8 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thin duff. LEGAL Jos. Rabinowitch, BA. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR i NOTARY PUBLIC MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED Successor to It. U, Jordan Oï¬'ice Hours r-â€"s Daily 10 to 5 p,m, Evenings m Tuesday. Thursday and Fridays, H to It) And by Appointment 40 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Phone Richmond Hill 229 Cook & Gibson Barristers, Solicitors. etc. Wm. Cook, K. C. . Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. J. A. Gibson Toronto Oï¬â€˜ice: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West May ll. MEDICAL Dr. R. A. Bigford Otl'ice Hours a.in,, liwr‘.’ & tiwâ€"S and by appointment MAPLE A Dr. Jas. P. Langstaff I. A No Dr. Geo. A. Thompson OFFICE IIOI'RS: ti-lla.in.: 14: p.m.; (LR p.m. Sundays and Holidays by appointment only. l2‘2 Ynllg‘c Street Telephone Dr. J. P. Wilson Dr. W. D. Howe ft 710 pm. loo Til-i1",~ Farms, Phone II \Yiih ï¬lm )vliiiui'i)‘ usurancc inrrcascd cos-t of materials would be well advised to ircrcasc the amounts of insurance. it will never happen to them are caught some time or other with- Thc cost is a minor amount to what it will cost it an ac- cident happens. liclmond Hill think out Richmond Hill. Thursday forenoon ‘, Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate M acGregor & Wilson ALEXANDER A'tai-(lltlitlgit, Kc. r A ERT J. wnso ,l .A. r v I‘B BARRISTERS MUSICAL 614 Confederation Lil'e Building Adelmo Melecci ELgin 5025) Toronto From the Toronto Conservatory of Walter S. Jenkins Music will accept .a number of pupils iBarrister, Solicitor, Notary Public m .776 Yonge Street, Lansing, Ontario plANO‘ ORGAN and THEORY ' For information phone Mrs. Mylks Zone 8-337 108 Yonge Street a ' » ' S Mathelvs, Stlver’ Phone Richmond Hill 5 J Lyons Vale _ Miss Alice Mecredy 3-“lgstff‘5ï¬0l'fl‘lg0gféy“$5?†Miss Sylvia Mecredy P I A N 0 Centre St. E. Richmond Hill IIotii‘s: {1â€"11 a.m.; 2-4 p.m.; 6â€"8 pm. Holidays and Sundays: I'lnit‘i‘gt'ncics and appointments only Telephone 21 Richmond Hill K. M. R. STIVER, B.A. B. E. L-o B. A. . . JOSEPlHnI/ALE Phone Richmond Hill 102r13 NEWMARKET OFFICES â€"â€"â€"â€",â€"â€" 100 Main si. t: Bots‘ford St). [Marguerth Boyle 'hone 126 Ilione L0 Eloc'mmn‘ Public Speaking Platform Deportment. Dramatic Art. “HOMFAYOOD IIALL" Thornhill, Ont. Phone 89w AUCTION EERS A. S. Farmer M aci‘v’aughton & M acNaughton Barristers, Solicitors. Etc. A. Cameron MacNaughton, 'Alex M. Mac-Naughton ‘ McKiunon Building 0 Melinda Street, Toronto, Ontario Richmond Hill 9900909099099909000000 INSURANCE R. H. Kane REAL ESTATE Suburban Propci‘tics' INSI'RANCE Fire. Automobile. etC. Tclcplu Ilt‘ 111 Richmond Hill INSPRANCE OF ALL KINDS etc. increase of tire owners should review policies, and due Also car owners protection. Consult A. C. Savage INSI'RANCE AGENT 00009900099000099909000000 J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire. Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill. Ont. Telephone 87 9 0 0 9 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 g 0 0 9 9 9 0 9 9 0 9 ‘0009999009099000900000009 Roy V. Bick Lit'e. Fire. Automobile. etc. INSURANCE 6 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto AD. 0311 16 Centre St. West Phone 55 Richmond Hill hazards. their to the who LANGSTAFF IIRIYI‘Ct} \TIII 'l‘Ol’RlSl' HILLI' ‘ TR .\ I'll“. . \Iâ€"Ii ()N'I‘Athl‘S ll“ YUI' LET ~â€" ~â€" â€"~ A - \Irs. ('oidon Mcllish, lllli.\\lnll:il'Reasonable assuiancc that visitors ‘ ' . , _ ., \ m 11“, n H H 7‘, I" H m†H, ‘ :zonn- on lili‘miluli .ioui l.1 Wt .11 ' l ‘ it I 't‘ ‘, â€" “ .1 v . . y . l l H L H l 1 I“ est Atrica. brought :1 woudri tul in Canada is u'iwtl tourist :u.-l liiii‘ssuu'n‘ Ill :1 illiltll'io is taking thc :ylld‘ .\’ il‘ h l. largo attendance at \citisina. DO YOI’R BAKING ». . . - ' - '4 Us ' l;s’ "l 's‘ ‘ in educating the public In drnu :ind ll“, “Mllln‘ lll'ml llll' l L In“ Y NH 1. r. p. ' i 1‘ i ‘ ~\‘ -‘ r \’ ~]v * , 1. ,_ “I? 11. \ H, pt, H. day. on \\1 l.l\t lllllit tinn Oi yum . [lllllg \ or t . ““l‘ 5“" U“ 5‘ ‘ l“ ““l .‘l H. “1 Next wcck. Mav It'. the meeting .. . .. . . n v V s s v v i ll sate highways and sticcts will {'1‘ :i “m he I“ [he hm'm, M- “h ply,“ llll‘. l BI .-\l. QLAIIIIT llilbll‘rblAlll‘. l‘).-\I\Il\(r 1‘; wrong“ lilt'Itll' lll attraitdic' \‘isitol's . _. X ,i » .i l .' . . , , ,, . ., . . 1.. this provincc and 1.. on. worm i§.*“‘,'*li *§;.',l“,‘,â€:*‘“â€â€œ “‘ ~' 1â€â€œ l_\ A u ini. ( non In. ALuAys A\ AILABLE Thl tiuris‘. lusinrss is (Ema l:i'< saw “l. 1'“). “C†l“ _ . \ s. 1 ,mi pip-pa loin-tip or Hamil [\mlupl .\exl Ninday. May inth. the spcak- llaki-i'y located next lank oi tommcrcc. lung [1 ican dollais. Ili‘tl we should ll‘l those Iâ€, ll†MINEâ€: SUM-m) m†lw lwl'l | . y . v r v . ll {mm “1],... ,.,,l.m,.i,,\. pm“ m.†\H, It. Lurk o1 Toronto. \vt-ll-knmyu to (IAL‘NIDD 0N .‘IONDA‘B A ' \ ..‘ 311' ~ - si- l)‘ lI\' llli‘ l‘ ., , 1,“, ‘ .. , ‘7‘. .5, up] mu). and tin um i« _\\ 1., It . I I , ,»_ I, ,\ï¬,__\ï¬,_~“ “m l“ l“ lmll ‘1 1' H l l Lano'statl \ouna' ltltlli's‘ l‘riu, ‘ *_'â€"â€" _â€"_â€""' " A l that we are doinu' ovorxthinu we ciin . . _, _ 1.4 ‘ \oung' Peoples this week. .\I:i\ 1.. to n‘akc this possible. . . . . T H. 1. H ls ill charu'o oi Mr. “in, Jordan I“ l.‘ "' ‘tl, ,l'm‘rl‘lm’ ‘1†l†Special speaker and music. t oinc known ll] the I.S.~\. where they arr‘ . . . . . ,and join in at 8 pm. proving t‘ilt‘t'IlYt‘ in reducing the ac- WWI“, lump m mind 1]“, mm] mod‘ ifltlt‘lli toll. I\ii()'.\'lc(lg'i‘ t.hat}(an:ul~ih,,‘_. pm. 1h“ Hum†Hr Youâ€, 1-H}. ians are Just as concerned with proâ€" . I ‘ ‘ 1. H. _ ,J Christ to he held at S p.111. zit l.'i\\â€" ~ tritium ltll." tIl‘lwl m: ll†' ll “‘t’lm. . rcmc Memorial Hall at Thornhill. ..i\oui.i ry at ctt .\lllt'llt.1ll.\ pay in: mm.“ minim] “Um? “.m 1H. mum] Telephone 11.8 9000000009990000990090 000990600 ’000 a visit here. There is every indication that the tourist trail‘ic in Ontario would be as great or even greater than last year. This would mean that \\ l‘ll ovcr a million Visiting: motorists ou- tei' Ontario t‘or lcna‘thy stays and at lcast another three million tor short periods. Add these ï¬gures to the SPOON) motor vehicles registered in Ontario and the need is apparent tor the ut.most use ot' cai'c. courttsy and common sense by all. A good hOst is one who looks after the comfort and wants of his guests. If Canada is to play host to hundreds of’ thousands of visitors. it is our duty to see that their welfare, com- fort and safety is our constant con» cern. Such an attitude will pay divâ€" idends in international goodwill and national wealth. NEW TYPE OF FARMERS Recently. rm young: men were erad- uated from the two year course at the Agricultural College at Guelph. Practically all â€" 313 to be exact 7â€" went back to the farm. in most cases their own. In fact, according to re- liable sourccs. more agricultural col- lege graduates on a per capita basis are going back to farms in Canada than in any other country. In the litrht of the worrisome prob- lem of how to keep the boy on the farm. these facts are most encour- aeine‘ indeed. They not only fore- clsewhere in the papci‘. Members of the coue'remition were very pleased to see the Rev. A. ll, .Ioiics out last Sunday evening: Al though not able as yet to resume his duties in the pulpit. it was iudced a pleasure to see him. LANGS'I‘AI’I" BAPTIST ('III'RCII Pastor. Rev. A. R. Jones Sunday morningr liihlc School ll p.m. Sunday l‘lvcning‘ (lospt‘l A p.m. \ch.. Prayer Mcct‘iuc‘, .s‘ pm. Friday. Y.P.S.. 8 p.m_ Services, RICHV ALE th “YALE “IA. On May -lth. the ladies of the IV. A. met at the home of Mrs. .1. Don- aldson. where the regular meeting was held. Mrs. G. Allison took the chair and an interestingr report was given of the annual meeting of the \\'.A. in Toronto. During); the after- noon the ladies worked on a quilt and some returned on Thursday and Friday to complete it. Many thanks to those who contributed their time and efl'ort to this worthy endeavour The Rev. and Mrs. Wrixon were welcome visitors to the meeting". On May 14th, several of the ladies of the WA. are planning: :1 Baking); Sale to be held in Drury’s Variety Store. Richvalc. Please notices in the Post Ot’r'icc for further 00090009900000090099990900000909999 watch for 000000000900000990900090000900000900009900099990900 TEACHER TRAINING COURSE The Third Term of the Teacher Training Course as 'sponsorcd by the Markham Township Sunday SchOol Association will‘ be conducted in the Unionville United ‘ Church on theevenings of May 17, 18, 1.9, 25, 26 and 27 at 8 o’clock. Rev. Dixon Burns of Toronto Bible College, Director. '000000909000990000000000090WMO 000000000000000090000000900000009900000900009999000 000009000000099009000090000090000000000000000000000 GUERNSEY CALVES “0099000099099900000 [0 At the 100th Celebration of the Richmond Hill Fair on information. 0 0000000900 cast a brighter future for Canadian agriculture, but can help make Can- one of the \vOrld‘s most progrâ€" 26 Years Experience 0000000000060000000000000 York County. Uxbridge and Picker- ing Townships T. C. Newman BARRISTER TUESDAY. MAY 2-ith SOLICITO‘R. NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Farm Stock and Furniture Sales :1 Specialty Telephone Stout-‘t‘ville 7312 Address: Gormley P.O. UII Andrew E. Snider ressive food producing nations. Some oldtimers may regard this return of the college bred boy to the farm with derision. Even some par- the York Simcoe Guernsey Breeders Association are spon- soring‘ a class for pure, bred Guernsey Calves born after“ 'HARRY E. PALMER Veterinary Surgeon JOHN ST., THORNHIIL Phone Thornhill 250 cats who rpaid for their son's educa- tion will rebel when the youngster suggests a revision of time-tried 46 farming practices. “You can‘t plow a ï¬eld with a diploma†is an. express- ion too often heard in several sec- tions of the country. Such an attitude is nonsencial. There is much behind that diploma There are years of intense classroom study; practical work on the best ex- perimental farms on the continent; scientiï¬c research in laboratories. Yes, a diploma can plow, can sow and, most important. can reap. The public spirited scientiï¬cally trained farmer may well become the leader in his community by helping solve the problems of his less in- nlmediatly North of Masonic Hall , Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill , - [‘oronto Officeâ€"18 Toronto Street [fen &\€(l'lqlg(€glrfrentlce A ' il 4 S Phone Adelaide 5877 _ Licensed and Authorized for the Stuart P. Parker Counties of York and Ontario "risth Solicitor Farm‘ Stock, Implements. Household \ Notary Public Furniture, Real Estate Sales . . , a specialty. Régh'ggxgenéltl. At Fair and Reasonable Rates 1 , , Dual service for the price of one. LANG’ DAT & Milliken P.O.. phone Agincourt 52w3 ..0 1,. St 'w T0_ to Markham P.O., phone Markham 206 D “"9: ' " 1' . 10“ No sale too big or too small Wmeiley 2031 ‘ v - l VETERINARY Lâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" :Dr. A. J. MacKinnon July I, 1948. General Insurance The calves are to be shown by a boy or girl, 16 years of age or under. and not necessarily the property of the exhibitor. Animals must conform to the Health regula- tions of the. Fair Board. PRIZES â€" In addition to 10 cash awards, the clubs will pay $1.00 for each entry. and there will be two prizes each of a show calt' halter to the boy and girl judged as dis playing the best showmanship. Life. Fire. Automobile & Casualty n.n.u.mummy.mum.u-.n,u,......, llllllllllnlllllllza Prompt Personal Attention 00000000000000006000000600 FLOOR POLISHER FOR RENT Heavy Duty â€" $2.00 per day Modern Kitchen Installations Phone 4-13 .mu.â€.o.n.u.u.n.n. Box 100 MAPLE Phone 100 _'Il'l1'll'lI'|l'|I'1I‘II'|l‘ll’lI'll‘U'tI'll'lr‘ll'll'u‘U‘ll ..n.u,u,i .: .v , .. a... , .. . .. ,... Jack Walkington GENERAL INSURANCE So, get your calves in shape and bring them on the L‘fe’ Fnle‘ Automohlle‘ Lmhllity’ 21th of May. Judging- will commence at 2.80 p.m. sharp. Hail, Accident and Sickness 009009000000000999090000990006090099099909000909090 90009990099009000000099009009999000090090000900090090 .W- J. ,' VETERINARY SURGEON 7’ Farm Insurance a SpeClaIt-V formed .nelghh'mlsï¬ If he fails VtO Pickâ€"up & Delivery $1.00 Extra . DENTIST Centre St w Richmond H111 hmfr C 1W Telonlmne 28 Shale “3 “0“19‘l29i “9 may as “811 o09u0009960990999999.0999»...ooooooooouowuooou nDNGE AND ARNOLD STREET ' omce†.hon-e 360W Re 360J have not gone to 5““001- â€â€œâ€™â€œâ€â€â€â€â€â€œÂ°â€â€â€ ' I ' ‘ PHONE 70 1’ S~ lllllllllllllllllll . RICHMOND HILL Dr. P. R. MacFarlane DENTIST , Closed Wednesday all day GAS EXTRACTION â€" X-RAY Phone Woodbridge 172 Wright & Taylor FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE _*___' Dr. J. T. Sheppard Veterinary Surgeon Phone 82 Maple, Ont. E. J. HINSON -' x ' HANDS IN TRAINING...FOR ONTARIO 1 Interior & Exterior Decorator Elm Grove Oak Ridges Aldridge â€" SANITARY CONTRACTORS w 01' Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants, 1"“3' 84†I Slaus‘htel‘ HOUSES _ lllgllllfllll‘llillfll Richmond Hill. Telephone 15 Pumped Out and Repaired â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€" tooooooooooooooooooooooooo Branch Offices at Out of town day or night 5 ELECTRICAL ‘ HORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE emergency service WIRING l r Phone Willowdale Zone 8288 House, farm and all electrical ORDER - Thornhill 1971-5 M 1 "22a ELEN SIMPSON FLOWER ape ‘ 1 ° alterations, makes of washing machines serviced. For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any Yerex Electric . Phone 242 Richmond Hill ’1 3 where in North Yonge St. ooooooooooooooooooo0009699 also all J. Albert Hewitt ARCHITECT Mem. R.A.I.C. Highland Lane. Richmond Hill Telephone Richmond Hill 342J REAL ESTATE szfl-sflfï¬'ï¬ GENERAL BUILDER R. H. KANE . and i Commerual and Domestic REALTOR , All Makes RICHMOND HILL . C. “DON†Farms. Suburban Propci'ties.‘ Residential and » Acreage. Building Lots. etc. Farm Buildings ) lung P'O' . Phone Richmond Hill [hone 2616 ng Otl‘ice 411 Residence Barn & Stable Equipment Sold and Installed Dealer in Gilson Products E. BARTLETT 0000000090000000900000 ~131r14 Richmond Hill i ‘ BUILDING Learning to Work With, Copper \ District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 len Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynett REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE 176 iOoooooooooooooooooooooooo. WOODWORKING Windows and Door Frames . Window Screens. Storm Sash :Bathroom Cabinets. Cupboard Doors. Berry Crates. Rose and Garden Trellis. Lawn Mowers Sharpened and Repaired A ub. Nichols '1‘ .z. Phone Richmond Hill 1341.31 J. ‘ ooooouoooonooomuooo» OAK RIDGES. ONT. Plumbing & Heating Contractor ' Agent for “0 CONTRACTOR Grates and Chimneys A Specialty and Brass 1/ SLIE SARGEANT Elgin St.. Thornhill Phone Thornhill 109M 00000000000000.0000.†o Iuooocilunllultuttotto IlIoI-oIeIIoucnnonnll» N Ontario the “heels of industry turn for the benefit of every single one of us. Our latlics. dynauios. drill presses. farm combines. tractors. business machines. etc. are prmluci11;_r goods and services which earn-dollars: These dollars provide food. clothing. medical care and other necessities \\lllCll con- tribute to our security and high standard of living. livery single one oi us. therefore. has a very personal interest in the ilow Ola slcady supply of trained workers to industrial plants. Thth workers will operate machines which are important to our \say of life. Our “'ay of Life Rewards Trainoll llnmls 000Wâ€90000000 00900000000009900990000000 j Langdon’s 00990999999099.9099...» Coach Lines Daily Service Maple to Richmond Hill Ontario workers know they can earn more. liavo- mmuliic responsibility and enjoy a lIlL'lIl‘l' standard ofliviuig in direct ratio to llH' skills [IN‘V ac- quiri- and [fur “AA llll'V' make the c a . o c n u o n . u n g . - a u o a o o o u o - Y s ‘. -' x . x - . u x ‘ s urmcrnment. industry . . I I T ‘ I‘m“. Mame 5.10 n'nL V v \M should apprct lait . tln n. tlu (o 0])! raiiu «Hort, of ,_ . i _ U, “MIL Hun “ha†11 L03“. Rithmmhl 11m 31-10 mm. DEIA'O I’I .‘II’H AND and labour in the held of employee training. In schools and In fat-[ones our “W. i“ u 1'â€... pmmmiv Gurne.‘ Gas Ranges I‘m“. Maple 3M} pm. ‘,\[{(‘()]F[U\‘\]E 0]], ];[‘|{_\'ER horkers. \‘nllllg and old. are gncn the OPIHH‘IIHIIIA to dew-lop new and spcciiic A that} why our com. for Essotane rnaces â€" Air Conditioning skills in ï¬ery tield of busincss and industrial acti\il\. For instance. eu-rv .. . . . . - ~ ‘ l"‘llli\c system will cttort on the part of workers to become pi'olicicnt in the art of shapingr and - continue to make Leave Richmond IIil 4.310 p.m. Cement Septic Tanks Saturday Night Service Sict‘ii‘il ' . u ~s ' z (r I p ' r s rial irrwres‘â€"\\ill lif‘l) v Pressure Systems >l \Yc solve ynm- deep and Simon“. moulding topper and bids. will l;ltalll Frleat r ii} In 1k I ,_ s 1 Land!†grwt and 3 Leaves Maple 7.00 p.m. of: 1319511“, Spam“ “aways 1†mal‘“ “marl†1‘ “WT I’ldâ€) '†“ 'l' l I†I“) dm “or ' great place in which tnliyc. Leaves Richmond Hill 10.80 pm. L. HOUSE , Telephone Maple 102 Coaches for all Occasions Residence 62r32 i ’l‘clcphonc King 56 O o 3. 000090099990009900000000 1 09000000000000909000000000 . Phones King 65122 Aurora -tt$.l o o o o 0 g o o u o o o n u o n o o o o o o o o o a 3 . . n u n o u u n o n n u u o u u _c THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) .goul-IOIIII'll-Ononoo-Iloeoo