Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jun 1949, p. 5

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9°9000OOOOOOQOOOOOOOGOOOOOO .909090000000.009000OO0.0099000OOOOOOOOONOOOOOOOOO: 2 PHONE 428W KH'HMUNU HILL ‘ o O OOOOOOOO”OOOOéOOOOOOOOOOOMOOO¢90000090090000060“ 6 HAROLD W. MORTSON YOUR LOCAL MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER RICHMOND HILL ' TELEPHONE 93 QOOOOO”OO000OOOOOOOMQOOWOOOOOOONOOONNOOO” V O O O O O O O O We have (m hand NOW and ready for immediate delivery: NEW -- ] N0. 22 Massey-Harris Standard Tractor i Two-row Corn Planter 1 Single-row Potato Planter 1 13-Disc Fertilizer Drill 2 N0. 31‘) Oil Bath Mowers :3. Power Take-off Mowers 2 Fertilizer Sowers Scufi'lers, Harrows. and Spring Tooth Harrows Milk Coolers 7â€" Cabinet Style or a Unit for your own Vat Water Systems Milkers' . USED TRACTORS â€" on rubber or on steel. These trac- tors are reconditioned and are priced to sell. Orders taken for DION rI‘HRESHERS and ENSILAGE CUTTERS If there is any other equipment you need now or in the near future. drop In to see us in our new store and we \Vlll endeavour to secure it for you. - REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES. COMMERCIAL. DOMESTIC ALSO ELECTRIC RANGE REPAIRS WORKMANSIIII‘ GUARANTEED TO THE FARMER WHO NEEDS - GOOD EQUIPMENT - GET ACTION GET ACTION GET ACTION ONLY the C C F ARE FREE TO ACT ON THESE AND OTHER VITAL MEASURES ON SOCIAL SECURITY HAROLD PATTON THE C C F ACCEPTS N0 FiNANClAL AID FROM BIG BUSINESS PURPLEVILLE SCHOOL REUNIGN PICNIC Candidate for York North REFRIGERATION SERVICE SATURDAY, JUNglyh In Richmond Hill and District \T HUTTONVILLE PARK BASKET LUNCH Dinner at 12. Supper 4.30 p.m. ome and meet your old school friends 0N 'HOUSING ()N HEALTH ARCH WOODS NEW 0R USED 24 Hour Service 85 WRIGHT ST. be held .‘ 00009000096000.90000000: VOTE RICH MOND HILL Vote Vote Vote Season’s prize will be given for the highest score on Friday, June 3rd at St. Mary’s Parish Hall. This will be the last euchre of the season. Come and bring your friends. The Vaughan and Richmond Hill Women’s Auxiliary of Veterans will meet in the Municipal hall Tuesday, June 7th, at 2.15 p.m. Members please remember your tea bags for roll call. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bost flew to New York for the marriage of their second daughter, Ruth Elizabeth, to Raymond Trosianiec, on Saturday, May 28th at the Little Church A)"- ound the Corner. Mr. and Mrs. Bost returned by air on Sunday. The regular business and devot- ional meeting of St. Mary’s Anglican Women’s Association will take place at the home of Mrs. P0cknell,\Centre St. W., at 2.30 pm. Tuesday, June 7. Keep Thursday, June 23, in mind for a lawn tea at the home of Mrs. Art White, 26 Mill St. Proceeds for the Ladies Auxiliary to the Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans. There will be a concert by Miss Mecredy‘s piano pupils in the audi- torium of the new Separate School (behind the church) at 8.30 run. on Thursday, June 9th. You are invited to attend. The June meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held in the United Church Sunday School Room on Tuesday, June 7th at 3 p.m. Plan to attend this meeting as important plans will he' discussed. Mrs. J. H. Wharton and daughter, Nancy, Richmond St, left by plane Saturday for San Antonio, Texas, where they will meet Mrs. E. A. Kan- tcl and will commence a two month's motor trip through Mexico, Arizona and California. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wagner, ac- companied by Miss Audrey Wagner have returned from a ten diay motor trip to Atlantic City and New York City. Mr. Wagner was a delegate to the National Association of Credit Mens’ Convention. The announcement has just been made by the Imperial Life Assurance Company that Jim W. Grainger, pop- ular representative in this district has achieved a membership in the Company’s Production Club. This signifies not only substantial life in- surance production but as well an outstanding record of service to a large group of policy holders. Social and Personal JACKSON â€" To Mr. and Mrs. G. Jackson, Paul Ave., Thornhill, a baby boy, Tuesday, May Slst. A brother for Sandra. At the May- fair Hospital. MCQUARRIE â€" Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don McQuarrie, Maple, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter on Friday, May 27th at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cook of Headford announce the engagement of their daughter, Doreen Eleanor, to Thomas Harvey McCuaig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli McCuaig of Game- bridge. Wedding to take place quietly in Beaverton on June 18. ORANGE HOME SCOUTS, CUBS, MAKE FIRST PUBLIC PARADE Making their first public appear- ance, the Scouts and Cubs of the True Blue and Orange Home attend- ed the Drumhead Service held in the Newmarket Arena on Sunday, May 29th. The neatness of appearance and good behavior of the boys was outstanding and much credit is due to Mrs. Free, matron of the Home, and others who worked with the boys. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday. June 5, 1949 10 a.m.â€"â€"Sabbath School. 11 3.111. â€" Public Worship. “Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy.” ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. W. F. \Vrixon, L.Th.. R.D. Rector June 5, Whitsunday 8 a.m. â€" Holy Commuuio-I‘ 10 minâ€"Sunday Schoox. 11 mm. â€" Choral Communion. Rev. C. B. Brethen, B. A. Minister SundaynJune 5. 1949 10 am. â€" anary, Intermediate Sundav School and Adult Bible 10 am. â€" Primary, Intermediate Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m. â€" Reception Service and Holy Communion. Evening services are withdrawn during the summer. Morning service regularly each Sunday at 11 a.m. All are welcome. GOSPEL SERVICES Sunshine from T ENGAGMENT Hear Masonic Hall Richmond Hill 3:00 PJI. Classes for all ages! 7 RM. All are cordially invited UNITED CHURCH BIRTHS them sing, play reach the Gospel 1e Evangelistic Group The People’s Church Toronto them sing, play and Held in the Bost flew to in mind Richmond Hill Lion R. l). Little Chosen District Governor R. D. (Bob) Little of Richmond Hill will be a busy man for the next twelve months. His recent election to the important office of District Governor of the Lions Club means that he will have to visit fortyâ€"six branches in District A3 during the coming year. A charter member of the local Lions Club, Mr. Little holds :1 rec- ord of eleven years’ perfect attend- ance. He was president of the Rich- mond Hill Lions in 1940, and was Deputy Governor for Zone 18 in 1945. District A3, which Mr. Little now heads, includes branches of the or- ganization from Owen Sound in the north to Peterboro in the east, and bakes in all Toronto branches. The new district governor will vis- it the Lions “International convantion to be held in New York in July. Anglican S.S. Picnic To Be Held June 18th The annual picnic in connection with the St. Mary‘s Anglican Sunday School, will be held at Cedar Beach Park on Mursselman’s Lake, Satur- day, June 18th. Buses will leave the church at 1 p.m. sharp. Sunday School children are taken free, par- ents and other adults will pay fifty cents towards transportation. All those intending to be present are asked to bring baskets. Tea and milk will be provided. Parents intend- ing to be present please let teachers know as soon as possible. Cedar Beach Park is a beauty spot with lawns and trees and tables. The beach is sandy and lake shallow. Jefferson Trustees 0n Inspection Tour Trustees of joint school section 4 of Markham and 21 of Vahghan,who were authorized by a taxâ€"payers‘ meeting a few weeks ago to proceed with the purchase of a site for the new school to be erected \at Jefferson, have visited a number of schools re- cently in order to collect information regarding buildings to be laid before a second meeting to he held as soon as possible. Trustees John Pass- more, Neil Dibb and Secretary Nor- mlan Burnem were accompanied by School Inspector O. M. McKillop amd visited schools in North York, Etobiâ€" coke and Richmond Hill. Richvale girls sewing; circle sale of work on Saturday, June 4th, at 2 p. in. sharp; Richvale School Stop 22A Yonge St. Shower gifts, fancy work. home baking and candy. Come and support the girls. RICHVALE FORMER MARKHAM FARMER NINETY-TWO ()N JI'NE 3RD Formerly of Markham Township, where he was born and spent all his life until retiring \from farming, Henry Smith will celebrate his 92nd birthday on June 3rd. He is now living at 6'2 Barring‘ton Avenue, Tor- onto. Mr. J. L. McGillivary wishes to thank his relatives and friends for their many acts of kindness during: recent weeks and for floral offerings in his late bereavement. *1w49 CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late Russell Mortson wish to extend heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received from the many friends, relatives and neighbours during their sad bereave- ment in the loss of a dear husband and father; especially thanking Drs. Langstafl‘ and Thompson and Rev. Mr. Currey for his comforting words. l “'49 CARD OF THANKS A Mr. John S. Lawson and family wish to extend grateful appreciation to their relatives, friends and neigh- bors for the many acts of kindness shown during ‘their recent bereave- ment and for the lovely floral trib- utes given in sympathy. During the lengthy illness of the late Mrs. Law- son while in hospital and at her helm at King, they convey deep thanks {m kindnesses rand bouquets of flowers. utes given ‘ lengthy illn son while it at King, th‘ GODWIN â€"â€" Hosbital F M. Lorine W Dr. W. O. ( Interment cemetery. ARD OF THANKS Mr. J. L. McGilli DEATH rid dwin ddenly M ay Russell T. Mortson died at New- market May 2lst after being: in poor health for fifteen months. Ho was born in Markham Township in the year 1882. the son of the late William and Emma Mortson. He moved to W‘estei'n Canada where he married Rachel Jane Baker in 1907. They farmed there for 28 years. ‘later moving back to Ontario. Leav- ling the farm in 1936 they moved to IRichmond Hill. the the W.. She Trench‘ Ottawa onto; 2 Speck, lowed m Richmond r1111 Viceâ€"president of V Ladies Lawn Bowling : member of Humberside E.S., and of the Free Mrs. Trench was also ar ber of High Park Unite mer prmmpal 1 Mount. Uennis afternoon 1‘11 L-hapel, Toront LATE R1 Russell market M poor healt was born the year William :1 Surviving‘ are his wife, two sons, Cecil of Queensville and Arnold of Victoria Square, six grandchildren and two brothers. ' Services were held in‘Victoria Square United Church Monday, May 23. Rev. E. A. Currev in charge. The pallbearers were: Harold and Gor- don Mortson, Clarence Stong. Lewis Nicholls, Ross Klink and Stanley Baynton. . OOOOOOOéOOOOOOQOOOOOOOQOOO Euchre and bridge in St. Edward’s School. Lansing, Thursday. June 0, at 8.15. Good prizes, door prize. refreshments. *1w4f) KING CITY MOTORS Agents I for Chore-Boy Milkers PHONE 47W. KING 09¢ooooooooooooooooooooooo 11191 General Farm Implements. Washing Machines, Refrigerators â€" Domestic. Deep-freeze. Walk-ins & Counter late , Cooksvillc. Her William Trench, died is survive DAVID MCLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE MR Tomato Ketchup 250 Tomatoes 3.1 HEINZ Coffee G CHOICE QI'AIJTY SPECIAL ‘K’IsT Grape-Nuts Flakes 19c POST’S THRIFT Seap Flakes l‘Ol’ OF THE MORNING Lemons . . Tomatoes . . . NO. 1 GRADE JL'ICY FIRM, RIPE "GARDEN FRESH" RADISHES. ASPARAGUS. HEAD LE'ITFUCE. CELERY CREE}; ONIONS. (‘U(‘UMBERS. ETC. FRESH DAILY NOTICE â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Wi‘fipfi‘wgzfifllbf‘fié‘ 360 Matches . . 21c 'l‘okLm's 2 For Information HS 31.] .mdy 'smnwa mond \ 1n \RAI-I TRENCH Speers - Fun 1nd interment d Hill cemetery RRY side chapter, 0. Tee Lance Club, 0 an active mem- nited church and i m (“Ol'NTRY W E MORTSON FRESHLY GROL'NI) ASSORTED FLAVORS 16 late , wldow French, 5011 1t l'llCE la)‘ Size 300 096006¢O00¢0¢009000900009906600909000000.90000099002 600.600 (‘ontro‘SL \\'.. Richmond Hill l’lmno lSNl: Nights and Holidays lSrG 606000000000000666906000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOé00006600 006000000000060000090.0000000000009.000000000000000: 3 Showing at 7.15, 9.15. Last complete Show u.uu.,; $099000oooooooooooouoooooooooooooooooooooooouw â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_~_ ll) l‘in l)u7. Showing at 7.35 ‘3 0']. BILL GOODWIN. IRENE HARVEY. JOHN SUTTON Plus Superman No. 14 In Cinecolor Starring; LARRY PARKS. MARGUERITE CHAPMAN Showing at Last complete Show 9.00 PLUS “MARCH OF TIME" and “DAY AT CBS” .‘ I “THE SEARCH” Starring; MONTGOMERY (LIFT. ALINE McMAHON The Great Winner of 2’Academy Awards LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thursday, June MONDAY T0 FRIDAY Royal Theatre AURORA 50X RICE’S FLOWER SHOP 17c 53c 34c 39c 25c “STREET WITH NO NAME MARK STEVENS â€" LLOYD NOLAN Office Opens Free Parking WEI)., THURS. â€" MON. TUES. _ 2 DAYS â€"â€" JUNE ’6. “GALLANT BLADE” 'I‘HURS. LAST DAY â€" JUNE 2nd (‘ut Flowers Vuncral Designs Co Wedding Bouquets Cleaner Javex SOLVEASE CONCENTRATEI) Grape Juice WELCH'S Spaghetti Rice Krispies 29c LIBBY‘S K ELLOGG‘S Oranges CALIFORNIA New Carrots 3 FRESH, CRISP 6.4 FEDERAI [AMI HON (Mollywuod) “Lu” 16 02 B11. 2 DAYS â€" JUNE 8. 9 Annuals SAT Q HOLIDAYS Box Ofl‘ice Opens 53.45 Saturday Matinee 1.4.") Jast Complete Show 9.00 15c ast complete Show 9.00 Size Tins Pot Plants Matinee at BU - 25c 20 oz 'I'in lit] lbs Dal {ms orsagvs 02 21c 17c 25c 45c 17c 33c 19c ()0

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