢090¢0O0®0000¢0¢00000000902 1,] ‘C\~ I / l I x 9 BRIGHTEN THE HOME I’. C. Hill. Reeve with MARKHAM Friday & Saturday â€"â€" April 15th, 16th a?ng Mon., Tues., Wed. â€"- April 18, 19, 20 It is contrary to municipal hy-law for dogs to run at large in the Village of Richmond Hill on and after May lst. All dog owners are hereby asked to take notice and heed these regulations. Penalties provided for in- fractions of the by-law. ' Dog Tax is now due and must he paid at. the Clerk’s Ofi‘ice by May 10. In 1924, Canada's Air Force was born. Through the years it worked quietly, efficiently. Then came the war, and Canada’s men of the air emblazoned their names forever in the annals of the world’s great. Now celebrating its Silver Jubilee, the Royal Canadian Air Force is carrying out a work of peace. Lives are being saved by mercy flights . . . the uncharted North is being photographed . . . scientific knowledge of aeronautics is broadened. By opening up many new horizons in this country, the men of the R.C.A.F. are proving there’s room to grow in Canada Unlimited! It was 1909. Lurching and bumping over the rough ground at Baddeck, N.S., the Silver Dart rose into the air, piloted by J. A. McCurdy. It was the first aeroplane flight in Canadaâ€"and it made history. I; History was written in the air again in 1919. Alcock and Brown flew from St. John’s, Newfoundland, to Ireland, and brought Canada to the doorstep of the old world. Then came the intrepid bush- pilots, opening new pathways through great wild spaces to new discoveries. _â€" - I I'I/RA’IA’G IlliPflfiiS OF "CANADA UHLMFW" The Most WELCOME News in 3 Long Y BIM} CROSBY, JOAN CAULFIELD BARRY FITZGERALD, in “WELCOME STRANGER” ‘ A council of service, welfare, church, labour, fraternal and other organizations whose aim is to acquaint new Canadians with the opportunities offered by democratic citizenship in Canada. F3 VILLAGE OF RICHMOND Hill NEXT, in TECHNICOLOR â€" Walt Disney’ “SO DEAR TO MY HEART” Plus: Latest News & Superman, Chapter DANNY KAYE â€"- VIRGINIA MAYO in RE-DOGS Danny’s Latest is his Greatest “A SONG IS BORN” BREWING COMPANY LIMITED Just how much room is told in "Canada Unlimited", an illustrated 144 page book published by the O’Keete Foundation. You may obtain your copy by sending 25c in cash (no stamps or cheques, please) to "Canada Unlimited", Dept. N3-6, O'Keele House, Toronto, Ontario. Please print your name and address clearly. All monies received will be donated to the Canadian Citizenship Council. ‘ NOTICE Cut Flowers Designs and Corsages Flowers For All Occasions Order your Easter Plants Rear of Centre St. Phone 490 .R I C E ’ S Mower shop Russell Lynett. Clerk f Telephone Office t. 13.. Richmond Hill l0: Nights and Holi- days 4516 We Deliver Long Years 11 O W

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