(3 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. 'l‘liurstlay. May 12. 1949 ., O OOOOOOOOWOOOOOOOQOOOOOOO WANTED .0900090009990090900000990' Progressive Cribbage; to be held iii ; "Seariien’ From Hill B. A. a . I RICHVALE SCHOOL erlce Siam)" Saturday. May 14th Attendant 8.30 p.m. for Sponsored by Mothers Aux. - c 1.'t Ri'hv'l Bov Scouts and Lindsay Auto Electric ‘ " “Cub; chg'e St. at Steele‘s (‘orners Refreshments Phone Thornhill 118.1 Admission 50c 99999099090000000000000004 l " ' Lac rave Beauty Salon Spec'alizing‘ in all typs of Permanent Waves 0.0000QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO l t‘old Waves. Machine and Macliineless FROM $5.50 Shampoo and Iiin'rerwave 75c Phone Thornhill 102 for appointment. l For Comfortable Shoes Don't wait until your shoes I are too far gone. We can do ‘ . a better job if you bring: them to us early. We also make shoes to order. l Georiaba 1' ; l // $000900.000.90.000909000OO009900099.00¢v°90090§09000 ‘ JACK amt-E ' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ’l’IlORNHlLL. ONT. Everything .Etectrical House and Farm Wiring a Specialty Work done by Licensed Electricians. vu0000000000000000I- ' 0000000“ 060000000 9 PHONE THORNHILL 177W RESIDENCE 191113 OOOOOQQOOOOO90009099000999.9900... OmMOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOéO0.000000QOOOGOOO O. ‘0 .060 I O . 90.0.0009000OWOOO¢090090066000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ,r. L‘: LOWRIE, R.O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ‘.‘."il i. RE A'l‘ AUSTlN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, May. 25th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 AM. TO 12.00 NOON I Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone'Riclrmond Hill 0900000909900000000¢000o0000+000000000000000000000. i I. d) OOOOOâ€O¢OOOOOOOOOOQOQOOO9699090099 . “O 0â€â€œ "WW"Oâ€QOQQOWQO . . .0099909909090.90090099000000NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI = & RVIC r.~‘N-‘» '\ - : .-.».v..- _. .;x NEW LOCATION YONGE at STEELE’S RONALD M. FENN REAL ESTATE BROKER V 9099000099090009000009000 OMOMOWWOWWOWOOO†Telephone THORNHILL 168 vvvv Y O 60909000OO9090066099000OOOOO00099000QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO‘ QOQO¢¢¢¢O¢QO¢QQ 06¢96$¢¢¢6¢€¢¢ '+< 1" s‘ 3‘40"} ?¢9¢¢°COGOO 'Saturday. May 7th. Ichild for Mr. and Mrs. Stunden. l M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Lawrence Memorial Halb Tuesday; The Village Planning Committee .PVGRIII’IL". May 1i. I Exhihits will be was established at a Public Meeting received between 0 and l p.m.. and .yon have not already done so. please ._____._ v . Mr. (ll-o. Nuttall is in Toioilio \\'cs- Lukeâ€"Sullivan tcin hospital where he underwent a At liayg‘wen, home of ihc granny I . I‘CIIUUS operation last week. Act'Ol‘tl‘ parents. Ethel Mae Sullivan. daiifllr I t ‘ing to latest reports. he is slowly ter of Mr. and Mrs. lalpli Sullivan. improving but it may be ten days 01’ lit-crime the bride of Ronald (ieoi’Ll'L‘ ____ 1““ “TH†yet lmlm‘c .lm l5.allO\\'e.lI I‘ukv' so“ 0r Ml" and MH‘ (dun-gm 'l'licm aic sonic llii-iiziioiid llill lads to come home. Best wishes trom his Lakc. ’tev. .1. Anderson. Sarnizi. 1 ,, I . i - I. I neighbours and friends are cxtcnded oï¬â€™iciated. (liven iii marriage by her “ l" “‘_†“ lâ€â€â€œâ€˜ “l Ill" 1â€â€ “ “H for a speedy recovery. Jyzilph I'tâ€" father. the bride wore a gown oi" iiicy played wiici: i,icii "sh.p_ tic ruined ti-om the norm by plane anl whitt- Chantilly lace over satin and Ontario, was inspected at .\rinour will be here indeirnitely. I I a lace: cap with side sweep oi llow-, “with†pp,th 3mm! “1; 31;†roih, Mr. and Mrs. Harry .\iittall oi ers. She carried a crescent bouquet In_] hi ., .0. H _. _. .p u.) Strati'ord. motored htl‘t‘ on Tuesda,’ of white swaiiisonia. sweetpeas and II ‘Ill‘lI‘ "'l'll‘lhI ion .i.i _I., , to spend a day or two with Mi'>. Iily-ofâ€"tlie-valley. She was attended l'lll Allt‘ll‘ll- l‘k'h‘hhfl' N'ilhlhh Nilh‘ Nuttall. Ralph and Joanne. and in) by her sisters. Mrs. (i. A. Johnston. lcy Iliitlcr and Douglas Wells. Scar visit Mr. Geo. Nuttall in hospital. St. (Tathcrines. as matron of honor. mm, “M... lymph-am p.m..] mu] “p.m.. .urs. w'. rt. Howard. Yolig‘e St. left iii orchid brocade satin. and Jean I _. ‘ I I . I _ the village last weck to visit her Sullivan. bridesmaid. iir turquoise llllmfl' I’lll ll" l‘l' (" H‘Hl’ Ilmllll' daughter. Barbara. in Vancouver. She brocade satin. They carried fan bouâ€" “llrt't‘h 1â€â€œ 1W1†“Wml‘t‘ls “l m" expected to arrive there on SatUl‘- quets of spring flowers. John Lake. Royal ('anadian Sca ('adct (‘orpc day morning. .brother of the groom. was best man. him-pd Em imhmnmt In,†in the in. . '~1‘ l‘) l' ' \ ~' --i'r) . . . . . Domaster Ladies ItiubI I "lht inothti ot tht biidc IO(I(1\(.d in I‘I‘thn “I mm]. mm “Inch “I†“I†Doncastcr Ladies (.lub held its a dress of steel blue crepe with navy I I I I (. I. [I I I , regular monthly meeting: at the accessories. assisted by the groom's (“‘l‘f ’5 “Apt 1 " l’mf- (I‘hh‘ home of Mrs. . R. Drake. Sccconrnroe mother gowned in gray crepe with iiiiliidliifs" (miter oi ll..\l.( .b. \ork Ave.. on Tuesday evenilitr. May 3rd. binly'I accents. Roth wore corsag‘es and Senior Naval Oli‘iccr ol' the dis- Two visitors. Mrs. W. Cole. SR. and of pink roses and lily-of-the-vallcy. ltrictI A..C0lnhan\.hw (“MI “my (m .ilrs. t'. t‘lillord. were welcomed. Mrs. Lions Ladies' Night I._ . I III I ‘ I_" I C I I I Cliï¬'ord afforded a pleasant and pro- Monday evening. May 2. was La-I ll" Illlhli“ 1â€â€œ “L†"'“m‘mԠlitablc evening" with her dcmonstra- dies’ Night when Thornhill District 1“â€" li‘ It‘lll'k‘i‘. HH‘H Ulllfl‘l'. mid lit. tion of flower-making. Lions' ('lub met at Lawrence Mom-i It. A. Mitchell. stall olI'iccr oi' ILM. It was reported that total proceeds orial Hall. The men‘s commrttec‘ (- SI York from a recent brush demonstration took charge of everything. including: T]- . . . . . .- re i ,. . held at the home of Mrs. J. Baker refreshments, which were served I “ï¬t. “Ah 1“. (humn "l [E ( amounted to $10. Another brush buï¬â€˜et style. highlighted by a birth» h0heâ€*~ (Oliilii‘dmlme' ()flit‘cr- li'csâ€" demonstration is to be given at the day cake in honour of Mr. lruce out also were members of the North home Ofd MI":- J- ï¬rth)“;- CtUCh‘I'I‘é MalL‘Olm- York Sea ('adc‘is ('ivilian ('oiiiimittec. SPOIISOI'e V 1‘ 1‘s. 1- ‘33 3C0 ' " †’*â€""" 10d 1“. (‘hairnlqn I . V ‘1. .. . s . t .e.. la. Idll *l. swelled the Club's tunds by $13. An Af'II 1 . _ x. I . u interesting program has been drawn . tti tie loimal inspection and up fm. the year and will got off to I I I marchâ€"past the sea cadets carried on '4 flood start when the Club holds a A “"3 "In-IO-‘able elemng “‘15 with trainin;r while the inspecting Home Baking and white elephant spent last chiresdty. May 4th. at Ugh.†(.hhchm their “n.1, c‘lh-lhmcm sale on the 2nd 0f June at the lmmsi lhe Unlth Church parsonage' “he†and quarters ‘ A busv cveninv' was . . ‘ . . I I _ I I -- A »_ 7’ a. of Mrs. J. H. Angel. Clarke Ave. A a dlsplav of 01] pamtmgs was 0:, III I I I I II II I 5 Strawberry fostwal has also been IIIIII ~ TI I I I (unraxed iy a gatliciinhi on the- Plahhed {01' June' NEXt meeting “in (x ml ,' fl ll‘lmtmgs rue (0m “quai'tcr-dcck" where a simple hut‘ he held at the home of Mrs, J. Baker, b_\ a low or our talented llaple. ani- inwrcssiw Nu“. service, and “19' On May lst, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mc- became the ateur artists and were admired byI KenZie Of Clarke. Ave" . all. During the evening Mrs. (lor- l proud partnts 01 a son. their ï¬rst II ' I , I I I. child Congratulationi folkq don Oil entertained the guests with two pleasingr solos. Lunch ved by the ladies group No. :2 (Mrs. E. thiphill‘s team) of the W.A. Coming.r from Cairibray. Ont. (near Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Turner were Lindsal'l 51 three “Ct (Ollielll‘ “A vistors at the home of their son and Ready Made Family." In Maple daughter-“Haw 0" Clarke Ave-v for Concert Hall. May 25th at s n‘t-iot-ii. a few days last week. ' Mrs. Anna Sumner. formerly was scrâ€" Mr. and Mrs. George Williams of Yonge St.. have announced the birth of their ï¬rst baby. a daughter. born Another grandâ€"I Of Sponsored by Mrs. Forrest‘s Group Thornhill. and now of El Paso. Texas, Cf the Ulhted ChlIli'ch W. A.I is visiting with her children here. I The annual quilting meeting of A Speed." l'eCO\'eY.V t0 Mrs-I A- V3h' St. Andrew's W.M.S. was held in the horn Of centre st" Who is I“ at hell Sunday School room on May 4th. borne. . . Thornhill l'nited Church Notes A 01 ladles from St' An- The Evening Auxiliary of the W. drews attended the 33rd annual meetâ€" number I ing of Section Three, held in St. lMorton last .Tuesd?-" evenmg to Paul's Church. Vaughan on May 5. 33:2? an evemng 0t fenowsmp -and Special speakers were: Mrs. A. S. The Women’s Association met at Curr. president of Toronto Presby- the home of Miss Baxter and Mrs..terial and Rev. T. K. Chili of Kun- Lee Plans were made for the Spring min,†ChinaI I Rally of Toronto Centre Presbytery . j . I, . , . .III .V I Women‘s Associations, to be held at M" (’emge ('Oldon of Hth Rnel’ lower-incr of the ensign. wound Lip the evening's activities. In Base “iiiairâ€"tmman" talk. congratulated the cadets those who had supported them the which has been made. They were. he said. acquiring know- ledge and discipline which would. stand them in good stead lll later-l years. Especially apparent to this reporâ€" ter were two things is the steadiness of the cadets on parade and their pride in their “ship.†Particularly noticeable. too. was the array of medal ribbons worn by their officers sâ€" ribbons which indicated servic‘c all around the globe in two world wars. They gave outstanding conï¬rma- a Capt. aiitl ' on progress l served were ready and willing: to as« sist in the development of sound cit- i:;enship on the part of younger Can- adians. the United Church .here on June 2nd. Albertav Vigith “'lth jun George Worthy of special mention is the Mrs. H. LeInl'dSUI'leI' presrded over Matheson and other friends lastI hand of the wmowdale Division the open sessron Sunday School last week. Needless to say Mr. Gordon. Sunday The theme was “Christ in - ' ‘ whose bo 'hood days were 5 cut iii the Homes." Mrs. M. Heron told the _ . . _ ‘ p . stow taken from the Life of this Vicinity. hiids many changes David Livingstone. .The' morning since he left here over 40 years ago. SGI‘Vit‘e “'85 in keel)ng With the 00- M'ss. Lorraine Fier‘helser of Aurora .. ‘ . ’ ' . . :. c, “i _ I I I L‘lsmn' .Tlle hm?“ “.110†“min†MO obtained first place and a gold medal. thers at the Vt orld composed by . . ., i ReV LeLachem. of Ottawa who ix. a in voeal class With 23:.) marks and brother of Miss Ruth LeLacheur of SOCOhd With 80 marks in 0P0“ 50' the senior choir. In the afternoon. Carolyn Jean and Beverley Margaret. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. F. Keith Riclian of John St. were baptized. The beautiful basket of flowers gracing the altar iii the United Church last Sunday was put there in memory of the late Mrs. F. BantinIg 25:1 llauspodtrllf‘lIand daughulb' He Mrs.‘ H. Bryan are conï¬ned to their The afternoon auxiliary of the W. beds. We them all a speedy MS. met at the parsonage Tuesday “cove-IV. afternoon. Mrs. C. P. Johns took The Mav meeting. of Mime (0..., the program. basing it upon the . ' . ‘ ‘ ‘. theme urwestern Horizonsy Imunity aird School Club, was held in Softball Results the School Wednesday evening. May A committee was appointed to prano class at Peel County Mus’cal Festival held at Port Credit. Shel is a pupil of Mr. Illtyd Harris, andi is the granddaughter of Mr. Mrs. Joshua Manning. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. J Manning“, Mrs. J. McGillivai-y and: arid wish Last week's softball results are as. .ltn. follows: Sr. Langstafl‘ 36. ConcordI “0.2. -,. .. . ... 1 -. . 1-1; Thornhill 20. Riehvale 8; Jinzlfl’b 1,"er SItlallIbinlI PIeSItl‘aIlIl’ IdmIlI Concord 42. Thornlea 28; Langstaï¬' 1“ 0 Ohm-‘4 math 91> “016 (106911“ 19. Thornhill ]1_ Girls; Langstaï¬' M. Hamilton. Mixs. Dahl. Mrs. J. 37. Thornhill 15. Richvale SCI]OOI.\Vliite. Mrs. C. White and Mrs. E. has now organized a girl's team, so. BriwI MTSI Reo.I Lax accompanied there will be four girls’ teams in b ’ the leagueI lhyIMi-s. \\ ade. sang tho selections. Miss May Henderson and ML AlexI which were enjoyed during the soc- Henderson attended the fourth an lial hour. A quilt made by the la- hual BY-hne Ball held at the Royal dies and a cushion top donated by Egrlï¬jrllhorgdlzsi‘i; gazlxday (“’ehihg- IMrs. l). Jarrett, will be rat’t'led at Thornhill Horticultural Soeiety the S'tl'aWbel'r-V Fesuval- I‘letâ€"‘ts will hold its annual Tulip Show at.will be on sale. on Monday. May 9th. in the Mason» Hall. The following members were elected: John MeGinnis. Les Layer. Ross Knight. Dugald Mac- Cowan, Willis MacLaclil-an. Jamcs Witherspoon. Ernest George, Mel White. Gustav Dahl. Many from this district attended the annual meeting ann nominating- convention of the North York Lib- t.ie show will be open to the public at 8 p.m. Options will be obtainable between 7 and 8.30 p.m.. and must be picked up or they win be sold. so if ic rush your choice of options to Mrs. .‘lt‘Ke‘dll. along~ with your $1 mem- bership fee. Surplus plants sold so wcll at their April meeting that the Society decided to repeat the event.‘ All members and friends are asked to bring their donations of pereii-l rials. plants and shrubs: to the Tulip era] Association. held Saturday, Ma'. 5110‘“ It “'i†boo“ 3.0.1†Soclety". 7. at Armour Heights SChool. Tho Mrs. Ruth Banks and Miss Muriel Mlnl‘t†"f TransPOâ€- J~ E- Smltll‘l Iican are conducting a Junior Hor-‘ MP. and N In MathE‘WS- Kr†l‘l'ï¬â€˜s‘ tic-Ultural Show in Lawrence Meiir ideii‘t of the Ont. Liberal Association. orial Hall on the same evening. but __ commencing at 6.30 p.m. , \\'.I. To Hold Annual Meetini.r Chlck Purchases On Thursdav afternoon. May 11!. at 2.l5 p.m.. Thornhill Women‘s In. I stitue will hold its annual meeting in Thornhill United Church Sunday Schoolihall. The annual election. an- nual reports aird payment of dues “'iil {Ullle the gathering 'dt Which (‘Iiick Hatcheries. lichmond IIill. Mrs. Wells will be oil‘icial liostcssd Sales of young: birds this ycai assistcd by Mrs. Spaiiton. Mrs. llol- date are three times as Iicavv :rics. Mrs. McKeair and Mrs. Ilobbs.‘ last year; he stares with ‘ The Young: Ladics‘ Guild WA. of stilt“lllzll'tICLllLlI'lY heavy, Thornhill l'iiitcd ('hi'i'ch will meet I I at the home of Mrs. liai'l Jaqucs on Triple Those of 1948 Local poultry raicrs have come back into the market iii strength this year. reports Fred Wise of the Piray 1') a» L‘Clt'l{(‘l cl T’mrsdav cvenin;r of this week. and members of the Senior Womcn's As-' sociation have been invited to at- a v r _v ‘ tcnd. It is expected that an Iirter- icr Decorator will address the incet- Will ic v-crcfvcd .iv tlic ii.‘ in- \iL’jll- ing. cd ip Lll‘ ’ Wednesday. Haj: ' at Thornhill Prtsbyteriziii ("irurch W. 3 o'clo.k pm. for var'oas i‘. us i»: .r\. and \V.M.S. will hold their May ‘irsurziiti-c caii'icii by 'irc M “. lllct‘tlnj: at the litilllc of Mrs. I’rcii l,i‘\\t.\'i ('1 any tender im' Porter. Bayvicw Ave. i‘v acciptcd. The hortiiitc (‘liib held their nicet-‘ Farther ini‘orinatii n ‘ii...' ine‘ at the home of Mrs. S. I’iiidlay. twincd from the tuwnsiii.» I'l'i‘.) .n t'cnti‘c St. Tutsday evening. May 4. Mapic. . Mrs. t'. Fraircey and Mrs. K. Macl-i-‘ J. M. McDonald. V.“ i l iiitosh attended the WI ofï¬ce: Tti'i'.’::."i.i‘. '5 ‘ -“ Ital} .i' (iilt‘llll‘ inst week. A i . \"lllClI. .were paid twice a month. the direction of Lt. George Hart of Richmond Hill. coirâ€" tribuied greatly to the success of the inspection. under CORMLEY We congratulate Mr. aird Mrs. Whitney Johnson on the birth of a son last Friday, a brother for Lynda and Wayne. Miss Marion Hunt spent last week end in her home. tion to the fact that those who it | A large number of ladies from here attended the W.‘M.S. rally at Kit- chener last Wednesday and Thursâ€" day. Guest speakers at the tally were Miss Bessie Cor-dill of China. Mrs. Edma Brubachcr. Miss I. Hob linbcck. Mis Cdna Pridham of Ni- geria. and Rev. and Mrs. R. I). Ditâ€" inier of Springï¬eld. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mansbridg'o of Toronto. spent Sunday in his par- ents’ home. On May 24th. the annual Young" People’s Convention will be held in Aylmer, Ontario. All young people wishing to go on the bus to this con- vention should contact Mr. F. Har- vey as soon as possible. Mrs. Archibald of Halifax. N.S.. is spending several weeks in the Ironic of her daughter. Mrs. IR. Wil- cox. Darling, haven't I always given you my pay cheque on the first of every month?†“Yes. but you never told me you n WT l.‘-§thH CSiiNS Painting Contractors Residential â€" Industrial Swing Stage 213 Oak Ave.. Richvalc. ()nt. Richmond Hill .11er E. i. STEPHENS Ltd.l REALTORS lisiablislrcl cvrr 213 years 815‘ YONG}: ST. MIDWAY 1733 Lit his sill your pi‘oyi'rlyt “c are c-iuippcd to liaiidic t'ai‘nrs. s'i'iiui'baii Elll’l city ‘ lil'iiiii‘ll'iji'. \Vc lra'y'c ;; \‘Cllllâ€" . iiie‘ lisi of cllciits for lyrics of Real I‘lsiali‘. 9 0 6 O 0 O 9 6 6 6 O O 0 0 O 9 0 Q 0 O O (i O 0 0 g 0 O O Q ‘9 O 0 O Q 0 O 0 0 0 O O O 9 0 O .\l).\.\l REITER Telephone Thornhill Ilir‘l Tnoaismu. a FURKKERS « Manufacturing l’iiirici‘s 'l'liornliill. Ont. Fur Slylcs‘TIis's Spring .trc: (X'll’liS CAPE STOLES .l A t‘ltlfl' ‘S NECK li’IEt‘l‘ZS We have some in stock or make them to your order. 9000600000099000OOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 900900009060 sow - soLg man _ Houses WANTED ) . .' ) ' . . . . ". oak Spring I rices are here and so are we. If you are thinking of selling.r your home. farm. counâ€" try estate or business now is the time. We have a very large waitingi clientele and continuous daily inquiries for properties in all price classts. ‘. i For prompt. cfi‘icicnt. cbiilidential service and the full current market price by experienced yaluators. list with iis now. LIST WITH US TODAY FOR A SALE TOMORROW. DAVID McLEAN , Town and Country Realtors Member of the Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards Thornhill Office. Phone 12 or 0 0 O 9 0 0 O O O O O O O O O 0 0 O O O O i 0 0 O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O 0 g OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00¢00000OOOOOQOO‘OOOOOOOOOOOO FREE «'E‘Demcnstmtion On Your Own Soil Model 6-26 cuts 26†swath . . . 7 or 10 HP V2 Model FA-36 36" Swath The Recognized leader in Rotary Tillage Ask for free demonstration on your own soil! M-E Rotary Tillage cuts and mixes vegetation evenly throughout tilled dcpth...aeratcs soil...leaves it humus...boosts crop yields and proï¬ts for you. 4-cycle engines exclusively on garden models. patented tine unit with no tinc breakage on both garden and tractor power take-off models. Model 6-16 16†Swath Sickle bar, seeder. hillcr, furrowcr, bulldozer, sprayer avail- able for garden models. ’ MCMULLEN MOTORS Tel. 74M Richmond Hill Canada’s first self-levelling paint- Flo-glaze- continues to be the ï¬nest, in the opinion of many painters. It’s made by an all-Canadian company, by pracrical chemisrs who know the punishment paint has to take in this climate. Flo-glaze costs no more than other first-grade house paints. and is truly cconom» ical in the long run. Prop- erly applied, Floâ€"glaze lasts for many years, and saves several rc-pai nti ngs. Use Flo-glaze â€" it pays! 1 l’.\I-t Sl'l’l’l.\,' lllt l|\ltl.\ll IS .‘yI'TO 'II:I.I‘|'iI(l.\i', Il||.I. s4;