“OOOMON WNOONOWHWOWWWQOOO § 0 0 ° : § FRASERDALE FARMS : ‘3 CONCORD. ONT. g 3 WANTED : g Man by Day. Week or Month, to attend grounds and g 9 garden. I‘prerienced Gardener i‘iret‘ei‘rcd. Phone Maple : 3 m or 17w. : .oooowoowooo090000000ooooeooooooooowmvoowmwo "04°OO06000O09.04000060000.00...0609000900....â€00009 Royal Theatre AURORA MONDAY TO FRIDAY SAT Q HOLIDAYS Box Office Opens (3.45 Box Office Opens 5.45 Free Parkingr Saturday Matinee 1.45 SAT. ONLY APRIL 30th I ° ’ ‘ Jinx Money ’ -â€"â€" PLUS ~- “ The Mauraders ", SUPERMAN .â€" PART 9 4 Days Only â€" Starts Monday, May 2nd J no.2;tinsel;ewe *- v'iiinwiittiini llttNthEll ennui; int, Alt-tine ’ of _' 2 RAHIZIHIIyA-itifl s “mun oomwvu's “The Best ‘ Years of ‘ Our Lives†starring Myrna Loy - Fredric March, Dana Andrews - Teresa Wright Virginia Mayo - Hoagy Carmichael and introducing Cathy O'Donnell and Harold Russell Dirulel by In". Play by William Wylcr - Robert E. Sherwood Diruln of Pbolqnpby Gregg Tohnd Fu- 1 Non! by MIcKinluy Kanror . Ioloutl tin: IKO RADIO 'ICYUIIS Free List Suspended For This Film 2 Shows Nightly 6.15 and 0.15. Doors open 6.00 SEE IT FROM THE BEGINNING i Friday, Saturdayâ€"2 Days Onlyâ€"May 6, 7 ’ . PLUS SUPERMAN No. 10 omowuow‘oouoowooouowwmo mmoooooomwwomwomuoowmwmoomo“ “0005"...â€0WOO0â€OOWOâ€â€WW“OMâ€â€œOOWOMOWW6000OOOOO WWWMWW OMWO)â€MWâ€MO( 0.09.0000 QWOOWOWWO 00 NOOOWOOQNOWOOOOOOWO «00909999“one«ooooomwoouoowooowwomuo WOWOM†BEATTY SUMP PUMP $62.00 Stanley Lift-Up \ Garage Door Hardware $18.15 each CHAN WAX 3 lb. can, reg. $1.44 Special 98c GARDEN & VEGETABLE SEEDS 6 pkgs. 2oc R. W. PARIS. Mgr. Phone IS Richmond Hill “6000OOO“...OOOOâ€OQâ€WWWWWWM «ooomoowwwwwwomomooooouooooomwm O WEDDING ' S'I‘ANSI‘TIELILBAKER Amid a setting.r of red the wedding: took place on Saturday evâ€" Social and Personal The regular work meetingr of St. Mary‘s Anglican \\'.A. will take place on Tuesday. May 23rd. at 2.310 roses li-m- In tho P-Il‘lSh Hi1“. t'lllllg‘. April 221. at T p.m. in the lirliinond llill I‘nited Church at Friends and neighbours of Mr. .lean {11th Elizabeth. daughter of John Warwick. llunt Lane. are sorry Mtg om] Mrs. Leslie J. liaker. 32 to hear he fractured his ankle and is \\ right St., Richmond Hill. to Mr. Donald Glenn Stanstiild. son ot‘ Mi. and Mrs. .losepli Statistic-id. Toronto. Rev. llr. .l. T. Taylor own-3mm}, _\]i-_ A. Mclecci played the wedding music in Sunnybrook Hospital. Mrs. Ieo. Gee. Centre St. 1%.. ar- rived home lnast week alter spending four months visiting" relatives and and Miss Betty lil'elllt'li sane". friends in Indio. California and llrit- The bride, given in marriage by isli Columbia. 'lier father wore a crown oi‘ ivory satin tashioned with :1 net yoke, t‘ull The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian gathered skirt with bustle and endâ€" Church will hold their regular iii’t‘ct- ing in a slight train. ller linger- illg’ on Thursday. May 5th. at t’. p.m., tip veil was held with tiitlllLl‘t‘ illusâ€" at the home of Mrs. John Rercst'ord. sums and she cairn-d a cascade of SPEC IALS AT BRATHWAITE’S STEP LADDER, 5 FT. GREEN FENCE Galv. Painted Green 4?.†high JOHNSON GLO-COAT Plus one-third extra 98c CHOICE LAWN GRASS MIXTURE BRATHWAITE’S HARDWARE Arnold St. The Spring: Rally of the Toronto Centre ‘Presbytcriol of the Woman’s Missionary Society will be held in the Richmond Hill United Church on April itlth. lit-19. The regular meeting of the Even- ine: group of the W. A. of Richmond Hill United Church will be a May Party on Monday, May 2nd, at S p. in. All ladies cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. C. .l. Gould are now living in the new house which they recently constructed on Yonge St. north of Elgin Mills. Mr. Gould is secretaryâ€"treasurer of R. W. Horsey (Canada) Ltd.. Toronto. On Sunday evening. May 8th, the United Church Choir will render special music. consisting of solos. duets. neg-r0 spii'ituals and choir numbers. Come and hear the Choir sing these sacred selections. The regular monthly meeting of the afternOn auxiliary of the W.M.S. will be held in the Sunday School rooni Thursday. May 5th. at 3 o'clock. ChiIna will be the subject for study. A life membership will also be pre- sented. D. R. Frisby, son of Mrs. W. II. Fl'leNy Baker AVE-v arid SUPGTViSOI‘i the late Dr. Erdman Beynon to Hans K1rkland bake.'Juerg'eii Boos, son of Mr. of special classes. spoke Monday night at a meeting or the Parents’ Council for Retarded Children at Wellesley School. T‘or- onto. iCapt. and Mrs. J. H. “D. VVilliIam- son and children, Judy. John and Jane. and Capt. Williamson’s mother, Mrs. W. R. Williamson have taken up residence in Richmond Hill. Capt. Williamson is manager of the Rich- mond Hill Dominion Store. A social evening was recently spent at Mrs. Kydd’s home on Dufl’erin St., by Dr. Taylor‘s adult bible class of‘the United Church. Mr. J. Brad- ley of the Dominion Lands & Forests Dept.,at Maple, gave an interesting talk on the research work being done there. Mrs; Bradley accompanied by Mrs. Ayre entertained with vocal selections. An afternoon cuchre under the auspices of the Ladies’ Auxiliary of Veterans was held at the home of Mrs. R. Fox. The prize winners were: 1st, Mrs. Dewsbury; 2nd Mrs. Bowen; 3rd, Mrs. McCullough. The draw for the baskets of groceries was held. 1st, Mrs. Les Baker; 2nd, June Harding: 3rd, Mrs. Cirowe; 4th, Mrs. J. W. Butler, Toronto; 5th. Mr. C. Stevenson, Aurora. The regular meeting" of the Even- ing‘ Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church. will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Rig'by. 4 Elizabeth St.. on Thursday evening, May 5, at 8 p.m. Donations for the Opportunity Fair may be brou 'lit to this meeting: or to the schoo room after 1 p.m. on Saturday. May 7. All members and other women of the congregation are urged to keep the date in mind. and to donate to the sale. IN MEMORIAM HALL _ ‘In memory of James W. Hall. late of Acme Garage, who passed away April 28, 1040. Years of striving, little of play, Loving and giving the whole of the way. A cheerful smile, a heart of gold, To the dearest husband a world could hold, Happy memories fond and true From us who thought the world of you. â€" Loving‘ly remembered by wife and family. *1w44 $5.35 21c ft. WOOOOWOâ€â€œâ€â€â€œOOOWM Quarts 88c lb. We Deliver O 09096000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i v Rev. lilies and sweet peas. Mrs. Stanley Baker. sister»in-law ot' the bride wias matron of honour. Miss Lorna Baker. sister of tie bride, and'Mis. .lune Henderson, as bridesmaids were gowned alike in emerald green tatl‘ett, and their white calla headdresses were coronets oi lloweis. They carried cascades of yellow daï¬'odils and sweet peas. , The best mun was Joseph Statis- lield, .lr.. brother of the ,‘.'.'i‘ootii and the ushers were Mr. Stanley Baker, brother of the bride and Mr. (inrâ€" don Levic of Toronto. At a reception held at Maple Villa. Maple. the bride's mother received in a street length dress of grey crepe with navy accessories and wore a cot-sage of pink roses. The groom's mother assisted wearingr a street length dress of black and \\'hit-- silk with white accessories and a corsaee of yellow roses. For a weddingr trip to the United States. the bride chose a grey suit with navy accessories and a corsaeie of orchids. The happy couple will make their home in Toronto. ROOS-BEYNON On Saturday. April 10th, 1040, at 4.00 o’clock at the home of the bride in Thornton, by Rev. II. E. Well- wood, Hester Josephine. daughter of Mrs. Beynon of Flint. Michigan. and and Mrs. August Boos. ' CARLYLE-CLARK E 1On Saturday. April 23rd, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (luppy, Ben- son Avenue. Richmond Hill, Louie .(‘lia‘ke became the, wife of Norman Carlyle. The bride was attended by Irene Guppy and the groom by Per cival Guppy. The ceremony was solemnized by the Rev. “1. F. Wrix- ‘on. Rector of St. Mary's Church. FRISBY BA BY BA PTIZED Of interest to the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Frisby, Toronto, was the christening of their infant daughter at the Anglican Church. Sunday, performed by Rev. W. F. Wrixou. Mr. Donald Frisby iand Miss Irene Richards who acted as best man and bridesmaid at the wedding of the infant's parents were godfather and godmother. Mr. and Mrs. Fi-isby plan to take up resiâ€" dence in their new home on Baker Ave. about June 1. VICTIM OE PI(‘KPOCKE'I‘ LANSING MAN LOSES CASH c. , (iussip l'lll‘. Lil-ll‘jltAL. Richmond Hill. 'l'litirsday. April 26. 194:) By (:lnd McLutt-hi' o00090096690966090000OOOâ€WNOONOWâ€WOOOOO “lit‘iiilljl :tlolig‘ with other people." was quite an appropriate lillt‘ lot a talk iiy llcv. lu'. Archer \\a.lace to toe l‘;\'t'll.llf;' (itiild last week. To realâ€" 1y get along with otiier people seeinâ€" ed like a govd cake recipe. \\lill lllt’il>lll‘t‘ oi friendliness. tiiouehtt'ulâ€" ncss. and e'eiiuiiiencss. mixed witti a eciicl'otls‘ portion ol' lii:inoi. and teen with a pleasant smile. would enable iach one of us to share that magnet- u word ‘t'ellowsiiip'. thei'eoy iillin: to the full our own measure oi happin- ('53. t‘olcrauce. l)r. \\'i.ill:ice pointed out. was one oi the tinest qualities one could possess. as it always brotie‘nt but the lust in people. like a .sol't _ . answer turiicth away wrath. 33 R'Chm‘md S'- 0 Mâ€900“0099099¢9909“0€¢ 00 To be courteous and grateful for courtesies. to be humble instead ot~ ’tiig’n-nai. to be a good sport instead of a e'i'oucli. in slioit to do unto oili- cis as we would that, they should do unto us. and if you lia\en't anything good to say about a person. thin dont say anything. for as we all know. reople in glass houses should un- dress in the dark. \\e believe that. Dr. Wallace is one inss, gentle wit, and honest-toâ€"gOodâ€" ues charm which rates him in our opinion. a tiue Christian gentleman. May :lrd means moiie\. l i 4 which cons ‘ cerns you and you and you, so briner alone~ that pot of gold coupled with a good yarn about how you mined it. BROWNIE NOTES On April 2:â€), the following; Brown- iekiiis made their Promise and were enrolled by our Commissioner, Miss E. Izziaril: Judy Hairisun, Lucille Ilirchell. Nancy 'Dean and Carol I‘Iull were received into the Elves; (iloria Simmons. Siharon Cillis and Gayle Announcing the Opening of IEN’S LANDSCAPE SERVICE Experienced in Evergreen, Shrub, and Perennial Plantings . LEN RICE ooooowooooooowowoouowowm 1. THE RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC CLUB SPRING CONCERT I “i WED. & THURS, MAY 4th & 5th i at 8.15 p.m. C IN THE HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM L 35c. PER PERSON oooomoooom 0“ Phone Richmond Hill 197W 1 W O Fuller into the Fairy Six and Carol Hamilton was made a Sprite, GOMOMOMW “WW human being who makes others stop. look and listen, by his broadiuin'lcdâ€" SPRING TEA Wednesday, May 4th at the home of MRS. JAS. GRAINGER 11â€"1 Yonge St. i Under the auspices of i, The Women's Institute I} Silver Collection 3.30 to'5 p.m. OQOOOOOOOOOOMOOONOOOM ©090099©0N900600W¢W®090 Opportunity Fair Home Baking Sale- Pantry Shelf l Afternoon Tea l Saturday, May 7th ii i I l l l l IN THE sciioOI. ROOM l FROM 3 TO 5 PAL Sponsored by Evening Auxiliary of Presbyterian Church l SA'runioAr, April 30th â€" At The â€" ROSELAWN SNACK BAR STOP 23A YONGE ST. was by BUD NICHOLS TRIO In the Dance Pavilion ADMISSION 50c PER PERSON :OOMOOOOOO 6000606960000“ Believed to have been the work of“ _- a pickpocket, Harry Girier of 50' V ' Burndalc Avenue, Lansing. 10st hisI (.FLVERHOFQP F.\INCwallet containing Slit). at the Star . ' ‘ QI'.\I.ITY . Richmond Hill, last week. Mr. Grier iecalled beine; jostled in the crowd leaving: the building and later found that his wallet had disappeared. CARI) OF THANKS Mrs. Annie Mortson wishes to ex- press her heartfelt appreciation for the kindness shown her by relatives and friends in sending her cards and flowers on her birthday and for Easâ€" Words cannot express how they clw44 ter. helped in her weakness. concert staged at the United (c PRESBY’I‘ERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday. May 1. 19-19 10 aimâ€"Sabbath School. ll a.m.â€"'Public Worship. Rev. Neil C. Smith. M.A. Guest Preacher Everybody Welcome ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Kev. W. F. Wrixon. L.Th., RJ). Rector Sunday. May lst Easter 2 St. Phillip and St. James 10 awnâ€"Sunday School. 1] a.m. w Holy Communion. The eveningr sci‘Vice is withdrawn until the Fall. UNIT.) CHURCH Sunday, May lst 11 am. â€" Morning Worship â€" Dr. C. F. Grant of Indore, Central Iii- dia will be the tract speaker. T p.m. â€" Evening- Worship .L‘Dr. Taylor will preach. GOSPEL SERVICES Held in the I '4 Masonic Hall Richmond Hill 3 :00 RM. Sunday Schoal Classes For all ages from four years of up to grey hairs. now Thy Creator in the days of thy youth." Eccles: l'_’:l 7 l’..\l. I EVANGEI. IIOIVR Speaker: Mr. Geo. Selkirk Toionto Subli: "The true story of the rich man who went to Hell and the poor man who went to Heaven." Music: ‘Tiie Kites Male Q'.‘.;iitette‘ From Toronto. age “Remember Your presence is commit; C. B. Brethen, B. A. Minister: 1 Requested ._____...._.______l SIIERRIFE'S \\ HJTE OR CHOCOLATE LIBHY'S DEEP RROWNEI) Pork &Beans 2 PRINCESS -0 39:: SW Flakes {fir 71c Corn LOW PRICE Glass Wax . . 49c Pickles 25c Peas . . . 3351...:2' 29c Tomato Catsnp 22c JELL-O .\l.l. FI..\\'OI'RS M ARSII SEEDLESS Grapefruit 29c Oranges EXCELLENT FOR PRESERVING EXTRA LARGE FIRM Rll’li \\ H I'I‘E SWAN Cake lllix . . 35c Toiletlissue 32c BRI'NSWICK 35c Sardines . 3 25c BLUE AND GOLD M A R G E N E ‘38c Jellies & Puddings 3 25c ( ALIFORNIA NAVEL “Cuban†PINEAPPLES Pascal Celery 25c T O M A T O E S 19c 20 oz. ’l‘ins 3 25c / FANCY QUALITY 20 oz. 'I‘in 21c Size 250.5 D02.