Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 May 1949, p. 3

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9W0moowo’ooooooocoooommmm» W puse ‘ to yo This appro for P part utcs Rap as p( sugg to a a “i \vatc Brhl then brhu DAVH) McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE none. w itc or drop in to i KING CITY COLD STORAGE SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER C0. PHONE 27 To help .you 'with your cold storage problems we pro- pose to offer from time to time hints which will be of use to you in preserving your fresh fruits, vegetables, etc. This is the first of the series. Others will appear at the apprOpriate times. .Clip and save these for reference. .. IN LUMBER, TRIM, SASH, DOORS, ASPHALT PRODUCTS, GYPROC, TEN TEST, INSULATION This is one of the most palatable vegetables to store for future use. Follow these directions: (1) Use only the tender shoots, trimming the woody part well back. (2) Wash and drain well to remove all sand. (3) Blanch â€",see footnote â€"â€" from two to three min- utes depending on the size of the shoots. (4) Drain well before packaging. __ (5) Pack dry, We prefer packaging in the Freez-R- Rap paper in bundles-sufficient for one meal. (6) Rush it to your locker plant to be frozen as soon as possible. ‘Blanchillg is the killing of bacteria before storing. We suggest the use of a calmer about three parts full brought to a rapid rolling boil. Submerge the vegetable, either In a wire seive or cheese-cloth bag, until well covered by the water.‘ This will lower the temperature of the water. Bring it back to a rolling boil as quickly as possible and then time for the blanching period as named. Remove immediately and plunge into ice cold water, bringing it to room temperature. FREEZING HINTS SERVING RICHMOND HILL 1‘ FOR 19 YEARS ASPARAGUS BLANCHING LIMITED RICHMOND HILL AND DISTRICT “Wyn”, v-.. I have known that man for over thirty years and he was always the same; cheerful and friendly. Changes have come so gradually that I’ve hardly noticed them. He has slowed up a little, doesn‘tgvalk so erect and â€"â€" well, he pulls his thins hair across the surface of his dome. That is, he makes a little go a long way Bless his heart, I’m beginning to do that myself, although I know it's a losing battle._ ‘ALT.__. ..t‘r\1> giefifiing 9115-" Nome. Wm“. He’s stepping out; quitting after more than fifty years of steady work; not always with the same firm al- though he has served his present employers thirty-five years. He gets a' modest pension and from now on he will have a lot of time on his hands. He will be able to do some of the things he_has longed to do. In ancient times old age was dreaded. It was taken for granted that the “Slough of Despond,” was at the end of life â€" not at the be-‘ ginning as Bunyan has depicted it. Vhat the people of long ago hoped for was perpetual youth. They be- lieved what a modern cynic has said: “After a certain age there is nothing left but the pleasures of the table." A Roman philosopher wrote: “As long as the fates permit, let us en- joy our lusts." Millions agreed with the sentiment: “Let us eat and drink ‘for to-morrow we die." Many' of the wisest and best thinkers of the past accepted this melancholy View. Life is better for old people than in ancient times, perhaps not so much as we think, but still an improve- ment. Just think of reading. A century ago the percentage of old people who had enough education to read was small â€" among working people less than five percent. Books were a luxury and newspapers fewer and not so well edited. a I'; auu uv v uv Then there is the boon of radio. Of course there are programmes we don’t like but we don’t have to listen to them. There is endless enjoy- ment to be had in others. I shall not forget the picture of old people I once saw in Newfoundland, far re- moved from a railroad, listening to Church services and musical treats and loving every minute'of it. When a number of leading person- alities were asked if they would like to be starting over again, most of them emphatically said no. They had had their day and were satisfied to leave it at that. Most of these men were in retirement and were enjoying it. One man said that if he had life to live over again, he would probab- ly commit the same mistake; if (not, he Would make others â€" probably worse. ‘ “My old friend, who has just s’tep- ped‘ out, has remained good-natured and optimistic. Life has not em- bittered him. Older people outlive h'at‘e‘ ' It is not always so but it should be. Life ought to teach us understanding and toleration. Old violins produce richer music and with less effort, than new ones. Our Sympathies ought to grow war- mer and our judgments more .mellow as time goes on. This has happened to most of the old people 1 know, and it is fairly general. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is that promise in the First Psalm: “His leaf also shall not wi ther.” In nature the sweet green ness of early leaves, passes into darker shades as summer comes, to be followed by the mellowness of autumn. But 'here is a. glorious promise. Old age may have its en- thusiasm and hopes; even more thrilling than those of earlier days. There need not be cynicism and des- pair for “The trees of the Lord are full of sap.” We may say with Robert Browning: “The Best is yet to be.” Our quotation to-day is by Robert Browning: “All service is \the same with God . . . . there is no last nor first.” HARRY E. PALMER III-IIIIIIl-IIIIIIBI 46 JOHN ST., THORNHILL Phone Thornhill 250 GRADING BY BULLDOZER Phone Maple 116 GORMLEY LOCK CO We have for immediate delivery, all sizes of concrete blocks. These blocks are made by the latest types of machines, are fully steam cured, to assure you of quality blocks. Gormley, Ont. CONCRETE BLOCKS CELLARS Veterinary Surgeon Eastwst and AFTEnxooN nn Amn‘g’wnum m Write or phone SAT., MAY 28â€"Auction sale of garage equipment and tools, a com- plete garage full of modern equip- ment, property of Gordon Penny. corner of Main St., Markham village and No. 7 highway. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. No reserve, garage is sole, proprietor quitting. Terms cash. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auction- eel‘s TUE~S., MAY 31 â€" Auction sale of higfi class furniture, household goods, garden, tools, etc., at 414 Kenneth Ave., Willowdale, 151; Street east; of Yonge Street, south off Byng Ave. east. Property of Mrs. Mel'rin. Terms, cash. No reserve. Property sold. Sale at 2 pm. sharp. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, JUNE 4 â€" Auction sale of high class furniture, house- hold goods, g‘arden tools, glassware, dishes, cooking utensils, etc, in the Village of Victoria Square, 4th con. Markham Twp. The property of E. Dennie. Sale at 2 p.111. Terms, cash. No reserve as property is sold. Ken SATURDAY, JUNE 4 â€" ~Auction sale of farm stOck and implements, horses, pigs, ’antique furniture. At lot 12, con. 2, Markham Twp. on ,Bayv'iew. Property of Ed Quantz, 1/2 mile north of No. 7 Hgy. Terms cash, no reserve, ‘farmv sold. Sale at 1 pm. A. S. Farmer, auct. Jas. R. Smith, clerk. No reserve as property 15 and Clarke Prentice, aucts WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 â€" Impor- tant extension auction sale 2 Wire- tie Pick-up hay baiers, new thresh- ing machine, tractors, farm impleâ€" ments, furniture, etc. Lot 26, con. 4, Markham Twp., half mile east of Victoria Square. Property of thn Snider. Sale at 1.30 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, aucts. SAT., JUNE 11 â€" Auction sale of high class moderh and antique fur- niture, garden tools, etc., at 1 Ar- nold Street, Richmond Hill. Property of Wesley Clark. Sale at 2 p.m. Terms cash, no reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., JUNE 11 â€" Auction Sale of high class modern and antique fur- niture, garden tools, 9 roomed brick house, square plan with all conven- iences on large lot, etc., at 1 Arnold Street, Richmond Hill. Property of Wesley Clark. Sale at 2 p.111. Terms cash, no reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WE|D., JUNE 15 â€"‘ Auction Sale of household furniture and other effects at Lansing sideroad and FairviF-w Ave., West side of Yonge St. The property 0f_Mr. L.‘L§rso‘n. “Sale at WHALL‘.‘ Phone Stouff. 381w1 SAT., JUNE 18 â€"â€" Auction Sale of farm implements, fence wire, fence posts, fencing tools, such as stretch- ers, chains, diggers; a large variety of carpenter and blacksmith tools, etc., on Finch’s Ave., east of Yongc St., in North York Twp. Property of Geo. Trimble. Terms cash, no re- serve. Proprietor quitting. Sale at 2 p.111. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. {3-35137 rKen and Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. Employer: You should have been here at eight o’clock. pened MAPLE TINSMITH & PLUMBING SUPPLY Gurney Gas Ranges for Essotane . Furnaces â€" Air Conditioning Pressure Systems “0060OWW W“ E. J. ROBERTS, RADIAL STATION Phone 177 Late Office Boy .DAILY SERVICE 10 All CANADIAN AND U.S.A.POINYS .CHARTERED BUSES OFFER IDEAL SERVICE FOR All. GROUP TRAVEL TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT Telephone Maple 102 Residence 62r32 ‘. HOUSE W hy, what hap- By Bus Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Reid of Van- couver, B. C., visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C.,Pattenden and family. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Friesen of Thomas, Okla., announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Anna Margaret, to Orville L. Heise, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heise, Gorinley, Ontario, the marriage to take place early in June. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoover of Toronto 'spent the week end with relatives in Gormley. Miss G. E‘by, Dean of Women at Emmanuel Bible College, Kitchener, visited in the Hunt home over last week end. Mr. and Mrs. C. James and David also Mrs. Menno Smith and Mr. Al- lan Smith of Edgcley had supper Sunday evening in the home of M). and Mrs. S. Doner. Mr. and Mrs. W. Noble entertain- ed a number of relatives and friends at a. birthday party for Victor on Monday. “‘Mlgfiaura Drummond is visiting her friend, Mrs. Maiflprize, at Wood- bridge. 7 _. .... l ‘__‘ nun.ou . The semi-annual Love Feast of the Brethren in Christ Church was lrcld last Saturday and Sunday. A num- ber of visiting friends. were in at- tondancc. “mm. Mrs. Peter Brillinger spent, last Tuesday visiting: with her sister, Mrs. Mead in~ Markham. Mr. Ross Armstrong and Mr. E. Jeffrey spent last week end in the Moorby home. Mr. Lloyd Kean, Guelph, visited recently with Mrs. Chas. Snider. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Darlington were Mr. and Mrs. C. Kingston and children of Palermo, Misses Verna and Helen Kingston of Burlington. The Edgely Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. F. Locke on Thursday, May 12, with Mrs. Paul Snider, president in the chair. Fourâ€" teen members were present. After discussion of business, the guest speaker, Rev. Dr. Ross of Wood- bridge spoke on citizenship. The next W. 1. meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Paul Snider. “Don’t forget the District Annual to be held in Maple, June 2nd, at Mrs. H. J. Rounding and little daughter, Gayle are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. Maginn. Recent visitors at the home of W. J. Maginn were Mr. and Mrs. H. Lightheart and Douglas of Teston and Miss Mary Campbell of Toronto. We are glad to report that Evelyn, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elâ€" mer Stong is recovering nicely after having her tonsils removed last Frida§ EDGELEY BANK CREDIT oils the driving gears of production, industry and commerce. It helps to produce the goods and provide the services and jobs which mark the Canadian way of- life. To pay for work done, goods produced, bought and sold, Canadians issue ~ every month w upwards of six billion dollars in cheques. “Money in the bank” is the foundation of credit. You and some seven million other depositors have nearly seven billion dollars in the chartered banks. Cashing these cheques, making loans, discounting ' notes â€"in many different ways your bank keeps money and credit moving through all the channels of trade and opportunity . . . like oil in the machinery. This whole vast, private, competitive, efficient process is made possible by your “money in the bank” ~â€" and by the experience and skill and integrity of the men and women on Canadian bank staffs. D000... “0990090066”.MOO”.”OCW”O§MNMOMO Richvale Florist O i O“OOWOOOOOOO”WOQWMOWOOOO“OON«$00 Any Quantity ELECTRIC WIRING and REPAIRS RICHMOND HILL ELECTRICAL SHOP J. Carl Saigeon Agency City and Suburban Delivery GILSON HOT AIR FURNACES AND 01L BURNERS WE HAVE A LARGE VARIETY OF BOX PLANTS (FLOWERS AND VEGETABLES) Floral Designs for Every Occasion. PQULTRY WANTED All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. Phone AGIN‘COURT 2-481, or write to Norolda Poultry R. R. 2 â€"â€" SCARBORO JUNCTION PHONE RICHMOND HILL 3441‘2 MAPLE, ONTARIO E R N I E B R O C K 82 YONGE â€" PHONE 296W Telephone Maple 1 l YOUR BANK We Telegraph Flowers Good Prices

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