W THE HOME I’AI’ER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1578 York County's Newest and Most Modern Playhouse Shows daily, Monday through Friday at 7 and 9 pm. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Saturday: Matinee at 2 pm. Doors open at 1:30 pm. Continuous Show Sat. from 5 pm. Doors open 4:45 pm. Friday & Saturday â€" May 13 & 14 _Yoyu’II.DIE...LAUGHIN“l umvaesnziurgiiw IhEWolfman played by [OH CHANEY Dracula played by Bill lUGllSl Ilia Monster played by GLENN SIRANGE lENORE AUBERT - JANE RANDDLPH - Original Screenplay n mm ins - mom: l._ mnnn - mm mm - Diilctad n CHARLES 1. union o plenum n noun mm ' Monday & Tuesday â€" May 16 & 17 5 he fanned the flames of a woman’s Vengeance till it flared into a thing " -..~9t..$.ev9s9 Vengeanse! . UNIVERSALINTERNMIONAL presents Illh ANN JSIA AN \vu»\\\\ .\ * aw». w- >.-..\:\. SIR crbnrciiiiiiiiiiiéiiï¬. MILDREB"ppm-aw Written tor the Screen by ALDOUS HUXLEY - Produced.and Directed by ZOLTAN KORDA (Is Wednesday & Thursday -â€" May 18 & 19 FOR IEN IEIIRIFYING SECONDS . . . a" time stood still! . _ A the story of the strangest ...mosI savage manhunt in history! 7! J Always News and a Cartoon f O O O ‘ O O O O '0 O O O O O o O O 0 O Q O O O O 9 g O O O . Q G O O 0 0 Q 9099 ¢QQQQQQW¢©QQ¢¢¢009¢QQQQ¢$M¢¢$¢$QQM¢¢9 $99 99¢ “In i:.sseritials, Unity; in Tillie rat. In All Non-Essentials. Liberty: l‘hinii‘s. Charity". â€".__â€"_â€"â€"â€"-â€" RICIIMONI) HILL, ONT., THURSDAYMAY 121h. 1040 “Have Tried To Serve North York And Nation As A Whole†Asserts Jack Smith, M.P., Liberal Nominee More than live representative of all parts of the rid- nrg attended the annual meeting and nomination of the «North York Lib- eial Association lleights School. North York Town- ship. Saturday afternoon. Jack Smith, editor and pubilshcr of The Liberal and MP. for North York 1045 was tendered the unanimous nomination after James Colby of North York Township, only since other nominee, withdrew in his faâ€"‘ your. Brigadier Colin Campbell, 0. BE. of \Voodbridge, was elected president. succeeding Ross iLinton of Aurora. Other officers include: vice lresidents. James Colby, North' York 'l‘wp.; William Kiel-stead, North. York Twp; Charles Vanzant, New- market; Bruce McMillan. Queens- villc; secretary Peter Burt, 70 Brooke Ave; treasurer, Col. Ken Stivcr, Newmarket. Hon. Lionel Chevrier, Minister of. was the main speaker. Transport, and others who addressed the gathâ€" ering included David Croll, K.C., M.‘ P., for Spadina; D. G. McNish, Pres- ident of the Toronto and Yorks Libâ€" former M.P. for North York; Morgan.- Baker, former M.P.P.; Vern Singer, president of the Ontario Young Libv. of ohe._ erals A ssociation; members lecal executive and representatives of- the women‘s organizations. Nominee Speaks In his acceptance speech Jack Smith thanked the people of North York for their expression of conï¬- dence and continuing said, “It has; been a great honor and privilege to have served as the representative of this historic riding in the last Par: liament, and I have tried honestly and sincerely to 'serve you well. have tried to serve the best: interests of North York and the nation as a whole. without fear or favor all the people of North York, irrespective of «party, race, color or religion, and so this af- ternoon l have no hesitation in ap- pealingr to all the people of North York, irrespective of party affiliation I have no hesitation in appealing at this time for the support of all the people of North York who seriously and sincerely want a strong govern- ment in Canada for the next ï¬ve years. I wish to take this opportunity too of acknowledging the many kind of- fers of assistance and support which I have received from members of other political parties, who after a thoughtful survey of the present pol- itical situation in Canada have come to the conclusion the logical conclusion . . that at this time, in this riding, the best way to cast an eï¬'ective vote for strong government is to vote for the Liberal candidate. Experience â€" Not Stunt-flying Let us not forget that we are liv- ing in a world still troubled and dis- organized afrer a devastating war, a world where peace still does not reign four years after the war, a world where there are still threats of economic chaos and even threats of war itsxlf. At such a time I believe the people of Canada are more con- ccrned and rightly more concerned, with having a strong government of proven cxpcricnce. than they are con- cerned with partisanship or political stunt-flying. I submit that this is a time in our political thinking we should banish paltls‘JllSlllp and prejudices and vote in the best interests of the futuré welfare of Canada. I believe in all honesty and sincerâ€" iey that the future welfare of Canada can be served best at this time by the ic-clection of the government led by :i great statesman and a ï¬ne Cana~ diaii. Rt. Hon. Louis Stephen St. Laurent, who has tilled the high office e“ Prime Minister with honour and reputation. with dignity and with credit to himself and all Canada, a emcriimtnt which has been tried and itstcd. government which gave the Canadian people leadership dur~ ing :be dark days of World War II . a governmen: which by careâ€" fii', and studied plannin;r ll‘lvitiz‘il the reconstruction pvriod to Ll led us o 'r present happy position among the nations of the world Cunada l> today enjoying an era Employment our national of record prosperity. is at a hiin level limonic is tire highest in history is up and our farmers na- ‘f'w'm income ,;l‘r‘ illlix'pPl'lilis‘ 31le mil- H\'(‘!'â€"al} hundred delegates held at Armour“ I? cr'j‘ Asosciation; N. L Mathews, K C., president Ont. Liberal ASsoc.. Prominent Liberals seated on the platform included Hon. W. P. Mulock, ‘ 1 have tried sincerely to serve l tional production hit allâ€"time 1high in 1948. The record of Canada in the, past four years has been good. We have successfully re-absorbed many thousands of veterans hack into civ- ilian life, with a vast program of re-cstablishment and farm settle- ment, vocational tarining and univ- ersity educatiom We have made progress along the road with our program of social sc- curity we have increased old age pensions, we have increased vet- erans pensions and Veterans Allow- ances, we inaugurated and paid out family allowances to the extent of a quarter billion dollars a year we have begun a thirty million dol- Iar a year; system of health grants . . and 'we have built in Canada 278,000 ‘homes. We have extended generous aid to Britain andiother countries of Eur- ope in the interests of world recovâ€" ery, and we! have reduced our nat- ional debt by 1625 million dollars . and than this year as a crown- ing achievement this government has presented the Abbott Sunshine Budget giving Canadians the great- est tax cut in history amounting to 13-00 million dollars. Such a record, not of promises, but of achievement is the record of the government we ask the people of Canada to "endorse on June 27th . such is tlhe record of the gov- ernment of which I am proud to be ‘a candidate in the coming election. ‘ Welcome BaCk Home I am happy to welcome at this convention delegates from the Twp. of Markham, the Village ot Mark- ham and the Village of Stouffville. They are here attending a North York convention for the ï¬rst time since 1930. Formerly a part of this riding,»[tlrey awe'nptremoved, by,.a ger- ryrnander- in 1934; and Iain pleased that this government has seen ï¬t to correct that gerryrr‘ander and res- tore these municipalities to this conâ€" stituency. I welcomv the people of Markham Township, Markham Vill- age and Stouï¬'ville back home ’to the historic constituency of North York. We look forward to the priv- ilege of working with you in the coming election . . and incidental- ly we look forward to some substan- tial majorities." (vl'hevricr Speaks IIon. Lionel C‘hcvricr, Minister of Transport for Canada delighted the large audience with an address out~ lining the record of the present government and criticizing the in- consistent attitude of the new leader of the opposition. “When Mr. Drew was leader of the opposition in ,On- tario he laughed and. sneered at the idea of there being nine provincial governments in Canada. But when he became premier of Ontario his views were entirely changed. He an no longer had any desire fOr one strong central government. He is now in Ottawa as leader of the op- position and his talk is all provin- cial rights.†Mr. *Chevrier warned that fascism in Canada isn't so far off “when one reviews the sort of government given to the people of Quebec and Ontario by Premier Duâ€" plessis and former Premier Drew." ‘Hc said the Liberal party defended to the fullest extent the rights of free speech, freedom of religion and Irecdom of the press. “Any blil curtailing free should be condenrned when the leaâ€" der of a party attacks a great news- paper," he added, referring to the Ontario Charitable Gifts Act effect- ing The Toronto Daily Star. Mr. Chcvrier said the Liberal par- ty has only one policy for all of 'Canada, not one system for Ontario. 'ano‘ther for Quebec and so on. “Economic security has always will be . the aim of the Liberal party," he said. “We are against high tariffs as they hinder the flow of free trade. Trade makes economy consistent and must be car'â€" ried on as freely as p0:slbl0." .\IUst Curb Greed l He cmphasizvd that big busincs: must be content with a small perâ€" centage of the national income: must curb greed; and labour and manage- ment mizst share responsibility. Mr. Chevrier said that when Caitâ€" adians >‘uip to think that Liberalism speech and darrls of living in the world. they will remember that high employâ€" ment, social security, beneï¬ts to vet- and other meas- iiies came about as a result of Libâ€" eral legislation craiis progressive has given them one of the has: stunâ€"v l “Jack†Smith .I. Richmond Hill editor and publisher and M.P. for North York since 1045 who was tendered an unanimous nomination as candidate in the corn- ir.g election at a largely attended convention of the North York Lib- , cral Association last Saturday. ADVERTISING IN THE LIBERAL GETS RESULTS -..vâ€"- No. 4") Work In Aid 0f Crippled Children Described At lions Club Meeting .\n address of unusual interest to port, said Mr. Rogers, that crime on Lions, whose objective is r . I work in its broadest sense, and the and was now at an all Much of this, he said, could be at- the heiping of the underprivileged was that delivered last Thursday byltrihutcd to lack of proper welfare the part of young adults had risen time high. guidance .\lr'. Kenneth Rogers. Assistant. to during the last war. when many fa- llie Executive Director of the Ontar- thcrs were away on service and ino- io Society for Crippled Children. It was too bad, said Mr. Rogers in his opening remarks, that _ could not show a picture of crippled'Jusmwnt children playing baseball # boys in wheel chairs taking their turn at bat, and entire teams all crippled inI one way or another. It was really impressive, he said. to note how cheerful and happy the children were in spite of their handicaps. The goal of today, said the speaker. is to combine loeal and national in- terest in raising better men and wo- men. The hope of the world lies in what is done for children six years and under. Life expectancy tables showed that in the year 1800 the life. average was 20 years. in 1900 it was 48 years, and today is 60 years. In- fant. mortality has been greatly re- duced, statistics show. It was unfortunate to have to re- “Meytime Fair†At Thornhill Is An Outstanding Success Last Sunday morning the Te Deum was sung in Trinity Church, Thorn- hill, with special fervour by a lot of tired but happy people. The Maytime Fair for which they had planned and worked for many weeks had come to a highly successful conclusion Sat- urday evening. The ambitious three day fair opâ€" ened with a bridge on Thursday af- ternoon. Lawrence Memorial Hall had been gain decorated with color- - ed streamers in May pole effect, and clever cartoons of gamboling spring lambs, ctc., on the walls. When two hundred and ï¬fty women in pretty summer dresses were seated at the card tables, the scene was very, very gala. Judging from the hub bub there was more pleasant conversation than serious bridge, but it did not matter as prizes were awarded by means of lucky draws. Afternoon tea was served by members of the Pariin Guild and during the tea hour some of their small daughters took part in a deilghtful little fashion show, modelling very dainty chil- dren's dresses which had been made by the Guild for the coming Bazaar. Incidentally an interesting behind- the-scencs service to mothers who wanted to assist, or play, at the bridge was provided by baby sitters who looked after 23 children at the rectory. On Friday between 5 and T p.m. more than 3.300 people enjoyed the appetizing buffet supper provided by the WA. in the newly decorated basement of the Hall. The tables chre players began to arrive for an chre layrs began to arrive for an evening session, and upstairs the or- chestra tuned up for the dance, two popular features sponsored by the Men’s Association. All of the church organi'lxrtions had a hand in the Bazaar on Satur- day al'terncn. This again drew a large crowd who eagerly bought Lip the attractive stocks of children's wear, aprons, home cooking, books, candies. flowers and plants. The was well patronized. fry found enter- Kiddle's Corner in aftcrnon tea and the younger taininent at the the basement. , Pleasant ï¬nale to the Fair was the concert arranged for by Trinity Church Choir, and pr‘esL'nth by Bor- den's “Golden Crest Male Choir". As goodwill representation of a well known company, it goes without sayâ€"l ing that they gave a performance of exceptional merit. Tire well baliup. ccd programme featured bass, tenor and baritone solos. an accordionist. and a humorist. as well as splendid The men looked smart and obvicusly chorus work. in trim l'ed enjoyed themselves as much as the audience. Accompanist James Green who has been with the choir since its inception a numbir of years ago, was once organist at Trinity Church. jackets Thornhill. .\liln)" I’inc Prizes _ The three days of tzic l’ail- were highlighted lucky draw.» 70 beautiful and useful prizes all don- well ï¬rms and iii- irll' l ry ated by wishing dividuals. Expressing himself as deeply gra- tiï¬td by lire outcome of the hair. the l'eclul'. Rev. A. R. Wood said the succcs of the venture was due to generous and Lilllitlritl‘tlt' sgrppbrt' and paii‘onagc from both inside and outside the district. and to the tire» less teLuiii work of the licil'crs SH." ndin;r ii i~ opinion of apprec- iation. Mr. R. I-Iealey, commented that he hoped to see Lawrence Morn- orial Hall become the real commun- ity centre for which it is now so well equipped. Beat Dmgures 0n Blind Tag Day Richmond Hill went “over the top" at the annual tag day for the benefit of the Canadian National Institute for the lind on May Ttn, collections on the streets exceeding those of last year. Receipts amunted to $232.07. Of this amount $145.67 was collected by taggers and the remainder came by cheques and cash donations. The committee in charge desires to express its thanks to all citizens who made the gratifying result possible and especially to the young ladies who acted as taggers. Tagging on May 7th were. {nth Ann Armstrong, Mary Cottrill, Prim rose Craigie, Mary Ellen Glass, Dor- othy Harding, Margaret Horwood, Mary Lee Latimer, Margaret Lynelt, Joan Marinoï¬â€™, Jill I‘ritchard, Carol .\nn Reid, Gwen Stoplcy, Ann Steven- son, Eleanor Smith, Janet Urcn, and Laurie Weaver. High School Cadets Inspected May 11th With approximately members on parade Richmond Hill High School Cadet Corps was iri- spected on Wednesday, May 11th, by Major Darton of Headquarters, Central Command, Oakvillc. The Corps was under the com« mand of Cadet Captain Silvio Stef- t'an, with Cadet Lieut. Scott Latim- eighty-live cr as second in command. No. 1 platoon was commanded by Cadet Lieut. liill Clark, and No. 2 platoon by Cadet Lieut. John Thibcrt. Bruce Layer was Company Sergt.-Major and the band was led by Cpl. Bill Zuefelt. Pl‘tt'cdli.g the inspection the Corps paraded through the village, led by. its hand. Inspection started with the salute to the inspecting officer, frilowul by a march past. Displays or physical training, signalling and ï¬rst were included in the in- spection, also a folk dancing exhib- ition by girls of grade 0. directed by Mrs. Davies. .-\t the conclusion of the inspection the inspecting officer complimented the Corps and its instructors on their work and on the progress which aid they were making. Instruc‘cors of the Corps arc Capt. .\. S. lClson, principal; Flt. Lt. I)’. T. O’llciin: Mr. O. L. Day; Sqdn. Ldr. I". W. Morrow. Landscaping Business Started By Len Rice 100 later years. .\ftcr ricing associated with lin- dean Nurseries for twelve years. succedinpr ten years at the Dunlops and Mills t’riillilISillllC‘lllS. Len iicc has gone into business for himself. He will rllCL'lklllZU in landscaping and apply his intimate knowledge of the habits and growth of trees. pcrrnnials and plants, to his new i-iisfncss. tlrcrs were doing their share in war ‘ plants. hclrproblem to face and cure. In any event it was a real Malad- is a problem making for many dependent upon others in Many Cri pplcd Children The number of crippled children in Ontario, said Mr. Rogers, was at least many who were not known about and, he stated, we should know of every crippled child and do all in our pow- lifteen thousand. There. were er to aid each one. It. is only of late years that it has been learned that cerebral palsy can beilrelped and to- day we are also learning that a great deal can be done for these children. Tire Ontario Society for Crippled Children was originally formed by 6 service clubs, Mr. Rogers informed his audience. This has now grown to 187 service clubs who administer the affairs of the society, which has a staff of some thirty people. All details are handled Ly a committee of service club numbers. Lions, he said, stand second as a service organization in this work. Camps for cripple children in Ontarâ€" io are located at Blue Mountain, leorgian Bay; Woodeden near Lon- don; Merrvywood-on-thc-Ride-an near Ottawa. Another camp is planned for Northern Ontario. At these canrps it was amazing to see the things that crippled children could do under proper guidance ‘ things that thev had never dreamed that they could do. First in Ontario It is expected that a special cereb- ral palsy camp would be opened at London this fall as a cemonstration camp. It will be the ï¬rst of its kind in Ontario. For some time vocation- al training for eripnled children has been recommended. This has now been made possible by Variety Club of Toronto, which is going to con- struct and maintain Variety Village near Scarboro on a twelve-acre plot of ground, and is also the ï¬rst of its kind anywhere on the North Am- erican continent. The object of the societyrsaid Mr." ‘ Rogers, is expressed in the phrase- “Their Tomorrow Is Our Care To- day.†Mr. Rogers was introduced by Lion Ned Hill and thanked, at the con- clusion of his address, by Lion Mel Maltby. ' New Home Furnishings Store At liVillowdaIe v Elsewhere in this issue is the 'n- nounccment of the official opening of Coronation Home Furnishings at 5335 Yonge St., \Villowdalc, just south of the Willow Theatre today at :2 pm. Mack Lubin and Bob Mucklestone proprietors have a life- long expcriencc in the furniture and home furnishing business and the opening of this ï¬ne new store will ï¬ll long felt need in the North .Yonge Street district. The new store will open at 2 pm. and there will be door prizes for all and lucky draw tickets 'free for val- uablc prizes. Don‘t miss the opporâ€" tunity of visiting this modern store at the ï¬rst opportunity and share in the opening celebration prizes. ll Police, Fire Depts. Have Very Quiet Week Police and ï¬re departments 0t Richmond Hill had a very quiet week. Two minor ï¬res, one on Yongehurst Boulevard. caused by an oil stove, and a grass ï¬re at the rear of the William Moses farm on Yonge Street, were quickly subdued. There were no special misdemeanâ€" ors of airy kind requiring the at- tention of police. Hill Horticulturists Speakers at Midland .\llmlicl‘~ of the Midland Horticul- tural Society at their annual meet- ing on Wednesday, May 11th, heard and address on delphiniums by C. E. Little, president of the Richmond llill Horticultural Society and vice- prcsident for Eastern Canada of the American Dellhinium Society. .\Ir. Little‘s eighteen year old daughter, Jane, also spoke at the wine gathering on iris culture. 1820 Token Found On Neill Farm, Jefferson .\n llltl resting souvenir of the di~triâ€t‘s yesterdays \va- found on the farm of George Neill at Jell'cr- son during spring ploughing. Wilf N1,;c~1)viii2iltl turned up an Cppcr ('an- ada half-penny token dated 1830. The coin was in an exceedingly good state of preservation. It is believed that many years ago some houses siood on the site where the token was fornd.