:llllllllllfllflfllllllllflflllllllllllllll! I YORK COUNTY JUNIOR FARMERS’ Dancing: 9.00 to 1.00 75c Per l’erson : III-IIIIIIIIBIIIIIEHIIHHIII-IIIIIIIII WWWOWWâ€WMWW O. Wooouoooooouomomooowmmnooooomwwwmmum‘ “Merrymakers†Orchestra MODERN AND OLD TYME DANCES PICNIC WITH SPORTS, SOFTBALL and TUG-OF-WAR ' IN AFTERNOON _ I The iiitop Electric Now Open to give you Complete APPLANCE SERVICE Selling the Leading Makes of Household 0 Appliances 0 Cedar Beach Gardens, Musselman’s Lake ‘ SPARTON'â€"â€" “Radio’s Richest Voiceâ€. PHILIPS â€"â€" World famous quality Radios and Combinatiohs PHILCO â€" Auto Radios IRONS AND TOASTERS BY GENERAL ELECTRIC, WESTINGHOUSE AND SAMSON FAMOUS SUNBEAM PRODUCTS Ironmaster, Toastmaster, Mixmaster and Shavemaster Sandwich Grills, Waffle Irons, Hotplates Electric Clocks, Light Bulbs Rangettes â€" standard and heavy duty Complete Line of Electrical Hardware Washing Machines by Sparton and Philips “N u; 3°46 All makes and types of small appliances Your Radio Tubes and Batteries Tested free with the latest in testing equipment ANNUAL DANCE Friday, June 10th Located in the centre of Richmond Hill’s Shopping District “ Home oï¬ Â§mall Appliances †"More of our friends have telephones- ahd we all use Me felep/zone more ./ †SPECIALIZING IN GUARANTEED SERVICE TO 22 years ago. Few things give you so much real value at such low cost as your telephone. ' \Ve've broken all records but there are still orders we haven't been‘ablc to ï¬ll. \Ve will keep right on working and building to make your telephone service a bigger bargain than everâ€"to continue to provide more and better service at the lowest pOSSible cost. DAY AND NIGHT, seven days a week the telephone is at your service. Quickly and easily it keeps you in touch with everything and everybody everywhere. There are 400,000 more telephones and two million more calls a (lay than there were three years ago. And service is getting better all the time. Copper pl‘iCC§ have doubled, zinc and lend prices tripled. th, up to now, despite rising costs on all sides, there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established In three years, however, costs of important raw ma- terials for telephone lines and cables have risen sharply. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA FOR {- SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 223J Per Person BOWLING CLUB J. W. GRAINGER Recognizing his services as sec- retary for the past eight years mem- bers of the Richmond Hill Bowling Club showed their appreciation by presenting J. W. Grainger with a bowling bag on his retirement from that office â€" but not from bowling. The presentation was made on be- half of the club by Russell Lynett. SAT., JUNE 11 â€" Auction sale of high class modern and antique fur- niture, garden tools, etc., at 1 Ar- nold Street, Richmond Hill. Property of Wesley Clark. Sale at 2 p.m. Terms cash, no reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., JUNE 11 â€" Auction Sale of high class modern and antique fur niture, garden tools, 9 roomed brick house, square plan with all c0nven~ iences on large lot, etc., at 1 Arnold Street, Richmond Hill. Property of Wesley Clark. Sale at 2 pm. Terms cash, no reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WEvD., JUNE 15 -â€" household furniture at Langs-taï¬ sider Ave., West side 01 property FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1949 â€"â€" Auction Sale of Dairy Cattle, Farm Stock, implements, high class furniture, etc. on Lansing Highway at Oriole east of Yonge Street, property of George Stone.‘ Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms cash, no reserve, property sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. Au'ctioneers‘ SAT., JUNE 18 â€"â€" Auction Sale of farm implements, fence 'wire, fence post-s, fencing tools, such as stretch- ers, chains, diggers; a large variety of carpenter and blacksmith tools, etc., on Finch’s Ave., east of ‘Yonge St., in'North York Twp. Property of Geo. Trimble. Terms cash, no re- serve.. Proprietor quitting. Sale at 2 pm. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, JUNE 18 â€" High c1355 furniture, Mason and Risch piano, electric washing machine, :ap’c. size new, with ironer complete; dishes, cooking utensils, garden equipment on Main St., Stoul'fville, West End The property of Clifford Salmon. Sale will be held under cover if it should rain. No reserve as property sold. Sale at 12.30 sharp. Terms cash Lloyd Turner, clerk, A. S. Farmer, auctioneer SAT., JUNE 18 â€" Extensive Auction Sale of household furnishings, elec- tric refrigerator, electric stove. pi- ano, linens, kitchen articles, silver- ware and also many antiques in wal- nut, brass and silver. The property of Mrs. Emma Radcliffe, 17 Eagle 'St., Newmarket. Sale at 12.30 pm Terms cash. F. N. Smith, auctioneer Ph‘one Newmarket 187J. *2W50 SALE REGISTERS JNE 15 â€"â€" Auction Sale of furniture and other effects s-tafl" sideroad, & Fairview Est side of Yonge St. The of Mr. L. Larson. Sale at Ken and Clarke Prentice, SECRETARY GIVEN BAG cost “It’s all right, it won’t cost us so much. The Dominion Government takes care of ï¬fty per cent of the expenditure." How many, many times in my years as a newsrpapermran lhave I heard those or similar expi-eSSions used? Several thousands, at a safe years a heard t‘. used? E estimate And how many, many Limes/have I seen 'cxpenditures authorized be- cause the sponsors thereof were able to assure the spending body that “the province will take care of half of the expense.†‘ Why is it, I wonder, that those magic words séem to have the powâ€" er to make people believe that, be- cause a senior governmental body is providing some of the needed funds, the cost to them of any project is lessened by the amount contributed by such senior body? It's a magic formula which dulls the perceptions and, apparently miraculously, solves ï¬nancial problems because the money comes from somewhere else â€"â€" not directly out of the pockets of those who want new roads, new schools, new recreational centres, or what- ever the particular project may call The plain, cold fact remains that whatever governing bodies may con- tribute part of the expenses or cost of any particular scheme, in the ï¬nal analysis the money comes from the pockets of the individual taxpayers. ever for. Take, as a simple example, the cost of o'ldvage pensions -â€" one of the most worthy of the social reâ€" forms ever brought into being in this or any other country. The cost, ‘as everyone knows, is divided be- tween different government bodies. But let’s stop kidding ourselves. In the ï¬nal analysis every cent of every dollar given to those whose welfare is our responsibility comes‘ from the pockets of the taxpayers of Canada no matter through ,what channels it travels to reach the ultimate conâ€" signee. No Secret Gold Mine Neither federal or provincial gov- ernments have any hidden “pot of gold†by which they can hand out l-arg‘esse to the claimants for old age pensions, the school boards who wish to erect a new building, the munic- ipality which wants to cut a new road, or any of the thousand and one endeavours calling for the ex- penditure of public funds. Their in- comes‘are derived. from the same sources as those of our municipali- ties â€" through taxation. True that in many cases it is hid- den taxation. It hasn’t the same personal and telling impact as the tax bills that “Curly†Lynctt and comparable civic officials send out. But it’s there just the same. It’s concealed in the cost of every article for which the ultimate con- sumer pays â€" that is, every article subject to taxation â€" and just try to think quickly of half a dozen that aren’t in some way or other. It's camouflaged in every licence. It's hidden in every grocery bill. But it‘s there just the same, this amount that Dominion or provincial govern- ments contribute to public projects of one type or another, and it’s paid by the consumer. ' Of course it must; be remembered that said federal and provincial govv ernments hlave sources of income. through our system of the division of taxing powers, which enable them to collect money in ï¬elds not open to, for instance, the township of Markham. The province will pay half the E. J. ROBERTS, RADIAL STATION Phone 177 Skinny men, women gain 5,1_0,_ 15 lbs. ' mm a thrill! Bony limbs an out: ugly hollows an up: neck no longer lcrnyny: body loam hall- !!med, sickly "bean-D019 look. Thousands 0! EMS women. men. who never could gain before. are now proud 0! abs 5'. healthy-100mm bodles. They flank the spec! Visor-building, nesbobulldlng tonic, Osttex. Its tomes. stlmulanta. invigoraxors. Iron. vitamin Bl. caldum. enflch blood. improve alete and digestmn so lood gives you more strength and nourlshment: nu: nest; on hm bones. Don" tear getting tan in. Slop when you've gained the 6. 10, 15 or 20 Ill- Yoll need for normal welgbt. Costa llmo. New "lot scammed" slze only me. Tablets new vlgm .. 4-. A.....;». aia ï¬feï¬'poihfls. t‘ .DAILY SERVICE TO ALI. CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POIN‘IS O CHARTERED BUSES OFFER IDEAL SERVICE FOR All GROUP TRAVEL TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT Get New Pep. Vim, Vigor From The Hilltop A COLUMN OF VIEWS AND OBSERVATIONS (By F. J. Picking) time and the processes of evolution can better it. But, I assert, again, we are only fooling ourselves when we halve or quarter the cost of an undertaking because some other government con- tributes OUR money to it. ried It seems to me that a realization of that plain, simple truth might have a, steadying effect upon those applicants who blithely propose ex- penditures because “the Dominion government pays half." There’s no reason why sound, jus- tiï¬able projects should be- halted for that reason. But it would be quite a unique experience to hear some public official ask â€"â€" “Who pays it?†and†then answer himsef and the ap- plicant by saying â€" “WE do." REV. T. K. CHIU ADDRESSES \\'.M.S. SECTIONAL MEETING Rev. T. K. Chiu, a third generation Christian and a son of the Manse, was guest speaker at the 34th An- nual Meeting of Section IV, Toronto Presbyterial, ‘held on Tuesday. May 31st in Westminster Presbyterian Church, Willowdale. He was educated at Fukien Christian University and Theological training at Cheshunt College, Cambridge, England. Mr. and Mrs. Chiu are working for the Church of Christ in China, serving as minister at Kunming, Yunnan Mission, and are spending their fur- lough in Canada having spent seven years in‘ the ï¬eld. Rev. Chiu told of the problems confronting the Christians in China today under the unsettled conditions. He also spoke of the theme “Behold I have set before thee an open door†which was also the theme of the ï¬rst Christian Conference in China after the cessation of hostilities with Jaâ€" pan He said doors that were open then have been closed but there is still before the Christians in China a door which is Open, but which offers a much different kind of opportunity. Rev. Chili delighted those with his singing of severa hymns used by the Christi China, singing: them ï¬rst in and then in Chinese. Some sixty delegates were present from nine auxiliaries. Reports show- ed all auxiliaries were active in the work and optimistic for the future. Mrs. A. Curr, president of Toron- to Presbyterial brought an inspira- tional message, also speaking from the theme. We extend to Mrs. Lloyd of her father, ton. Miss Dorothy Rupert of Toronto was the guest of Mrs. C. H. Snider last week. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Maginn attende1 the Walker-Bryan wedding at Aul‘ ora Friday evening, June 3rd. MWMvWMOONW" wmomoomuouwg omhoumwwu 1 1940 Plymouth Coach 1 1936 Chrysler Coach 1 1934 Ford Coach 1 1934 Chrysler Sedan ONWWOMOOOOOO BAKER’S SALES & SERVICE USED CARS WALKER AND GUTTORMSON Brick and Block Contractors THORNHILL P.O EDGELE Y Richvale our deepest sympathy Thompson in the death Mr. F. Rowntree, VVes- :man who (liv- portions. One ’or housekeep- the household several of the Christians 'in ï¬rst in English inn attended present l‘HE LIBERAI 39000009000060099709099060090000000000060000900.0002 DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE Any Qufmtity GORMLEY We have for immediate delivery, all sizes of concrete blocks. These blocks are made by the latest types of machines, are fully steam cured, to assure you of quality blocks. Gormley, Ont. WNCRETE BLOCKS Here‘s your chance to dress up your car with the season's smartest selection of Seat Covers. Cut from origï¬nai-equipment "muster patterns" and TAILORED-TO-FIT your car seats perfectly. Most sizes in stockâ€"others to order. at new reduced prices. SAVE GOMPLETE SET FOR FHDNT and HEAR SAFELY! ROYAL lNSUL’l‘EXâ€"Canada‘s most popular seat covers. Tailored from flne ï¬bre-weave, with handsome art leather trim and attractive plping to protect at points of wear. EasHy Installedâ€"â€" they ï¬t like a glove. Handsome “tartan plaid" patterns In good-looking, plasticized fibre. with extra-wide art leather protect- ing trim and plping. A GRAND NEW CONVENIENCE Smartly styled. handy receptacle for cigarettes. sun-glasses, plpe or lighter. gtc. Gleamlng trlple-chrom‘s .. 7 #4“. A éï¬ztlo‘nmcrixp ï¬louï¬t Stops Headlight Gk!) Cllps on to your regular visorâ€"cuts headlight glare. A vlslon ald. Was $1.49 here’s Exceptional Value! 50-“. Heavy Duty Cord Hose for yg-ars of service. Complel couplmgs Haze Nozzieâ€"Makproot, .tully jusmble . . . . . . All Bras. Hose Nozzle 50-FT. GARDEN HOSE . Complete with couplings Sets for Front Seats NIGHT nmvma iVISOH Away Below the I‘sua! Prlce Save on Fitt at prices that mean real EN PQUEJ‘RY WANTED 7.50 ,zmrmwaa. 4:! w m m v DASH FENCE “PLASTI - PLAID" Phone AGINCOURT 2431. or write to Norolda Poultry R. R. 2. SCARBORO JUNCTION EW §@m Cavers ,awn Sprinklers. Hose 33. Mcndere. etc. ichmond Hill. Thul'sd Sets for Front and Rear Sturdy corru- gated “can't kink" h o s e, with’coupllngs attached. 14.25 Write or phone 4.98 .69 .39 Richmond Hiil, Ont 97 YCNGE ST I49 .69 Phone Stouff. 381w1 CAR TOP CARREERS CONVENIENT, L()\V-C()ST “’AY T0 TRANSPORT BOATS, LUGGAGE. ETC. Rich maroon. fine quality gabar- dine. with contrasting plastic plplng. Add style and‘beauty to your car HERCULES CAR-TOP CARRIERâ€" Sturdily constructed throughout for easy carrying of boats. ladders, lu - gage. etc. Clear-grained'oak ral protected with weather-rcslstant lae quer. With 8 extra-large suction cups. mildew-proof straps and hardware. Priced to save you up to 40% 735 it" CTC low prices ZEPIIYB LUGGAGE bedding Sets for Front Seat! Shed oak I 7.45 zd‘ [3:12; 5.95 ‘XFORD GABARDINE LV "Bhndlés. 'etc. 1 2 'alue . . . . . . . . . = modatc bundles June Good Prices 5013 for Front and Rent :71 "l [‘9 1949 13.65 run