v . o 6 OWWOâ€Oâ€Oâ€WWOQM009069096900000600 ï¬OOOOOOOOOOOOOONOO00.0000000000000000066000900â€. 00A DWOC M VOL I .XX "HUME IN INDIANA" York County's Newest and Most Modern Playhouse Shows daily, Monday through Friday at 7 and 9 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Saturday: Matinee at 2 p.m. Doors open at 1:30 p.m. Continuous Show Sat. from 5 pm. Doors open 4:45 pm Telephone Richmond Hill 500 Wednesday & Thursday, April 27 8; 28 To-Night, Thurs., April 21 “Call Northsiï¬e 777†Ifllfl IN IHE IRADHIUN [1F VIN! I. “GI llllill - llllil IUIDSCO W M: Md by «mat-m Monday & Tuesday, April 25 & 26 MW WU" HUMAN WW: flti‘i {WIN Milt , V“ “O4 ‘5- Si! Friday 8: Saturday, Aprii 29 & 30 Friday &-Saturday â€"â€" April 22 & 23 Always 3 Cartoon and-News hodvcod by THE HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 k (\orion hoduuion m WW IUSSlll II"!!! o mam?! CHIC - "MCI tlflfllll rum-nun (mm 'iilmed in breathtaking A Paramount Piuure Imï¬m‘ v Horticultural Highlights Farm implement loans have been the most widely utilized and, togeth- er with loans for farm trucks, repre- sent 88 per cent of all loans made in 1948. It is estimated that in the three prairie provinces approximately 46 per cent of all tractors sold were First of all I’d like to draw at- tention to an interesting article writ- ten by Mrs. Doris M. Fitzgerald of Thomhill, and entitled “Preservation of Pioneer Sites Goal of Interested Ontarians,†which appears in this issue. Farm Improvement Loans Act Well Utilized By Borrowers Since March ist, 1045, when the Act came into force, just under 70,- 000 individual loans have been made to a total value of $60,000,000. For the. fourth successive year there have been no losses. Of the total lent unâ€" der the Act 57 per cent has been re- paid. Needless to say I’m all in sym- pathy with Mrs. Fitzgerald’s ideas about the preservation of some of our old houses and other landmarks. As the tide of city building washes up to our doorsteps there is danger that it may carry away many of the graceful and interesting buildâ€" ings of an earlier day â€"- building's erected when houses were centres of family life rather than a stopping- off place en route to the movies and the thousand and one other outside iactivities which crowd our modern ife. have th the Hill ment. ] in 1912 Farmers of Canada borrowed near- ly $30,000,000 under the Farm Im- provement Loans Act during; 1948. according to the annual report tabled in the House of Commons recently by Hon. Douglas Abbott, Minister of Finance. This total represents an inâ€" Ciease of 61 per cent over 1947.7 Obviously it isn‘t going to be possâ€" ible to retain every old house just because it is old, neither is it'de- sirable. As a matter of fact the sooner we tear down some of the old eyesores the better. But it is to be hoped that the march of events will leave for the future some relics of the past. The interested group to which Mrs. Fitzgerald refers in her article is doing a worth-while job along these lines. The. number of cases in Richmond Hill where son or grandson is carry- ing on the business established by father or grandfather says much for the stability of village business. The list, when you dig‘ into it, is sur- prisineg long. There are, of course, a number of cases where father and son are in the same business together today but what I have particularly in mind are the instances where the store, or whatever it may be, is be- ing: operated by the second or third generation. There is, for example. Stan Ran- som's barbering business, started by his father Moses in 1886. and which Stan. now boss of the show. entered Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Beatty, 3rd con. Markham celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary quietly at their home on Monday, April 18th. Mr. and Mrs. Beatty are still-active on their farm and enjoy fair health. They are both members of Victoria L.O.L. 2368, Richmond Hill. Then we have a third generation setâ€"up in the Glass butcher shop. It was a century ago that W. H. Glass. grandfather of present owner Laudâ€" er Glass, started that business. He \\ as followed by his son J. P., father of the present owner. Our other butcher, Ted Mansbridge, is another illustration of the con- tinuity of village business. Estab~ lished by F. J. Mansbridge in 1918, the store has been carried on b\' son 49TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY A record crowd of nature lovers attended the “Bird Night†on April 14th sponsored by the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society. Several bird pictures have been snown in the past but none quite so appealing as those taken and shown by Mr. Alfred Bunker. A busy man employed by the C. Iâ€. R., he found time to come up from foronlo on the night before the holiday too, to share his great hobby of colored nature movies, in which he undoubtedly manifested his keen eye of an artist and patience of a true nat‘uralist. Anokher wonderful treat enjoyed by the audience was seeing the first showing of the new pink Iris. It was well named, "pink sensationâ€, for it really was a sensation to be privi- leged to see this exquisite flower as well as other flowers of equal beauty. The next meeting will no doubt be the Daffodil Show in the early part of May, so get your membership in right away. “In'Lssentials, Unity; 1n Non-Essentials, AIJberty; In All I‘hinu’u From The Hilltop A COLUMN OF VIEWS AND OBSERVATIONS coal, feed and E V A littlé \Gork RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAYAPRIL ‘21, 1949 (By F. J. Picking building supplies business in the Hill, now called I. D. Ramer and Son. The concern was established in 1905 by J. H. Ramei', who was followed by his son I. D., who now operates with his son Warren. The Finance Minister's report statâ€" ed that 1,203 farmers in 1948 bor- rowed $492,685 to clear and break about 60,000 acres of land for new crop production. Since the inception of the ‘Act a total’ï¬f 3,665 loans has been made for a total amount of 31,- 402,836 for the clearing and breaking of 183,814 acres of new land for cul- tivation. his son Warren. While they are not carrying on the bakery business started by their father, David Hill, when he came to Richmond Hill in 1892, the ‘Hill bro- thers are at least running busineSSes which stem from the planting which he did in those days and form yet another example of father-son folâ€" low-up. cases the pile of tin cans, old planks and other sundries around the yard will grow with the lengthening days â€"spoi1ing the look of what is, after all, a beautiful neighbourhood and lessening the effect aimed at 03' those who put in many hours im- proving their properties. It‘s only fair to say that the situ- ation is worse in the country than it is in the town. A drive down some of the developing side streets .which run from Yonge would soon prove my point. ’ ' New (‘lem-ing‘ Oufstanding, of course, is the re- cord of that medical family, the Langstaffs, which in three genera- a pride in their properties and, Win- ter and summer, do their utmost to preserve smartness and tidines. But unfortunately their efforts are de- tracted from by careless neighbors who treat the great outdoors as a general receptacle for all surplus rubbish. all, a beauti lessening thl those who I prm‘ing their It‘s only f: financed under the Act, 45 per cent of all combines and 63 per cent of all thl‘eshers. This highly signifi- cant development in the credit struc- ture means that the Act, which makes loans available at 5 per cent simple interest, is reducing the cost to farâ€" mers of obtaining temporary financ~ ing. It is also helping; to reduce dis- tribution costs to implement comp- anies. cions has looked after the bodily ills uf villagers. Dr. James Langstaff was followed by his son Dr. Rolph, and his son, another Dr. James, is .11 turn carrying on. The Savage family, father and son, have put in a good many years sup- ei'intending His Majesty’s mails for the village. Our present postmaster, A. G. Savage, has been on the job 33 years. His father, P. G. Savage, was postmaster for five years at an earlier period. Let‘s tidy up! Many years in the publishing busi- ness have taught me that “beefing†about local conditions by the local paper is something to be avoided. People resent being preached at. On the other hand there comes a time when the paper, if it is to fulfill its proper function in the community, must draw attention to things as they are. In this case I feel that it is time that something was said about un- tidiness. There are many in bo.h the village and the surrounding coun- tryside to whom these remarks have no application whatsoeven They take Winter leaves in its wake a cer- tain amount of debris. In most. cases that is speedily removed. In other cages t_he pile of_ tin cans, old planks_ The Fair is being staged to raise funds to pay for the installation of plumbing and kitchen facilities in the Lawrence Memorial Hall. From left to right the workers are: Mrs. R. F. Overbury, president of the Parish Guild; Vlrs. S. A. R. Wood; Mrs. Charles Sowdon; Mrs. Reg. Byford, convenor of the Sewing Committee for the Fair. Some of the finished work which will be shown and sold at the big bazaar is displayed on the table Pictured above are members of the Parish Guild, Trinity Cnurcn, lhcmhill. working away at articles to be sold at the Maytime Fair to 3e held in that village on May 5th, 6th and 7th. Thornhill Workers Prepare For Bazaar And Breakim:~ few good bonf 1'85 You run into some queer “believe it or not†items in this business. Would you, for instance, believe it pcsjble that a man whose parents are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary has never in his life seen his brother? Yet we have a case like that in Richmond Hill. Here’s how it hap- pens. Al White of the British Ame-.- 1can service station, was born in this country after his parents came to Canada. They left behind in Eng- land an older brother who, because of illness, could not be brought to the Dominion at that time. Left with relatives, he has stayed there ever since. Consequently Mr. and Mrs. White have never seen their son since and Al has never seen his bro- ters many where turity thing Elgin St. Residents Object To Widening They have four sons, Bernard of Toronto; Leslie in England; Eric of Fergus; Allan of Richmond Hill. One daughter, Phylhs, (Mrs. W. Phillips). lives at Humberstone, Out. In addi- tion there are 12 grandchildren. Ollfections to the widening and ex- tension of Elgin Street, Thornhill. were voiced by a delegation of resi- dents who appeared before the Mark- ham Township Council at its regular meetng on April 18ml}. Members of the delegation ex- plained that they had bought their properties on the street because of its quiet character and that they were anxious not to have the street turned into a through thoroughfare. Stringent restrictions applicable for 30 years had, they stated, been im- posed at the time of purchase, these including the building of only one house to each acre. Heavy invest- ments had been made by property holders in order that the character of the street as- a high class resi- dential location should be maintained and they were most anxious to proâ€" tect their ideals, delegation members said. MR. MRS. WILLIAM WHITE OBSERVE GOLDEN WEDDING Fifty years. of married life were completed by Mr. and Mrs. William White of 21 Yongehurst Road when they celebrated their golden wedding on April 19th. The celebration, due to the illness of Mr. White, was a quiet onef Mr. and Mrs. White were married in England and came to Canada 41 years ago. They have lived in Rich- mond Hill for the last 35 years, where Mr. White has worked as a bricklayer and contractor. During their residence here the couple have been actively associated with St. Mary’s Anglican Church. would go far towards sprucing the whole dlstrlct and glvmg 1t al'pearance 1t dosel'ves._ Replying to the delegation, Reeve Griffin pointed out that the interests of all property owners in the disâ€" trict must be considered by his counâ€" oil, and promised that the rights and desires of all would be considered. Many Requests Practically the whole time of the meeting was taken up in considering requests by individuals, with the re- sult that a further meeting to con~ sider the rating lay-law will be held at an early date. Council, on a recorded vote with Reeve Griffin dissenting, gave perâ€" mission for the establishment of a highway cabin set-up on No. 7 high- way. Permission to erect a temporâ€" ary dwelling was refused to an ap- plicant who stated that, due to chang- ed business conditions, he would have no place for his family to live. Teacher: What do you know about Laura Secord? Johnny: She makes good candy. Instances where brothers or sisâ€" rs have not seen each other for any years are common, but a case here brothers who have reached ma- rity have never seen each other at l is one 'of those one in a million ("hm-9h the Preservation Of Pioneer Sites Goal Of Interested Ontarians Taxpayers Authorize Purchase New Jefferson School Site Following the meeting’s approval of the purchase of a new site a gen- erél discussion regarding the propos- ed new building took place and a number of suggestions were advanced to the trustees. A resolution moved by George Topper and seconded by L. Folliott suggested the formation of an advisory committee composed of residents who could be helpful to the trustees in dealing with the pro- ject. ' Four favourite Thornhill landmarks known to thousands of travellers on Yonge St. are the Edey house, the Wi.cocks house, Trinity Anglican Church, and Findlay’s Hotel. Old twin locust trees raise their lacy branches above the wide gable and pointed windows of the substantial white plaster house, which John Edey from near-London, England, planned and built himself, for his family, in the late eighteen thirties. The white picket fence was destroyed one Hallo- we’en, and the interesting- old door- way has been brought very close to the highway by widenings of the road (which have spoilt many front gar- dens). Inside there is a graceful curving staircase, different woodwork in every room, and a basement kit- chen with huge open fireplace in the English tradition. Incidentally John Edey is said to have bought that site because of the stream which ran through it. He thought it would be pleasant to sit and fish in the gar- den. The house is now owned by Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Balfour. A clear-cut report, presented by Professor John Passmore, chairman, detailed the steps taken by the trus- tees, revealed that it was not poss- ible to expand the present site on the east side of Yonge Street. Erection of a new school at Jeffâ€" erson. approximately a mile north of the Elgin Side Road, moved a decis- ive step forward on April 13 when ratepayers of S.-S. 4, Markham and SS. 21, Vaughan, gave completely unanimous endorsation to a recom- mendation made by the trustees cov- ering the purchase of a new site. The new site is practically Opposite the old one and consists of 2; acres, with a frontage of 185 feet on’Yonge Street. Purchase pricg is $1,900. These are but foui' local examples of hundreds of fine old colonial The large grey painted clapboard house on the east side of Yonge, commonly called the Wilcocks house, now belongs to Mr. W. H. Wright. It was built about 1817 by Wm. Parâ€" sons, one of the first well-to-do Eng- lishmen to arrive in the district. Filled with imported walnut wood- work and' fine furnishings, it was for years a centre of hospitality. ‘Mr. Parsons kept shop, and acted as post- master in a building next door, now torn down. He was also one of the moving spirits behind the building of Trinity Church across the road, on land given by his brother-in-law Ben- jamin Thorne. Erected in 1830, the little frame church is the oldest orig- inal church building still in use in the Anglican diocese of Toronto. Among other historical features are the beautiful stained glass memorial windows. The body of Colonel Moodie, shot down during the rebellion of 1837, lies in the adjoining cemetery. Old Thornhill Hotel Though part of 'the Thornhill Ho- tel has been converted into business piemiscs, it is still one of the quaint- est buildings on Yonge St. Built probably in the late eighteen twent- ies by George Playter, who leased the mills on John St. built by Allen Mc- Nab, and also operated stage coaches between York (Toronto) and Holland Landing, it has lodged many- a' way; farer and his mount, and has been the scene of lively political meetings, of gay balls, and even of a murder. The son of a prominent family was shot there during a card game by a transient. The old bell on top used to be rung daily at 7, 12 and 6 o’clock, but is now tolled only in case of fire. (By Doris M. Fitzgerald, Thornhill) Trustees of the union school sec- In accordance with resolution of the municipal council I call upon all citizens of Richmond Hill to change their timepieces to Daylight Saving Time at 2 am. SUNDAY, APRIL 24th Your co-operation will be appreciated. P. C. HILL, Reeve DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME PROCLAMATION ADVERTISING IN GETS RESULTS THE LIBERAL Across the border similar houses are jealously preserved and treasured by our more appreciative and astute American neighbours. As a result tourists from all over the world flock to the New England states to wander about the tranquil, tree shaded streets of little towns, where old white houses with green shutters. and lovely gardens, exude an atmosphere of romance and history. Aiming At Preservation Unfortunately in Ontario we are not yet fully aware of the great value of our pioneer heritage. Many good buildings have already been de- molished, and others disfigured by hit and miss ‘improvements’. Professor E. R. Arthur of the University of To- route has long been interested in early Canadian architecture. Alarm- ed by the general indifference shown to the subject he approached two fel- low architects, A. S. Mathers and Mackenzie Waters. The three of them rounded up a group of public spirited citizens to form, in 1933, the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario. The object of the society is to pre- serve buildings rof architectural mer- 11 CENTENNIAL FAIR PRIZE FEATURES houses and buildings erected betwegn 1790 and 1840 by early settlers In the province. Scattered throughout southern Ontario, they enrich the landscape with the charm of their simple designs and pleasing propor- tions, and their historic associations. tion are John Passmore, Arthur Gib- son and Neill Dibb, with Norman Burnett as escretax'y-treasurer. it, and sites of natural beauty and historic interest through co-operation of the owners, and the stimulation of public interest. Their first research money was de- voted to making measured drawings of about 100 buildings, and taking over 1000 photographs. These re- cords will be preserved and added to, and have already proved a valuable source of information to students of history and architecture. The first major achievement of the society, the restoration of St. And- rew’s Church (circa 1828) Niagara- on-the-Lake, and was made possible by funds donated by the late Thomas Foster, one time Mayor of Toronto. The second big achievement was the purchase and restoration of Bar- num house, (circa 1817) near Graf- ton, with money raised by public sub- scription. It was scarcely completed when war curtailed further activities. Now the Society is planning to re- sume its very worth-while work, and ready to welcome new members. To- wards the end of; April seVen' Toronto houses will be thrown open, as a fund raising venture. This interesting tour will be free to members who pre- sent their cards. The fee is $2.00 a year. Further particulars may be obtained from the Recording Secre- tary, Mrs. H. W. Macdonell, Steele's Ave. E. (the old Evans house) whose postal address is R.R. 1 York Mills, Ont. N0. 43.