Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1949, p. 1

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:00.”OOOOOOOOoflOOQ~¢¢QOMOOOOO§OOQOO¢””OOOWOO: The Willowdale Division, part oflduéfifg the Canadaâ€"wide Sea Cadet move-liong p4 ment, instructs cadets in certain drillers phases of naval .activities. There is site_ a trump-ct band for those musically prep inclined and sports for all. An out- install standing activity of the Corps Is the' ment 2 summer camp, 'which this year will is exp be held from July 4th to July 18th. compie Atfiendance at camp is voluntary and three 1 no expense on the part of parents The is involved. minim Naturally, being a Navy organi- minute gooooooovooqoovoo : woooooo‘wo09999099990999.0990» O: Navy Discipline and Training Aid Local Boys Citizenship b’evvn local boys are serving in the Sea Cua'dct band, and approxim- ately twenty from the district, are members of the Corps. rch uuwle every Tuesday even- cspccmlly then‘ (1051 country in a possil â€"- by joining the Sea Cadet Corps. I‘ncv uumrle every Tuesday even- ing {vith the Willowduale Diwswn named R.C.S.CC. Ontario, and 211211â€" er at Armour Heights Public Sc‘mol. .The Navy League has chartered a bus from Langdon’s Coach Lines which transports the cadets to and from their parades. seafaring mattcx their desire to so ma TH E HOME [’AI’ER le tim Royal ()l qgltc :1 Indicate SINCE 1878 I've a H mg way nui‘noer (1 their - and their need .1dizm DISTRICT The new village well is now pro- ducing" -a flow of ithree hundred gval- Ions: per minute of clear water and drillers are preparing to leave the site. er having had a Sea Cadet appear in Juvenile Court and the training and discipline which is given the lads. who are ages fourteen to eigh- teen is fitting them to become the. best type of citizen. ‘ 'Boys interested in joining the Sea Cadets can secure full informationl from Chief Petty Officer vBill Zue- felt, Richmond Hill 92J, 01' Lt. Gen. Hart, Richmond Hill 278R, who will be glad to give all details. I Preparations are being made to install permanent pumping equip- ment. and to build ‘a pump house. It is expect-ed that this work will: be completed within 'the next two 01' three months. NEW WELL IS PRODUCING AMPLE FLOW ('LEAR WATER zafcion, a high standard of discipline is demanded of cadets. The Navy League has the pi'qud rgcqrd of nev- The original contract called for a minimum fldw of 150 gallons per Markham Township Council Approves Factory Erection Council was advised that the De- partment of Highways had given ap- proval to the 1949 road budget 0f 5.3.000. Last yean"s budget amount- ed to 360.000. the increase this year being caused by the purchase of new equipment. It is _ not anticipated that the whole of the budget will be used but the figure has been set to provide for contingencies on account of growth. Three years ago the township road budget was only 133140.000. The in- crease has been brought about be- cause of the provision of adequate equipment and the rapid growth of township population. Figures indicate the %rowth which has taken place. In May. 1948, there were 596 mower consumers of all classes in Richmond Hill. By March 3lst this year the number had in- creased +0 637 a growth of 41 in ten months. Luncheon tables were decorated in Institute colours, blue and gold, and Mrs. Norman McCullough, president, occupied the chair. The birthday cake made by Mrs. V. Orr was cut by Mrs. W. T. Cook of Richmond Hill, who was first sec- retary of the Maple W. I. Members amswei‘ed roll lcall by stating the number of years they had been memâ€" bers of the blianch, which is the fourth of the 1,300 branches of the Women’s Institute to celebrate a fif- tieth anniversary. Representatives from the Edgeley, King and Vellore branches were present. Address on Holland An illustrated addreSS on Holland was given by Mrs. Anna P. Lewis, Director of the Women‘s Institute Branch and Home Economics Ser- vice. who attended the Amsterdam Conference two years ago. . Markiha-m Township councillors, with Reeve Vern Griffin in the chair held a “clean-up" meeting on Friday, April 22nd, and gave approval to an application for authority to build a new factory at Steele’s rand Yonge, subject to building regulations, etc. ’Ilbe local Hydro set-up is 'very busy. savs Manager Roy. Many new installations have been made recent- ly and it is expected that the num- ber will increase materially on ac- count of the large building program in the district. Sixty years‘ continuousoecupancy of one seat in the same church must be a record or near record. 'Credit for it goes to one of Richâ€" mond Hill’s oldest and best known i'eSIdents, Joseph A. Monkman, who will celebrate his 77th birthday on Friday. April 29. Mr. Monkman has attended the Presbyterian church for the greater part of his life and dur- ing the entire period has occupied not only the same pew, but also the same scat in that pew. The proposed factory, it is stated, will be erected by a boat manufac- turer and will take the form of a building sixty by eighty feet. Ten to twelve hands will 'be employed in- itially. Former Councillor 77 Next Saturday Maple Branch, Women’s “Institute Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversary Two persons who had been mem- bers for fifty years continuously, Mrs. H. C. ‘Bailey and Mrs. Joshua Manning, were presented with pins and life memberships. Presentations were made by Mrs. B. O. Nixon and addresses read by Mrs. M. Palmer. Greetings were? receiveEl from Hon. '1‘. Kennedy, Premler of Ontano; 60 Cycle Change Likely To Occur ln Fall Of 1950 Some surveys in connection with the big job have already been com- pleted, he states. First area in the province to be affected by the Chang-cover will be Scarboro, w-here conversion is sched- uled to take place this fall. Eight past presidents and thirteen )ast secretaries were present when the Maple branch, Women’s Insti- tute, celebrated its fiftieth anniver- sary at Maple, with ninety-five in attendance at a luncheon. Born at York Mills. Mr. Monkman afterwards fiarmed at Richval‘e, on property which is now being built up rapidly. He has lived in Rich- mond Hill for the last thirty-six years and served for twelve years on the village council. After giving up farming he engaged in the building business and in recent years has been associated with Shepherd and Gill. Mr, and Mrs. Monkman, who celâ€" Change from 25 cycle to 60 cycle is likely to take placo, in Richmond Hill in the fall of 1950, states L. J. Roy, local manager of the Hydroâ€" Eleotric Power Commission. “In'msentials, Unity; )n Non-Essentials RICHMOND HILL. ONT, THURSDAY year? it was nature in the r: with the human touch which made so attractive, and you could do too if you only tried, how about â€"Have you always been an ‘a' ran’ in previous shows? Then t is vour year. for if You read the b letins carefully you will see 1 classes arranged specially for 3" so fake advantage of it, will you This is your Richmond Hill H1 ticultul'al Society, make use of it supporting it and come to the D; fodi] Show. with thal’. Daffodil fe ing that God’s in HIS heaven. 3 right with the world. Mrs. John Snider. Thistletown, Dis- trict President of the W.I.; Mrs. E. Harris of Maple, District Secretary, and from many neighbouring bran- ches. Demonstrations of spinning and weaving were given by Mrs. Charles Agnew, assisted by Mrs. Ella Whiteniore, both of Edgeley. Solos were given by Mrs. F. S. Rumble and Mrs. Roy Fierheller, with Mrs. Wm. Noble-as accompanist. Ar vote of thanks to all who had coâ€"operated to make the occasion the sucé‘eSs it was was moved by Mrs. V. ‘Payne. The past presidents 'who were present were: Mrs. H. C. Bailey; Mrs. J. Manning; Mrs. M. Palmer; Mrs. P. White; Mrs. Dorothy Smith; Mrs. A. E. Snider; Mrs. N. Payne; Mrs. N. McCullough. Unable to be present were Mrs. J. B. McLean, ,Mrs. T. F. Jackson, Mrs. C. Y. Robeson. ’Past secretaries in attendance at the luncheon were: Mrs. W. T. Cook; Mrs. Wm. Curts. “141's. Russel Rum- ble, Mrs. \Vm. Oliver, Mrs. Ross An- derson, Mrs. 'G. W. Matheson, Mrs. J. Manning. Mrs. Roy Fierheller. Mrs. 0. Allen, Mrs. George Lloyd, Mrs. H. Todd, Mrs. F. ‘8. Rumble, Mrs. J. Leece. Mrs. J. McMahon and Mrs. T. \F. Jackson were unable to be present Horticultural Highlights Noted Psychologist Will Address Next Get-together 0f Lions Club Guest speaker at the next meeting of the Richmond Hill Lions ‘Club will be Kenneth H. Rogers of Toronto, who, before joining,tl1e Ontario So- ciety for Crippled Children, was for thirteen years Executive Secretary of the Big Brother movement of Toronto. Mr. Rogers was formerly full-time lecturer in ‘Psycholagy rat the Un- iversity of Toronto and was part-time The luncheon was held on the same premises as the first meeting of the Maple branch of the W. I. fifty years I320. Psychologist of the} Juvenile Court for some years. For, four years he was director of the Mental Hygiene Clinic at the Infant’s ‘Home in Tor- onto. He received his Master of Arts degree from Toronto University in 1928 and his Ph. D. degree in 1933. ebrated their golden wedding five years ago, lost their oldest son in the First Great War, in which he served with the Oai‘iadian Mounted Rifles. Joining in the birthday cel- ebrations will be their other son. Russell, of Richmond Hill, and their daughter, Mrs. Harry Bourne, who liv-es at Elgin Side Road and Bath- urst Street§ Same Premises M r. Kenneth ' H. Rogers mm ml that Mrs. J. P. Wi1~ the Fall Show last nature in the raw touch which made it hherty.’ In All Things, Charity an ‘a'lso Then this ‘Hot Daf bul- the YOU. feel all’: (\I’RIL 28, 1949 and Forests has annoux fishing becomes legal M GR lrother movement Mr.) Rogers was u special lecturer at the University of Toronto, Department of Univer- sity Extension and, for four years, Consultant I’schologist to the Pro- testant Children's Home. A member of the Lions Club of Toronto, (Central) he was Deputy District Governor of Lions Interna- tional one year and chairman of the Board of Governors for District A, which includes Ontario and Quebec. The list of committees and boaras on which Mr. Rogers has served is a lengthy one. He was one of the three persons who prepared a report on “A plan for reduction of juvenile delinquency in Toronto," which was requested by the City Council in 1943. In addition he was chairman, National Committee of Big Brothers and Big Sisters of United States and Canada, 1939-1940; member, Nation- al Personnel Committee for Y. M. Wet streets and the old car tracks combined caused sei’ious injuries to George Mlai'g'ei-ulm, Oak Ridges, when his car went out of control at the north end of the village on April 22nd. :I‘ROL‘T FISHING TO OPEN DAY AHEAD OF MAY 151‘ Just because May 151; falls on a. Sunday this year it won’t be necess- ary for fishing enthusiasts to spend the week-end waiting anxiously for Monday morning. I The speckled trout season will open on the morning .of April 30th, the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests has announced. Pickerel Margerum was alone in the car at the time of the aceident, which took place at 5 p.m. The vehicle, an old model Plymouth, smashed head on into a 'tree on .the east side of the street and was extensively damaged. So severe was the impact that parts of the car were imbedded in the tree. A freak feature of the accident was the fact .that, when his head was smashed against the windshield, Margerum‘s hair and scalp Were caught so tightly by the shattered glass that the hair had to be out be- fore he could be removed. Sund ary 1 the V Monc C. A. War Services, 1941-1945; vice- clrairman, National Advisory Council of Service Clubs of Canada, 1943- 1946; member, Social Problems Com- mittee, Youth Services Department, Community Chest of Greater Toron- to, 1948-11949; chairman, Recreation Committee. Town of Leaside, 1947- 1948; chairman, Division of Delin- quency and crime, IOanadiian Welfare Council, 1940 to the present; mem- ber, Board of Governors, Canadian Welfare Council, 1940 to the pres- ent; member, special committee on Sex Offenders, Canadian Penal As- sociation, etc. ‘ Taxpayers Approve Steele’s Corners School Site Deal One of these days shortly Village Clerk Russell Lynett will probably be the best customer of Richmond Hill Post Office for the day. Re- cipients of his letters, however, will not be particularly pleased to hear from him as the envelopes which he will send out will contain their anâ€" nual tax bills. bills are now under preparation and are expected to reach taxpayers shortly. Now assistant to the executive director of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children. Mr Rogers has had over forty of his articles and reports in the fields of psychology. boys’ work and social work publish- ed. Noteworthy are two books en titled "Boys are worth itfl’ and “Street gangs in Toronto.” ‘Final approval of a site for a new school to serve the southern end of the new-was given-fiyzrractapayers :of Union School Section No. 1 of Markâ€" ham Iand Vaughan at a meeting 'held at ’Dhornhill. By a unanimous vote the trustees were authorized to proâ€" ceed with negotiations for a four- acre site, part of the Franceschini farm. lying- on the west side of Yonge Street, about one thousand feet in and a; quarter mile north of Steele's Corners. OAK RIIJGES MAN INJURED IN RICHMOND HILL CRASH “T‘héfiaooirdentr victim was removed to Toronto General Hospital. VILLAGE CLERK PREPARING MOST I‘NWELCOME MAILING G. A. \Crutcvher of Thornhill acted as chairman of the meeting- and the report of the trustees of the section was presented by Fred Ovax'bury, their chairman. Present plans call for the erection of a flour room school. It will be the first new school or extension in the district since 1921?. and is de- signed to serve the u'apidly grow- ing population in the southern por- tion of the section. \SS FIRE CONTROLLED hmond Hill firen unce during the bemg :sal-nett The b peedily ace an were 0 uast “Leek, ;s fire at south of 3 brought st falls on a n’t be necess~ asts to spend anxiously for 14th Financial Position [3 Strong Markham Two. Statement Shows The Township of Markham finan- cial statement for 1948, recently re- leased by the auditors. shows the township to he in an extremely fa- vounable financial position. Particularly notable is the fact that, outside of school debentures, the township has a debenture debt of only $1,061.48, covering the Elm- wood Park Waterworks. This (le- Reporting the sale of two houses and a number of building lots in recent days.R. H. Kane, local realtor, states that a distinct shortage in desirable building lots is becoming apparent.‘ honturc is 1955. ADemand for small properties of one and two acres is heavy, says Mr. Kane, with demand far exceeding What are you doing nowadays? Trying to earn an honest living. Well you certainly won’t have much competition, taining a sum of money, and other sundry items? Apparently hidden in a bush on Mill Street, the property was found by a boy who turned it over to P. C. Frank Moore and is now in his pos- session at the Municipal Ofl’ice, where the loser may obtain it by proving ownership. DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS SCARCE, SAYS R. H. KANE Kane, supply Penalties and interest on tax arrears Provincval Subsidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dog vtaxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provincial grant re direct relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘Pheaeant licenses Pool room license Police court fines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tliornliill for services, 11/2 mills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building permits ‘ Sundry income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Ilhornhill, share of charity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provincial highway' subsidy including adjustment .of estimate, iConsideration was given by Coun- cil to a dnaft agl'eement prepared by Melville Grant, township solicitor, and covering occupation of temporary buildings while houses are under construction. In cases where per- sons wish to reside in such teihpor- ‘ary buildings or basements they must new post a cash bond of $300 with the township, such deposit be- ing refundable when, in the opinion of the council, construction of a permanent building has reached a satisfactory stage. Following its meeting of April 19, the townsmp council inspected town- ship roads. Who lost, a fishing line, a Boy Scout knife, half a dozen packages of seeds, together with .a wallet cpn- 3lst Decerfiber 1947, lessucredited t6 Thdrnhill Surplus, county uates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Surplus, sale of real estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charity and relief Less sundry receipt Fir-e costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bounty and game ,wardens‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special re CJP.R. warning sign-a] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . :. Sundry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Township hall and office building expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . Hospitalization, 1055 refunds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . Legal and law enforcement costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Printing and stationery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Road department expenditure, net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries and allowances (excluding Road department) but includ- Residents of ‘Spruce, Oak and Ed- gar Avenues, Richvale, may have their streets oiled under certain con- ditions, members of Vraug'han Town- ship Council decided at a meeting held recently. Township Clerk J. M. McDonald was instructed to notify all persons owning property on the above-men- tioned streets that on receipt of re- quests irom 66% of the property owners representing at least 50% of the assessed value the Council would proceed with the work if prop- erty owners agreed to pay five mills additional on their taxes. Estimated cost of the oiling is $590. per mile for a road with a twenty foot driving surface, and 10% less for a road with a driving surface of 18 ft. MONEY AND VARIED ITEMS FOL'NI) HIDDEN 0N MILL S'l‘. Election Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Board of Health and Public Health Nurse Less receivable, Markham Village . . . . . Will Oil Richvale Roads If Owners Request and Pay Township Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . .... Loss credited to Unionvill‘e being fire costs Included 11] township rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ing‘ a provision for Planning Board Sheep killed by dogs, net . . . . . . . . . . . Wuri'te-ofl' taxes . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Additional provision for unpaid bax‘cs Sundry grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interest and collcction charges . . . . . V xcess of incoifiémo‘Q'rei" 'éifbéfiflituie 'fdr fear Less credited t6 Thornhill Waterworka This dc- l‘c‘tirable from 1949 to ADVERTISING IN EXPENDITURE GETS RESULTS THE LlBERAL INCOME School debentuu'cs, which of course are covered by assessment on the school sections involved, and are only a secondary liability on the part of the township, amount to $73,661.04. A surplus of $7,658.72 marked 19-18 operations. income for the year being H103,215.1‘.) and expenditures $95,556.47. The auditor’s statement of 1948 income and expenditures follows: Later M. K. Miller, chairman of trustee: for the village of Maple, as- sumed the chair. After some dis- cussion the meeting approved the establishment of a subsidiary board of nine members. Twenty nominations were received and, after- considering these, the three village trustees directed that another meeting be arranged for Monday. Mav 11, at which elections would be held. l’l("l‘l‘RES TO EDUCATE PUBLIC SCHOOL PUPILS IN ACCIDENT PREVENTION Before going on their holidays pu- pils of Richmond Hill Public School will be given additional instruction designed to ensure their safety dur- ing the summer months. Plans are being madc by Principal W. 'Scott to stage showings of spec- ial films developed by the Ontario Safety League which will point out to the children the hazards which they face, and methods of avoiding accidents. Maple Village To Have Subsidiary Planning Board Reeve John Hostrawser was in the chair and briefly outlined the need of planning -and controlling develop- ment in municipalities as recognized and sponsored by the Provincial Government. Activities of the Vaughan Planning Board for the past nine months were reviewed briefly by Mrs. Thomas Kefi'er, chairman. ‘ It was recommended that a sub'- sidiary planning board for the vill- age of Maple be established, in or- der to assist the township planning board in controlling development in and around Maple. 1By-laws already enacted controll- ing the erection of dwellings and the sale of Land were explained to those present. ... “ .. . . v . . . - n. K. L. Miller, George Sanderson, Hal'- 1'y Chapman and others expressed their' views regarding the desirabil- ity of regulating development in and about the village by -a local board. Nine Member Board Pointing out that his school now has over four hundred pupils, Mr. Scott says_ that it is possible that two showings of the films may be given in order to ensure that all children see them effectively. He anticipates that the film will be shown during June, prior to the children leaving on their holidays, because at that time the risks of ac- cident are intensified. ' Dr. F. W. Routley, William Ste- phens (former Reeve of Etobicoke Township), Willis Maclglohlan, M. The Planning; Board and Council of'tlie Township of Vaughan met with approximately one hundred res- idents of the village of Maple in the Masonic Hall on Monday, April 25. Reeve John Hostrawser was in the chair and briefly outlined the need 5,996.61 198,59 3,356.48 181.99 2,489.70 550.44 $103,215.19 $103,215.19 55,813.18 938.25 62,298.95 31.804‘42 1,610.02 20.00 N0. 44 11,434.35 355.50 57.91 1,000.00 365.00 422.77 95,556.47 7',658.7® 1,282.92 1,324.50 4.00 49.83 247.89 1.093.010 149.00 90.10 3,174.49 3,811.42 585.89 889.02 354.43 2,124.28 5,798.02 2,900.00 830.67 4,460.73 1,209.65 1,939.26 242.15

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