.OOOWW“... mm 12 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thursday. June 9. 1041) on“ D‘VO econoomooomo OOomooowouoooou DO \ x r 'a I I NS M I l H VICS'I‘ROUGHING ROOFING ..,â€".â€"-â€"â€"â€"V..â€"-â€"_.. Vipyvï¬'rm'nmiAND I’ICASE FURNACES p..- .. l dilil'a'l'rlsvzand Repairs for all makes 0f furnaces PAUL Dusois Richmond Hill Telephone S-J QOOOOQOOO“ †.9. O0..OOOOOCOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOO~ W .Q. .; .900’4 ~ I»: 300.990.0‘“. 9 Clearance 1 Sale j I 10% Discount Why not equip your car now for the {I t Holiday season With a New Willard Battery, New Firestone or Goodyear Tires .or, any Accessory ’ "McMU‘L’LEN MOTORS 144 YONGE sr. RICHMOND HILL I l l l l l BUTTONVILLE (Held over from last week} Mrs. IC. \Yytlton journeyed to ï¬rantl'oid on Saturday for the wed- ding ol' htr niece. Miss Lois \Ytlters. Mrs. English. Mis. Burns and Heather went to Toronto on Wed- nesdziy evening for the Victor Delli recital. As you remember. \‘ictor was the young pianist who played so brilliantly at Mrs. English's ycritals a year so ago. ('hicken-pox the hood, but far has conï¬ned itself to the High School students. Ross Ilaker, Dorothy and Isobel Hood have the suï¬'erers far. I’raser Craig has been quite ill for the past one of (ll- neighboqu is in St) been so week having.r picked up a severe in- lluenza germ. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stark and Bill of Lockport. NY. were Decoraâ€" titn Dav (May 30) holiday visitors with Mrs. A. Glendenning. Rev, E. A. Currey showed a set of excellent pictures at Y.I).A. in Brown's Corners on Sunday evening. They told the life of Florence Night- engale. her career in the Crimean War. and the influence her life had the Red Cross. Victorian Order of Nurses. etc. Aileen Easton was convenor for the programme. Sunday Schools of the United Church across Carada, last yearl purâ€" chased several cars for use on var- ious mission ï¬elds around the world. Rev. J. Thompson. a dynamic speak- er. drove one of these cars to Brown’s Corners Church where the children had a view of the happy result of their missionary givings. This car will travel by boat to Bombay. and then about 400 miles further on for use at the Indore Mission Field. Liberal Classiï¬ed Ads Get Results. (in v e LOUIS ST. LAURENT, Prime Minister of Canada T At the polls on June :37 the utter must one of lhein. ask himsell‘. ahead of anything else. \\ ho should he head of the gm crnment. In Louis St. Laurent. (ianada has found a great national leader...;, , ’ it That he had hiin abilities of the mind was proved by his rarccr in law, That he had wisdom-in cabinet. uniquegil'ts in [HIT'lIllHlt'lllilI‘)‘ debate tllltl.2t;(|_|l:lt:k races. grasp ul- large affairs hecame'clear as soon as he ente‘rethe Gmernment. In internatxional affairs. as one of the origi~ lltll ;I(I\nt'tttcs of the Atlantic Pact. Ilt‘ This w arm and essentially simple human Iieing is the real St. Laurent. the product of the small town. of humble beginnings. hard work. a big family and the friendliness of country neighbors. In I)IO(HI. language and instinct he combines the qualities of two great To the \oter it is equally important that St. Laurent is the leader of a truly national party. with proyed strength from coast to coast. the only party which made himself a world Iigure who spoke * » ‘-. '5’ V ~. ~‘.‘ "Zn-s ‘..,‘ . .» . . out as ntn'tana‘dian 'helorc him: in the .h l , . _ \. \.\ ‘ c‘huhcils ol‘ the nations. can hope to form a stable gm ermuent after the election. His character. his ability and his achim ements I1a\ e made He also re\ealed an understano Ill! t ( of ordinary people. Iiccausc he is people. him the leader of all the Canadian ERA“ INSERTED BY NATIONAL [IBERAL COMMUTE? In North York VOTE FOR JACK SMITH LANGSTAFF The Society hel» their ciosiin.r mt‘t‘tlng for the season last Friday. when the election of of- iiccis for next meeting was held. Re- Meetings will begin again in September. The Student Pastor the suin- is Mr. Herb Foster. who has attending Dallas Theological in Texas and was here last year. He welcomed back again to Langstafl‘. It is expected that in the autumn when Mr. Foster g‘Ocs hack to college, the pastor, Iev. A. R. .Iones will be well enough to car- iy ou the work. The Women's Fellowship have their meeting: at the home of Mrs. D. Smith this week. June it. and next week at the home of Mrs. Jones. In Toronto. when the laâ€" dies are invited to lunch. The Teen Age Sewing Class meet Young I’eoplc'.< fieshmcnts were served. , for mer been ('ollege is plan to Laws St. at the home of Mrs. LaRiche. Lang- staf’r‘, Thursday at. 7.30. bring in all sewing. Mrs. Ellard of Langstati‘ left on June 4 by air for England where she plans to visit, relatives and friends. She expects to stay about six weeks. CONCORD meeting of the Bible Study Group under the capable lead- ership of Mrs. E. Keï¬'cr was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Monday night. This group has been meeting every week for the past three months and every member re- The closing Please Halliwell ports a real spiritual uplift. They plan to re-opcn in September, EXI'RESSES THANKS Richvale Girls Sewing Circle wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kind donations in helping to make the bazaar such a succes; also H. J. Mills for beautiful roses; Mrs. A. Baker, Mrs. J. Hirtz, Mrs. H. Hudson. Mrs. H. .Iarman, Mrs. P. Sparkes for their aid during the bazaar. Dooi- prize No. (35 was won by Mrs. Jackman, Yonge St. c1w50 AUCTION SALE OI‘1 HIGH (BASS Fl'RNITl'RE DISHES. GLASS‘VARE. TOOLS; GARDEN TOOLS. ETC. The propertv of L. LARSON Corner Fairview Ave. &,Langstaï¬â€˜ Side Road at Langstat’r', 1/. mile west of Yonge St. “'EDNESDAY. JUNE 15 Ii-Piece Chesterï¬eld Suite, striped velour 1 Trilig-ht Table Lamp, complete 2 Silk Shades, new I End Table 1 Coffee Table l Occasional Table I Rug, green and rose 9' x I2' 1 Runner 2' x 12’ 1 Occasional Chair, green I Occasional Chair. maroon 1 Viking Battery Radio Pictures Mirror 1 Studio Couch with wardrobe 1 Bridge Lamp 1 Violin with how 1 Glass China Cabinet 1 Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner, new, all attachments . Singer Treadle Sewing Machine. with spinning, other attachments Electric Vibrator “Eskimo‘y Bedroom Set. good: dresser. wardâ€" robe, double bed, slat spring- and spring ï¬lled mattress, 1 night ta- ble like I l 1 1 Single Steel Bed 1 Spring 1 Mattress I Dresser 1 Chair 3 Scatter Mats I Hassock 1 Satin Comforter I Child's Steel Crib, large 1 Electric Range, National, 4-hurner. low oven Shower and Window Curtains to match ._‘ Round Drop Leaf Table Chairs to match Dinner Set for new, Gti-pieces Electric Percolator Toaster 1 Electric Heater Bread Box Utility Tins Baking and Cooking Utensils Odd Dishes ] Electric Clock 1 Laundry Basket, new 1 Set Curtain Stretchers 1 Wooden Ice Box. large All articles in this sale are real good and used very little Dust Mop 1 Floor Polisher Hair Broom 1 Ironing Board Zâ€"Burner Coleman Gasoline Stove Coleman Lantern Galvanized Bath Tub Large Garbage Can. new Wash Tubs 1 Scrubbing Board Stove Poker 1 Coal Scuttle I‘air Man's Skis. harness and poles Pails 1 Pair Boy's Skis Pair Man's Skates. size 11 Pair Boy's Skates Joy Horse. Steel spring Boy's Wagon. new Sets Garden Furniture Collapsible Army Tables "Stanley" Steel Mitre saw. new ] 'Iwo-\Yhecl Trailer I Tricycle 1 5" Table Saw 1 2‘: Cubic Ft. Concrete Mixer Wooden Horses 1 l: IIUI‘SU Meter 1 Steel Mortar Pan 1. Round Point Shovels 1 Square Point Shovel 1 Spade 1 Post Hole Auger. new 1 Hand Cultivator l Snow Shovel .4 eight. complete, pâ€"‘pâ€"nhâ€"J H.;.;._.._..,_.H...._.|;._.__..._._.~._. Box. with I Hot 1 lawn Mower l (irindstone 1 \Vheelbarron Garden Rake Grass Rake 2 .30 Gallon Drums Scythe and Sickle 1 Chemical Toilet Quantity of Lumber (Quantity Cement BEorks 2 Ladders i Smp‘iaiider Terms. cash. ,\'o reserve. Sale at ‘3 pm. sharp. Property sold. Ed Kyle. Clerk KEN & CLARKE I’RENTICIT. .\u«:'~, Markham P.O.. phone Markham "in-i Millikcn PC" phone Agincourt HARRY E. PALMER Veterinary Surgeon .IOHN ST.. THORNIIILL Phone Thnrnhill "30 .'i'_‘\\ f} t t; [regard only to those claims of which In the matter ol the estate of NAN- (_'Y IIILTS. of Markham. York. widow. deceased. ALL icrsous having any claim against the late NANCY IIIL'I‘S who died on or about the L’Ilrd (lziy I OI. March l‘J‘lSt or against her Estate ' i; lute ol' the Township in the County of Notice to Creditors ‘ are It‘tllllt'tl IO SL'IIII Hll'llt'tlltllâ€˜ï¬ OI. I their claim to the undersigned on I’IION I THORNIIILL 217 or before the ‘_.".r(l day of June lit-lit after which (late the assets of the Estate will be distributed. having e St. Thornhill t notice shall have then been received. DATED at this 137th day the (,‘ity of Toronto, of May, lit-lit, Iiy WILLIAM (TOOK & GIBSON. 01'.“ Federal Building. Toronto I. Ontar- io. Solicitors for the Executor. cilw-ttl Notice t3 creditors IN THE MA'I‘Tl-ZR OF the Estate of JOHN GEORGE KEEPER. late of the Village of Maple. in the Court. ty of York. Retired. deceased. ALL persons having- any claim against the late John George Keï¬'er who (lied on or about the 30th day of April 1049 or against his Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned on or J. Carl Saigeon Agency MAPLE, ONTARIO E R N I E B R O C K Telephone Maple ll OOCCOOOOO All insurance matters will receive before the 233111 day of June 1949 after which date the assets of the ‘ . Estate will be distributed, having the usual prompt attenthn regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been received. DATED at the City of Toronto. .- and serwce' this 25th day of May 194‘.) by WILLIAM COOK & GIBSON, 012 __ Federal Building. Toronto 1. ()n- tan-io. Solicitors for the Executor. c3w49 Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER of the Estate of CAROLINE SERENA WATSON. late of the Village of King City, in the County of York. widow. de- ceseaed. ALL PERSONS having.r any claim TEllS NEIGHBORS ABOUT EASY WAY TO BUY COAL Es, users of the ‘blue coal' Budget Plan are so enthusiastic they want against the late Caroline Serena everyone to know abomit- And how W'atson who died on or about the can you blame them! With this plan 8th day of May 1949, or against her Estate are required to send particu- lars of their claim to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of June ‘949 after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed, hav- incr regard only to thOs‘e claims of which notice shall then have been received. DATED at the City of Toronto. this 22nd day of May 1945! by WIL- LIAM COOK & GIBSON. 912. Fedâ€" eral Building, Toronto I, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. c3w49 you can really save more money on 'blue coal’ and pay monthly as you do a telephone bill. You save money by using ‘blue coal', the world’s ï¬nest anthracite, and you save more by buy- ing on the 'blue coal' Budget Plan. Phone us for complete details. No obligation to buy. I. D. “AMER 8 SON PHONE 10 RICHMOND HILL ‘1 DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE‘. 28356 A x EASY TERMS TO SUIT YOU..'.NO RED TAPE y " «and Peggy and Peter and Joan... PARDON our pointin<T . . . with pride. But it’s an event when the number of bank workers passes the 40,000 markâ€"as it did last year. That’s 6 $75 more than before the war. It’s an event, ï¬rst, because it shows the increased use of Canadian bank services . . . More deposit accounts: now over seven million. More funds: customers’ deposits now reach nearly seven billion dollars. More services: to farmers; to personal and small-business borrowers; to war pensioners; to people receiving Family Allowances. It’s an event, too, because of the kind of men and women who have joined our ranks. Eager to get ahead, they are ï¬nding in banking an interesting job, a challenging career. They can tell you how important privacy in banking is to the Canadian way of doing things. Going to your bank is not like having to deal with a state bureauâ€"but that’s how it would be under state monopoly. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK