OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REI’LAfED g l’rcsm‘iptinns for Glasses Filicd : 3 0 3 59690060 Fm"Amwtnlmcnt I’hunc Richmond Hill 33‘ 06.9000009000000¢000900¢¢6009Qé®0000060600906000009 90¢0¢009¢0 “QQOOOOOOVOVOOQPV v00?“ OVVOOVOG‘IOV‘bOQ 009099000099 969‘90‘! ‘COOOOG‘O0OOOOOOC‘OOQOOQ ooame-oo@«ovbaooooeécoooo~c 00¢ Q“900066000900060900 00 9¢OOOO¢OO¢6¢¢¢65WOOO i“¢0~'v¢°00¢0000¢090 00-060000-9600 $09¢000¢09000 0069$ IT’S (£00!) ’10 BE YOUNG WEBNESDAY, GE @NE 15233 00000Ovb-DG-OOO0OOOOGO00460000910060009606000.0090: 11 MAP Wammï¬ NM? 03'? WATING CLIENTS mu ï¬amï¬em Emmy nnx. \‘augh .{onm House in the Richmond Hill disll‘id. must Oi“ SUPPER AND ENTERWNMENT )0 COI'IVL’H ICHCQS foresight n\'cnientl 9000'6'0096990'9 0©4‘O©¢O¢O¢OO¢®OOOQOO®OOOQQQ LE PRESBYTERM dInin EYESEGHT SPECIALIST \ WILL BE AT AleTEN’S DRUG STORE Wednezda‘y, June 22nd R. 5, Pvï¬Ã©NERN le‘ R SERVED 6 TO 8 RM. [)EH'II )I FOOD] {TH AMERICAN UFE Eyes Examined, masses Fitted Il'l nd the Sewn ' 0f Plan your Life arranged in easy C on \ijlie Choir and H n‘ FROM 9.34) I In WNRNGS to $6 000 down ha LOWEQHE, R. (in ing Conirac the 010.91 H El 1‘1‘1‘.) Gilt LM. 2U“ .l 11 00° LI( 68.11111 lder mun who wish :nged for a larger 3 Assui'ansc while 5. Not only are pre- their lowest. but, llllil‘lg‘, policies may it by the time the 1‘} we money f0] ier, and nee Fourth Wednesday men! 11 TO 12.00 IVUON NH) cash 9900 Ul ll‘anCE lurk ham ith or with- [11 THORNHILL EGGiQ'S a .V :ctar m 0 11 tlme war, 11 990¢009¢ O 110W Jum 000 II 194 of each one of After the s to the Sunda fleshments v thanks of the W.M.S. The meeting: closed with th Vim: of refreshments by hos Vin}: of refreshments by hoste Mrs. Macklin and Mrs. Shulvor. Next Sunday marks the 110th Q‘DW‘WQ’QQGOOVQQOVO¢OO®VOOO¢DO¢OOOO OQOOQOOVOOO...OO0.00 ' Addre 7. 06 \W‘Qï¬ï¬'QAQOOOOOOOOOGGOOO600009®¢06¢¢I06¢00 00600996090 Thornhill District News 1 wn the opemng' meetmg‘ In September. iayette made by the members was ned over to the W.M.’S. for their e and Mrs. Kent expressed the 011 11'] D] le Evening Auxiliary of the W. of the United Church hold their meeting of the season on Tues- evening at the parsonage. Miss 'kins. secretary of Stewardship Toronto Centre W~M.S. gave the ess. The subject was Steward- and, using the parable of the Its, pointed out that it is the duty lMcCORMICK-DEERING HAY MACHINESI We also have a good supply of Binder Twine, Hay Forks and Pulleys PERKINS FARM & HOME EQUIPMENT PHON E THGRNHILL PHONE 21W Ht chva O “7 The Right Machinesâ€" Everything Electrical}: House and Farm Wiring 3 Specialty Work done by Licensed Electricians. To Do Every Haying Job Right! Tmlt .vel‘e ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR rifts we possess, reg: mall they may seem made for a corn 1" 2' meeting in Septem BAKER SALES SERVICE an -vice tl' School )1 Ml Up to 35 miles per gallon. Independent, coil spring front suspension. Powerful Lockheed hydraulic brakes. Opticurve windshield and rear window. "L" head engine of proven power. Full width front seat. Finger-flick synchromatic gearshift. Immensely strong, oneâ€"piece body and chassis. Draftless ventilation. $elfâ€"cancelling traffic indicators. $A€§€ BAKE 2 the ladies retired 001 Hall where re- erved and apprecâ€" the splendid proâ€" for a corn roast ‘ing‘ in September. the members was ,enn members ang a beautiful Mrs. Geo. Rus- parable of the Us if is the duty make the most Jossess. regard- 1t llgladdress on d Nations So- women in the by hastesses Kin 131' THORNHILL. ONT. i211 oronto There will an in- Junior Choir of the is hoped that itizen- terial k the vice Edge 177“ nen day of this weeï¬ ed to note Chan; The Sah air 'meetin from the Lansing; Corps, 1'9 Elm- hurst Ave., was in charge and the hand of 7 played mth old familiar hymns. This group holds meetings every Saturday night. visiting the different towns and villages in the district.†_ Next Saturday at 8 pm. they will he in Richmond Hill at the corner of Yonge and Lorne. Bandmaster one is mv1ted to attend and Jom lll the singing. Lions Inter-School Softball Senior Semiâ€"Final Play-offs -â€" Thm-nhill 18, Concord- 10; Langstaf'f :72, Thornlca 5. The ï¬nal between Thm'nhill and Lang-staï¬' will he played at Boyle Pain on Thursday at 7 p.111.» . Juniors â€"â€" Thornhill 21, Concord 2; Lang'staflj' 23. Thornlea 8. Girls H Thornlea defeated Inna-- stafl‘ 11-]. This is the ï¬rst time the Langstaff girls have been defeated. Richvale defaulted to Thornhill. On Friday afternoon at 1 p.m., a large inter-school ï¬eld day will be held in‘ Thornhill Park. Sponsored by the Thornhill Lions Club, é large crowd of participants and sneeta- tors is expected. Pupils from Thorn- hill Langstafl‘. Thornlea, German Mills, Concord, Richvale and Carr- spe Phone Richmond Hill 3.38m withdrawn ake1 (01126 and home. non will he in ch is invited to att p.m Mi RESIDENCE 194m; 1t th RICHMOND HILL )n Army held an oper 1 Thornhill lzlst Satur- Capt. Evelyn Rennie]- nsinz Corps, 19 Elm to attend pedi‘a'l music by the the occasion and it church will be ï¬lled nite ll be held on Members are Nellie arg. anniversary sel 11‘ch ‘e and every and join i m classes: Senior, InIei-mediute \12 and under) and Jr. (8 and under)‘. Keen competition is expected in uzl 'events and all those interested in this programme of sports for our young people are urged to attend. Two directors were elected at Monday’s meeting of the Lions Club. lThey are Mr. Geo. Nuttall and Mr. 'Wilfred Ball and they will hold their ipositions for two years. The other iofl‘icers went in by acclamation. .VIr. lClmarles Sowglen is the new president lsucceeding‘ Mr. Thomas Jackson. l The club is making plans for their -carnival and street dance to he held June 29. Most of the proceeds from this project will go intz) the fund for the new swimming pool. The Mother and Daughter Ban- quet held by the Guides and Brown- ies last Friday was a great success. IThe tables in Lawrence Hall were ‘very colorful and gray with corsages at each mother’s place made by her ‘own daughter as a surnrise. The |W.A. of Trinity Anglican Church served a very delicious dinner and their efforts played a large part in ‘making the evening so enjoyable. Mrs. Robert Watterson, Clark St. Doncaster Gardens left on May 24 for a trip to the Isle of Man for three months to visit her family. A party was held in he)- honour by her daugh- ters, Mrs. Geo. Morrison, Phyllis and son, Bob, and neighbours. It was a very enjoyable evening for all those present. Mrs. Watterson wishes to thank her friends and neighbours for the lovely steamer rug)r presented to her for the trip. It was very much appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. K. Robertson and Bonnie have left to attend the wed- ding of Mr. Robertson's niece, Miss Marion Casselden of Toronto to Mr. Louis Messinger 3rd of West Point Military Academy. Mr. Messinger was formerly of To_ronto and is the only Canddian to graduate from West Point. After attending the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson and Bonnie will spend a few days in New York before returning home. Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. Harley on May 31, at the Wellesley Hospital a saster for Gregory and David. Two presentations were made to Brown Owl, Mrs. Sanderson, who is leaving the group, a very pretty comnact from the Brownies and a wallet from the local association and mothers. Mrs. John M"\Ieil. District Guide Commissioner will he the new Brown Owl. After d'nner a program of songs and games was presented by the girls and everrone present agreed that it had been a most delightful evening. Miss Bone will return to her post in London for a week and then leave to attend the National Young Peop- le’s Conference sponsored by the Can- adian Council of Churches to be hel‘: in Kenora. Her itinerary will in- clude the cities of Detroit, Chicago. Duluth, Minneapolis, Inter-Falls and thence to Kenora. All religious rle- nominations from across Canada will be represented and as the Y.W.C.A. is allowed only 3 delegates it is evi- dent that Betty is achieving success in her chosenxvocation of work am- ong young people. Mr. Wm'. Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W; T. Robinson, John 81., recently graduated from the Ontario College of Education. He has ac- cepted a position as teacher of Chemistry and Physics at Long Branch High School. The Women’s Institute held a well attended annual meeting in the Uni- ted Church hall on May 19. Plans for a picnic were made to be held at Mrs. Empringham’s home on June 15. A beautiful knitted centrepiece donated by Mrs. Barons was offered to the meeting for raffle. Mrs. Mackin- tosh gave a splendid report of the Olficers’ Conference at Guelph. The nonâ€"mating: committee gave their re- port and the officers for the coming: year will be: President, Mrs. Mc- Kean; lst vice president. Mrs. S. Findlay; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Sinclair; secretary, Mrs. Broderick; assistant sec’y, Mrs. Stotts; treasur- er, Mrs. Cooke; assistant treas., Mrs. McKean; district director, Mrs. Mi- zen; branch directors, Mrs. Maude, Mrs. Pratt. Mrs. Nightingale, Mrs. Jamieson; publicity, Mrs. Broderick; home economics, Mrs. Cooke, Mts. Nicholson; social welfare. Mrs. Bone Mrs. Harris; historical research. Misc Clubine: current events. Mrs. Emâ€" nrineltumz agriculture, Mrs. Crow» hurst: citizenship, Mrs. Johns; sew- ing. Mrs. Scott; auditors, Mus. Bone and Mrs. Nightingale. This will be Mrs. McKean‘s third year as president, and the Thornhill W. I. is indeed fortunate to have such a capable leader. The annlausc she received and the lmautifnl ho- gonia plant with which she was pre- sented, testiï¬ed to the esteen1 ii“ which she is held in this community. Mrs. McKean is active in manv o"- u‘anizations and her entlwsiasm f0" anything she is connected with is run off at the scho: exception of the on the tug of war whi first and second in compete. Competit Born to Mr. and Mrs. on May 31, at the Wellesle a aster 101- Gregory and Miss Betty Bone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bone visited her par- ents last week before leaving: to at- tend the Y.W.C.A. convention in 0t- tavwa. More than 300 delegates from all across Canada will be present. The theme of the convention is 11;.- ternationalism and visitors from New Zealand, India. Trinidnd. China. and Japan are expected. The Ottawa Y. W.C.A. is playing host to the conâ€" vention and delegates will also be 2'uests of Lady Alexander at Rideau \‘ention and d guests of Lady Hall. al‘lc AQLELIERJEDER4AL EHEGDGEEQBEE SEiflffll‘Fv’ SATURDAY, JUNE 11th and 3.1‘. T1 1m; event be mlh runnin‘ :l jum} elnmnm * schoo divide Intern] Cooke, Mas , Mrs. Bone search. MiSs , Mrs. Em ado by her rise. The an Church dinner and .9, present tion is 1p from Nev (‘hina an: Ottawa Y 3 the con 11 also b1 mt goovaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooé36‘0309«909990090090: bNOO 06100909660000@Q‘DOOOQOOOQO60000¢~¢0000®¢000000009 mmagzmm m ' mam gamma-a ‘? :33 RICHMON D ST. Member of the Ontario Association 0 You and Your Friends Are Cordially Invited To Attend ANNUAL STREET DANCE THDRNHILL, WEDNESDAV, JUNE 2 Hedges Clipped and Shrubs Trimmed Samara/w Township Memmiai H2113, Velgme bu y It will houses 111g EaGmuve ï¬emnty ï¬alan Ea“ MEN’S LANDSCA?E SERVKE Thm'nhiil Digtrict [.in { Eub Sunday, June 12th, 1949 Commemorating the service ( Unveiiing and Dedicaï¬an Ceremonies of Tablets 1n in aid of the swimminJ THORNHILL OFFICE â€" PHONE 12 DAVHD MQLEAN and business I'DI‘OpCI‘tléS to s of clients, some with all c this district. Valuations c ND S'l‘. RICHMOND HILL PHONE RICHMOND HILL 497W ' TOWN & COUNTRY RE Township 0f Vaugha LEN RHCE B CARWEVAHJ His Majesty’s Forces y 011 ) CC nsult u rom thc Machineicss FROM $5.50 hampuo 21ml Fingerwuvc 75c Phone Thornhill 102 for appointment. 011 Spec (‘old Wave luations cheerfully made Permanent Waves ial zingz in a“ typs c A LTORS l sh. anx Machine and 8th, 1949 p001. tate Bo sirahl ,1 wait- of m‘ds