0R MION'I‘H‘S we’ve been telling ou how good Kitchener Big-4 Chicks re. If you haven’t ordered. and want ay delivery, then the sure to get our order in now. Hatchery's book- ngs are heavy. Big-4 May chicks ill get much of the good fall mar- ets. Save time, let us order for you. esley Clark, R. R. 2, Gormley. HIOLSTEIIN HEIIEERS, bred, to ome in in Novem er; Jersey cow, resh. G. Ston‘g, V owdale 913 or 086 Sheppard Ave., E. Lansing. ROP LEA'F‘ TABLE. good, white enamel, will sell or trade for chest f drawers. kitchen cupboard or buf- et. Apply phone Richmond Hill 45R. clw47 1 USED ‘Cockshutt TO tractor; 2 Cockshutt No. 1 transplanters; 3 Cockshutt No. 3 hayloaders; 1 side Delivery rake. W. Latimer, Union- ille, phone 48. *3w47 'H'U‘G'H'S GREEN HOUSE full of annuals, tomato 'plants. Ruggles Ave. and Second Street, east on No. 7 Hgy. at Langstafl‘. Phone Thorn- hill 2061-14. *4w47 1946 BONTLAC SEDAN. (blue). new‘ tires, clutch and steering; also mud tires, good condition, no trade. Ross Irwin, R. R. 1, King, phone 42113. TOMATO PIAAN'DS, cabbage,"’pan- sies and annuals Anderson, 94 Richmond St., Richmond Hill, phone 204. c2w47 MOOORMICK Deering mower, num- ber 6; also Massey Harris Binder 6’ cut, both in excellent condition. hone Maple 54r4. tfc47 500 ft. 10" cedar bevelled clapboard 00 FT RED IANSUL BRICK siding; 1 iiging. Apply 2 Oak Ave,, Richvale 1940 PONTIAC coach L. head, en- gine .very clean, mechanically good, can be seen at; Cooney's Service Station, Richvale. *1w47 ’32 CHEV car in good running con- dition, new battery and good tires. Apply Harry Fierheller, Maple R. R. 1, phone Maple 571'13. *1w47 BABY CARRIAGE and ‘bathinette, both in Al condition. Apply Mrs. J. A. Saigeon, phone Maple 103J. COMBINATION radio phonograph, regular $319.95 for $200; also new television set. Phone Maple 281'4. 1934 INI'IYEIRNA’I‘HON'AA'L truck 11/.» ton stake, running good. N. Dolson, Headford, phone Richmond Hill 48r25. c2w47 SEED POTATOES, Kathadins, é bags; also Irish Cobblers. Mrs. H Woods, phone Richmond Hill 309J HAY, CLOVER and ALFALFA, gbod quality. Apply Lewis Heise. Victoria Square. Phone Stouï¬ville 66112. . *2w46 1932 PON'I‘IA-C Coupe, rumble seat A1 condition, low mileage on new motor“ Wilfred Hare, Teston, phone Maple 721'11. c3w46 SIM‘PLICITY GARDEN TRACTOR inéluding cultivating equipment and sickle mower. Phone Maple 621‘2. c2-w46 QUEIBEC HEATER; Aladdin lamp; dining room furniture, suitable for summer cottage. Apply Mrs. Wiz- gins, phone Agincourt 349w4. ‘3w46 1939 STUDEBAKER, Champion $600. Phone Maple 241'5 evenings. *1w47 running condition, cheap for, gash. [Phone Richmond Hill 269M. c1w47 KAITHIADIN seed potatoes, 85c per bag. A‘p’ply Harvey Mashinter, R. R. 3, King, phone King 3r13. tfc47 POTATOES, 8 bags, table use. L. W. Steckley, phone Stoufl'ville 61503. c1w47 SEED POTATOES, grown from Foundation “Aâ€; 7 small pigs, phone Maple 601-11. c1w47 1936_ O'IJDvSMQBIIJE _ COACH, excellent condition. Phone Richmond Hill 324W. *1‘W47 PLXMQUVI‘IHHC‘OArCI-L 1938’ model, 'CULL BLOCKIS for sale, 10c apiece in yard. Gormley Block Co., Gorm- leyyphone Stouflville 381W1. c2w47 den Ave., Langstaï¬", phone Thérnh-ill 47r21. c1w47 2_ BABY GOATS.AM1'SV. Brown, Gar- 1936 FORD OOU'PE, excellent con- dition, 4 new tires. 'Apply Gordon McCallum, phone King 411‘22. c1w47 SLENDOR TAB-LETS are eï¬ective. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Austin’s Drug Store. 498W. ICE BOX ter boiler Apply 248 Oak Ave., Richvalc, phone Richmond Hill 1r2. tfc45 CEMENT BLOCKS and well tile gpn REA‘LkESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 169. 'plaxitsJ ’C.’ 'Wa‘iébï¬,‘ '46 "Mii1"§t.â€,' Richmond Hill, phone 324w. *8w41I RASPBERRY Thornhi“ 168 ng BI‘JA‘L‘ESTATE, phone ette; diaper pail; commode chair. Phone Thornhill 218r22. c1w47 Luxe, good. Phone Stbufï¬ille 3942 DODGE‘COAQH, rspercia] De CONVERTIBLE HGO-JCAR’I‘; bathin- {PRIVATE CAR. ’39 Packard, Phone evenings Thornhill 151R. c1w47 RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 35 cgnts for ï¬rst in§erti9n andgs gents fpr each subsequent insertion. Over A..- I:_‘.. ___.L_ Classified Sale & Want Ads ; single bed stead; hot wa- ', phone Richmond Hill c3w40 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 19, 1949 FOR SALE 7.-.. w..- ..., -v u 4v. ‘4.-.- QuugLK‘I-Ivllv IIIOLI “UH. vvvl ï¬ve lines 7.cents' per line, ngrameiarcl'l-Vinsertion. If chérged to account mne cents per line Telephone Rlchmond Hill 9. BLANTS, stygwberry Hill 309J. c2‘w47 c1w47 71 \v47 c2w47 SW47 *1w47 1w47 goqd 67309. c2w46 tfc46 b‘enn, tfc46 LIME GREEN BU-DGIE BIRD 'Phone Richmond Hill 19 or 4 Duffer- in Kiwi"; _V__‘ -v“ A‘VVL‘U probably in Temperanceville district Apply Bert Cadden. phone King 2r5. c1w47 BLzlkC'K TAN FOX HOUND 3 RtOOME‘ID COTTAGE, furnished to rent, Richvale vicinity. Apply stat ing name, address, number of people and phone number. references. Ap- ply Box 21 The Liberal. c1w47 PASTURE FOR RENT. 7 50 acres well fenced. shade, running water 'Bathurst west of Newtonbl‘ook. phone Willowdale 8443. c1w47 ’PA-STU‘RE TO RENT, 35 acres on Bathurst north of Elgin Mills side- road. Phone Richmond Hill 3721-2. ï¬ ' LanKS, concrete well tile. Tom Jar- H'OUVSE. small White Clapboard rett, phone Richmond Hill 466J. frame cottage 2 years old, insulated,‘ *2w46 completely ï¬tted for comfortable liv- ‘55â€"â€" ing- sink and cabinet' I tullp lbul'bs, see them shower, toilet), thoroughly wired, "1 5190m~_ Leave ,VOUI‘ Ol'del‘ for f?†simply partitioned to provide dining planting if you WlSh- N- J- Smelh‘S, nook, living room, bedroom; includes'ThOl'nhlll Phone 42‘}? 01W47 3521:3833;negro: ammonia AvoN be removed from present location. Al 3‘?“ .t‘ho’.‘ Cï¬smet‘f‘és for. Maple and god buy as a home, summer cottage,’ NESUI'C'; Ila, 15‘ ' Home’ 93‘1"? store, etc. Make offer, principals only __ap e34 _ ' C‘w“ please phone owner Richmond Hill AVAILABLE for baby sitting 01. 45%. c1w47 15mm Anh- Anna†‘ ' ' STARTED COCKERE‘LS, pullets, . non-sexed many breeds and cross breeds to choose from, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 weeks old at bargain prices while they last. Also day old cock- erels, pullets and non-sexed chicks, A sample of the bargains: 6 week old Light Sussex x New Hampshires, [New Hampshires, Light Sussex I:Oockerels $36.95, non-sexed $43.95. 1pullets $58.95. Send for complete lbargain price list and catalogue.‘ vaeddle 'Chick Hatcheries Limited, 'Fergus, Ontario. c2w46 NE'W HOUSE, insul brick, 5 roomé with bathroom, full basement, mod- ern kitchen, electric, water, gas, fruit trees, size of lot 56x300 in Richvale. Also 2 room frame cott- age. Apply 48 Edgar Ave., Rich- vaIQ. *‘hnA'I ELECTRIC STOVE, MOF‘FAT, 4 burner with coal annex, cream, in good condition, $150. Piano, Nord- heimer with bench, requires tuning. otherwise in excellent condition. Ap- ply 27 Yonge St., Richmond Hill, phone 106. *1w47 ‘GET YOUR June-July Bray chick orders in. Hatchery will ï¬ll them in rotation. Let us know your needs. Ask for summer price list. Fred Wke, Bray Brooder, Richmond Hill 3591'21. __ R 35 BAJGS No. 1 table potatoes and 15 'bags No. 1 seed potatoes, Katha- din; 8 window frames with screen; 5 inside doors; 1-2 kitchen chairs; 2 double beds. ‘De La Salle College Aurora, phone 90. c1w47 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked en- amel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontarlo St. West, Newmarket, Ont. tfc32 COCKSHUTT fertilizer seed drill in working order. Fleury Bissell large size manure spreader, good. Baled hay, timothy and alfalfa; baled wheat straw. George McNair, Maple RR. 2, phone King 111'4. tfc43 KITCHEN TABLE; 5 Windsor chairs; 2 single bedsteads; 1 smgle wool mattress, suitable for summer cottage. Apply 70 Edgar Ave., Rlch- vale. *‘2w47 LADY’S WOOL SUIT with peplin, American beauty, like new, 14X; al- so lady's dark red plastic high heel shoes, size 6, will sell reasonable. Phone Thornhill 13‘5r4. c1w47 1936 FORD COAJCH, front fender needs work otherwise good condition; $375.00. S. North c/o Melvin Baker VBayview Ave., Elgin Mills. Phone Richmond Hill 451-22. c1w47 W‘ATERL’OO H30 Garden tractor, 3 h.p., plow, cultivator, snow plow, brand new, sacriï¬ce. McMullen Mo- tors, Richmond Hill phone 74M. AGE‘NT for Mofl‘ats New Electric Range; also Essotane Gas Ranges and Electric Pails; Crossley Shelvador Refrigerators and Hinman Milkers. J. A. Rose, Maple, phone 34J. tfc38 ORNAMENTAL PORCH kAILS, stair hand rails, fire doge, fire sueens, fire sets and acetylene weld- ing. Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Richvale. tfc35 ‘FEDERAL TRUICK, panel body in excellent shape, good tires, 1936, a good buv, $375.00. Apply Ned Hill, Richmond Hill, phone 500 or 254. *tf SBAINJISH ONIONS and early Alas kan tomato plants in flats. Apply Concord Floral Co., phone Maple 1~l5. c1w47 BEATTY washing machine, white enamel in good condition. Apply 142 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. CONVERTIBLE rbaby carriage, blue chrome trim; also gocart, maroon, chrome trim, both in good condition. Phone Richmond Hill 385. c1w47 les. Mrs. F. Sayers, 76 M6}'g‘aï¬-;_Ar\}e. Stop 14A, Yonge St. *5w44 MANIG'EtLS for feed, cheap. iApply Joe Snider, Vellore. *1w47 BOX _I.’LAI:I‘T§, flowers gpd vegetab‘ .1929 PONTIAC COACH, good, phone Richmond Hill 283121. c1w47 ABOUT 50 B-US. TURNIIPS and TO RENT FOUND LOST c1w47l 5&5er3 clw47 *1w47 c1w47 *Iw47 ORDERS will be taken for private dressmaking- after 7.30 p.m.; also all kinds of drapes made and men’s sport shirts. Phone Richmond Hill IUUU, mmw Avon representasive for Avon Cosmetics f0; Richmond Hill and district is Mrs. M. McTag- gart, phone Richmond Hill 46123. YOUR NEW Avon . _ --V-i--v-.u “9mm. upholstering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc CUSTOM ROTARY TILLING. Have your land completely prepared by the new scientiï¬c one opn‘w'o“. method. W. Hutchins-m Eiqin MH'S, pnone Pichmond Hill 28{\V. tfi-Jl LAWN MOW-ERS and saws sharpen- ed; folding lawn chairs made; inside panel doors. Apply C. B. Stouen- burg. 11 Richmond 8., Richmond Hill, phone 392W. tfr'Jo. ALL KINDS FURNITURE? repairs ..â€"L-‘,L,r' ' AVAI'LABLE for baby sittin light duty, evenings. regis‘ nurse, mother of two young c ren. Phone Richmond Hill 28'; 5000 DARWIN tulip 001.135, see in bloom. Leave your order fc planting if you wish. N. J. S1 Thornhill phone 42J. CUSTOM PLOUGHING, discing, cul- tivating, tilling. W. H. Gooderham, 39 Elmwood Ave., Lansing, telephone Willowdale 2508. 028w43 PLASTERING, ï¬rst class workman- ship. Will give estimates. Adam Pohl, Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hil‘. 3461‘21. *25w41 WELL DIGGING, pipe lines, septic tanks, concrete well tile. Tom Jar- rett, phone Richmond Hill 466J. BI-UCK LAYING hand Brick layin done, chimneys built. Ready to stzut work. Phone Thornhill 27'81‘21. *2w47 LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired by experienced workman. .Phon‘e Jos. Winger, Maple 621‘21. for baby .sitti’nlg'SHd 13‘g‘hE"Hix"t'i'é°sâ€, phone Thornhill 2141-22. c1w47 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 37216. tfc42 VSPRAYING, lawn, ï¬eld with 2-1-D; stable with lime; orchard spraying. Apply phone Maple 12'12. *8w46 1300M 7 AND BOARD Tn' V...r--., y of John Inglis Co., desires transport- ation anywhere in the vicinity of King and Strachan Sts., Toronto, ar- riving 8.30 a.m., returning 5 p.m. W. Hambly, phone Richmond Hill 278R. TRANSPORTATION by employee of John Inglis C0“ desirpg h-ancnmvh SERVICE ‘STATION ATTENDANT experienced preferred but not essen- tial, on weekly wage or percentage Ibasis. Apply Summit View Lunch 1Service Station, phone Richmond Hill 43-11'22. elw47 DEPENDABLE WOMAN to care for 2 children age 8 years and 18 months for about two weeks, all convenâ€" iences in home. Phone 16112 Thorn- hiII. c1w47 HOW ABOUT THOSE HENS that have stopped laying. Highest prices paid. Bring them in or phone King 59114. W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Grading Station. tfc39 45 or 6 ROOM HOU‘SE to rent, rear sonable, desperate. Mrs. G. Bond, 362 Bedford Park Ave., Toronto. AlClCOMMO‘DATI‘O-N wanted, apart ment or flat, 3 adults, abstainers June 6th on. Phone Thornhil 2411‘13. RIDE TO WEST TORONTO leav- ing 5.30 to 6.45 from Stop 22. Ap- ply B. Nash, Edgar Ave., Richvale or days phone Thornhill 161. *1w47 ROOM AIN‘D BOARD in Richmond Hill district for young salesman. Apply P.O. Box 2017 Newmarket 01' Liberal Box 3. *2w47 HOUISE, apartment or rooms, fur- nished or unfurnished from June to October for young married couple. Apply Box 606 Liberal. *1w46 2:W:H]E»E-UEID OAR TRAILER. Ap- ply Norman Newson, Downsvieév, phone Maple 581‘14. *1w47 WOMAN or GIRL for modern coun- try home, live in or by the day. Phone Richmond Hill 168. *1w47 'I‘O RENT PASTURE for 20 head of cattle. John M. Whelén, phone Richmond Hill 4614. *1w47 WOMAN as short-order cook. Apply in person to Summit View Lunch, phone Richmond Hill 43‘11‘22. c1w47 WOMAN as short-order cook. Apply in person to Summit View Lunch. phone Richmond Hill 4311'22. c1w46 MISCELLANEOUS GOOSE EGGS FOR HATCHING. Phone Richmond Hill 9 and leave particulars, please. "1w46 sign card writer. Apply Victor Dra- per Agency, Oak Ridges, Ont. c3w46 HOU‘SEKEEPER for one adult for July. All conveniences. Write W. Porter, R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. *3w46 ADVERTISING SALESMAN and WAITRESSES wanted for steady work, days to start, weekly wage. Village Grill, Thornhrill. c3w45 WANTED Baby sitting or lingsy registered two young child- )l'bs, see them order for fall N. J. Smellie, clw47 exchange c4w4£ c2w46 018w44 tfc42 1 W4 7 27’8R. *1w47 02w47 Lowest or any tend'er not necessai-- ily accepted. Further information may be ob- tained from the township ofl‘ice in Maple. ' Will be received b] ed up until Wednesd: 5 o’clock pm. for v insurance carried by A speed up in plans for a 20 per cent increase in Britain’s grassland yield was announced recently by the Committee on Industrial Productiv- ity. The success of this scheme which involves an increase of cap- acity for producing nitrogenous fer tilizers, will mean a saving to Bri- tain of at least $160 million in dol-lar imports yearly and the feeding of an extra four million people on home produce. In reply to a question in the House of Commons the President of the IBoard of Trade, Mr. Harold Wilson, made the following statement: “As from April 24th newspapers will be allowed to make a further increase in size which will bring the present ï¬ve page national daily up to six pages with appropriate increases in other cases. I hope that at the be- ginning of July next it will be pos- sible to make anxincrease of about 50 per cent in the permitted paper consumption of old established per- iodicals and also to allow newspapers and periodicals which are at present restricted to eight cwts. of paper in four months to double this quantity.‘ At present the daily newspaper in ~.-.. ...u.. “guru-5, Lula. 1:4. W’dlLUIl; District Director, Mrs. W. Baker; home economics, Mrs. G. Francy; so- cial welfare, Mrs. W. Baker; agricul- ture and Canadian industry, Mrs. J. Robinson; historical research, Mrs. G. Kelly; pianist, Mrs. E. Hill; ass’t pianist, Mrs. R. Elliott; song leader, Mrs. A. Stephenson; press sec., Mrs. W. Baker, Mrs. E. Walton; auditors, Mrs. R. Burr, Mrs. McGimpsey. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. J. Cal- vert and Mrs. W. Elliott. The members of the Buttonville Women’s Institute enjoyed a social Britain alternates from four to sixlevening at the home 0f Mrs. Russell pages. NEW STEPS TO RAISE HOME FOOD PRODUCTION A speed up in plans for a 20 per cent increase in Britain's grassland Boyington recently. Court whist was played and this was followed by a delicious supper given in honour of the ï¬ve ladies who provided trans- portation for the actors of the In- stitute play. Presentation of silver In the evening a banquet will be held for the th0 groups when the major prizes of the day will be prev sented. Plans were also made by the directors for the annual York County Junior Farmers’ Picnic and Dance at Musselman‘s Lake on Fri- day, June 10th. BIGGER NEWSPAPERS IN GREAT BRITAIN The girls who have been carrying on work and study clubs “Being Well Dressed and Well Groomed†and “The Cereal Shelf†will register at the Parish Hall, Newmarket, at 8.30 ID.S.T. wdlere Miss Lucille Barber, Home Economist, will have a dis- play of the work done by the girls. Visitors will be welcome ‘for the af- ternoon programme. .For the Judging Competition the 'boys will register at the Agricultur- al Office, 12 Botsford St., Newmar- ket, at 8.38 D.S.T. before proceed- ing to various farms of the com- munity to judge classes of horses, sheep, swine, beef and dairy cattle. Lunch is being provided for the boys at noon by one of the farms to be visited. The annual Livestock Judging Competition and Achievement Day :i‘or the Junior Farmers and Home- making Clubs of York County will be held on Thursday, June 2nd, in Newmarket and district as in re- cent years, according to the decision of the County Directors at a meet- ing held in.the Agricultural Ofl°ice last Friday night. The meeting pre- sided over by Lois Graham of High- land ICreek, had representatives of all six Junior Farmer ,clubs and re- ceived a report of their Ontario Asâ€" sociation Annual Meeting at Guelph from County Director, Stuart Watâ€" son, Agincourt. Miss Graham is also a director of the Ontario As- sociationn TENDER FOR INSURANCE JUNIOR FARMERS PLAN LIVESTOCK JUDG‘ING‘ CONTEST A communication from York Counâ€" ty dealing with the establishment of a county health unit came in for considerable discussion. Councillors, on the whole, were sympathetic to the proposal but felt that consider- ably more information, particularly regarding costs, was necessary. They wished to know whether or not their present charges for such services would be increased and ï¬nally adop- ted a motion requesting a meeting of all municipalities within the coun- ty, together with the county council at an early date in order that all angdles might be thoroughly consid- ere . A long and varied schedule of bus- iness was dealt with. Deputations again took up much of the time of council. Prominent among them was one from the trustees of Thorn- hill village, which discussed side- walks, ï¬re protection and sundi‘ymat- tors regarding buildings. Several of the delegations attend- ing the meeting asked for road im- provements and a considerable am- ount of the correspondence dealt with covered the same subject. Extremely dusty condition of township roads for-med the basis of several com- plaints. It was pointed out that ap- plications of calcium chloride had al- ready been made, and would be con. tinued as quickly as possible in order to remedy the condition caused by a long dry spell. Health Unit Discussed Attempting to complete the lens- thy agenda of their regular ï¬rst-of- the month meeting, much of which had to be left over members of the Vaughan Township Council held an all-day session at the township of- ï¬ces at Maple on May 16th. Vaughan Township Councillors Hold Second Lengthy Session 'eceived by the undersign- Wednesday, May 25th,‘ at .m. for various types of rarried by the Township. _any tender not necessar- J. M. McDonald, Clerk, TownShip of Vaughan 02w46 TENDERS for the painting of the interior and exterior of the Richmond Hill Public School will be received up to May 27th. For further infor- mation apply to Jas. Grainger, sec., Richmond Hill Public School Board. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. c2w4‘7 Theré will be a church parade on Sunday, May 22nd at 11 o’clock at the Anglican Church, Richmond Hill. On Monday, May' 23rd o'clock there will be an of Browniekins. BROWNIE NOTES cake dishes and bouquets of sweet peas was made to the ï¬ve drivers by Mrs. Baker on behalf of the players. Recipients were: Mrs. G. Kelly, Mrs. C. Hooper, Mrs. J. Robinson, Mrs. J. Rodick and Mrs. A. Robinson. G. Kelly; pianist, Mrs. E. Hill; ass’t pianist, Mrs. R. Elliott; song leader, Mrs. A. Stephenson; press sec., Mrs. W. Baker, Mrs. E. Walton; auditors, Mrs. R. Burr, Mrs. McGimpsey. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. J. Cal- vert and Mrs. W. Elliott. Sick and visiting, Mrs. E. Walton; District Director, Mrs. W. Baker; home economics, Mrs. G. Francy; soâ€" cial welfare, Mrs. W. Baker; agricul- ture and Canadian industry, Mrs. J. Robinson; historical research, Mrs. lder, who spo‘ke on “Woman’s place lin municipal afl'airs.†Her talk was enjoyable and informative as she pointed out where .and in what cap- acity women can help in township management. Mrs. Wm. Elliott gave an amusing reading on Grandmoth- er’s Day. This was followed ‘by the election of officers when Mrs. Francy occupied the chair and Mrs. Kelly assisted as secretary. Officers elect- ed were as follows: Hon. pres, Mrs. K. Stots; pres, Mrs. Hooper; lst vice-pres, Mrs. J. Robinson; 2nd vice pres, Mrs. A. Brown; 3rd vice pres, Mrs. R. Burr; sec-treas., Mrs. J. Rodick; ass’t secretary treasurer, Mrs. A. Robinson; directors, Mrs. Ba- ker, Mrs. McQuay, Mrs. R. Baying- ton. The April meeting of the Button- ville Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. J. Calvert. Speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. Bert Lee- Away on, a ï¬shing trip over the week end were Mr. D. Hood, Mr. L. Hood and Mr. N. Reid. Scout Mothers of Victoria Square troop take notice that the monthly meeting will be held on May 3lst in- stead of on the holiday. Teh group are invited to the home of the Scout Master Mr. McKendry at Gormley. An interesting and varied program is arranged, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephenson were visitors in Port Colborne for over the weekâ€"end visiting with the latter’s aunt, Mrs. Galbraith. On Monday they journeyed to Hamilton for the graduation exercises at McMaster University. Mr. Guy Galbraith was among the graduating class. Miss J. Cou'lson of Mount Albert has been visiting with Mrs. A. Glen~ dinning for the past week. Miss Mary Rodick took her friend Miss Bamsey to Lefroy on Monday. Miss Bamsey will be in charge of the girls’ camp which is situated near Le.froy on L. S‘imcoe. Township Clerk J. M. McDonald reported receipt of a quarterly state- ment covering operation of the bus line by the T.T.C. Proï¬ts accruing to the township for the ï¬rst quarter of 1948 were $415, as against $405 for the same period last year. Members of the Planning Board had toured the township recently, ac- companied by the building. inspector, councillors were informed. Those who were members of the plannlng board had gone on the tour in order to secure an adequate picture of Gon- dig‘ons withirl‘the township. a fee basis Mr. Miller will now re- ceive an annual salary of 82,400., plus a car allowance of 3400. He will undertake certain duties in addition to those which he has been perform- ing. Commendation of Mr. Miller’s work was expressed by Reeve John Hostrawser onrbehalf of council. A byâ€"law governing the licensing, construction and inspecuon of public halls was approved, and annual li- cense fees set. This by-law will be- come effective on July lst. The question of remuneration of H. C. H. Miller, township building inspector, was ï¬nally settled. In place of operating as in the past. on a fee basis Mr. Miller will now re- Several lengthy' by-laws were read and adpoted. Among them was one covering tax levies for 1949. Total aSSessment for the township, it was revealed, amounted to $5,184,721, an increase of approximately $200,000 over 1948. Grants approved lw council in- cluded one of $10 t3 the Canadian 'National Institute for the Blind and one for $25 for administration ex- penses of the Don Valley Conserva- tion Committee. Many By-Laws BUTTON VILLE TENDERS 3rd at four an enrolment 9994 “MY DREAM ,IS YOURS †09M The Richvale girls sewing circle are holding their sale of fancy work and linens also home baking and white elephant booth in Richvale School, Stop 22A Yonge St., on Sat- urday, June 4th, at 2 p.m. sharp. ICome and help support the girls. On each visit the milk of each cow under test shall be weighed at each ‘mlilkin-g' and supplies of each shall be taken for a composite sample for the Babcock test. He shall also conduct a test for butter fat, and record data relative to the cost of producing milk on the farm of the member. He shall also identify each cow and grade heifer calf by ear-tag. All heifer calves must be identiï¬ed be- fore they are two months old. Date of birth, name of sire and identity of dam of each grade heifer calf must be recorded in a Ibook provided. ‘ w Wedtï¬ng Bouquets Centre St. W., Richmond Hill Phone 490; Nights and Holidays 45r6 WOWWWMWMâ€O The Ontario Live Stdck Branch will provide a supervisor for each dairy herd improvement association, who shall visit each member 12 times during each year. These visits may be made without advance notice but in so far as possible will be at mon- thly intervals. :OOOOOâ€OW“O“CWOOONOOOOWOOOOOOM ' Member must mainta ed herd and own or us sire. Will Provide Supervisor Membership is to owners of grade or herd consisting. of breds shall be con herd. A Dairy Herd Improvement Assoc- iation shall consist of not less than 24 nor more than 26 members. It is not essential that all reside in the same county, nor shall there be any limit to the number that may be or- anized in a county. Organization of the dairy im.- provement associations is part of the dairy herd improvement policy being inaugurated by the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. Some of the regulations governing the assoc- iations follow: Aimed at improving quality of dai- ‘ry herds, 13 “Dairy Herd Improve- ment Associations†have been organ- ized in nine counties of the province, Others are to be organized at once. A letter, outlingin the plan of or- ganization, has gone out to all Ag- ricultural Representatives in the province urging that steps be taken to get dairymen interested in the dairy herd improvement plan. W. P. Watson, Ontario Live Stock Commissioner, said that 13 dairy herd supervisors, whose duty it will be to work with the associations al- ready in existence, were given a short-course of instruction at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph,‘ last week. They started work on May 1. Ontario Launches Improvement Plan For Dairy Herds Thursday. Friday, Saturday, May 19, 20, 21 ON THE SAME PROGRAMME! Two frolicing ï¬rst fun features! WALT DISNEY’S STAN LAUREL and Full-Length Feature OLIVER HARDY in “MELQDY TIME†“Chumps at Oxford†Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 23, 24, 25 THE TWO GREAT SCREEN SPECTACLES OF ALL TIME TOGETHER ON THE SAME PROGRAMME! PRESTON FOSTER And supporting cast of thousands in MARKHAM ' Annuals / . C . 9 7m Funeral DeSlgns . orsagc. DORIS DAY RICHV ALE Plus RANDOLPH SCOTT in Sir Rider Haggards “SHE†RICE’S FLOWER SHOP In Technicolor LAST DAYS OF POMPEII†STARTS THURSDAY, MAY 26TH maintain a TB test- 1 or use a purebred ; to be restricted to e 01' mixed herds. A of grades and pure considered a mixed Cut Flowers In Technicolor For Information PHONE 47W, KING omouoouuoooouoooono Monday to Friday Continuous from 7.30 pm. Saturady Continuous from 7.00 pm. “00000090096000.0600...†KING CITY MOTORS Agents, for Chore-Boy Milkers Formerly 0f Gerrard Heinlzman Work Guaranteed â€" Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office, Tel. 9. Richmond Hill JACK WALKER COME IN TODAY FOR YOUR FREE ENTRY BLANK JACK WALKER IS GIVING AWAY During the Coast-fo-Coas! Bridal Knot Diamond Contest A BRIDAL KNOT DIAMONDRING General Farm Implements, Washing Machines, Refrigerators â€" Domestic. Deep-freeze, WalkJins & Counter Guess the registration number of the Bridal Knot Diamond Ring on display in our window. You are under no obliga- (ion to make a purchase; JACK CARSON YOU MAY BE THE LUCKY WINNER PIANO TUNING and Repairing Don’t Forget to Enter KING CITY DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE FREE S. Hoffman Pot Plants