Tues., June 7, 8.30 p.m. Richmond Hill Arena Ringside 75c Gen tre St. WRESTLING SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM 8: FILL ' Canada's great leader cuum'ils of the nations of ordinary pmqflc. because he is VOTE a out as no Canadian lwlhrc him. in the won as hg entered the Gm erman. In 1m] :uluu'ulcs of the Allunliv Purl. Ilt‘ 'At the pulls ml .Ium- international affairs. maulv himself ask himva I'. uhva of anything 01:0. who in parliamentary debate and a quick grasp of large affairs Immune clear he had wisdom in vulvinct, uniquv should [w hch 01' the gm ermncnt. found a great national leader. was prmml by his ('arccr in la“. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thursday. June He alsu revealed an understanding In Louis St. Laurcnl. Canada has GARNER vs. .HUGHSON RED DEVIL vs. MANGOTICH COONEY vs. OLSEN That he, had high illbilitit’r uf lln- mim’l Presented By EAST VAUGHAN RATEI’AYERS ASSOC. JACK SMITH PROFESSIONAL In North York VOTE FOR L. W. REID PHONE THORNH ILL 217 3 â€"â€"BOUTS â€"- 3 world ligurv “lm spukv General 50c 0110 (if llH’ orig]. 11w VUUâ€"‘l' must l‘lml girls LOUIS ST. LAURENT, Prime Minister of Canada Thornhill Kids 25c ability and his au'hiex cutouts have made people after the election. His character. his him the leader of 'an hnpv to form from coast [0 must. the only party which 0110 01' them. the friendliness of country neighbors. vmullincs the qualities of two great nutiun human being is 1114' real St. Laurent. the l'il (T t‘ 5 . product of the small town. of humble (lull 5L [alum-I11 is the leader of a lrulV Published Pginnings. hard work, a big famin and To the voter it is equally important In Mnml. language and instinct he This warm and essvntially simple INSERTED BY NATIONIL llBERAL COMMITTE purl)". with prmed strength 1949 October. The main bout will bring together two outstanding Canadian middle- weight wrestlers. Red Garner, pop- Liiar local boy, will lock horns with liinie H-ughson, one of the best grap- plers to appear in a local ring. The oout will be Itwo out of three falls and is over a sixty minute time limit. In a second main bout Ed Mangoâ€" tich, rugged Ryding- boy, will meet the “Red Devil,†who will make his ï¬rst appearance at the local Arena. The Devil has rolled- up an impress- ive record, having met and defeated some of the most outstanding Cana- dian wrestlers. In Mangobich he will have his hands full and perhaps Mangotich will be the one to unmask the devil. Tom (Junior) Uooney., Richvale Flash, will match holds with Bobby Olsen, who hails from Jamestown, N.Y., in the preliminary match. Tom has shown constant improvement in recent workouts and will be in there with the idea of winning ta-s speédily as possible. As mentioned, these bouts will be staged by the East Vaughan Rate- p‘ayei's’ Association, which is helping the Community Hall Building Fund and at the same time, helping to de- velop Canadian tlal'enlt. Popular prices will prevail, ringside being 750, geni‘eal admission 506, children 250. Doors will open at 7.30 pain. with the ï¬rst bout starting at 8.30 p.m. _ . J a. WRESTLING SEASON STARTS AT ARENA TUESDAY, JUNE 7 Under the auspices of the East Vaughan Ratepayers’ Association (Ill all-star wrestling card will be presented in Richmond Hill Arena on Tuesday, June 7th. This will be Ll;e ï¬lst of a series which will be staged every other Tuesday until late stable government all the Canadian other useful artjicles. Horse Brown Mare, 10 years 01d, “- D- Household Furniture Piano, Gourlay, good Oak Buffet Dresser '3 Kitchen Cabinets 6 Oak Dining Room Chairs '2 Dressers 2 Washstands Bed and Springs Toboggan 2 Rocking Chairs Boy's Bicycle A number of Garden Tools A number of Kitchen Chairs Numerous other articles. Terms Cash. No reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE. Aucts. Markham ph. 206; Agincourt 52w3 Jas. Smith. Clerk The annual m'umnead servnce for the York chm'al u.st1-ict of the Boy Scouts Association 3111 corresponding groups of the Girl Guides Associa- tion was held last Sunday. This year the ceremony was rcrt‘ormed at. .xcwmarket and over 't':y groups of Girl Guides, Brownies, Boy Scouts and Cub Packs were represented. This event climale the prelimin- ary work of the Boy Scout Associa- tion in Richvale and is the ï¬l'SL large gathering in which they have pani- cipated. For the ï¬rst time En the history of this occasion Richvalc had represen- umon \\-1th members of the lst Rich- wale Cub Pack .11 attendance. Thirty- one cubs paraded accompanuu by e‘:"l‘.t Scouts and from u urn-1.39:3 punt of vi.- v them shall appeal- ance and behaviour commended the work of Scoultmaster Cecil E. A. Smith and Cubmaster Mrs. M. Will- iams and assistants, Mrs C. E. A. Smith and Mrs. Millard. A Girl Guide group is now being formed in Riclivale and will be in active work by the autumn. By next spring it is hoped the drumheai service will See full representation of both boys and girls 'a.nd that Rich- vale shall take its place as a com- munity with a program to make use- ful citizens of its young people. East Vaughan Ratepayers Assoc. This coming Thursday being the ï¬rst Thursday in June will be the regular monthly meeting of the East Vaughan Ratepayers’ Association in the Riclivatle School. Make it a point to attend as some important pioblems will be discussed. Both Cubmaster 1'Ms. Williams and Scoutmaster Mr. Smith wish to thank the many people in Richvale for their aid in providing tranbportaL tion for the boys to vamaz-ket and back. THRESHING MACHINE. HAY BALE-[L POWER MACHIN- ERY. FARMSTOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FURNITURE, ETC. The property of ' 'JOHN H. SNIDER Lot 26, Con. 4, MARKHAM TWP. Half Mile East of Victoil'a Square WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1949 Farm Machinery - Dione 22x36 Threshing Machine, complete withlgrain thrower, clo- ver concaves, sieves, straw shred- der, mounted on rubber tires; ma- chine practically‘ new, used very little. Minneapolis Moline Automatic Pick- Up hay and Straw Baler, wire tie, complete with Wisconsin air cooled PE4 gasoline engine, near new, used part of one season. Mâ€"H 7 ft. Binder, sheaf carrier, trac- tor hitch and transport trucks, late model also horse hitch ' Case wire tie NCM PickaUp Baler, complete with Wisconsin motor, in perfect order. ‘ McCormick Deering Mower, 6 ft., N0. 9, with rubber tires, near new Judson Fertilizer Spreader, 10 ft., on rubber, new. Cockshutt Tractor Plow, 8A, 3-fur- Aspjnwall Potia‘to Planter, vnth fer- tilizer attachment. Cocksh‘utt Corn Planter, 2 row. M-H Grain Drill, 13 disc M-H Grain Drl‘ill, 15 disc I.H.C. Hay Tedder Ford 8 th. Army Truck, good order, all practically flew tires. Cockshutt Manure Spreader Cockshutt Iii-tooth Powerlift stifl- tooth Tract/01' Cultivator. Set of Tandem Disc Hum-rows. Implements Set of Horse Disc Hal'l'OWS, outthl'ow Rubber Tired Wagon, Timan bear- ings. Flat Rack . Cockshutt Scuï¬â€˜ler M-H Milking Machine, single‘unit with pipes and outlets for 10 cans Electric Motor one-third h.p. De Laval Cream Separator Set Platform Scales, 2000 lbs. Garden Seeder, new Chatham Fanning Mill with pulley Blacksmith’s Hand Power Post Drill Bale Wiire Straightener Emery with Mandrel, heavy Set of Sling Ropes Set of Bob Sleighs No. 40 Jacket Heater, new Long Sleigh with box Wagon Box, good Set Brass Mounted Breeching and Back Bands Set 01 Breecning Harness Number of Horse Collars Set of 3 Section Drag Han-ows Set Spring Tooth Han‘ows, M-H, 3- section. l.H.C. Tractor Plow, 2â€"furrow Oliver Stiff Tooth Cultivator Frest & Wood Hay Loader .\1-H Sell-Rake Reaper Scuï¬â€˜ler Oat I 31-}! Corn Cultivator Riding Sulky Cart 2 Cl M-H Hay Loader Rubber Tired Wagon 65 ft. Drive Belt, 7 inch \Yhiflletrees, Neckyokes, Chains AUCTION SALE RICHV ALE Oat Roller Cutters and In the matter of the estate of NAN- CY HILTS. late of the Township of Markham. in the County of \ork. widow, deceased. ALL persons having any claim against the late NANCY HILTS who died on or about the 23rd day of March 1949 or against her Estate are requried to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of June 1949 after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice shall have then been received. DATED at the City of Toronto, this 27th day of May,1949,by WILLIAM COOK ,& GIBSON, 912 Federal Building, Toronto 1, Ontar- io, Solicitors for the Executor. c3w49 4N "HE MATTER of the Estate of CAROLINE SERENA WA'I‘SON, late of the Village of King City, in the (‘ounty of York, widow, de- ceseaed. OOOQOOOOOOOQOOOOOQOO00099009690609.0906. O990009900000OOOQOOOOOQOOOOQOOQOOOONâ€â€˜ IN THE MATTER Ol“ the Estate of JOHN GEORGE KEFFER. late of the Village of Maple. in the Coun- ty of York. Retired. deceased. ALL persons having any claim against the late John George Keï¬er who died on or about the 30th day of April 1949 or against his Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of June 1949 after which date the assets of the Estate ‘will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been received. 1. ALL PERSONS having any claim against the late Caroline Serena ‘Watson who died on 01' about the 8th day of May 1949, or against her Estate are required to send particu- lars of their claim to the undersigned on or before the 25th (lay of June ‘.949 after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed, hav- ing regau'd only'to those claims of which notice shall then have been received. DATED at the City of Toronto, this 23rd day of May 1949 by WIL- LIAM COOK & GIBSON. 912 Fed- ,WILLIAM COOK & GIBSON, 912 Federal Building, Toronto '1, 0n- ,tan'io, Solicitod's for the Executor. HARRY E. PALMER DATED at the City of Toronto, this 25th day of May.]949 by III-Il-IIIIIIIIIIIEQ ei'al Building Solicitors for v WWWQQW/QMW/MWMO Notice Notire t0 Creditors Notice to Creditors Veterinary Surgeon 46 JOHN S'l‘.. THORNHILL PHILIPS RAID... FIRST 5 In Canadiani 4:! 71 Yonge St, Richmond Hill Phone Thurnhill 250 E0 THE ‘ _, “HILLTOP ELECTRIC? CONGRATULATIONS YOUR OFFICIAL OPENING 7/te N£W ‘ to Creditors Toronto 1, Ontario. the Executors. c3w49 HILLTOP ELECTRIC c3w49 SEE AND HEAR THEM AT mu 009W“0000““0 O“..me ooomoumb aOQâ€"OOOOOOOON ".â€. 3090009060099000000000.090.0000000000000000000000â€, 500000000000000.900009000000459¢¢¢¢¢09090000099090666 Richmond Hill pï¬/ZW RADIO‘S RICHESI VOICE SINCE 1926 l Congratulates their new dealer on the" OFFICIAL OPENING To the music lover Columbia Records are available - See the latest in Spartan Radios and Washing Machines now on display. (é EA V ESTRO UG HI NG‘ ROOFING NEW FINDLAY AND I’EASE FURNACES TIN SMITH Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces The Hilltop Electric †PAUL DUBOIS OF Phone 223.] Telephone 5-J