Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 May 1949, p. 1

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:OOOOOOOOQOOQOOOOOOOOOOO 00000909900009090060000000 ’ CENTENNIAL FAIR GOES “ THE TOP” v01. l XX ..()rganiz:ltions referred to. in- ciude fraternal groups. veterans‘ urpunizati..ns. school and other clubs. etc.. etc. 'l‘hv~ Liberal is anxious to bring its list of organizations in the district up to date and would ap- preciate it if secretaries would phone Richmond Hill 9 and give the names of presidents, secret- aries and publicity officers, with th'ir telephone numbers. THE HOME PAPER 01“ THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 At the recent Barrie Kennel Club Show, Bette Svanfelt showed Irish Setter, Sir Patrick of Londonderry, and at the Gluelph Dog: Show on May 24th, he was again shown and each time won additional honours to- wards his championship. Bob Svanâ€" felt also showed Irish Setter. Belle of Killarney, winning 3 firsts and going best of winners. Local Dogs Triumph At Guelph and Barrie Better human relations was the timely topic of the Rev. Richard Jones, of the World Council of Chris- tians and Jews, speaking to the Richmond Hill Lions at their reg- ular meeting last Thursday evening. The purpose of his organiation was to bring about. harmony among all races and creeds in the world and Christians and Jews in particular. For the.first time in the Club the applause‘at the end of an address was so long that it had to be ter. minated by the president’s gavel. Canada as a nation has less pre- judice within its social structure tha'p'any other country in the world, he declared. Yet even in this en- lightened model of democracy there exist some racial anim0sities and misunderstandings. With tens of thousands of foreign immigrants arriving each year the need for de- veloping understanding between ra- ces became even more important. Most of these people snoke no Fing- lish or French and their problems of reâ€"establishment were made great- er by the coldness and lack of un- derstanding by native and other Canadians. Outstanding Address Brings Unusual Applause From Lions The community, Mr. Jones emâ€" phasized, was the beginning of the realization of the aims of the world.‘ Within the commrnitv itself were! the keys to the complete understan-' ding between all races and, ereeds. The maintenance of our high stan- dard of living, the defeat of world Communism1 and the heartfelt wish of every human being, world peace, Horticultural Society Dispiay Outstanding In Size & Quality The power of the press, plus supâ€" port of genuine flower lovers, of which Richmond Hill can proudly boast, accounted for the overwhelm- ing success of the Tulip Show, held in the Auditorium of the Public ‘SChOOi§;-0n“;Sflfill_1ߤ " - I A ‘1%b31'd"’§iifi"§7 “of” exhibits was notedfas well as exhibitors, whose enthusiasm and knowledge of the finer things of life, was‘ quite apparâ€" ent. Specimen tulips were precisely chosen and intelligently displayed; the collection of other flowers and shrubs together with arrangements was a sight to behold. and the finesse of the miniature arrangements be- Spoke the patience and fine artistry of feminine fingers. During the judging the audience was privileged to hear and become acquainted with local garden experts, including Mr. Len Rice, who gave a very informative talk on landscape gardening, a subject with which he is most familiar, and Mrs. Wm. Banks, a noted authority on flower arranging, who enlightened the members on special points in this attractive hobby. Other prizewinners are as follows: gpecimen tulip, Mrs. A. Bales, Mrs. . B. Lamb, Mrs. E. G. Perring; col- lection of 3 red single tulips, Mrs. J. Dedlow, Mrs. T. B. Lamb, Mrs. A. Bales: collection of 3 white tulips, Mrs. F. Dolan, Miss K. Ball, Mrs. Lauder Glass; coll. 3 pink tulips, Mrs. F. Dolan, Mrs. J. Dedlow, Mrs. T. B.’ Lamb; coll. 3 yellow tulips, R. D. Little, Mrs. A. Bales, Mrs. J. Dedlow; coll. 3 any other color, Mrs. F. Dolan, Mrs. J. Dedlow, Mrs. Lau- der Glass; coll. 12 blooms. Mrs. A. Bales, Mrs. T. B. L'amb, Mrs. Wm. Banks; specimen parrot tulip, Mrs. T. B. Lamb. Mrs. Wm. Banks, Mrs. B. L. Anderson: specimen. lily- flowered tulip. Mrs. Wm. Banks: coll. lily-flowered tulips. R. D. Little, Mrs. Wm. Banks. Mrs. B. L. Ander- son: specimen single lilac. MiSs K. Ball. Mrs. Wm. Banks, Mrs. R. L. Anderson: specimen double lilac. Mrs. D. Boyd. Mrs. Wm. Banks: col- lection of lilac. two colours. Miss K. Ball, Mrs. A. Bales. Mr. Wm. Rum- blc: any other shrub in bloom, Mrs. Wm. Banks, E. G. Perring; arrange- ment of lil_\‘ of the valley. Mrs. B. L. Anderson. Mrs. J. Dedlow, F. Rose; arrangement of pansies. Mrs. J. Dedlow. Mrs. Wm. Banks; dinner table arrangement of snrin;r flowers. Mrs. Wm. Banks, Mrs. Lauder Glass. Mrs. J. Dedlow; arrangement of flowering shrub. Dr. A. W. Doan. Mrs. B. L. Anderson. Mrs. A. Bales. Arrangement of rock garden l\looms. Mrs. W. '1‘. Cook, Dr. A. \V. Prize donated by Mrs. J. Dedlow, for the arrangement of Rock Gar- den blooms, was won by Mr. W. T. Cook, and prizes donated by the Soâ€" ciety for arrangement of pansies, bouquet featuring tulips, miniature arrangement, collection of three sing- le tulips any color, shrub in bloom other than listed, and class 27, in the ‘novice’ competition, for a col- lection of three tulips, any colour, were won by Mrs. J. Dedlow, Miss Marian Little, Mrs. T. B. Lamb, Mrs. Frank Dolan, Mrs, Wm. Banks, and Mr. B. Brazier respectively. In short, it was a grand Show and the competent judges, Mrs. Albert Rice and Mr. Bob Keith executed their task capably. Special thanks of the Society are extended to The Liberal for the ‘boost’ in recent isâ€" sues and to Dr. A. W. R. Doan and his committee for the general manâ€" agement and staging of the Show. “In Lssentials. Unity; In Non-Essentials RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY M.-~\ Wm Mrs Mrs lily- depended on the dpgrec of under- standing that eXisted between the races and creeds of; the world. In whatever country prejudice ex- isted, it cost the taxpayer many millions of dollars.“ As an example Dr. Jones cited the United States where anti-negro skntiments in the South reduced the' consumer mar- kets in that area. by tremendous amounts and cost the Government untold amounts of monies in cash relief and other social obligations toward conditions of poverty and un- der'pi‘ivilege. ' Communism gains by our faihn'e to. keep out prejudice. The down- trodden and the misunderstood turn to it as a means of protection and a source of obtaining relief from op- m~ession and ill-treatment. The to it as a means‘of protection and a source of obtaining relief from op- pression and ill-treatment. The unity of.‘a notion, Dr. Jones reiter- ated founded itself within the com- munity. In conclusion he advised all citizens to ‘learri about other ra- ces and breeds.‘1gnorance brought about most prejudices. Judge every man, regardless of .color'or religion. on'- his individual merits. His stand- ards should be no "better or worse than ~your own. And. finally, take an active interest in some organiza- tion that was active in trying to break down prejudices and promote better understanding between all groups in the community. Dr. Jones was introduced by Lion Doug Boyd and at the conclusion of his address was thanked by Lion Andy Armstrong and presented wlf‘w a bouquet of roses on behalf of the Club. Doan; arrangement featuringr tulips. Miss Marian Little, Mrs. T. B. Lamb, Mjiss'Lillian Anderson; novel ar- rangement of flowers, Miss Marian Little, Mrs. D. Boyd, Miss Lillian Anderson; display-basket 'of tulips, R. D. Little, Mrs’i'Vii. Dedlow, Mrs. G. Franks; house plant, Mrs. W. Davis, Mrs. A. J. McLatchy, Mrs. J. Dcdlow; miniature arrangement, Mrs. T. B. Lamb, Mrs. B. L. Ander- son, Mrs. A. Bales; special Class for previous ‘non-winners’: coll. 3 single tulips any colour, Mrs. B. Brazier, Mrs. A. .Barber, E. G. Pei-ring; parrot tulips, coll. of 3, Mrs. E. G. Lawn Bowling Club Opens Season May 30 Perring‘, E. G. Perring, Mrs. A. S. Barber; lily-flowered tulips, coll. of 3, Mrs. A. S. Barber, A. S. Barber, Mrs. C. Franks. Door prizes donated by Mrs. J. Dedlow and Mrs. C .E. Little were won by Miss Shoebotham, MiSs M. R. Robinson, Mrs. C. H. Sanderson, Mr. H. Sanderson, Mr. Robt. Redel- meier, Mr. A. S. Barber and Mr. G. Clubine The Richmond Hill Lawn Bowling Club will open its season on Monday evening, May 30th, at the local greens. The greens are in good shape and additional facilities for the members have been provided. The club had a large membership roll last year and this year it is hoped even more people of the vill- age will take an interest in this snort and join the club. Mr. Morley Hall‘ has been made president and Dr. R. K. Young will act as secret- Typical of the high type of animal exhibited at the Centennial Fair of the Riehmnod HillAgricultr-ral Society is Don Head Basil’s Helen, pictured above, who placed third in her class at the show. The property of Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill, she was Senior and Grand Champion at the Western Ontario Championship Show in 1948. Don Head Farms also cap- tured the award for the champion bull â€" Rajah of Oakland â€" and the Re- serve Champion Female award. at}. Richmond Hill Winner At Fair mm WEL Llheriy In Large Congregation WelcomesModerator Of United Church Paying.r his first visit to Richmond Hill since his election as Moderator of the United Church, Rt. Rev. Dr. Willard Brewing: preached to a large congregation at evening; service on May 22nd. A beautiful service was greatly enhanced by an excellent choir which rendered three special selections. Brought up in the Reformed Episâ€" copal Church, Dr. Brewing has min- istered to large congregations in the United Church, first in Vancouver and latterly in St. George’s Church, Toronto, where he has gathered to- gether one of the largest congrega uons in the denomination with a membership of well over two thou sand. His theme on Sunday evening centred in the words “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it; except the Lord keepeth the city, the watchman wak- eth in vain.” It was 4a telling crit- icism of the futility of the modern emphasis on “power politics” espec- ially in international affairs, and a powerful appeal for the suremacy of the spiritual forces in building up an abiding, communal and national Over 200 Attend High School Dance life The auditorium was gain decor- ated in shades of pink, yellow and blue with evergreens and shrubs, loaned through the courtesy of En- dean Nurseries, giving the room a garden effect. Music was supplied by Max B039; and his eleven piece orchestra. Over two hundred students and friendsfiathered in the auditorium of Richmond Hill High School last Friday for the 1949 version of the annual “At Home.” Visitors were welcomed by Miss E. Izzard, Hon. President of the Liter- ary Society; Miss Bette Beresford. President of the Literary Society; Mr. Bruce Laver, vice-president..of the Literary Society; Principal A. S. and Mrs. Elson; Dr. F. S. and Mrs. Hogg. in 1948. Don Head Farms also cap- â€". Rajah of Oakland â€" and the Re- Credit for the success of the dance goes largely to \Bette Bei'esford and nor committees, leaders of which were: Kathleen Lake, decorations; Lois Bourne, refreshments; Gerald Baris, lighting; Bill Zuefelt, door man. thn the white' men discovered this country, _tho Indians were run- ning it. There were no taxes. There was no debt. The women did all the work. And the white men thought they could improve on a system like that! Indication of the way in which the tide of building is sweeping north from Toronto is given in a report from Sheppard and Gill, lumber merchants. the faci per cen Sales of material exceed th last year, states Manager Schissler. Especially interest Local Lumber Yard Reports Sales Up iocal yard are going so Willowdale and Newtont All I‘hin ssler. Especnauy mteres fact that approximately cent of all supplies leav val‘d are going south 1919 Charity" tin seve mg rank With attciid;.iice and nunrmr of exhibits exceeding all previous records the Centennial Fair of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society went over the top with :1 hang on May 24th, justly rewarding those who had worked har\d and long to make it the success it turned out to be. l'Ispet-ially notable was: the co-opcrution of citizens which helped make the initial event of the (lay »~ the parade â€"- an event which was outstand- ing in Fair history. The number of floats and decorated trucks created a record and the appreciation of the crowds which watched rewarded busin- ess men who had put in much time and effort on dressing up their vehicles. While it would be idle â€" and perhaps a little unfair â€" to single out any entry for special mention yet it is hard to omit reference to the Bedford Park Floral Company flout with its beautiful display of roses, emblematic of Richmond llill’s place as the rose-growing centre of Canada. The old bus, for many years one of the Hills principle methods of com- munication with outside points. and its four horse team attracted much at- tentien as. after many years. it again made its way up the main street. To the Women's Institute, to the Lions Club and indeed to all those 1whose entries helped make the parade a success, much credit is due. C011- ‘tributing notably to the liveliness of the event was the band of the Queen’s York Rangers, York County's own unit, which led the parade. And, of course, the clown and his horse who kept spectators in a happy frame of mind must not be forgotten. It was certainly a show for thel youngsters. Our bet is that many 0 H! Class 14: Sec. Wagon fillyior gelding 3 yrs. old, Fred Lawrence, 3 mother heaved a sigh of relief Malton‘, D. Germy, Orillia; sec. 3, when the last piece of tissue paper: Wagon filly or colt, 2 yrs. and under, was put on the last decorated bi-, Ken Wray, Keith Thomas, Ken Thomas; Wagon yeld mare or geld- .cycle, tricycle, doll's carriage or I ing, 4 yrs. and over, T. R. Hall, Al- what have you. The kids certainly went to town and did a job which gave both young and old a big kick when the results appeared on the streets. vin Austin, Alvin Austin, Alvin Alis- tin; sec. 5, Wagon team to wage . Mr. Jamieson, Alvin Austin, '1‘. . |Hall, Fred Lawrence; sec. 6 _Wgâ€" Attendance at the fair is reported to have exceeded 9,000. Especially noticeable was the number of old- time residents of Richmond Hill and district Who were visitors, causing the fair to take on the character of an “old boys’ reunion.” Horse and cattle entries were away in exocess of previous years according to W. W. A. Trench, sec- retary of the fair, whose untiring work of many weeks contributed in no small measure to the success of the fair. The function was officially opened by J. S. McNair, hon. president of the Agricultural Society, who is also a past president and a member of over fortyâ€"five yegrs’_stqnding‘. Special approval of the quantity and quality of Midway attractions has drawn attention. Attendance at the dance in the evening, despite cool weather, was very satisfactory. The Prize List Winners areas follovis: Decorated Bicycles: Betty Beatty, Bill Rice, Bobby Roas. Best Percheron, McCutâ€" cheon Bros, Charlie Teasdale, Char- lie Teasdale, Ross Eixjirlgstorl." ulalslc, U. u. uuu_,.,., ._.. --.,,,... .... Old Costumes: Mrs. Maynard, U-n- ionville; Mrs. Reg. Perkins, Union- ville; Mrs. J. P. Wilson, Richmond Hill; Mrs. Clubine, Thornhill; Mrs. C. A. Dyke, Unionville. There were 17 entries in all; and,65 entries in bicycles and tricycles. Class 1: Sec. 3, Clyde Filly or Colt. 2 years and under, L. W. Lin- sey & Son; sec. 4, yeld mare or gel- ding 4 years and over, Heber Down, Vince Baker, O‘Keefe’s, Vince Bak- er; sec. (5, Clyde team to wagon, He- ber Down, O‘Keefe’s, Vince Baker. Class 2: Best Clyde, Don Head Challenge Trophy, Heber Down, Vince Baker, O'Keefe‘s, Vince Baker. Class 3: Sec. 2, Percheron, filly or gelding, 3 yrs. old, McCutcheon Bros., W. B. Reid & Son; sec. 4, Perâ€" cheron yeld mare or gelding, 4 yrs. and over, McCutcheon, CliarlesTeaâ€" sdzlle, Charles Teasdale, Barrett Bros; sec. 5, Percheron brood mare Class 5: Sec. 2, Belgian filly or Gelding, 3 yrs. old, E. F. Armstrong. Doug Palmer, Jack Woods, and Thomas & Son; sec. 3, Belgian filly or colt '2 yrs. and under, E. F. Arm- strong. Doug Palmer; sec. 4, Belgian yeld mare or gelding 4 yrs. and over. Jack Woods, all four prizes; sec. 5, Belgian brood mare in foal or foul by side, Doug Palmer; sec. 6, Belâ€" gian team to wagon, Jack Woods. Jack Woods, Doug Palmer, E. J. Decorated Dolls’ Carriages: S Craigie; C. W. quyyer; E. Howarth v, UV... _. _-_V in foal or foal by side, W. B. Reid sec. 6, Percheron team to wagon, J S. McNair prize, McCutchem Bros. Charles Teasdale, Barrett Bros, R Livingston. gian team Jack Wom Armstrong Class 6: 3ack Woods, 8 Belgian brood by side, Doug Jack Class 7: Sec. 1, Am brood mare in foal or foal L. W. Linsey & Son. Milt sec. 2, agricultural filly or 3 yrs. old. T. R. Hall; sec. cultural filly or colt 2 yrs and under. L. W. Lindsay; sec. 4, Agricultural ycld mare or gelding AL yrs. and over, Vince Baker, Barrett Bros.. Barrett Bros., Alvin ,Taylor; Agricultural team to. wagon, Barrett 81-05., He- ber Down, Alvin Taylor, Vince Ba- ker; .sec. 6; Agricultural Best Horse. Vince Baker, Barrett Bros., Barrett Bros. 4 Class 8, Best Team in Classes 1. 2 and 3, H. A. McLean Trophy, He- bcr Down. Class 9: Best 3 Horses, Classe to 8, T. Eton Silver Tray. Mc( cheon Bros. Heber Down, Vince ker, Jack Woods. mfieéora'ted Tl‘jcycles: Joyce” L. Wilson, Carol Zryd, D & R Rabino- witch. "HCIIavss No. 10: 4 horse O’Keefe’s, Heber Down, Vince ker. Jack Woods. Class No. 11: Six horse team, O’Keefe's Brewery. V. Baker, Class 12: Best Heavy Horse on Grounds. H. A. Nicholls Memorial Rose Bowl. presented by Mrs. Ni- cholls. McCutcheon Bros. Class 13: Showmanship for boys and girls, Marilyn Hall, Harry Brock, Jimmy Thomas, Doug Marâ€" shall is 62' Best Arms-tron Woods. . R. Hall; sec. 3, Agn- or colt 2 yrs and under. 3y; sec. 4, Agricultural gelding ~L yrs. and over, Belg gian, Jack Woods 2 Palmer, ricultural. 1 by side, t Savage; 1' gelding, . 3, Agri- ADVERTISING IN GETS RESULTS THE LIBERAL am Ba- 5a I Class 14: Sec. 2, Wagon filly or gelding 3 yrs. old, Fred Lawrence, Malton‘. D. Genny. Orillia; sec. 3, .Wagon filly or colt, 2 yrs. and under, Ken Wray, Keith Thomas, Ken Thomas; Wagon yeld mare or geld- ing, 4 yrs. and over. T. R. Hall, Al- vin Austin, Alvin Austin. Alvin Aus- tin; sec. 5, Wagon team to wagon. Mr. Jamieson, Alvin Austin, T. R. |Hall, Fred Lawrence; sec. 6 Wa- gon single horse to wagon, T. R. Hall, Alvin Austin, Mr. Jamieson, Alvin Austin. Class 15: Sec. 1, span of roadsters in harness, Barton, W. H. Linsay; sec. 2, single roadster, 151/2 hands and over, W. H. Lindsay, W. H. Lin- dsay, Mr. Barden; sec. 3, single road- ster in harness under 15%: hands, R. M. Barden, W. H. Lindsa,‘y Dr. Fos- ter; sec. 4, roadster, singe to bike, Mr. Barden, Mr. Lindsay, Dr. Fos- ter; sec. 5, roadster, W. H. Legge Centennial Memorial Prize, silver tray, presented by Mrs. P. C. Hill, Mr. Barden. Class 16: Sec. 1, carriage span in harness, R. M. Barton. Ken McMill- an; sec. 2, carriage single in harness over 151/2 hands, R. M. Barden, Ken McMillan, Mrs. R. M. Bardcn, Dr. Foster; sec. 3, carriage single under 151/2 hands, Ken McMillan, Dr. Fos- ter, Mrs. R. M. Barden; sec. 4, best turnout, single' horse, buggy and outfit, R. M. Harden, Ken McMillan, Dr. Foster. Class 25: Equitation. Gypsy Girl, Heather McLean; Clinker. Gayland Stables; Rocket, Gayland Stables. Class 26: Saddle horse class. Gyp- sy Girl, Heather McLean; Patsy, Sunnybrook Riding School; Lassie, Mrs. Don McIntosh; Becky. J. Frame. Sunnybrook Riding School; Lassie, Mrs. Don McIntosh; Becky. J. Frame. Class 27: Knockdown, Little Caye- sar. C. Pielsticker, Col. R. Y. Eaton (‘hallcnze Trophy: Watch Me. O. D. Robinson; Transmit. R. H. Rough; Jorrockvs, Can. Enuitation Team. Class 28: Triple bar, Temptation, Mrs. H. Wilson, F. Ostrander Watch; Buster, G. A. Martin; Copper Kine, C. T. McMullen; Transit, R. H. Rouge. Class 17: Lady’s Driving. Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Ken McMillan, Mrs. Barden, Mrs. MacDougal. Class 18: Sec. 1,1 single driving pony in harness, 12 hands and um der, J. S. Rose, Mrs. Brockenshire, York Mills, Mr. Beck, Mrs. Mel‘- tenz; see. 2, team of ponies in har- ness, 12 hands and under, Mr. Tre- leaven. J. S. Rose; sec. 3. single dri- ving pony in harness over 12 hands, Matt McDougall, Mr. Ti'e'leaven; sec. 4, team of ponies over, 12 hands, but not to exceed 14 hands 2 in., Mr. McDougall; sec. 5, team of ponies, tandem, Mr. MacDougall, J. S. Rose. Class 19: Pony. 13% hands and under saddle, Daphne, Hamilton Mc- Lean Sr.; White Heather, Nancy Shannon; Sonny Boy, II. A. Broken; Shaw; ('i'umpet, O. D. Robinson. Class 20: Open Saddle, Brown Der-- by. Heather McLean; Daphne, Ham- ilton McLean; Becky, J. Frame; White Heather, Nancy Shannon. Class 21: See. 2, filly or colt, Max: ivone, C. T. MeMullen; Miss Mul‘fiet, G. B. Heintzman, Rummy, Jean .. V”. izag‘1711.rGowlaml; Misty EH10,â€" Echo Valley Farm; Golden Echo, Echo Valley Farm; ' Class 23: Novice class, Lancer, Can. Equitation Team; Touchdown, Tom Gayford; Flying Saucer, De Chassels; King, Jean Gowland. Class 24: Open Lightweight, Thun- derlark, C. Pielsticker; Going Up, C. T. McMullen; Golden Slipper, J. Gowland; Little Caesar, C. I’iclstick- er. Class 30: Sweenstake. Temptation. Mrs. H. Wilson, J. H. Dunldp Mem- orial Trophy; Lancer, Can. Eq. Team; Charmorra, Can. Eq. Team; Little Caesar. C. Pielsticker. Class 31: Middleweight. Giant Yel- lowknife. C. Pielsticker; Lassie. Mrs. D. McIntosh:_ Golden Slipper. J. Gowland; Kingstone, R. H. Rouzh. Class 32: Open perfomwnce. Jorâ€" i'ocks. Can. Eq. Team. C. L. Burton Trophy; Watch MP. 0. D. Robinson; Joker. Can. Eq. Team; Little Cae- sar. C. Pielsticker. Class 22: Hunten hack, Giant Yel- lowtrip, C. Peilsticker; Beau Gesfe, Anne Leitch; Rocket, Gayland Sta- ble; Thunderlark, C. Pielsticker. Cl‘éss 29: Pair: G. B. Heintzman O. D. Robinson, L. J. McGuinnis, G A. Martin. BUILDING LOTS. IIOI’SES MOVE FREELY RECEN'I‘LY ing 1 last Kane Gowland. V V Class 21: Hunter brood mare, Miss Muffet, C. B. Heintzman,WSympllopy Sale of four houses and six build g lots in Richmond Hill durin-t th< st two weeks is reported by R. H me. local realtor. N0. 48

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