eoooooooooowoooeécéobboooéowooooooooom 0999699990: j _ THE NEW 1%, “nix-I 1 ‘13 § 1 . sï¬c Wallboan‘d PANI PHONE 10 msura 'n('( our TUMENSUN, SAUNDERSLVSMITH & GARFAT T‘ H I Wollington On 1' EIS IIXR NOW IN STOCK. IN A WIDE VARIETY OF COLORS AND PATTERNS. STRONG. PERMANENT. BEAUTIFUL EASY TO (‘LEAN â€" A'l‘ ll PLUS GOOD SCRATCH GRAIN AND GOOD RANGE INQURANGE zabeth St 121119} Pellet MASTER GROWING MASH HERBERT R. BUTT II 1‘\'l( 1'0‘ Buiiders’ Supply Yard . RAMER 8 SON OR PELLET S PER 100 BIRDS PER DAY District Reprosentatiw ou combine hmond Hill ichn Toronto. Ont .‘e in conï¬nement or on poor onï¬nement Growing Mash 01‘ LIMITED ines expert advice oh your complete engineering servic Ont is our business RICHMOND HILL Phone AT). 0467 lay Telephone May 194 Elsewhere in this issue is published a letter from Mr. C. E. Little. president of the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society. The Liberal is glad to have earned the praise of Mr. Little and his very much worth-while organization and assures them â€"â€" as it would like to assure every constructive organization in the village and district â€"- that it will continue to do all in its power to publicize and support them in their efforts towards building a better community. But we ï¬nd the most important part of Mr. Little‘s letter in the last two paragraphs thereof, in which he oï¬ers the help of his organization in making Richmond Hill Toronto’s “Most Beauti- ful" :uburb and points out to the citizens that this is “a ‘job for all.H __ _ . it. ' In those closing words. we think, Mr. I; right on the spot. Organizations such as (-iety Can labour unceasmgly but without a ( part of ALL citizcns H'It‘ll' vtt'm'ts cannot 11‘ per cent, bllt'CPSS. r. . Very noticeable in l‘(‘(‘(‘lli days has been the inmijoveim‘nt‘iii the cleaning and tidying up (if local grounds and buildings. The general zimicurniico of the village has gained remarkably as a result. 11 is to he hoped that this demonstratimi is not just a temporary attack of “spring fever" which will relapse with the coming of warm weathci' but that (‘itiZPns will continue to realize as Mr. Little points out. that civic beautification is “a job for all.†The action of the (Tanadian Legion which, through its tn‘o thousand branches, is launching an attack on apathy and indiff- erence with the objective of getting people to vote in the forth- coming Federal election is one tube commended. , It is a sad commentary on Canadians' appreciation of their dearlyâ€"bought rights that such action should be‘necessar‘y. Nev- ertheless the fact remains. and it is to be, hoped that the Legion’s campaign will stir up some, of those. who carclessly sow the seeds of dictatorship by tailing to exercise their rights and duties as citizens in a free democracy. ‘ The question arises as to whether local orgamZations, ‘wha‘t- citizens in a free democracy. ‘ ’l'he question arises as to whether local organizations, what- ever their particular ï¬eld may be, ‘annot.with profit follow the example of the Legion in endeavouring to get the vote out. There need be no attempt 01' any kind to influence the perâ€" sonal decisions of members. But there might very well be an attempt to awaken them to their share of responsibility in the government of the country. We do not believe that it is going- teo far even to suggest that our churches might take a lead in this respect. After all, the ideals of Christianity and demoaracy 3.1'e inextricably woren together. It' democracy falls -â€" so too do those principles for which the churches stand. . One only has to realize what has happened behind the “Iron Curtain†to realize that our churches have a Vital stake in the maintenance of freedom â€"â€" a freedom which can only be assured by the acceptance of citizens of their duties on polling day. All thoSe organizations which, like the church. are working for the betterment of this country and its citizens can play their part too in helping to get out the vote. Ry Glad McLatchy Sunbaked, suntamied and a sunny smile introduced Mrs. A. J. McLat- chy just returned from the sizzling south to the less fortunate and some- what frigid looking members of ‘the Guild at the meeting lust Tuesday evening. Oh to have the wings of a bird, it would Save travelling money, to have the time at one’s disposal and the disposition to enjoy all the ex- otic wonders of California. The air momentarily was ï¬lled with the odor of orange blossoms, or was it ‘cupids breath’ which was (laubed rather extravagantly on the ear lobes of the person next to us but it was def- initely a splash from our own drool- ing: that touched our hand as we lis- tened to the abundance of grapefruit, oranges and other citrus fruits our guest and traveller enfoyed while, we could scarcely“ read the price of these delectable fruits, they were higher than a kite. Several members were seen scratching the palm of their hands as the fascinating stories and ex- periences of our friend's visit to the notorious ‘Golden Neget’ and the fa- mous ‘Flamingo Club' were revealed, (the winnings only, I might add). Excitement ran high as we bet on our favourite nag at the San Anita Race Track, the days winnings were exciting too, but the gorgeous flower lueds were ‘(lown to earth’ and would have satisï¬ed us all to feast upon. for the flowering); heauty of this wonderful place is paradise itself. On and on we trnvelled with 0111' favoured member and we could have travelled more only Father Time called a halt, but we thoroughly enâ€" joyed every minute of California. and we hope to go there zuz‘ain with anyâ€" l OMOOWMMW ROOFING EAVESTRUUï¬HING ll Phone Richmond Hill 136-i‘-33 “coo OOOOOOQOMGOOOQWOO‘ om. ‘DWOOOOMMO moo OOWWOWO O. W 2 1n Awakening Is Necessary Richmond Hill Teiephone 5-] i .‘oooooooom H0000000000000000600.066900000009905“ Job For All†An Independent Weekly â€" Established 1873 Subscription Rate, $2.00 per year; To the United States $2.50 Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. 19. SMITH, -M.P., Publisher ' Maple, Ont. Floral Designs Guild Gossip FLOWERSI EAVESTROUGHING; ROOFING NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces TINSMITH Wholesale and Retail Florist B. W. MILLER asigns Cut Flmvérs Bedding Plants Delivery Anywhere in North York PAUL DU BOlS “V THE LIBERAL W E GROW OUR OWN Congratulations are due to ‘Mig‘h- ty Atom' President Scrivvy, for set- ,ting‘ the example of someone else‘s suggestion in regards to the pot of gold, she received a supply of nail polish, as she wasyseen (lpodling' with last week’s paint job, after handling so much gold,,and.tiirning.it over to the Guild treasury. ‘ Next week, is ‘surprise package’ night, so wrap up something- which is of no value to you and pawn it oï¬â€˜ on someone else, be sure to cum- ouflag‘e it though, or you maybe stuck with it again. A mouse-trap (minus the mouse, of course, there is always a Church mouse if you are interested in a collection) or even a ‘nin, they come in handy at times. but think something up for yourself. iit's lots of fun. ' one who will take us, either in reality or fancy. DAVID MCLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE Little, has put his ï¬'hg‘el s the Horticultural SO- L concerted effort on the muot wiih one hundret Telephone 2 Letter To The Editor iation of the publicity you have given the work of our organization not only in your recent issues but also during the past years when we have always found The Liberal most gen- erous of space. The Tulip Show last Saturday night probably set an all time record of attendance at a show, and We feel that a great measure of credit for this success goes to your recent As President of the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society I would like to convey to you our sincere apprec- Dear editorial and front page space 1y granted the reports so ably ten by our secretary, Miss G McL’atchy. Our Society feels that a great deal can be done to beautify this rapidly growing community of ours and we gladly offer our help in any project that would make Richmond Hill not only Toronto’s highest and Health- iest Suburb, but also the “most beau- tifu] Could you in you) ten Editorials pm'su that this is :1 “Job I v 0 O O OOOWOO O O “0000000900000â€. OOOOQOOOOOOOOONOOOOO “one.†.“OOOOOOWW ours 1‘ 01' Mr. Editor PHONE 10 SMALLER, EASIER-m-PAY HEAT. BlllS OFFERED BY 'blue 0031' BUDGET PLAN PHONE US TODAY FOR DETAILS u in your very ably writ- als persuade the Citizens a “Job For All"? 1 lovelier Richmond Hill C. E. Little. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT & SUB-DIVISION (‘OMI‘I.E'l‘E.(‘OVERAGE IN REAL ESTATE CONSULT US HERE OR AT ANY OF OUR TORONTO OFFICES MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD TORONTO HEAD OFFICE: 1172 BAY; PRINCESS 3324 ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE LIMITED ERNEST 'R‘IDOUT REAL ESTATE ‘LTD. I. D. RAMER 8 SON Our Service Is Strictly Confidential WE REACH THE ~ BUYERS ~ kind- writ- ladys 5:1 RICHMOND ST. Centre St. SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, [MM 8: FILL Experienced in, Evergreen, Shrub and Perennial Plantings EEN’S LANDSCAPE SERVICE YES, thousands are now using this smart. new way 'to’buy coal. The ‘blue COKI’ Budget Plan is '50 'easy. You pay in small monthly amount: ï¬nd you're assuréd of your supply -of‘blue coal' at a real saving. u ND ST. RICHMOND HILL PHONE RICHMOND HILL 497W NIELS AE. ANDERSEN. LEN RICE I... W. REID 81 YONGE ST.. ~155W â€" 455.] PHONE ’l‘HORNH‘llJ. 217 Represented by RICHMOND " HILL 3833C Thm'nhill