Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jun 1949, p. 4

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MOCORMICK Deel‘ing‘ mower. num ,her 6; also Massey Han-is Binder 6 out, both in excellent condition. Phone Maple 541‘4. tfc47 ectric range, in good condition. Phone Maple 541'11. clw49 QUANTITY OF ELECTRIC FIX- U‘URES, suitable for show room 01' store, Little Bros., Richmond Hill. CUTTING BAR for 1‘ rear end type, will take mower in tmde. C. phone King 1111:}. {'C'IR'ESWWXNTEB 1938 PONTIAC “8” SEDAN, radio 'heater 'and extras, $850.00. Applv 3043 Yonge St., New‘tonbrook. c1w49 4-B'URNER HOT POINT electric range, large, $50.00. Apply phone Richmond Hill 498W. chum FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fonn. Thornhill 169. tfc46 BLACK MARE, quiet to ride and flrivep good with children. Apply ,nny time to W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges, phone King 591-14. clw49 “1931 CHEV. COACH cheap. Apply 2A. Gaudier, Rumble Ave. Phone Richmond Hill 307M after 7 p.m. 2n‘lanter; fertilizer and check row at b'tachments, new this year. Apply Heise, Victoria Square. *2w48 MAN'S BICYCLE 24x22 frame; good condition, reasonable. Phone Rich- mond Hill 481-23. *1w49 LU-PIN ROOTS. Apply B. Wark Bathul'st St., Cal‘l‘VillO Rd., anytime fifter 5 pm. c2w49 COOK STOVE, coal and wood, good condition. Apply Bruce Gordon. phone Maple :ZJWZ. c1w~19 SAND, GRAVEL, LOAN and FILL suppliEd on short notice; genera gaulage, Class F P.C.V. W. J odge, Maple 15. c3w48 annuals, tomato plants. Ruggles Ave. and Second Street, east on No. I? Hgy.-at Lnngstafl‘. Phone Thorn- fllill 2061'14. *4w47 Moowmwwooowwuomomo' 1932 PLYMOUTH, in good condition. Apply John Martin, Keele St. Maple. c1w49 1932 CADILLAC. good condition, lea konable. Apply Richmond Hill 407w - *1w43 body, good motor; ‘3125.00. Phone Thornhill 181'23. clw-IE) KATHADIN SEED POTATOES: 01 'MoCORMICKâ€"DEERI N G :3 H‘U’G‘H’S GREEN HOUSE full of ,1, USED Cockshutt 70 tractor; 2 ‘Cockshutt No. 1 transplanters; 3 jCockshutt No. 3 hayloaders; 1 side ,Delivery rake. W. Latimer, Union- ville, phone 48. *3w‘47 Wm.”«omomowowouwonoouuooog 435.]. - _ V ’3‘ 1w-19 LADY’S BLACK SADDLE MARE, 7 years old, sound, beautiful manners. P-hone Richmond Hill 481‘23. *1w49 1947 FORD COACH, excellent con- dition small mlieage. Phoné Stoufl'- ville 67310. *1w40 1936 PLYMOUTH COACH, tings. .Apply phone Richmond 1935 CHEV. SEDAN, good shape, all new tires; body fair. Apply Lomc Boyle, Elgin Mills. cl\\'4U 1 LARGE JERSEY CO\V and calf. fresh, good milker, $150.00. J. S. McNair, Maple 491'3. clw49 KAJTHIADIN seed potatoes, 85¢ per bag. Apply Harvey Mashintcr, R. R. 3, King, phone King 3113. tfc47 1929 PONTIAC COACH: excellent 1941 DODGE SEDAN, Mack, good condition. Apply L. Weavers, [Sex 77, Thornhill, phone 1941'32. "'l\\'4h' 1929 CHRYSLER, good, phone enings Richmond Hill 3591-32}. 0 17 PIGS, 7 weeks old. Apply Sullivan, R. R. 1 King. FOR REAL ESTATE phone Thornhill 168. 1 QUEBEC COOK STOVE condition; phone Maple 65124. 14 PIGS, 7 weeks old. Phone 28r12. OF CANADA LIMITED 100 Yonge St. Rich] RATESâ€"â€"Five lines 61' less, 35 cents for first insertion and 25 cents f( ‘five lines 7_cents per line extra each insertion. lf charged Telephone Richmond Hill 9. Classified Sale 85 Want Ads To Operate Machines and Assembly Work Flex-O-Loc Spring Products NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Excellent earning possibilities when trained. FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thursday, June Apply ASK FOR MR. SAMPSON 0rd Tractor, horse drawn Rasmussen, *1w49 1‘0\\' C011] clw fair clw49§ tfc-‘l‘J 1w‘19 Venn, H'ch good 1 w Hill v49 4U lBOY’S BLACK RUBBER rain coat, gsize 8, worn twice; also cotton suit land Windbreaker size 6. Apply Rich- .mond Hill 437W. / c1w49 1948 MODEL '49 Ford Panel 1/2 ton, privately owned used as passenger car only. Apply 17 Edgar Ave., Richvale, Stop 22. Thornhill 2191'2 only after 7 p.m. c1w49 tractor ’hitch, in excellent condition. D. Davidson, Dufferin St., between Sheppard nand Finches. Phone Wil- lowdale 2264f *1w49 ning‘ orden; new springs; 7,000 miles; seal beam lights; new brakes and good tires. Thornhill 2171'42. desifed. Apply R. B. McDonald, May Ave., phone days, Willowdrale 2182, evenings Richmond Hill 3141‘21. STUD‘IO COUCH, Findlay cook stove Quebec heater, stove pipes, baby carriage, Mantel radio, chemical toil- et, wooden trunk, inside garbage can, phone Maple 511‘2. c1w49 16 3x16 ROUGH PLANKS at $2.00 each; 3% square of thick butt shing- les, Huron Blend at $7.00 a square. Apply Mr. Doug White, 24 Edgar Ave., Richvale. c2w49 WANT SUMMER CHICKS? Be sure you get Big-4. They have plenty available. Pullets, cockerels. Mixed. Get them now, out on range, growing fast. You’ll need these for later makets. Agent, Wesley Clark RR. 2 Gormley. J. AfRose, Maple,:ph0ne 34J. tfc38 1927 OLDSMOBILE 2-d001‘, five plas senger, easy on gas and oil, good tires. Apply W. E. Creor, c/o Spence, Wilcox Lake, Oak Ridges, R. R. 2. >1‘lw49 ONE OR TWO ACRES. Terms if 1948 FARGO, 1/2 ton, pi‘ckup truck (blue). Mileage 1000, equipped with heater and defroster; grill guards, snox‘v tires on back, priced to sell. Apply T. D. Boyce, Woodbridg‘e, phone 6614. c1w49 ELECTRIC REC RD PLAYER, Vik- ing (plug in we type) 1 year old, good as new; pair knickâ€"knack shelâ€" ves, mirror back; Gibbard solid wal- nut dressing bable, perfect condition 66 Princess Ave., Willowdale. Phone one 5259. c1w49 MASSEY-HARRIS BINDER 6 ft WHITE LEGHORN PULLET BAR- GAINS while they last, 2 week old $34.95, 3 week old $39.95, day-old $26.95. Black Minoroa x White Leg- horns $1.00 per hundred more. Also other light and heavy breeds, nonâ€" sexed, pullets and heavy breed cock- erels. Turkey Poults. Send for re- duced price list for June. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. ' 2w49 WOODS. MILKING MACHINE MASSEY-HARRIS Clipper Combine, 6 ft. cut, complete with motor and scour cleaner; out only 30 acres. Phone Unionville 41.13. c1w49 AGENT for Mofi‘ats New Electric Range; also Essotane Gas Ranges and Electric Pails; Crossley Shelvador Refrigerators and Hinman Milkers. TOMATO PLANTS, cabbage pan- sies and annuals, Anderson, 92 Rich- mond St, Richmond Hill, phone 204. ===2w49 stair hand rails, fire doge, fire scl‘eens, fire seLs and acetylene Weld- mg. Apply ’1‘. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Richvale. tfc35 BICYCLE C.C.M. man‘s, good condi- tion. Apply Sam Mashinter, lot :11, con 2., Vaughan, above Elgin Mills Sideroad. *1w49 plete used Hare BUCK RAKE, motlo overhauled and rake excellent; Massey-Harris Power Take-off binder, good as neW, 8 ft. Phone Maple 1121'2. *1w49 FRONT SCREEN DOOR, Al condi- tion, all fittings, size 3’ x 7’. Apply 2 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill phone 85. c1w49 URNANIENTAL PORCH RAILS, BANK BJARN hipl'OOf 72x42 with wing; 21x40, good condition to be re- moved. J. E. Teetzel; south Yonge St., Richmond Hill phone 96. *1w49 3S. MILKING MACHINE, com- single unit, gas or electric, only 2 months. Apply W. S. and Son, King RR. 3. *1w49 FORD COUIPE; perfect run- Richmond Hill motor radib; Phone c1w49 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over charged to account nme cents per llne. 4w49 1949 BUY DIRECT from the manufactur- er and save on screen doors; win- dows; planelled, combination and ply- wood doors; 2x4, 2x8; 2x10 sheeting. Full line of paints. This week’s special 21/2” and 4” wire nails at 11c per lb. Phon‘e Richmond Hill 485. engine with rear starter, magneto, Detroit reverse gear, decked forward, heavy square stern for outboard use, $275; 21 ft. mahogany fishing punt, arranged for chairs, gas tank in and rudder, can furnish engine and re- verse gear $125; counter platform scales, weighs up to 240 lbs. $15.00. Apply 1 Yonge St., Richmond Hill, phone 211. slw49 tivating', tilling. W. H'. Goode'fham, 39 Elmwood Ave., Lansing, telephone Willowdale 2508. c28w43 LANGSTAFF small frame house on 1/; acre, full cellar, 3 piece bath, running water, S2800 cash, small mortgage. Orval Jones, Doncrest Rd., Langstaff, phone Thornhill 217 1'21. c1w49 BABY .SITTER, experienced, after- noons or evenings, phone Thornhil] 1931-12. *1w-19 SPRAYING, lawn, field with 24-D; stable with lime; orchard spraying. Apply phone Maple 11'12. *8w4fi LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired by experienced workman. Phone Jos. Winger, Maple 62121. BRAY can give prompt shipment. Ask for summer prices. Pullets (special low prices June-July), mixed, started. Order now. Also for July- August delivery. Agent Fred Wise, Bray Brooder, Richmond Hill 3591'21. 14 FT. MOTOR LAUNCH 6 h.p. twin PLASTERING, first class workman- ship. Will give estimates. Adam Pohl, Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill. 3461'21. *25w41. BAY MARE, general ’purposé, sound, good for farmer or market gardener. Apply E. A. Radford lst farm north of No. 7 highway on con. 3 Mark- .ham Twp. Phone Unionville 30J3. c3w49 CU STOM BLOUGHING, discingt cul- WELL DIGGING, pipe lines, septic tanks, concrete well tile. Tom Jar- rett, phone Richmond Hill 466J. LAWN MOW‘ERS and saw sharpen- ed; folding lawn chairs made; inside panel doors. Apply C. B. Stouen- burg, 11 Richmond 8., Richmond Hill, phone 392W. tfc42 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blindsyaluminum or steel baked en- amel finish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario St. West, Newmai'ket, Ont. tfc32 15 BAGS KATHADIN Seed Potat- oes; 3 burner coal oil stove with new wicks, used only 2 months. Ap- ply to Frank S. Johnston, 1/.» mile west on Jefferson townline after 4 p. .in., Oak Ridges. c2w48 your land completely prepared by the new scientific one Opera‘T-O"! method. W. Hutchinsr‘n Ela’m Mllis, pnone Pichmond Hill 28HV. tf241 1 50 YD. ROLL CHICKEN WIRE, 4 ft. high, $6.00; 1 play pen, $3.00; 1 Monarch 3-bu1'ne1‘ oil stove, $5.00; 1 1 water tank for Strand stove, $5.00. Apply 72 Edgar Ave., Richvale. CUSTOM ROTARY TILLING. Have upholstering, cabin carvmg. Estlmates ORDERS will be taken for private dressmaking after 7.30 p.m.; also all kinds of drapes made ani men’s sport shirts. Phone Richmond Hill 3591‘13. c4w46 GOLD BOW BROOCH May 24th. vic- inity of Park, Church St. and United Church. Please phone Richmond Hill 88. c1w49 ONE SUMMER KITCHEN, 16x12 with asphalt roofing, clapboard sid- ing in good condition. Apply W. J. Dennie, Stouffville 66114. *1w49 on lot 4, con. 3 King T\vp., app. 3 mos. to 1 year old. No ear tags. Owner may have same by proving property and paying exenses. Apply Pound- keeper Alfred McBride, King, Ont. c1w49 2 ROOM furnished cott porch, near river, good fishing, ‘26 hour drive fn FEDERAL TRUCK, panel body in excellent shape, good tires, 1936, a good buv, $375.00. Apply Ned Hill, Richmond Hill, phone 500 or 254. *tf VanDike, 33 Hunt Hill. CHEVROLET COUPE 1936; condition, five good tires. phone Richmond Hill 187 aft I'll . BLUE BUDGIE, lost May Langstafl‘. Pfhone Thornhill 1932 CHEV. SEDAl Apply 80A Mill Rd., Rlchmond Hill 3661'4 ALL? KINDS FURNITURE an MISCELLANEOUS HOLSTEIN HEIFERS CHEV. SEDAN, 8150.00 cash STRAYED TO RENT LOST FURNITURE repairs, cabinet_ work, wood 01] n given. N. . Ave., Richmond tfc Richvale, phone *1w4EJ bathing and m town, rea- impounded after 6 p. c1w49 screened c18w44 24th at 21712. good Apply 1w49 1w49 2w46 1w49. WWWOMOO mooonucmwo Used (1943) Ford Ferguson Tractor. Tires new last year. Good mechanical condition. Richmond Hill 0.6””WWOOMWM” W. J. SMITH & SONS DENBY â€"â€" In loving memory of Charles Ernest Denby. who de- parted this life, May 31, 1940. In life honoured, In death remembered. â€"â€" Always remembered by his wife and family. c1w49 213 Oak Ave. Richmond Hill 3431'6 0009909900.090090009000909 2 OR 3 ROOMS in Richmond Hill or district, must be close to Yonge St., by young married couple, abstainers, quiet, references. Apply Box 51, The Liberal. c1w49 YOUNG COUPLE with adequate stock and implements wish to rent dairy farm, hydro preferred. Can give excellent references. Apply Box 171, The Liberal. *1w49 HOW ABOUT THOSE HENS that have stopped laying. Highest prices paid. Bring them in or phone King 59114. W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Grading Station. tfc39 IN RICHMOND HILL 0r Maple dis- trict, house 01' rooms to rent, refined Chrisitian couple non-drinkers phone Newmarket 438w4. c1w49 farm. Wife is willing: to help in the house. Apply Lyndhurst 0295 Tor- onto. ‘ c1w49 HOUSE on 11/2 acres land. Cash un- der V.L.A. E. Maxey, 2 Starl'ett Ave., Toronto. *1w49 TO RENT 2 or 3 rooms 3unfurnishâ€" ed in Richmond Hill or district. Ap- ply phone Richmond Hill 453w. tfc48 sign card writer. Apply Victor Dra- per Agency, Oak Ridges, Ont. c3w46 HOUSE OR APARTMENT, 6 wanted immediately. Apply 707, The Liberal. WANTED COTTAGE TO RENT 0n Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed â€" Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office. Tel. 9, Richmond Hill condition 1021-13. TWO MEN for woodworking shop. Phone Richmond Hill 485. *1w49 BOY for service station. Apply White & Young B. A. *1w49 A WOODEN RAIN BARREL in giqqd ADVERTISING SALESMAN and Immunization against many communicable diseases, more and earlier attention to initial sickness and discovery of many new valu- able drugs have all contributed to the happy result of reducing the mortality rate from 20% to 2%. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TO\VNSHIP OF NORTH YORK In 1899 the mortality rate from infectious diseases was approxim- ately 20% while in 1949 the rate has dropped to less than 2%. Ex- amination of the statistics of each separate disease shows that this decline began in 192-0 and was coincident with the marvelous im- provement in general health and nutrition of children, through the discovery of the importance of vitamins in nutrition. Painting Contractors CARL E. HILL, M.D.. M.O.H Residential â€" Industrial Swing Stage The best way PIANO TUNING IN MEMORIAM . . l to be sure of having red trademarked FAMOUS READING HARD COAL next fall is in fill up now! and Repairing FOR SALE Little Bros. PHONE 188 RICHMOND HILL J O N E S COAL CO. S. Holfman WANTED GOOD NEWS Phone Richmond 'Hill clw49 Richvale, Ont. l’honc 17-1 rooms, Box *1w49 Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 26, 1949 The Department reserves the right to demand from any successful ten- derer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada" made payable to the or- der of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bear- er Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway der of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Be-ar- er Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent com- panies unconditiqnally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dom- inion of Canada, or the aforemen- tioned bonds, and a certified cheque, if required to make up an odd am- ount. ‘ . Sulch security will serve as a guar- antee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. W”OOOO”O””ONOW00009000N00”}.NOON“OOOOMOO“”OOOOMOOOOONOOO§ Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and conditions attached thereto. Coal dealers’ licence numâ€" ber must be given when tendering. Vaughan and Richmond Hill vet- erans will hold their next meeting at the Municipal Hall. Richmond Hill, at 8.30 pm.. on June 7th, when of- ficers for the year will be elected. Plans for the annual pica‘lic will be discussed at the same meeting. TENDERS FOR COAL AND (‘le'E Federal Buildingsâ€"Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “Ten- der for Coal” will be received until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.) Wednesday, June 15, 1949, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings through- out the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob- tained from the Purchasing; Agent, Department of Public Works, Ot- tawla, and. the Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Local Veterans Meet, Elect Leaders, June 7 For Security, Progress and Good Government _VOTE FOR JACK SMITH HEAR HON. PAUL MARTIN J. 7M. SOMERVILLE AURORA AVENUE RD., NORTH YORK WARD 111, NORTH YORK - RICHMOND HILL By order, NEWMARKET COLIN CAMPBELL, Pres. EVERYONE CORDIALLY INVITED Minister of National Health & Welfare Secretary ?or information contact Jack Smith Victory Headquarters JACK SMITH Liberal Candidate in North York NORTH YORK LIBERAL ASSOCIATION, 02w49 IN NORTH YORK homo...»«00000009909904»oooooooooooooooowwooé 200.0000000069660090009909.0600...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ AND OTHERS Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. â€"â€" June 6, 7, 8 & Continuous from 7.30 p.111. Saturady Continuous M A R H A M fl'Om 7.00 p.m. The Monsters of Menace, versus The Masters of Mirth! BUD ABBOTT LOU COSTELLO “ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN” THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY UNWERSAHNIERNAYIONAL presents Produced by LEONARD GOLDSTEIN ' Directed by CHARLES LAMONT Screenplay by Herbert Margolis, Louis Morheim and Al Lewis 4 RIOTOUS DAYS TELEPHONE 9 01' 255 â€" â€" TELEPHONE 1145 â€" â€" TELEPHONE 215W PETER BURT, Sec TEL. OR. 6147 TEL. RE. 4828 with RICHARD LONG MEG RANDALL Monday to Frid June

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