Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jun 1949, p. 3

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YORK (‘OUNTY JUNIOR FARMERS“ EHIIIEIIEEE II = Dancing: 9.00 to 1.00 75c l’er I'ermn : =IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 00000000.0090900900000990.0.00090900099696009600.00: DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE :OOOOOOOOO0000O0099‘.00000600000060.0009.60000060060 9600.9OCOO99000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000.90000000990000906090.000NOQOOOOOOOOOWO: “Merrymakers” Orchestra MODERN AND OLD TYME DANCES PICNIC WITH SPORTS. SOFTBALL and TUG-OF-WAR IN AFTERNOON WOWWWMOMOO‘ WOO”WOOQWWOWOOOQO‘ possible because of to make. 3429 Yonge St. TORONTO At The Top Of The Town CHARGE AND BUDGET ACCOUNTS INVITED. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CHARGE ACCOUNTS) Cedar Beach Gardens, Musselman’s Lake ANNUAL DANCE Now is Your Chance Now Open to give you Complete APPLIANCE SERVICE Selling the Leading Makes of Household 0 Appliances 0 SPARTON â€" “Radio’s Richest Voice” PHILIPS â€" World famous quality Radios and Combinations PHILCO â€" Auto Radios IRONS AND TOASTERS BY‘ GENERAL ELECTRIC, WESTINGHOUSE AND SAMSON .fli ‘ FAMOUS SUNBEAM PRODUCTS Ironmaster, Toastmaster, Mixmaster and Shavemaster Sandwich Grills, Waffle Irons, Hotplates Electric Clocks, Light Bulbs Rangettes â€" standard and heavy duty Complete Line of Electrical Hardware Washing Machines by Sparton and Philips SPECIALIZING IN GUARANTEED SERVICE TO All makes and types of small appliances Your Radio Tubes and Batteries Tested free with the latest in testing equipment DRESSES SUITS Friday, June 10th At very generously reduced prices. SHORTIES COATS GOWNS The Hilltop Electric Located in the centre of Richmond Hill’s Shopping District J AY’S LADIES WEAR “ Home of Small Appliances ” FOR SALES a‘ recent special purchase we were able TO BUY This is made Hu. 0898 EI‘SOD The Garden Party to the lawn of St. Andrew" ian Church is on Wedn 15th. Supper is from G tertainment to follow. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O with their daughter, Ml London, Ont., last week. Maple Firemen were fire -at the Ontario H051 Slight damage to the from the fire. Passed away 1 Monday, May 21 beloved wife of her 79th year. E of the late M1 Cairns and was Passed away at her late residence, Monday, May 23rd, Mary S. Cairns, beloved wife of John McGillivary, in her 79th year. She was the daughter of the late Mr. [and Mrs. Thomas Cairns and was born on the 6th con- cession of Vaughan. Survivingr are her husband and three sisters, Mrs. Paton. Mrs. Grey of Laskay and Mrs. Harris of Mildmay. Funeral service was held in St. Paul’s Church, Vau- ghan, Thursday, May 26th. Interment in the adjoining cemetery. We ex- tend our deepest sympathy. Mrs. Earl McNaughton and daugh- ter, Elizabeth and Mrs. Austin Rola- inson are visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. R: D. McNaughton. while the former’s husband, Dr. Earl Mc- Naughton is attending the conven tion of the Canadian Association of Professional Physicists at the Laval University in Quebec City. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kyle of Yorkton, Sask.. are visiting" with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Jones. It is 30 years since Mr. Kyle left this vicinity and he will notice a lot of changes. They are visitnig among: other relatives and friends also. Teston Sun-day School anniversary is to be held Sunday, June 19th. Rev‘ Fockler is the speaker at theflmorn- ing‘ service and Dr. Archer Wallace in the evening. The Strawberry Festi- val will be held on Tuesdav. June 21 Following the supper a plav will be given, a comedy, ‘Henpecked Henry.Y Please note the change of date of the festival. The sacrament 0? the Lord’s Sup- ner will be held in St. Andrew’s Presâ€" byterian Church, Sunday. June 5th morning service at ll. Preparatory service. Thursdav evening at 8 our The Mission Ban-d held their “Mo- ther’s Day” meeting in the Prele- terian Sunday School room. on Sat- urday, May 28. A short. program was enjoved. Articles made by members for the bale Were shown. o The May meeting of the'Mapl'e S ut Grout) Committee was held at th home of John Aird. M. J. Kinnee, chairman, presided and revular but:â€" iness was transacted. Plans were made to send a scout to the Canadian Scout Jamboree to be held at Ottawa in July and tentative plans were made fm~ the Scnnt canoe trip in A'ugust. Sunday. May 29. Teston Cub Park and Maple Scout Troop attended the inspiring Drumhead Service of York Central District in Newmarket. All ownérs of dogs running at large in Maple Village are subject to a fine. Monday of this week, the Maple Scouts held their regular meeting in a secluded nook. It was another super-hike and the scouts again dis- played their culinary art in the great outdoors. - Mrs. Agnes Barr tand' Miss Grace Mackey of Prestwick, Scotland. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey. - MAPLE 223J Andrew’s Pre on Wednesday L from 6 Lo 8 z Oliver ital, Concord. roof 1"esu1ted caHed ull v, Jum and en Local Grocer Owns Interesting Coins One 200 Years Old to bé an ancie‘nt coin on the Neill farm at Jefferson, sparked numerous other stories dealing with the finding of old coins, locally. Besides that, lo- cal citizens have been digging down into the stock and, as a result, a number of pieces of old money have been exhibited to this paper. Latest and largest of the collec- tions is .that possessed by Archie Murray of Helen’s Grocery. Not being numismatists (That’s a good one for early Monday morning) it 2-: impossible for the staff of thisl paper to say what collector’s value] the coins h‘ave. Nevertheless, they are of considerable historical vvalue. Away hack in 1797, when George III was King: of England, the petty cash must have constituted a real labour ptroblvem.‘ It wasl‘a good job that slot machines were unknown in those days toro. Among: the coins owned by Mr. Murray is a copper one -â€" denomination unstated, but apparently a penny â€" which Weighs two ounces. At the other end of the scale, at least as far as weight is concerned, tare some tiny U'. S. coins, some of them carrying thir- teen stars indicating the number of individual states of those days. Among them is a “half dime” in sil- ver and a three cent piece in the same metal. Oldest of the coins is one of 1746. around the Hill. A short story in the Liberal a weeks ago, describing the findin nn amie‘nt coin ‘on the Neill far] Many countries are represented in the large collection of coins and to- k~ens owned by Mr. Murray. One of the interesting ones is an Irish coin dated 1818. The collection has been acquired over a periodi-of thirty years during which time. Mr. Murray aginits with- out blushing, he has been trying to collect current coin of the realm. He has been in the grocery business in the Hill for the last seven years. The score to date indicates that the oldest coin in the district is the 1746 number owned by Archie Mur- ray. Who can beat it? HEADFORD SATURDAY, JUNE 4 _ Auction sale of high class furniture. house- hold goods, garden tools, glassware, dishes, cooking utensils, etc., in the Village of Victoria Square, 4th con. Markham Twp. The property of E. Dennie. Sale at 2 p.111. Terms, cash. No reserve as property is sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, aucts. o Memorial Sunday, June 5th at 10 a.m.; evening service 7.30 p.m. by 'the Y.P.'U., Richmond Hill United Church Choir, speaker, Miss Myrna Coulson. ' SATURDAY, JUNE 4 â€"- Auction sale of farm stock and implements, horses, pig's, _antique furniture. At lot 12, con. 2, Markham Twp. on Bayv'i-ew. Property of Ed Quantz, 1/2 mile north of No. 7 Hgy. Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold. Sale at 1 pm. A. S. Farmer, auctf Jas. R. Smith, clerk. ‘ WEDNESDAY,'JUNE 8 â€" Impor- tant 'extension auction sale 2 Wire- tie Pick-up hay balers, new thresh- ing machine, tractors, farm imple- ments, furniture, etc. Lot 26, con. 4, Markham Twp., half mile east of Victoria Square. Property of John Snider. Sale at 1.30 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, aucts. SAT., JUNE 11 â€" Auction sale of high class modern and antique fur- niture, garden tools, etc., at 1 Ar- nold Street, Richmond Hill. Property of Wesley Clark. Sale at 2 p.m. Terms cash, no reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., JUNE 11 â€"â€" Auction Sale of high class modern and antique fur- niture, garden tools, 9 roomed brick house, square plan with all conven- iences on large lot. etc, at 1 Arnold Street. Richmond Hill. Pmperty of Wesley Clark. Sale at 2 pm. Terms cash. no reserve. Ken and Wééieiv Clark. Sale at Terms cash, no reserve. 1 Clarke Prentice, auctioneers WED, JUNE 15 â€"~ Auction Sale of household furniture and other efi'ects at Lanzstafi' sidel'oad, & Fairview Ave., West side of Yonge St. The property of Mr. L. Larson. Sale at 2 pm, Ken ‘and Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. , ven 811015101188 FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1949 â€" Auction Sale of Dairy Cattle, Farm Stock, implements, high class furniture, etc. on Lansing Highway at Oriole east of Yonge Street, property of George Stone. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. no reserve, property sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. farm implements, fence wire, fence posts, fencing tools, such as stretchâ€" ers, chains, diggers; a large variety of carpenter and blacksmith tools, etc., on Finch‘s Ava, east of Yonge St., in North York Twp. Property of Geo. Trimble. Terms cash, no re- SAT, JUNE 18 â€" Auction Sale SALE REGISTERS n81 there of lo Proprietor them 1 n‘t, the e m-one tor quitti and Clarl hm KI appear nockin hills! few Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shaw. Demiie, Marie and Larry of St. Thomas had‘ dinner Sunday evening at the home of Mr. H. Forster, Bertie and Harold:' They also called at the home of Mr. Eli Dennie. Ladies of the Sr. Women’s Insti- tute and all ladies of the community are cordially invited to attend the regular monthly meeting of the J.W.I. to he held at the home of Mrs. Stan DeFoe on Tuesday, June 7th. This meeting is in charge of Bertie For- ster and will take the form of Bridal Arrangements and VVIedding' Eti- quette, etc. Don’t forget June 7th at 8.15 p.m. You are invited. Mrs. Angus Valliere, Markham has kindly invited the W.M.S. to her home on Thursday, June 9th, at 2.30 p.m. where they will hold their monthly meeting: Mr; and Mrs. H. P. Slade of Sal- vador, Sask., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Rumney. Nh‘. Sl-ade will sail for England on the Aquitania on June 61h. Mrs. Slade will spend the summer with her sis- ter. V ICTORI A SQUARE There will be a special Memorial Day service on Sunday, June 5. at 2.30 pm. The guest speaker will be Rev. Howey of Aurora and the sol- oist will be Miss L. Fierheller also of Aurora. All are invited to attend this service. Mr. James Boynton left on Tuesday for a trip through several of the United States. Several from our community at- tended the Boy Scout and Cub Parade at Newmarket on Sunday. lst Teston Qub Plack made a won- derful showing at the Scout Drum- head Rally held at Newmarket on Sunday, May 30th. The commun- ity might well be proud of their Cub- master and boys who are taking; such an interest in this new venture for Teston. This pack is under the leadership of Cubmaster Keith Cambden who would welcome new cubs from the age of 8 to 12 years. R. D. LITTLE .TO SHOW IRIS AT HIS HOME ON JUNE 8th Local lovers of iris â€" and indeed all flower lovers -â€" are being ex- tended an invitation to a showing of that bloom ‘to be held at the home of R. D. Little on June 8th. Members of the Canadian Iris Sec- iety will be exhibiting their flowers at that time. ' ' TESTON SPO SUPPOSE you have what you feel is a good opportunity which calls for bank credit. If one bank cannot see it your way, or if you think you can get a better deal elsewhere, you’re free to “shop around”. Banks compete to serve the most diversified needs, no matter how specialized any of them may be . . . personal, business, or farm loans, money transfers, collectionsâ€"to name just a few. More than 95 out of 100 bank loan applications are decided “right in the field”â€"in the branchesâ€"by bank managers who take a personal interest in servmg Memorial their customers’ individual requirements. 90600900090000¢O.v9900660009000.00000099900000900002 V ‘ 600060000000060000000000660¢OQOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”OO Any Quantity ELECTRIC WIRING and REPAIRS RICHMOND HILL ELECTRICAL SHOP J. Carl Saigeon Agency City and Suburban Delivery GILSON HOT AIR FURNACES AND OIL BURNERS IBI WE HAVE A LARGE VARIETY OF BOX PLANTS (FLOWERS AND VEGETABLES) Floral Designs for Every Occasion. Righvale Florist PfiUL'fi‘RY WANTED RAI All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. l’hmw.AGIN(‘0URT 2-481, or )vrite 10 ‘uburban Delivery We Telegraph Flowers PHONE RICHMOND HILL 311~lr2 MAPLE, ONTARIO E R N I E B R O C K 82 YONGE â€" PHONE 296W h m Norolda Poultry SCARBORO JUNCTION Telephone Maple ll H 1‘1 nus-day Tune Good Prices 19-19

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