(‘ity and Suburban Delivery 9 “0.0900006006000000909 :0“.â€Oâ€â€OOOO“O“““O«0660600 669' Q®¢O¢¢WOOO¢OOQW®6$$'#¢G¢¢’&¢¢®O¢®W¢ $444 vow/ovaâ€; Bichvale Florist WE HAVE A LARGE VARIETY OF BOX PLANTS ( FLOWERS AND VEGETABLES) FlOral Designs for Every Occasion We Telegraph Flowers PHONE RICHMOND HILL .‘l-HI'Z 00O00009000OOOONOOOOOOOO00900000660000.6006.000.0 “0OOOO“.090000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQONO~50 0.00.00 WADE 8 FORD PHOTOGRAPHERS WEDDING ALBUMS Keep the “Great Day†alive with, every detail of ceremony and reception pictorialized. Very Reasonable Telephone Thornhill 145 ooooowooowuouoo .M“...Oâ€â€Oâ€WOM§ â€"__ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LI Richmond Hill , Agricultural Society ANNUAL FIELD CROP COMPETITION Improved Pastures, not less than three acres. All eligible except those who have Government Demonstration Plots. All pasturage on farm will be considered. Oat Crops grown from seed registered or cer- tied in 1947 or 1948. Area not less than ï¬ve acres. ' Canning Pea Crop. In both competitions larger areas would be judged. ___.__.._.â€"__â€"â€"â€"~ From The Hilltop .-\ (‘OLI'MN OI†VIEWS AND OBSERVATIONS (By Iâ€. .I. Picking) This week. because of a most iriâ€" teiesting document which has come into rrry hands. l'm going- to go a long, long way from the type of sub» .‘ect which is usually discussed in this column. .\'evtrtlreless the subject under re- view is one \\'l2lt‘ll I believe will be o1 interest to many people in this district. Certainly it is one which demands of thought frcm several groups. Principal among those groups are a great deal our teachers. those whose children they educate, those who pay the bills for our educational system. Added up. they form a fairly sizeable pl'o< portion of our population. Let's boil the subject down to one simple question # "What are we getâ€" ting for our educational dollar '3" Or. to put it another way # “Are the dollars we spend on education producing citizens who can use the King‘s English correctly and etIicâ€" iently‘I" I’m going to gouway, way out on a limb with a great big resounding “NOâ€. You want the proof? Then just listen to any group of younger cit- izens in this district or. for that mat- ter. any district in Canada. Inciâ€" dentally. I mention “younger†citiâ€" zens purposely. My reason for daâ€" ing so is because all our Older peopâ€" le may not have had the opportun- ities which have been given to the younger generation. Certainly our boasted educational system has been in effect long enough that, in our present teen-agers, we should be seeing some results. Going Backwards But we are not. Instead of im- provement there is a steady regress- ion. Our younger citizens are comâ€" ing from their schools and colleges today unable to use their language â€" one of the most beautiful and exâ€" pressive in the world â€"~ correctly. They are, in many cases, unable to frame their thoughts properly, uns with all its beauty. would be out of place in our modern world. li'rairk- l}. l'ni ail in favour of gOod healthy, \‘illlt'. man-toâ€"man words. lI\en sound, expressi‘te slang has its place in our means o." i‘wlllliltlllh‘zllit'll one with another. In our constantly changing vocabulary the :lang and idiom of yesterday is the accepted form of speech tomorrow. But even allowing for all that it seems to me that the package of goods we are getting in return for our educational dollar lea\es much to be desired. A sixteen year old lad shows you, with pride. a piece of handiwork which he prmluced under the direction of his school principal. He tells you “I seen him do it." and their goes on, in sentences bristling with grammatical inaccuracies. to tell you all the processes. Finally you come to the conclusion that our educational system has produced a nice piece of leather work but an uneducated. or only partly educated. citizen. Education or Recreation Then you hear of this. that and ~tother school activity, often social or semi-social in character, until some- times you wonder whether education n- recreation is the main function of our school system. system has produced and is produc- ing a race of people who are among the world’s leaders in all ï¬elds of reserve. property 301d. human endeavour. But, with all that, there are many defects. Where is the blame to be placed? SALE REGISTERS SATURDAY. MAY 11 Auction sale of residential propertv and house furniture. property of the late Charles Stone. Church Street, \\'oorlâ€" bridge. Sale at l p.m. Large lrann house. timid barn and \xoodslied. Terms to he announced on day of sillt‘. Sililic'i‘t lo I‘L‘>(‘l'\'t‘ bill. (l, L. llowel, executor. Keri Love. aus- l‘irlit'i‘l‘. \‘x‘lltHllvlltlL‘it‘. SATI‘RDAY.‘ MAY 11 \‘alual-le 123 acre farm with bank barn. im» ploircnt shed. and house. farm stock nnplenrcnts. cattle, horses. poultry Tlll‘: l.lliI‘1II:‘\l.. littlrnmral lltll. Thursday, Alqu 1;. ltt-ltl grain. antique household furniture, at lot 12:, con, 10. \l'lrit‘church. 2} miles north of Stoutl'ville, the estate of the late Ialph ('onnor'. A valuable gra- vel deposit is believed to be on the property. Reserve bid. Terms on property made known day of sale. Property sold at 3 p.m. Terms on chattels, cash. Sale at 1 p.m.. d.s.t. Lloyd Turner. clerk. A. S. Farmer auctioneer. ,TllITIESDAY. MAY lfltlr ~ Auction sale of registered R.(l.l’. tested Guernsey cattle. FordsFerguson trac- tor and equipment, farm stock, im- plements. etc.. on lot 12, con. 1 Pick- ering Twp.. corner of Greenwood Rd. and 4th con. Property of A, C. Corâ€" r'y. Sale starts 2 p.m. sharp. Terms cash, no reserve because of illness. Ken and Clarke Prentice. aucts. SATURDAY. MAY 21 â€" Important large auction sale of Tractors. farm implements. tools, etc. Property of Don Eddy Farms, at Pine Grove. north of Woodbridge. Sale at l p.m. sharp. Terms cash. no reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25 â€" Auction sale of blacksmith tools, household Ainazing‘ly’ the furniture, etc. on the west side of Yonge St.. in the village of Thorn- hill. opposite hotel. Property of A. Brillinger. Sale at 2 p.m. sharp. No Terms cash. Ken and Clarke Prentice, aucts. SAT., MAY 28â€"Auction sale. of garage equipment and tools. a corn- Is it one the shoulders of the soâ€" plete garage fun of modem mun} called “comics.†with their disturb- ing‘ and destructive influences? Is the whole concept of education wrong? Are we fussing unnecesâ€" sarily about something; that doesn’t Ken and Clarke Is it important that our 991‘s. matter 27 children are coming from school or.- able to spell properly 17 Has the old idea of a solid grounding in the. “three R's†gone by the board in this modern world. the comma is in the right place Jl' l'ct. ment. property of Gordon Penny. corner of Main St., Markham village and No. 7 highway. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. No reserve, garage is solo, proprietor quitting. Terms cash. Prentice, auction- SATURDAY, JUNE 4 â€" Auction sale of high class furniture. house- hold goods, garden tools, glassware, . ,. dishes, cookin ' utansils, tc. ' l Does A, matter vrt Vin \ g L e ’ m he age of Victoria Square, 4th con. Markham Twp. The property of E. III-IIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-‘ _ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII â€"â€"â€"____.__â€"_________._ '1‘ 1:...- All year Bitumen; l WAsnERs ‘ FURNACE OIL BURNERS i ' Supplied and Guaranteed 3 by FERGUSON EI.i«:cTinc..ti. CONTRACTING RADIO a retrae'i‘RicAi. REPAIRS FARM WIRING J. 8 E. ELECTRIC D. O. Judd, Prop. Phone King 33122 1’. o. nor; 93. kiNo. ONTARIO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!RIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII We specialize in re-roofing, CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, INSUL BRICK SIDING. ES'I‘IMA’I‘ES CHEERFUIJX, GIVEN. Insulating C. RIDDEL PIIONE â€" THORNHILL 256W EASY â€"â€" FLOOR POLISHERS. VACUUM CLEANERS, OIL-O-MAGIC QUAKER â€" on. BURNING SPACE HEATERS STROMBERG-CARLSON â€" RADios AND COMBINATIONS _,_‘ï¬â€˜i .7 (I, - ,A M. 8 Elizabeth“Star‘Richmrond Hill,iphrone 148 able t0 express thenlSeLVeS Clearly: what do the expat .1‘ h S“ Dennie. Sale at 2 p.m. Terms, cash. i l ' ' “name to appredate t e treasures . ‘ v.5 m Ye, ' No reserve as property is sold. Ken _‘ I V N I 1“ caSh Porl.zes for eaCh which the English language has in I 51301†Carl‘el' Of an ln-‘v‘s‘3'e‘sit‘l‘2' doc‘ and Clarke Prentice, iaucts_ R competltlon. Store fm. them. Their promotion in ument: It is a. booklet entitled ‘llo __ ‘ business is retarded. Many a -bus- “'9 agl'ee‘ p‘Uthhed by the ()“t‘r‘l'w SATURDAY, JUNE 4 â€" Auction Entries must be made with the Secretary iness man will tell you of his diffi- Secondilr-V' SChOOl TeaChers Fed‘f’ra' sale of farm stock and implements. é â€"â€"-_ culties in securing men and women “011- n 1t are reports by Various horses pigs antique furniture At asre ' vs. 1* . is. .. for Improved P 1“ S by Ma) 1 t who can express themselves clearly, CC'mm‘tteeS 0f. teac‘hel‘f “t “17 to lot 12, con. 2, Markham Twp. on t _ for Cat crops by June 16th. concisely, gracefully. Study the curricula in the Secondary Bayview. Broperty of Ed Quanta. o o w Middleton Pres. w. w.,A. Trench Sec. Let me make it €1an that I 3‘“ SCI‘OOIS of Ontam- _ mile north of N0. 7 Her. Terms 1 Church St. Richmond Hm not advocating the use of stilted pedâ€" ,ilomments OI] the tw‘Cl‘m-I fwd cash, no reserve, farm sold. Sale at ' ‘Vholesale and Retail Florist ’ antic speech. The language of StUdY 0f Engllsl" are “mm-“aim??- 1 p.m. standard time. A. S. Far- Shakespeare, Of Chaucer, 0f lVIlltOI‘l, Plere ali‘e a fe‘viâ€" and lle'nelnber I mer. auct.. J35. Smith, L'lCl‘li. ( F‘oral Designs Cut Flou'ers Bedding __.._____â€"â€"â€"â€". am quoting those whose vocation cn- ___. ) 1' l _ . _ o»«wooooouo«oooo«ooouuo«uoo«one«nowoo«noun.»«nooonnuo» “195 the†to be hea‘fd “it†respett' WEDNESDAY" JUNE 8 _ Impor' 1 8 Her“ An)“ mm m Nmth York 2 s “Teachers of English are a drSâ€" tant extension auction sale 2 “'ire- “'E GR0“' OUR (“VN couraged group. They are carryinv tie Pick-up hay balers. new thresh- . ' - ced that this nation will never speak ing machine, tractors; farm inrple- ' ‘ Maple, Ont. Telephone 2 .â€"1 Talk to Your Neighbour AbOut Conservation tar-i0 Secondary Schools are dissatâ€" If YOU tell 3 man alll'thlnï¬â€˜: it .3005 isï¬ed with the present set-up in in one ear and out Ithe, other. but if English. Most of them spend a you tell it to a woman it goes in both large part of their \\'€C‘\'-(-l‘.(l3 and ears and out her- mouth, their evenings marking the written assignments of their students; yet, ut~s1ite this devotion to he caise of English, they are turning; out gram ates who can neither speak 01‘ write, nor even read their native trngue competently. Ftom both the ___________________ university and the business men the; “OOOOOâ€â€OOOOOWOOOOOOQ hear that the English of 111‘ average high school graduate is ‘atrm-ioris."' awrence Memorial Hall, Thornlrill STOP 17. YONGE S'l‘. SATURDAY, May 14th, - 8 p.m. CLOSING RALLY . . . . BEST OF THE SEASON â€"With â€" ' Mary Carol Knights Vocal Gold Medallist t Rena Glover Of Young Canada Bible Hour Evangel Trumpet Trio Hear â€"- Rev. H. H. Chipchase of Buffalo. N.Y. Statf! Free Admission “\i DAVID McLEAN SELLS REA L ESTATE (A) RICHMON HILL PARK CONSERVATION (B) REFORESTATION AND PLANTATION “Every Aspect Poor†“Every aspect of the student's English is little better tha‘r his apâ€" preciation of literature. It is getr- - i - l erally childish in content and awk» } English. ALL MAKES GUARANTEED i“ too, reveals his inability to think logically, to express himse f accur- ately. and to speak cleanly and arci- ibly. Obviously such .1 deplorable (C) AS A RESULT OF (A) ABOVE, DEVELOP- MENT OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES IN SAID PARK FOR THE CHILDREN OF RICH- MOND HILL AND VICINITY ward in style. His ora‘ Sing-Song Come and bring your friends 22 Years Experience on a correct and proper use of Eng- Snider. Sale at 1.30 p.m. sharp. ._ , , , ‘ ' . , .e.. “a llSll in the regular 01‘al .llltl Writth T911115 cash, No reserve. Ken and y . . work of the classroom.†Clarke Prentice, aucts. V Y Y F t “The English teachers of the 011â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" o McLean’s Appliance 09.00006909900690009¢â€0000OOâ€OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOâ€OOOOOOOO†and write correctly as long as tea- ments. furniture. etc. Lot 26, con. ehers of languages are the only 4. Markham Twp. half mile east of teachers who continually Insist up- Victoria Square. Property of John .,A “7 News-†.. state of ati'aii's c'rlls fer a.drastic Service Q retmedy.‘ : There. I repeat, are the Opinions 3 of experts. Slush when they can 194 Holmes Ave. Willowdale (D AS A BE : fill]: “fithin‘g 0f. PHONE ZONE 8-468 \ . ..tl’IttIl\tl.(>. ol tlrc sys._i.. \\h.tn- . ‘y ry are paid to carry o..t the lay- '.. ...m. g opp] may lie ful'Q‘ivpn fur exlllc‘SSinfl' “.0.“â€.. m “ Q .~ milai- opinions. lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. 3 let me. in closing. emphasize the ' 9 {at that these comments are no‘ : tri‘ft‘tl at any particiilaz‘ it‘litrnl “Y‘ 3 any special group of iiitiviiluais. g They deIal with the situatier: as a On your IJurnber Needs Wane. ii my opinion 1 : g: situa- ~ ALL THOSE INTERESTED snom) VOICE 3 i .. Buy Direct from the mu . " o7 (LU-Dilt'i of all i1\.-‘ 'â€" ROUCH DI{EQQFD ‘ . r r i Y I ,Y i r W ' o u». out. (vanity a it or t1i’r.rtl..rli‘. ’ “ ‘ , on not havmga“ YOUI equ'Pmen‘ iHEIR ()P11\101\ To THEIR NEIGHBORs AND 3 my Shim, HARD...00D & SOFTWOOD, ingoodde'whendyoudm h h v a . r ' s " r22. 1 he 1",!1 wit x , ' tug-m .r. LI'MBER Our well equipped service epartmentist oroug “IT P‘XPP‘R 3 irrftjfhrj‘ttrftrill‘ii'il'tiiilciilll[.1purgy‘in:l , a and efficientusingonlyGenuinelHPartsthatiitandwear _ : :: l-itl-gcaxion 1‘ we to gt: i'::‘:' FIRE“ OOD' POSTS POLED like theoriginals. Plantohaveusclo yourmachinerepairsandservrccnow. . Tic for o ‘v educatiorrr' filar. ' ' o . ._ a ‘ ’ ' P li F & II E t 2 Taylor 3 Sawmill CI lIlS arm ome qurpmen 3 NOOOOOOOOOMOOOwOOOOOQO v - v ‘ t v - . - - 4 - . . Vt e sell Bolens and Vi aterloo harden Read It and Talk about It : B. So “- HI NTER 3"" .‘ “*"th at I“ O t 1'; miles north of Lake “rlcox Tl‘flt'IOl'S 0 \1110' IV 11 . ‘ v . 3‘ . ,. ' ‘1 : BISCKL; j†Owned and Operated i... (100d) ear and I ricstone Tires (This is a paid adVertisenIcnt by a Richmond Hill Citi7ent E COVTR;? A G (.I.Il. Pï¬lfliï¬t :U’ttl I hemrcals . . . (TOR F , W \. , > ‘ Cliiniiiws built and reri-‘ir'i’ ‘4 Ridimoml Et‘ . 1 i 1 . 1!" 3‘ i L‘ . i. _ “ii “A Phone 16?“. Richmond Hill ll" bit“ 11 Wt" "“i l' Ht :i'l t"'l""‘-\‘. 3‘ “"‘m‘ "D" A†PHONE 21w iiit‘uzuoND HILL 0 O 0 0 0 9 § 0 9 § § 0 Q g 0 i E O O O O O O O O O O O O O 9 O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 g 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 6 § 0 O O 0 O O O O O 9 O O 0 O O O O V 0000600000000...“60.0.0“...ON...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 006OOGOOOO‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ._._.....-