Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jun 1949, p. 6

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G 5666666666661066606666666666666669666666666666666666 H. J ENNENGS Plumbing and Heating Contractor TTTE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thursday. June 2. 19-119 Steam or Hot Water Alterations and Repairs PHONE 200W 27 JOHN ST.. THORNHILL 66606666666666660666669666600f CITY AND SUBURBAN LICENSE 666666666666666666666666666666666 '0666 .066666006666666666666666§6666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666.66666666666666666666666666666666Q F.L. LOWRIE, R.O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, June 8th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 INUON Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted OPTICAL REPAle BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 00096000!oooooooooooooggooee«03300020000009.0991. 66666666666666666666666666666 666966 6 i i : § : : § 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 HOME SEEKING 0r HOME SELLING ? It 1vtl: pay you to consult us. \Ye. have desirable mooqu houscs and business properties to H3“. also a wait- ing list of clients. some with all cash, anxious to buy in this district. Valuations cheerfully made. DAVID McLEAN, REALTOR THOI-IISHILL. ONTARIO OFFICE. PHONE 12 O666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666 v "66666666666666666 66666666660 006666666666666666666. 666606666606666666666666696666666666666666666666666: : 6 i MAPLE PREanERiaâ€"i CHURCH i Garden Party '°’ SUPPER AND ENTERTAINMENT WEDNESDAY, J UNE 15th SUPPER SERVED 6 TO 8 RM. i . i 6666666666666666669666666666 r066 §66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666‘66666‘ 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666b . Wanted Now FOR WAITING CLIENTS 5 Room House in the Richmond Hill district. must have dining-room. $3.000 down. 1 Room IIcuse in district on large lot with or with« out conveniences. up to $6.500 cash. 5 Bedroom house on good size lot. up to 322.000 cash. 50 Acre Farm around Stoufi'ville. Markham l'nionvillc. barn not necessary. $8.000 cash. OP 6 Room Bungalow or storey and a half. must have nice lat. SIOJIOO to $5.000 cash. Phone Thornhill 168 66666666666666666 66’660 0600666666666666666666666666666 Or Call at Office. Yonge at Steele‘s B. M. FENN Real Estate Broker P ¢O6Q666606666666666666666¢¢666966660696666666606¢¢ . 6666666906066666066 666069666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 Thornhill District News Mrs. J. (I. liceton of Arnold ltl‘muinmi‘ Avcnic. Thornhill. has been ap- pointed local correspondcnt of The Liberal for that area. Mrs. l I | l I I-lccton's telephone number is 202 J and shc will be glad to rcccivc any personal or news items tel- cphoned to her number. l i l l l i at that ___________.__â€"â€"â€" Lions Inter-School Softball A couple of upsets occurred in the Thoinhill and district In the Seniors. Thoinlca gave Thorn- hill their first loss of the season, and in thc Juniors. Thornhill. by defeat- thc latter's standing to school league. spoiled The follows: Langstafi' streak. .llL" l winning May Seniors I’inal Standing, single schedule only :itt is as l P W L Pts. 'I'hoi nhill . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 I 6 Langstatf . . . . . . . . . . . . .t 3 1 6 Thornlca . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 23 4 Concord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 2 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 4 0 The draw for the play-offs resulted in: \Yed., June .1. Thornhill versus Concord, Langstafi‘ versus Thornlea; \\'ed., Jane S. sudden death final. I l T l Richvale t l i | Nations and t'lii':\tiiin Citizenship Will give the address. Spec- provided by Mis. This niccting should prove in] music will ht- liurkc. to he a great inspiration to all who attt‘nd and it is hoped that many Ia- dics thc Thornhill District make effort to he prcscnt. Thc ilalc which the United (‘huich \\'.MS. is packing must he sent soon and the ladies are very anxious to rc- ccivc more good used clothing to put in it. These garments are for a very III. will Ell] worthy cause so if you haven‘t al- ready done so, please go through! your cupboards and pick out those‘ things you don't use but which 2TH“ “too good to throw away." Just leave them with Mrs. R. Simpson, Yonge and John Sts. or at the parsonage and they will soon he on their way to some one who needs them. I Last June the Young Ladies (luild of the United Church held a picnic at the home of Mrs. M. Heron, Fish- civille. The evening was such a huge success that it. is to be repeated this year on Thursday, June 9. Mrs. Heron‘s beautiful home and garden will again he the scene and all the members are looking forward to the outing. 'I‘ransportation has been ar- ranged and all those planning to at- tend should be at. the church at 6.30. The C.G.I.T. of Thornhill United Church realized a profit of nearly $60 at their bazaar and afternoon tea held last Saturday. This was very ' Results for last week: Concord 10, encouraging to the girls who worked ‘ Itichvalc s; Thornlea 22, Thornhill lit. Junior (12 and under) . .P..\\'..L. l’ts Ihornhill . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 I G ‘ LangstaII' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 1 6 \ Concord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 2 4 l Thornlea . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 4 0 Results for last week: Concord 28. Thornlea 25; Thornhill 11.Langstafl’ 4. (iIl‘Is P W L Pts ‘ Langstafl‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 0 8 Thornhill . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 2 4 ' Thornlea . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5} 1 2 2 i Richvale . . . . . . . . . . . . . a o- 3 0 Last Wednesday evening Church of All Nations Softball Team visited Thornhill School and handed the Thoinhill Senior Team a 19-12 hill boys played host to the visiting team. taking them into the school for refreshments. Arrangements have been made to play a return game on Tuesday. June 7 at Ogden School. ' Thornhill (lirl Guides and Brownies have planned a Moher and Daughter Banquet to he held in Lawrence Memorial Hall, Friday. June 3 at Gosh. The District Commissioner of Guides, Mrs. John McNeil will he picsent and a very enjoyable evening .s anticipated. The Uuides' annual meeting will be Eield at 7.30, June 0. at the Scout Hut. Badges and prizes will be awarded a fiyup of Brownies will take All parents and friends are and place. invited. The president of the United Church Toronto Centre Presbyterial. M‘rs. Pomeroy, will preside at the open meeting being held in the United Church Sunday School room. Thurs- day. June 2. at 23.30. Mrs. C. R. Con- ouergood will he in charge of devo- ADMISSION FREE 06666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 be seen by the closeness of the scores.l The ' beating. After the game the Thorn-' l l 0 Good Music â€" Prizes â€"â€" Refreshments Cnder Auspices Markham 'I'wp. Liberal AssOc. 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 so hard to make it a success and they wish to thank all those who supported their efforts. I A dinner was held on Friday, May', :27, to round out a season of hocke’l'yl for Nels Findlay's Thornhill Ban-' tams. Bill Ezinicki of the Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey Team was Ia guest. This group of 16 boys were, presented with red and white gah-’ ardine windbreakcrs by their spon- sor Nels Findlay, to show his appre- ciation of their fine showing during the season. Thornhill .may well be proud of this team as this year they‘ won the T.H.L. and King Clancy Group championships and playedl Toronto Marlhot'Os in the semi-finals. Members of the Thornhill Horti- ' Begun“ for last week: La"f$5tafi 17‘ cultural Society will receive cards in ‘Thornhill 15; Thornlea l2. Richvale 8. the mail Shortly advising them what The teams are improving", as may to grow for the June. July and Aug- ust shows. James Russell who graduated with honours from Toronto University has left to accept a position in the En- gineering stafi‘ office with a comâ€" pany at Franklin, New Jersey, U. S. A. The Thursday meeting of the first Thornhill Brownie Pack was marked by the number of awards earned and shows the diligence of the Brownies | Shirley Dean was enrolled and the following Brownies passed their gol- den har test: Jeane Nutbal, Linda Bresnehan, Catherine Harvey; Cath- erine Wood. Penny Reid, Carol Smith, Carolyn Jennings, Carol Junol and Sylvia Summerville earned their 0'olden hand. Born To May 24 at Grace Hospital, a son. John Dennis. To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Eccleâ€" stone on May 24 at Grace Hospital, a son. Alfred John. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Martindale spent the holiday at a family reunion l.eld at Mount Hope Community Park near Hamilton. DONATES PRIZE FOR ("ROP COMPETITION Mr. W. Scales, Manager of the Richmond Hill Pea Vinery has kindly donated the first prize for the winner of the Canning Pea Crop Competitâ€" ion. sponsored by the Richmond Hill tions and Mrs. J. Gardiner, ~United Agricultural Spciety. 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 OLDE TYME DANCE â€"inâ€" BUTTONVILLE HALL THURSDAY, June 9“: AT 9 P.M. EVERYONE INVITED & .066606666.66666666646.““A4466066606OQQQQQQQ ,\ A _.#.._WN_QPM IT’S GOOD TO BE YOUNG But it's the older men who wish they peak when you are older. and need it more. I v . . a» . lse toresight. Plan your Lite Assurance now, It can be conveniently arrangcd in casy >tagcs_ R. S. MCNERN A MERICAN LIFE NORTH thin ral llclivcry This means more moncy for you hatl amount of they were young. Not only are preâ€" niiums with careful planning. policies may he fully paid for by the time the of been passcd. for a larger while arranged Lite Assurance then at their lowest. but. your earning power has iichniond llill FEE-ELECTION HIGHLIGHTS With clcctitn posit-is making- their, . . i interest in tnc In beginning :tppcarancc locally lit' to Federal clcction 27th forthcoming hold on June is heighten. IIcittl‘liillg' ()Il'icci' for the coli<tiiâ€" ucncy of North York is I-‘rcd ti, llarc of Temperanccvillc. tine advance poll only will he llt'ltl in the riding. It will he in North York Township on June 23rd. 2-lth. 25th. Thosc entitled to vote at ad- .vance polls include only those who. by reason of their occupation. are forced to be absent from their usual. place of residence on election day., such as railwaynien, scallion, coniâ€" ’.cfoi c hciug ' mercial travellers. etc. allowed to mark his ballot the would« be voter must he in possession of an advance poll certificate issued by thcl rctuining officer or his deputy. I Majority of Jack Smith. Liberal MP. for the riding ;â€" who Liberal nominee in the present tcst g in the 1045 election was l3135. is also con- }etween elections redistribution of the riding has hrought back into the constituency the StoutT- ville rand Markham and the township of Markham. villages of Indicative of the tremendous growth of population the riding are figures given by Retuining ()Ii'icâ€"I er Fred Hare. There are 30,745 voters in North York Township alone for this election. 111 10.15 total number of voters for the whole con: stituency was 34,636. in Total numbers of voters recorded for the forthcoming- election in North York constituency is 53,000 â€"-~ near- ly double the number in the lit-15 clâ€" ection. Urban polls in the constituency iii- clude the villages of Sutton, Stoufil ville and Markham; the township of Markham, the township of North York; subâ€"divisions 1 and 4 of the township of Whitchurch; sub-divis- ions l’and 4 of the township of North Gwillimbury: sub-(IIVIsions 1 and 2 of the township of Georgina. In urban districts electors entitled to vote only if their names have been added to the voters' list by June 11th. In rural voting sub-divisions elec- tors, in order to save themselves trouble, should make sure that their are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gillies on names are on the lists by It) p.111. on June 0th. They can. however, by complying with certain formalities be sworn and vote on election day if their names have been omitted. Standard time is used in all otI’ic- ial election activities such as closing of lists and hours of voting. A list of voters in his subâ€" division is being,r mailed this week to every in community nated as urban. In rural subâ€"divis- ions lists of voters are displayed at various points. own voter a desig- SELLS ESTATE DAVID McI .EAN REA L 66666666666666666666666666 ‘ REFRIGERATION - SERVICE - ALL MAKES GUARANTEED 22 Years Experience McLean’s Appliance Service 194 Holmes Ave.. Willowdale PHONE ZONE 8-468 '6 6C 6666666666666666666666 . x \ J I I ] We”, yola Wgflf/V . your my; '/0, I Ii R O W fled fie/W B Gm wing Mashes 4 Advantages - HIGHER IN PROTEIN I» [[55 MASH USED ’ HEALTHIER GROWTH ‘ - CHEAPER FOR YOU I For Sale By RICHMOND IIILI. I“\It.\ll‘:lt.\” SI'I'I’I.Y Telephone 1:10 p 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ‘ii‘. I‘ ‘ ~.' c t a ~,i"! as l : OI/tsl'am/mg Quiz/1'1} - Dc/ic/oz/s Iii/(11721” Lagreve Beauty Salton Specializing in all typs of Permanent \Yaves (‘old \Yavcs. Machine and .‘ilachiueless I‘ROM $5.50 Shampoo and I"i|1;‘,‘t‘i‘\'.':i\‘t‘ 75c Thornhill 1013 for appoiiitiiicnt. l’lioiic eooooooooooooooooooooooooo00900094599009.39030 595300 Thornhill District Iitiiis t Iiili ANNUAL STREET DANCE £3 CARNEVAL THORNHILE, WEONESOAY, JUNE 2;th, 1949 in aid of the swimming pool. 6666666666906669606696¢9€>60 60606666 6006606-90666666 MONDAY to EATWRBAY May sort: to gimme 4th at To celebrate It; YLJIS of growth and expanding scrvicc to the people of Ontario. the more than Ili‘ti I.I)..â€"\. Drug Stores otl'er out- standing bargains during this wcckdcng Itith Birthday Sale. You can save real money on a great many drug store products that have a place in just about every home. Check over this ad for those >T)QCI'(IIS . . and shop during I.D..â€"\.'s Birthday \thk Sale, Mon- 7. day to Saturday. May 30th to JUP-c 41h, for 0Xll‘il HZ“5111:5- I.IT..-\. Cascara T4 ltit)'s, reg. 3. ' I.I)..»\. Magnesia R 300's I.IT.A. Senna Leaves. 1 Birthday Special MILK OF MAGNESIA I. D. A. Brand Tablets. loii's 37c. 39c & I 07.. 181' s & 18c I.I)..â€"\. Soda Bicarbonate. Iti oz. 12c, I.IT.A. Iodine, rcg. 20:- 13c I.II.A. \Yhite Itinhrocation I & 8 ti’/.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22c, tlitc I.I)..â€"\. Wild (,‘o-m- round. icg. 16 oz. 5“’ 0'. 39C Strawberry s-r'lir. J". - y. 4",}. AROMATiC CASCARA. f HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. â€"1 & 16 oz. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9c, . IDASAL PAIN 'I‘ABLETS. 5 git. 300's, rcg. 89c . . . . . , i . ' OLIVE OIL. I.I).A. Brand. fine quality, 4 02s. TOOTH BRUSHES. Nylon bristle . . . . . . . . . . II. Heav y Grade I.D.A.’s I.I).A. FREE GIFT For 16-yr.-ol(is Just send in cou- PAPER pon from I.D.A. handbill or news- paper. llitl ft. in iox c, 2 for 25c n I'O.. Ir. 3 (OCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO. rcg. 23c ... . . . . THEATRICAL COLD CREAM. 1 lb. ,iar . . . . . . . . . . . . Sic \VASH CLOTHS. good quality . . . . . . . . . . . . y . ;ic. 3’. for 23c SUN CLASSICS. (‘i‘ookcs lens with sidc shields . . . . . . Ittc EVER-READY SIIAYIC CREAM. reg. 3131c . . 231i: 3 for i3c SUPER-JUMBO STATIONERY. 7‘3 shot-ts R: IS cnvs. ‘flc I.D.A. SOFT WIIITE TOILI‘IT 'I‘lilSt'IC 030 slim-ts l for 'v Bloinicx ' Mcicolizcd birthday Special Soap Iloycs \. & 3214c IIIA. tliittnnizis. Iio Silphzzi . I.l).,\.. t'lcanlii: I‘ I’m. 7: n'. Wt i,..r 1.”. I.It..\. ILL". I’\-:t‘t.‘ \1‘1 t'oin IL in ' 27c . . -t‘r Au'w U. i iv “7 HARLEE’S TIRth STORE PHONE 205” TITORXIIILL

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