Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 May 1949, p. 7

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“OONOOWWOWOOOOOOOOOOOOVo06 e i i RICHMOND HILL. ONT. NO Down Payment YOUR OLD WASHER ACCEPTED IN TRADE (:ENEROIIS ALLOWANCE DEPENDINO ON CONDITION ONNOR Therm-0 Washer iii Aim SUPPLY LTD. at a Lower Price 6‘6000603 60600000' 0 OMWMWNMW06”.”OOMOOMOOONOO TEL. 86 f I King City District News ‘ McLean 23th Wedding Anniversary At “Memory Acres". Kingliorn. on Saturday evening. May 21st. the silâ€" ver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLean. filth t‘tlllt‘t‘s~‘< ion was celebtared when Mr. and Mrs. Archie Campbell entertained forty-seven guests who were privâ€" ileged to wander through Memory Acres estate to view the beauty of springtime in this lovely setting. Mrs. Campbell. sister in law of Mrs. McLean. was hostess and the guests were received at the door by Mrs. llari'y (lould, sister of the bride. The house was tastefully decorated with white lilac. lily of the valley and tulips in a variety of shades. Twenty-five years ago, l’auliiie Campbell, danglitér of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Campbell, who owned and lived on the present Memory Acres. was united in mar- riage to Gordon McLean, son of Mr and Mrs. Hugh McLean. The mar- riage was solemnized by tev. Aus- tiii Lunau at the United Church Manse at King. The couple were supported by Miss Flossic Campbell and Harry Gould, who were married later. The bride and groom settled on the McLban farm where they. have since lived and where they four children, iV’Iarjorie, Hugh. Mur- ray and Shirley were born. The ten table was effectively cen- tred with the wedding cake. made and decorated with silver by Mrs. Aubrey Campbell. White tapers in silver holders and flowers completed the appointments. Pouring tea was Mrs. Jack Harman, and presiding over the coffee was Miss Anne Har- man, both of Kettleby. Assisting ~lll se‘ving were Mrs. Aubrey Camp- bell, Mrs. Earl Campbell, Mrs. Dunâ€" can Thompson, Mrs. Roy Ilollinshead, Miss Earlene and Miss Geraldine Campbell, Mrs. Bob Norris. Many lovely gifts were received by Mr. and Mrs. McLean and many friendâ€" occasion. The toast to the bride and groom was proposed by the groomsâ€" man, Mr. Harry Gould and replied to by Mr. and Mrs. McLean, who both spoke of the great happiness the anniversary Drought them. and their pleasure in being surrounded by friends at the former home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Silas W. Stephens. .Aurora, who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on May 21st, are both natives Of Kettleby. Mrs. Stephens was Jennie B. Chappell Of the third concession, at Davis Cor- ners. They are 87 and 85 years old, respectively and their marriage was solemnized at the home of the bride‘s parents. White lilacs formed her corsage and Rev. Mr. Rankin perâ€" formed the ceremony. Canvassing on behalf of King W0- men‘s Institute in the interests of W.M.S. sectional meeting at lli'anip ton Presbyterian church held May Ifltith. Mrs. W. McClure is a vice lprcsidcut of that W.M.S. section.I land was in the chair. i Mr. and Mrs. Donald Merchant and their daughter, Jackie. spent the !\\'ccl{ end with the farmer's mother, Mis. T. L. Williams. It was Mrs. .\lercliant's birthday on May 21st and ‘ltt'l' mother entertained at bridge during the evening. I All. llob Walker of King is making ready :1 home for Miss Claire Bryan of Aurora who will become his bride early in June. Bob owns and oper- ates a successful trucking business {which is expanding. I Mrs. Ross Walker. the groomâ€" elect's mother. assisted at a pre- ni'ptial function given by Mrs. (Kl Nisbitt of .-\tiora for Miss Bryan, last week. Miss Lenore Robb of Kingr is being trained as a telephone operator at ‘King otl'ice. Her sister. Aileen Robb, lis a member of the Maple telephone stafi‘. Lenore’s position as a clerk in Green's General Store at King I has been tilled by Mrs. George ('hapâ€" man, who some years ago, as Flor- ence Edwards. clerked in the same building. Dates to Remember Sunday, May 29th ~ I.askay re- opening and anniversary. Tuesday, May Blst â€" Concert in Laskay United church sponsored by the Y.P.U. Full entertainment, by Deer I’ark United church choir of TOronto. following the special service on May 29th. June 24 â€" Laskay Women's In- stitute Strawberry Festivaland enâ€" tertainment in honor of the 41st year of W.I. at Laskay. June 15 Temperanceville W. I. 15th birthday. June 2!! * Strawberry Festival sponsored by All Saints W. A. Ang~ lican church. Program to follow. tures. July 1 â€" Laskay Old Boys' Asâ€" sociation Field Day and Dance. Spec- ial use for proceeds for community purposes. July 20 â€" King Athletic Carnival and Street Dance. Fergus Lawson Heads Laskay Assoc. At the annual meeting and elec- tion of officers of Laskay Old Boys’ Association Fergus Lawson was "named the new president while Chas. Black and William Williams are hon- orary presidents. Other officers are George Williams, lst vice; Robert Arbucklc. 2nd vice; Pearson Smelt- zer. treasurer; Neil Gray, secretary. The Association have agreed to -match dollar for dollar with Laskay W.I. in proceeds raised for extensive renovation of Laskay W. I. hall. The Institute set up a trust fund of 3300 King village at ILL-5o a.m.. lilu.‘r\‘\l to Eversley for passengers there. The afternoon session commences at Ll?) p.m. following noon luncheon at the Willowdale church. Birthday Party Mrs. George lIately entertained on Saturday. May 21. for her (laughter. (‘arol's eleventh birlliday, when 11 children were present to participate in festivities. Robin Walker. aged 7. twin brother of Jane Walker. of Eaton Ilall Farm was the only :‘ent- lenian present. Robin and Jane cc!- cbrated their birthdays :1 week can lier. Fortune l'avors. balloons and excellent party refreshments and :i special birthday cake made in a horse shoe shape delighted everyone. Si'ive Carol is very fond of horses and likes to ride them. her mother thought this equestrian note to the cake would be interesting. Several Iiice birthday gifts that “girls love" were received. Lithuanian Relief Anyone in possession of good used clothing, shoes. for adults and childâ€" ren which could be donated to the Lithuanian Relief cause will please leave at the Anglican church base- ment. any day any time by May ‘28. From there it will be baled at Eaton llall farm where a representative ol‘ the relief wOik will take charge. A bale of quilts and clothing of unusual quality valued at more than 35th was packed for Mission purposes by St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian W. M. S., Strange, last week. Several fine - quilts were among the articles as well as clothes for babies, 19 pair of mitts. socks and sockces all hand knitted. Dinner For Foster Parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dent of King were special guests at a dinner given by the Children's Protestant Home, Toronto for foster mothers and faâ€" thers, raising children from this inâ€" stitution. They sat at the head taâ€" ble and Mrs. Dent was second in years of service to children. having mothered 12 boys in 15 years‘ time. Mrs. G. Stong of DeHavilland area received the corsage having been I’Osâ€" ter mother for 20 years in successâ€" her care and management in difâ€" ficult instances. The director Of the home encouraged foster parents to continue the work as a means of meeting a growing problem of the day. AUCTION‘SALE OF HIGH CLASS FI'RNITl'R ‘3. DISHES, GARDEN TOOLS, ETC. â€"â€" The property of â€" - MR. E. DENNIE VICTORIA SQUARE MARKHAM ’I‘WI’. 3% Miles East of Elgin Mills SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1919 Doubleâ€"door Book Case 6-Piece Kitchen Set, ivory color Solid Walnut Dining Room Extenâ€" sion Table. Solid Walnut Buffet THl‘. LIBERAL. Richmond l’llll. Tlltll‘Stlit)’. May 26. 194:! RADIO D. O. Judd, Prop. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING & ELECTRICAL REPAIRS FARM WIRING J. 8 E. ELECTRIC Phone King 33.422 1. l’. 0. BOX 95. KING. ONTARIO III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'II‘ RE-ROOFING We specialize in re-roofing, CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGIES INSUL BRICK SIDING. ES'I‘I M ATES CH EERFULI.Y GIVEN. Insulating C. RIDDELL A" PHONE ulna-III-III-III-Illillinlliifiiiiiilu THORNIIIIJ. 256W F01- All Year Enid EASY â€" . . FLOOR POLISIIERS. VACUUM (“LEANE OIL-O-MA‘GIC WASHERS FURNACE OIL BURNERS QUAKER â€" OIL HURNING SPACE HEATERS STROMBERG-CARLSON â€" RADIOS AND COMBINATIONS Supplied and Guaranteed by FERGUSON 6 Elizabeth ichinondi Hill, phone RS. 148 More Fedturesâ€" w ./ the Red Shield, for Aurora Salvationlfor this purpose which is now al- Solid Walnut China Cabinet Army, are Miss Annie McBride, Mrs. ready increased by $300 more by the 6 Dining Room Chairs with leather v seats See :Ilâ€"edr - En’i'oy \ -- Stanley Hunter, Miss Doris Patton,| Association. The project of raising Mrs. A. E. Jarvis, Mrs. Roy Hollinâ€" funds to construct a basement. in- Above suite is extra good and almost shead. Miss Lily Anderson and Mrs.‘ stall a furnace and decorate the hall I ships renewed on this memorable June ‘22 ~ King Canadian Legionlion. Mrs. Dent was singled out for Carnival and Dance. special ed ‘ new Howard Neil. When these ladies will be a community interest. The 2 Wicker Arm Rocking Chairs OOOeOOOOOOO’OOOONOMNOOvaOOOOOOOO9009000OOOOOOMQ.. THE NEW 1949 call at the doors of the community,‘\". I. assumed payment of taxes on Wicker Jar-(liniere Stand : é . .. . g . _ residents. they will be glad to re- the hall in 1917 and notwithstanding Chesterfield O , ‘ ceive contributions for a most wor-l certain improvements made to the (‘ongoleum Rug, 12x15, good 0 _ ‘ T thy organization whose object is to building by the W. I. earlier. the 100 Number of good Scatter Rugs 3 ‘ . ' ' . serve others. Receipt cards are year old building erected as a Tem- Number of good Window Drapes O 0 e 5 AUTO RADIO given. Lieut. Ivany. in charge Olf|D91“dnCO Hall, can take some repairs 2 Wooden Beds, springs, mattresses : ~» H . Aurora S. A. has announced an obâ€" to very good advantage. The use of Small Table . -- " ‘ ‘ '- ' . _ ‘ .' jectivc of $1,600 to which King disâ€" a ball by the community is essential Number of Rag Car ets . . ‘ “Ts ANY MAKE 0R “OPEL cAR EASY To mar-ALL trict will contribute. ' and with the support of the public Commode pQuebec IIeater § we have a” the Poplin” makes 0f .9533 ranges, hOt water cuflom Styledâ€"umversal und" 035“ Mun" Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Jenkinsoni the two groups feel they can finance 6 Dining Room Chairs 0 . . < I Why.”y_$75 ,0 $100 ,0, a new m m", when you can 9e. sud. spent the early part of this week the renovation. Wash Stand ' heaters and space heaters in our show rooms. , qua'my and. performance at this low price. The wonderful "now With friends at Guelph. July 20 lung Street Dance ' . Wooden Bed and Springs Stool SUPERTONE has everythin 'you need for greater radio’enitiyment. M1‘- and MI'S- RIChal'd Cafmel' and 1110 annual (lam? mid C‘alszal 3'" Cont-$010le RUL" 13 X 15 Easy terms (‘flll be lll‘l‘flllQCIl. Call and SOP them {It You'll be prolid to own Ii; powerful 6-Iube masterpieceâ€"you'll daughter. Linda. “’91'0 VISIIOTS Ot‘ V0“ by Lake Mal")? and Kan Ath- Bedroom Table . ' enjoy in tonal beauty and selectivityâ€"ac down-:_o-earih cost. Mrs. Canney‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. letic Association will be held Wed- Bed Chest 9 ‘ Compares favorably with considerably higher-priced-$ Raymond Burt over the week end. nesday, July 20th. Special featuresIC‘arpet 9x9 ° .7 ‘ radios selling up to $100. The new SUPERTONE costs Mrs. Qanncy’s stay extends for sev- are not yet available but there is Otk Bed, Springs and Mattress 6 - ‘: ‘ '~ " 1‘ you .o'nly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eral days. every promise the event will rank Oak Wash Stand ' I p, â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ' V Mr. James D. Gray of the T. Eat-I one of the outstanding summer afâ€"‘| Oak Dresser : .' on Company branch at Ottawa visit- fairs to be found any where in Onâ€"':; Toilet Sets, complete . Dresser . . .. ' ' id his mother, Mrs. Alex Cray of tario. Past performances have beenI Rag Carpet 12 x 9 J z DISI’I’HI’OIS Of BOtthd Gas 'inghorn for a day last week. He notable. The 194‘.) event will like- 3 Feather Ticks , M ' , I- " came on a business trip to Torontol wise be a command performance. '2 Wash Stands Dresser ‘ONGE 81' THORNHH‘L PHONE 2i" / 'LFJSTHAN and was accompanied by his wifel King Township Teachers‘ Assoc. Number of real good Scatter lugs : ' .: ' who visited her parents, Mr. and meet for a‘ supper meeting at Schom-l Foot Stool Clock 8â€"day .......9.°........6.......................“‘...‘;¢;: Mrs. Jackson at Toronto. Mattress Mr. Lyle Wells of Evcrsley spent Prayer Changes Things Kitchen Cabinet the holiday week with an Old friend,| T'he moribu- Communitv Prayer Kitchen Table Dining Room Table Mr. E. Hurst of North Bay. lt will‘Meeting will be held at the. home of Number of Kitchen Chairs be recalled that the Hurst fam- Mrs. William Cal-son Friday, May 2 Easy Electric Washing Machines. i1.\' lived at Everslov where the fii- 27th at 8 o’clock. A hearty welcome' 1 with wring'ei'. 1 with drier ther, Alex Hurst was a blacksmith awaits you. ThOSe of the prayer Asme Quebec Kitchen Range Electric Table Lamp Carpet Sweeper Iberg to hear a special speaker. 'griiti' ' What a chance to save! ‘ ‘ A Genuine TRICO WIPER ARMS and BLADES. LOCK-0N TYPE “'IPER ARMâ€"51.0.3 ' . ever day value. Universal m â€"â€" wltli‘ Replace .Wlth spec at adapters for older models £53dii2§‘°ml°“§t‘lliall?"eqlflpnliiii 3:, MOTO-MAST R .» VC' '9‘ bors of Mr. Wells. blessing from God through prayer Quebec Heater. new Flour Bin Reeve GOOdfCll0\\' and l‘ll‘S.) and testimony. “Pr-dyer? changes Hot Point Electric RRI’IR‘C. good I; Us Arm. m Cm. mm mm Goodfellow attended the lnternation- t 'n ~ 3' Small Kitchen Table , . ~ Made In the makers of Flo- laxo \ lreen iinisn. uSpeciai . ...‘49 "LIFETIME QUALITY” 31 Finance Ofi'icers' Convention held Church Beautified Acme Quebec Kitchen Range 1 Y « I 9 :iiilcwfiiii‘ié“ qTF'ich‘g-lé'iiniâ€"iitgs‘iiiIF" “DH-ii? ii‘iigi‘sin’iiiilé‘luipmentâ€" at Dletmit fm'CSCVHaI gal-“’1 When a' Tohconiinemorate the rcâ€"opcning‘ 2 gen“ F312? 0 o w‘wers. $91,; “w ,ubber‘ Metal - ' numier of ounty o‘icia‘s were and 0 . g, , infirm. 5 .nd 3 ’ei‘anta airs o" B t F '1 Din-ts [olive ire?“ HMS!" Less '24‘ ChevronUFEiigfiii-TQTFF $4.80 present count-V Commisslonm' A"decordtioiiédzi:liyiell a: aneziili‘iibtst niew g'Bumel' C031 0’1 Stove I o o o a _“" ‘3 n‘g‘:__ghflj‘;__gu3 '33 Master .. 5.30 A. Cook and Mrs. Cook of Aurora . T 0. . i .dd-- 1 .h 1,. - Number of Odd Chairs . . ‘ ' i .' 'iH-N 5-55 were also there (-81 m-M am ‘1 mima ( “AS in Number of Garden Tools ‘ i jDodn . ‘ V '* \ _‘ V ‘ligliting, Laskay _United Church will 0 Lawn Mowers ' ' c 1' 1. Ford (co-hp. 6:80 (roads at ilatMurchy Sale hold special sei'vices on Sunday. 17\, I . . w H B] 1",. y-Ioguse... over-s”. ., Exchange Pric: iFord “V-S" Fifi-3|! 1.00 Attendance at the auction sale on May 29th, at 11 am. to hear Rev. ,“mf‘il‘ 01. Goode“ .13.” ‘L " V ‘ -- «immobile > ' _ _ ‘ :38 the farm of the late Thomas McMur- Laveller Smith. minister of All 3121- it.”qu of: De? . .. .. p I. V 4.65 ll’lymuuth (many modeisi 3.35 cliy, a former reeve for King town- tions‘ Church. TormitO. assisted by ‘ “mm 0 “185' ' “MM” 00" TAIL and EXHAUST PIPES Tall Exhaust Chevrolet '29-:;-: $2.15 53.20 wit-4:; 2.30 .10 1.20 Dad" 2-in-3». 3.30 .50 l '40-“: 3.95 3.20 lFord “Vâ€"R" (mesh 2.25 3.20 * , ‘:i:iâ€":u 3.40 â€"â€" Exchange your weather-beaten oldiOldsmoblle '34-41: 3.05 3.10 wiper [or a brand new tul‘y efficient i Plymouth ':l.\~:{:> 3.30 ‘ 3.80 TRICO~M our moneyâ€"5min: prices: ‘40-“; 3.65 3.50 Clear vision a! low castâ€"and we alsol For cars and trucks not. listedâ€" allow you SLOO for your old \vlper enquire [or prices Save $1.10 a gallon (In high-grade Give you: home a new siiiiii; coatâ€"with .-\I-‘..\IOR- COAT "Fresh Iix" HOUSE PAINT, Equal to any Iirst- line brand .s .iii.: at SOHO a gallon, Mng exclusively from the mic. “ear and weather-resisting Oils and pigments lli.;li 1i\‘>>â€"8lil'df’.i\e colors QliH‘Kl‘ GAL. 1.45 5.20 ship held on May ltlth drew large crowds comparable to a country fair. as a wide selection of house hold arâ€" ticles, cattle and other stock. grain and implements brought high pl'lCGS offered by spirited bidders. P0ssess- ions of the pioneer family whose an- cestors came to Canada from Scot- land about 110 years ago were cagâ€" eily purchased. The house on the farm has been rented to a Toronto family. It is very hard to visualize the homestead occupied by other than Thomas MacMurcby and his sistci's‘. Mary and Kate. who were kindly asâ€" sisted by Stanley and Lawrence Sheardown. So much hospitality for so great a time had been a part of the home. where personality of high order predominated. A Toronto Daily the Laskay Choir, and at 7.30 to meet and hear Rev. Douglas Davis of Stoufi‘ville, a former pastor here for eleven years, who will be assist- ed by his own church choir from Stoufi‘ville. The cost of improve- iiieiits\is upward in four figures and of that amount the women's organ ization will have paid more thanl 3900. Many former adherents and members, newcomers and others will be glad to attend these services marking anniversary Sunday and dedication. Dr. Harvey Gellatly and wife of Fort William visited his mother, Mrs: Elizabeth Gellatly. ill in bed at her King home. Dr. (iellatly attended the dental convention in Toronto last week. Joining him at his mothch ing Utensils, Rails and a lot of other useful articles Everything in this sale is real good; some modern and some antique Terms: Cash. No reserve, property sold. Sale at 2 .I. R. Smith, clerk. KEN ,& CLARKE PRENTICE, aucts Markham l‘. 0.. Markham 15m; Millikcn P.().. Agincourt 5'_’\Vfl â€" Excavating Cellars Back Filling and Grading Washable . . . Economical "râ€"V‘zo-tone “NE COAT WALL Pl'l" ‘ ’IADV-lo-USE oii "“ Minn” HA1 mm" Star blanc circled the sale scene and Were his brothers and sisters. took pictures. _â€"’ _ 5N0" cl no» 1. ' _ "EASII‘LOW" HOI'SI" PAINTâ€"Second in quality only to our "Ai'liitii'»(‘\i;i'.” line. PODUlnl’ colors. lii‘ersley \V.M.S. Take New Study ‘ Binder" Equipment Mr. and Mrs. James ROck atteiidâ€" At the home of Mis. Walter and Q 99 ‘ *L 34° ed the 40th wedding anniversary cel- Mrs. Leonard Shropshire. Eversley | - - ' " " ARMOR-COAT “WONDER ENAMEL”_FOR YOUR CAR Obl'atioii of Mr. and Mrs. Thom-M seventeen we“. New” 1-,... on. w} \Vake up those tiredâ€"looking rooms With Flo-tone â€".the Perfect for loucliiiiaoip m- for I complete Di!th Worth sum . quart Pattel‘on 0‘ Lttelismb held at the” M-5~ meeting of ill“ plk‘sl‘i'ii‘l'l‘dl ll 13'1- TORODIO “min-Hi“ “M3 new popular-priced all oil wall paint that covers with just home on May 12th. Mrs. Patterson‘s church when Mrs. Barr. ably our. ' mother and Mrs. ROck's mother were marlâ€"Md {he firs-t chapter of rm. new“ BY (""il’iii’t 0" “Milly Rim“ life Mr: friends and early settlei's‘ sandy book. “lintcr China." 3l1<l_â€" of that district. Mr. Pattcison is t", (loi‘doii gave the sct’lptdi'c less -i; l :11: l‘iit‘lv of Mr. Tom Patterson C. Mrs. .1. Phillip; mu} 311-5, T, 1“ \\'?,‘jj.l ‘â€"’â€"__-“_“_'â€" X: R- 3510“ at King- liams. prayers: Mrs. F .(".ii".is. the 311-5. J, Rock was a delegate to the president and Mis. Leonard Shin":- Oiztaiio Library conference held a: Sliilc alipi'ruiriatc readings and Mis. Kingston. May 2.”. and 24. Mrs, llock Jim Hall. a piano solo. A card signed is a member of the executive of Kine by 1d: present ' ‘ Memorial Libraiy Hoard. lzitly and he:- Artificial Ice Being Installed l‘ocic n»: wcl'. ‘ Xtililetiin r't\{]j)]]Li]]i:}' pyggrrxcu l'. '.\".l\ L‘llletitlllt'L‘ll ZIIL‘ tlllntlztl io'o Solidu-merliig lustrous nzid essy to 3PM) '.‘u beaulliul colors Blush or spray “re- .59 at 1.15 one coat! It‘s readyâ€"to-use (no mixing with water). one coat covers Old wallpaper and other regular wall surfaces. produces a smooth, flat finish that may be washed repeatedly. Your choice . ~l SAND and GRAEVL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill o of 8 modern pastel colors or white. Complete the woodwork with Flo-glaze Interior Gloss in matching shades. t 1111‘ “My lli‘.p‘.’o‘.'iii;. , Decorate with Floutone for a permanent all oil paint iob that you'll be proud to Show your “lends! - Junt- Iiicc'.:i::’. l), M. Ross iii packed at ‘ i‘omc of M: in}: with work for liistzillziiion of :I:« All: titicia‘. ice ill The aiciia Inert". ' llil ! â€"_ A large Sift slower was held it Ii‘.‘ Us 'i'.’ an \ 3 Toronto ELK'Olitiy foi Miss lean llaii- u! :o Coiicludc . FOR SALE BY: 9,7 ( VGE 51" xvcn 02' Maple ‘.'.'l‘.‘=i‘ marriage dav “L‘s u! 'l imam-n:ng i3: . E. Richmon.‘ Hill, Ont. ' ' My; ‘j .1. u» “'1; d, :ippi'vwxxtes "I'Xl ii:o.‘.:}‘.. Moi»: :10 were piesent and many rim :1 \\‘t'lt‘ ll’t't‘lVU‘l. .\lis. T. L. Williams attended PARIS AUTO SUPPLY . -_ | PHONE so Rit‘iiiiOND iiii.i; Mm ' PHONE to: P. C. Hill. Prop. ~4:_~r 7 7 #A r r » » ~ â€"~- a» s s 7 the animal in»; ’ - ~_ Tammy“ PHRWCUIYAL lze ‘. ll s .\ .. li‘.l‘v". tone f’iT'Bir'i Richmond llill years ago. They were neigli-‘m-Oup are having a I-eui time of Kitchen Linoleum Day Bed

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