Princess 3324 Mr. R. Bennett IIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII We Reach the Buyers Ermst Ridout Real Estate Ltd. Niels AE. Andersen 84 Yonge St, Richmond Hill Phone 455W â€" 455J Toronto Head Office 1172 Bay Elgin SL. Thornhill Phone Thornhill 109M ‘omooooooooooooooomu Helm Simpson Lynett LESLIE SARGEANTg ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any where in North Yonge St. District oouomwmoomoooooo Q THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediatly North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Officeâ€"18 Toronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 Barrister 19 REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries N. L. MATHEWS. K.C. K. M. R. STIVER, B.A B. E. Lyons B. A. JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKET OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Botsford St. Phone 126 Phone 120 ’ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 4776 Yonge Street, Lansing, Ontario Zone 8â€"3'37 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill, Telephone 15 Branch Offices at THORNHXLL AND UNIONVILLE _ DENTIST “NGE AND ARNOLD STREET ' PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL :614 Confederation Lifé Building ELgin 5029 . Toronto , C. “DON†CHALK Toronto Ofl‘icé ‘ 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple. Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate Commercial and Domestic All Makes Dr. P. R. MacFarlm 2518 YONGF. STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 J08. Rabinowitch, BA. _ BARRISTER, SOLIClTOR . NOTARY PUBLIC MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED Succesaor to B. B. Jordan Office Hours â€"â€" Daily 10 to 5 p,m, Evenings â€"- Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays, 8 to 10 And by Appointment 40 Yonge St, Richmond Hill Phone Richmond Hill 229 DENTIST Closed Wednesday all day GASJSXTRACTION â€" X-RAY ALEXANDER MacGREGOR, K.C ‘ ALBERT J. WILSON, M.A. BARRISTERS King ‘P.O. Phone 2615 King Dealer in Gilson Products Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. Alex M. MacNaughton McKinnnn Building" ‘ Melinda Street, Toronto, Ontario BARRISTER SOLICJTQ‘R, NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE MacGregor & Wilson Notary Public ‘ Richmond Hill 398J 36 Centre St. W. LANG, MIC‘HENER. DAY & CRANSTON 50 King St. W., Toronto Waverley 2931 Grates and Chimneys A Specialty Walter S.‘ Jenkins BUILDING CONTRACTOR Wright & Taylor Stuart P. Parker M acNaughton ¢ 1MacNaugvhton Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale Dr. W. J. Mason Phone Woodbï¬dge 1â€"712 Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Wm. Cook, K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. J. A. Gibson T. C. Newman Cook & Gibson Richmbnd Hill Every; DENTAL THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, T} LEGAL 912 Federal Bldg J. F. Lynett Solicitor >00“‘ O†0â€â€NQOOWOOOOOOOOOOO “OOOOWNOOONO Windows and Door Frames Window Screens, Storm Sash Bathroom Cabinets, Cupboard Doors. Berry Crates. Rose and Garden Trellis. Lawn Mowers Sharpened and Repaired Aub. Nichols Phone Richmond Hill 1341‘31 woumoommmu Langflon’s Coach Lines Daily Service Maple to Richmond Hill Leave Maple 8.10 a.m. Leave Richmond Hill 9.10 a.m. Leave Maple 3.00 pm. Leave Richmond Hi1 4.30 pm. OOâ€OOOMOOOOOOâ€Oâ€â€œN Office 4L1 Leave Maple 3.00 p.m. Leave Richmond Hi1 4.30 p.m. Special Saturday Night Service Leaves Maple 7.00 pm. Leaves Richmond Hill 10.30 p.m Coaches for all Occasions Telephone King 56 Aldridge SANITARY CONTRACTORS Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants, Slaughter Houses Pumped Out and Repaired Out of town day or night emergency service Phone Willowdale Zone 8288 Thornhill 1971‘5 Maple 721'23 Veterinary Sufgéon Phone 82 Maple, Ont. Centre St. W: Office phone 360W Ken & Clarke Prentice AUCTIONEERS Licensed and Authorized for the Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, Household Furniture, Real Estate Sales 3 specialty. At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual sérvice for the price of one. Milliken P.0., phone Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.O., phone Markham 206 No sale too big or too small 26 Years Experience York County, Uxbridge and Picker- ing Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales a Specialty Telephone Stouï¬â€˜ville 7312 Address: Gormley P.0. “HOMEWOOD HALL†Thornhill, Ont. P1101 â€"AI\'D-â€"â€" Dr. Geo. A. Thompson 122 Yonge 'Street Dr. A. J. MacKinnon A; A‘ Phone R‘ich‘mond Hill 1‘02r13 MAPLE Miss Sylvia Mecredy P I A N 0 . Elocution. Public Spealging. Platform Department, Dramatic Art VVOODWORKING J. Albert Hewitt ARCHITECT Mem. R.A.I.C. Highland Lane, Richmond Hill Telephone Richmond Hill 342J Farms, Suburban Properties, Acreage, Building Lots, etc. Phone Richmond Hill D): J. T. Sheppard Dr. Jas. R. Langstaï¬ iss Alice Mecredy REAL ESTATE Marguerite Boyle VETERINARY SURGEON 9-lla.m.; 1-3 p.m.; 6-8 pm Sundays and Holidays by ap~pointment qnly. AUCTIONEERS R. H. KANE VETERINARY L. H. Clement Dr. R. A. Big/"0rd Adelmo M elecci Dr. J. P. Wilson Dr. W. D. Howe 10 am SALESMAN FOR REALTOR RICHMOND HILL H A. S. Farmer OFFICE HOURS 1nd by appointment MUSICAL MEDICAL Street Richmond Hill Telephone 100 1111 Office Hours Residence Richmond Hill Res. 360J 1116 Phone 8va Phone 3 Yerex Electric Phone 243 Richmond Hill 0009.090000609999909900900 House, farm and all electrical alterations, also all makes of washing machines serviced. We solve your deep and shallow well pressure system troubles. DELCO PUMPS AND ARCOFLAME OIL BURNER Cement Septic Tanks 00000900.00000000NOOOOOOO OAK RIDGES. ONT. Plumbing & Heating Contractor E. BARTLETT Life. Fire. Automobile. etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto AD. 0311 16 Centre St. West Phone 55 Richmond Hill 0â€...â€OOOOOMO‘ OOOM“MOQOâ€OQ 3 O O O O O 3 i O O O O O 3 O O O 3 O O GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telephone 28 431r14 :0...“OOOOOOQOOQOOOOOOOOg or King 84r4 III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII :OOOOOOOOOOOâ€MOOOOOOOOOO g J. Roy Herrington g NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER i GENERAL INSURANCE g (Fire. Automobile, Etc.) ' Richmond Hill, Ont. : Telephone 87 O Oâ€OOWâ€Oâ€OO“O†With the increase of ï¬re hazards, property owners should review their insurance policies, and due to the increased cost of materials would be well advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also car owners who think ’it will never happen to them are caught some time or other with- out protection. The cost is a minor amount to what it will cost if an ac- cident happens, Richmond Hill JAMES J. WALL Barn & Stable Equipment Sold and Installed Farms, Suburban Properties, etc Andréw E. Snider Prompt Personal Attention Box 100 MAPLE Phone 100 Jack Walkington GENERAL BUILDER and CARPENTER Residential and Farm Buildings Phones King 6 Aurora 46.] Interior & Exterior Decorator Elm Grove Oak Ridges Fire, . Telephone Life, Fire. Automobile & Casualty ELECTRICAL ' WIRING . J. HINSON General Insurance A. G. Savage INSURANCE AGENT INSURANCE Roy V. Bick R. H. Kane REAL ESTATE Agent for INSURANCE Automobile, etC. » 411 Richmond Hill Consult Richmond Hill Telephone 118 ~I: III-IIGIIIIIIII-IIII 2nd Concession Whitchurch 1': miles north of Lake Wilcox- On your Lumber Need-s Buy Direct from the Min ROUGH & DRESSED HARDWOOD & SOFTWOOD LUMBER FIREWOOD. POSTS. POLES III-IIIIlBâ€"IIIIIIIII But the real pressure began When three “trade unionists’ from outside the business appeared one day and summoned all the office staff to a meeting. Reading a list of employ- ees considered to be “antisocial, of rigchtist ‘memtality, [of antiwork-er behaviour,†the leader announced that these people were to be dismiss- ed. The pressure continued, spear- headed by Communist agents within the company who made no bones of the fact that refusal to join the Communist party meant dismissal, or, worse, an early morning visit by‘ the secret police. First of all the company was sub- jected Ito control of its methods. Thvat control was exercised by people who, according to Ruedemann, Were evidently picked for their lack of knowledge of the highly technical business. Refusal Meant Dismissal Under his management hundreds of wells and pipe-lines to supply Hungarian needs came into being â€" with something left over for export. He returned to Hungary after the war and was there two years before and one year after the Communists took over. I Possibly because it was a big cor- oonation which lost its properties to the reds there will be those who are inclined to take a somewhat lenient view of the situation. But it isn’t the story of what happened to Stan- dard Oil that makes Rirediemanns recital a fascinating .one â€" it’s the story of what happens to the ordin- ary man â€" the “man in the street†â€"â€" when Communist bosses take control, that gives it its real punch. 'The author, Paul Rvu‘edemann, is an outstanding geologist and oil technician who became general man- ager in Hungary 'of the Standard Oil subsidiary which developed oil production in that country. He saw his company‘s employees there grow from three people to over four thou- sand. In recent months, in spite of Com- munist efforts to prevent it, much information has trickled from be- hind the “Iron Curtain†â€" inform- ation which has revealed in stark neality a system of organized rob- bery, brutality and oppression which would put even a Hitler“to shalme. Among such information the S.E.P_. article nanks high. Wn‘itten objec- tively and calmly, without passion, it tells what happens when 'an or- ganized minority determined to serve only its own ends * and to serve those ends by any means which secure the desired results, gets into the saddle. To them â€" and to others who are likely to be hoodwinked by the spec- g'libly advanced by“‘,reds,†“pinks.†their “fellow travellers†and others who are convinced that they can re- make the world overnight, I recom- mend close study of an article ap- pearing in 'a recent issue of the Sat- urday Evening Post entitled “I Learned about Communism the Hard Way.†Puts Hitler To, Shame is little doubt that some of the thousands of votes given Smith, an avowed Communist who has received Russian training. came from people who feel that the man “ has some- thing" and is working in the inter- ests of the supposedly downtrodden and oppressed. Many of those who gave Smith a vote were dyed in the wool “Com~ mies.†But, on the other hand, there Just a few months ago an amazing number of Toronto voters marked X against the name of Communist Stew- Smith on their ballots 'at the annual civic elections. So many, in ï¬act, that for 'a time it looked as if Smith might make the running for a seat on the Queen City's Board of Con- trol. Gradually, through a policy 74 Richmond St. Phone 463 Richmond Hill Aurm' 841‘32 Owned and operated by FRED TAYLOR Taylor’s Sawmill SAVE MONEY DAVID McLEAN S‘ELLs REAL ESTATE From The Hilltop A (‘OLUMN' OF VIE‘VS AND OBSERVATIONS (By F. J. Picking) ' R. S. W. HUNTER King City, Ont. BRICKLAYING CONTRACTOR Chimneys built and repaired PHONE KING 73M so00.099090990990006099096 0000006000.000660909900900 The Smiths of Communism in Canada are dangerous. Make no mis- takie whatsoever about that. They have a plausible, ingrati'ating way with them that would deceive even the most alert. I have attended meetings of ex-service men in Tor- onto â€" men whose Loyalty to this Dominion is beyond any question whatsoever â€" amd have seen them give Smith a reception which far exceeded that given to any other visitor. And those men who gave such an outstanding reception to a Communist were not “have-nets†â€"â€" they were men employed by the City of Toronto on a permanent, well- paid basis. It is to be hoped that every one of them. too, reads the Saturday Evening Post article be- fore Smith appears hefore them again. â€" the gullible men and women who listen to the fairy tales of the Stew- art Smiths and the like who are the “front men†of Communism in this country: It is a story which, before Smith makes another attempt at a Toronto controllership, should be placed in the hands of every man and woman who thinks that he and those he represents can offer them anything but misery, suicide and the return of the Dark Ages. It is, as I have already said, not a story which lays stress on the th-ievery of a big corporation by the reds. But it is 'a story which tells, in plain, simple language, what hap- pens to the dupes of the Commumists In the space of a short review it is impossible to do more than con- dense the l-ong and detailed ‘account of Communist practices revealed by Ruvedem‘ann. The tale is an amaz- ing one. It would be almost unbe- lievable except for the supporting infox‘m-ation of Communist methods which has been revealed to the world in recent .months. Finally, [aftér being convicted, Ruedemann and his associates were freed through the work of the U. S. State Department. of smaller businesses. Workers, long promised the earth and the full- ness thereof, were bluntly told that henceforth they would have no voice in management â€" would do exactly as they were hidden. Spy- ing ran rampant. Refusal to take part in Communist affairs; to preach Communist doctrines, meant instanzt dismissal. And, for the (lis- missed, there was little hope. Fear turned brother against brother. Help to one up against it because of'his treatment by the Communists meant that the helper, too, became a mark- ed man who, in turn, suffered the penalties which the red bosses im- posed without recourse .to legal methods. Secret police, at any houir of day or night, took men and wo- men from home or work -â€" men and women who disappeared behind the veil, their location or treatment un- known to relatives or friends. Finally, in am account which must be read to be believed, Mr. Rued- m‘ann tells the story of his own ar- rest â€" an arrest which even the strength of the United States gov- ernment was powerless to avert. He learned, he says, who thousands had learned before him, why the accused in Soviet countries sign “confess- ions.†The mind and body can stand only so much. Finally the breaking point comes and another “confess- ion†is broadcast to the world. A tale of incredible cruelty and bad treatmetn is told by the writer -â€" told in such a restrained way that the total effect is only enhanced by his matt‘er-of-fact account of such a bnand of “man’s inhumanity to man†that would almost puut Dachau and Belchven, of Nazi ill-f‘a-mve, in the shade. , Almost Unbelievable terrorism, a wedge was driven be- tween the management and employ ees. Little by little Commulnists were placed in key positions. The fact that by training or experience they had no qualiï¬cations for their new positions was of no account. Fear was the dominating and com- pelling factor by which they ruled. Finally a bolt from the blue, an un- heralded expropriation of over six hundred businesses, placed com- munists squarely in control of a large portion of Hungarian imdustry. Pri- vate property of dismissed employ- ees was conï¬scated. ‘ Many were left pennil-ess, without even :money for food. In one stroke men and women found themselves reduced from comfort to abject povertf A wave of suicides and nervous break- downs followed. A Rule By Fear Then followed ‘a “Squeezing out†By Fear followed businesses. the earth ar were bluntly hey would squeezing ‘ ;es. Wo-x'L out cwâ€: “to _ 6 vOOOOOOOOOOOQOOO 0.00000000000000000000QOOO0000000000 on not having all your equipment in good running order when you need it. Our well equipped service department is thorough and elficient using only Genuine lH Parts that fit and wear " like the originals. Plan lo have us do your machine repairs and service now. _..,.- .v. 5...“... ulvu‘rAJ- 1;?!)Rota-53.1159;us"- ‘. mg!" (gmmnlgvmi cu; su' nilgiumf‘yix. 9151: @119“) Milwaukee Equipment Manufacturing Company Distributors of Bottled G YONGE ST. THORNHILL PHONE 21W Perkins Farm & Home Equipment We hm THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA DEDICATED TO THE PROMOTION OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE BY 1949 Milwaukee Equipment Manufacturing Company Tel Ask for free demonstration on your own soil! M-E Rotary Tillage cuts and mixes vegetation evenly throughout tilled depth...aerates soil...le2wes it humus...boosts crop yields and proï¬ts for you. 4-cycle engines exclusively on garden models, patented tine unit with no tine breakage on both garden and tractor power take-off models. The Recognized leader in Rotary Tillage We sell Bolens and Waterloo Garden Tractors Goodyear and Firestone Tires (LIL. Paints and Chemicals Potrolano Corporation Ltd. On Your Own Soil FREE 5883‘ heaters and space heater ï¬NN¢®®0WQ mnwoowowmwomowm etrolane Bottled Gas Sickle bar, seeder, hiller, furrower, bulldozer, sprayer avail- able for garden models. †,s , s ,, 1 McMULLEN GIN-II" 1.1!. BS' MOTORS terms can be arranged 111 the popular makes of Now is the time to paint up. We have a good stock of all colors. Demonstration ll] Call and soc them at gas ranges, hot wht'er our Show rooms. Model FA-36 Model 6-16 36†Swath 16†Swath 74M Richmond Hi]I RICHMOND HILL 1'08 PHONE 251