3 TOWING “.6000O“OOQOOOQ‘â€0606060906000000OWOOOOO0090900; :’OOO°Oâ€OO0009000â€0â€0000900009 OOWOOOQOOOOOOOOOOfl I’HONE â€"â€"- THORNHILL 256W I I l‘llllflflflIï¬lflflifllflflfllllfllflllIII-Ila.- 0 :000000000000000000000000000000000000 “0000000000000 9W9mooooogoo¢owwwooooommoooomom9 Ell IIIHII’IHHIIIIHIIIIIIEIB MASTER CALF STARTER GROWER Proï¬tableDairyCows RE-ROOFING 18 Elizabeth St TOMENSUN, SAUNDERS, SMITH, & GARFAT GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES LANGSTAFF SERVICE SEATION Wellington Slow Battery Charging and Rentals Easter Specials in Pot Plants and Cut Flowers Hydrangea. Mixed Pans. Easter Lillies. (‘inarezm Hyacinths. SnapdragCns. Narcissus. Roses. Carnations ORDER EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT PHONE 344R2 RICHMOND HILL THE More Essential Now Than Ever Due to years of ufltivnn'on‘ and growing of crops the soil becomes depleted of many necessary minerals, etc, consequently many grains do not contain adequate nutritive value. C. RIDDELL It is a properly balanced calf feed in a very appetizing form that will grow stronger. healthier calves. No milk is neceSsary af- ter 6th week. Raise your next calf on MASTEIMCALF STARTER GROWER. You will be pleasantâ€" ly surprised with the results. 133471st RICHVALE FLORIST INï¬ï¬‚flANQE HERBERT R. BUTT lNSUL BRICK SIDING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Insulating LIBERAI CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, We specialize in re-roofing, Telephone Thornhill 161' St: Toronto Licensed Mechanics District Representative RICHMOND HILL L1 DEPENDABLE SERVICE LIMITED Tl This is one reason for the need 0! Illp lemcnmty feeds to make a pro- per y balanced ration (or dairy cows. You can’t get milk without feed. The more a cow will eat the more milk you will get. But the feed must be properly balanced and contain the necessary amount: of vimmins and minerals as well as proteins and an- bohydrates. 1d Hill LUBRICATION 3 Thur Phone AD. 0467 Telephone 25-R xpr 1949 G0.00QOOO“mO0.00660“OO“OONOOOOO090009000000â€; Since its establishment in 1914 the Society has done a great deal of work in maintaining the interest of local horticulturists and its impact on community improvement has been considerable. It is particularly fitting that Richmond Hill â€"- one of the Dominion’s largest rose growing centres â€" should be outstand- ing florally. The work of the enthusiasts who comprise the Horticultural Society is worthy of support in order that this ideal may be achieved. Among the many public organizations in Richmond Hill de- serving of support the Horticultural Society ranks high. The annual membership campaign which is now being con. ducted presents a favourable opportunity for all citizens to play a part in the beautification of the community, plus an opportun- ity to gain information which will be of value to them in plantâ€" ing and developing“ their own gardens. From a cold dollars and cents point of view the investment in a Horticultural Society membership is worth while, the prem- ium given to members i'epresenting‘ a considerable return on the money paid to the Soc1ety. In any event, the world records which have been set by its milk producers are something in which the county can take no small degree of pride. The congratulations of this paper and. we are sure. of all citizens. are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwood and their son Jack, and also to Jack Wauchope of schomberg. ' Horticultural Society Deserves Suppor What a county! eader in two fields 0f endeavour about as widely separated as can be found in our modern civilization â€"â€" city building and milk production. Add a few other'leade1‘- ships. such as that in rose-growing, and it looks as if York County isn’t far away from being‘ in a‘ literal sense. “a land flowing with milk and honey.†A short time ago this paper published figures showing an enormous increase in the issuance of building permits 'in Vaughan Township -â€" part of the County of Yorkâ€" figures which indi- cate a strong ,trend towards urbanization. In the next issue we published a news story which covered the fact that three world records for the production of butter fat had been captured by York County â€"- an achievement truly rural in scope. York County And World’s Records Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P.P. East York, Queen’s Park. Toronto, Ont. O 0900099000099â€000006909OMMOMOWOOWOWWMO ’“9064 If you let King City Bakery do your baking You will have more time for Spring Work. 9 Oâ€! FRANCES G. WEAVER, Sec. Richmond Hill and Dist. C.C.F. Club. O O 3 O 000069666000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOQOOOQOOOC ;§OONOO«MO'OOOOWMOGOOO“OOOOOWOOWOOOOO Cross-Town Oil Heating & Service Newtonbrook . DUST? Let us install a fully automatic oil burner in your present heating system NOW. DO YOU WANT MORE HEATHNG COMFORT? DO YOU WANT RELEF FROM (‘OAL ASHES AND GORMLEY BLOCK CO. We are inviting all the residents in this area to meet A. H. Woods, our C.C.F. Federal candidate for York North and yourself, at the Richvale School Saturday evening; April 30th at eight o'clock. We are showing the picture “Make Way for Youth†and will have some music. Dear Miss Macphail: Gormley, Ont. We have for immediate delivery, all sizes of concrete blocks. These blocks are made by the latest types of machines, are fully steam cured, to assure you of quality blocks. GUARANTEED FUEL OIL CONTRACT WITH MAJOR OIL COMPANY For free survey of your heating system and further information. call CONCRETE BLOCKS An Independent Weekly â€" Established 1878 Subscription Rate, $2.00 per year; To the United States $2.50 Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, l\I.P., Publisher The usual quality home-made baking in wide choice always available. Bakery located next to King Canadian Bank of Commerce. Closed on Mondays Thank you so much for accepting our invitation HOME OWNERS PRICES FROM $375.00 UP Yours most sincerely. “THE LIBERAL Write or phone Phone Stouff. 381w1 Phone Zone 8-686 2nd Concession Whitchurch 11/; miles north of Lake Wilcox FIREWOOD, POSTS. POLES On your Lumber Needs Buy Direct from the Mill ROUGH & DRESSED HARDWOOD & SOFTWOOD LUMBER June and Ruth Harding then enâ€" tertained those present with two well executed piano duets, “June Bugs Dance†and “The Top of The Morning’.’. The May meeting on May 12 is to be a Children’s Day and girls from the various g‘irls’ organizations in the village will provide the program. Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt then gave a short paper on “Local Industriesâ€. She'said the dictionary says “Indus- try is any occupation or employment through which marketable commodi- ties are producedâ€. So the one art- isan is an industry as well as the huge plant. She then briefly told of the various industries in Rich- m‘ond Hill and vicinity with some interesting: facts and figures about each one. Hostesses, Mrs. R. Cooper, Mrs. L. Atkinson, Mrs. J. Pollard, Mrs. W. Mylks and Miss Stong served tea, Mrs. G. Irwin and Mrs. J. Dewsbury presiding over a tea table decorated with spring- flowers and candles. The 1-011 call was answered by Can- adian industries. Many‘ members answered with the industry in which their husband was engaged. It is hoped to have a float in the parade on Fair Day, May 24 for the Women’s Institute and members were urged to participate. A trip to Canada Packers on June let and a picnic to Springwater Park, Midhurst on June 28 were also announced. Members, please keep these dates in mind. in “Home a'hd Country". We can help by knowing ourselves. by facing: facts about ourselves, extending a helping; hand to neighbours and new. comers. We can study and use new methods in home and community. We should miss no opportunity to mainâ€" tain homes and country where young people will be able to live happy nor- mal lives. We can help maintain our organizations of which we should be very proud and which is probably the largest women's organization in the world with Women‘s Institutes in many countries around the globe. We should be good citizens and appreciate our rights as a citizen. The citizenship we enjoy did not come over night but has been centuries in the making". We have the right of free speech, the right to criticize, to vote and put in office those who are to govern us. If we lived in Europe we would appreciate these rights. Too often women don’t tak much interest in politics, leaving- it to the men. But if we have the op- portunity to take part in public or political work We should use it. Canada is a land of beauty that is all ours to enjoy. But we cannot just sit back and enjoy it. We have duties and responsibilities to our country and we should ask ourselves “what kind of a citizen am I and» what contribution am I making to the country to which I owe so much.†Mrs. Hicks spoke of the import- ance of little things and gave three rules to help one be happy. 1. to commit something good to,memm'y every day. 2, to look for something): lovely every day and stop long enough to admire it and say “isn’t it beau- tiful". 3, to give something of yourself to some one every day. By carrying out these rules one could not help being happy but would also bring much happiness to others. Arrangements were made for a Spring‘ Tea to be held at the home of Mrs. J. Grainger on Wednesday, May 4th fro_m 3Ato 5.30 p.m. Mrs. Hicks of Bethesda, Distric President, was the guest speaker a the April meeting; of the Women' Institute. She asked what we a members of the Women's Institut could do to produce better condition in “Home a’hd Country". We ca: help by knowing ourselves, by facing facts about ourselves, extending helping; hand to neighbours and new comers. We c; methods in hon‘ should miss no tain homes and people will he 2 mal lives. W 74 Richmond St. . Phone 463 Richmond Hill Owned and operated by FRED TAYLOR Taylor’s Sawmill SAVE MONEY Women’s Institute DAVID MCLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE AURORA COMING stitute :litions C can facing at ;v.’.°¢¢56 50.090600 bx“. O0000.00.00..09‘6.°°..............; OOMM 0? 00¢ A complete sanitary septic toilet is tlie answer to your problem if you are the owner of a summer cottage, camp or country home â€"â€" endurng the discomfort and embar- rassment of the outdoor privy. For free literature write or phoneâ€" Box 77. Thornhill. ()nl. 0 Here are the famous BOLENS'HUSKI Tractors and implements that have won recognition everywhere for fast, efficient work. Whether you have a farm, estate or large garden, you can be sure there‘s a BOLENS HUSKI to meet your needs. These low- priced work savers cut maintenance costs and give you high-quality results. And you can use them every month of the year. Why not drop in and get the details? Robson’s Garage One of the models in the new Oliver fleet is sure to ï¬t ‘yo'ur acreage and farming practices. Available in Row Crb Standard, Row Crop with Adjustable Front Axle 6r Sihgl, Front \‘Vheel. Drop in next time you’re in town. 9 e ,,fl__c_-_ .-.....- u. nu, vyclauufl of power take-off machines with its direct drive unit . . . a new economy record with its 6-forward-speed transmission in the Oil Miser case, Fuel Miser governor, and the basic inter- changeability of Oliver’s full line of tractor-mounted tools with all other new Row Crop models. Wheels on Row Crop models are interchangeable, tooâ€"with a choice of cast iron or stamped steel. Oliver begins its second century with the introduction of a new fleet of quality farm tractorsâ€"including the new 2-3 plow "77â€, a tractor with advanced farm features .that- make ï¬eld work faster and more efï¬cient than ever. The smooth, brisk valve-in-head engine of the “77†is a sixâ€"and you have a choice of three types for the fuel you prefer: high compression for gasoline, “KB†for tractor fuels, and a diesel that will be available later. The "77†will set a new performance mark in the operation A New Model of a Famous Tractor Perkins Farm & Home Equipment TELEPHONE 21â€"w RICHMOND HILL d maï¬me’ma Phone 102 Maple Y$EQSAN 600900†JOHN TAYLOR 0WW¢¢W¢¢OMMNONOO¢0WOQ in the operation Phone 1911'32 RIDING SUlKV CULTIVAYOR