Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Apr 1949, p. 3

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OOMOOOMO000000O000060000030090000000.0000000902 “"9"”99000“0009000009000QOONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3Q“MON”MWOOOOOOOOC O. OOMOONOOO”“OOM6 3”.“OO”MOOO00000000666000.906000000090000000. YONGE ST... RICHMOND HILL No inflammable, vegetable or animal matter to be dumped. 13 Plate Battery, MISO . . . . 15 Plate Battery, M190 . . . . ELECTRIC WIRING and REPAIRS RICHMOND HILL ELECTRICAL SHOP $7 463% THE BELL TELEPHONE GILSON HOT AIR FURNACES AND OIL BURNERS \VE'VE PASSED another milestone in telephone historyâ€"~in Onlario and Quebec we now have 11/2 million telephones. Of these,'500,000 were added in the last four years. That's more telephones than we installed in our first ‘10 years! value at: such low cost as your telephone. \Ve’ve broken all records â€" but there are still orders we haven’t been able to fill. \‘Ve will keep right on working and building to make your telephone service a bigger bargain than everâ€" to continue to provide more and better service at the lowest possible cost. And as we have grown, service has grown better. Your calls go through quiekly, clearly. You can always count on your telephone. Yet up to now, despite rising costs on all sides, there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 22 years ago. Few things give you so much real value at: such low cost as your telephone. BY ORDER OF MARKIIAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. REBUILT AND GUARANTEED GENERATORS AND . STARTERS $8.50 Exchange Income Tax “Information Will Be Open to Residents of Marl PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. HEADFORD and will be available froin April 19th-30th inclusive for the purpose of answering queries in connection FROM APRIL thh To APRIL 301h Newmarket Post Office 82 YONGE â€" PHONE 296W INCOME TAX DIVISION with 1948 Income Tax Returns. Ofl‘icial Representatives of the are to be stationed in COMPAle OF CANADA 11m VOOOOz. . $13.80 KU Township PHONE 86 FRI., APRIL 22 â€"â€" Auction sale of listed accredited registered Holstein cattle, farm stock, implements, a large lot of household goods, etc., on lot 2, con. 4, Vaughan Twp. Property of Gordon Anderson. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. Ken & Clake Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., APRIL 23 -â€" Auction Sale 01 Household Furniture, dishes, glassâ€" ware, garden tools, etc. in the Village of King. Property of Mrs. Nesbitt. Sale at 2 p.m. Terms cash. No re- serve. Ed Kyle clerk. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., APRIL 30 â€"â€" Auction sale of household furniture, garden tools, glassware, dishes cooking utensils, in the Richmond Hill Arena, Richmond Hill. Property belonging to H. W. Mortson and H. H. MacKay. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Ed Kyle, clerk. Ken & Clarke Prenâ€" tice,_ auctioneers. The Carrville Girls" Club held a tea at the home of their leader Mrs. Jack MacEwen last Wednesday ev- ening. We were pleased to see a good at- tendance at church Easter Sunday as it was a special occasion aside from being the Easter service. The Carr- vil'le Girls’ Club, under the leader- ship of Mrs. Jack MacEwcn present- ed to the church a beautiful pulpit drape with United church crest and a matching communion table runner, also a new pulpit which was design- ed and built for them by Mr. Wm. George. Mr..and Mrs. A. J. Read of Carrville presented to the church a beautiful new Bible, in memory of Mrs. Read’s father, the late Mr. Wm. Baker. who had attended Carr- ville Methodist church as a boy. The First Carrville Cub Pack also pre- sented 12 new hymnaries to the church. These gifts were then re- ceived and dedicated by the minister, Rev. E. E. Kent. The 'Carrville school choir sang two hymns, “Fair- est Lord Jesus” and “Hosanna be the Children’s Song”. Mr. Jack Oliver sang a solo, “The Third Day He Rose Again” by Bach. Misses Inez Woods and Eileen Harding sang a duet, “Unto the Hills”. SAT., MAY 28â€"Auction sale of garage equipment and tools, a comâ€" plete garage full of modern equip- ment, property of Gordon Penny. corner of Main St., Markham village and N0. 7 highway. Sale at 1 13.111. sharp. No reserve, garage is sole, proprietor quitting. Terms cash. Ken and Clarke PrentiCe, auction- eers -We were pleased to see several visitors in the congregation, and all are cordially invited to come again. Service every Sunday at 2.30 p.111. followed by Sunday School. QUIET PLEASE A wealth of medical data indicates that excessive noise contributes to poor health. Everyone knows that loud noises at night prevent sleep and make for sharp, irritable tempers next day, but scientists also say that loud or high-pitched noise may have an even more direct effect on the hu- man system. The elimination of noise nearly always means better health. E. J. ROBERTS, RADIAl STATION Phone 177 SALE REGISTERS TICKETS AND INFORMATION A? .DAILY SERVICE TO All CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POINTS .CHARTERED BUSES OFFER IDEAL SERVICE FOR All. GROUP TRAVEL WW magi-’7 CARRVILLE By Bus course at Aurora 1n the United Church on Thursday, April 28 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This course on Pers'onality and Dress should be very interesting: and worthwhile. It is hoped a good representation from this branch and any other ladies of the community will be very welcome. Ladies are asked to take a box lunch and tea will be provided. The Women‘s Institute held its final meeting of the current year on Wednesday, April ’13 at the home of Mrs. Baldwin. Excellent reports were presented by the secretary- treasurer and the standing commit- tees. These showed that a very sucâ€" cessful and active year has been en- Officers for the coming year are: Hon. presidents, Mrs. F. Wilkins, Miss A. Ferguson; pres., Mrs. C. Beynon; lst vice-pres, Mrs. Davis; 2nd vice-pres, Mrs. E. Paxton; sec.â€" treas., Mrs. Chalk; asst. sec.-treas., Mrs. W. Jennings; pianist, Mrs. John Clift; community welfare and blue cross sec., Mrs. W. Jennings; social conveners, Mrs. Fred Hare, Mrs. B. Palmer, Mrs. N. Thompson, Mrs. E. Phillips, Mrs. McClure; visiting com- mittee, Mrs. G. Baldwin, Mrs. Wilk- ins, Mrs. W. Hare, Mrs. W. Jennings. Standing committees â€"â€" Health and social welfare,_ Mrs“ Baldwin, Mrs. ‘Caine; home economics, Mrs. M. Beynon; citizenship, Mrs. Wilkins; Canadian industries, Mrs. N. Thomp- son; historical research. Mrs. R. Jennings; publicity, Mrs. E. Paxton; agriculture, Mrs. C. Beynon; district director, Mrs. Fred Hare. Temperanceville church was beau- tifully adorned with Easter lilies and spring flowers for Easter. For the morning service Rev. Merriam of Kettleby took the service with Mrs. McClure as soloist. In the evening the pastor, Rev. E. C. Moddle was in charge, with Miss Mildred Folliott as soloist. The choir rendered beau- tiful anthems at both services. Presentation Made to Choir Leader During- the Fireside Hour which followed the evening service on Eas- ter Sunday, Mrs. Bracken was pre- sented with a pair of beautiful table lampslfrom the choir and the church. Mrs. Bracken has been choir leader for the past two. years. Under her leadership the choir was reorganized and has achieved commendable sucâ€" cess. ‘ Her loyal devotion and the contribution that the choir has made each Sunday has been very much ap- preciated by the pastor and congre- gation. Mrs. Bracken is also a mem- ber of the Board of Stewards and has always taken a keen interest in the life and work of this church. treasurer and the standing- commit- tees. These shchd that a very sucâ€" cessful and active year has been en- joyed, assisting many worthy chari- ties and carryng out extensive wel- fare work. Worthy of mention is the fact that for the past year this branch sponsored two European chil- dren through theCanadian Save the Children plan and in addition have sent each a CARE food parcel. On behalf of all the members, Mrs. Wilkins congratulated the retiring president, Mrs. Fred Hare and her executive for the splendid work of the past year. It is regretted this branch will be losing two very faith- ful members, Mrs. Young, see-treats. for the past year, and Mrs. Bracken. As a small token of remembrance, each was presented with a lovely Cup and saucer. Both expressed their ap- preciation and the pleasure they have derived from their association with the Institute. The nominating com- mittee presented the slate of officers for the coming year and all enjoyed afternoon tea served by the lunch committee and hostess. Officers for the coming year are: TEMPERANCEVJLLE We take this opportunity of ex- pressing to her our sincere appreciaâ€" tion for all she has done and to wish her and the family much happiness in their new home. IIIIEEIIIMREHQHED HARRY E. PA [MUER IIIIIIIIEEHIIEEEEEE 46 JOHN S'l‘., 'l‘IIORNIllLL RICHMOND HILL FARMERS’ : RICHMOND HILL. ONT. 400 500 IOO l'eCEIVE .t cllms 70m l‘hone Thornhill 250 Veterinary Surgeon This chart proves the importance of proteins on growth. A 20% protein feed in 8 weeks produced a 10% greater growth than did the 18% protein feed. Relished by chicksâ€"growth is he resultâ€"try a bag Iodayâ€"you'll be more than satisfied. Blatchford's Crumbled Chick Starter contains 20% pro'ein: 3.1 4 p.m. ind Dress and wow )d repre the Aul‘or Better Growth, Stronger Bodies and Economy in Feeding 1g: many worthy chari- ving‘ out extensive wel- Worthy of mention is for the past year this n‘ed two European chil- the,Canadian Save the x and in addition have mper Na! d Mashâ€"Not a Pelletâ€"Just Crumbled Institute the curren [/13 at the Excellent Crumbled CHICK STARTER 5U addition have parcel. Iembers, Mrs. the retiring [are and her [did work of 'egretted this ’0 very faith- m‘, sec.-treas. th xeld its year on name of reports cretary- commit- W. I. Short Inited from We had a most delightful musical evening last Thursday when the A'm- bassadors Male Choir entertained with the wonderful singing of gospel hymns. They were accompanied by Mrs. Marion Newby, a most excell- ent singer. Her rendition of “Open the Gates of the Temple” and “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” was really glorious, such deep feeling and expression was put into every num- ber. There was also a ladies’ duet, male solo and duet. A11 in all it was a wonderful evening for all those who enjoy good music. The choir was directed by Mr. Cyril Redford, with Mrs. Redford at the piano. Next Sunday, April 24, the speak- er for the evening will be Dr. Blan- din, with the ladies’ trio bringing special music. Dr. Blandin is al- ways well received at Langstaff as he was instrumental in the building of Langstaff Baptist Church and it has gradually grown until now there is talk of a need to enlarge the building. All the services are well attended of ,late and a growing in- terest, especially among the young people. Don‘t-forget Youth for Christ next Saturday, April 23 at 8 p.1n. at the Lawrence Memorial Hall at Thorn- hill. Geo. McLeary, violinist, the King's Messengers Male Quartette, Y.T.iC. Girls Sextette and movies .of the Youth for Christ conference. Many visitors spent the holiday week-end with relatives and friends in the district, among whom were Mrs. Gilbert of Calgary, Alta., and who is spending some time with her son. guest speaker was Mrs. Home Education Conveno County Council who was by Mrs. Markie. Mrs. Can a very interesting talk on ‘ ance of home education in, with the Home and'School era] visitors were present 1y formed ’l‘hoi-nlea Home Mrs. Carter 'Sr. of Galt is visiting with her son Bert, Church St. and many more. , The hobby craft classes sponsored by the Home and School Association are being- discontinued until the fall. These classes have proved very suc- ccsful and great interest has been shown by those taking part. Very satisfactory work has been accomp- lished in wood and chip carving, clay modelling“ and rug making. On Thursday, April 21 at 8 p.m. the teen-age girls’ Missionary Sew- ing Circle is meeting at the home of Mrs. LaRiche, when Mrs. Vernon Gibson, returned missionary from Africa, is going to be the speaker and tell the girls of the work on the mission field. The mothers of these girls are cordially invited to attend this meeting. Friday evening, April 22 the Y.P. S. meet. at the church. The meet- ing will be in charge of Mr. Wm. Jorden, and Mr. Chris Taylor is the speaker. A good attendance is hoped for, and speaking of attendance brings to mind our Easter Sunday morning service 'when there was an attendance of 183, the record so far at the Bible School. Mr. D. Smith brought a splendid Easter message. Next Thursday the Women’s Fel- lowship have their evening. meeting at 8 b’clock at the homénof Mrsr Loverock, Garden Ave. Glad to report improvement with all the sick. Rev. A. Jones is now able to sit up for a few minutes each day. ' The regular meeting of the Lang; staff Home and School Associatiol was held on Tuesday, April 12. Th} Pastor, Rev. A. R. Jones Sunday morning Bible School 11 pm Sunday Evening Gospel Services, 7 p.m. Wed, Prayer Meeting, 8 p.m. Friday, Y.P.S., 8 p.m. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST ('HURCH DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE LAN GSTAFF Experiment I. L. C. Norris and G. F. Heuser as Mrs. Campbell, Convener of York rho was-introduced Mrs. Campbell gavu talk on the import- S L’PPL Y PHONE 1 connecfion work.Sev- from new- and School THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thursd QOOOOOOO¢O9‘9609000906060.0900009009909009.0099999999 Telephone 188 3 v 0 3 00000000990090.09000OOOOOO‘OOOOOOOOOOOO00600000000000 Phone 21“ Perkins Farm & Home Equipment 6 Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, phone 148 QUAKER â€" 0n. BURNING SPACE STROMBERG-CARLSON For Ail Year Enjoyment EASYâ€"â€" FLOOR POLISHERS. VACUUM CLEANERS, WASHERS ()IL-O-MAGIC For low fires in milder weather, bank with RICHMOND HILL FARMERS’ SUPPLY l‘lIONE 139 Floral D esig‘ns $19.50 PER TON MADE WITH ' FAMOUS READING HARD COAL Reaflimg Erfiquets FLOWERS JONE§ CGAL C0. Reading Pea C931 cision and accuracy as those used on new machines. . So come in soon and get the Genuine 1H parts you may need in case of an emergency. [â€" because your equipment is broken down The small amount you spend now in extra replacement parts for your {arm machines can pay off lO-tO-l at hatvesc time. Don't take a chance on delays in the field or crop losses Remember: Genuine IH Parts are made with the same 70 Keep yew? farm Equipment Work/72g! GENUINE IH PARTS ARE A GOOD INVESTMENT Wholesale and Retail Florist B. W. MILLER :signs Cut Flowers Bedding Plants Delivery Anywhere in North York OIL BURNING SPACE HEATERS RADIOS AND COMBINATIONS Supplied and Guaranteed by FERGUSON ECONOMIZE WITH l*' URNACE 01],. BURNERS $19.75 PER TON WE GROW OUR OWN Richmond Hill April 21, 1949 Telephone 2 RICHMOND HILL

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