oooeouqiwwuowuonuuooo i -: i - i '0‘ 0 O 6 0 O O 0 O O O 0 O O O O O 0 O O 6 0 O O 0 0 Q G 6 0 Q 6 O» 0 O Q 0 (r 6 o o O O O Q 0 (9 o» E Cut Flowers Pot Plants Annuals Funeral Designs Corsages Wedding Bouquets Centre St. W.. Richmond Hill " Phone 490; Nights and Holidays ISI'O 'ooo‘oooooooooo30000600663906obooooooooooooooooooooo. ’I yW DILIVIIID «60600000000.066600900000000 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOâ€OOOOO P 06.000000000090000000060 * ' REFRIGERATION SERVICE REPAIRS "r'o ALI. MAKES. c‘OMMERcIAL. DOMESTIC Ais‘o ELEcrIuc RANGE mamas W'ORKMANsIIIr GUARANTEED 24 H our Service mam narrow 95 WRI'GI‘IT sr. .. BROKE .tz's‘w- RICHMOND I-nI.I. xWOW“OOOOâ€OOOOWOOOOOOOOO6 i, 9.05:9}5333333in.coooobu«.60603633663960060059000 The North American Life As-i suran‘ce Company is pleased to announce the appointment of Rob- 1‘ ert (Bob) McNern as repi'csentaâ€"‘ tire for the Company covering: Richmond Hill and the surroundingr territory. Mr. McNern has successfully y‘ completed the Company’s training . course and is well equipped to give '. sound advice on Insurance matters. ‘ Mr. McNern will move to Rich- mond Hill in the near future. NORTH AMERICAN LIFE i A MUTUAL COMPANY l. Richmond Hill . General. . Delivery I Jmâ€"W‘A.â€"s i.~s A V»‘ *.-'.ismv.a.‘_ .- heedmwomooubw'oho‘o‘oomwuommunuo PLEASE) WITH YOURSELF? wen NATURAILY: Pleased and proud, that’s you. Proud of the new shortie coat you’eye just acquired. Pleased be- caliselyou have chOseII a dress that looks and feels so right. And of course they're both Jay‘s gar- ‘i‘n'enl's. 'J'ays are featuringr light-weight pastel shorties designed for beauty. unsurpassed for quality and I value. ‘ =‘:‘And't’or cool wearing. Jay’s have. a grand selection of sun-kissed cotton. linen and silk jersey dresses to carry you through any occasion this summer. Tobe really pleased. drop in at Jay‘s and look ~ varound under no obligation. .«.-.- Charge and Budget Accounts Invited JAY’S Ladies" Wear n29 YON‘GE ST. 9 o o o o o o o o o t o o o o o t o o o o o i o o 9 o o g o o 9 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 9 “U. 0898 O o o o o o o o o 9 3 h At The Top Of The Town go0639o$6393Mo0390umwodomuowoooo u3090000900».oooouuommowoooyowbooooboon GOOD EQUIPMENT NEW OR USED , We have on hand NOW and ready for immediate delivery: NEW â€" 1 N0. ‘22 h‘lassey-Harris Standard Tractor i Two-row Corn Planter 1 Single-row Potato Planter 1 13-Disc Fertilizer Drill 2 No. 33 Oil Bath Mowers :3. Power Take-off Mowers 2 Fertilizer Sowers Seutt‘lers. Harrows. and Spring- Tooth IIarrows Milk Coolers â€" Cabinet Style or a Unit for your own Yat Water Systems Milkers USED TRACTORS â€" on rubber or on steel. These trac- tors are reconditioned and are priced to sell. Orders taken for DION 'I‘HRESHERS and ENSIIAGE CUTTERS If there is any other equipment you need now or in the near future. drop in to see us in our new store and we will endeavour to secure it for you. HAROLD W. MORTSON , YOUR LOCAL MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 9.“; OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO“m000 “00000000600660â€. WW 9 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOO0.0600.00000000000000000000000000000 z«one...omuooooooooomowpoooooow Social and Personal Camp Ashunyoong To James Robb of Maple Evans and visitors in Mi 5. Norman w cck-cnd Mr. and family were K itchencr. and Mrs. Mr. toy IIcrrington. Chiiiih St. are spending a week or ten days in White Plains and New York City. Dr. I". E. Warrincr of Winnipeg. Man.. visited in the home of his sis- tcl‘. Mrs. J. (l. Tottcn. Elizabth 51.. last wcck. Mr. and Mrs. I“. Hoovcr have ar- rivcd home after spending: a month's vacation \isiiiliuj in Vancouver. \'ic- tiria and Seattle. " ‘â€" 1 Mrs. J. Wray. Detroit. Mich.. is spending two weeks at the home of Mrs. W. R. Reilly and Miss M. E. Harrison. Richmond St. The W.M.S. of the Prosbytcrian‘ Church will meet at the home of Mrs. (ico. Moorley. Yonge St.. on Thurs- day. June 3nd at 2’. p.m. Miss IIclcn Iansom. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Iansom. graduates today ('l‘hursday) al'tcr complctinu hcr nurses trainingr in Toronto (len- cral IIOspital. Mr. and Mrs. Iaymond Iryer of Toronto have moved into the Petro place at the corner of Yonge Street‘ and Brookside Road. Elgin Mills. which they have purchased. The Eveningr Auxiliary of the Pros- byterian Church will meet the home of Mrs. Robert II()s<. h'larknam “t .u Road. Thursday. June 2, a‘: S p.m.i Mrs. L. \V. Zucfclt will be the speaker. Mrs. P. C. Hill entertained at a Centennial luncheon in honour of' the lady judges. the president of the Women's Institute. and the wives of the president .viceâ€"presidents and past presidents of the Richmond Hill Aer icultural Society. The June meetingP of the afternoon auxiliary 9f the W.M.S. of the Unâ€" ited Church will be held Thursday, June 2nd._ at 2‘) p.m. in the Sunday School room. At the close of the meeting: the bale will be packed. This will be the last meeting)‘ before the summer vacation. Rev. Tuy Kiat Chin. ot' the Churth of Christ in China. is to be the speaker at. the annual meetin of Section IV. Toronto Presbyterial. to be held in Westminster Presbyter- ian Church. Willowdale. on Tuesday. May 31st. 1949. at 1.15 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all interested to attend this meeting: and hear Rev. Chiu. The regular meeting; of the Even- ing; group of the “’oman's Assoc-l iation of the United Church, will be. held at the home of Mrs. Allan Bales. Mill Street. Monday, May 30th. A special invitation is extended to all ladies of the congregation to see and hear Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Mrs. J. Dedlow. Mrs. T. B. Lamb and Mrs. C. H. Sanderson give a floral deni- onstration. Don't forget your used‘ clothing for the overseas boxes. Cars will leave the church at 7.40. BIRTHS BLANCHARD â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Murray Blanchard, Richmond Hill, a son. on Tuesday. May 2-1th, at Mrs. Heeley's Nursing: Home. Elâ€" g‘in Mills, a brother for Robby. t CARTER â€"â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Sow- ald F. Carter (lice Rctte Eckerâ€" sly) a daughter on Sunday, May 15th, at St. Mary’s Hospital. Tim- mins. Ontario. Mr. LANGLEY and Mrs. Ire}: Langley. Gormley. wish to an- nounce the birth of a son on Wedâ€" nesday. May 18th. at Mrs. Ileeley's Nursing: Home, Elg‘in Mills. A brother for Josephine. PARK â€"â€" At the Private Patients Pavilion. Toronto General IIOspital on Saturday. May 21st. to Dr. and Mrs. Norman S. Park a son. a bro- ther for Elizabeth. IN MEMORIAM HESP â€" In loving: inemorv of our dear mother. Ida Hesp. who passâ€" ed away May 30th. 1946. and our dear father. Charles Ilcsp. who passed away October 30. 1923. As angels keep their watch up there. Please God. just let them know" That wc down here do not forget. We love and miss them so. â€"Ever ily. the fam- c1w48 remembered by ST. MARY’S ANGLTCAN CHURCH Rev. W. F. Wrixon. I..Th.. R.D. Rector Sunday. May 291h. After Ascension S am. Holy Connnunioi 10 a.m.--Sunday Schooi. ll a.m. Morning- Prayer. 4 p.m. â€" IIoly Baptism. Bright Services with Helpful )It’><lttl‘(‘<. All are invited. I’NITED CHURCH Rev. C. Ii. Brethen. B. A. Minister Sunday. May 29. 1919 to a.m. # Primary. Intermediate Sunday School and Adult Iiiblc Class. 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship. 7 p.m. A Evening Worship. All are welcome. Special music at the mor‘. in;r scr- vice. due: by Mrs. Ayers and Miss IYt‘SU )ILTFIK‘I>. PRESRYTERIAN CIII'RCII RN‘. S. “I IIirlIe. II..\.. Minister Sunday. Ma) 2911b. 1919 I†am. S:I’b.:th School. 11 aan. - I‘rz‘r'jc Worship. “Remember the Sabizith I‘m. IvUL‘I‘ it Ilt‘il_\'.n FRIENDS MEETING FOR WORSHIP IO I‘it'th Month t.\lti_\\ 29th. 1919 11 a.m. We 1‘1 “ PricWis' Meeting ‘ ‘vnci S" ' liveijmizc Jaskc‘. lunca :i‘ [tout 3 sure Commence June 29th ("amp .-\hshunyooug' on Lake Sin:- coc will open this year on June genial Icports Rev. Douglas Davis o1 Stouï¬'villc and. as usual, 21 number ,of boys and girls from Richmond Ilill will attend. It will run for ten days. The camp this year is bcinu‘ orâ€" ganized with the special needs of boys from eight to twelve years of ace in mind. A special staï¬â€˜ of eight counsellors has been chosen from senior students of Malvern Col. legititc under Donald Moyer. science master. This group has been workâ€" ing" in co-opcration with the Ontario Camping Association in preparing" the programme. l Revs. II. Howey. R. ('hapin. D. Davis and Messrs. Douglas Hutch- bcrs of the camp statT this year. Each cabin will have a resident counsellor to ensure happy associa- tions and proper rest periods. Adâ€" equate trained leadership will en- individual instruction in swim- ming. camp crafts. athletics and re- lated activities. The swimming- in- structor is certiï¬ed by the Canadian led Cross Society and holds the Bronze Medallion for life-saving. All counsellors are qualiï¬ed to teach swimming and two are experienced life-guards. I The camp fee remains the some as last year. The record of the camp for seventeen years is one of a Ili'z'll standard of leadership. eXcellent meals and careful protection of those ings and Cecil Davis are also men». attending. Early registration is de- sirable. Further information may be had from Rev. D. Davis of Stouf’t'ville. More Ancient Coins OWned By Maple M‘an Mention in recent issues of The Liberal of old coins found in the district has brought to light other old money in the possession of local res- idents. A collection of ancient tokens in the possession of Roy 'Baker, R. R. 2. Maple. has recently been shown to this paper. Among them is a Brit- ish coin issued in 1770, during" the reign of George III. Mr. J. A. Bales of Richmond Hill has also shown The Liberal coins which he has found in his garden at various times. Among them is a Iank of Upper Canada halfpennv token dated 1857. Another dated 1844. is a halfpenny token issued by the Bank of Montreal. and still an- other is a Bank of Upper Canada penny dated 1857. Oldest of the lot is a halfpenny token dated 1814 which has been so badly burned at some time or other that the issuer can not be deterâ€" mined. Plan Musical Event For Sunday, May 29 Music lovers of Richmond Hill and vicinity are extended an invitation to a musical evening- which will be staged by the Viillowdale branch of the Royal Conservatory of Music and will be held at the Willow Thea-i tre. Willowdale. atr.8.45 p.m. Sun- day. May 29th. part are all senior pupils of teachersI I from the main building and include; gil‘ A vocalists. pianists and Violinists. silver collection will be taken up. The evening- is being- sponsored by the North York Community Centre in co-Operation with Mr. Melecci. orâ€" g'anist and choir-master of Richmond Hill United Church. Royal Ball Dress Appears At Fair Reminiscent of days long- gone by and of stately social events of yes- teryear was the dress worn at the Centennial Fair on May 24th by Mrs. William Sayers of Richmond Hill. Property of Mrs. Austin Tuck. the ornate creation was originally made for Mrs. Saks of the famous Fifth Avenue. New York firm, to be worn at a ball in honour of the late King: Edward VII when. as Prince of Wales he visited New York. Women‘s Institute The annual meeting Of the Wo- mcn’s Institutes for the District of East York will be held in Markham on Tuesday, May 3lst. The speaker will be Miss Margaret Aitken. sions commencing.‘- at 10.30 am. The picnic for the Richmond Hill Women's Institute is to be held on Tuesday. June 28th, to Midhurst Park. Will those who are intending to go, please hand their transporta- tion money in to Mrs. Sayers, Mrs. Svanefelt or Miss Stong by June 1st. SCS- This is necessary in order to coni- plete arrangements. ' DDI I -WE NG TYNDALL-FERRIS On Saturday. May ‘21. 1949, in the Rogers Memorial I’resbyterian' Church. Toronto. by the Rev. James M. Milroy, Florence Leoita, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rates to Stewart John Tyndall. son of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Tyndall, Iichniond llill. CDEATHS LAWSON Hanna Jane Forsylhc Lawson, at her home. Kin;r City. beloved wife of John S. Lawson. and dear mother of Mrs. Irving 1.. Scott (Mary). Toronto. Filticlill services will be held in Kin;r I'n- itcd Church. Friday. May 27th. at 2.30 p.m. Intci'niciit Kin:- (‘cmiu tciy. }.lti11'1‘_<ti\' -7 At New ‘ii:.1‘72“.. Sat» utday. May II. It’li'. Russell. ’1‘ beloved husband of Ra- Irlaker of IIIt‘Il‘iZ'Jlit. IIE‘l. Morison. chcl Jane ‘ scventy-sixth 'l‘ttlu‘ LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. 'l‘hursday. May 26. 194:) . TENDERS TENDERS for the painting: of the Attends 76th Fair OOOOONOONOOWOGOOQOOOOO KING CITY MOTORS What is surely an all-time record I< that established by James Robb inï¬rm]. .md (“Hump “1‘ t} x'. _ . , - ' i . i. A re lvuhmond . . , , tathcr in law oi Les Baker. water- H,“ pump. gummy “411 i... “waved Agents f0] ChOT (“Bâ€), works superintendent ot thc \illage‘up M Ma}. 2711,. pm. “mmâ€. mm“ of Richmond Ilill. May 24th market consecutch to .Ias. (Traino‘cr. sec. Public School IIoard. any tcndcr not ticccv Milkers 'mation apply Richmond Ilill The lowest or .‘Il‘. Rnlili's attendance at the .~\L:'ricultnral Society's can: Smâ€). m.cepted, c‘.’\\'»lT â€"\Ili(‘t.\'-tbl'00 your old Mil Wk“ General Farm Implements has lived in King- and Vaughan " 'l‘ownships all his life and has farm- cd OII the Sixth Concession of Van-l ghan near Maple for the last twenty-' seven years. Washing: Machines. Refrigerators â€"â€" Domestic. For Refreshment Booth Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until June RICHVALE ~ list. I949. for the rental of the On Tuesday evening. May Illst, at 1“}1-“pshn‘vnt [moth in tho Rich- Deep-freeze. Walk-ins 8:- I Counter For Information S o‘clock. a meeting: will be held at - .. . - . .' . Richvale School. Spruce Ave. The mom] . “in Aunv‘l , to! "in PHONF |"“,' ]{]N(‘ t subject will be “(an Guiding" and "1011th June to I\o\t‘mbor m- A 1 - I an excellent tilm has been obtained ('llts‘th‘. to illustrate the activities of (Iirl I V '7 i “ V ‘ \ I“ ) (luides and Brownies. The Division ‘0“(‘51 m 11â€} (W (1 HOT 110(- Commissioner. Mrs. D. Gunn. \villtOS-SHI'IIY ilCt‘l‘Dii‘d. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .' u' v s'a give an address. andahe chairman ,, ,- , -. , ' “ ol' the School Board, Mr. .1. Taylor. Tf‘ml‘“ “l†1‘“ .“‘"f“““l 1’5 mvn) hit-LEAN sEI.I.s “in are.) Speak Cecil (7. Mablcy. Chairman ol’ RF“ 1N... “T .(Iirls from the ages of eight to Arena Commission. . U I A. I ‘ sixteen are invited to attend the ‘ ' ""' " 1' i i i †meeting and register to become members in September. Mothers and fathers are urde to come and weshall be glad to meet any future Guiders at the same time. 0O00.00.0.00900OOOOOOâ€OOOOOOOOOOQOQVOOOOOQOQNOOOOO Royal Theatre AURORA MONDAY TO FRIDAY SAT Q HOLIDAYS Box Office Opens 6.45 Box Office Opens 5.45 Free Parking Saturday Matinee 1.45 CARRVILLE The Carrville Home and School Association will hold a Basket Pic- nic on Saturday afternoon, June 25, at 2.30 p.m. in the Carrville Public School grounds. There will be races, contests and prizes for children and adults. Admission will be 50c for (adults and school children of the LAST DAY. MAY 26TH istrict will be admitted tree. ’ica ‘ v w m s . w... be p,.0..,ded_ Emyone is my DANA ANDREws. JEAN PEIERs. CESAR ROMERO. DEAN S'I‘OCKWELI. Starring- in â€" “DEEP WATERS†Showing at 7.535. 9.00. Last complete show 9.00 dially invited. Tickets are availab-I from any of the school children and members of the executive of this Or» ganization. EXI’RESSES THANKS The Richmond Hill Women‘s IIIâ€" stitute wishes to thank the following for their kindness in making their float in the May 2-1th parade such a success. Jim Stephenson and driver for float; Sheppard and Gill for lum- 2S FRIDAY. SATURDAY â€" MAY _ “LINDA BE GOOD" ELYsE KNOX. MARIE WILsON. .ionN HUBBARD "7. u bler;1\H.f.J. Mills, i-oses;.A. Cruick- â€" Plus â€"_ smn’. re) cartzg' ; B"ll‘ g' ~ T- u ‘ †Service forL free tlaifi; hidi'ligy'eBey'nifd ' ' ' ' for sign and Tom Taylor for artitic- STARRING DONALD \VOOUS t ial grass. clw-tr‘ SUPERMAN NO. 13 If you are walking on the street keep your mind there too, not some- where else. People who step oï¬' the curb without thinking or looking all ways soon become mere statistics In the accident total. Don't take needâ€" less chances. Cross the street carc- t'ully and only at places where, mo- torists may expect you. at intersec- tions, away from parked cars. It's just a few steps to the end of the block; crossing: in nIidâ€"block is not safe practice. MONDAY. TUESDAY â€"- MAY 30. 31 ALAN LADD. DONNA REED. GEORGE MACREADY “BEYOND GLORY†WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY -â€"â€"- JUNE 1. 22 “STREET WITH NO NAME†MARK STEVENs. LLOYD NOLAN NOOOOOONOOMOOOOOOO“Qâ€â€0â€O¢OWOOO¢ONOO§OOM i i i i 3 i t t E t t i i z z : z z i 9 z z 9 § i x O z z § § 0 z z z 0 : § : i t The artists taking. 11 01. till. TOMATO CATSUP 53c Kraft Dinner lIBBY’S EVAPORA'I'ED MILK CASH l‘i COUPON HERE You get one tin of Libby's Evaporated Milk for 115 when you buy two tins at the regular price _and present, at this store, the Libby coupon being published in your new:- puper. Coupon void after June ch.‘ TOP OF THE MORNING Coffee FRENCII'S INSTANT POTATO Pkg. 29c l'kc. 15c CHATEAI' lb. Cheese ‘2 ll), Pkg. 28C 8 oz. WIZARD Glass Wax . . tin†SOCIETY - 350 Dog FoodZ JUICE NO. 1 TENDER Radishes . 2 """“""“ 156 49c Onions . . 2 29c New Carrots . 7c 25c TOMATOES DEVON Peas . 20 07.. This 290 49c 20 oz. 'I'ins 27c 39c 114 oz. 't‘in ORANGE & “R’ PHILLIPS (1R.\PEI"RT'I'I‘ FI‘LI. OF .II'IC‘E Florida Oranges Size 210 D07. FIRM R l Pl“. in his tiTth Year. dear failicr oft . (Vet. ll Of One \. ‘oita and ii; ' .. of : III: aid . . tr. of III t. 9.19;. .- filllt‘liil was held Monday, with 2‘. {Minot}. ill \‘ I'i' 'Iilt .Sti .:i'r- It‘l‘h. ensville and Air. ".11 . 35