9..â€00000000000000090000000000â€. «99909099000990... ' Cross-Town Oil Heating & Service Newtonbrook Phone Zone 8-686 90909909990000â€...ooooooowomowomwoomomo: u MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO009000006000“000â€â€000â€0 v 60"....0900.0.0.0WOMOOONOOWOOOMOOONâ€OM DO YOU WANT MORE HEATENG COMFORT? DO YOU WANT RELIEF FROM COAL ASHES AND DUST? Let us install a IT IS NOW TIME FOR SPRING CHANGEOVER Time to change those worn out oils an greases t0 the correct weight for spring an summer driving. (1 d wonnoooowm We .have modern .power greasing equip- ment and Imperial and Atlas Products.. Stop 22 Yongc GUARANTEED FUEL OIL CONTRACT WITH MAJOR OIL COMPANY ‘ For free survey of your heating system and further information, call COLONIAL SERVICE STATION FAST, EFFICIENT POWER-WINCH TOWING HOME OWNERS MOTORISTS PRICES FROM $375.00 UP more than I’d trust myself†fully automatic oil burner in your present heating system NOW. ' THE BANK’S the place for my money. I always put part of my pay into my bank accountâ€"otherwise it burns a hole in my pocket. I guess I trust the bank more than I trust myself! I ï¬gure that’s one reason why my savings have been building up the way they have. Another reason I’m sold on a bank account is do is take a look at my pass-book. They’re a lot better bookkeepers than I am. that I always know ,just where I stand. All I have to and I can count on the bank people to keep their mouths shut about it. And that suits me just ï¬ne! What’s more, what’s in my pass-book is my business, Phone Thornhill 203 '1: "us! thy/m) YOUR BANK 0F BRICK HOUSE. FURNITURE, GARDEN TOOLS. DISHES, GLASSWARE. ETC. The Progeny Of MRS. J. W. CAMPLIN Main St., in the Village of UNIONVILLE SATURDAY. MAY 7 Sire-e1 bed and springs Oak Dresser Wooden bed and springs, o:_a_k 2 Wash Stands Feather Tick Straight Chair Rocking iGhair '2 Oak Rocking Chairs Wicker Rocking Chair White Rocking Chair ngnï¬ity Bedding 2 Upholstered Chairs Parlor Rug Number Quilts Quantity of Table Linen Number of Woollen Blankets 2 Small Tables {Number of Cushions Stewart-Warner Electric Radio Coal Oil Heater Number of Picture Frames Bamboo Whatnot Sewing Machine 'Dining Room Table Chest of Drawers 6 Leather Seat Dining Room Chairs Number Scatter Rugs and Runners Large Dresser Bed and springs Spring Mattress Laundry ‘Basket Number of Chairs Number of Books Hall Tree 'Clothes Rack Parlor Table 8â€"Day Clock China Cabinet and Desk Combined Sideboard l Kitchen Step Stool Kitchen Range _ Buffet, Oak RoundiDining Room Table, oak 6 Oak Dining Room Chairs thilco Radio. electric Cupboard Quebec Heater Antique Table Plectric Floor Lamp Card Table Kitchen Table . Wash Tub Electric Vacuum Cleaner Lawn Mower Electric Heater Electric Dining Room Fix'ture . Approx. One Ton of Nut Coal Number of Garden Tools Dishes, Glassware, Cooking Utensils and numerous other articles. THE PROPERTY Consists of a good lot, 75 x 150 ft., more or less. The dwelling is a real good 6-roomed brick house, hydro-e1: eetric, hard and soft water, a frame tool house; small fruit trees. The property is nicely situated on the east side of Main Street, in the Vill- age of Unionville, just a short dis- tance north of No. 7 Highway. Low taxes. Immediate possession given. Property sold subject to a reserve bid. 10 per cent. of the purchase price to be paid on day of sale. The balance in 30 days. KEN & CLARKE PRENTI‘CE, aucts ‘Sale at 1.30 isharp. Terms on furniture, cash. No resgyve. Markham P. 0., phone Markham 206 Milliken P. 0., phone Agincourt 52w3 AUCTION SALE 2 Mattresses Settee Arm Chair Quebec Heater Cupboard Antique Table Card Table Wash Tub Dresser 1'! Mr. and Mrs. IDalziel accompanied by Mr. .Lex McKenzie, M.L.A., at tended the funeral last week of little Chris Maa'land, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Marland S12, Kleinburg', mah- ager of “Green Valley ‘Farm†there. The little chap, just two and a half years old was accidentally drowned on the farm. To make it sadder, Mr. and Mrs. Marland just came out from England last September with their ‘two young children and they are without relatives here, but they have made a number of warm friends who will try to take the relatives place as far as possible. 1 Mr. Gordon Anderson’s sale took place onJFriday and was well attend- ed and prices were good. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Anderson the very best in their new home in Weston. Remember the Women‘s Fellow- ship this. week at Mrs. Loverock’s, April 28, at 8 p-.m. This meeting; we think especially of Francis Gimby as she‘ goes out to Japan next month as \a missionary. \ May 5th, a good attendance is re- quested at the meeting at the Church :at 2 p.m., when the speaker will be Mrs. Gordon Mellish, miss- ionary from Africa. The ladies from will be Mrs. Gordon Mellish, miss- ionary from Africa. The ladies from the churches alt Wi’llowdale, Newton- brook and. 'Thornhill have been in- vited to attend this meeting. I The Y.P.S. meeting on April '29th, is in charge of Mr. R. ICOndie. Mr. Clifl’ Hicks from Avenue Road Bap- tist Church will speak and special music by Mr. and Miss Spencely should make a very interesting meet- ing. All_.a1'e welcome: The ’teen-ag‘e girls missionary group had a very enjoyable evening last week when Mrs, Gilson, late of Africa, spoke to theih' and told of the work in Africa. This was of specialvinterest as the girls are sew- ing'for missions in that land. A Nery interesting evening was spent by .all who attended the Youth for Christ last Saturday night at Thornhill. Evon Hedly, secretary of Canadian Youth for Christ showed pictures of the conference last year in Switzerland. He told of the work of this organization in 55 different countries,_ and of the many repre- sentatives of these lands .pleading that the true Gospel be‘ sent to their lands to save the people from the awful teaching of Communism. He urged that we at home do all in our power to support this work of which We are a part. It is with joy and thanksgiving llia-t we report that our 'Piastor, Rev. A. R. Jones, is continuing: to im- prove in health, daily. It is doubt- ful if he will be able to resume his duties until fall, but good supplies will carry on until that :time. We are glad that Mr. Loverâ€" 0ck, although still conï¬ned to Sun- nyln'ook Hospital, is improving, and able to be up for a While each day. OOWOWO“OO 060° LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH astor, Rev; A. R. Jones Sund y morning: Bible School 11 p.m Sunday Evening Gospel Services, 7 p.m. Wed., Prayer Meeting, 8 p.m. Friday, Y.P.S., 8 p.m. HARRY E‘ III-IIIFIHIIBIHEB OMOWMWO WOMOW Chimneys built and repaired PHONE KING 73M E. J. ROBERTS, RADIAl STATION Phone T77 R. S. W. HUNTER King City, Ont. BRICKLAYING CONTRACTOR 46 JOHN ST., THORNIIILL \Phonc Thornhill 250 DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE LA NGSTA FF .DAILY SERVICE TO ALI. CANADIAN AND U.5.A. POINTS .CHARTERED BUSES OFFER IDEAL SERVICE FOR All GROUP TRAVEL TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT EDGELE X Vet e rina r y Surgeon PALMER SAT., APRIL Hill. Morts cash. Ed K Terms cash’, no reserve. Clarke Prentice, auctioneers SAT.. MAY Miss Lily Sale at 1.3 reserve. Thistletown SAT., MAY roamed ‘bric lot, nicely si io-nville c1051 Main Street fur in}: §ATURtDAY, MAY 7 -â€" T0 sell by public auction, subject to [:1 reserve hid. frame house, approximate] 25’ x50’, consisting of 10 rooms, 2 Kath- ronms, new Pease Economy furnace, bathroom ï¬xtures and laundry tubs, light ï¬xtures and panel boxes. the property of Don Hamilton, 19-21 “e115 Street, Aurora. 6 weeks to tear down or remove said building fiom premises. Terms clash. Sale at 2.00 p.111: Gordon ‘Phllips, Aaue) MONDAY. MAY E) â€" Auction Sale of house-ohld furniture, dishes, glaisc- ware, antique cooking utensils, etc., on Main Street. Unionville, opposite the Arena. Sale at 2 p.m. sharp. Terms cash, no reserve. Property sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auc- ti-oneers. at 2.01 tioneer WED.. MAY 11, 1949 â€"â€" fluction sale of (I.H.C.) Tractor, farm Implements, farm stock. dairy cattle, etc., on lot 36, con. 1 Vaughan Twp. on Yonge St. at Lang-staff. Property of Mor- gan Boyle. Sale' at 1 p.m. Terms, cash. No reserve, farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, MAY 14 â€"â€" Auction sale of residential property and house furniture, property of the late Charles Stone, Church Street, Woodâ€" bridge. Sale at 1 p.111. Large frame house, 200d barn and woodshed. Terms to be announced on day of sale. Subject to reserve bid. G. L. Howe], eXecutor. Ken Love, auc- tioneer, Woodbridge. SAT., MAY 28â€"Aucti0n sale of garage equipment and tools, a com- plete garage full ,of modern equip- ment, property of Gordon Penny, corner of Main St., Markham village and No. 7 highway. Sale at 1.p.m. sharp. No reserve, garage is solo. m‘opl'ietor quitting. Terms cash. Kpn and Clarke Prentice, auction- eers. oooooooooomoowooooowoo 01158! FOR RENT Heavy Duty â€" $2.00 per day ‘ Modern Kitchen Installations Phone 443 Pickâ€"up 8: Delivery $1.00 Extra W6000OWWOOWM SALE REGISTERS Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. What a. thriili Bony limbs ï¬ll out: ugly holioWs fill up: neck no longer scrawny: body loses hail- starved. snekiy "bean-pole" look. Thousands of ems women. men, who never could gain before. are now proud ol’ shapely. healthy-looking bodies. They thank the special vigor-building. flesh-building tonic. Ostrex. Its Ionics. stimulants. lnvigormors. iron. vitamin B‘. calcium. enrich blood. imprm‘e appetite and digestion so mad gives you more strength and nourishment: Du: flesh on bare b es. Don’t tear getting ton tat. Stop when you've gn ncd the " 10, 15 or 20 ibl. you need for normal weight. (‘0.6 little. New "get: acquainted" size only me. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets (or new vigor and added pounds. this very day At all druggists. utensils, etc W. Camplin. FLOOR POLISHER Richmond Hill Arena, Richm Property belonging to H. ;son and H. H. MacKay. Te . No reserve. Sale at 1:30 ' Kyle. clerk. Ken & Clarke P auctioneers. FOREIGN IXCHANGE CONTROL IOAID OTTAWA To avoid possible delay and embarrassment at ber- der crossing points, he sure you have met the foreign exchange require- ments before you set out. The travel ration oi $150 per person for the period November 16th, 1948, to November 15th, 1949 is to ensure the fairest distribu- tion of the US funds avail- able. For children under 11 years of age, the amount is $100 US. It you are taking a trip to the United States, you need to secure a Form H permit to take out of Canada {or any amount exceeding $10 US. or more than a total of $25 in US. and Cana- diam Funds. Form H can be secured quickly and easily from branches of any Canadian Bank. PRIL 30 â€" Auction sale of d furniture, garden tools, ‘6, dishes cooking utensils, in lmond Hill Arena, Richmond Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor dishes 7 -â€" Antique and other furniture, property of McNeil. at Woodbridge. 0 p.m. Terms cash. No Ken Love, auctioneer, No ‘ in Village of Un- Q0. 7 Highway on > entire household glassware. cook- Property of Mrs. Sale at 1.30 p.m. reserve. Ken and I’hllips, auc- c2w4 FECB-I I erm: Ten THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thursd lï¬' P __ l L 0 WE * R S f Telephone 188 v 0 2 OOOWOOOWOOONQOOOOOâ€OOOOOOâ€WOWQOOâ€OO... O O O O O 09990009990900.00900900009000OOOOOOOOOOâ€â€â€OOOOOa " For All Year Enjoyment EASYâ€" FLOOR I’OLISHERS. VACUUM CLEANERS, WASHERS ()lL-O-MAGIC QUA KER 6 Elizabeth St, Richmond Hill, phone 148 t ()lI. BURNING SPACE HEATERS STROMBERG-CARLSON â€"â€" RADIOS AND COMBINATIONS Supplied and Guaranteed Perkins Farm & Home Equipment Phone 21W Richmond Hill For low ï¬res in milder weather, bank with Maple, Ont. Floral Designs Reaflimg Enrique“ Reading Pea Coal JONE§ CGAL CO. _ $19.50 PER TON ‘ ADE WITH FAMOUS READING HARD COAL cision and accuracy as those used on new machines. for your farm machines can pay 03' 1040.! at harvest time. So come in soon and get the Genuine 1H parts you may need in case of an emergency. [â€" because your equipment is broken down. Don't take a chance on delays in the ï¬eld or crop losses Remember: Genuine I H Parts are made will: the same pn- Wholesale and Retail Florist B. W. MILLER csigns Cut Flowers Beddin Delivery Anywhere in North York WE GROW OUR OWN by FERGUSON ECONOMIZE WITH FURNACE 01L BURNERS $19.75 PER TON April 28, 1949 Telephone 2 Bedding Plants