:00.00000000006666060000660600000990.00000000000000‘ 0.066600000000090000000000060060969000OOOOOOOOOOOOO! 6$6690600¢boooeo09966600000006949 «G'OOOOÂ¥6'6§¢ VQOO'OOé'ï¬ :000.¢OOOOO¢OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO90006070060000; DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE NO Annual Street Dance & Carnival AT KING CITY BY ORDER ()1? MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. WEDNESDAY, July 20 inflammable. vegetable or animal matter to be dumped Will Be Open to Residents of Markham Township Lake Marie & King Athletic Assoc. HEADFORD DUMP ~Stufdy casting. {its all Hm nuts. Super- mlue. It . . . . . ‘ ‘ .98 SERVICE STATION GRADE OILâ€"In bulk â€"brlnz your own conâ€" tainer. Equnl lubrica- tlon value to many OHS m. Lwtce the (who. m-FT‘ CORRUGATED HOSEâ€"Firs: tummy. with COHDHHKS anach- ed. Bargain M Hose Noun . '49 Black Top Dresslnzâ€"V. pint Radiator Flush or Solderâ€"1 0-02. can Mole-Master Upholstery Cleaner . . .. Sheen's Wool Car Washinx mm English Chamoisâ€"16" x 15 Natural Spongesâ€"Medium size. fine quality l-‘VAY RIM “’RENCH FAN BELTSâ€"Ac real Sm. v11}; 5. For rmou Chevrolth and hum cars. O‘her cars Ind trucks Mom-“aster Liquid Wax Polishâ€"For new cars Mole-Muster Paste Cleaner or Wax Save on Timely Aufo Accessories .90 ‘° 1.25 .so and .90 FROM APRIL Hith T0 APRIL 30th fl srï¬'mo Restore “Showroom Shine†“-_.\ __ GAL Ford BIG 20-02. CANâ€"Easier to use â€"ensler on your can For Mng- lasung brlnï¬nnoe . . 85v mine POLISH and CLEANER momomnsnn Its no trick to permanently repair buckled tenders. body bumps and mher signs of winter wear. Handles like puttyâ€"adheres to all surfaces and contours. Easy to paint over. Can Standard model Identical to new c-{u‘ de luxe equipment 3-90 BACK-UP LAMPS See our complete line or Trailer Hardware. ' l I}! 0 N CABLE SETHâ€" Endï¬Ã©e'reH Ea equtly» d u pl )calim All >okher cars and my}. AND SOCKET counmiJâ€"FoF ‘ ‘6me ers. In§tan§ coununz FENDER GUIDES Streamlined and on ornzlnil. Chev. S-cyl 1.25 ‘0 1.99 1.98 'ï¬usreo OUT .99 1.10 .29 .49 RUNNING BOARD M A '1‘ T I N G â€"â€" Heavy ribbed rub- hcr. 1:!" \v i d 0. Per It. , . 4): WHEEL SPINNER -â€"â€"Clamps o n l o stat-rim: wheel. P1 3 s ‘ 1 e b I 11‘ chroma (rim )1“ Spruca Up {or Sprlnc'. See our huge selection of newest lanterns Ind nmtcrlnlsâ€"nt bl¢ anv- lngs. Tailored to In like a glove. C A R WINDOW ANTI - RATTLEH â€" ( C o n c caled Lynei. Does um 11 i n d e r window type). I: h l n d e 1' operation if. "PLASTIC '1 L7": METAL" ‘ uuu. hrnme (Hm ‘79 Super Valaes in Seaf Covers SETS FOR FRONT EATSâ€"Is low as SETS FOR FRONT AND REARâ€"tram Make “Prokssianal†Body Rtnairsâ€"Easy! 5.95 AUTO BODY FILLER .49 .25 .20 8'x9‘é'........ 11.80 12.95 I0' x l':' 18.70 20.50 lz'xl4‘.........26.20 28.75 l‘." x 16' .... .. 29.95 32.30 1'." x 18' , . . . . . . . 33.70 36.95 MADE - T0 - ORDER TARPAUIJNSâ€" Supplied In any Wctaxxgular size at 16‘â€: Der sq. It Special slmped-lo-m covers auoied on l'L‘qubI. An extra charge of inâ€; on covers under .3“ so It. Name nnd town .slcncilled on made-tcrordcr (‘nvcrs FREE. Addnmnal wordlnz 15 extra. RENAME!“ PARIS Waterproof - Mildew Resistant. For trucks. trailers. machinery. etc. These serviceable tnrpaullns are complete with ropes and grommets. On orlzlnal-cqulpment-ausl|c parts FOR CARS. TRUCKS. TRA 0R5;â€" Dlrect buying saves you dallars. AMoney-back" zuarantee of sntlsiac- on. Built for All-Weather Service â€"â€"- At Canadian Tire "Save Safely†Prices Size SAVE UP T0 50% Pneumatic. with 400 x s" are and tube. Wheelbarrow Wheel Pits any wheelbarrow Equal to any premium qual- ity o i l a t $1.40 gal. GAL MOTOR 01L Mrs. Edward Bowes is seriously ill at Mrs. McCabe's Nursing Home at Bolton. For the past six months she has been in poor health. Mrs. Bowes resides on the farm, 7th «on» cession, King township with her sonv Clarence. A son, Earl Bones lives at Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith of Burlington visited Mr. and Mrs. Aub- rey Campbell for a weekend. On April 16th, Mr. and Mrs. (‘ampbell were guests at a wedding at Klein- burg‘, for the marriage of a cousin. Miss Alma Kerr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kerr, to Mr. Orival Townsend of Shelbourne. Birthday Part)" for J. Riddell To celebrate the birthday of Mr. John Riddell of King, a family gathâ€" ering was held at the home of his son. Bob Riddell, on Saturday even- ing, April- 16th. More than 20 of the immediate family were present. Mr. Riddell recoiVed a number of ï¬ne gifts. Wednesday, April 20th, Mrs. W. J. Crossley observed her 85th birthday. Congratulations are offered to Mrs. Cmssley who has enjoyed much bet- ter health during the past year and is quite active in her home and church at King. Junior Farmers‘ (‘hUrch Service Vellore Junior Farmers’ Club an- nounce their annual Church service for Sunday evening, May lst, at 7.30 o’clock at St. Paul’s Presbyter- ian church, Vaughan township. The Change Now â€" â€" to 13.50 NUGOLD King City District News .98 Rezulnr Weight Heavy Service . Campbell : at Klein- f a cousin. of Mr. and Mr. Orival In office for 1949-1950 for Laskay W. I. branch are Miss Winnifred Boys, the new president; Mrs. J. P. Forester, honorary pres; Mrs. What~ ley Finch, vice-pres; Miss‘ Helen Hunter, new secretary-treasurer; assistant, Miss Marjorie McMurchy; Mrs. .Lawrie Boys, district director; Mrs. W. Monkman and Mrs. A. Mc- Donald directors; Miss M. McMurchy pianist. Standing committees: Ag"- riculture and Canadian Industi'ies, Mrs. Aubrey Glass; citizenship, Mrs. Charles Hately; historical research and current events, Mrs. Norman Etheridg‘e; home, economics, Mrs. Leslie Glass; social welfare, Mrs. Robert Riddell; publicity, Mrs. Pear- son Smeltzer; auditors, Mrs. W. Monkman, Mrs. Jas. Hunter; lunch committee, Mrs. R. Murdock, Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. L. J. Glass. Programs for the year have been compiled. The branch has 41 members. On Friday, April 29th Lake Marie and King Athletic Assoc will sponâ€" sor a dance in McDonald and Wells’ Hall, King; Leo Paxton’s Orchestra. Swamp Fire Curbed throughout replacing the present sys- tem, re-papering and painting com- plete. The expense is being met by the ladies group of the congregation Teston United church will also launch a renovation scheme early from the King group. Mrs. Ben- stead is the new president of the Sirtting'bourn‘e branch, the friendship group associated with King. Mrs. Ross Walker is W.I. representative to 'Lake Marie and King†Athletic Assonation . The district confer- ence to study personality and dress will he held at Aurora United shurch parlours on Thursday, April 28th. Members will bring box (lun- ches and tea will be served by Aur- ora grout). On May 5th and 6th Ontario W. .I. Ofl’icers’ Conference will be held! at Guelph. At King during the month of May a “Family Night" will be arranged for memâ€" bers :and their families. Mrs. Jar- vis, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Rumble and Mrs. Hunter are convening. Mrs. Kyle offered her home for the event. MissM. Jarvis announced a volume entitled “The Heat of the Day" has been purchased from the Literary Guild for King-Library. Mrs. J. P. Norris outlined later regulations re- garding- Blue ‘Cross enrolment. Mrs. Rock reviewed the highlights of the annual spring conference for North York W. I. representatives held in March. planning- for the District Anâ€" nual, June 6th. Officers for Laskay W. I. A glass ï¬re burning through three acres of swamp on\the farm of E. Kusmann, King’ township near Snowball, threatened to destroy about 15 acres cedar reforestation on the adjoining farm of Mr. Rich~ ardson last week. After vainly at- tempting to halt the blaze, Mrs. Kusmann summoned Aurora ï¬re de- partment, who with the aid of near- by farmers struggled through the swamp undergrowth as the ï¬re spread rapidly along tall top grass. Aided by her nine-year-old son, Mrs. Kusmann carried water from the well to the blaze which started 50 feet from the farm buildings. Her husband was anav from home at the time. Mrs. Arthur Wellesley is improv- ing after a surgical operation at York County hospital. She is con- valescing at the home of her son, Douglas Wellesley, Woodale farm, Eversley. (‘hurch Anniversary at King Mrs“, E. .l. Kyle W. 1. President Mrs. E. J. Kyle has been re-elcct- ed president of King Women's In- stitute for a second term. Mrs. '1‘). A. Jrarvis is ï¬rst viceâ€"president; Mrs. Austin Rumble, second vice-presi- dent; Miss Doris Patton, re-elected secretary treasurer assisted by Mrs. Mrs. J. Rock; directors, Mrs. Gordon Wells, Mrs. J. L. Grew, Mrs. Stan- ley Hunter and Miss Lily Anderson; auditors, Mrs. A. J. Gordon and Miss Eva Dennis; Mrs. James Patton re- mains honorary president. Convenâ€" ors of standing committees are being selected by officials. At the meet- ing; held April 12, Mrs. Beverley treasurer of the W. I. district of North York presided for election of ofï¬cers. Mrs. R. H. Corner, Aur- ora, president of the district was also present. speaking briefly, an- nouncing the decision of the W. 1. Branch of the Department‘of Agri- culture to make alterations in cer- tain areas in Ontario. North York will be among these. A leter was read from Mrs. Pem- berton, Kent, England, expressing: anpreciation of the large shipments of ivory soap sent her W. I. branch King United Church will observe anniversary Sunday on May lst, at 11 .a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev.'Mr. Jenkinâ€" son, the minister will preach and Mr. Wishart Campbell, Toronto sing- er will be heard at both services. Mr. Campbell has chosen a number of well-beloved sacred selections and his appearance is being keenly an- ticipated. The junior choir directed by Mrs. E. Patten, organist .will render anthems. On Sunday, May 29th. Laskay congregation -\vill re-open their church for anniversary services. morning and evening with special' mormng and ever speakers and musk the church auditox tensively renovated Junior Farmers’ choir will assist un- der the direction of Miss M. Wax-tâ€" son. Rev. C. H. Bowman, minister or St. Paul‘s will preach assisted by members of the club. Several of King United church choir attended the Toronto Star frre concert held at Richmond Hill Un- ited Church last week. The presenâ€" tation given by outstanding artists from Toronto and Richmond Hill United church choir umler the lead- ership of Mr. Adelina Molocci, 01'- ganist and choirmaster was highly praised and enjoyed. Delegate to Synodical i Mrs. T. L. Williams 01 King" was praised and enjoyed. Delegate to Synodical Mrs. T. L. Wiinams 01 Kim: was a delegate to the annual meeting of the Toronto and Kingston Synndical of the Women‘s Missionary Society (W.D.) of the Presbyterian Church of Canada held in St. Paul's Pres- byterian ’Church, ‘Peterborough on April 26-28. Mrs._ E. .1. Kyle W. 1. President pecia iday, May 29th, Laska‘y ion «vill re-open their for anniversary services, and evening with speciab and music. The interior of ‘h auditorium is being ex- of Miss M. Wavt- Bowman, minister preach assisted by Superior or light- sent sys- ng com- ' met by regation tilt: '3uuuuuuuouu ono«non».«unouunouonnouounoooononommv SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse N0. 1 mirror 1 Oak Bed with springs 2 Oak \Vash Stands 2 Large Rocking Chairs Venetian Blind, 5 ft. Bob-a-Lawn Mower 3 Pieces Screen Frame Draperies Wicker Sewing Stand I Apex Washer Beatty W Folding Bench for Tubs Folding Ironing Board 1 New Jacket ’Heater 1 Child’s Chiffrobe 1 Child’s Clothes Tree 1 Child's Bath Tub ‘ Lawn Chairs 3 Lawn M 1 Moffat Electric Range '2 Quebec Heaters, with pipe Odd Dislhes Pictures Si And other articles too nun mention. “ Terms ‘Cash. No reserve. 1.30 p.m. ‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.900090 ‘ Shippers may obtain sacks and twine without charge from Wilbert Hadwen, Maple 01' by writing direct to 3 Large Rugs Small Rugs Rug (Wilton) size 9’ x 10’ 6†2 Wine Rugs, 4' x 7’ and 6’ x 9’ End Tables Tea Wagon 1 High Back Hall Chair 2 Foot Stools 1 Platform Rocker 1 Oak Jardiniere Stand 1 Large Leather Chair 1 Book Stand 1 Odd Table 1 Walnut Cabinet] Record Cabinet Solid Walnut Tea Wagon Love,Seat, newly upholstered 2 Sideboards 1 Oak Buffet, 1 Large Extension Table ‘. 1 Oak Whatnot 2 Small Rockers 1 Singer Sewing Machine (drophead) Odd Chairs 2 Mattresses 2 Simmons Beds (walnut ï¬nish) 2 Springs for above beds 1 Battery Radio and loud speaker 1 Walnut Washstand and top " 1 Oak Bed, spring and mattress 54 ‘Piece Dinner Set of Dishes 1 Slightly Used Jacket Heater Beatty Washing; Machine with stain- Ed K\'le. Clerk KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Aucts Markham 'P.O., phone Markham 206 Milliken P.O., phone Ag'incourt 52W3 Kelvinator-Ref1'igemtor, 7 cu. ft., in good condition Chesterï¬eld and Fireside Bench, ‘newly upholstered Chesterï¬eld and Chair 3 Radios, cabinet models anew for blessing and comfort, a source of strength to others. Mrs. Charles Gordon gave the Glad Tidings prayer and Mrs. Fred Curtis, president. who was chairman gave a vocal solo accompanied by Mrs. Farren. less steel tub~ 6 Piece Breakfast Room Suite 1 Oak Dressing Table. .with large "11H Wool Growers’ Organization WOOL 217 Bay St., Toronto, Canada CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWER‘S LIMITED The Property of I]. H. Mat-KAY and H. W. MOR'I'SON RICHMOND HILL ARENA SATl'RDAY. APRIL 30 AUCTION SALE WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading“ Prompt Settlement ()l“ I’l'RNl’l‘l'RE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY, BUSINESS I\'I_-'\NAGEMEN'I‘. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPLETE COVERAGE IN REAL‘ES'I‘A'I‘E 2 Small Rockers Machine (drophead) 2 Mattresses Beatty Washer ON reserve. Sale at in) as ViSilverwal-e too numerous to Lawn Mowers ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE LIMITED ELLT US HERE OR AT ANY OF OUR TORONTO OFI“I( MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD TORONTO HEAD OFFICE: 1172 BAY; PRINCESS 332-1 Small Rugs 10! 6Y1 Curtains 1'11 1 9996969096909006999999909 )QOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO69f CONCRETE BLOCKS QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO06660000090600.0906: :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO090666006999000660.0900...9090; RICHMOND BUILDING MATERIALS 10 inch ‘ANADIAN CEMENT SUPPLIED REASONABLE WITH ORDERS ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE LTD. SAVE MONEY ON YOUR BLOCKS Order now for summer delivery at guar- anteed winter prices above. 8 inch nch - 21c Delivered; 1ch - 24c Delivered; WINTER PRICES NIELS AE. ANDERSEN THORNHILL 212r1-2 No deposit required. Phone iclmmml l’lill. Fl‘luu I’aperhanging a Specially 81 YONGE ST.. 155.] . ROLLINSON Represented by Richmond Hill 414M April 194E)