OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED 1 Prescriptions for (Glasses Filled i Fur .-\pp0'nlnu'nt l’lmno Richmond Hill 33 : 000000oOvee099900000oooooooooeeooo-ooooeooo909090990: 9-900900.00000909°9000000000999000OOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ QQOOOOOOfQOQOQQOQQOOQQQ 1 ~59 ¢ fO.'0OOOOOOQOOOOOOOOQO09990009000QOOOOOOOOQOOQOOOOOOO 'f.9090000090099090..0600.0000999OQOOOOQGQQOOOOOOOOOQ 30.00.600.00.000.0QOOOOOO06000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOQ; ' 00000000000000.0096; .090"O..OQOOOOOOOOOOVO0..'D9000QQOOOOQOOO§OOVOOOOOOOQ A What u thrllll Bony llmbs ï¬ll out: uely hollows ï¬ll up: neck no longer arrnwny: body loses lull- nnrved, alckly "beau-pole“ look. Thousands of girl» women. men. who never could ualn before. are now proud of shapely, henlrlly-lunklnz burlles. 'l‘hey chunk the speolal vlgnr-bulldinz, fleah-hulldlnz lunlc. Ostrex. Its mnlcs. stlmulnuu. lnvlgoruLors. Iron. vlcnmln Bx. calolum, enrlch blood, lmprme anpetlte and dlzestlon' no food gives you more Mremuh and nourlshment: put flesh on bare bones. Don't fear realm: (00 KM. Slop when you've malnth the 6. lo. 15 or 2011).. you need for normal welghL (mu! lmle. New "In ncqunlnted" size only am- Try fnmous ()ntrex Tnnlc Tahlem for new vllzm and added pouuun. (m- verv . '. A' all rlrunlm Skinnymen, women gain 5L10,15Ibs. PHONE 209W Automobile, Life, Fire, Theft. Personal Property and other Floaters. Hospitalization, Accident and Sickness, Plate (News. and all other types of Insurance call T NEW LOCATION YONGE at ‘STEELE’S RONA‘LB M. FERN REAL ESTATE BROKER F OR SERVECE Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor Plumbing and Heaz'ing Contractor [‘HE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, M Telephone THORNHILL 168 H. JENNENG S CITY AND SUBURBAN LICENSE Alterations and Repairs F. L. LOWRIE, R.0. 40 Yonge Street FOR IMMEDIATE COVERAGE on all types of W. §CHURMAN Wednesday. June 6th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month Steam or Hot Water INSURANCE Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted AIV‘DTIN‘S DRUG STORE Wednesday, June 8th EYESIGHT SPECIALIST FROM 9.30 AJI. TC 12.00 NOON Walk-Rite Shoe Store We sell men‘s dress shoes an'l workmg boots, also children's shoes. PHONE 263 TH ORNHILL 27 JOHN ST.. THORNHILL Geo. Laban VHHRIIIIIIIHIIIIIIII Also Well For Comfortable Shoes \V'I Plain and Rock Face so WellTiles reinforced. wall. 36" inside diameter. l’hone Richmond Hill lr2 248 Oak Ave.. R'chvale Cement Blocks, HE A ’l‘ 8†and 10†% ‘CQéC‘OQOti day 2 407-W 26. 1949 Each tender must be accompanied by a certiï¬ed cheque for 5% of the amount of the tender, made payable to the Township of Vaughan Re- creation Committee, Swimming Pool Account. All deposits so made will be re- turned within one week of the clos- ing date, except in the case of the successful tendel'ers, who will be re- quired to enter into a contract and complete work up to the value of the deposits before their release. Tenders Wanted THORNHILL SWIMMING POOL Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 6.00 p.m. Mon- day, May 3‘0th, for the construction of a swimming pool bathing house and all related mechanical trades. Plans and Speciï¬cations may be seen at the office of the Consulting Engineer, Roderick V. Anderson, 956 Lgunton Avenue West, Toronto, and copies may be obtained upon deposit of a $10.00 cheque made payable to the Engineer. Separate tenders will be received on the following; Foundations; Building Superstructure; Installation and Piping of Filtration Equipment; Plumbing; Rooï¬ng, and Electrical. Bidder‘s' may bia’on one, or all, 01' any combinatlon of the six separate tenders. The jowest or any tender will not necessarily: kg accepted. The Scouts and Cubs will fakn part in a service being held by York Central District in Lions Park, New- market, Sunday. at 3 p.111. RICHARD H. NEIL Secretary-Treasurer. Township of Vaughan Recreation Committee. P.0. Box 45, Thornhill, Ont. Scouts of Thornhill and district are eagerly looking forward to Friday, May 27. The occasion is Father and Son night and from all accounts it shows promise of being on" of the big events of the year in Thornhill. There will be a programme of mov- ies and the refreshment committee is under the very’capable direction of Mrs. Broderick. So â€" Scouts, don't forget, Fridav. 7.30, at Law- reW-P Memorial Hall. The Married Couples Group of the Thornhill United Church held their regular monthly meeting on Tues- day. May 17. The Rev. Mr. Currey. pastor of Victoria Square church, for- merly of Thornhill was the guest speaker. Mr. Currey travelled ex- tensively throughout Europe in his years as a padre with the armed forces and he took advantage of this splendid opportunity to take pictures of the many places he visited. Scenes from England, Holland, France and Belgium proved to be very interest- ing and Mr. Currey ended the pro- gramme with a few particularly beautiful Canadian scenes in colour. The evening was in charge of Mr. and Mrs. A. Martindale and Mr. and Mrs. A. Morton. The. ï¬nal meeting of the season will take the form of a picnic for the children in (lie laitrei pai'tuof rJune. On Saturday, May 28 at 3 p.m. in the United Sunday School room may he seen the culmination of weeks of effort by the C.G.I.T. when they hold an afternoon tea in conjunction with elephants and a ï¬sh pond. Let us' hope that the girls will ï¬nd encour- agement in a large turn-out of all those interested in furthering- g'irls’ work in the community . The W. A. of 'I‘hornhill United. Church will hold an open meeting: in the Sunday School room on Thugs- day, June 2, at 2.30 p.111. The execu- tive of Toronto Centre Presbyterial will conduct the meeting". All the ladies in the district are cordially invited to attend, Crowds of children, piles of ï¬re- works â€"â€" there you have the ingred- ients for a ï¬rst class Victoria Day. Mrs. John Sumner and Mrs. Bob Lord of John St. realized this and arranged to have all the neighbours pool their' ï¬reworks for one grand celebration. Some Toronto friends dropped in and contributed their share and the result was a pyrotech- nical display which the children will long: remember. l’nited Church A very interesting- hike was ar- ranged tor the C.G.1.T. last'Saturâ€" day by their leader, Mrs. A. Martinâ€" dale. “From the United Church to hllerslie Ave. in VVillowdale, then over to Bathurst St., where a very nice picnic ground was found. Here they had two meals cooked over an open ï¬re. Between preparing for the meals a treasure hunt was organ- ized and the wild flowers admired. While doing the latter a pheasant took to the air and a. close search located a nest with eleven eggs. Late in the evening a tired and dusty group trouped back home, having thoroughly enjoyed a well-planned outing. Mrs. J. G. VBee'ton of Arnold Avenue, Thornhill, has béen ap- pointed local correspondent of The. Liberal for that area. Mrs. Beeton's telephone number is 202 J and she will be glad to receive any personal or news items tel- ephoned to her at that number. Thornhill District News fled féem 3!" Growing Mashes 4 Advantages 5'» HIGHER IN PROTEIN 9 LESS MASH USED w HEALTHIER GROWTH I. CHEAPER F OR YOU \ vy‘ \ O l \ /, \X/f/ée/a [OJ/Jitf/flfl/V you‘rcé/fc/g ' fq I For Sale By RICHMOND HILL FARM ERS' SL‘I’I‘I.“ Telephone The Club members from Vellor' Public School sang a ch‘Brus and . group from Maple Public School. a] so sang a number. The speaker o the evening was Miss Marian Warm of Unionville, whose subject was “A Talk To Teens." ' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Snider. Marilyn and Mr. E. Sharpe spent last week end at Kingston, when lthey attended the sixty-ï¬fth wed- ding anniversary celebration of Mr. Sharpe’s sister and brother-in-lmr Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith of Odessa Ont. Among- the many gifts am' congratulatory messages received by the couple was a telegram from th iKing and Queen, gandmalso an engra ~ved scroll of recognition from th’ Government. i The Maple group of the C.G.I.T. held their annual mother and daugh- ter banquet rat the United Church on Friday evening, May 13th. The taâ€" bles were beautifully decorated in spring colours and centred with tu- llips. The program included a piano solo by the president, Marilyn Snider, and vocal solos by Ann Lawrie and Virginia Sidall. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Johnson J) and family are spending a few day in Huntsville with Mrs. Johnson’ mother and father. at 1 p.m. J. M. )ICUOXALD, ('Iorl~ OOOOOOOOOOOOQOQOO 00900000. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker and Mar; Elilzabeth spent the week end in Oak vil e. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Constable spen the week end with the former’s f? ther, Mrs. John Constable. X Don’t forget the Presbyterlan W M.S. packing to be held at the hem! of Mrs. C. H. Snider, Wednesday June Ist, at 2.30. The Roll Call, : gift for the Bale. The supply com mittee will be in charge. The District Annual of the W. I will be held in the United Chui'cl' Thursday, June 2nd. Meeting: t commence at 10 o’clock. Luncheon at Maple Villa. Members please 1x pre§ent. - MONDAY, JUNE 6th The W.M.S. meeting was opened by Mrs. Hemphill, vice-president, and hymn “Jesus Shall Reign†was sung. The roll call was answered with a verse from St. Luke. The mission bale will be packed on May 30th. Donations of clothing are to be left at Mrs. Hemphill’s. The devotional was taken by Mrs. F. S. Rumble and the scripture reading by Mrs. J. Rumble, who read the story of Dor- cas. The study book was given by Miss Margaret Fockler on Christian literature. The meeting was closed with the Lord's Prayer. The W. A. meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. F. S. Rumble. with the theme song. Twenty-three answered the roll call. Contribu- tions were sent to the Victor Home 101' Girls and‘ the United Church Fresh Air Camp. All the groups are really quite busy with teas, plays. and quilts. etc. gHymn, O Lord am' Master of Us All was sung. Mrs. Heber Cook who has bee' ill for some time is slowly improv ing. Mrs. Drew-Smith of John, St. left by plane to spend about six weeks visiting friends in the British Isles and Paris. Before returning home she will visit Dr. Bl'OCk Chisholm, head of the World Health Organiza- tion in Geneva. ‘ Master of Us All was sung. The meeting closed with the Mix- pah ‘benediction. Dainty refreshâ€" ments were served by the hostess. ('OL'NUL CHAMBERS. MAPLE MUNICIPAL OFFICE Garden Party Wednesday,~June 25, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is holding a garden party on the church lawn. Supper from 6 to 8 o’clock and en- tertainment will follow. Watch The Liberal for further notice. ONOO§OOOOOOOO§OOOOOOOOMO Master James Weig‘aml of Galt visited his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Doyle at Glen Ridge for the 24th week end. The combined meeting of the W. M.S. and W. A. of Maple United Church was held at the home of Mrs M. Wilson on May 18. at 8.15 p.111. _ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Doyle enter- tained 24 guests ianf-nSt.{g’athex-ines and Toronto for "Siiï¬bef‘ 'on Sunday. May 15, in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Llwyld Ecclestone of Detroit. Lions Inter-School Softball Team Senior: Thornlea,13.~Richya~le 2; Thornhill 9, Langstaff 5. Junior: Langstaï¬ 1'2, Concord 8; Thornhill 16, Thornlea 6. Girls: Thornhill 10, Thornlea 9; Langstaff-I, Ri'chvale 5. All children who are enteringr Thornhill Public School in Septem- ber should be brought to the school for registration, Tuesday, May 31, at 9 a.m. Pupils must be 6 years of age by December 31. Three new members were intro- duced at the last meeting of the Thornhill District Lions Club. They were Frank Harris, Charlie Russell and Arthur Gibson, all of Langstafl‘. ‘Bill Jeffries. ~Mac Roberts. Len Redman and Tony Hunter, all local boys from Earl Haig won the 1 mile relay" in the‘ T.D.I.A.A.' ï¬eld day geld at Varsity Stadium last Thurs- ay. Vaughan Township Regular Council Meeting DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE to be held in MAPLE 09909000000090.000000000.9 Final Presentation __ at _ YELLORE MEMORIAL I'IALI. Admission 35c. 25c Entertainment. Refreshments woooooowwonoowooooooc The meetings of the J. F. A. and J. W. I. will be held in the hall on Tuesday evening, June 7th, at 8.15. As this is a special meeting the girls will meet at the home of Mrs. Stan Defoe at 8.15 pm. sharp. Bertie Forster is to be in charge and there will be a parade of “Brides and their attendants,†followed by Hints on wedding arrangements. All seniors as well as the juniors are cordially invited to attend. A joint meeting will be held in the hall afterwards. On Wednesday of next week Llie' W.M.S. meet for their June meet-I in}: and to pack the hale. ‘ Goodi used clothing of any description, but especially for boys 8-14 years is re- quested. The meeting will be at the home of Miss Mary Rodick. I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hand, Jimmy and Robin, Rev. and Mrs. Secrett of VVillowdale attended 'the Dymenr, wedding in Barrie on the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Perkins had Sunday dinner with Mrs. J. Lunau of Richmond. Hill. ' Mr. and 'Mrs. Alvin Caseley, Lynda, John and Sherran had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. A. Forson and John of Unionville. Mr. and (Mrs. D. Pickering, Kenâ€" neth, Neil and Carolyn, Mr: and Mrs. R. Perkins and Coral, visited Tues- day with Mr. and Mrs. C. Pickering of Port Credit. Wednesday, June lst 8.45 D.S.T. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family and rela- tives of the late Russell.Mortson. Any wishing to buy tickets for the cruise to Queenston on June 4th should seé Mrs. Wm. Sandle as soon as possible. “A Pair of Country Kids†by the Missionary Saving of Sun- day Schools across Canada, and which was purchased to he sent to India for the use of Missionarim who are stationed there. A saecial invitation is extended to all parents and friends to attend and hear this outstanding speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Grey, Jim and Margaret were visitors from Kirk- land Lake with Mrs. S. English over the holiday. Nicths of Toronto spent the week end at her home. DOOOOOOOOOO‘OOOOOOOOOOOOO‘ Mrs. Hazard, a former resident of Buttonville for a brief penml, was a week and visitor witn Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephenson. Mrs. A. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. John B‘ivrl; Jour- neyed to their former homu at Fer- gus on Sunday and on their I‘CIUI‘I were accompanied by Miss Margarei Smellie, a sister of Mrs. Black. On Sunday morning at Brown‘s Corners Sunday School. Re". J Thompson will be the epinkor. Ht will bring with him the car, bought by the Missionary Savings; of Sun- \LL MAKES GUARANTEED 194 Holmes A\'e., Willowdale \PHONE ZONE 8-468 VICTORIA SQUARE 900 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO McLean’s Appliance Service REFRIGERATION - SERVICE - JACK WALKER IS GIVING AWAY JACK WALKER During ihe Coast-foâ€"Coas! Bridal Knot Diamond Contest A BRIDAL KNOT DIAMONDRING COME IN TODAY FOR YOUR FREE ENTRY BLANK Guess the registration number of the Bridal Knot Diamond Ring on display in our window. You are under no obliga- tion to make a purchase. BUTTON VILLE jOU MAY BE THE LUCKY WINNER 22 Years Experience Don’t Forget to Enter KING CITY FREE on wvnkm'. He ' car, bought new of Sun- Czuretdn, and 3 be sent to Missionaries A snecial 3 all pa'ents ‘099909999990999999’9QQQWQQOQOQOO9OQOOQOQOOQ 99/99â€; § DAVID McLEAN, REALTOR f...0.00000000990900.000000900000009000.0.0000000.9 'v«'00.09009006000OM‘OOOOOOOOQOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOO000“ 2999900000000 .00009009000000.000QOOOQOOOOOOOOQOOOQQQ; 309-609QOOOOONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOâ€Oâ€OOMOOWâ€Q 12 NOON I).S.T. LEITCHCROFT FARMS, No. 711ighwa’y (2'; MILES EAST OF LANGS’I‘AFF) Competitions â€" Sports â€" Speakers ALI. HOG PRODUCERS AND FAMILIES “’EI.('OMED BRING LUNCH BAéKET TEA & COFFEE PROVIDED _-\. R. HWEIESS. President R. J. ROGERS. Secretary 0.9â€.†¢ tï¬OM'ONOOO Vaughan Township SchooIHealth Sgrvice Parents 13 Your Child Ready For School? leg‘istration will be held at Thornhill Public School on Tuesdav. May Slst. 1949, at 9 a.m. for children who will be € yeaxs old by December 3]. 1949. Physical inspection will be given by the school nurse. Mrs. A. H. Gibson. Public School Nurse ANNUAL SYREET DANCE THORNHILL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29th, 1949 HOME SEEKING or HOME SELLING _? WEDNESDAY, JUNE lst HOG PRODUCERS FIELD DAY AND PICNIC - buy in ihis'district. Valuation§ cheerfully mach It pay you to consult us. We have desirable houses and business properties to Sell, also a wait~ ing li.~‘t of clients. some with all cash, anxious to LaGrove Beauty Salon PRE SCHOOL ROUNDUP Thomhiil District Lions Hub VACUUM PACKED in aid of the swimming pool. £3 CARNIVAL THORNHILL. ONTARIO OFFICE, PHONE '12 Specializing in all typs of Permanent Waves L‘old Waves, Machine and Machinelcss FROM $5.50 Shampoo and I"in§.:‘erwavc 75c l’hone Thurnhilli 10:2. for appointment. Dr. R. A. Bigfol‘d; Medical Officer of Health