n 0.0..0000.000‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJ’C OM DmvaOuOOOOOV 790.000.00.090â€.me A DAVID MCLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE Any Quantity GORMLEY LGCK CO We have for immediate delivery, all sizes of concrete blocks. These blocks are made by the latest types of machines, are fully steam cured, to assure you of quality blocks. Gormley, Ont. CONCRETE BLOCKS Richmond Hi“ ReÂ¥ine Your Brakes for Safe Driving With Chryson 6-PIECE BOX-END WRENCH SET MLL nus HAMMERâ€"f I1 wmi (inc WRVEE LININGS RIYETTED Complete EA V ICS'I‘ROUG H INGV ROOFING POULTRY WANT ED NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES TINSMITH Paris and Repairs for all makes of furnaces d from tough molybdenum this popular 12-point set most requh’ements. Twelve v brochcd sockets_ mpg @Ks BALAN ED BRAKE SETS [0 "Lianne Pro Izm‘c" Frags Subâ€"Hm nu E" RYSOTILE BALA '(ZED BRAKE SET antity â€" Good Prices l’hone AGINCOUK'I‘ 2-481, or write to R. R. uhln Vnriccly bal- ‘rdwood hand]: .29 1° 2.15 ‘ablc in sizes' at PAUL DUBOIS PHONE 401 How are your Brakes? 1.45 Norolda Poultry â€"â€" SCARBORO JUNCTION “ARMOR-COAT†AUTO ENAMELâ€"Perfect for touch- ing-up or {or a complete palm Job. Solid coveringâ€" Brush or spray . . . . . . A . ‘12 pt. .59 Qt. 1_75 “‘RECKLVG BAR. ‘l-l" SUPERâ€"STRENGTH “'RECKIA (3 Baliâ€" Write or phone webs .ECKING BAR. -â€" For HACK SAW FRAMEâ€" .onsï¬s and haudynmL Complete with last-cut- ‘V ting blade. Takes 8" lo , . . . . .. “_ A“ 1:" hladns . _49 Jrnnce on 97 YC‘NGE ST. EASY TO MAKE "PROFESSIONAL" BODY REPAIRSâ€"AT LOW COST Pl) mnulh. Uodxc (M h_mond Hill, Ont Phone Stouff. 3Slwl 2.25 "‘ 2.35 2.30 1.90 "‘ 3.05 2.35 2.30 ‘“ 3.75 ¢ rSIR: suer Chevrolet Chrysl "PLASTIC METAL†Auto Body Filler tong .49 .89 Dcsulo 3.30 2.95 3.40 nte 4.10 } mom gt, 3 mama SPARK PLUGS PISTOL GRIP HACK SAWâ€"With namral ï¬t- Ian handle arm. Rug- zedly constructed. th blade out- E‘fâ€" [ODS 'l‘eleplmllc 5-J MOTU - MASTER. SPARK P L U ('- S in}: Tm. For very car and Hill, Prop each .79 Bryant Head of Zone E for C.L. Bayard Bryant, Wodbriodge, has been appointed Commander of Zone E-3, Canadian Legion, replacing A. H. Phelps ofA Richmond ‘Hiil, Zone Commander for the past six years.‘ who will contest for district presi dency of the annual meeting at Bar- rie, on May 14, Others of the Zone executive are: Arthur Buckland Stouflville, Deputy Zone Commanâ€" der; Albert Heard, Aurora Zone Sports’ Officer. Mrs. H. N. Rooney of Atikokan. visited her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilkins, Oak Rid ges and her sister, Mrs. Clarke Ar chibald at King during the week end. ‘Mrs. Rooney, president of Rainey River and Kenora W.I. disâ€" tricts to the conference of Ontario Federated Board held for ï¬ve suc- cessive days at Guelph O.A.C. last week, when a total of 700 delegates were present. Had Mrs. Rooney not felt she should return to her home early this week, she would have ad- dressed the King W.I. on May 10th. She is very successful as a district president and her representation to the Guelph conference as delegate from two districts speaks highly of her ability. The annual dance and carnival features sponsored by Lake Marie and King Athletic Association is set for Wednesday, July 20th, in King City Details of the super event are being set up, said George Agar president of the Association. More- over speciï¬c arrangements and ac- tion are being taken to bring Mem- orial park into the category of a recreation centre as originally plan- ned when the park site was pur- chased by the association. The park wil] take on a “new lookâ€, as cleans ing up was started on Tuesday night 'last and a new power mower put in- to action. A tennis court is planned for the skating space, regulation swings and teeters for children, decâ€" orative trees and other additions which stimulate the activity for a community centre of satisfaction and convenience to the district. This proa .f-ect does not by any means eliminate the idea of a new Memorial Hall for which a fund has been started. The project only provides means whereby the association and other organized groups can facilitate for recreation events which will in turn bring in revenue toward the weightier pro- pects. A short-range View of planâ€" ning and development greatly to be avoided and replaced by a long term vision whereby more people receive greater beneï¬ts over a greater length of time. The Athletic Association seeks the cooperation of all groups, in every age group, to help produce what is new distinctly becoming a recreation asset to the community. With brawn and muscle, leadership and understanding these} things can be accomplished. Leaders can guide but the majority must follow and pitch in and help. It is good for the soul to work and enjoy the fun of doing something constructive for others. It is good to feel children and young people will have a play place. Mrs. C. Watson Deceased Mrs. Cf M. Ash. Toronto spent UK week end with Miss Alice Ferguson Mrs. Robert Gellatiy who has been ill in bed for the past ï¬ve weeks is now permitted up for a short time each day. Her friends hope for rapid progress as warm weather ad- vances. Athletic Assoc. Dance Planned Sunday, May 8th, the eve of her 90th birthday, Mrs. Carolina Watson, fondly known as “Grandma Carrie,†passed away at Toronto General where she had been removed on Febâ€" ruary 8th, exactly three months ago, suffering a broken hip. Ten years ago on her 80th birthday, May 9th, she had held an informal at home during the afternoon which she al- ways appreciated and remembered. We recall she had ordered the birth day and reception cake and had been more than pleased her friends join ed her. Deceased was born as Carrie Har-l ris, in Carrick township, Bruce Coun-‘ ty, remaining there until she was‘ 18. Moving to Vaughan township she married Joseph Watson in June 1899. .On November 17, 1917, her husband died and later she came to King where she had since resided in her own home. She :was a member of the United church and for several rears was active in women’s groups, later as her health became impair- ed she still continued interest in the work of the church, which she had joined at the age of 20. Mrs. Wat- son had a remarkable memory and even at an advanced age proved good company for her bright speeches and interesting tales of past and present. She was an expert at piecing quilts, and had more than 200 to her credit. At 12 years of age she made her ï¬rst dress, her needlework proving a delightful hobby all through her life. The funeral service was held on Wednesday, May 111th. from .King United church, conducted by Rev. M. R. Jenkinson. assisted by Rev. Doug- las Davis, of Stouf’r‘ville, a former pastor of the King charge. Inter- ment was made in King cemetery. Legion Frolic King Branch of the Canadian Le- gion will hold the annual frolic and carnival in Memorial Park on Wed- nesday, June 23nd. Impressive mil- itary formalities will be featured as the event is otficially declared open. The Ladies’ Auxiliary will assist with the affair which will include 3 mon- ster dance and carnival contribuâ€" tions. Summer Home To Go Up Miss Leona Hall. daughter of Geo. Hall, formerly of King, has pur- chased an acre of land of the Herman McBride farm bordering the third concession line and reforested by Alfred McBride. On this property which will only be cleared enough for building purposes will be con- siructed a prefabricated dwelling structed a pref: which will prbvide for Miss Hall and operates the ‘Light on Roncesvalles A sale was made by ‘ of King. Eversley Pres-byt King City District News Evel'sley Presbyterian he held at the home of shire, third concession on 18, at 8 p.n1., in place of vidson’s. Note change 0' Lime. Eversley Presbyte: Ash. Toronto spent the [e a summer home d her father. She It House Gift Shop Ave., Toronto. The VA. Hall, l'ealtors \Y.M.S. wil Mrs. AShypp Wed., Maiy at Mrs. Da- f place and latter The W.A. of All Saints Anglican church will sponsor a sale of ï¬rst class garden plants, bulbs, home bak- ing, and refreshments served for a small fee, on Thursday, May 19th. at 7.30 p.m. If weather is warm and ï¬ne the church lawn will be used and if weather is unsuitable the church basement will be facilitated. Four baptisms were conducted by Rev. M. R. Jenkinson Sunday, May 8th. At Teston United church' were Patricia Jane Murray, eight month’s old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Murray; and Clair Bruce Murray, seven months’ old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Murray, Vaughan town- ship. At Laskay United Church at the rafternon service were Nancy Marie Forester, 31/2 months’ old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Forester and George Edward Folliott, six months. old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Folliott. Laskay Anniversary and Ric-opening part of this year. Bulbs, Plants, Food. Disposal Sunday, May 2th, special services to mark reopening and dedication of extensive interior decorations and alterations. will be held at Laskay United ‘Church. At .11 am. Rev. La- vell Smith, B.A., B.D., minister of All Nations Church, Toronto. will preach with Laskay choir in special music. At 7.30 in the evening, Rev. Douglas Davis, Stoutfville, will speak assisted by the Stouï¬â€˜ville choir of his church. The occasion will be conducted on an anniversaryAFasis.‘ On Thursday evening, Méy 12, Laskay United Y.P.U. convened by Miss Audrey Eves will study the subâ€" ject of race prejudice, when a nat- iona] ï¬lm board picture on the topic will be shown by Mr. G. DeWhitt. The time is 8.30 pm Barn and Stock Prey To Flames A large barn, a pig barn, 19 head of jersey cattle. 14 pig‘s, a quantity of grain and hay, the property of Wilmot Bentley, 4th concession 'le- cumseh township, 4 .miles north of Schomlberg, were destroyed by ï¬re Friday evening, last. A team of horses and a bull were saved. Im- plements were hauled to safety from the driveshed. Partly covered by insurance, the origin of the blaze had not been determined. Mr. Betntley was at York County hospital at New- nrarket seeing his wife who was ill there at the time. Neighbors saw the blaze and summoned Schomberg‘ Fire Department and rallied to aid in carrying water. It was almost an hour before the ï¬re ï¬ghting equip- ment arrived, one of the ï¬remen exâ€" plained, because of no agreement ex- isting between this neighboring mung icipality and Schomberg Fire ‘Ser- vice. Sanction must be obtained from Tecumseh council before the Schomberg ï¬re department can act, Therefore the'building was a mass of flames upon arrival of the Schomâ€" berg volunteers. They protected other buildings. A creek some 500 feet away was used to augment the water supply. “Lack of sufficient water on Tecumseh farms providing a drawback was given as the reason for non-existent agreement for ï¬re protection†by Reeve Fred Hunter, who Isaid..not enough interest' had yet been displayed by taxpayers to create a desire for annexation to ï¬re p1‘9t8ctiotn; scheme. v.. u. n St. Andrew’s Presbyterian W.M.S of Strange was held this week at the’ home of Mrs. A. Kerr and Mrs. Stan- ley Kerr. King and Vaughan townâ€" ]ine. The annuahmissionary bale was packed: Miss Louise Kelley, nurse in train ing at St. Joseph’s hospital, Toronto. is on vacation at her home for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wood, King township,-and daughter, Mrs. Al'- thur Fleet attended the funeral re.- centlv of Mrs. Verda Courtney, wife of Melville Courtney of Lloydtown, who died in Brampton hospital at the age of 23 years. Service was held at the home of her parents at Mac- ville with interment in Providence cemetery. Jessie Monkman At Rest Following several months of grave illness which taxed the utmost for- titude and patience, Jessie Maggaret Monkman, only daughter of Mr. Wal- ter H. Monkman, and the late Ellen Thompson Monkman, passed away Monday forenoon, May 2nd, at York County hospital, Newmarket, where she had been receiving treatment for the past two months. Five months ago almost to the time of her death Miss Monkman had undergone a maâ€" jor operation in a Toronto hospital, followed by a. series of treatments. Not withstanding medical skill and nursing care, her condition continued very grave and the end came peace- ful'ly. The funeral service was held on Wednesday, May 4th, at her late resâ€" idence at King, conducted by Rev. David D. Soules, Presbyterian min- ister here, assisted by Rev. M. R. Jenkinson of King. Interment was made in King rcemetery. Surviving are her bereaved father and her bro- ther, Walter Monkman, of Strange. Deceased was born at King Creek, attending Nobleton school. For a number of years the family lived on the present Monkman farm at Strange, and 19 years ago Jessie and her father came to King, where Mr. Monkman built a ï¬ne home. Quiet, unassuming in manner, but utterly sincere to the family and her home and whatever activity she engaged in, Miss Monkman was loved by all. For several years she had been employed at Lockhart Bros. Manufacturing plant at King. She was a member of the Presbyterian church and ac- tively assisted the Women‘s groups of the church. .She was also a mem. ber of King Women‘s Institute branch. Deep sympathy is express- ed to her lonely and sorrowing faâ€" ther and he;- brother and his wife. GRADING BY BULLDOZER Phone Maple 116 CELLARS and 0F HOLSTEIN HERD, FARM STOCK, IMI’LEMENTS, HAY GRAIN, MOTOR CAR, FURNITURE, ETC. The property of the Late THOS. and MARY MacMURCHY LOT 7, CON. 8, TWP. 0F Kle THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 1949 HOLS'I‘EINS 1 flow, 6 years OJ 1 Cow, 5 years 5) Heifers, 2 years 1 Bull, registered HORSES HENS 3‘0 Hens, Light Sussex and Barred Rock IMPLEMENTS 1 McCormick Deering Tractor, in good condition 1 Milking Machine, Woods 1 Chopper, Woods 1 Massey-Harris Binder, in good reâ€" pair 1 rrost and Wood Mower, in good repair 1 Sulle Riake, McCormick-Deming. good Reaper, Masseyâ€"Harris Hand Roller 1 l-lay Tedder Set Disc Harrows Set 5-Sec.'Drag Harrows Set 3-Sec. Spring Tooth Harrows Massey-Harris Hoe Drill, 13 spouts Waggon, Adams Waggon, in good repair Waggon, fair 2 Hay Racks Van Brunt Disc Drill, 12 discs 8% Scales, 2000 lbs., good Set Scales, 2000 lbs., fair Fanning Mill, McMurchy Fanning- Mill, Chatham, good Fanning Mill, Chatham, Iair Gasoline Engine, 2V2 h.p. râ€"‘bâ€"lr-‘l-‘l-‘Pâ€"‘I-‘b-‘l-‘r-‘lâ€"‘r-IP-‘D-‘HH 1 Grey Hores, 8 yrs., general purpose 1 Grey Horse, 12 years 1 Grey Horse, 13 years PIGS l Sow, 3 years, bred April 8 1 Sow, 3 years, bred April 10 l Sow, bred April 10 1 Sow, bred April 25 1 Sow, bred May 2 16 Chunks, 70 lbs. 21 Fanning Mill, McMurchy Fanning- Mill, Chatham, good Fanning Mill, Chatham, xair Gasoline Engine, 2V2 h.p. Buggy 1 Cutter Set Sloop Sleighs Set Bob Sleighs 44x40 Rifle, high power, with 50 shells 1 Water Trough 1 Trailer for Car 1 Windmill 3 Sugar Kettles 1 Power Grindstone Quantity of Wood 3 011 Drums 3 Lawn Mowers 3 Rolls Woven Wire 4 Walking flows 1 'Turni‘p Drill, 2 rows 1 Extension Ladder, 36 ft. HHHPâ€"‘b-‘bâ€"lr-‘Dâ€"I 10 Tongues 2 Bag Trucks 6 Logging Chains 2 Pig Crates 1 Feed Rack 2 Wheel-barrows Number of Cedar ‘Posts 1,Roupe, Block and Tackle I 2 Step-Ladders 1 Spinning Wheel 6 Squares Metal Rooï¬ng ‘ 3 Feed Boxes 1 Adze, new 6 Sets Buggy Shafts Quantity Sap Buckets 4 Lawn Chairs 500 Steel Posts 1942ND-odge 4-door car, mileage 9500 miles 1930 Chrysler Car, in good condition HAY AND GRAIN About 10 tons of Timothy Hay 200 Bus. Mixed Grain 300 Bus. Oats 2 Bags Concentrate HARNESS 1 Set Show‘ Harness. brass mounted 2 Sets Work Harness 17787th Singlg Harness 12 Col/Ian's FURNITURE ’ ll-Piece Jacobean Oak Dining Suite 7 Piece Oak Dining Suite 6 Odd Leather Seated Dining Chairs Dinner Wagon 4 Studio Couches Chesterï¬eld Suite Upright Piano and Stool Spinnet Desk Walnut Secretary Walnut Book Case Hall Rack 3 Book Cases Antique Walnut Chest of Drawers Walnut Arm Chairs 2 Easy Chairs Walnut Settee 4 Small Tables Victrola 2 Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite 3 Dressers Beds Walnut Four Poster Bed Quantity of Bedroom Fui'iture 1 Buffet 2 Parlour Tables Several Pairs of Drapes Extension Kitchen Table 2 Porcelain Top Kitchen Tables Singer Sewing Machine Electric Washing Machine Beatty Vacuum Cleaner with attach- 3 Cotton Mattresses Feaither Tick Congoleum Rugs Number of Rugs in various SlZCS and colors, all in good condition Electric Mantel Radio Electric Mantel Clock Kitchen Cloek Electric Rangette Limoges China Dinner Set Dinner Set Blue Willow Dishes Quantity of Kitchen Utensils Toilet Sets Clothes Baskets Sealers ' Cushions Odd Dishes Spinnmg Wheel Findlay Kitchen Stove, near new Kitchen Stove 2 Pantry Cupboards 4 Other articles too numerous to men- ments 1 Sprino‘ Mattress tled for. Nobleton Women's Institute will provide lunch. Norman McLadhlin, Clerk M. McEWEN, Auctioneer f‘on Terms: cash. No reserve. Sale starts at 10.30 am. Nothing: to be removed until setâ€" Cow, 5 yrs. old, calf at f Cow', 5 yrs. old, calf at f Cow,,5 yrs. old, calf at 1' (Low, 6 years, due August Cow, 6 years, bred March Cow, 6 years, due June 5 Cow, fresh, 6 years old Cow, 5 years, due June 1 Cow, 6 years, due July 2 Cow, due time of sale Heifer, fresh ' Heifer, due July 15 Heifer, fresh Heifer, 2 years, calf at fc Skinny men, women gain 5,3), 15 lbs. ï¬lm: I mun Blony hmbs nu ougéduglly helm! up: neck no onzer scrawny: y uses {â€" umed. sickly "bean-pole" look. Thousands of glrll women. men. who never could gain before. us nnw proud or she _y. health 400mm: bodles. They thank the spec user-bun . flesh-human: tome. Ostrex. m mules. atlmulnnth. Invigorhtors. tron. vltumn B]. caldum. enrich blood. lmprove appetite and digestion so food veg you more strength and nounshmem‘. nut flee on ban bones. Don’t tear sewn; too m. 8001: when you've gained ma 6. 10. 15 or 20 lbs. you need [or norm] weight. (out! "mar New ":0: acquainted" llIze only 80c. uni'l added’poundz. um AUCTION SALE Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor due July 15 fresh 2 years, calf at. foot years old AV. Bu dl'USKI foot foot foot 21 Shouts THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thu! 06000000009900.00.00.0900090000000009000000.6000... ELECTRIC WIRING and REPAIRS RICHMOND HILL ELECTRICAL SHOP J. Carl Saigeon Agency This is an entirely new lockerâ€"to-home-freezer service that will saVe money, travelling and time to families within the area of King City. Under this new plan we offer free delivery service from our low cost lockers to a “polar trunk†installed in your home on a rental basis. This means that you will have a constant supply of economical and delicious frozen foods always at hand. Our delivery service will pick up'your foods as well, bringing them back to be frozen and stored in your locker if you have one until you want them returned to your home unit.‘ It will mean a ready supply of fresh fruits, green veg- etables, juicy steak‘s. cooked meats, fowl, pastries, ice cream, etc. at your elbow. Remember â€" there is no charge for delivery â€" and your unit is kept well stocked with foods of your choice. You pay only for the foods you use â€" as you use them. If you have a locker now this will make things easier for you. If you haven’t one, and do not want one, the home unit can be put in your home and serviced from our own supply of ï¬ne meats, frozen foods, fresh vegetables, etc. At present this service extends to Nobelton. Wood- bridge, Concord, Maple, Thornhil], Richmond Hill, Oak Rid- ges and surrounding districts. Phone 16W GILSON HOT AIR FURNACES AND OIL BURNERS THE BELL TELEPHONE ymmlh‘mewu/wï¬m , 0/ KING CITY COLD STORAGE SAVE MONEY ON FOOD BILLS 2,446 Green trucks and cars bring more and better Telephone Service All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. Write phone or drop in N nu: I’AS'I‘ twelve months these familiar green IN 'rin; ms‘r twelve months these Izmnlutr green trucks and cars have travelled over 20 million miles to help prurith you with good telephone SCl‘Vlf‘ :md to hell: in the big expansion] and innn‘ovement program which is making service better and more uselul all the time -' 'L'iliel‘ei'éi‘y‘mhig clscrra‘i-S'iihi'fit'i'iit'la‘s l’iiiirtr gd‘ï¬e‘ i'l'p in price, 30% in three year»! Yet, up to now, despite higher costs on all sides, there has been no increase in the basic telephone rutcs established 22 years ago. To-(lay’s expansion program is breaking all records, but [here are still orders \\'C haven't been able to ï¬ll. “’0 will lu‘cl) right on working and building to make your lClCI)ll()llC scrvirc a bigger bargain than ever â€"~â€" to continue to provi‘dc more and better service at the lowest possible cost. Constantly improving scrvirc means that today, [cw things give you so much real value at such low cost as your telephone. A NEW SERVICE THAT WILL MAPLE, ONTARIO ERNIE BROCK 82 YONGE â€" PHONE 296W KING CITY, ONT. Telephone Maple ll COM PANY OF CANADA b day 1949 Box 24