v 3.099.909.099999990¢¢Q¢Mo¢ooonocooouM¢Mwouo+t SOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOQOOcaoeoaoeoooow. ‘O06.0.9900000900060000009004‘OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO‘ g "0090900coco.o“.ooooooe‘wooooaooooooooe00005609“so :OOOOOOOOOOOOOO900000090990900;:;;:OO§‘;:Oâ€"Q:OOO;OOOOQ V A .0 O. 000009000000OOOOOOOOOOOQOOO OOOOOOOOQOOOOOOO‘O 0066 QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00000000906000OOOOOOOOOOOOC00990O 0 v tooooooooooooooo0ooooooooooooooooo-moooooooooooooooo IOOOO-OOOOO§OOOOOOOO09.9000QOOOOOOVOOOOQ’VQOQOOOO0...: 00999000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOt Phone 458W SANFORIZED OVERALLS AND SHORTS. in pastel shades, sizes 2-1-6‘; CHILDREN‘S E‘I'RE WOOL CARDI- (u'ANS AND JERSEYS; ALSO WOOLLEN CARRIAGE (TOATS WITH TAM; BABY‘S WHITE SHOES AND BOOTS: CO'L‘TON SWEAT SHIRTS AND (‘ARDIGANS; GIRLS ('OTTON BLOUSES. 7 10 12; BOYS‘ LONG PANTS. I to 6X. All will be welcome. MRS. ("HAS HOOVER. Pres. Gormlcy. R. 11. 2 Phone Agin. 41J4 PHONE 'I‘HORNH ILL 177“ NEW LOCATION YONGE at STEELES Mrs. Anthony Allen On Mountjoy Sideroad east of Markham RONALD M. FENï¬ REAL ESTATE BROKER Sponsored by AT 8.15 I’JI. LUCKY DRA\\' PRIZES F OR SERVEQE Of‘the Markham Township Women's Progressive- Conseryative Association will be held T'I’IE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thursd THORNH ILL. __0.\â€l‘. Everything Electrical House and Farm Wiring 3 Specialty Work done by Licensed Electricians. COURT WHIST PART Langstaff Public School FRIDAY, APRIL 29th at 8.15 pm. PUBLIC MEETING Telephone THORNHSLL 168 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS HOLMES Ladies’ and Children’s Wear FRIDAY, May 6th JACK RARE at ‘ang'staff Home and School A to be held in PRIZES . REFRESHMEN'I'S ADMISSION 35 Cents 8 p.m. at the home of (fume and bring a friend 1.18. ADAM BROWN. Sec Gormley, R. R. 2 Phone Ag‘in. 21W3 RESIDENCE 191K“; 117 Yonge St. -soooooooooooooé April 28, 1949 SSOC 0)] Thornhill Horticultural Societv’s members and friends alm-ost ï¬lled Lawrence Memorial Hall on Monday evening- of this week to hear Pro- fessor Weall of the Ontario Agricul- tural 'College speak on landscaping the home grounds. He suggested the type of trees which could ‘be planted; arbours, hedges, perennial beds and the proper way to plant a lawn. In other words, he summar- ized the proper procedure fOr the home gardener to follow, and con- cluded by answering questions. No- Mr. and Mrs. Hansen have sold their :home on Bayview Ave, and will be moving to Toronto shortly. ’l‘horlmill W. 1. Holds Family Party ’ Thornhill Women’s Institute enterâ€" taine members of the Lions Club and. heir families at a party held at Lawrence Memorial -Hua-lJ.. last Wednesday evening. Among the guests present were ,Miss..l\d\arguer- ite Boyle and two of her pupils, Lois Weir of Toronto and Biily Ranmn, both of whom entertained with two readings, These children won hon- ors in the York Festival at Woodâ€" bridge. I Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. Clifford Turner, Clary Ave, whose brother died as a result of in- juries received in a recent accident in British Columbia. ’l‘hornhill W. l. Presents (Theque For"8150 to Local Lions Club A donation of $150 towards the local swimming pool was voted to Thornhill District Lions Club to as- sist them in their current drive for funds. at the April meeting," of the Thornhill Women’s Institute, held in the Sunday school room of Thornhill United "Church last Thursday after- noon. Mrs. 'C. Hicks xof Bethesda was to have been guest speaker, but she was unable to attend. Roll ("all was “ a verse from an old schoOl hook†and wns answered by Mrs. W'ells and Mrs. McKean with verses taken from school hooks over one hundred years old. “Historical Research" was the to- pic of this meeting, and Miss F. Clubine, its convenor, dealt with the Don Valley Conservation progranr. A nominating committee was'appoin- ted, consisting of Mrs. F. Stotts, Mrs. S. Findlay and Mrs. Spanton, and members will receive nomination sheets in the mail shortly. All are urged to complete these forms promptly. In view of the fact that 'Mrs. L. Schaf’fer may have left the village before the next meeting of the W.I., (Mr. and Mrs. Schaï¬er plan to settle in Mitchell, if possible) she was presented with an Institute Pin and a book of Poems by Edna J'aques. The presentation was made by Mrs. W. Ball, who expressed the regret of every member when she told Mrs. ~Schafl°er just how much she would be missed here. Mrs. George Magvas wishes to thank the many friends who remem- bered her with cards. gifts and good wishes during- her recent illness. Although still in the convalescent stage, Mrs. Magvas is much better. The annual W. M. S. service was heiu m ‘l'nornhill United Church last Sunday'moming and the guest spea- ker was Miss Helen Burlton, former member of the Church. Miss Burlâ€" ton will be graduated this year from the United 'Church Training School, and 'is under appointment with the Students’ Christian Movement. She may possibly be leaving: this sum- mer for Europe. Miss Burlton's Challenging message was enthusias- tically received. Norene Florence, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth John Clubine, C:>11‘K rue." was oaptized at the morning service. The generous offering went to the afternoon auxiliary. Rev. E. E. Kent spent Tuesday in Collingwood ‘at 'Simcoe Presbyterial where he spoke for the Toronto Con- ference Committee on “Hospitalxza- tion." Helen Burlton. Guest Speaker Thornhill District N eWs It is contrary to municipal by-law for dogs to run at large in the Village of Richmond Hill on and after May lst. All dog owners are hereby asked to take notice and heed these regulations. Penalties provided for in- fractions of the hy-law. ' D01,r Tax is now due and must be paid at the Clerk‘s Office by May 10. LaGrove Beauty Salon Hill. Rem VILLAGE OF RICHMOND Hill He sug'g'e-steil which could ‘ be edges, perennial NOTICE“ -DOGS Shampoo and Fingerwavc 751' Phone Thornhill 1022 for Specializing in all typs of l’crmanenl Waves ("old Waves. Machine and .‘lElCl‘llnt‘lESS FROM $5.50 A drive by the Thornhil] District Lions Club to raise $20,000. to pub the swimming- pool canvass over the top' is progressing satisfactorily, the team captains agree. The period of I the drive has been extended one week however. because of the difficulty of covering a wide ,térritory. IIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIII who contributed baTJedr 50an prizes. ‘ Mr. Ray Fox, Steele’s’Avo., won the championship for light heavy- weight wrestling last Saturday in Toronto and was the recipient of a The average 'donation in most zones has been approaching $20. This average will assure the objective be- ing‘ reached, and the Lions Club hopes that those yet to be canvass- ed will respond as well as those al- ready covered. __Meanwhile, excava- tion of the main pool has been com- pleted and the 6†well has reached water, although not yet in sufficient quantity. Contracts have been let by the Vaughan Township‘Recl‘eat- ional Committee for the well, main pool. the steel and all the puriï¬cation machinery. The whole prog‘l'am is progressing on schedule and there is every hope that the pool will be in openation late in July. gold medal an's Land Act. A very successful sale of plants netted almost $35. The “as one . brated th secretary, Mrs. E. G. ‘McKean stres- at tlmn‘éi' ses the necessity for getting your up- tions in early as these must he or- dered in advance. Your member- ship fee of 31 should be forwarded to‘ her at Thornhill P.O. at once since, options are distributed at the May liam Hor: Ha rk, M l s .\h s. P. L Congrati Haer Bm [Wins (bo‘ meeting and must be picked up or, April 16 arnanged for at that time. Mrs. H. J. Barons and Miss Milâ€" dred Barons of London. mother and sister of Mrs. E. G. McKean. have been Easter guests at her home on John St. Miss Barons had to re- turn home at the end of last week in order to take up her teaching- duties, But Mrs. Barons is staying on for this week. Thornhill District Lions Conducting Successful Canvass l Mrs. Sta ni mond Hill ers will 1‘( er on Map Blake L holiday wi Ont. ’1 he com man's As Missionary ited Chum of Mrs. P ticeable in the audience were the number of young- veterans who have been settling hereunder the Veter~ Visit our Record Bar and ask to see our Beltona Catalogue. YEREX ELECTRIC The Road to the Isles. Sword Dance, Flooel‘s of the Forest, Eightsome Reel. The Scottish Record BE LTONA lppointment The De’il in the Kitchen Scots Guards Pipe Band Pipe Major Robert Reid DAVID MCI HAN SELLS RtlSsell Lynett. Clerk Stl'athspey and Reel RICHVALE Scottish Medleys REA L ESTATE e thei 1.0“0, nownsvim have (Duper wno was v'eter- his grandson, II essful was Lne year 0‘ L The brated their blr sues. at dinner were g u up- 11am Horsley', H )e 01‘- Park, MISS Agm mber- Mrs. P. Lynsky 5 lo999¢oo¢9o¢ocoeoooooooaeool ’and Paris Auto Supply Ltd. OOOOOOOâ€OOOOOOOOOOâ€OOOOO 12 Months Guarantee $64.50 James MacDonald and won bv Miss Katherine McQuarrie. A delicious lunch was served and a social hour was enjoyed by all. ed the W.M.S. at the Manse. Mon day evening, April ‘18. The guest speaker was. Mrs. Fockler who spoke on “The Bible.†A duet ahd solos by Ann Lawrie and Joanne Johnson ac- (‘r‘n‘panied by Mrs. Wade. A Bible contest was conducted by Mrs. eml Betty, Carol Downing and Ruth Weir sang a duet. Greta Dahl read an Easter Story. Heather Miller and Patricia Lund each favoured with a pie.an solo. The study was taken by Dorothy Jarrett. Nora Lund read a poem and Gloria Weir read a short story. After the closing hymn; Mrs. Jarrett served lunch. Marlene Orr tendered the thanks of the band to the hostess. St. Andrew’s Girls’ Club entertain- John's Coffee Shop was broken in- .to Sunday night and a quantity of goods stolen, cigarettes, tobacco, flashlights. etc. The interest of the people of Map- le in the planning- and development of their Village, was shown Monday night, April 25th. when thev attend- ed a meeting in the Masonic Ha‘l The hall was backed, and the subject well (lle’USSGd. An exhibit of oil paintingsldOne by a group of Maple amateur artists will be open to the public at the Unâ€" ited Church Parsonage on Wednesâ€" day eve’ning, May 4th, from 8 to 10 o’clock. This exhibit is held under the ausoices of the Women’s Assoc- iation Grouo No. “3.. led by Mrs. E. Hemphill. During the evening; there will be musical numbers and lunch will be served. Silver collection. The Easter meeting- of the Mission Band was held on Saturday at the home of Dorothy Jarrett, under whose leadership 2 special program had been arranged. The devotional exercises were taken by Helen Calder Mr. and Mrs. A. E and Mr. E. Sharpe holidays \with Mr. Snider of Goderich. Mrs. Allan Moore and son. Chris. are visiting“ with the former's mo- ther and father, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noble. The baking: ‘saIe {vas algrreaï¬t cess, and we wish to thank all those who contributed. Eddie Leece entertained his cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. W. Arndt of St. Catherines at his 4th oirt‘hday on Saturday. April 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. John Leece, Isabel] and Edward, attended a surprise party in honor of Mr. Robert Beat- ty's 70th birthday (April 26) at Gmmley on ‘Friday. April 2'3. Dcn’t forget the May meeting of the Maple Community and School Club to be held in the school, Wed- nesday evening, May 4th, :at 8 p.m. vu‘se from at. Mark's gospel. Mrs. Wm. Woods gave a ï¬ne devotional on prayer. Mrs. Hemphill read 1mm the, Study Book. Mrs. Laver, the W.M.S. president opened the W. l\I.S. meetng with an Easter prayer. The ladies brought gifts for a loveâ€" ly layette set for the missionary hale. The meeting closed with prayer. There were 24 in atten- dance. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Ethel Mablierley is undergoâ€" ing treatment in General Hospital Toronto, for mastoid. We wish her a speedy recovery. Maple Volunteer Firean received a call to ï¬ght a grass ï¬re on the 3rd Concession of Vaughan. 11,1. miles east of Maple. The property of Dr. Clarence Routley and Mr. W. Johnson of Toronto. The ï¬re cov- ered 100 acres. ' Friends of Mr. John Keller will be sorry to know he is very ill at his home, having suffered a stroke, Easter Sunday. 'lhe combined meeting of the W0- man's Association and Woman’s Missionary Society Of the Maple Un- ited Church was held at the home of Mrs. Forrest on April 20th, at 2.30 p.m. The 1'oll‘oall was answered by a On Easter Sunday, at the home of 111. anu‘ Mrs. Tom Couper, Murray “and, ‘Llownsview, Mr. David W. L’onper Who was 85 last week, and his grandson. David William, who was L116 year old April 20th, cele- brated their b.1-thdays. Relations at dinner were grandfather Mr. Wilâ€" liam Horsley, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I-Vark, MISs Agnes Couper. Mr. and Mrs. P. Lynsky and liat'myne. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton on the birth of their mes (boy and girl) on Saturday, April 16 (Keith and Kathleen) at Mrs. Stanford's Nursing Home, Rich- mond Hill. Maple Lacrosse follow- ers will remember Hiarry as a play- er on Maple team. G R ADING BY BULLDOZER on Maple team. Blake bnarlton spent liday with his parents Phone Maple 116 LEWIS SUMP PUMP CELL ARS and I‘I‘IIUIS .\ \'.\IL.\ BLI Phone 86 MAPLE was answered by z Mark's gospel. Mrs Snider, Marilyn spent Easter and Mrs. Stan the Easter in Denvule, 00999906990.Q99¢Q¢QOOQQQOOOQOQOOOOOOOOOOOQQQOQ¢QOQO§ ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOMOOOOOOOO “ OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointmen! Phone Richmond Hill 33 000090o90000000co909900009099999000000000.0900o9000 .0†90904 9666“06 :OOONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO eak Spring Prices are here and so are we. LIST WITH US TODAY FOR A SALE TOMORROW. HOUSES WANTED SOLD - SOLD AGAIN mbcr 01 ADAM REI'I‘ER ELECTRIC WELDING AND ACETYLENE WELDENG Repairs and construction of all kinds ?Lmt Quaei .‘lmlul'zu'tUI‘in,gr Furriers OPERATING AT YONGE ST. AND MAY AVE THGBNEILL a FURRIERS AN®E TURNER’S WELDING SERVICE IS NOW ACME GARAGE NOTICE PHONE DAYS, RICHMOND HILL 496W CAPES CAPE STOLES JACKETS NECK PIECES We have some in stock or make them to your order. Fur Styles This Spring Are: the On DAVID McLEAN F.L. LOWRIE,R.O. l‘own and Country Realtors )ntario Association of Thornhill Office, Phone AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE g Wednesday, May. 11th iY DAVID .‘lCLEAN EVENINGS 359R25 Eyes Examined, Giasses Fitted; and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month EYESIGHT SPECIALIST FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON Walk-Rite Shoe Store For Comfortable Shoes Don't wait until your shows are too far gone. V. U can do a better job if you bring: them to us early. We also make shoes to order. b PHONE 26:} THORNII ILL Telephone 'l‘hornhill 37m Geo. laba WILL BE AT time. I clientele and continuous 'l‘hornhill, H stalt and the full fS, list with arm. COUII- ()nt. $01â€