Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1949, p. 2

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VOOQOOWOOWOM”OOWN9OOOOOQ“069000” OQOOOé =.. 09009900000099.9099.cowoooouoomooooooooo00009 ; PHONE â€"- THORNHILL 256W ' =IllllllllllllnlIll-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII § . Phone Richmond Hill .‘H‘lr‘l, g «0omowomoooumooomovwwmoooooooooooa.“ ¢ Wuowooooooooouooooowoo0.000990000099093 _I--III-III-IIIIIIII-IHIIIIIlI-IIIIIIIIA MASTER CALF STARTER GROWER TOWING PrafitableDairyCows RE-ROOFING 18 Elizabeth St l2 Wellington St TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH, & GARFAT Funerul Designs â€" Wedding Bouquets ()ur Sept-in!” ' Mixed Bouquets .2,- (fity. and' Suburban Delivery THE LIBERAI Slow Battery Charging and Réntals GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES LANGSTAFF SERVICE STATION More Essential Now Than Ever Du. to yearn of cultivation and growing of crops the soil becomes depleted of many neceunry minerals, etc" consequently many grains do A A . . . ‘7 ‘ V . C. RIDDELL It is a properly balanced calf feed in a very appetizing form that will grow stronger, healthier calves. No milk is necessary af- ter 6th week. Raise your next calf on MASTER CALF STARTER GROWER. You will be pleasant- .ly surprised with the results. Flowers wired anywhere Ehzm INSURANGE RICHVALE. FLORIST HERBERT R. BUTT INSUL BRICK SIDING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Insulating CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, We specialize in re-roofing, Order early to avoid disappointment Telephone Thornhill 161'2 Licensed Mechanics District Representative RICHMOND HILI, Richmund 11111, Thursday, Am DEPENDABLE Toronto SERVICE LIMITED This is one reason for the need of flip lemenlary feeds to make I pr0< per y balanced ration for dairy cowu. 1'10: cémain' Hdequite nut'ritine value. You can't get milk withom feed. The more a cow will eat the more milk you will get. But the feed must be properly balanced and contain the necessary amounts of vitamins and mineral: as well I! proteins and car- bohydralu. in (‘anzul LUBRICATION and Phone AD. 0467 Telephone 25-11 1.949 The man who put.this continent â€" and a great deal of the rest of the world â€" 0n wheels had as his original concept the mass production of a car.which, by virtue of price and quality. could put cheap and easy transportation within the reach of all. His successors appear to have gone to the opposite extreme. It is high time that they returned to some of the principles of an earlier day and placed product. both with regard to original cost and c0st of operation. in easy reach of all. The elimination of the unnecessary frills of today might 2‘3 far in achieving this. We repeat that it is to be hoped that th0 definite stand taken by both the big Canadian and U. S. motor- is‘th" Ol‘OanlzathnS \Vi“ haYe a Considerable t t: C True or not, many people have believed for years that the ‘major purpose of the continual change of style in motor car de- sign has been to make last year’s model a “back number” \and, by trading on the desire to “keep up with the Jones’s,” ensure a continuous demand for the later models. In' all fairness it must be admitted that mechanical and other improvements have been constantly introduced. But we find it difficult to believe that the costly glitter which embellishes today’s ;new car makes for a more road-worthy vehicle. It strikes us as window-dress- ing gone ,crazy. Once upon a time a damaged radiator was a comparatively minor affair. Today’s elaborate grill~work now puts it in the “major operation” ‘class. One has only to watch a mechanic practically have to dismantle a body in order to make a minor engine adjustment to marvel at the designing genius which was devoted to this variety of the “playing hard-to-get" game. The great majority .of motorists and most car dealers will join heartily in endorsation 0f the Ontario Motor League’s stand. It‘ is to be hoped that the long-overdue expression of opinion.on the part of those who. in the final analysis, pay the bills will have some considerable effect in halting the present trend. The fact that a similar stand has been taken by the big and powerful American Automobile Association gives some hope that car builders may see the light. ‘ Many valid reasons were advanced by ‘delegates in support of their objections to the present trend. Added unnecessary cost of new cars, greatly augmented repair blllS, fragile construc- tion, increased insurance rates, were all targets of the League’s members. 1 On May 7th the annual tag day in aid of the blind will be held in Richmond Hill. Perhaps it is a little early to mention it, but if the extra time results in a little extra co-operation â€" if that grudging nickel can, by a little forethought and perhaps a little sac1‘ifice,- be turned into a quarter, then it is not too early- - The Good Book says: “The people that sat in darkness have seen a great light.” 1 Those who sit'in"physical darkness all their days can see a great light too â€"~ the light that will come intoshutâ€"ofic lives because their fellow citizens, known and unknown, stretch out a helping hand to them through the gloom and, by their contri- butions. help them across their road of loneliness and suffering. Condeming “the extravagant body styles and designs which add little or nothing but a heavy burden on the owner” delegates to the recent annual meeting of the Ontario Motor League gave expression, in emphatic manner, to their resentment against the “fuss and feathers” with which today’s manufacturers are smothering their cars. The resolution which was adopted is similar in character to one recently sponsored by the American Automobile Association. They are not beggars â€"â€" these blind compatriots of ours. They (‘lQ not sit at home and mourn their infirmity. By and large they exhibit a degree of initiative. a determination to make the most of life, that would be a credit to men and women with- out ‘any disability at all. But they do need help to help them- selves. well familiar objects will move from their places to trip y you try to find your way to the opposite vall. Carry your experiment a step further. Close your and, hard as it may be. force yourself to keep them closed a try to move around the well-known place you call “home.” What is the purpose of this experiment. Simply to dem- onstrate to yourself. for a few minutes only, what it is like to live and move and having your being without the blessing of sight. ~And, in turn. to cause you to ‘open your heart and purse to those who must forever walk without. the light of day â€" the blind of Canada. “Styling” Gone Crazy slblo Try it. You will be confused well familiar objects will move fro you try to find your way to the op] Carry your experiment a sis There's an old Chinese proverb which says that a picture is worth a thousand words. By the same token, sometimes a simple demonstration is ten times as effective as a long harangue. An experiment we have in mind is simple. and cheap. It is one which 'an be tried by every citizen of Richmond Hill and vicinity. ’ 21TH] IVOl‘Sill‘y In celebrating its fiftieth anniversary recently members of the Maple branch of the Women's Institute indicated decisively that their interest had not weakened with the passingr of the years and that, as far as they were concerned, the outstanding work done by Women‘s Institutes everywhere would continue to receive their hearty support. . Of thirteen hundred branches of the W. 1., Maple was the fourth to celebrate half a century of existence. It is interesting to note that two members present had been associated with the branch for its entire life. To them and to the officers and members who have piayed their part in making,r the Maple Women’s Institute what it is today, we extend our heartiest congratulations on their ‘fiftieth Bring Them The Light An association which exists for fifty years must haVe some- thing pretty solid in its make-up and ideals to enable it to con- tinue its uninterrupted service to a community for that long period. And when, at the end of that period, there is no sign of weakening but, instead, a determination to outdistance past performances it speaks well for the leadership which has been given and the support of the membership. ELECTRIC WIRING and REPAIRS RICHMOND HILL ELECTRICAL SHOP Tongratulations 10- Maple W. It merely involves going all the lights â€" bringing: GILSON HOT AIR FURNACES AND OIL BURNERS An Independent Weekly â€" Established 1878 Subscription Rate, $2.00 per year; To the United States Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher 82 YONGE â€" PHONE 296W ves going into a room at night and turning brmging into being the utmost darkness pos- “THE LIBERAL” Even in a room you know places to trlp you as Close your eyes 21S YOU IIIIIWQIIIIIIIIIIIII 2nd Concession Whitchurch 1'; miles north of Lake Wilcox (III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII FIREWOOI). POSTS. POLES On your Lumber Needs Buy Direct from the Mill ROUGH & DRESSED HARDWOOD 8; SOFTWOOD LUMBER Miss Pauline Barley spent the holidays with Miss Joan Barrett. Mr. -and Mrs son of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Dean. Miss Velma Bh‘illinger of Gran:â€" ‘tham, Penna., and Miss Mildred Bril- ling‘er of Fort Erie spent last week end in their home here. Mr. and Mrs. L. GroJer.’ gm! Harvey moved last week over to the sixth line into the Hutchinson house. Miss Shi‘rley Doner holidayed with he}; Grandma and_ Grandpa D-oner. Well over three hundred people enjoyed each of the services hold in the Brethren in Christ Church last Saturday evening and Sunday. The Sunday School Convention brought fo‘lk from New York and many parts of Ontario. The various speak- er‘s were very interesting. We welcome to our community Mr. and Mrs. Noble from Toronto who have occupied the former Bond 'home. ' Misses Myrtle and Ruth Steckley of Tillsonburg are spending the hol- id'ays in their home here. er. and Mrs. Fred Climenhagc of Fort Erie spent last week end with Mrs. E. Jones. Miss J-oa-n Paul visited with friends in Toronto during the Easter :holidays. Messrs. uNorman Tyndall, Nelson Buchanan and Misses Kathleen Barâ€" ber and Bertie Forster were dele- gates to the Junior Farmers Con. ference at the O.A.C., Guelph, April 24 to 2G. Miss Betty Glover spent the Ea; tP-r holiday with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. F. vBarker of Head ford. The Young 'People have been in- vited to the home of Misses Ruby and Viola Avison of Lansing Monâ€" day evening,‘May 2nd. Cars will be leaving" from the corner at 7:15 p.m. Mr. .and. Mrs. ‘G. Moxftson, Wayne and Bruee, and -Mrs.â€"- Herman Mortsnn and Miss Jloy’Mol‘tson, M1'. and Mrs. R. E. Perkins visited with Mrs. Mortson Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. C. Stong of Edgeley. The fifty-second "WALS'. 'servicc will be held next Sunday at 2.30 p. m. D.S.T. There will be the instal- lation of officers“ Guest slpeaker will be Miss BeatriceeVVilson of St. Chris- topher House, Toronto. There will be special music... Everyone is corâ€" dially invited. - Miss Guide at :her home. Mr. Harold Klinck and Mr. Barry Collard are home [after completing their term. at- the Ontario:Ag'ricul- tural College, Guelph. Miss Grace Boynton spent Monday A few weeks ago the Sunday School members decided to contrib- ute their Birthday money to the Missionary Fund, that is one cent for each year of ag‘e‘. Those who have had birthdays during the firs‘. four months f the year will have the opportunigy of presenting; their gifts next Sunday, May 1. Monday evening, April 25, the New Health Aluminum Dinner was sponsored jointly by Temperanceâ€" ,ville W.A. and St. John’s W.A., Oak Ridges. The ladies appreciate this opportunity of adding: to their funds. Mrs. Fred Hare wishes to thank all who helped to make these eu- ehres such a success, by faithful at- tendance, g‘enerOUS donations and kindly assistance with the necessary tasks of arranging tables and clean- ing up. We especially wish to thank Mrs. Everett ‘Phillips, our faithful coffee maker. who was present to make delicious coffee for every eu- c-hre. Her loyal coâ€"operation was certainly appreciated‘by everyone. Thursday afternoon, April 21, the W.A. and W.M.S. held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Hudson. The Worship Period was conducted by the W.M.S. The May meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Rumble. ‘First prize for the n‘ by Mr. H. Clark, secon‘ Palmer and consolation Graham. The travelling won by Mrs. C. Gvah: Pete Beckett. All these kindly donated by M Howard Clark. TEMPERANCEVILLE ITuesday, Apr Institute held its the season, whe joyed an evenin chre. First by Miss Mrs. T. Nichols. VICTORIA SQUARE 74 Richmond St. Phone 463 Richmond Hill Owned and operated by FRED TAYLOR Taylor’s Sawmill SAVE MONEY DAVID MCLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE prize for the ladies was won Edith Buchanan, second by Dibb and consolation by Mrs. GORMLEY April 1 , its fin‘ vhen tl' for the men lark, second I consolation b Aubrey Barker and visited Sunday with Lloyd Harvey \and 9, the a] social irteen t ’ progre m by Mr. ‘ 1g prizes we ham and M ;e prizes we Ml”. and MI Women's event of ables en- M l 'ere Mr. 3‘1‘60¢Q6¢6$36‘606660-6‘0O00‘$OOOO0006.0600000030000‘ 9.096 566 0 Here are the famous BOLENS HUSKI Tractors and implements that have won recognition everywhere for fast/[efficient work. Whether you have a farm, estate or large garden, you can be sure there's a BOLENS HUSKI to meet your needs. These low- priced work savers cut maintenance costs and give you high-quality results. And you can, use them every month of, the year. A comp problem if ; or country rassment of Box Robson’s Garage Phone 102 Maple You have a choice of three engines: one for gasoli e, one for-tractor fuelâ€"and a diesfl, a specially designe , farm- engineered engine that will be available later. Also, you have a choice of interchangeable cast iron or stamped steel wheels for Row Crop Models to suit your traction conditions. \Vhat’s inorc, every mounted tool is basically interchangeable with every other new Row Crop tractor. When you add the direct drive power take-off of the "'77”, metered oil system, battery ignition and the several other new imprOvements, you'll rcalizc why the "77” is truly a farmer’s tractor. Perkins Farm & Home Equipment TELEPHONE 21-w RICHMOND HILL The new farm 'features of the Oliver "77” make this famous tractor more versatile and economical than ever to own. Its steady 6-cy1inder engine and 6-forward-speed trans- lniSsio'n give you nearly any ground travel and drawbar pull combination you need. Thorough soil pulverization! That’s the result when you use the .Oliver Plow Master and its exclusive Raydex bottonn with shares so low in cost you can throw them away when they get dull. .5. amooih. abundanf power! Tha+'s when the new Oliver "77" delivers! 0 Wfima Thnrnhill. 0m. Phone 1911-32 g 09....6 ’. 0000.990....0...‘.°..............OC Why no! drop in and get the delails HYGEOSAN u a )me sanitary septic toilet is the a! are the owner of a summer c 1e â€" enduring the discomfor' 2 outdoor privy. free literature write 01‘ phone JOHN TAYLOR ptic toilet is the answer to Your ot‘ a summer cottage. camp the dlscomfort and embar- RIDING SULKY '4. REEL mown

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