CONWO0â€â€.ONQOOOO“OOOOOOOOO¢OOOOO ‘OOOOOOOOO0.000“00“0¢9666000Q“0Obbobi 6...,x « . PEDROOM SUITE. 3 piece walnut. .10 -tuho aners Majestic radio ready for television with recorder; lovely bevelled mantel mirror; antique love sent: (-nltivator and seed-3r: all ar- tioles like new and in excellent mn- dltion. Reasonable. Applv Mrs. Cameron, phone 47122 Tlhornhill. .SKIN SUFFERERS! Thousands «mast to coast have beneï¬tted from leeerex’s quick healing of Eczema. lI'Lsoriasis. Itoh'. Pimples, etc. Why not you? “Klom-ex" â€" mcdium. sstl'ong‘. Two sizes â€"â€" 590, $1.09. )Scotchmer’s Drng Store. ‘FOR CHICKENS and turkeys. Take 1‘10 changes treat your poultry with Exthrm‘inator N0. 1 or 2. Prevent ‘rocidiosis. paalysis. blue comb, etc. 1§ot_a package from your feed man T. D. Rumour and Soï¬. Aqeï¬rtrsvi’lif ‘Full-O~Pep and Purina Feeds or Poultry Products, Brnntfm‘d. *GWRQ RASPBERRY CAN‘ES, Im-g‘e berries, order now. J. Manley. 23 Hunt Ave.. Richmond .Hill. r ‘5'1w44 heater 45W3. BALED WHEAT STRAW. J. Hadwen, Maple R. R. 1, Maple 1'11. *1 plants “Collossal†trimmed and prunw. or]. read)" to plant. Phone Richmond Hill 44:22. ‘ tfc41 EARLY II’OTATOES for socd bags. Apply Sam Mashinter, 1 2, Maple. =1 STEEL CRI‘B, large size; good con- dition. lPhqne Richmond Hill 4613:}. ('1w44 3 speed' gears R12. 1'0 TON of Timothy and clover hay D. H. Storm, Stop 21 Yonge St. brakes dition, extnasl 1935 CHIEV. SEDAN, good condition; m-w ‘paml‘x job, good tires. Phone Richmond Hill 1171-24. "‘hv44 STANDARD BICYCLE; boy’s with FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fvnn, 'I‘hornhill 10R. tfc46 CHESTERFIELD in excellent con- dition. 'I’hone R. '1'). Little, Rich- mond Hill 28.‘ *1w44 1948 G.M.C 193G 7 PEKIN DUCKS D. II. Storms, Sto end of lune. CE‘DAR POSTS. any quantity; also‘i anchors and braces. W. A. Poulton, RR. 1 Maple at Teston. c3\‘v43| RASPBERRY PLANTS, strmvhen'y plants. (7. E. Watson, 40 Mill St†Richmond Hill, plume 324W. “SW41 Thornhill 119 PIANO, Mason Rise-h upright, over- hauled, $200.01). Phone Richmond Hill 101. ' *2w43 order now. .I. Richmund Hill A FEW THOUSAND Strawberry SOY‘BEANS, Capital variety, No. 1 seegl. =(llifford L. Winger, Gormlcy, phone" Stouft'villc 61509. *2w4'3 new. Phone days 162M; after 6 19W 'lhorn‘hill. c FORD 'COUPI‘E. [Apply Burns, Oxford St., Eluin Mills mond Hill 30:)J. FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fer 'Bhornhill 1158. ' . tl‘u RASPBERRY (“-\NI‘IS, ] WATER SOF'I‘ENER, practically. RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 35 cents for ï¬rst insertion and 25 cents ft ï¬ve lines 7 cents per line extra each insertion/If charged Telephone Richmond Hill 9. Classified Sale 85 Want Ads FORD ’(‘OACI-I, new tires. and upholstery, excellent con- heater, defroster and many 3MB or best offer. phone rill 119. *lw-H IIN DU'CKS, 3 drakes. Apply Storms, Stop 21 Yonge St, at THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursd [.C. 1/3 ton pick-up; radio; and defroster. Agincourt *1\\'44 N ‘ ‘000000096060000006606OMOOOOOWO MO00060000600060.000006960000900090000 FOR SALE AT 2:30 P.M. ARMOUR HEIGHTS SCHOOL AVENUE RD. & WILSON AVE, NORTH YORK TP. THE NORTH YORK LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Manon ANNUAL MEETING & NOMINATING - C 0 N V E N T I O N ‘Phéhe Thorï¬hil] SATURDAY, May 7th H HON. LIONEL CHEVRIER 4:0 berries. Hunt Ava, *4w41 01w“ President of the Ont. Liberal Association c2w44 [5 pm. clw44 1 w 1 w 1\\'44 Doug 2w43 he EVERYBODY WELCOME 219 J. E. SMITH, M.P. . L. MATHEWS, K.C. 16 44 Mon. ferfilizer drill. 2 yrs. 1 an'kins Farm and Homh F. Richmond Hiâ€, phone 21W 1‘0 NEARLY 50 YEARS with Straw- berries, having bred the new Collâ€" 0§sal, patented in the U.S.A. under the name of Necterena and sold over 1/3 million plants the last 2 years at $50.00 per thousand. 50,000 for sale hereat $2.00 per hundred; also asâ€" naragus roots and raspberry canes. M. J. Johnson, John St., Thornhill. - *5w40 ' v,â€"â€"â€"â€"~|CHI'CKEN iBROODERS, 2, complete BEA‘CH COAL AND WOOD STOVE; with feeders, watering cans. Will QUEbec heater; telephone table and sell or trade for oil space heater. chair; kitchen chairs; Amco Electricl Apply Mrs. Taylor, last house on O,venette; carpet sweeper; l‘eCOI‘d'south side of Rumble Ave., Richmond cabinet; small chairs; dining chairs, Hill. (Aw-l4 walnut); flower stand; dresser and - _ bed; pails. Miss Johnston; phone COMBINATION eleCtl‘lt‘ and 0011] Thomhiu 5.1, a €1\\-441stove, high back with shelf in A1 conâ€" KATHADIN ‘ SEED POTATOES, from Foundation “A†stock. J. E. Hadwen, Maple R. R. 1, phone Maple 60r11. ‘ *1w44 1941 PLYMOUTH SEDAN; new motor; good condition. Apply F. W. Fry, Frasel'd‘ale Farms. Concord; no phone calls please. c1w44 months old; female spay pedigl‘eed and well trained $50.00. Phone 452W Richmond Hill. c1w44 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS PERENNIAL ROOTS such as Cam- panula, delphiniums, Russell lupins; phlox; peonies; oriental poppies; py- l‘ethrums, etc.. 15c. to 25c. per root. Phone Thomhill 2071‘21. tfc43 CONVERTIBLE boaby carriage, mar- oon with chrome trim, like new; 1 air rifle. Apply Mrs. S. Smith, phone King 3113. *2w44 ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, 5 cu- bic feet, good condition. Apply 13? Spring; Garden Ave., Willowdale 2119. " clw~1~1 FINDLAY Combination coal and gas AGENT for Moï¬'ats New Electric Range; also Essotane Gas Ranges and Electric Pails; 'Crossley Shelvador Refrigerators and Hinma-n Milkers. estimates and installations: Phone 755 01' write box 496. 40 Ontano St. West. Newmarket, Ont. tch2 KATHA DIN seed potatoes from Foundation A stock. William G. Mitchel], Oak Ridges, phone King" 431‘32. *2w44 range, excellent condition, Dual ox7en Phone Maple 121 evening's only. PORTABLE Chicken Pen, cheap; also quantity of ï¬re wood free for carting awag. I Wright St. Friday or Saturday. *1w44 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds. aluminum or steel baked en- amgl ï¬nish anywcoloqrr of tapes, free pg. Apply T. Elliott, Oink Avenue. Richvale, tfc35 and heater $625.00. A suitable for this district E. McKean, phone Th01 FEDERAL TRUCK, panel body in excellent shape, good tires, 19:36, :1 good huv, $375.00. Apply Ned Ilill. Richmond Hill. phone 500 or 254. *tf THE SPEAKERS WILL BE: 2 ACRES OF LAND at suitable for building [at Oxford St., Elgin Mills. BOX PLANTS, flowers and vegetab- les. Mrs. ‘F. Sayers. 76 Morgan Avu. Stop 14A, Yonge St. *5va MINISTER OF TRANSPORT ‘RNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS. :tair hand rails. fire doge, fire =cxeens, fire sets and acetylene weld- WILL BE HELD FEW GRAPE VINES, early, blm Rose, Maple, phone 34J. {fvc3‘8 FORD SPORT COUPE, radio water, new motor last your, 0. Apply David \Ving'cl‘,v1\4:1ple 2, phone Maple 621'2‘2. *ZWJZ} ;his district, 3 for $1.00 phone Thornhill 362. ELY . 2 yrs. old. Apply Homn Equipment. April 28, 194 Elgin Mills . A. Garter *2w45 02w43 c1w44 c1w4-1 ever you need, let us know. rushing bv. Order “av-(“12h F‘wwl wmx Richmond Hill 3591‘21. Time’; Bray’s mow Bray Broader BRAY 'PUILLETS available right now, dayolds and started. Promptest shipment on Leghnrne. ‘Bavrnd Packs. New Hamps and NH. x B.R. What- ever you need, let us know. Time’s rushing bv. Order Brav’: mnw IF YOU’RE BUYJNG CHICKS now or for May delivery, get extra 2‘0'0d chicks, to catch up â€" Big-4 Chicks. Booking now for Mav delivery. Ask us for prices, don’t be disappointed. We’ve told you how good they are â€" now buy them. Agent, Wesley 'Clark, R. R. 2, Gormley. COMBINATION electric and coal stove, high back with shelf in A1 conâ€" dition, 4 burners. automatic oven. Apply F. Lacey, Glen Mar, Stop 17A Yonge St., phxon‘e‘Thornhill 238R af- ter 7 p.m. ‘ ('lwfl 1930 BUICK SEDAN. 6 cylinders, $175.00 or best offer. Will accept washing machine or lumber as part payment. Apply phone 372121 Richâ€" mond Hill. c1w44 H‘ORSE, young, suitable gardener. Will ‘sell chea} Wm. Poulton, Muaple R. R ton. BUILDING 30 feet long, 18 feel wid-e, real good siding; also quanâ€" tity of baled wheat straw. Leslie Glass, lot 2, con. ‘6, King. Phone FORD 2 ton dump truck, 1938 model equipped with Woods twin hoist; 4 yd. steel box; good condition; rubber A1 condition. W. J. Hodge, phone Maple 15. c2w44 PILLOWS, quilts, sheets, pillow cases, pair of heavy curtains, adult commode chair, toilet set, small hea- ter. 2nd [house north of Lang‘s‘mfl P.0., Yonge St., west side. “‘lw44 '4u EAUAAKU UUAL‘H" llght six; g‘god condition, motor recently over- 11 uled, phone Jack Brillinger, 386W 01' Apply 37 Yonge ‘St., Richmond Hill. c1w44 337W A FEW LOADS of cow manure; boy’s tricycle, “Sunshine,†good as new, will sell reasonably. Norm Dolson, He‘adford, phone Richmond Hill 48vr25. c1w44 30 BAGS of Irish Cobbler Potatoes suitable for seed; free from disease growm from foundation “A†stock $1.25 a bag. Apply W. S. Appleton Oak Ridges, phone King 591'14. freshen April 28; 1 due to freshen May Simpson, Lot 7, Cor 1931 CHRYSLER COUPE. as is Needs new steering column, make of- fer. OKendl'ick, Oxford St., phom Also electric motor and pump plete with belt and pulley. Ap: Church St., Richmond Hill afte p.111. 1931 FORD PANEL TRUCK. hauled motor, good condition beam lights, oversize tires, 5 1 HOLSTEIN COW size hay whc sewing machines. Repairs to makes. Free estimates. Pick ur delivery. _ Apply Singer Sewing- chine Co., Newmarkct, phone 10 COCKSHUTT GUARANTEED new w o r]; in 40 PACKARD COACH†light 1‘ each subsequent insertion. Over to account nme cents per lme. (manure , tlmothy at straw. [UTT fertilize-1‘ order. Fleury mre spreader, nothy and a raw. George 1‘ phone King- 11 suitable for market sell cheap 01' trade. on 6 years, due to Holstein heifer, 2. Apply J. L. 4, King. c1w44 alfalfa; hulL‘d McNair, Maple 111‘4. tf'c-‘ll‘. and used Sin {epan‘s to ley. Apply Hi1] after I 00( >155“ 1 at Tesâ€" Clwéé 550x19 to 71111 up "and quanâ€" Leslie Phone c1w44 p hon w 4 c1w44 overâ€" seal 1 w com tfc4 M 30 Vaughan Township O†ONOWMOO RELIABLE USED CARS Tenders will be received by the undersigned up ‘to Noon May 2, 1949 for the purchase of Township Prop- erty in Unionville. Bids may be sub- mitted as follows: 1. For the Hall Building only. 2. For lot and building, exclusive of 1943 FORD SUPER DELUXE. TUDOR â€"- radio. healer. very 1917 FORD SUPER (‘LUB (‘OUPE â€" WWOOOOOOOOOOOOO LAWN MOW-ERS and saxvs sharpen- ed; folding: lawn chairs made; inside panel doors. Apply C. B. Stouen- hurg‘, 11 Richmond 8., Richmond Hill. phone 392W. tf‘c-lZ upholstén’ng c‘arving‘. E: VnnDyke, P Hill. - THE PERSON who was seen pickâ€" ing up the roundamouth shovel at Headford Fiï¬,‘ please return' and save further trouble. *1w44~ CUSTOM ROTARY TILLTNG your land completely prepm new scientiï¬c one (mum-o" W. Hutchinson I'llsjn 311‘ I‘iohnmnd “in 25%“? â€" that's your business. I to stop and can’t â€"â€" that inoss. Alcoholics Annm‘ ply Box 300, The' Liberal TRANSPORTATION for 2 from Thornhill to College and Bathurst. Leaving between 7 and 7.15 -a.m., re- turning 5 p.m. Phone Thornhill 233J after 6.30 p.m. clw44 IF YOU WANT TO DRINK and 2 LARGE ROOMS with private en- trance, free to man and wife for care of lawn and gssis'tancg innhous‘e, by appointment only. Phone Rich- mond Hill 34614., , ":1w-14 BATHROOM FLAT consisting of two lovely rooms, furnished, and all con- veniences, also garage. Business 01' middle aged couple preferred. Phone Thornhill 2071-21. tfc43 garage. Highest or .u'ily accepted TRANSPORTATION for let furnished, preferred, r91 services. App] Richmond Hill SAND, gravel, loam and ï¬ll supplied on short notice; general haulage Class ‘F P.‘C.V. W. J. Hodge, Maple 15. ' ('3w44 BATHROOM, FLAT. two rooms I!) ship. Pohl Hill FOUNDATION TO ROOF, complete '11 every detail, skilled labour, crew ready to start. Free estimates given. gfn'flnm‘ Construction. Aurora. phone 555W need help with your inc turn phone Richmond H enings. L. E. Watson. Smith Richm I’LASTERING. ï¬l ALL_ KINDS FURNITURE Npail INCOME TAX RETURNS. If CUSTOM PLOU tivating, tilling. 39 Elmwood Ave Willowdale 2508. BLOCK LAYING and Mid done. chimneys built. Ready work. Phone Thornhill 278 LAWN MOWEI LITTLE BROTHERS U‘STOM \V‘ORK DONE, ploughing .lllivating and disking. II. Reamal l'OOliSidL’ Rd., ,Elgin Mills, phon ichmond Hill 372123. "‘3w4 [1100 10ne MONDAY, MAY 2 g‘er. heater. good value. L\lNTING CONTRACTOI ago, industrial) rcsidonli; n'ith & Sons. Toronto Mx chmond Hill 34‘31'6. Regular Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers. Maple Municipal Office MISCELLANEOUS Ford & Monarch Sales & Service red PROPERTY FOR SALE BY TENDER at 1 pm. ‘ J. M. MCDONALD, Clerk Will give estimatc Elgin Mills, phone 46121. CHAS. HOOVER, Clerk, Twp. of Markham, Unionville, Ontario. 12', cabme Estlmates TO RENT 19(l, middle aged couple reduced rent for light @pply P. O. Box 23?). $1600.00 $1575.00 OUGHING, d 112'. W. H. ( any tender not necess- LOST mates given Hunt Ava. Richmond H 138. If you - that‘s our Annm'mons ,1 I} sharpens w 0 i‘k ‘OI’IIC DELUXE 5 passen- lial. \\‘ Mu 7091 Richmond tfc workmar Adan Richmon 81'21 >oderh teleph MOM chm 018w“ rkm Have by the mtth ax c :2 w 4 wood m 2w40 1 L"! n want hus~ Ap- 4w42 3w W l n 3 w -1 W 1w4 am 1'6 1] Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed â€" Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office, Tel. 9', Richmond Hill EIIIIEIHHIIIHEEEI 3000.0000000000000000“90090066099009.0090 OOOOOWOOâ€OOOOOOOâ€OOOWWM We are inviting all the residents in this area to meet A. H. Woods. our C.C.F. Federal Candidate for York North land yourself, at the Richvale School Saturday evening". Am-il 30th, at eight o’clock. We are showing: the picture “Make Way for Youth" and will have some music. ‘ Thank you so much for accepting" our invitation. ' FOUNTAIN PEN in United ('hul'uh on' Sunday, April 3rd. Ownvm- may have same by "moving- property and paying; for udVertisoment. Apply J. Roy Herring‘toï¬â€™s Ofï¬ce, 03 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. clw44 In the estate of WILLIAM DICK- IE, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of William Dickie, late of Richmond Hill in the County of York. Iretired contractor, who died on March 5th, 19-19, are required to ï¬le particulars of same with the un« dersigned on or‘before the~1st day of June, 1949, after which date the estate will be distributed having re- gard only to the claims of which the administrators then have notice. DATED‘ at Toronto this 25th (121 of April, 1949. y ' LUCY A. YEREX DICKIE and JOHN L. DI‘CKIIE, Administm-tol‘ by PARKER, CLARK & HART, v 350 Bay Street, Toronto, their Solicitors herein Richmond Hill, April 11 Miss Agnes MacPhail, M.P.P. East York Queen’s Park. Toronto, Ont. De'n- Miss M‘acPhails 591'14. Gradin- YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE dosh-r unfurnished flat. apartment 01' oct- tage in Richmond Hill vicinity. P‘honc Glaadstone 0496 after 5.30 1).mf, re- verse charges. ti'crlf‘.‘ WOMAN wanted for general 11011 work, 2 morning‘s a week, no la! dry or waxing. 200d wages. M A. S. Barber, 37 Richmond St., Ri‘ mond Hill, phone 3'85. 01“ (‘ADDIES (iolt’ and class $1.00 QUIET COUPLE want small ( 2 01- 3 rooms in Thm'nhill Phone Hudson 7951. days weekly, no- Richmond Hill MSW HOW ABOUT THOSE HENS WOMAN YOUNG MAN “"0 M A N WOMAN f Phone ph washing. Tennis Club hill 28W HANDY MAN MAN. desire Phone Thorn} T0 ave stopped laying: Highest prices xid. Bring them in or phone King )1'14. W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges rading Station. v tfcfm LUCKIN( ("l‘C a m b TON md Notice to Creditors PIANO TUNING and Repairing phone Yours most sincerely Frances ‘G. We My Richmond Hill and C.‘C.F. Club h m on Kin (u‘ S. Hoffman utside 4nn0nd WANTED can apply Country FOUND T} for cleaning and Apply Ladies Golf », Thornhill. ( to your Home Unit in Nobleton, Woodbridge, Concord, Maple, Thornhill, Richmond Hill, Oak Ridges, and surrounding district. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE KING 16W KING CITY COLD STORAGE LTD. KING CITY, ONT. We will giv‘e FREE DELIVERY SERVICE to and from your locker feed Hill nd Hi] , week )rnhiH evemn nte Hill houseworl- waxing: nf LOCKERS & HOME FREEZERS F 0 R R E N T E HENS that Highest prist h] phone :nmediately V E W 1L 1nd dish See Ml aver, District Summit 02w44 launâ€" Mrs. Rich- 01w“ r and 02w“ clw t. A p- c1w4~l area. c1 w“ :1 half Phonv ('1 WM 1 “'4 4 )4 44 4-1 200099000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ :9 OOOOOOOO¢â€OOOOO 009906006000009000OOOOOOOOOâ€OOOO€ :0000000 0000000000000 0000 000000000000000000000000000 O06600000000900.606000OOOMOOOOOOOOOOMOOOOOOO “969; v 6000000060OGOOOOQOOOOOOOOOMOGO cooooooooooonoom Autpmobile Floaters. ] MARKHAM last Two Days! Thursday & Friday April 28th, 29th ACADEMY†’ 9 AWARD = PICTURE Winner 0! 9 Academy $1 wards /‘~< Dom-s 0pm at 6:00 1).m. Shows :xt 6:15 and 9:15 nightly Remember Mother with flowers on Mother’s Day, May 81‘]! Rear of Telephone Ofl’ice RICE’S FLOWER SHOP bile, Life. Fire. Theft. Personal Property and other Hospitalization. Accident and Sickness, Plate nd 2111 other types of Insurance call â€"- ' (‘entre St. E. Richmond Hill Plume 190; Nights 8; Holidays 1511; ‘ We Deliver W. §CHURMAN FOR IMMEDIATE COVERAGE ‘ on all types of INSURANCE 10 Yonge Stree Doors open 6.30 p.m. TWO COMPLETE SHOWS NIGHTLY â€" 7 and 9 pm. Matinee Saturday 2.00 pm IOT‘W