J 2:. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thursday. May iii, iii-lzi' INSURANCE i * once;etc-cwsmewawnewcowwwowwwowwoemo .______._ I O ‘ . . â€"â€"â€""- l O 9 A x I h H llt “" ’ - LEGAL MEDICAL R. H. Ixane Fme e 1 O l 2 z - â€"â€"â€"- . REAL ESTATE .\ (‘ou'MN or VIEWS .\.\‘ii ()liSlCRVA’I‘ltLVS 3 E i z o - o u u , . q . ) . . ‘ a t I . - Jos. Rabmowltch, BA. 01- R- Bigfmd “rm-“i A‘gg‘g‘“ “ 0 , (By P. .l. Picking) 1 3 z : BARRISTPIIR' I ‘l 10 -i mOfl‘i-(ie 8 pm Fire A Automobile etc i g y r I†i» D'I)I‘N~q 7!" A 3 - ' . -â€" -~‘-. â€" ~' -‘ . ' '. h .~ y .. ' LORTGAIIIJTZFALIFANS ARRANGED Y ‘ and by appointment . Telephone 411 Richmond Hill Ah 1M" 5 MW hm iv“. “I. Thwmm, 01. {Hugh M H mm mm in z r 1- ‘ G» at J \ J n 4. z . Successor w B. B. Jordan MAI)qu â€" Phone 3 IN S U R A N C E puma] lit-line the Richmond llill into detail on the exhihii... L Mon»: 9 z : Oï¬â€˜lh‘. Hours *â€" Dalll' 10 t0 5 Il-my ‘â€"\I_i“1‘i('l]ltl]l';_ll Society l'i‘lt‘ll'fllt‘s‘ il> cntly prizes were :iwailli‘il t.“ among; 9 , I an Up - xi...) ‘. u ‘ . .' I ' ' l'l‘lcnli'lg's # Tue-“(lillv'i Thumday 3"" l)r- Jas' R0 ytnti‘llzll‘)‘ «In May fl-ltli. l though it, many other things. a i-lziiil's ovl-iâ€"‘ 3 (N A“ F I i“ ’0‘ ("0†("II ( onlnluruty : * FridayS, 8 t0 10 i __ AND _â€" J might be a good idea ‘0 t'liazwje in| dress. a ]i.'lli'll\\ol'l{ quill. l’myl ii \r “hi 2 , z " Am] “3’ ‘A‘lllmlntml‘nt “villi The illt'l‘l‘f‘l-S“ (‘1‘ “1'0 haml‘ls- a favourite occupation «‘1' Milan. alt on t':lll\':ls. :1 hair ol' lllll||\\ <h:iiiis,' 9 : ‘10 Y‘mge Sh. ’vichmnnd Hill Dr- GeO‘ 14- Thompson property owners should review their map lull-l; thioug'li old lllCCIIJ see‘ “uni-nine win-k. oinliioidsiy- l'l vol“ 2 Q 4 z - th‘e RiChmond H1†229 OFFICE HOURS: “15“â€le?? lmllCli‘S- mm d"? I“ “‘9 whatl was said alililii' the l~11|'\ ill ton. emhioideiy ICt‘llSlllg‘lHii, -'li‘\\‘t‘i 9 O - D-léaml; l-iiiliii!n.1;d 6-8hp.m. increased cost of materials would be \.,_\.t,,,.dnl\.. 1 ,,,,,i,,.‘,i,l,.,.,.' (WWW, “Inlnwmw,†\,,_ z l E‘ q (‘ BF z ‘ 1 ' A-llmal's ill“ 0i 33's .V well advised to increase the amounts ‘ li‘iiniiily enough the tirit vii iiiuc l'zls'l'llO embroidery. :ippinau- lllt- O '1‘} burn 0“ i ‘ . 1 t I t r &. Glbson appointment mil-V' . “f ingl'mncp- Also 9"" owners “‘1Ԡthat l llltlit’d “Hi “'35 “‘1†“i will.“ hrflidciy. darned net. :l hime mad" 3 A L 1‘12: A J ‘ O - “3"“9391'9.[SOI'CIt'mâ€˜ï¬ 9‘9- 122 Yonge Street Richmond Hill think it: will never happen to them .\ ml 1mg... head announced the lilg‘ Sim-t. ;, got “1‘ umlo,-_(.l..1].g,m ,.,,,,~,. 9 ’ wm’ (ng’ 1" (" Teleph‘m‘? 100 111'? (‘flllt’lht some time or other \vith- fair to he held on May 24th. Underâ€" my blushes). :1 mounted foot rest. a 6 lll'iiili‘ it along when you ('()n]{\ 10 5-00 ()[VR NE\\' LINES Ralph B“ (’lllson’ K'C' 7. 01†Dl'Otei't-lolh The 9"“ l3 1‘ mlnm‘ neath it was an [lillllltlllJl‘mt‘llC and hearth rug. a hair flower and. as lllt‘i : ' ' . . .J' A' G‘bï¬m‘. 1 ,Dr. J. P. W llson ammmt W “hat it “ill (“St if n“ 519‘ a picture â€"- the almond-semen: being ;1[](‘tl()]lt(‘l'.\' say on their hill-z. “olhirr 9 \\'hlch lllt‘lllllt‘l : Tgmnm com“: 91“ Federal Bdg‘ cident happelis. signed by .I. It). Smith. Win tUld Utl-i ill'llL‘lt‘S too numerous- to iiieiitionf . i u u . v Y . . . s V . .. -. - O ‘ R. b 80] R}i[q=]ln]nrlllil1sfiltlve§§lenoon Dr. W. D. Howe Con-<11“: Zens of Richmond Ilill that he hll.'l,\\'ondcr how many of lllllst' tliilius‘ : ('n‘l‘i‘ Sal 3‘ “RI‘IDDI‘A‘ ll'Om hl-Oi) 10 32-20 3 r ic.mon( i, lll‘.‘(i_ ‘ . . i, . "The .. -. , ..4.\. -. . , . t.il\in ()\tl tiii lllaliflhLllllllL oi flit tamiliai ti thi ladii, oi liltl.ll\ O ,,. ,, , v†_ ' Maple. Thumday afternoon Comic. St. E. . Rwhinond Hm A. .G' Liberal. :\s for the picture â€" \vcll. (Inc 1 am sure ol' â€"-- a prize was id'- . TERA“ "AIS and “()NNli‘lh n90- mld‘ : - ., l, C .. Rat lloiiis. 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p.111., 6â€"8 p.m. \lq R, c. ,(‘F v . , I , _ V , , , § â€" Mom) to (an at mmnt e H 1'] v i q d . . 1"[ AN E A ' ‘NT perhaps the less said toe l)L'ti(‘l.llt‘l‘('ll llll' the best exhibit oi i|.iiiied 9 , 9 .. ".“a-‘S am ‘13" 3-‘3- Richmond Hill Telephone 118 ,, 'j - ,,. . .,, .n __ 11.1,. “4.. . \. ),.' 0,. “ARIES SUN “()NNE'I‘S 77W. “ch 9 . ' Emergencies and appmntments only Thth Km“ “min ‘0’, ‘ ‘ i“ ‘5 "1 ~l“l‘â€â€˜~" 3 0 9 1' Much?) egor & Wllso’l T‘élvphnne 24 Richmond “in i mond llill appears to nave don-i well Churches Active . “()YS- \‘ll‘ixllpli H \rlwq O - ALEXANDER MneGREGOR, Kc, â€â€™.â€Â°â€â€Â°Â°.’â€â€Â°Â°"mz for J. l“... for he's put on 11‘ lot pill Tm Mir if 1N4 "Hm I q mm 3 i . . . I . I z ' ALBERT .1. WILSON M.A. “#Mâ€" - weight tunic-<9 tlit‘ Pllfliâ€f~‘~'l‘fll)llt‘l' W t. _‘ ‘ I 3. ‘ ‘... " ‘i‘ . Ladies†Silk and Satin Slips ‘ind ll'tlf Slii' i0" ‘1" to 4" v I s‘ ‘ . . ' ;,,- ... ‘ l‘ . 1,. ti. 1v_ line fol llll‘llIlOlS ot the lit‘>‘l)li'l- O - l t I la. S I. .s . L .. z . ,. BALRISTERS _ _ g J- Roy Her1lngt0n 0 spun. flvlll‘llil‘lnn) 1“ ~“ It “UH inn and Methodist churches. ll is 3 [3 .l'.| ). . ng . )q I). 'Is "'( .- O . 614 Confederation Lite Building ' tillt‘edwâ€; , . W, .1,d t.“ t} , 1, 1‘ h i- I t) , , All}: '51 £450" - u - 4- And ( u - (INN-h. MC. and $1.20 (‘21. O . ELgin 5029 Toronto NOTARY pUBLIC So in addition to marking: the him “01“. "“llv If 1Ԡiii“: "(l .l “’1“ z . O - â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Adelmo Melecci dredth anniversary of the fan- we {Allegations Mic infill counsel in 9 DON'T [FORGET THAT BURN 0R SNAG O " v . ’ k' / CONVEYANCER 9 are also marking. the t..\.(:..,1\-_t]m.] the iefresliment looms of the e‘iuii-ll. 9 ~ § .â€" Waltel 3- Jen ms 130m “if, Tormtito Congel‘ralory {if 3 m. of J. running" of The himâ€"igiggineaizlx S‘E<*11'llllna\iintill on] m of 3 1‘7 YONGE S'I‘REET‘ RICHMOND HILL , ’ . _ _ , us1c “'1 metal a num er 0 u s I r ' ; . . __ , v " i pi _’ exceetet. tentaiil, _‘ v .: Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public A 1 in p p GENERAL INSURANCE ll'g‘t‘urma†to H“ 1“ mrm-l however. and both won,“ “an. rm- : TELEPHONE dots-W O V 4776 Yong‘e Street, Lansing, Ontario PIANO, ORGAN and THEORY (Fire Automobile Etc) ‘m‘ " ced to hold a "remnant sale“ shorth : § 1 - Zone 8-337 For Information phone Mrs. Mylks ’ ’ ‘ “Mk ‘0 188" I _ afterwardsum (“WOW 0f tllt’,S‘:ll‘1llll<- o0000090000060666000009609000OOOOOOOOOONOOOOOâ€0â€O ‘ 108 Ionge Street . . . Next I turned to the oldest tile 0t However, a handsome addition to .. Mathelvs Stiver Phone RlChmond Hill 58J Rlc’lmond HI", ont- The Liberal I could ï¬nd ~- that otltunds was realized." says [llt‘ pap-er. - ’ ’ ~ .1884. According to the paper 0' so all ended happily. - ~ ' Telephone 87 i that 9,â€, m “immense crowd" mi. 3., through the‘Wm m. .t,,.,, IllannuInn-IIIlllllllllllllllllll - Ballingrlsslï¬ thlqï¬faries Miss Alto? Mecredy 0â€... . .â€..... culated at three to four thousandiof the annual fairs‘ is told in Sits.- ‘ "s r. 0 Cl ors, . mm m†. .( ,, -- _ - . _ A- w , . . . .. . r N. L. so. “"38 Sylvia Mec’edy an: ti‘.h.%°..."“.illi"if. tin. Rmhmond Hill Agricultural society ' I“ M' R' STIVER' 13"" P I A N O z.........m°..â€..â€.... “annual springr exlhihitioii“ of the year to year. but with one vital dit- B. E. Lyons B. A. JOSEPH VALE Richmond Hill and lonee Street A}:- ricultual Society, as it was then fcrence. Year after year the list ol' entries keeps on growing: ‘ll’ltl (‘rflllli- Phone RichmOnfl Hill 1021‘13 Roy V ANNUAL FlELD CROP COMPETIT ION 1. Improved Pastures. not less than three acres. All eligible except those who have Government NE‘YMARKET OFFICES ' .. -. ' . ' . .. . . . v» . . . , ' named. ItOIS tiom points tilithei aha-1d l-lcllu‘ . P100 Minn Si. 6 Botlgioid s150 Marguerite Boyle Much Space was devoted to in;â€" their appearance. _' "me 126 one “ Elocution. Public Speaking, cription of farm machinery .â€" niacii- Now, after a century. the ('enteii- Platform Deportment, Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HALL†Thornhill, Ont. Phone 89w nial Fair is around the corner. lli re's hoping: that. another hundred years from now some other nt‘\\'.~‘l):llit‘l'lllJll looks back through the old lile< to gather same material for the two hundredth fair, Maybe. in that far. inery which sounds very amateurish and antiquated when compared witu today's products. One of the main features, says the 188.1 paper, was the grand procession of Self Binders from the works of Messrs. Patterson MacNaughton & M acN aughton Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. A. Cameron MacNaugliton, KC. 6 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto AD. 0311 16 Centre St. West Alex M. MacNaughton McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street, Toronto, Ontario AUCTIONEERS Phone 55 and Brothers of Patterson. It extended for about .1 quarter of a mile, headed by the brass band, off day of the atomic age he'll ï¬gure that we must have been queei people to mess around With such )w‘ thing's Demonstration Plots. All pasturage on farm will be considered. oucwwmouomm A. S. Farmer 26 Years Experience York County, Uxbridge and Picker- ing Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales a Specialty Telephone Stoufl'ville 7312 Address: Gormley P.O. Rlchmond HI" and the implements displayed cap- Q.â€Qâ€Q“....m.â€â€: tured the great majority of the aw- ards in the agricultural implement section of the Fair. The ladies took a bigr hand in the fair in those days, if a lengthy list of prize wimiers is any criterion. It‘s as motor-cars and ael‘nplnnI-s travel]. ing‘ at only six hundred mile: an hour. However, let's hope that the love of animals has still survived to such an extent that it can still l‘e said of the fair â€" “Bigger and Pet- ter than Ever." 0 Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 2 i o 90 [Q (Int Crops grown from seed registered or cerâ€" tied in 1947 or 1918. Area not less than five acres. T. C. Newman BARRISTER SOLICITOIR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediatly North of Masonic Hall _ II‘U'U‘II'll‘ll'II'II'|I'II‘|I'II'|I'II‘II‘ I Andrew E. Snider .7). Canning Pea Crop. In both competitions larger areas would be judged. IfIItvrrl¢00|toor>~4<¢¢tlliotH Phone 87 â€"â€" Richmond Hill ' - General Insurance I ‘Toronto Officeâ€"18 Toronto Street [(911 & Clarke Prentlce S. S. Taxpayers ASk - C h P - f . h / Phone Adelaide 5877 AUCTIONEERS Life Fire, Automobile _. D- - - n f S t- '3- m as ï¬les 0‘ eac . Licensed and Authorized for the ’ The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. lVlSlO 0 ec lqn’ com etition Stuart P. Parker COUntleS Of York and ontal‘io & casualty Nelson Thompson on Wednesday, Meet TWp. Councfl p . Barrister Solicitor Farm St9Ck’ Implements‘ Housebom ' M ' lltl It 'as veri o'ratif‘irio' - - Notary public Furniture, Real Estate Sales Prompt Personal Attention a-l 1‘ “ ‘ 3 ° -‘ r ' . . Entries must be made With the Secretary Richmond 11111398.} a specialty. to have such a large attendance to Taxpayers of School Section No. v y I v 36 Centre St. W. At Fair.and Reasonable Rates BO 100 MAPLE P1 10 encourage the new officers in their 12, Vaughan Township, met with fm‘ Imprm 9d PaStureS b.‘ Md) ISL LANG, MICHENER' DAY & 58131663 for theAp‘rlce o‘f oge. X lone 0 various positions. members of the township council Lit for Out (impS by June 15111. CRANSTON Ml ‘ll‘hen p O}??- gmc‘o‘mt 5 W3 .3 Seveml ladies from Victoria Square the township hall, Vellore, to dis- I I ' v V ‘ 50 King; St. W., Toronto 5‘“ am ‘ ‘i p one Mall‘ham 206 ’~ ------------ ---- - ----------- -~= ‘ and it cuss f, petition Signed by one hum \\. Middleton. l'res. > \l. \\. A. 'lrencli, See. No sale too big or too small were guests at the meeting, was especially pleasing to welcome a former member, Mrs. Middleton. The Roll Call Waverley 2931 1 Church St., Richmond Hill dred and one taxpayers requesting the division of the school section. Reeve John Hostrawser addressed J ack Walkington GENERAL INSURANCE allllflfllflflflflflllEEEIIEalllllï¬ï¬‚flllflllfll-Ellnallfl IIIIIIIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllIlllllilllll- VETERINARY IlllllllflIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DENTAL - ,-. - i -- . “Written Stigg'es- _ m ' Dr A J MaCKinnon LlfeIIaiIIn:cc%:h:]n::dleSiTlablllts’ tions for the new Vear’s Program†the gathermg and Mr‘ Charles HOW" . . .‘. ‘ ~ ~. , i’ ccness ~ ‘ ~ ', H . -\.l, i, .A D" W' 1' [Mason VETERINARY SURGE-ON Farm Insurance 8 Specialty bl‘m‘ght fmh man-V extremely g°°d iiigilisisrigozlf ltrinpï¬iilinChilly; ‘ DENTIST Centre St W Richm ' ' ' ~ o-o- t' ll‘ wh'cl vill be ke)t i C ' " ‘ ‘ . . . ond Hill King City Telephone 28 Waves ‘0 5 1 1 ‘ l n . .,.,.. . ~ . ~ st. ' WQNGE ANPIZIgIEIIgQ-LD STREET Office phone 360W Res. 36'0J mind on the eveningr of June 7th. Am ubdldm‘o‘ (hum 0,: Titan"): ‘ ‘0 Illllllllll-llll-I-l Taxpayers then expiessed tieii when the programs for 1949â€"50 will be completed. A ballot vote on having afternoon RICHMOND HILL "Thu P. R. M acFarlane opinions on the subject and finally appointed a committee to confer willi Dr. J. T. Sheppard Veterinary Surgeon ELJ . HINSON - ~ A ' s i "l. Tl s- . id ' DENTIST Phone 82 Maple, Ont. Interior & Exterior or evening' meetian resulted in the the Em“ hâ€) {t0}:an m] (I “1121):- Closed wednesm‘y all day ' continuation of afternoon meetings. to t 0 comm“ H “01" ’01“ L GAS EXTRACTION â€"â€" X-RAY Decorator guson, Michael Bentley, John Mc- Phono Woodbridge 172 M Wright & Taylor The Institute members are inâ€" , , . Ixenme, Roy Barker. Roher: \Vatson. .Aldridge Elm Grove Oak Ridges vited to be guests at Snowball W. I. “.11.. m Stim ‘m SANITARY CONTRAcTORS or on June 22nd. Please keep this (late J M ‘ (I L †in mind and make arrangements to FUNERAL DIRECTORS Septic gia‘lkis. Diï¬wsal Plants, King 84M attend, NEw ASSIS’I‘AN’I‘ NAMED ron AMBULANCE SERVICE :1 1' r s r . , , , , . .. ,. H Richmond Hill, Telephone 15 Pumpedugutte andmï¬giï¬red III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII, Other dates of importance are. LOL.\ 11 .\(:RI( l L l llR.\L RH . Branch Ofl‘icesat I - â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€" June (it'll, the District Annual and The qppointmem mâ€" James “3 Out of town day 01‘ flight oooomoooomooooooowooo ‘ THORNHILL AND U N-IONVILLE m June 15th, the Temperancevillc W. McCullough as Assistant Agricul- I’s 15th anniversary. at which time emercrencv service . . , . b ‘ tural Representative tor \ork Lounâ€" Phone Willowdale Zone 8288 on not having all your equipment I ELECTRICAL ORDER . Victoria Square will he Quests. , . . i .. ~ ' \1 in ood running order when you need it. , . . .9 ‘NI ‘ ty has linen allnoancd by \\. . . 9 _ . _ I ’HELEI: SIMPSON FLO‘VERS Thmnhll] 19715 Maple TZIHS Man-V members had the pleasure Cockburn, Newmarket. Ag‘ridultural OLClil' equipped seerICCie deParirlr-i'elgtits we“ . .01. All Occasions H 7 . of exchantrino‘ 1101159 and warden . ., . - . 1.. . t- y[- an e icientusingon y enume as I . I» ouse, farm and all electnca] a a _ b Replescntatitc tot tic (otin ). . 1. . _ _ I . - an s lccnow. Phone orders delllered any J. Albert Heu’itt plants at the meetmg' McCullough who is a veteran and like the OI'S'nals'P‘anIOhave “do yourmachme mpg", d e" alterations, also all makes of where in North Yonge St. ARCHITECT Thanks are extended to our lIOs- graduates next week {mm the (y ,.\_ . o District ‘ washing machines serviced. “‘35: MI'S- Thompsoni and the mom- C., will succeed Archie McKenzie 2518 YONGE STREET Mem- R'A-I-Q bers who so kindly helped prepare “.1,†is no“. farming. at St pm,“ 1,, Yerex Electric Phone 242 Richmond Hill Highland Lane. Richmond Hill Telephone Richmond Hill 3-12. and serve the coffee and doughnuts. As publicity convenor and a faith- Stratfoitl district. the villan ol' the Born (At St. Clements) We sell Bolens and Waterloo Garden Telephone IVIAyfair 1145-6 _ near NaV‘lll. *â€"_â€" t'ul worker. Miss Millie Uineliai-u is . . , , \. f OWN.†5,,“ Tractors ' ' s v t v . “W ‘ . ' .I . ‘ t1 Silult (llbtdllet ({1.t 0 Helen Simp on Lynett J. 1". Lynett 99 “000909009â€. gOlllL‘ to be sorely missed, however of (mum McCulloughv a “01mm,†C 1 v ‘ d Firestone Tireq 21“ ‘QOOd “limes for her funâ€? we“ Ilolstcin breeder, he has had an ex- '00( deal an ‘ L. H. C'lenlent "egg in her new ventnm‘ are (‘Xteml‘ cellent background of practical farm C.I.IJ. Paints and Chemlcals . SALESMAN FOR ed' ‘ I . ' years in boys' calf clubwvork. “ NOW i~ th time to 1nth up R H - A mae quartette will supply SDGC- He served ï¬ve years m the R_ (I V ‘ r 5 e > c . ‘ Commercial and Domestic ' ' ial mus1c at the church on March A'F†27 months as a flying hâ€.th “ ,3 have a good stock of all colms, A“ “lakes RICEï¬gggOEHLL ggmr Come and enjoy them. tor and served in England and Eurâ€" [)HONE 21“' RICHMOND HILL ' l 1‘ ‘ o)e. On his return from overseas,_ G. C. “DON†Farms' Sl'builbzln Pmperties’ , . , lile entered U..â€"\.(‘. where he spec- King P.0- Amleage' Bulldmg LOtS} etc' . I. ‘ s ..-i: ~ ialized in animal husbandry. He was Phone 261'5 King of“? Aiming Rwhmongeglin‘nce 1_G ReSldentlal and DAVID McLEAN SELLS a member of the dairy cattle Dealer ill GilSOll Products L \ K (L ‘ REAL ESTATE judgingr team at the National Ililll‘y Cattle Congress at Waterloo. low-.i. last fall. The team stood lllltllltll with '33} states competing and he \‘.."icontestant in llolâ€" stood second in OOOOâ€OWWMO Farm Buildings WOODVVORKING Barn & Stable Equipment g Windows and Door Frames OOOOOWWWOO 0 BUILDING CONTRACTOR Grates and Chimneys FREE Demonstration On Your Own Soil I I’Mâ€. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. scorinu’ and highest stein (lucrnseys. He was married while in the llf'. classes 7 Sold and Installed Window Screens, Storm Sash Bathroom Cabinets. Cupboard E. Doors, Berry Crates. Rose Model G-26 cuts SAVE MONEY, _ z and Garden Trellis. 43111.1 RichmOnd Hil] AI“. He and his wife ivcie in .\'ii'.\- 26" swam ' . . A spec‘alty Lawn Blowers sharpened and niarkei for a day or so last week oii Repaired on your IJumber NQEdS a succtsst'ul house huntir;r cxpcdii 71/2 or 10 HP .1. ‘1‘ Buy Direct from the tt;l]l:ll.(\“.:ll]::l' , . Phone Richmond Hill 134131 Y ‘ “L :Jl . rim 2 r 1",: ‘1‘.†Elg‘ln SL9 Thornhill oooooooowoomooooooooooo R01 GH & DRESSED (iii-'lr.iiljl.\\‘i..:i I. cl “on: “ii-lit.“ Phone Thâ€"'hi“109i‘1 g â€"â€"â€"-*-â€"â€"â€" l. HARDWOOD & SOFTWUOI) we{11"3:811;,_:~~i1_1‘1_;§.:-my31H W†..s. . .l..oi,_..s . l... .i .t,‘ . _ o o _ .‘OOOOOOOQOQOOO0.00000CO “MW... 0:\K .HNY Man I†HAHN,“ 1“ ("X-(.- I. I! Model FA 36 M d l 616 36" Swath 16†Swath Langdon’s letlltllitiiill mi. May 33th :x.“i ' Plumbim &- Heatim “RE‘VOOD- POSTS' mm" ~-. will Ii... Dani.“ :: .\m . . - â€â€â€â€â€â€Â°â€â€â€â€â€œâ€,° coaCh Lmes C J . . ‘l ‘â€" m. I ‘ i The Recognized Leader in Rotary Tillage Di‘lly service Maple to RiChm‘m‘l Hm out, (Iota, T l , S ." .\~ ASS-"NIT lit‘l’l'(‘>"â€'1‘3I†M“ Aulx' for free dcmonsuaiion on your own soil! .‘VI-E Rotary Tillage chlvc Maple 8.10 am. Agent for s .‘ii.vl',.ll. we}; \ .iwi x il." .l. cm,- and mixes vicgumon evenly throughout tilled depth...aeraies ‘ Lt‘flVt‘ RlChmOlld Hill “.10 um. DFI (‘0‘ P['\[[)Q, .‘VD 1"1' iii“ 10‘“ iilltl ‘*".~ ‘i " ‘i ' †soil . . . lc.l\CS it humus . . , boosts crop yields and proï¬ts for you. . ‘7 ' I w s' I ' i s . . , Gurney Gas Ranges i leave \Iaple ii 00 pm und (mutahmn “ hluhunh 4»Cj.clc engines C7{('lLl>l\4_‘l} on garden models, patented line unit With fur Essmane . _ , Leave Richmond Hi1 430 p.m. ARCOFLAML OI!‘ 1“ RI“ ER 1': miles north Of Lillie \Vllt'flX er. in i no line breakage on boih garden and (raL’IUr power take-off models. Furnaces â€" Air (‘Ondlllon'ng‘ . ._ ,. Cement Septic Tanks ii.-i~~_-.;i...._»i-. , I 4 Pressure Systems ‘ spew“ Saturday “3}†59â€â€œ W I 1 d 1 v Owned and operated by ig-vnmlcnilcd _ ' Sickle har. sscdcr. hiiller. furroner. bulldozer. sprayer avail- ‘ Leaves Ma le _.tl0 .m. p 50 Ye your (99p an sm‘ï¬w r _\.t‘. sialI and t'~li~"‘ Va“ in» ii. i able Ior er en mine 5. L l Leaves Richmonrd Hlill 1%.30 pm. “oil pressure system troubles. y 7 if 7 # ' ‘ . . s . . . -~ ~ Phones King.T 65r22 7-1 Richmond St. I llst‘ul to i a in w. I .w i A. ‘ TQICthN‘C Maple 102 CO‘Khes £01 ‘vaLcabmnb Aumm .15.] Phone itifl Richmond Ilill “35“ ‘ Residence ti2r32 Telephone I\lllg‘ 56 ‘ ‘ on 3......- gin.» lull" ,gfuMnmplsl I F A - til: ice I «an i. v. , NOMWâ€â€OOMO 0.0 OOOOOOâ€MMWâ€O O *1- JV