Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 May 1949, p. 4

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. - 14.;.'c... 5.1 II I It ‘ i I 1111.“ “if. i\ [if It; assured Sale 8: Want Ads‘ RATl‘lSâ€" I'liye lilies or lrss. :13 cents for first insl'rlroh arr-l 1.3 cents fir eatlr ‘lllhi'tlllr‘ll’ irrwrlmn. tilwl' live lines 7 cents prr lrr.c extra ".tt'll .Il‘cl'llrrL. 11' «1.:11L't‘rl to .‘l'yr'..‘..'. r..r:c rv‘llls pct .iuc. Telephone Richmond llill It. SLAIJPJ‘ 1111‘» ('lll'IVlitlIdC'l‘. Airplg‘ 1.. Mi lhlrt. tak .\'.'c, lizchvale. phone, , _ _ 'Tfi‘l Richmond llill 31 “till. tl'.'..1~‘3 (Ill 5‘. YARle well rottwl (olv oratr 11135 FORD COUPE. new motor. new tires. Phone 'I‘hornhill 2171-12. *les‘l Fruit, [11' 1") FOR REAL ESTA'I'I'I, phone Thornhill Ilix. RASPBERRY PLANTS, strawberry plants. ('. l‘l. \Vatson, 10 Mill 51.. {ichmond llill. phone 21:71 W. Swll MOFF'ATT EI.E("I‘RI(' RANGE. 1 burner with annex. Apply ‘37 Yongc St., Richmond Hill, phone loo, lwts‘ BEAUTIFUL fawn colored black- mask registered Danes. Ill day old pups, order now. P‘honc Thornhill 113. t'l\\'IS 1941 DODGE SEDAN, black. good condition. Apply L. Weavers, Box 77, Thornhill. phone 1041'32. ’“lww'th’ boai‘trs‘ifn’ rim: [WVâ€"(1.01) Tv rte. WRITER. standard. Apply Maple United Church Parsonage. ’lwds i931 FORD SEDAN. Apply 11. Ilull. Apply Summit Ir‘arm. .lelI'erson. phone King «tilt-22%. "Iw‘M ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, Spar- trrn. 1""‘t'cct condition. I‘honc Willow'- dale 48G. (-Iw-ls CEMENT mocks and well tile. Apply 248 Oak Ave., Richvale. phone Richmond 1111] ]r2. tit-~15 ICE BOXTsinâ€"glevbed stead; hot wa- ter boiler, phone Richmond Ilill 4981‘". c-‘iwlu CULL BLOCKS for sale. 10c apiece in yard. Gorinley Block Co., Gorinâ€" ley, phone Stoufl'ville :181W1. c2w47 KATHIADINTseed potatoes. She per bag. Apply Harvey Mashintcr. R. R. 3, King, phone King 31-13%. tfc47 QUEBECâ€" HEATER; Aladdin lamp; dining room furniture. suitable for summer cottage. Apply Mrs. Wig- gins, phone Agincourt 2149M. "flwlli 1932 PONTIAC Coupe. rumble scat low Al condition, mileage on new htotor. Wilfred Hare, Tcston. phone Maple 721‘11. cilwdti SIMPLICI’I‘Y (:TRDEN ’I‘RACTOR including cultivating equipment an sickle mower. Phone Maple (321'2 c2w46 SEED POTATOES. Kathadins. S bug's; also Irish Cobblers. Mrs. H. ,Woods, phone Richmond Hill 30.0.1. 02w47 -dâ€"â€"â€"â€"*_%“ 1934 INTERNATIONAL trttck 1”; ton stake, running good. N. DoIson Headford, phone Richmond Hill '481‘25. ' c2w-IT BABY CARRIAGE and hathinettc both in A1 condition. Apply Mrs J. A. Saigeon. phone Maple 103,1. c2w-IT 19.40 PONTIAC coach}. L. head, on- gine very clean, mechanically good can be seen at (.‘ooney's Service Station, Richvale. *1w17 MCCORMICK Deet’ing mower, i“ 1111117- ‘ber 6; also Massey Harris Binder (‘1‘ km,“- cut, both in excellent condition. Phone Maple 54r4. tl‘clT FOR REAL ESTATE, phnne‘ Ir‘enn. Thornhill 1m. tfclti TOMATO PLANTS. cabbage, pan- sies and annuals Anderson. 94 Richmond St.. Richmond Hill. phon 20-1. CBw-t‘ SAND. GRAVEL, LOAM and FILL supplied on short notice: genera haulage. Class I“ P.(‘.\'. W. .l Hodge, Maple 15. (‘IIwJS ‘) ..M(‘CORMICK-DEERING _-row corn planter; fertilizer and check row atâ€" tachments. new tltis year. Apva H. Heise, Victoria Square. “lwulh’ $1400. 1946 titAttoox honor-1 sedan. owner driven. new dreadâ€" iiought and snow tires. heater, new battery, also maintained in best con- dition. Phone \\'illowdalc 31H}. clw»1\‘ H'U'G'H'S GREEN HOUSE full of annuals, tomato plants. Ruggles Ave. and Second Street. east on No. 7 Hey. at Langstalt‘. Phone Thorn- hill 206114. ‘11\v»IT I; USED Cockshutt Cockshutt No. 1 transplantcrs; Cockshutt No. .‘1 havloaders: 1 side Delivery rake. \\'. Latimer. I'nionâ€" ville, phone 18. ’itwlT MOFF‘AT «1â€"httrner elett ric range. new. white enamel. warming oven. utility drawer. 5:350. Apply .-\. Rril» linger. Yonge St.. Thornhill. phone 245‘1’. cl w'-1\‘ ..__ SHAIJI.O\\' “‘ICId. PI'MP witlt ll h.p. motor 350: kitchen range. wood or coal. roller grates, black and white enamel 8-15.00. both in good condi- tion. Apply phone Maple rL'oxl. clth Ttl tractor; -) n -) DINING ROOM Slll'l‘l‘ Maple bed. single; Oriental rug 11x13: tug ln' x 1’6"; washing machine. Westing- house: tea wagon: chest of drawers: Toronto couch: notch furniture. phone Thornhill ‘_’.\‘\\'. clw'h‘ LANGSTAFI“. small frame house on 1 acre. full collar. 2'. piece hath. run» ning water. 9:300 cash. small mori. gage. Orval .Iones. Doncrcst Cd” Langstafl‘. phone Tizoinhill :17r21. clwIS TENT. 10 x 1’1 poles and pegs; (‘ohu man folding gasoline camp stove; ‘3 camp cots £30.00: counter plat‘orn‘. scales. weighs up to no lbs, sticoor Briggs and Stratton I lt.p. aft wouler gasoline engine. 5'23. Apva 1 Yongu '_’ll.c1\\-I St.. Richmond Ilill. phone 14 FT. MOTOR LAI‘Xt'II. ti lr.p.. twin engine with rear stutter. triag- neto. Detroit reverse gear. derkcd forward. heavy square stern for ou'~ board use. 3375. ‘11 ft. Mahogany fishing punt. arrange-l for gas tank in and rudder. can chails. li’it'il‘wl‘ engine and tevt‘t'se gear _‘ cycle 5 hp. inboat d Marinc « vvvv it $120.00. Apply 1 Yonge S‘.. llisi‘» ntond Hill. phone 211. c1 '.v I; AIASSICY HARRIS Mt)\\'l‘ill. flood lcondilion: 1 pair of burrows. .\p- ply 'l'hbrnhill '_’l»lrti. 1w'1\' 1 fl :1 TIMRICRS. Ill" x In". :5 ft Ion-4. Sltldrtl each. '1'. ll. t‘arter. ('hrrrcli St.. Langstafi‘, call evenings. l 'vl . lltIX PLANTS. flowers and vcgelabâ€" les. Mrs. l". Sayers. To Morgan .â€"\vc. Stop 14A, Yonge St. *Sw'll [FEDERAL 'l‘RIlt'ly'. panel body in txccllcrd shape. good tll't‘s, 111116. a good htlv, $1175.00. Apply Ned Hill. 1 Richmond Hill. phone Still or 251. If 4 ICI'I't'HFN t‘ARlNI‘IT. cl; 2 chairs, windsor type: table: quart and pint sealers. Apply v1” Roseview Avc., Richmond Hill. ’lw-ls white cnonr- Quichiic cook STOVE. almost (il'O. ('urtis. Thornhill. lnew', price $,_’5. Apply Langstall'. phone 124121. lange; also Essotane (las Ranges and Electric Pails; ('rosslcy Shelvador Refrigerators and [human Mllkeis. .1. A. Rose. Maple, phone 3-1.1. tfcIlS 'IRNA MENTAL PORCH RAILS. stair hand rails. fire (loge, fire scieeus, fire sets and acetylene weld- ing. Apply T. Elliott. Oak Avenue, Richvale. tfc35 IIKITCHEN TABLE; 5 wde chairs; 2 single bedsteads; 1 single wool mattress, suitable for summer cottage. Apply 70 Edgar Avc., Rich- \'ale. *2w47 ('()('I\'SIIIIT'I' fertilizer seed drill in working order. I’leury Bissell large size manure spreader. good. Raled hay. timothy and alfalfa; baled wheat straw. (leorge l\1c.\'air. Maple RR. 2. phone King 1114. tfc-l-‘i l.ll"li'l‘lME all metal Venetian lilinds. aluminum or steel baked enâ€" amel linish any colour of tapes. fret‘ estimates and installations. l‘honc 7.7.3 or write box 4116. 40 Ontario St. West. Newmarket, Ont. -tfc31‘l 15 BAGS KATHADIN Seed Potatâ€" oes; 3 burner coal oil stove with new wicks. used only 2 months. Aoâ€" ply to Frank S. Johnston. 153 mile west on Jefferson townline after 4 p. m.. Oak Ridges. c‘Zw‘lS :IriiNrE-J‘ULYâ€" HRAY chicks. Or- ders should he in soon to insure reasonably early delivery. Ask for summer price list. Tell us your reâ€" quirements. Fred Wise. Bray Broo- der, Richmond Hill 3511121. .. - 'mond llrll. phone ‘_".H.\l. .‘\(il‘l.\VI‘?il‘ Motl‘uts New rerun-rt- Apply Po. Box llicir- lwI“ tric. tirahani. litrnrrrle Avc.. iisr~:tir;otirr RALLs in». practice. Apply .lolrn Evelyn. phone llirhntond 11111 1311112. clwls Ttl RENT 2 or $1 rooms 21rtnl'ttrnisli~ ed in Richmond 11111 or district. Ap- ply phone Richmond llill rl’r"\v. ll'cls RELIABLE WOMAN will clean. wash and iron. Apply phone Thornâ€" hill ;‘loril. clwwlb tit-it‘srtlrctcrrit: for one add" for July. All conveniences. “rite \‘». l’orfer. R. ll. 1 Richmond lllll. ‘-‘.‘;wIt‘r .\ovi:rrr‘tsrx<; s.-\\.\r and sign card writer. Apply \ rc‘tor lire- pcr .»\genc_\'. (Ink Ridges. ()tr‘, cilw'lti WOMAN as slrort»or(lcr cook. Apply in person to Summit View l.unch_, phone Richmond Hill 4511122. clw-lr clwntrs‘lROOM Axn BOARD in {ichmmtd Ilill district for young salesman. 2017 Newmarket 0| Liberal llox 2'1. "ZwIT 5 or (S ROOM HOUSE to rent, rea sortable. desperate. Mrs. (1. Bond. 2362 ’lcdford Park Ave., Toronto. c2w~lT GIRL OR “'OMAN for restaurant, hours 111 21.111. to 4 p.m. Lindsay‘s Steele's Cor. I‘hone Thornhill 1121.1. clw-lh’ wouAN' or. rhinitis GIRL fond of children to assist with light house- hold duties .‘IJiO tp 7.310 daily. Apply '.phone Richmond Hill 124. c1w4h‘ now Anottr THOSE HENS that. have stopped laying. Highest prices paid. Bring them in or phone King ShrH. W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Grading Station. tfc3f1 EXPERIENCED office worker. 41 hours daily. Monday to Friday. typâ€" ing. bookkeeping essential. Phone Richmond Hill 485 for appointment. *IwJS WE WOULD LIKE to contact 4 or 5 dealers who would he interested in handling a very profitable new type of automobile or truck crank case oil. Phone its in Toronto at RA. 5111! be- tween 8.31) a.m. and 5 p.m. 3‘1w4x TO RENT TWO ROOMS. ground floor, sinE hot and cold water. separate enâ€" trance. Two miles east of Richmond Hill. Apply Box 80 The Liberal. *1 \vâ€"lS BED? MATTRESS and cover. s~>o,oo: chesterfield, $8.00; ice box. $15.00; kitchen cabinet, oak. 820.00; Quebec stove with oven. $10: lining table »stove with oven.‘$1(1; dining table. Ave.,.1 mile east? of Yonge St.. on Morgan, Northside, Thornhill. clw'ls 1 fiOsT MAN‘S coin MUST WATCH. lea- ther strap. square case. Lost in or near Fair Grounds. rMay 24tlr. Reâ€" ward. phone Midway T405. *Iw'sth’ BIG-4 CHICKS. Buying now. est these. Chicks. Pallets. Cockerels. Still a wide assortment. Let me what you need. Summer prices make these especially good buys. Agent. Wesley Clark. R. R. 2, Gor- titley. STUBBORN SKIN AILMFINTS respond to “Kleerex” quick healinL" salve â€" Eczema. Psoriasis. Itch. Impetigo. Ringworm. etc. Two strengths â€" medium. strong. Two sizes ~â€" 59c. 31.0.0. Scotchmer‘s Drug Store. TinseELLANEoUS .___ WILL GIVE room and hoard in ex- change Ior baby itting and light duâ€" ties. phone Thornhill ‘lib‘r22. 'les SAND AND (lIlAVICL. crushed stone. loam and till. E. Charity, Rithmond llill. phone 2172M. tic-12 SPRAYING. lawn, field with 21-1); stable with lime; orchar: spraying. Apply phone Maple 121:. 'ib‘wltj 'RI OCR LAYING and I-lrick laying dore, chimneys built. Ready to sturr work. Phone Thornhill BTSrZZI. “le’ LAWN Mt)\\'lCRS sharpened and reraired by experienced workman I‘houe .los. Winger, Maple ti‘lr‘ll. 1 clSwll (‘1 STth I‘LUI‘GIIING. discing. cul» tivating, filling. \V. II. (lotulerliant. ill' lilmwood .~\ve.. Lansing. telephone \Villowdale 2.7118. c‘JMv-lij PLASTICRIXG. lirst class workmanâ€" ship. \\'ill give tstitnates. Adam J'ohl. I‘Ilg‘iu Mills. phone Riclimon-l llilI Itltirll. ‘ZJwUIl “131.1. DIGGING. pipe lines. scl‘ti: t‘inks. concrcte well tile. ToLn .Ltrâ€" rett. phone Richmond 1111‘ Iii-'11. '_’w Iii YOI'R .\'E\\' .-\\'(1.\' Representa:ive for Avon Cosmetics for .Maplc and ldistrict is Mrs. R. llornc. phone ‘ Maple 84W. c‘_‘w-IT LAWN MOWERS and saws- sharpen- ed: folding lawr. chairs made: insidi- panel doors. Apply 1'. b‘. Stouetn burg. 11 Richmond S.. Richmond Hill, phone .103“: tfr~1‘_‘ t‘l'STllM ROTARY TILLING, Have your lard completely Irl't‘l‘illt'rl l" the new scitntili; one our-:r' .v: rrrt or. \\'. lltttchinsr‘. l‘. _iri M: 's. prone i‘icliniotzd llill 3sy\\‘, it] All KINDS l-‘I‘RNITI'RIC repairs. no: o1. ’-. lili' L‘Ellrlllcf work. :vod dilutes given. _\'. S. ll'2rzt .\\'e.. Hiclilliuii'l tf‘rf ‘(Illl‘lillS will be taken for private diessninlcit‘g after 1:20 o..n.: also :ti' kinds of drapes made :rl‘i the! s s not shirts. Phone R'cliuxor‘i ll 1'. ‘»"r]i‘. cI\\‘I'i 'l‘tac'wvr‘ “iii-t: do z'cl litl't ~t no ctlur :trtf ra's liars. .lolrnrry: l.i‘.t'e :zclrrns. 00000000000000000000000000 I W. 1. SMITH & SONS‘ Painting Contractors Residential â€" Industrial Swtng Stage 213 Oak Ave. Richvale. Ont. Richmond Hill 3431‘6 oeooooooeee99099990090900. It saves time and trouble when you familiarize yourself with the regulations regarding tzavel to the United States before you set out on your trip. Here are the facts: I. The allowance for pleasure travel during the current ration period of November 16th. 1948. to November 15th. 1949, is $150 U.S. per person ($100 in the case of children under 11 years old). . A Form H permit. obtain- able at any bank. is re- quired to take out of Can- ada amounts exceeding $10 U.S. or $25 U.S. and Cana- dian funds. . Special allowances are granted for strictly busi- ness travel where your ap- plication is certified by your employer. . Applications for larger amounts of U.S. funds for travel for health or educa- tional purposes may be made on special forms ob- tainable at your bank. fOlEIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD OTTAWA FECBd? \\'cdncsday evening was "\l;t‘rlt~y Night” 111 l{:chtnor.d Lodge. liicu- .rrorld llr.‘l. and it was an itlgrllr' ow lutsiotr in the more than one l.:.nd;ctl Father And Six Sons Members Of Richmond Lodge 3,.‘;.:< of Ainslmlk- lilfitoi} 111 this II.\- Mahlcy egel on this occasion to assist .z. Ild‘ .\I£1~ crrtirc 121:1. lii'o. “or”. was priv“. lllltlillirrll HI. his sixth sub. rIHlln bit-y. into unicorn-y, and the of initiation out by Hrrr. Mable}. his live >t)ll‘. \V. llro. t'ecil ti. Miilrley, llros. .Illlr_ llorâ€" cetemony was carried den. t'arl. and Norman and his soli- in-iaw. Norman loorcr. It was an outstanding night iii the history of Richmond Lodge and was attended by a large nuniler of local lodge members as well as many members from Thornhill. Aurora, Toronto and other district centres. Following the work in the Lodge room a sumptuous banquet was ser- ved in the lower ball when the cusâ€" toniary toasts honored and delightful Rt. \V. lro. (LM. Toronto were a provided. 11.11. other entertainment Norman .Iohnston. District (‘ and past Grand Lodge Officers honored the Lodge their presence. Many tributes were showered on the Mahâ€" Icy family for their to Masonry and sincere congratulations extended to them for of their performance in exemplifying the degree work of the evening. by contribution the excellence LA NGSTA FF Mrs. H. LeMasurier installed the officers at the annual meeting of the Lan,<:stafip Home and School Assocâ€" iation. as follows: President. Mrs. Ctrdmore; vice president, Mrs. Black- burn and Mrs. Worsdale; recording secretary. Mrs. Luesby; corr. sec., Mrs. Allison; treas. Mrs. Stotts; executive members, Mrs. Holt. Mrs. Harley. Mrs. Thirgood. Mrs. Craw- ford. Mr. Campbell Smith. It was agreed at the meeting that a donation would be given to the Vaughan Recreational Committee, t) he used towards the swimming pool fund. An executive meeting will he held in the Langstafi“ public school at 8 p.m.. Tuesday. May 31st. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHI'RCH Pastor. Rev. A. R. Jones Sunday morning Bible School 1] Sunday Evening Gospel 7 p.m. Wed. Pray er Meeting. 8 p.m. Friday, Y.P.S.. 8 p.m. p.m. Services, ACCIDENT PREVENTION IS INTERNATIONAL The leading item in this month’s letter to industries in the member- ship of the Industrial Accident Preâ€" vention Associations quotes the fol- lowing from a letter written by John Nordin. General Director and Presâ€" ident of the Workers' Protection As- sociation, Stockholm. Sweden. when expressing greetings to the 19â€"19 Convention of the Accident Prevenâ€" tion Associations: “In order that labor protection be efficient. everybody is called upon to contribute. not once but incessantly. It is the compiled sum of the con- tributions and efforts of all concern- ed that will yield the final and desir- ed r-esult â€" healthful. safe, and cornâ€" fortable work places always and ev- erywhere. It is our hope and desire that your conference will contribute to the shortening of the distance to this goal." SOMETHING NEW IN PRESSURE COOKERS The world’s first pressurized blast furnace is now being built in Scotâ€" land. Working on the principle of the domestic pressure cooker, the new furnace speeds up steel output by from 15 to 20 per cent. At the same time experiments have solved the problem of the increasing moun- tains of slag. By a new cooling process the slag can be given the same surface picture as natural whinstone and used for building material and road material. A new plant to handle 3,000 tons of the material each week will be in operâ€" ation in Scotland within two months He: Pardon me, but you look like Helen Green. She: So what. I pink. Tenders Wanted No. 1 ten-inch cement blocks. 1,0011 blain and 500 surfaced. Blocks to he delivered by July 10th. 19121 to Las~ kay Institute Hall. Apply Neil Gray. Sec. Laskay Old look worse bl Boys' Association. Kin: R. R- 3- phone Ring 27 ring 1.“). ch'Is 7 , _.._~ E. T. STEPHENS Ltd. REALTORS Established over :15 years Sls‘ YONGE ST. MIDWAY 1733 Let us sell your property: We are equipped to handle farms. suburban and property. \\'e have a waitinrj‘ list of clients for all types tri- Real Estate. city 0000000000000000000000000000090000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000‘5‘00000 0000000000000 ii.\.\nii .tlii.'ll.l:ll. Ir‘tllt Mild/1R1 ‘ l littll‘jt' ‘.t‘Il"l\ I ‘ nr t'\\.ll} ungop lwr.‘ p r‘flr‘\*i" lurlilll'.llli‘l‘.. 'l‘ .c, it dr it i rrws'rllg' «iii; "vls ii :1 I.\ it: \' \Itlr for -r\'rtvr.s lit 1 L‘ t r: -l i otter: for {ac i 11: | .tg season, l-bri.r:...'; y. 1. rrrirr ‘..rlr \ld'l'i‘r’ :t' ir‘.\ -r>=' Ztllrl ‘, simplify 1’2t- 31! Ill r. «if c." tr: in: l 1;. other o: wt .s nocr corp diticrs low .:<rvlc I'oi tic d r r l men? of a rczrdiry litlt'lx. M..try «.lll'crirr‘ tip-s o1 -'-t'.‘c:~l are in in; brr’ Illt':t rind he must: .ctei .- ~trt‘. a an]. (on? tiny cart 11‘ ensriy honed to .r tic lric'Iti 1.4)]1 ‘t\ llt‘ll llt't’t‘\\lll_\. Ill 11' l:Il L‘cr' slit'lttls‘ \\lrlill :trc loo lir:r\y to :rrrr\ti by hand should rt' titted nztlr 11111< ners to facilitate moving wizrl horses or tractor. while the srrrrllcr slit-l- 1t'1'\ r‘Irlt bc littcd \itlr handles which will pcrinrt two men tc carry thcnt. Shelters may he nnrved a ~lrort dis- tance frequently to avoid bztle chcs and accumulation cf dropgi around the shelters. This is :t siruble practice and is of:en followed by users of the small \llt‘llt‘l'f. The larger shelters arr ol‘tcn plated in the desired position in the sprngr and are left there all summer. Thcy are moved a considerable distance to a new location the following spring. It is customary to place a slatted floor or heavy fox wire t':'dcr the roosts to prevent contact with the droppings in the shelter. The Its” of fox wire has the arhantage of en- couraging the birds tr. use the rcosts bccallse thcy dislike resting on wire. Roosting on the ridge of the roof can be discouraged by giv- ing sufficient pitch to the roof and by building the roof of hard, smooth material such as hard pressed water: proof fibre l‘oard. Jlllllllt‘tl. llirds which acquire good roosting habits give very little trouble in this res- pect when placed in the laying house. Three shelters common sizes of range It) by 13. 1| by It) and ti by 8 feet. and they will accommoâ€" date approximately 213:1. 150 and Hr 211"} pullets respectively. The largest shelter should definiter be titled with rtnners and it may be advisâ€" able to provide an entrance at each end. The intermediate size may be httilt. of light material. and if the base is built as a separate unit from the top. two men can carry the shel- ter a short distance. The smallest size has proved very satisfactory at the Dominion Experimental Station. Fredericton. N. 1’... Leonard Griesbach. Poultry Assistant. and it finds favour particularly with small and medium flock owners. It more easily moved than the larger shelters, the chickens SEIVS size is and can he caught more readily, with the aid of a wire catcher. from the door. Moreâ€" over, chickens seem to prefer roostâ€" ing in the smaller shelter. judging by ‘observation of the Experimental Farm flock. Plans for this shelter are available from the nearest Dom- inion Experimental Station. or from the Information Service. Dominion Department of Agriculture. Ottawa. Do you actually mean to tell me your son plays: the violin like Heifetz‘l Sure 4â€" under the chin. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003'09 bent your back and picked it t'p. How many or know that ~\'U'l in body. 111 the waist. the thighs legs? only. \on are exposing yourself the possibility of a hernia '.’ cor rec1ly. the , .v ll(i(IA'. strain cqt'.tllj.‘ ° 111 115 \:\ir :-l‘ll.\lf\. "1:; it lllk't' definite reasons "ty r.:.\r- strains and sprains. 1 ,rs‘, t t .rrrrployec docslt'l :ii\\‘:l,\~ .i‘n \ li-rw fr 1". propeny: second. i tic rs ooo» .o»opc!:it:ort: and third. s :m \ orrlo t‘\ like it pay to the '_‘.t.' s' 11". 'I .c ‘wlc'lillllg 1s taken front on ‘r'trr tr llt .\l.ty Ittfcr To industries . t» inc r."»crsh'1> of the Industrial .\.ri«.-r. l‘.c\t:.t;on .\‘\Uc‘l£llltill> "ctr-Um; to at: address by l‘:. l’. lllI‘.ir‘t' or .n: _'\llllr.l1l vbnwittiou of '.c .\--o. '.‘.io!'s. l'o.rlt he rut that their is an idea or \Iilllt' 'o sltlnrlvlsols in these ccirrrcrirs. Irrr' ztcri: g‘ot's on to quote Mr. Dutfcc as follows: “\\h:rt do we mean by that? How marry thnc~ l..t\c you men in the course of your chn'l’iciir'c as mech- anits \rorated the l'urulann-ntals of safe liftine \Vlun you wanted to pick sortctnrng oil the floor, you simply stood in an upright position, lifting you use the biggest lliilsclt-s of your and llcw' many of you know that in continuing to lift with your back to To lift all you have to do is sim- ply to bend the knee. go dowp and come up with the object. distributing throughout the iiiaiainiiiiiiiiiiii PIANO TUNING and Repairing S. Hoffman Formerly of Gerrard Heinlzman Work Guaranteed â€" Free Estimntci I‘hone Liberal Ofl‘ice, Tel. 51. Richmond Hill allllllllllilllllilr l . It’s none too early to order your fall supply of red trademarked Famous Reading Hard Coal. Thére will be a demand for this good coal. Play it safe. Get yours now. RICHMOND HILL thRKIhtM THURS. FRI.. SAT. â€" MAY 26. 27. 28 \i'arncr Bros. Technicolor Parade of Song-Filled, Joy-Packed Entertainment! DORIS DAY. JACK CARSON in “MY DREAM IS YOURS” In Technicolor MON.. ’I'UES.. WED. â€" MAY 30, .31, JUNE 1 THE RIOT’S 0N AT 'IIHE ROXY! unwiseilluminant prairie v. RAMS? with RITA JOHNSON ~ llATTlE IIICDAMEI. - Screenplay by DANE LUSSIER - Basedon m GIG] the navel tr, HomeICmy ' Drtecled by CLAUDE BINION ‘ Produced b‘y JOHN BfCK and l. WAYNE GRIFFIN COMING UP FAST! I “Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein” - “Ma and Pa Kettle” Mooooooooo90090099090999999oooooeooeoo'ooéooo$“o‘3be Monday to Friday Continuous from 7.30 p.m. Saturady Continuous from 7.00 p.m. ' I PERREAU xenuhon nl 'tucmmtur' 0000000000000000000000000000000000000‘ 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 oooonoo.ooooooooooooooeoomooooooooooeooeooohooog :1..r:41rv; 00000000000000000000000000 6'0000000000000>000000000000O000000000000000000000000000’ lilo AI'RORA AVENt'E RD. "i‘iARD 111. NORTH For Security, Progress and Good Government , VOTE FOR I JACK SMITH ' IN NORTH YORK r information contact Jack Smith Victory Ileadquanters \. YORK RICHMOND lllLL â€"râ€"- â€"-â€" â€" TELEPHONE NE‘A'MARILC'T As ~- u â€"- â€" â€" â€" TELEPHONE 1145 TELEPHONE 215W - OR’TII YORK â€"~ â€" â€"- TEL. RE. 4828 â€" â€"«--- TEL. ()R. 6147 000000000000000000000¢06000009006000¢00 00000000000000.00000000’00000’00000000000 9 or 255 G 0000000000000000000000000000000"00000000N0000000000000000000W0000000000000000

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