Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Apr 1949, p. 4

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4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thursday. April 21, 1049 Classified Sale 85 Want AdS RATESâ€"drive lines or less. :15 cents for first insertion and 25 cents for each Subsequent inseriion, (lrcr i live lincs T cents pcr line extra each insertion. If charged to account nine ccnis per line. I Tcleplione Richmond Hill :l. l SAY l('.(‘.M. BICYCLE, new condition.l TIIBL‘LA R STICICI. IIIIII) A" springs. u ' lwlii' C.C.M. BICYCLE, medium size, tele- phone Maple 60rlI. clw~l3 l 1 SADDLE HORSE, -1 yr. old, broksi on. Phone Maple 601'11. clw43 1‘94] FORD SUPER DELUX SEDAN $750.00. Phone Maple 24r21. clwulil MAN’S TVHEEL. Apply Jas. Cowl- ing, phone Richmond Hill 79J. *lw-lil FOR REAL ESTATE, phone reimg Thornhill 168. tl'c46, RASPBERRY CANES, large berries.I order now. J. Manley, 2:; Hunt Ave.,' Richmond Hill. i *4w41' BEES WAX, approximately 80 lbs.,I for grafting. Apply Jas. Donald, Ox-‘ ford St., Elgin Mills. "‘1w43 2 BIiCYCLES, 1 “Rollfaft”, 1 Racer. both in excellent condition. Phone; Richmond Hill 3461'4. *lw43 SOY‘BEANS, Capital variety, No. 1 seed. Clifford L. Winger, Gorinley, phone Stouffville 61509. *2w4’3 PIANO, Mason Risch upright, over- hauled, 3‘20000. Phone Richmond Hil1 161. i‘2w43 RASPBERRY CANBS, large bei-‘iié, order now. J. Manley, 23 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. *1w43 .â€".lâ€"â€" “SUNSHI E”‘ baby pram, cream, good, $15. 0. Phone Richmond Hill 304.1. c1w43 1934 CHRYSLER SEDAN, good tires, reliable transportation, $250.00. Phone Thornhill 227W. c1w43 7 PEKIN DUCKS, 3 drakes. D. 'H. Storms, Stop 21 Yonge end of lane. - Apply St., at *2w43 PERCHERON MARE, 9 years old; 1 yearling colt. Apply W. Windas, phone Maple 6914. *1w43 CEiDAR POSTS, any quantity; also anchors and braces. W. A. Poulton, R.R. 1 Maple at Teston. c3w43 SLENDER TA‘BLETS are effective. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks 35, at Austin’s Drug Store. CHESTERFIELD in excellent condi- tion. Phone R. D. Little, Richmond Hill 28. . c1w43 QUANTITY USED WINDOW SASH and frames, doors, 2 stair cases etc. 'Phone Grierson, Maple 122. *1w43 RASPBERRY PLANTS, strawberry plants. ‘0. E. Watson, 40 Mill St.. Richmond Hill. phone 324W. *8w41 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn. Thornhill 169. tfc4(’ KITCHEN RANGE, coal and wood, modern white enamel, goodr-utility drawer. Phone Thornhill 17.9. ' Clw43 MOFJFATT ELECTRIC RANGE, ex- cellent; Quebec heater and box stove. Phone Harry Price, Richmond Hill 163. c1w’43 ALL MAKES and models of good used cars; also I new R.‘C.A. Victor car radio. Apply Donald Gifi‘cii. Ma- ple 7-Ir2'3. e2w42 \VILL GIVE AWAY 5 cats to anyone who will give them good homes. ApT ply phone Richmond Hill 346121. *3w41 A FEW THOUSAND Strawberry plants “Collossal” trimmed and prunâ€" ed, ready to plant. Phone Richmond Hill 441'22. tfc41 FOR CHICKENS and turkeys. Take 10 chances treat your poultry with Exterminator No. 1 or ‘2. Prevent coccidiOSis. paalysis. blue comb, etc. Get a package from your feed man I. D. Rainer and Son. Agents forl Full-O-Pep and Purina Feeds or Poultry Products. Brantford. *6w39 :OQ”OOOWO”OOOO”OOO”OOMOO””O”MO i Frigidaire Ranges. $204 AND UP PARIS AUTO EVERYONE Phone 86 - “ a, i‘ In Vellore Memorial Hall: MONDAY. APRIL 25th, 8 p.m. Proceeds in aid of First Teston United Church Cub Pack :inan’s or boy's. l‘honc Thornhill 147.! clw4fl‘ 2 ACRES OF LAND at Ele'in Mills, agcs, 6 rooms and :3 suitable for building lots. A. Carter. Oxford St., lu'lgin Mills. “'2w42i 19218 CHRYSLER 8, needs new steer- ing column, make offer. Phone Kcn. drick, Richmond Hill IISTW. *lwiii FEDERAL TRUCK, panel body in excellent shape, good tircs, 10:;6, 11 good buv. $375.00. Apply ch Hill. Richmond Hill, phone 500 or 254. ’tf COAL OIL STOVE, 5 burner, large oven, black and white enamel, excell- ent condition, reasonable. Mrs. Jack Walker, phone King 73R. clw-lii WASHING MACHINE, Easy, green enamel; 4-burner electric stove, low oven. E. Lambert, Yongehurst Rd., phone Richmond Hill 3701'2. ’3’1w4ti 1935 FORD SPORT COUPE, radio and heater, new motor last year, $625.00. Apply David'Winger, Maple RR. 2, phone Maple 621'2‘2. =z=2w43 '5 SOWS, choice young Yorkshires; fresh cobbler potatoes. $1.50 per bag, without bags. Robt. Stonehouse, lot 8, con. 5, Markham. *1w43 ABOUT 30 BAG-s Kathadin potatoes, .seed or table size; table carrots. Ap- ply E. H. Willett, Stop 21 Yonge St. at end of lane. "‘2w43 ‘HAY MOWER; set of barrows; pow- er lawn mower; electric pump. Phone Harry Price, Richmond Hill 163. c1w43 AGE‘NT. for Mofi‘ats New Electric Range; also Essotane Gas Ranges and Electric Pails; 'Crossley Shelvador Refrigerators and Hinman Milkers. J. A. Rose, Maple, phone 34J. tfc38 )RNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails, fire doge, fire ’scceens, fire sets and acetylene weld- lag. Apply ’1‘. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Richvale. tfc35 PERIENNIAL ROOTS such as Cam- panula, delphiniums, Russell lupins; phlox; peonies; oriental poppies; py- rethruins, etc., 15c. to 250. per root. Phone Thornhill 2071‘21. tfc43 BEACH COAL & WOOD STOVE, Quebec heater; ice box, large; kitchen chair; ovenette, Ainco; dresser and bed; carpet sweeper; flower stand; pails and small chairs. Miss Johnâ€" ston, phone Thornhill 5J. c1w43 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds. aluminum or steel baked en- amel finish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. tfc32 NEARLY 50 YEARS with Straw- berries, having bred the new Coll- ossal, patented in the U.S.A. underhei-él, iINCOME TAX RETURNS. the name of Necterena and sold over 1/2 million plants the last 2 years at l Phone Maple (iii-Iii. \\'ASAGAmn-tho-riverfront. 2 cott« rooms l'tti'nishcd. ll_\'Cll(), deep well. boat. on large trcl‘d lot. Immediate possession, cheap. Phone Thornhil 24d. clw-IT'. FORMAN water pressure e'czii‘ pump almOst new; 30x12le plate glass acquariiim; 2 months old puppies. Ap- ply 4-1 Spruce Avc.. Richvaic, phone Richmond Hill 2348112. *"lw-li‘, 1948 DODGE SEDAN. low mileage: 1940 Chev. coach. good. Nelson lionc. 15 Centre St. E, Iichinond IIill. phone 21>; between 6 aiid T p.m. ‘ tic-III GUARANTEED new and used Sine-er sewing machines. Repairs to all makes. li‘rce estimatl s. Pick up and delivery. Apply Singer Sewing Ma- chine CO.. Newinarket. phone 1073. ‘ *2w43 ,___â€"__â€"__ SCREEN & COMBINATION DOORS inside panel or solid doors, Moulding. base board and inside trim run to your own specifications. Rear 19 Centre St. E., phone Richmond Hill 485. "‘1w4ii l Rcscrvc etc. ‘ MAPLE Monday. April 25 for the ciichic which is to be held in Yellorc Memorial Hall and which starts at ‘11).111. Everyone welcome. I’l'Of‘t‘CflS are in aid of the newly l'ornicd (Viili Pack of Tcsioll L’iiitcd (birch. Mr. :lll’l Mrs. Arthi2i' Wells are both dclcgaios to the Progressive ('onscri‘aiivo Association (‘onvcntioii at the Royal York on April 25. 20 and :17 when the new leader will be chosen for Ontario. liRO'iVNllCS Thcrc will hc an enrolment Apri’ 2511i :it i p.m. Ill the l’rcshyteriai‘ Sunday School room. All mothers are cordially invited to iittciid. SPRING TEA It's a dath \Vcdncsday. May ~lth. Spring Tea under the auspices of the \Vomon's Institute at the home oi Mrs. ,l:is. (lraingcr, Yongc St., .‘i to 5.3.1) p.m. Silver collection. clw4il RICHVALE Frcc Immunization for pre-school children will be held in the {ichvalc public school on Monday morning. April 25th at 8.30 o’clock. PROPERTY FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Noon May 2, 1949 for the purchase of Township Prop- erty in Unionville. Bids may be sub- mitted as follows: COCKSHUTT fertilizer seed drill in 1- For the Hall Building only- working order. Fleury Bissell large size manure spreader. good. Ialed hay, timothy and alfalfa: baled wheat straw. RR. 2. phone King 11r4. tfc43 .___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€" IRON BED, walnut finish, 3, size with springs and spring mattress; wall clock, 8 day, chimes. Mrs. G. L. Mitchell, Garden Avenue, Lang- staff. Stop 20 Yonge St., telephone Thornhill 71'12. *1’w43 ‘1931 FORD PANEL TRUCK, Owl; Phone Thornhill 1941'32. hauled motor, good condition, seal CLUCKING' HENIS beam lights, oversize tires, 550x19. Also" electric motor and pump comâ€" plete with belt and pulley. Church St., Richmond Hill after 5.30 p .in. Apply 58 YOUNG *1w43 cral Box 303. 2. For lot and building, exclusive of garage. Highest or any tender not necess- George McNair. Maple Mil.“ accepted- CHAS. HOOVER, Clerk, Twp. of Markham, Unionville. Ontario. WANTED MAN DESIRES WORK at odd jobs c2w42 immediately. Phone King 51'21 evenings. c2w43 GIRL would housework and live in. like general Apply Lib- *1w43 CHICK BUYING time is slipping by. SEVERAL GOOD LABORERS; also Bray has pullets. dayolds. and start- l-ngh carpenters. Apply on job, ed. Most prompt delivery on Leg- Thommp park, clw43 horns, Barred Rocks. New Humps, and NH. x B.R. And Chicks. order soon. er, Richmond Hill, phone 359121. MISCELLANEOUS SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 37215. tfc42 ITBEWOOD for the taking away of it. Apply 36 Centre St. W.. Richâ€" mond Hill, phone 398J. IF YOU GO TO BUSINESS AND Lamb. would like someone to do your wash- ing for you, write Box 21, The Libâ€" c1w43 If you $50.00 per thousand. 50,000 for saleineed help with your income tax re- here at $2.00 per hundred; also asâ€" paragus roots and raspberry canes. M. J. Johnson, John St., Thornhill. *ow-IO TRACTOR,DOUBLE DISC. new; 19 tooth tractor cultivator on rubber, new; 4 and 5 sections smoothing har- rows. new; 6-can cabinet milk cooler, 25 cycle, used; 16 tooth McCormick~ Dcering tractor cultivator. used; 13 disc Massey-Harris drill; 13 disc McD. fertilizer drill, :2 yrs. old. Apply Perkins Farm and Home Equipment, Richmond Hill, phone 21W. c2w43 YOU CAN BE CHOOSY in your chick buying even though it‘s April, and you’re busy. You can biiy Kit- chener Bigâ€"4 chicks without bother- ing to worry if they’re good or not. They’re Canada Approved, backed by a breeding program on their own farms covering 30 years. Let us book your order; pullets, cockerels, started. Wesley Clark, RR. 2 GOrm- ley. SUPPLY LT. Richmond Hill OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 WELCOME NOON”. BRIGHTEN me HOME '“5 W5 “0.000.990.000000090009000 ‘ OOO”OO””OO”OOOO Centre St. E.. Richmond Hill Phone 490: Nights and Holi- R I C E ’ 8 Flower Shop Cut Flowers Designs and Corsages Flowers For All Occasions Rear of Telephone Office days 4516 We Deliver OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOO’OO turn phone Richmond Hill 240M ev- enings. L. E. Watson. c2w43 CUSTOM PLOU‘GHING, discing. cul- tivating, tilling. W. H. Gooderham, 39 Elmwood Ave., Lansing, telephone Willowdale 2508. c28w43 BLOCK LAYING and brick laying “‘31- done, chimneys built. Ready to start work. Phone Thornhill 2281-21. c2w13l CUSTOM WORK DONE. ploughing, vital- cultivating and disking. H. Reulnan, 61,,43 Golf and Country Club. Butâ€" Fred Wise. Bray Brood- worker. outside work, good‘ wages, Phone Richmond Hill 451'25. tfc43' T-O RENT 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms in Richmond Hill or district. Apply phone Richmond Hill 453W. tfc4l HOUSE, 4, 5 or 6 rooms. Willing to rent farm house if available. Ap- ply phone Willowdale 910, reverse charges. *1w43 CADDIES can apply now at Summit Fees: A See Mr. c2w43 class 31.00; B class 750. GOOD RELIABLE MAN wanted for general construction work, good wages. no experience necessary. Phone Richmond Hill 36815. c1w43 PIANO â€" Upright. any make, phone Kenwood 9264 Toronto or write A. Cowal, 89 Montrose Ave., Toronto. *4w40 WANTED TO RENT house or apâ€" artment, 2 children in Richmond Hill or vicinity. Apply Box 3, The Lib« *2w42 WANTED TO RENT, house or three rooms, transportation near. Mrs. Maude Constable, Alliston. Ont. Hes- *2w-1'2 . . . . HO‘Y ABOUT THOSE HENS that ETPOkSI‘lt“ _3_E‘l§'_l,n MIHS' have stopped laying. Highest prices Kmnom 1 “'1"‘)' paid. Bring them in or phone King PAINTING CONTRACTORS, swing 55"“,- W- S; Appleton, Oak Ridges stage, industrial. residential. W. J. (’radmg Statmn- “909 Smith & Sons, Toronto Mu 7092 or GIRL» OR WOMAN for routine Richmond Hill 341316. "-1w41 PLASTERING, first class workman- ship. Will give estimates. Adaii Pohl. Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 346121. *25w41 morning tasks, no laundry work or waxing. Mon., Tues, Wed, weekly, 9-12, 50c. an hour. Mrs. Lloyd Hill. phone Richmond Hill 194. clw43 2 QUIET LADIES, total abstainers, FOUNDATION TO ROOF, complete Ijequil'e flat or 2 or 3 rooms, imâ€" in every detail, skilled labour, crew ready to start. Gardner Construction. Aurora. phone 72 The Liberal- 555W'. *4w42 iiirnished preferred. vicinity Thorn- F].ee estimates given. hill, close to Yonge St. Apply Box c1w43 2 MORE MEN for woodworking LAWN MOWERS and Saws Shay-pen- shop, experience preferred, but abil- ed: folding lawn chairs made: inside panel doors. burg. 11 Richmond S., Richmond Hill. phone 392W. tfc42 CUSTOM ROTARY TILLING. Have your land completely prepared by the new scientific one op-iat'o“. method. ity and desire to learn acceptable. Apply (‘_ B_ Stmlem Apply rear 19 Centre St. E., Rich- mond Hill. TOTRENT 5‘ 1 w 4 3 BATHROOM FLAT consisting of two ' .‘i,. r, i _I 1': ‘., pi‘dnlflgltfdhnhillll 2:3,}? \ l " lover rooms, furnace and all conven- ' icnces. also garage. Business or pRUXING‘ g,.aftin,_,._ Spraying. It middle aged couple preferred. Phone willl pay you to have your trees pro- Thornhill 2071'21- “C43 oer y pruned and swayed this year. C. L. Ix'nappet, phonic 45125 Richmond BATHROOM FLA-T' two rooms to Hm. “Wm let furnished, middle aged couple preferred, reduced rent for light IF rm: wANT To DRINK and can 591“'i<'0-‘~ Apply P- 0- BOX w that's your business. If you want {u'lmmnd Hm. iiiz‘v‘lo to stop and can‘t A that‘s our bus- iness. Alcoholics Anonymous. Ap» ply Box 300, The Liberal.~ "23w;.-l A LI. KINDS I’I'RNITL'Rl-l repairs. upholsrerine‘. cabinet work. woud carving. ICstiiiiatcs e'ivcn. N. S. \‘onDykc. 1L"; Hunt Ave. Richmond Hill. tfc “E DAVID McLEAN SEIL REAL ESTATE PIANO TUNING and Repairing S. Hoffman Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed â€" Free Estimates Phone Liberal Ofi'ice. Tel. 9, Richmond Hill Wâ€"fi OMOWOWOM” RELIABLE USED CARS $1575.00 1017 FORD SI'PER DELI'X (‘LI'B (‘Ol'I’E (3 Passenger). lleiitcr. good value. $1425.00 loll; FORD DELl‘X TI'DOR, Ilcaicr LITTLE BROTHERS Ford & Monarch Sales & Service Phone 174 Richmond Hill”... 00.00060006099000060606609900600.6096669 OOOOOOOO09009000OQOOOOOOOQOOOOOONOOOOO ' WEED CONTROL IN ONION PO .seed Good weed control in onions was obtained without injury to the seedâ€" lings in 10-18 at the Dominion l‘ixâ€" pcriincntal Station. Harrow. Ont.. by Auto spraying thc onion rows with Cyanide. A demonstration and with fifty NIGHTLY â€" ‘7 plot was sprayed the rule Oi her set up twice OI row s onions I'0\\'.\' \\'(‘I'L' (‘yanatc at gallons per acre. were left nnspraycd. The were cultivated between the but there was no hand weeding. During the season few weeds appeared in the sprayed rows. The rows SUIIIL‘ Acro M A R- K H A M l'0\\'\’ only a ‘017/9" i DELIGHT! not sprayed mass of weeds including lzimb's ]ll:ll‘t(‘l‘, pigwccd. piirslaiic, shep- herd's piirsc. cinqucfoil and ragweed. The chemical was sprayed on seed- ling onions, two to three inches tall. in a one per cent solution. It was also sprayed on set onions and on mother bulbs for seed production in No developed a one and two per cent solutions. liriiiry resulted from the spray. A thousand foot row was sprayed in the middle of a grower's field of onions on two occasions. This row was freer of weeds than the other rows which had been cultivated fre- quently. DD’I' AND lIONEYlIEES MIIlllllltT I'wnllg '. BURL IVES - IEUlAH IONDI "All" ("Hi lUANl PAH!” and 803“ DIISIOLI ' ; 0' colonial TECHNICOLOR hicch through “0 Radio Plum". In: Drum by - MAIN “HUSH! Experiments which began in 1946 to check the effect of DDT on honey- bees, have been continued at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. These were made by spraying apple trees, the blossoms of which were being worked by bees, with a heavy DDT spray. An‘other group of colâ€" onies was established well the area to act as checks. At no time during the experiment was the (loath rate of adult bees. or of brood, any higher than that which occurred in the check apiary, and in only one sample was DDT found in sufficient quantity to be suspected as the cause‘ of death. The experiment was rather drastic because the sprays were applied while the trees were in full bloom and bees worked the sprayed blos- soms even while they were still wet. Under normal conditions, no spray would be applied during the period of open bloom. The results indicate beyond doubt that under normal field conditions DDT is not hailinful to honeybees. SUPERMAN CHAPTER No. 3 Matinee only). beyond SEED POETOES Disease encountered in fields of potatoes for certification was quite low in 1948, and for Canada as a whole the acreage passing in- spection in 1948 was 57,152 acres against 53,448 acres in 1947. New Brunswick acreage was increased by 4,000 acres, Prince Edward Island by 200 acres, and British Columbia by 560 acres. Acreage in most other provinces declined somewhat. THE SOLDIER’S HOME? A soldier brave his service gave, A tiger in the fight, But bless his soul, if home‘s his goal He‘s- in a sorry plight. O‘er and flood, through DILLI and blood, He’s a part of the brigade, But when it’s done and victory's won. Then gold is on parade. land The snobs deride his pretty bride, They sit upon the fence, Both night and day, they plan and . pray, But it’s too much expense. INCUT! COMPLETE! THREE HOUR They’re not allowed, the cruel proud. Has put them on defence, The powers that be, demand that be Erect a false pretense. EACH NIGHT- AT - I" :1: But woe betide the happy bride, 6.12) p.m. She figures up the rent, On scanty dole, to meet the whole And be therewith content. Let’s help the lady for it is sad The hero to defeat, This foolish fad is only bad, It's but a Selfish cheat. â€" E. A. W. Beemer OWWQHOOOOOMOONOMMO 0.0096000960090090”.OOOOOOOOOONONWOO O UCHRE &? DANCE OLDE TYME and MODERN Wednesday, April 27 Lawrence Memorial Hall STOP 17, THORNHILL I . ~ RICHVALE REVELLER a Featuring BILL HOLLOWELL AND HIS PIANO . 2 Lucky Number Prizes 2 1st prize, 1 ton of coal, courtesy Thornhill Coal Co. 2nd prize, $5.00 service order. Courtesy of Hillcrest Sales & Service, 5063 Yonge St., phone 2877 Will. __4 Proceeds in aid of East Vaughan Community Hall ECCHRE AT 8.30 SHARP GOOD PRIZES ADI‘v‘IISSION 30 Cents 9000000000.09000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO09000OO0.000000NOMOOOW”OOOOOOOOOOOOO :9MONOONOWO00060006000OOOOOOONOOOO”NOMO . Doors open 6.30 p.m. Two COMPLETE SHOWS i“ and 9 p.m. Matinee Saturday 2.00 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 21, 22, 23 WALT DISNEY'S ' so iiiiliii i0 -. 5531:“ RongLand others! Severn Play by John Tuclu hill. ’ Adapionon by Mow-n Rap! and led Soon Vifmm Ihc Slay by Sud-nu Noun Plus a .Ioe McDoakes Comedy and Latest World News (Starting this week Superman will be shown Saturday , 5 Glorious Days! Monday to Friday April 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th HERE A'T REGULAR PRICES INTAC'I‘! ROAD SHOW! TWO PERFORMANCES DOORS OPEN AT 6.00 P.l\':.‘ DAYLIGH’I‘ SAVING TIME § § § 9.15 p.m. § § i l LIBERAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS GET‘ RESULTS . 0.00090.00000000000”M”OMOM”O”OO”.0.6”...”000000060090900

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