e’l‘e booking May orders. TJlese ullets (Kitchener Big-4 of course) ill catch you fall markets, and ,ese markets look pretty good and ;erbain. Don’t put off. See 01‘ {Write us for particulars and prices, ‘ave time by ordering through Wes- ‘By Clark, R. R. 2, Gormley. KLEEREX†clears up skin ail] czema, Itch, Pimples, Psoriasis quickly, effectively. Have 61‘ complexion. Two strengtl dium, strong. Two sizes, , 1.09. Scotchmer’s Drug Store ISEED POTATOES. Registered Kat Jz-adins ,certiï¬ed foundation A. Reg- istration number 21616; also quantit_‘shay and mow red clover hay. M. A Wilson, King, phone 48. c1w46 FOR MAY CHICK DELIVERY .FORDSON TRACTOR; 2 furrow ‘tl‘actor plow; spring tooth cultiva- xtor, 2 section. Whiter Bettridge, Church St. 8., Richmond Hill. *‘lw46 good ' quality. Victoria Square 66112. USED GIIBSON model D Tractor ‘Hwith plough and cultivator, perfect condition. hIcMullen Motors, Rich- inond Hill, phon’e 74M. c1w46 NATIONAL PRESSURE Choker, condition like new; capacity 11 qts. {or 15 pts.,valso book of instructions and recipes. Phone Richmond Hill 1358142. c1w46 ‘3 H.P. WATER-LOO tractor cultiva- tor plow and discs and counter bal ance used only 5 111-5., good discount Apply Richmond Hill 254. *lw-lG ELECTRIC RANGETTE, modern large size, 'in good condition, excel- lent baker, reasonable. Mrs. J. Mun- :593! 3 Markham Rd., phone Richmond LADIth GREEN SUIT, in good HAY, CLOVER and ALFALFA, ‘WILLYS PANEL TRUCK, 1;: ton, motor in good shape, 5 good tires. Will sell at bargain. Super- ior Sand and Gravel, phone Maple 94. \ cl “'46 Hill 1‘0 BAQS Kathadin ior sed or table use; ed chemical toilet. stack. Apply Richnr 15 B-USHE‘L’S of P.E.I. Potatoes for ï¬tting or seed. Apply Som Marin .1511“, May Ave., phone Richmond Hill 9371?. * 1w42 SIM'PLICITY GARDEN TRACTOR including cultivating equipment and sickle mower. Phone Maple (521?. ' <92w~16 condition, size :38. Apply Mrs.â€" L. Carlyle, 26 Benson Ava, Richmond Hill, phone 336M. *1w46 SEVERA‘L LOADS cow manure, dc- livered; 2 truck tires, Goodyear, good tread, 825x20. N. Dolson, Headford, MA-N-U‘R‘E SPREADER, Internation- 9.1, in good working order. Roy Phil- lips, Woodbridge, R. R. 2, phone Ma- ple 671‘1‘2. clw46 B-PJECE Chesterï¬eld Suite, cheap. Apply 181 Spruce Ave., Richvalo, Stop 22A Yonge St. *1w45 QUEBEC HEATER; Aladdin lamp; dining room furniture, suitable for summer cottage. Apply Mrs. Wig-â€" gins, phone Agincourt 349w4. ‘3“‘46 phoné Richmond Hill 481-25 1932 PONTIAC Coupe, rumble seat, AL condition, low mileage on new motor. Wilfred Hare, Teston, phone Maple 7121‘11. c3w46 1' AICRE LOT, Mill Rd., Stop 23A, near Richmond Hill. Apply Sam Marinoff, May Ave., phone Richmond Hill] 237i‘2. *1w46 19429 ESSEX, good motor, tires, bat: tery, 6'3000 miles, 39245 01- best offer. Phone Mayfair 8828 or 2239 Melrose Ave., North Toronto. c1w46 DOOR FRAMES; window frame sash; storm sash made to order. W Geo. Allen, Elgin Mills, phone Rich mom! ,Hill 1341'41. *2w45 ICE BOX; single bed stead; hot wa- ter boiler, phone Richmond Hill 498W. c3w46 CEMENT BLOCKS and well tile. Apply 248 Oak Ave., Richvale, phone ‘Richmond Hill 1r2. tfc45 SEEID POTATOES, good quality. Apply Summit View Lunch, phone Richmond Hil‘l 4311‘22. clw46 13,000 miles, phone Thornhill FALL LEAF TABLE, walnut; dou- ble bed and springs. Apply phone 3011' Richmond Hill. *1w46 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Form, Thornhill 168. tfc46 1948 HALF TON Mercury Thornhill 168 RASPBERRY PLANTS, strawberry plants. C. Watson, 40 Mill St., Richmond H111, phone 324W. *8w41 JOHNSON SEA HORSE outboard 1942 DODGE COACH, special De Luxe{ good. Phone Stouï¬'ville 67309. c2w46 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone .BLACK F‘LEMISII Guinea pigs. I'hon motor, 8 'h.p. W. Bolton, Oxford St., Elgin Mills. *lw46 7 PIGS, 6 weeks old. Wilfred Hare Teston, phone Maple 721-11. c1w46 PU'REBRED Yorkshire hogs, 8 mos. old. Phone Maple 281'12. clw4‘d 258W. RATESâ€"Five linegvor less, 35 cents for ï¬rst insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over ï¬ve lines Zrcents ipegmline extra each insertion. If charged to account nme cents per line. Classified Sale & Want Ads 3S2J FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 12, 1949 clears up skin ailments leples, Psoriasis, etc Telephone Richmond- ;hadin potatoes, good 9 use; white enamel]- >ilet. complete with Richmond Hill 4512?). clw-lG ILSH giant rabbits; Phone Richmond Hill c1w46 Apply Lewis Heise; Phone Stoufl‘ville *2w46 vely. Have' bet Two strengths â€" Two sizes, 590 truck, 256w c1w46 1w46 1w46 [“enn, tfc46 Hill Formerly of Gerrard Heinlzman Work Guaranteed â€"â€" Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office, Tel. 9, Richmond Hill PERSON SEEN (and identiï¬ed by neighbours) taking brass coal scutâ€" tle from 5 Yonge St. return at one; and avoid legal action. “1w46 A sample of the bargains: 6 WGEK old Light Sussex x New Hampshires, New Hampshires, Light Sussex fOockerels $36.95, non-sexed $43.95, pullets $58.95. Send for complete bargain price list and catalogue. j‘weddle ‘Chick Hatcheries Limited. $6,500 â€"â€" $3,000 down, 11/2 storey new cement block home, trimmed and plastered, nice recreational room, heavy duty wiring, lot 52x210, fast creek at rear of lot. Sam Tomlin- son, Markham St., Richmond Hill, phone 35914. *1w46 STILL TIME to get pullets to work for you néxt fall-winter. Bray has them, dayold, started, most breeds. immediate delivery. We strongly advise- you order ’without delay. Chicks, Cockerels. Agent Fred Wise, Bray Broodel', Richmond Hill 359121. BUY DIRECT from the manufac- turer and save on screen doors and windows, panel combination and ply- wood doors. 2x4’s; 2x8’s; 2x10’s; sheeting, plywood and full line of paints. This week‘s special 21/2†and 4†nails at 11c per pound. Phon: Richmond Hill 485. *1w46 STARTEp COCK‘ERE_LS{ pullets non-sexed many breeds and cross breeds to choose from, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9 and 10 weeks old at bargain prices \vhi'le they last. Also day old cock- erels, pollets and non-sexed chicks, ANYONE desiring to lease refresh- ment booth for summer months, apâ€" ply in person to White .& Young. B.A. Service Station, Richmond Hill *1w46 RENT FREE, self contamed summer residence, furnished in exchange for part time work in garden. Suit middle aged couple. man pensioner or retlred. Summer months onl." Phone Maple 86J. “lw4'3 LIME REEN Budgie bird. Phone Richmond Hill 19 01‘ 4 Duï¬erin St. W? i c1w46 GARDENAID, Garden Tractor, used only 1 season, in almost new con- dition, complete with all attachments including cutter bar, cost at Eaton’s $500.00. Sale price quite reasonable. Owner has left neighborhood. May be seen and demonstrated at Stop 24B. :1). M. Medcalf, phone Rich- mond Hill 446. *1w4'3 Fergus, Ontario ’30 PONTIAC SEDAN, good tires, motor and appearance, $185.00; ’31 Durant sedan, nice motor and tires, seal beams, $95.00; ’35 Ford coach, reconditioned motor, good tires, seal beams, $265.00. Apply M. Irvine, North Road, Lake Wilcox. c1w46 7 PIECE oak dining room suite, blue leather seats; G. E. Hotpoint stove; G. E. toaster; Hotpoint iron; kitchen utensils, etc.; ï¬ne drop side crib, Marshall Stayoung springs, must sell immediately, reasonable. Phone T‘hornhill 21311-6. _ c1w46 COCKSHUTT fertilizer seed working order. Fleury Bisse size manure spreader, good. hay, timothy and alfalfa; wheat straw. George McNair R.R. 2, phone King 111'4. with feeders, watering cans. Will sell or trade for oil space heater. Apply Mrs. Taylor, last house on south .side of Rumble Ave., Rich- mond Hill, phone 3‘31J. *2w45 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds. aluminum or steel baked en- amel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. tfc32 1948 DODGE SEDAN, low mileage; 194-0 Chev. coach, good. Nelson Bone, 15 Centre St. E., Richmond Hill, phone 38 between 6 and 7 pm. _ CHIICKEN BROODERS, 2, complete DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, $4.00, 355,00 and $6.00 per foot on Elmwood, Baker and Palmer; only four left. Apply D. M. Medcalf, phone 446. *2w45 UKNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails, fire doge, fire sueens, fire seLs and acetylene weld- mg. Apply '1‘. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Kichvnle. tfc3b FEDERAL TRUCK, panel body in excellent. shape, good tires, 1936, a good buv, $375.00. Apply Ned Hill, Richmond Hill, phone 500 or 254. *tf AGEINT for Mof’fats New Electric Range; also Essotane Gas Ranges and Electric Pails; 'Crossley Shelvador Refrigerators and Hinman Milkel's. J. A. Rose, Maple, phone 34J. tfc38 BOX PLANTS, flowers and vegetabâ€" les. Mrs. F. Sayers, 76 Morgan Ave. Stop 14A, Yonge St. *5w44 PIANO TUNING and Repairing S. Hofl’man TO RENT FOUND LOST drill in 11 large Baled baled , Maple tfc43 c2w46 tfc43 For Information PHONE 47W, KING Wmumm YOUR NEW Avon representative for Avon Cosmetics f0; Richmond Hill and district is Mrs. M. McTagâ€" g‘art, phone Richmond Hill 46123. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repa‘irs, upholstering, cabinet work, wpod carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc ORDERS will be taken for private dressmaking after 7.30 pm; also all kinds of drapes made and men’s sport shirts. Phone Richmond Hill 3591‘13. C4:\V46 KING CITY MOTORS Agents for Chore-Boy Milkers SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 37216. tfc42 LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired by experienced workman. Phone J05. Winger, Maple 621'21. LAWN MOWERS and Sa\VS sharpen- ed; folding lawn chairs made; inside panel doors. Apply C. B. Stouenâ€" burg, 11 Richmond 8., Richmond Hill, phone 392W. tfc42 CUSTOM ROTARY TILLING. Have your land completely prepared by the new scientiï¬c one operaho“. method. W. Hutchinson E12111 Mil’s, phone l‘ichmond Hill 28<\V. [fl-‘11 IF YOU WANT TO DRINK and can â€" that's your business. If you want to stop and can‘t â€" that's our bus- iness. Alcoholics Anonymous. A â€" ply Box 300, The Liberal. *25wb4 INVISIBLE MENDING. Have that burn, tear or moth hole expertly re- paired. Don’t discard that good coat, skirt or“ suit. Take it to Ho]. lies, 1‘17 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. *lw46 CUSTOM P‘LOU'GHING, discing, Cul- tivating, tilling. W. H. Gooderham, 39 Elmwood Ave., Lansing, telephone Willowdale 2508. c28w43 PLASTERING, ï¬rst class workmanâ€" ship. Wili give estimates. Adam Pohl,_E}g:i_n Mills, phone Richmond SAND, gravel, loam and ï¬ll supplied on short notice; general haulage Class F P.‘C.V. W. J. Hodge, Maple 15. c3w44 WELL DIG‘GING, pipe lines, septic tanks, concrete well tile. Tom Jarâ€" rett, phone Richmond Hill 466J. WIDOW, age 60 desires to baby sit or will do some light housework, total abstainer. Phone Mrs. M. Cl'ist, Richmond Hill 21‘81'5. *1w46 have stopped laying. Highest prices paid. Bring them in or phone King 59r14. W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Grading Station. tfc39 ;SPB_AYIN1_G,HIawn, ï¬eld with 2-1-D; stable with' lime;'01‘chard spraying; Apply phone Maple 11'12. *8w46 Hill 3461721 RIDE TO CITY, work down town 9 to 5, preferaby from Yonge and 0X- ford St., phone Richmond Hill 337.}. c1w46 WOMAN or girl for general house- work and assist in tea room, live in optional. Phone Thornhill 203. TENDER’S will be received for the excavation of 20x20 ft. cellar at Con- cord. W. Bailie, phone Maple 701-4 and make offer. clw‘. HOW ABOUT THOSE HENVS that WOMA‘N 0R GIRL for cleaning 1 or 2 days weekly. Apply phone Rich- mond Hill 245. *1w46 WOMAN as short-order cook. Apply in person to Summit View Lunch, phone Richmond Hill 4311'22. c1w46 egg grading, 5 Maple 27. sign card writer. Apply Victor Dra- per Agency, Oak Ridges, Ont. c3w46 GOOSE EGIGS FOR HATCIâ€"IING. Phone Richmond Hill 9 and leave particulai's, please. ""1w46 RESPONSIBLE WAITRESSES wanted for steady work, days to start, weekly wage. Village Grill, Thornhvill. c3w45 HOU‘SEKEEJPER for one adult for July. A11 conveniences. Writ-1 W. Porter, R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. *3w46 ADVERTISING SALESMAN and General Farm Implements, Washing Machines, Refrigerators â€" Domestic. Deep-freeze. Walk-ins & Counter MISCELLANEOUS DAVID MCLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE WANTED PERSON to learn day week. Phone c1w46 *25w41 c18w44 c2w-16 c1w46 2W»! 6 OOWMW GLASS â€" In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, J‘enn‘ie Phil- lips, who passed away, May 12 1948. The‘depth of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well And while she sleeps in peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep. â€" Sadly missed and ever remem- bered-by husband and family. *1w46 \Valter H. Monkman and family wish to express gateful appreciation to their friends and neighbors for their many acts of thoughtfulness and kindness extended during their recent bereavement, and also for the beautiful floral tributes. €1W46 â€" Lovingly remembered by her son, William, daughter-in-law, Bes- sie and grandchildren, Helen and Ronnie. , c1w46 Miss Margaret Keffer, Mrs. Lang- i‘af and nephews wish to thank the many friends and relatives for their kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful florarl tributes extended during their recent bereavement in the loss of a dear brother, especially thanking Rev. Lossing and Dr. Big- ford. c1w46 Bank Barn, 72x42, hip roof, with wing 18x24. Wooden Silo 12x27. 3 Room frame cottage 18x24 and other small buildings. All to be removed. GLASS â€" In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mary Jane thass, who passed away, May 12, 1948. Her \weary Hours and days of pain Her troubled nights are past; And in our aching hearts we know She has found sweet rest at last. CARI) _OI“ TH ANKS BOWEN â€"â€" In Anxious if we were late, In winter by the window, in summer by the _gate, And tho’ we mocked him tenderly, Who took such foolish care, The long road home wowld seem ’ more safe Because he waited there. His thoughts were all so’ full of us, He" never could forget, And so we know that where he is, He is watching yet. Watching till we come home to him, Anxious if we are late, Watching from Heaven’s window, Leaning from Heaven’s gate. â€" Lovingly remembered by daugh- ters and sons. *1w46 CARD OF THANKS dear father, Thomas Bowen, who passed away, May 12, 1942. He always watched for each one of A delivery service operates in con- nection with the locker-polar trunk combination. At regular intervals and in keeping with the home owner’s instructions, foods are delivered from the locker plant at King City to the storage unit in the home, ensur- ing a constant supply of frozen foods available by the simple operation of opening a door. At the same time the householder can send to the King ICity plant for deep-freezing any fruits or vegetables desired. These, in turn, can be placed in the locker or returned to the home for storage. As a matter of fact, it is not e§én necessary to have a storage locker in the plant at King. The polar trunk Under this system the renter ofva locker in Mr. Archibald’s .plant may, on the payment of an annual rental, have a subsidiary storage locker at home. Known as a “polar trunk†the home unit has a capacity of six cubic feet and is operated from exist. ing hydro power at a temperature which will keep foods indeï¬nitely. DeliVery Service ‘But it is in connection witlh his latest service that Mr. Archibald has really “gone modern.†The new de- velopment is, as has been stated, one which until recently had onl been found in a comparatively smal num- ber of the larger metropolitan cen- tres. Form that thinking stemmed the idea of a cold storage locker plant in King City. It came into being in June, 1946, and started with 180 lockers in a building wlliich had been an old onion drying and storage building. ‘80 well received was his project that last year there was a waiting list for lockers. There are now 300 lockers in the plant and Ar- chibald hopes that before long the number will be increased to 500. Combined with a deep-freeze set-up the lockers have supplied a long-felt want in the district. King City Business Initiative Brings District Modern Touch Three war veterans in King City are helping to bring to this part of the county a service which, until re- cently, has been conï¬ned to the big cities â€"â€" and not all big cities at that. Leading the list is Clarke Archi- bald, who heads flhe King ‘City 'Cold Storage Ltd. Like many another vet- eran, Archibald, who is an ex-mem- ber of the RCAF, did some solid thinking as to his future when de- mobilization came along. Buildings For Sale APPLY J. E. TEETZEL South Yonge St. Richmond Hill, Phone 96 IN MEMORIAM loving memory of our Thomas Bowen, who Thursday, May 19th, attractive sale of garden plants, bulbs, home baking, refreshments served for 25 cents, at All Saints Anglican church, King, 7.30 p.m., sponsored by the church W. A. c1w46 SALE Seventy-ï¬ve prospective exhibitors and future judges took part in a Judging School at the farms of Jack Fraser, Concord, and C. F. W. Burns, King, on Thursday, May 5th. Writing to Mr. Little recently, Mr. Hall says: “My grandfather, Henry 'Hall, and a couple of brothers lived in Richmond Hill about ninety years ago. My father, George Hall, was born there. All of our family of Halls moved to Blenheim, Ont, abâ€" out ninety years ago, where I was born and lived until I was eighteen years of age. I then worked in Toronto for a year and then in Or- illia for a couple of years before coming over here. We return to Blenheim to visit relatives each fall after the iris shipping season is over. Mrs. Hall was also born in Blenheim, so Canada has quite an attraction for us.†GUERNSEY BREEDE‘RS ' HOLD JUDGING SCHOOL An afternoon euchre under the auspices of the Ladies Auxiliary of Veterans will be held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Butler, 30 Wright St., on Tuesday, May 17, at 2.15 o'clock. Professor G. E. Raithby and Pro- fessor A. D. Runions were the offic- ial judges for the occasion giving expert advice not only on how to place the animals, but also advised those present on such obscure sub- jects as ring technique and deport- ment. G. McAlister, Richmond Hill, Pres- ident of the Guernsey Cattle Breed- ers Association of Ontario, and B. B. Hodgins, Ontario Field Secretary. The purpose of the meeting was to give experience to judges and assist the Association in picking material suitable for future judging assign- unents. »It is planned to have anoth- er such school in August to give more judging experience to those selected to do the judging at all the fall fairs. EL'CH RE Wm. S. Brooks, Paris, Chairman of the Guernsey Breeders National Type Committee was in charge of the program and was assisted by D. Leading Hybridizer In States Offspring 0f One-Time Citizen The slides were provided by David F. Hal] of Wilmette, Illinois, one of the continent’s leading hybridizers, and were shown in the Hill about a month ago. Slide; sent to the Canadian Iris So- ciety in Toronto recently and shown in Richmond Hill by C. E. Little, president of the Horticultural Soc- iety, have brought an interesting reaction. But if there are those who haven’t the time or the inclination to prepare their own material for freezing King City Storage provides another ser- vice. That includes the complete handling of tJhe job at a low service charge. For instance someone may have ï¬fty chickens which they wish to keep for winter use. The storage pliant will undertake to pick them up Working with Archibald and his wife â€" who takes an outstandingly keen interest in the development of the business â€"â€" are Eric Bunn, who served in the R‘CAF also, and who has many years’ experience at his trade. Helper is Doug McLellan, who saw service with the army. Institution of the new service, says Mr. Archibald, has met with an encouraging response. The ensuring of a varied, year-round supply of fresh fruits, vegetables, meatweth plus the elimination of a lot of un- necessary running around, has ini terested many people in the district which he serves, which includes YNobleton, Woodbridge, Concord, Ma- ple, Thornuhill, Richmond Hill, Oak Ridges and the surrounding area. Other Veterans kill, pluck and process and place them in the owner’s locker until it is desired to transfer them to the home unit. The same with a pig. The andmal would be picked up by the plant and handled from there on until it returns to its original :home in the form of hams, roasts and sausages. unit can be rented separately and supplied either tiirough home pro- ducts after freezing or by supplies bought from the storage plant. Ice cream, meat, pastry, vegetables and in fact, any product lending itself to colld storage will be supplied by the King City Cold Storage at ordinary retail prices. In the case of respon- sible parties these supplies are plaCed in the home unit on a consignment basis, the user paying at regular in~ tervals for what has been consumed. Stock-Piling Made Easy Preparation, insists Mr. Archibald is half the battle in ensuring satis- factory deep freezing. His company intends to publish detailed instruc- tions as to the preparation of any and all products for freezing and will gladly give this information to any- one interested. Mr. and Mrs. John James Barton announce the engagement of their (lauglitcr,'My1‘a Elizabeth, to Mr. Albert Dean Wilson. son of Mr. R. J. Wilson of Toronto. The wedding will take place June 18th, at Carl'â€" ville Church. *1w46 High School Singers Give Spring Concerts “MMOOOOOO WOWOMOOOWOO 00900060â€; Members of the Richmond Hill High School Choral Society gave their annual concerts on May 4th and 5th, contributing a mixed pro- gramme of sacred and secular mus- 1c. Some sixty students formed the choir which has been trained and directed by Miss Greta Maxwell. 'I‘the Marksmen, boys quartet, sang two groups of songs during the con- certs. Accompanists were Wanda Leno, who also played piano solos. In addition two short ï¬lms on the growth of flowers and wild life in the marshes were shown. EJAckS'dNï¬ï¬dei ’00â€.â€OWWOWWNOMOOOOOOOOMQ :Owomwuowmmouowoeoo 006m000“09009 3 Wedding Bouquets 9 Centre St. W., Richmond Hill Phone 490; Nights and Holidays 45r6 memwwowwwn 6 WOOWMWWWMMO Thornhill, Ont. Window Frames GlazedTStorm Sash Overhead Garage Doors Combination Doors All kinds of Glass for Building Purposes Mirrors of all Descriptions , IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Combination Doors, all sizes! Complete with bronze screen and glazed sash inserts COTTAGE CASEMENT SASH â€" SEVERAL SIZES All kinds Double Hung and Casement Sash Glazed at reduction ENGAGMENT' '- ‘ Annuals / % Funeral Designs Corsages OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR HARDWARE MISCELLANEOUS SIZES ALUMINUM AND PLASTIC MOULDINGS OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP Formerly Canadian Chinchilla Ranch Manufacturers of Mills at Lakeï¬eld, Ont. flan LA U REL “Chumps at Oxford" ContinuOUS Nitely from 7.30 Doors open 7.00 FLYNN “Adventures of D011 ' Juan†Errol Mon. to Wed, May 16, 17, 18 Swashbuckling action . Romance . . . fun! Fri. & Sat., May 13, 14 Gay adventure! Romance! Larry Marguerite PARKS Cut Flowers 7-6 x 7-0; 8-0 x 7-0 Starts Thursday, May 19 Walt Disney’s MARKHAM “Gallant Blade†“Melody Time†In Technicolor ll’l in 111 Glazed Window Sash Will be received up to May 18th for purchase and removal of 5 room- ed frame cottage situated 1/2 mile south of Edgeley on Jane Street. Removal must be completed by May 3lst. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Homer L. Wliitmore, CHAPMAN LINDFORS l‘l‘ll‘. TORONTO ORCHARD 6615 Back Filling and Grading Modern Equipment By Contract 01' Hourly Rate HARDY Oliver Viveca TENDERS Excavating Cellars l’ot Plants Phone 155 Whitmorc Maple c1w46