We Reach thenBuyers Ernest Ridout Real Estate Ltd. Niels AE. Andersen S4 Yongc St. Richmond Hill 9o“(At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynett G. C. “DON†CHALK ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS 3 93 Yonge Street Immediatly North of AMasonic Hall Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto .Oï¬'iceâ€"IS Toronto Street ‘ ’Phon‘e Adelaide 5877 Stuart P. Parker Barrister. Soli Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. Alex M. MacNaughton - McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street, Toronto, Ontario 100 Main St. Phone 126 VIBai-rister, Solicitor, Notary Public 4776 Yongc Street, Lansing, Ontario 1" Zone 8-337 “ALEXANDER MaCGREGOR, K.C. h ALBERT J. WILSON, M.A. ' BARRISTERS ‘5' 614 Confederation Life Building ELgin 5029 Toronto Richmond Hill, Telephone 715 THORN} Branch Offices at. IILL AND UNIONVILLE Toronto Ofl’ice REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate Successor to B. B. Jordan Office Hours â€" Daily 10 to 5 pm, Evenings â€" Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays, 8 to 10 And by Appointment 40 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Phone Richmond Hill 229 BARRISTER, SOLI-CITOR NOTARY PUBLIC MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED Jos. Rabinowitch, B.A. DENTIST HINGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL uAs EXTRACTION†â€" X-RAY Phone Woodbridge 172 Toronto Head Office Commercial and Domestic All Makes Dr. P. R. M acFarlane DENTIST _ A Closed \N’gdgqsdgy all iday gig-.1301? All Occasions Pfiï¬neï¬oi‘ders delivered any wllï¬re. in North Yonge St. " District YONGE STREET BARRISTER SOLICITOVR, NOTARY PUBLIC M acGregor & Wilson King P.0- l’hono 26r5 King Dealer in Gilson Products Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries LANG. Walter S. Jenkins REAL ESTATE Wright & Taylor MacNaughton & M acN aughton THURSDAY‘ AFTERNOON 50 King St. W., Toronto Waverley 2931 Matheugs, Stiver, Lyons & Vale Dr. W. J. Mason FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE A N. L. MATHEWS. K.C. K. M. R. STIVER, B.A B. E. Lyons B. A. JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKET OFFICES Barristers, Solicitors. etc. Wm. Cook, K. C. Ralph B. Glbson, K.C. J. A, Gibson Phone 455W Cook & Gibson T. C. Newman Richm'onid_ Hill Every, . Nofa'rE‘y Public" Riéhmond Hill 398.1 36 Centre St. W. M 1‘ DENTAL MICHENER,‘ DAY & CRA-NSTON ' rmcess LEGAL Bennett 912 Federal Bldg $5 6 Botsford St. Phone 120 45'5J 1172' Solicitor Leave Maple 8.10 3.111. Leave Richmond Hill 9.10 8.111. Leave Maple 3.00 p.111. Leave Richmond Hi1 4.30 pm. Special Saturday Night Service Leaves Maple 7.00 p.m. Leaves Richmond Hill 10.30 p.111. Coaches for all Occasions Telephone King 56 mmmwmmo "A REALTOR RICHMOND HILL Farms, Suburban Properties, Acreage, Building Lots, etc. Phone Richmond Hill Office 411 Residence Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants, Slaughter Houses Pumped Out and Repaired Out of town day or night_ emergency service Phone Willowdale Zone 8288 Thornhill 197r5 Maple 721'23 Daily" Service Maple to Richmond Hill Veterinary Surgeon Phone 82 Maple, Ont. Ken & Clarke Prentice A L'( 'I‘IONEERS Licensed and Authorized for the Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, Household Furniture, Real Estate, Sales 21 specialty. At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price.of one. Milliken P.O.. phone Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.0., phone Markham 206 No sale too big or too small Centre St. W. Office phone 360W 26 Years Experience York Coynty, Uxbridge and Picker- ing Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales a Specialty ’Telephone Stouï¬ville 7312 Address: Gormley" P.O. “HOMEWOOD HALL†Thornhill, Ont. th PIANO, ORGAN and THEORY For information phone Mrs. Mylks 108 Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 58J From the Music will Centre St. E. Richmond Hill Hours: 9-11 a.m.; 2-4 p.m.; 6-8 pm. Holidays and Sundays: Emergencies and appointments only Telephone 24 Richmond Hill Aldridge SANITARY CONTRACTORS Dr. Geo. A. Thompson OFFICE HOURS: 9-lla.m.; 1-31).m.; 6-8 p.m. Sundays and Holidays by appointment only. 1222 Yonge 78311991; MAPLE Dr. A. J. MacKinnon Phone Richmond Hill 102r13 Miss Alice Mecredy Miss Sylvia Mecredy Elocution, Public Speaking, Platform Deportment, Dramatic Art Dr. Jas. R. Langstaff Mem. R.A.I.C. Highland Lane, Richmond Hill Telephone Richmond' Hill 34‘2J Dr. J. T. Sheppard 9â€"10 REAL ESTATE Marguerite Boyle VETERINARY SURGEON J. Albert Hewitt ARCHITECT AUCTIONEERS Dr. R. A. Bigford VETERINARY R. H. KANE Adelmo M elecci L. H. Clement SALESMAN FOR Dr. J. P. Wilson Dr. W. D. Howe A. S. Farmer Langdon’s Coach Lines and by appointment MUSICAL PIANO MEDICAL Toronto Conservatory _of accept_a number of pupils m Street Richmond Hill Telephone 100 Oï¬â€˜ice Hours .. 12â€"2 & â€"ANDâ€" Richmond Hill Res. 360J Phone 89w Phone 3 ooomoooo¢ooono¢ooon¢oo House, farm and all electrical alterations, also all makes of washing machines serviced. Yerex Electric Phone 242 Richmond Hill ommwowmowmmu 2 E E. INSURANCE 6 Adelaide St. W., Toronto AD. 0311 16 Centre St. West Phone 55 Richmond Hill oooooooooooooooooooooooo GOOWW Jack, Walkmgton GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 21 Specialty King City Telephone 28 CO““O¢OOOOOOOâ€OOOOOOO“ 0.0â€â€ONOOOOOOOOOOOONO: J. Roy Herrington 9 NOTARY PUBLIC g CONVEYANCER 2 GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) 1 Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 or King 8414 Inn-IIIHIIIIHIH With the increase of ï¬re hazards. property owners should review their insurance policies, and due to the increased cost of materials'would be well advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also car owners who think it will never happen to them are caught some time or other with- out protection. The cost is a minor amount to what it will cost if an ac- cident happens. Richmond Hill E. BARTLETT 431r14 OAK RIDGES, ONT. Plumbing & Heating Contractor Agent for DELCO PUMPS AND ARCOFLAME OIL BURNER Cement Septic Tanks We»solve your deep and shallow well pressure system trOubles. Farms, Suburban Properties. etc GENERAL BUILDER and CARPENTER Residential and Farm Buildings Barn & Stable Equipment Sold and Installed 'OOOâ€â€OOOO OWOOONOOO Roy V. Rick 4 Andrew E. Snider JAMES J. WALL Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. Prompt Personal Attention BOX 100 MAPLE Phone 100 E. J . HINSON Interior & Exterior Decorator Elm Grove Oak Ridges Fire, Automobile, etc. Telephone 411 Richmond Hill Life, Fire. Automobile & Casualty ELECTRICAL WIRING Phones King 65r Aurora 4GJ General Insurance A. F. Savage INSURANCE AGENT nd Hill Telephone 118 R. H. Kane REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Consult Richmond Hill 74 Richmond St. Phone 463 Richmond Hill . Auror 84132 ‘X‘ III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III-IIIIIIIIIl-IIII On your Lumber Needs Buy Direct from the Mill ROUGH & DRESSED HARDWOOD & SOFTWOOD LUMBER FIREWOOD, POSTS, I’OLES Then there is'the question of pub- licizing the village and its advan- tages â€" a very necessary step in the development of a community which faces the problem of building itself up. I’m going to go out of my way to emphasize that I am, in no sense of the word, critical of present conditions. Frankly, I like the Hill the way it is. I like its charm, its gracious living, the friend- liness of its people. I haven’t the slightest intention or desire to be- little the efforts of those who have lived here many years and who have made the community the place it is today. I But, being somewhat of a realist, I’m not side-stepping the fact that to the outside world this comm‘unity isn’t known for what it is and for the advantages it has. Take our biggest industry â€"â€" rose growing. that out of the tens of thousands of people who poured through Yonge Street last week-end, not two per 1 Platform Spring Wagon 1 Manure Wagon 1 Wagon and Rack 1 Covered Buggy, Trench 1 3 H.P. Gasoline Engine i1 Scale, new, 2000 lbs. capacity ‘1 Blacksmith Forge l1 Cream Separator and Churn 1 Buzz Saw 1 Fanning Mill Some Bee Hives 1 CasewOil Bath Mower, near new 1 Turnpike Shovel '1 Set Lever Harrows 3 Furrow Tractor Plow 1 No. 21 Fleury Plow 1 Scuï¬â€™ler 1 Turnip Drill 400 Paving Bricks 1 Set Sleighs, good 1 Wire Fence Stretcher Post Hole Digger Extension Ladder, 28 ft. 6 Tons Hay Quantity Lumber . _ I I1 Grey Percheron, 7 years I’d be Willing to make a sxzable bet; 1 Bay Horse, aged 6 Pigs, 2 months lSet Harness, double -Number of Collars cent knew that they were passinngorse Blankets and Robe through the largest rose-growing centre in the Dominion â€" that is, a centre devoted, exclusively to the growing of roses. Surely such know- ledge transmitted to the world at large would provide an inducement to the type of citizen who would be happy to make his home in such a place â€" to the business man who is looking for the right type of lo- cation for a specialized industry. that ï¬eld. it seems to me, an effic- In‘ Furniture 1 Antique Wall clock, about 150 yrs. old, with wooden works 1 Kitchen Clock Large Walnut Sideboard Walnut Settee Hall Rack Solid Light Oak Dining Table Chest of Drawers Oak Finish Dresser and Washstand Golden Oak Bedroom Suite Single and Double Beds Tables and Stands ient Chamber of Commerce could do Wash Stands 21 worth-while job. Toilet Set Wooden Chests 2nd Concession Whitchurch 15"; miles north of Lake Wilcox Will the community develop as an industrial area, or will it continue as a pleasant residential district â€" an [island of quiet living around which the tide of “big business" flows, to settle elsewhere? If the latter â€" then th re is little use for a Chamber of C nnnerce. But if, whether we like it or not, the obvious trend of business and factories to the north of Toronto continues at its present pace, then the sooner something is done along organizational lines the better. Uniquestionably before very long the village will have to face up squarely to such problems as the in- stallation of a sewage system. When that time comes is the cost to be borne by a comparative few or will, by present careful development, there be sufficient businesses to help distribute the heavy expense on a reasonable basis? In other words, can an efficient Chamber of Commerce by acting now to secure part in sound development. Very much depends: of course, up- on the character of the Chamber it- self â€" that is, if such an organiza- tion came into being. An active and alert body, intelligently led, could undoubtedly do much to promote lo- cal trade, deal with problems which affect local industry and businesses, publicize the community favourably, search for new and suitable busin- esses looking for locations. On the other hand an unambitionus organization, practically existing only on paper, without any real punch to it, would just be another of those “clutter-up†organizations which business men are expected to support, and which bring them no real beneï¬t. It would be idle to deny that a not inconsiderable num- ber of Boards of Trade and Chamâ€" bers of Commerce in smaller cen- tres fall into that category. Such a body is not worth the time, money and effort wasted on its organization. Is Industry Coming Here? An examination of the whole sit- uation naturally leads to the ques- tion of the future development of Richmond Hill. Is 21 Chamber of Commerce for Richmond Hill necessary? Just to prevent misunderstanding let me emphasize that the forego- ing is a question -â€" not; an assertion. it is a question which, in view of the rapid development of this area â€" development which is only'in its infancy -â€"- demands consideration by business men and taxpayers. A well-known citizen said to me recently â€" “I’m not sure that the change which is coming to this dis- trict is altogether desirable. It’s always been a nice district to live in. As the city comes closer to us it will bring many problems and change our way of living consider- ably â€"â€" perhaps in many ways that we don’t like. Nevertheless whether we like it or not the change is com- intr and we have to gear ourselves to. The Other Side | There is, of course, a reverse side to the picture. A Chamber of Com- merce exists to do a selling job â€" to sell the story of its community to the outside world. I mentioned sewers just now and naturally the question arises as to whether even the most efficient organization could |interest the worth-while type of bus- iness required until such facilities exist. ’l‘ransportation, housing, an adequate supply of the right type of help, these are the points which “new business" considers ï¬rst. What can a Chamber of Commerce do about them under present conditions. On the other hand there is one decided advantage in the formation of a Chamber of Commerce. It pro- vides a “meeting point" through which business» men of the locality Again I ask whether, in view of that inexorably onrushing change, a Chamber of Commerce can serve any. useful purpose in our comâ€" munity? Owned and operated by FRED TAYLOR SAVE MONEY Taylor’s Sawmill DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE From The Hilltop A COLUMN OF VIEWS AND OBSERVATIONS (By F. J. Picking) Modern Kitchen Installations Phone 443 Pickâ€"up & Delivery $1.00 Extra WWO Stretcher and Mattress Child’s Crib, Cradle Four Poster Rope Bed Feather Beds Wood Stove Kitchen Cupboards Finfilay co_al_ and wood Range, splen~ did 'condition “" ‘ Baskets, woven, Sausage Machines Brass Apple Sauce 'Kettle and Strainer Terms cash. Sale at: 71 pm. D.S.T, WWâ€... There are many points, for and against, which could be developed in an examination of my opening question â€" “Is a Chamber of Com- merce for Richmond Hill necessary?†It is a question which in the present stage of our civic development, is deï¬nitely worth the study of our business men and citizens. It would be particularly interesting to have other opinions and angles. How about letting me know what YOU think? 6 It. McCormick-Deering Binder 5 ft. McCormick Deering Mower 10 ft. Hay Rake Hay Tedder StiIf Tooth Cultivator Spring Tooth Cultivator Land Roller 1 Disc Inthrow 1 Grain Drill Set Diamond Harrows Platform Spring Wagon Manure Wagon Wagon and Rack Covered Buggy, Trench 3 H.P. Gasollne Engine Scale, new, 2000 lbs. capacity Blacksmith Forge Cream Separator and Churn Buzz Saw 1 Fanning Mill Some Bee Hives 1 CaseiOil Bath Mower, near new 1 Turnpike Shovel 1 Set Lever Harrows 3 Furrow Tractor Flow 1 No. 21 Fleury Plow 1 Scufl’ler 1 Turnip Drill râ€"Hâ€"‘Iâ€"Il-‘r-Hâ€"‘Hiâ€"H-JIâ€"l A Chamber could certainly serve a useful purpose, even under pres- ent conditions, as a good-will am- bassador. Small but good industries are gradually creeping into the area. One which is now readying itself â€" a completely new type of business for the Hill is reported as prepared to employ twenty-ï¬ve girls when preliminary work is completed and machinery brought in. other bus- inesses, each bringing a quota of employment and consequently busin- ess to other merchants, are making plans. A welcome, at least, to them from their brother business men isn’t going to do any harm. For Or Against? OF FARM STOCK, IMI’LEMEN'I‘S, HORSES, PIGS, ANTIQUE HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE DISHES, COOKING UTENSILS LOT 12, CON. 2, MARKHAM TWP. Un Bayview Ave. one-half mile north of No. 7 Highway SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1949 0n the other hand there is one decided advantage in the formation of 3. Chamber of Commerce. It pro- vides a “meeting point†through which business men of the locality can get together and discuss and act on problems affecting their wel- fare and that of their community. In no sense of the word can it or need it take the place of exxsting' organ~ izations. But, as a clearing house, it can and should supplement their efforts. R. S. W. HUNTER King City, Ont. BRICKLAYING CONTRACTOR Chimneys built and repaired PHONE KING 73M Heavy Duty FLOOR POLISHER AUCTION SALE A. S. FARMER, Auct The property of ED QU AN TZ FOR RENT 30, a reverse side Lnamber of Com- a selling job â€" its community to $2.00 per day I mentiéned naturally the whether cvcn ; 6.000060000000000“ GOOOOQOOOOOONONOOOOOOOOOWNQ GWOâ€OOOâ€OOOOOOOOOOMONOOOOOOOOOOOO0090000000: on not having a" your equipment in good running order when you need it. Our well equipped service department is thorough and efficient using only Genuine IH Parts that Fit and wear like the originals. PIan to have us do your machine repairs and service now TOWING LUBRICATION Slow Battery Charging and Rentals GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES Telephone Thornhill 161‘2 PHONE 21W Perkins Farm 81 Hame Equipment We sell Bolens and Waterloo Garden Tractors Goodyear and Firestone Tires C.I.L. Paints and Chemicals Now is the time to paint up. We have a good sto’tk of all colors. Ask for free demonsrration on your own soil! M-E Rotary Tiflage cuts and mixes vegetation evenly throughout tilled depth...aerates soil...leaves it humus...boosts crop yields and proï¬ts for you. 4-cycle engines exclusively on garden models, patented tine unit with no tine breakage on both garden and tractor power take’oï¬ models. LANGSTAFF SERVECE STATION The Recognized leader in Rotary Tillage FREE On Your Own Soil PROVIDE MORE AND BETTER TELEPHONE SERVICE Ll‘omm', w1-1 IlAVl-Z Lwiie us many employees :15 ï¬ve years ago because more people want more serviLc than ever before. Luger, capable. courteousâ€"our operators, im'tul- lers, the girls in our business ollic‘cs‘enll‘bring m ’t'l‘i'oii" jobs thé shin-1e friendly spirit that lmcn‘us Better telephone S‘en‘icc’ [or ybu, nmkes it of gl‘CulCl‘l‘l/llltuiithilli “Ipsl other things ycï¬ buy. Zdboo In'thc pa‘st [ii‘c' years, our In) N) “has gone up ll‘om 207mlllirm to mcr 50 million dollars. Ya, up ‘lU now, LlChpitb higher costs on all sides, there has been no imrcdsc in the basic [clcpllunc rules established 22 years ago. To-duy‘s expansion program ‘is breaking all rccqrdsi, but tllCl'C are still orders “c hchth [mi-n ublc to fill. \\'c will kccp'right on working and buildng to make your telephone service a bigger burgnin lliaui everâ€"~11) cou- tinuc to provide more and better bCl‘ViLC at the lowest )Ossiblc cant. I m Sickle bar, seeder, hiller, furrower, bulldozer, sprayer avail- able for garden models. ’ McMULLEN MOTORS 72 or. w HI' I Licensed Mechanics Demonstration Model Flt-36 Model 6-16 36†Swath 16†Swa'h Model G~26 cuts 74M Richmond Hi1I RICHMOND HILL 26" swath . ._. 7V: or 10 HP