Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Jun 1949, p. 4

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-t~.‘~.w.<.-n..-.x; ..1 .. . . . “Quit-A :. my.“ .1} (7‘5, as; ., "v d were: .-a-.> -.;Â¥qde_a-e we”: I'r ‘. a at, r 4r z '1‘”? ' _, L...“ ,. ... . 1e .'r - ‘75-. . A. .t' :5. THE 1.113171% 1. C1213 Iivc liiics Telephone cents pti' ichiiiond Hill 7 It FOR SALE AMERICAN CEMENT. Jones Coal Co., Richmond Hill, phone 188. clw50 LIAWN MOWER. 06 Yongc St. HOUSEHOLD Airmfizs. Apply Richmond Hill 466.1. c1w50 50. PULLETS, 11 months old, cheap. 3721'4 Richmond Hill. c1w50 BENDIX, nearly new; baby carriage; radio. Phone 372124. *1w50 Room 4; “lw50 A p 111 y ,. Won MAI. ESTATE phone ' Thornhill 168. tfc46 FIREâ€"CADILLAC. good condition, sortable. Apply Richmond Ilill 407w . “‘1w4' % LUPIN ROOTS. Apply B. Wark. after 5 p.111. c2w40 'CEMENT CULVERT TILE. Jonesi Cc'al Co., ,phone Richmond Hill 188. c1w50 â€"â€"â€".â€".â€"â€"__‘___ ‘ I'PIIANO, upright Mason Risch, over- ' Richmond Hill 466W. 1 : 425W} ' Richmond Hill.’ *2w50 BREI) YORKSHIRE hauled. Phone 101, ONE PURE BO-AR'. 11 months old. Phone 431-2 Cookstowii. “‘1w50-___._..- KATHADIN Seed Potatoes; electricl rangette, in good condition. Phone Maple 541-11. “111-50 I939-NASHWAMBASSADOR SEDAN in good condition, radio. Apply phone *1w50 BABY’S-PI.AY*PEN; kitchen sink. high back. Apply Richmond Hill *lw50 , â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"¢â€" *0“ PEA]; ESTATE, phone Fcnn. Thornhill 109. tit-413 QUANTITY 013" ELECTRIC. 1vaâ€" TURES, suitable for show room or store, Little Bros. Richmond Hill. tfc~lil SAND, GRAVEL, LOA‘M,and FILL supplied on short- notice; genera haulage, Class F P.(‘.V. W. .l Hodge, Maple 15. din-«ls WATERLOO “30” 3 h.p., with cultiâ€" vator, plow and snow plow, sacrifice. Apply McMullen Motors, Richmond Hill, phone 74M. c1w50 1936 OLDSMOBILE COACl-l 0; good tires; rebuilt motor; new paint job; outstanding for case. Phone Rich- mond Hill 269M. c2w51) 5 YOUNG SOWS. due latter part of July; Cedar posts, all sizes. 35c and up. Apply D. A. Smith, Maple, Ont. c2w50 M-ONA‘RCH ICE REFRIGERATOR. 75 lbs. capacity, slightly used, rea- sonable. Apply 2223 Oak .-\ve., Rich» vale. ‘ _ c2w50 ~IRISH 'S‘E'I-‘TER PUPs, registered, sired by Sir Patrick of Londonderry. rize winner at recent dog shows. ‘pply Richmond Hill 5R. c1w50 WOOD, 1 also heavy timbers from 0x0 to 12x .12. 25 to 30 ft. long. Phone Rich-‘ nyond Hill 355R. c1w50 H GOOD' BLACK MARE, 9 years old, quiet: good work horse. Apply Steve Onazuk, lot 13, con. 3. Markham. phone Unionville 30w]: *1w50 HU'G‘H’S GREEN HOUSE a’nn‘uals, tomato plants. Ave. and Second Street. east on No. 7 Hgy. at Langstatt‘. Phone Thorn- ~) .. 11111 206114. ==~4w47 PROMPT SHIPMENT on 11:1)â€" Chicks. Summer prices. Mixed. pallets (special low prices June-July) started Order for .Iuly-.-\ugust. dc- livci'y Poo. Contact 11s for particu- lars. . Fred" Wise, Bray Brooder. Richmond Hill phone 3591-111. FEET HURT '.’ callouses. warts, Freezâ€"Ofl' for coriis ingrown toe nails â€"--it really works magic. Follow directions on back of bottle. You’ll be amazed how easy your corns have disappeared. Box 380 Richmond Hill. address. Frcc'lelt'. *‘10w50 ALL CASI-I REQUIRED. 1; room house newly decorated. oil heated. " acres of land. lovon lawns and shade trees, raspberries and strawberries and fruit trees. Apply W. Watson. “Iiinisfi‘ec‘” Carrvillc Rd. W.. Stop 23 North Yonge St. c21w50 i 1.. I I TOM-ACID -I’I.AN’I:S‘.- Bathmst St Carmine Rd. anytimu sies and annuals, Anderson. 112 Ricli‘ SPECIAL cords, dry, 011 good ro‘adl _P..'it.hmmid Hill Thurailay, June 9, 194-9 Sifie ' .. RATESwFiyc 111195 01‘ 1055, 33 Willi f01‘ first insertion and 2."; cents for each subsequent insertion. line extra each in<crtioii. It [1. charged ______ 1 nt ds Over to le‘(‘ihllii nine cents per line. I 2 GOATS. spring l'rcshcned. lobillnrd. Church St., Lungstzifi'. *1w1'10 19-10 FORD TUDOR SEDAN, black. [icouilt engine. good condition, Applyi box 40 The Liberal. clw50 USED LUMBER. Boards -1x4 and ti x 6, all sizes. Paris Auto Supply Ltd. c1w5li USED “WESTINGHOUSE RANGE, 550. Terms. Paris Auto Supply. c1w1'10 V _. __.......1_ MODERN 5 room bungalow in inond Hill, nice lot $8,000.00. 'l‘ernis. Box 56 The Liberal. ‘1w50 ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR. about 4 ft., in good condition, $100.00 Phone EISW Richmond Hill. niond St., Richmond Hill. phone 20-1.i ===2w49 1040 PLYMOUTH COUPE, good. Apply 48 Yonge St. Richmond Hill any time or phone Maple 52112 be-' tween 9 and 9.30. c1w50 1936 BUICK SEDAN, good condition 3425.00. Nearest offer accepted. Ap- ply Robert Harrison, Bathurst at Mill Rd. after six. *lw50 DINING ROOM table and chairs, oak. good, will sell reasonably. Apply 80 Yonge St., phone Richmond Hill 118. c1w50 AGENT for Mofl'ats New Electric Range; also Essotane Gas Ranges and Electric Pails; Ci'Ossley Shelvador Refrigerators and Hinmaii Milkers. .1. A. Rose, Maple, phone 34J. tfcii' 'DRNAMEN'I‘AI. PORCH RAILS. stair band rails, fire doge, firc screens, fire sets and acetylene weldâ€" rag. Apply ’1‘. Elliott. Oak Avenue, Riclivale. \ tfc35 STUDIO COUCH, Findlay cook stove Quebec heater, stove pipes, baby carriage, Mantel radio, chemical toil- et. wooden trunk, inside garbage can. phone Maple 511-2. c1w49 1035 FORD COUPE; p'c'rfect run- ning order; i1cw springs; motor 7.000 miles; seal beam lights; radio; new brakes and good tires. Phone Thornhill 2171‘42. clwzlS) 16 3x10 ROUGH PLANKS at $2.00] each; 31/: square of thick butt shing- lcs, Huron Blend at $7.00 a square. Apply Mr. Deng W‘hile, 24 Edgar Ave., Richvalc. c2w4‘.) ONE OR TWO ACRES. Terms if desired. Apply R. B. McDonald, May Ave., phone days, Willowdiale 2182. evenings Richmond Hill 314121. *4w49 NEW BUNGALOW, 5 large rooms and bathroom, every modern city conâ€" venience. large lot, full ment, stucco construction, modern throughout, reasonable. Apply Stop 2:2 Yonge St., Thornhill 1081-12. c2w50 AMERICA’Sâ€"TRADING Champion ‘Silvcrho Parader' is grand sire to our litter of registered Scotch Applyl FEDERAL TRUCK. panel body in clw401 cabbage pan- 0 â€" Mixed. sized basc- . (‘OLLlEi good tii'cs. liliiti, 11 Apply Ned Hill. excellent shape. good buy, $1175.00. {ichinond 11111. phone 500 or 354. ‘tf 1.0T FOR SALE, 100‘x2-15‘, cellar out, footings in; close to Yongc St. Highway at Stop 20A. Cash or terms. Phone Richmond Hill 502w. ‘1w50 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked en- amel tinisb any colour of tapes, lrec estimates and installations. Phone 7:371 or write box 4116. 40 Ontario St. West. Ncwmarkot, Ont. tfc32 HAY MARE. general purpose, sound. good for farmer or market gardener. Apply E. A. Radford 1st farm north of No. 7 highway on con. :1 Markâ€" ham Twp. Phone Unionville 30.13. c3w49 SUMMER PRICES ~ prompt delivery 7 on Kitchener Big-4 Chicks. Pullcts. Cockercls. Ask us for prices, tell us what your markets will need. This Hatchery has a wide choice. Agent, Wesley Clark, RR. 2, Gorinley. McCLEARY ELECTRIC RANGE. complete with cable and three burnâ€" ers. in good condition. $25.00, also lawn mower, 10 inch width. Taylor'â€" Forbes, in good condition. A pplv Chapman Farm. Stop ‘30. North Yonge St clw50 20 YARDS GOOD GRAVEL; 20 yds. crushed stone 1" size; a quantity of large stone for cement Work; 20 bags ot' potatoes, table and “seed; 20 chairs and ‘20 school desks; cheap. Quantity new and used fire bricks; also some old brick for fill-in, cheap Apply De La Salle College, phone Aurora 00. =ilw50 WANTED WHAT-NOT, to be repainted. Apply SISW, Richmond Hill. c1w50 GA’I‘ELEG TABLE in good condi- tion. Phone 175M. *1w50 ALFALFA HAY, about 25 acres. Apâ€" ply phone 1121‘2 Maple. c1w50 TO RENT 2 or 3 rooms Sunfurnish- ed in Richmond Hill or district. Ap- ply phonc Richmond Hill 453w. tfc48 ROOM DAND‘BOPHtD for elderly lady for July, preferably in bungalow. Apply Box :22 Liberal. tfc50 WOMAN as short order cook. Apply in person to Summit View Lunch. phone Richmond Hill 431122. (117160 GARAGE, approximately 12x12; de- livered to Richmond Hill.Apply Lib- eral Box 31. ’3'211'50 ROOM AND BOARD, for man in or around Langstaf’f. Phone Thornhill :31-11‘13. *1w50 YOUNG BRITISH COUPLE urgentâ€" ly require unfurnished apartment in Richmond Hill or Thornhill district. Phone Ge. 75115. 02w50 ASSISTANT COOK for Camp Ash- unyoong for July or July and Ang- collie pups, sixwveeks old, $25.00 each. ' ust 170,. full particulars write Re“ Moorland Collies, 1951a”! R1(‘l11110nd_.D' Davis, Stoufi‘vma “W50 Hill. c1w50’ _ _ ing (plug in wall type) 1 year old. good as new; pair knick-knack shel- ves, mirror back; Gibbard solid wal- nut dressing table, perfect condition. fun 015.60 Princess Avc., Willow-dale. Phone Rugglps Zone 5250. WHITE LEGHORN PULLET BAR- GAINS while they last. 2 week old $114.05, 3 week old $311.05. day-old $26.95. Black Minorca N White Leg- horns $1.00 per hundred more. Also other light and heavy breeds. non- scxed, pullets and heavy breed cockâ€" erels. Turkey Poults. Send for re- duced price list for June. Tweddlc Chick I’Iatcherics Limited, Fergus. Ontario. c2w~10 2 WEEK OLD STARTED CHICKS. non-sexed Barred Rocks $21.05, Pullâ€" ets: New llaiiipshircs, Barred Rocks 330.05. White Legliorns $33.05, Black Miiioi'ca N White Leghorns Cockercls. Barred Rocks. Aiistralorps $20.95. Three week add 5c per chick. lilack old Also day olds 12 pure breeds and 131 go'o'o'oo‘o‘u‘o‘oo'o‘enoo‘»“ooéooédocuouuoo‘ou“on”; .: To Operate Machines and Assembly. Work NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Excellent earning tra Apply 100 Yonge St. 0 “MO0.000000000000000000QQOMAW Flex:0-Loc Spring Products OF CANADA LIMITED ASK FOR MR. SAMPSON OOOOOOOOOOOOOO‘OOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOO“OOWOOOOOOOO ELECTRIC RECORD PLAYER, Vikâ€"l 1y c1w50‘ 3:34.95, 5.10 p.111. Also other breeds. i WiOMEN for cleaning one day week- and dish-washing evenings. Apply Ladies Golf and Country Club, Thorn- hill. c1w50 WORK â€" I will lay cement floors, dig drains or trenches, etc. Apply N. Dolson, Headford. Richmond Hill 481'25. c2w50 RELIABLE BOY 0R MAN to cut grass. Apply A. R. Colwill, end cotâ€" tage, Centre St. W., Richmond Hill. Phone 450W. ’3‘1w50 HOW ABOUT THOSE HENS that have stopped laying. Highest prices paid. Bring them in or phone King 50114. W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Grading Station. tfc39 PASSENGERS from Elgin Mills to Toronto and return. Monday to Friday arrive in Toronto 7.50 21.111. at} Gerrard and Yoiige and return at Phone 372124. r*1w50 TRANSPORTATION Richmond Hill to Toronto daily after June 20th. Leaving Richmond Hill 7.30 3.111. and . . "turning 5 p.111. Apnlv Bob Svaneâ€" cross breeds non-sexed. pullets 01 l.‘ . , , heavy cookerels, Tiirkoy Poults.|iPltv “Willow “1” SR' Clwoo Send for reduced price list I01: Jim?- FLAT on SMALL APARTMENT lwcddle Chick Hatcheries I'lllllllf'r‘li required for new High School tea- I'C‘l‘glls. O‘ntaiio. ‘ “" cher. anytime before September. Phone Campbell Mo. 21178 (reverse possibilities when ined. Richmond Hill 0, 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O chargcsi or write to IRS Brim" Hill A ve.. Toronto. *2w50 LOT for English couple. building home. 100 ft. to 150 ft. frontage (depth at least same) in Mapld Kinn- Tcstoii and Concord districts. All replies will be answered and settled 11p by end of July at latest. R811lics teach grade 7 and \: also part~timc teacher for domestic st'iciii'c. Apply st-itiiig‘ qualifications. experience and present inspector to .Izis. Grziinger. secretary Richmond Ilill Publii- School Ioard. chi-30 TO RENT ROOM & BOARD. suit two gentle- men. Apply Box 43, The Liberal Office. ' l\\'3O O 99000009009000...00990900 FOR SALE I'scd (10121) Ford Ferguson Tractor. Tires new last year. Good mechanical condition. Little Bros. Richmond Hill Phone 171 OO”OO“MWWOMO to Box 12 Maple P.O. ‘ c1w50 m requires for September 1st two ill» tcriiicdiatc tcachcrs. at least one male. interested in athletics desir- able: 1 teacher for junior gradesz' also part»tiiiie teacher qualified to IN MEMORIAM In loving- memory of :1 Restores Lost Goods I'OS'I‘ICII in dour wife and mother. who passed away June 10, lt'rlS. .li:si when your life was brightest. Shrch "sleuthing" by P. t'. Frank Moore led to the restoration to its owner of property found on Mill St., Richmond Hill, some weeks it '13-“ “'l“‘” .\'“l”' .VWH" “'“l'k‘ l‘i‘r‘l. ago, was revealed through the mummy You were called from this world 111‘ , ‘ ‘ \ . . . icpoi't submitted by the constable to I WIN“ I111: regular monthly meeting of the I” ” Im'm‘ “I “Wm” “"‘it‘ Richmond Ilill Village ('ouncil. LOVHWI." l't‘mk‘mi’k‘l'k‘d l’.\’ 11115- The lost property, as reported in hand “ml 1“”"137 :‘IW'I" The Liber‘il, consisted of boy scout , , . . i ' . SPARRIuS A In loving memory of ariiclcs. money, and sundry items. ' my dear husband, Percy Among them were some undeveloped _ _ who passed ;i\\.iy. .Iuiic itli. 1214.1. films. I’. (1 Moore had those dev- . , . , w Sadly missed and cvcr remem- cloped and prints circulated among . ., , ,, . bored by his wile, Mary. 1w:)0 local schools. lhere the SLIIUQL‘ts r V were identified by a local student SPARKESW,” loving. mommy M- R. and. as a result, the property was R. Spai'kcs who was kilch iii :ictioii returned to her mother. June-6. 10-14. Other matte-1s dealt with in P. C. NOthmg can mim- take “WA-V" The love a heart holds dear, ,Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps hint near. Ever remembered by mother, father, sisters and brothers. Moore's report were of a minor rou- tine character, A number of con- victions for going through the Yonge Street stop light were recorded, mos- tly against out of town drivt‘rs. N 0 T I C E Piano Recital by the pupils of Mr. A. Melccci at the Richmond Hill Un- ited Church Sunday School room, on Tuesday evening, June 14. 19411, at 8.15 p.111. Under the auspices of the Junior Boys Group. This program will be assisted by Bobby Jones, boy soprano and violin pupils of Miss Beatrice Prest. flVIGMORE In loving memory of Mrs. VVinnifred Wigmorc who died .Iune 10, 1946. Sweet memories will linger forever: Time cannot change them it's true: Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you. â€"Ever remembered by husband and family. '1‘ / ENDERS Tenders will be received up until June 20th for installation of pressâ€" ure system in Maple Public School. Sipvm- comedian, c1w50 complete with wash basin. drinking , _, , . fountain and waste water disposal â€"â€" lequipment. Lowest tenders not nec- essarily accepted. For further iii- formation apply to Sec. W. 11. Noble. SAND AND GRAVEI., crushed stone. Mapk‘v Phone “1'1 chi-3‘“ loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill. phone 3721'5. tfc42, SPRAYING, lawn, field with 24-D; stable with lime; orchari spraying. Apply phone Maple 111;). *8w46 ‘ LAWN MOWERS sharpened and T11§?ER§;9:,. , I, _. , repaired by experienced workman. “em “'(lng‘sT “"lme Phone Jos. Winger, Maple 621'21. . Omar") c18w44 SEALED TENDERS addressed 11 , . the undersigned and endorsed “Teir CUSTOM PLOUGHING, diSCing. cul- der for Coal" will be received until 3' tivating, tilling. W. H. Gooderham, p.m. (E.D.S.T.) Wednesday, June 15 39 Elmwood Ave., Lansing, telephone 1949, for the supply of coal and cokt Willowdale 2508. 028w43 for the Dominion Buildings through- v. , , out the Province of Ontario. PLASTLRING’ fil‘St Class Workman‘ Forms of tender with specifications ‘4 d '2'. { COAL AND COKE of Ship- WIII SI"? eStimates- . Adam and conditions ‘attached can be ob- Pohl, Elg'in Mills, phone Richmond tamed fro)“ the purchasing. Agent~ HI” 346121. flaw“ Department of Public Works, Otâ€" LAWN MOWERS and saws sharpen- ed; folding lawn chairs made; inside taw-a, and the Supervising Architect. 36 Adelaide St. East. Toronto, Ont. panel doors. Apply C. B. Stouen- Tenders Should he made on the burg. 11 Richmond S., Richmond Hill. form? Supplied by ,the Departmef‘t phone 392w. “1,42 and in accmdance with departmental specifications and conditions attached CUSTOM ROTARY TILLING. Have thereto. Coal dealers’ licence numâ€" youi' land completely prepared by the ber mUSt be given When tenfiei'Ingl new scientific one o‘pxrahoii method. The Department reserves the right W, Hutchinson E1351“ MIPS, plume to demand from any successful ten- I‘ichmond Hill 2R{\V. M341 derer, before awarding the order, a . . . security deposit in the form of a ALI. KINDS FURNITURE repairs. certified cheque on a chartered bank upholstcring. cabinet work, ' . ' wood in Canada" made payable to the or- carv111g. Estimates given. .N. S. der of the Honourable the Minister };‘{11711D.\'k0. 33 Hunt A\'e., Richmond of Public Works, equal to'10 per cent 1 . 'th "of the amount of the tender, or Bearâ€" “ er Bonds of the Dominion of Canada ORDERS Win be taken for private or of the Canadian National Railway . s 4 -' . . t ‘1 . . diessmaking aftei 7.30 p.m., also at. Company and Its constltuent com- panies unconditionally guaranteed as kinds of_ drapes made‘ and men’s sport shirts. Phone R.chmond H111 to principal and interest by the Dom_ inion of Canada, or the aforemen- 359r13. c4w46 I'l-‘u-Iii--iiii.-i-‘ tioned bonds, and a certified cheque, if required to make up an odd a111- ' ' t. ouSuch security will serve as a guar- and Repairing antee for the proper fulfilment of the S. Hoffman contract. Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed â€"â€" Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office, Tel. 9, Richmond Hill d’iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiill «owwmoo’e‘ooooo‘owwuo REL! ABLE USED" CARS $1395.00 1946 FORD DELUXE TUDOR â€" Heater â€" Very nice. By order, .1. .11. SOMERYILLE. - Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 26. 1949 .1 c2w40 $325.00 1935 FORD TUDOR â€" LITTLEIRIUTHERS Ford & Monarch Sales & Service Phone 174 Richmond Hill momuuoo‘mooocoo The time to buy is when supplies dre best. Order yo'yr re'd t'radenfiarked Faméus Reading Hard Coal nowâ€"and you'" Be sure of ' having this g'o’o'clcoal next fall. 111111111163- 011mm" AI'RORA CO. PHONE 188 RICHMOND HILL Sparkcs. i 000000306066960006006§06006¢6606GésieéeQ$¢0¢¢¢666¢000 ooooomemmmwowooooow09099009ooooooweoooooooooou 0600099OOOOOOOONOOOOOOOOOOOOO9090006MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONOOOOOOOO6090(50960009966669600660» Monday in Friday Continuous from 7.710 p.111. Sniiii'dny continuous 1‘1 A.‘ R H I‘ from 7.00 p.111. MA AND PA KETTIE HELD OVER FOUR MORE DAYS The Kettles are staying till Tuesday Positively last time, Tuesday. June 14111 umvnsn-mnmnonn pm,“ The hilarious 58W€{ 7.11; all. I with RICHARD LONG MEG RANDALL Produced by LEONARD GOLDSTEIN . '. Directed by CHARLES LAMONT Screenplay by Herbert Margolis, Louis Morheim and Al Lewis 4 DAYS STARTING Wednesday, JUNE 15 o ‘ Radios Riotous Rileys 609096600660060096696666606 066-600006064>060600000060066066G9$”W0”0096”0666¢QWOOONOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOG69¢Q¢66006’6066066@$¢ QOGQ OGOOG 96¢ ¢¢6€¢06¢ :OOOOOOOOOOO60006000900606600600009.0000 00000000000060.000000009000000900.0909” For Security, Progress and Good Government VOTE FOR JACK SMIT 7 IN NORTH YORK For information contact Jack Smith Victory Headquarters RICHMOND HILL â€" â€" â€" TELEPHONE NEWMARKET â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" TELEPHONE 1113 AVENI'E RD.. NORTH YORK â€" â€" â€" TEL. RIC. 182s WARD III. NORTH YORK â€"4 -â€"- M TEL. OR. 0 90009006 I) or 25.") 215W TELEPHONE 117 Ox‘v } 4 00¢¢¢¢ 6%; "3 ¢ 606° O ¢¢¢¢0¢I¢~GO¢¢¢¢¢0O0609606000900¢690000006960006666660000.9009... 0 G “OOOO”OOOOOOOOOOOOWOOOOOOO”OOOOOO 00006600609....00000000000“. ONOMOOOO

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