CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my good friends who so kindly sent me flowers,- bas- kets of fruit and get well ca‘rds, and many acts of kindness during my ill- mess and while I was confined to the ho‘spital. Especially thanking Mr. M. Boyle and Mr. Findlay Ross for blood transfusions; Rev. Mr. Kent for his friendly visits; Business Men’s Association for their helpful gift and the Lions Club for flowers; the acts of kindne‘Ss and transportation to and from the hospital to my wife from Mr. Jamieson, T.‘ Beckm'an, Nels Findlay, T. Emp‘ringham, Wal- ter Thompson, S. Findlay, T. Findlay. George' Nuttall (‘A‘RD OF THANKS Mrs. J. Newell and fainin wish to extend their thanks and ï¬ppreciation‘ fo’r dots of kindness and beautiful ï¬dral tributes received from friends, relatives and neighbours during“ theiu sad bereavement in the loss of a de'ar husband and father; especially to' Dr. J. P. Wilson, also Rev. Wrix- on for his very comforting words. ('ARD ()F THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Mat- thew Johnson wish to thank the maiiy fi‘iends and neighbours for their ma- n'y acts of kihdhess, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral trib- utes extended to them during their recent, bereavement. *1w51 OOOOâ€â€Oâ€â€Qâ€WOâ€â€ RELIABLE USED CARS 1946 FORD DELUXE TUDOR â€" Heate’r â€" Very nice. Phone 174 Richmond Hill WOOOMOOOOOOO“WM LITTLE BROTHERS GARDEN TRACTORS wit/I a flu furl-7 Appliance & Sales Corner No. 7 ] H‘way WALKING" “MOTOR Ford & Monarch Sales & Service BLACKBURN’S $135.00 to $396.00 At ‘ your convenience $325.00 1935 FORD TUDOR â€" Free Demonstration EMERGENCY 15"; to 3% HP. Priced From Due to a breakdown in pumping equipment all water consumers are urgently requested to refrain from using water unnecessarily and especially for watering lawns and gardens. $1395.00 to low :05! R I D I I G TRACTOR (3 ILP.) converted . . . “51/, Phone 161 LESLIE BAKER, Waterworks SUpt. Don’t forget the Young Adult Group Pi'cnic hext Séfilrday at Wood- land Park. The group will leave the United Church at 1.30 pm. The regular meeting. of the Evenâ€" ing Auxiliary .of the United Church will be held at the home of Mrs. Hardy Hill, 19 Church St.. on Tues- day, June 21,.at 8 pm. sharp. The last chapter of the study book will be given. All ladies of the congre- gation cordially invited. wee‘ Rev Mrs. Llo‘yd Bell _and Barbara spent the week end at Waubushene. DICEMAN â€"â€" Suddenly, at his late The engagement is announced of Margaret Alice, daughter of Mrs. Endean, Richmond Hill and the late Robert N. Endean to Okal L. Day, son o'f Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Day of Ridgetown, Ontario.. Marriage will take place July 2nd in Richmond Hill. SILVER \VEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watson of Mallern will be at home to their friends Sunday afternoon and even- ing, June 19th, 1949, oh the occasion of their Silver Wedding Anniversary. SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Percy Puterbaugh, R R. 1. ’Maple, Ohtariro (lot 13, con. 5. Vaughan Twp.) will be at home to friends and relatives on Saturday, June 25th (2 to‘ 5 a'nd 7 to‘ 9 pm.) on the occaéion of their Silver Wed- ding Anniversary. c1w51 LAWN TEA Will bé held at the home of Mrs. Art White, 26 Mill St., Richmond Hill, Thursday afternoon, June 23. Tea cup reading will be featured. Proceeds fbi‘ the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans. c1w51 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL A Garden Party and Strawberry Festival (if berries available) will be’lne'ld in Victoria Square United Church on Wednesday, June 29th, under -the auspices of the J.F.A. and J.W.I. Supper will be served from 5.30 p.m. to 8 o‘c10ck. Entertain- ment afterwards. Everybody wel- come. c1w5] u“§€r‘1'1embér"£HeVSabbaih Day to keep it Holy.†PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday, June 19, 1949 10 a.m.â€"â€"Sabb‘ath School. 11 am. â€" Public Woifshiq UNITED CHURCH~ ‘ Rev. C. B. Bfetl‘len, B; A. Minister Sunday, June 19th, 1949 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"â€"Morning Worship. The Evening services are withdrawn dur- ing the summer months. Everyone is‘ cordially invited to the morning service. s12 MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th.. R.D. Rector Suhday. June 19th, Trinity 1 400th Anhive'rs‘ary of Prayer Book 8 arm. â€"â€" Holy Communion 10 am. â€" Sunday School. 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer. Subject “The Wonder of the Prayer Book." 4 p.m. â€" Holy Baptism. A brief meeting of the Congrega- tion after the 11 am. service. Sunday School Picnic Saturday. Buses leave Church 1 pm. Please bring your own eats, drinks provided Social and Personal M 1' resident‘e‘, lot 29, concession Vaughdn Towhs’h‘ip, on Monday, June 6, 1949, Chm‘les E., beloved husband of Christina Sutherland, father of Emerson and grandfath- er of Reta, in his 76th year. The funeral was held on Wednesday, with interment in King City Cem- etery. Ir. C. C. Totteh of Vancouver, B. visited in the home of his brother, '. J. O. Totten, Elizabeth St., 135% ENGAGEMENTS DEATHS Wide Range Of Business Handled By Vaughan Township Councillors Endeavouring to clean up a large accumulation of business held over from a previous meeting, Vaughan Township Council met at Maple on June 8th, With Reeve John Hos- trdwser in the chair and all mem- bers present. A request by the Canadian Bank of CommerCe for an extension of thl present lease cove’ring premises oc cupied in the Municipal Buildin; was read to council. The townshi. cle'rk was instru‘cted to advise th. dank that the township proposed toccupy the whole of the building 01 the eXpiratich of the present lease. A letter from the Minister of Ed ucatioh disapproving a by-law divid ing School Section No. 12 into tVW sections was read to council. In a following dischssion councillors con sidei‘ed the establishment of a town» ship school area, especially in vie“ of letters regarding Richv'ale am Langstaff schools. Clei‘k McDo'nald was instructed h pte‘pare a by-law creating two toWnship stho'ol are‘as, one to in- clude sactidns 1, 2 and 24, ï¬nd the other to‘ include remaining- sections. Purbh'ase‘ oi- exprbpi'iatitm (if a nan-eel of land in the east part‘ of lot 27, concession 1, as proposed by the trustees of school section No. 1, was considered by conncil. It Was decid- ed tb await further direction from the Thornhill School Beard. Consider Wdodbridgé An‘nexatio‘n‘ A1. White Rink Wins‘ At Season’s Opening Co‘uncillors cdnsidei‘e'd settlement of assets and liabilities with regard Thanks to the voluntary activities of certain members worthwhile im- provements have been made to the building and grounds of the Rich- mond Hill Bowling Club. Credit goes largely to Dr. R. K. Young and Mr. A. A. Eden. The club house, garage and tool shed have received 2; ner coat of paint and new boards have been placed in the east and wést ditches of the green. At a local tournament on June 2 the winning rink was composed of Mrs. Elgie, skip, Dr. and Mrs. Howe and Mr. Arthur Eden. A mixed doubles tournament is scheduled for June 25th and a mixed trebles tournament for July lst. Guides there will be no hike this Saturday, June 18, as it has been postponed until the fall. There will be a party on Monday, June 20th at Captain Sweeney‘s home on High- land Dr. from 7 to 9. Please advise if you are coming. ORR-KEFFER Standards of white stocks decor- ated Maple United Church for the double ring ceremony of Mary Ad- ele Keffer, daughten of Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. Keffer, to Mr. William Allan Thomas Orr, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Orr. Rev. Lossing officiated, assisted by Rev. Fockler. The wedding music was provided' by Margaret Wlatson and the Harmon- ettes sang. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a dress of white em- h'roidered marquisette over taffeta, fashioned with a boat neckline with a softly falling frill, ï¬tted bodice and full skirt. The sleeves were long and ï¬tted, pointed over the back of the hand. A matching a softly! falling frill, ï¬tted bodice and full skirt. The sleeves were long and ï¬tted, pointed over the back of the hand. A matching headdress of marquisette held her ï¬nger-tip embroidEred veil and she carried a round shower bouquet of dusty pink roses and white carna- tions. The attendants were billowy gowns of frosted organdie with matching bonnets tied under the chin. Anna Orr and Aileen Kefl‘er were the bridesmaids dressed in peach; Reta Kefl’er, maid of honour, was gowned in blue and Sheila Orr, flower girl, was in blue. They car- ried matching bouquets! of sweet peas and daisies. John Jackson was the ring bearer. Gordon Orr was best man for his brother and the ushers were Charlie Grubbe and Henry Thomas. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Chas. Diceman wishes to ex- press hel- sincere thanks to friends, relatives and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, expressions of Sympathy and floral tributes exâ€" tended to her during her recent be- reavement in the loss of a loving husband. Especially thanking the Rev. M. R. Jenkinson and Rev. A. H. Halbert for their comforting words. *1w51 Girl Guide Notes WEDDING [to the annexation of part of Vaughan Twp. to the village of Wacdbri'dge. The reeve and deputy reeve were directed to consult with the township solicitor regarding this. A letter from the Department of Lands and Forests detailed the regu- ations pertaining to hunting in the township as a regulated game pre- erve area and requested information as to whether the t0wnship wished 0 continue under present regula- 0 continue under present regula- tions. Council approved of conditions as set out and the clerk was directed to advise the department to that eï¬â€˜ect. The policy of partial payment of ;chool money, as established in 1948. .vas diScussted ahd the treasurer was nstructed to arrange for partial )ayment on the sam‘e basis as last year, and to include the Richmond Hill High School Board and the ‘Noodbridg'e and Richmbnd Hill Pubâ€" lic‘ School Boards. Mecre‘dy Pupils Hold Successful Recital Pupils of Miss Alice Mecredy gave a piano recital in the auditorium of the Separate School last Thursday evening under the direction of Miss Alice and Miss Sylvia Mecredy. Pu- pils who took‘part included Evelyn Russell, Joan Gi’bbons, Clark Ded- low, Phyllis Russell, Ja‘nice Dedlow, Goerg‘e Styan; Shirley Ann Jo‘nes, Wanda Slnith, Margaret Brodie, B‘arrbara Elson, Gwen Carter and Carol Hirtz. Each Miss Mecredy was presented with a Corsage before the concert by George Styan and later a gift from all the pupils was given to Miss Alice Mecredy. Wanda Smith won the award for the best work during the past six months, with Phyllis Russell and Gwen Carter as runners-up. June 28th â€"â€" Picnic to Midhurst Park. Bus leaves at 9.30 am. If you are going, let Mrs. Sayers know immediately. Dates to remember â€" June 2151; â€" Trip to Canada Pack ers Plant. Haye you‘ thought about that tal- ent money and how you are going to earn it? The Rol_1 Call at the Sep- tember meeting is to be answered by the turning in of your talent money and telling how you raised it. Mrs. Sayers, president of the W0- men’s Institute, is anxious to con- tact those who have negatives of the Women’s Institute Float or the Costume Parade at the Fair on May 24th. If you have any please call her at Richmond Hill 113. MIZEN â€" In loving memoi‘y of Joseph Frampton Mizen, who died June 18, 1943. Your last parting wish we would like to have heard, And breathed in your ear our last parting word; Only those who have lost are able to tell The pain in the heart at notlsayihg farewell. â€" Lovingly remembered by family. *1w51 YOUNG â€" In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Edith Young, (who de‘p‘arted this life June 17, 1947. And while she rests in peaceful sleep Her memory we shall alwzys keep. +â€" Ever remembered by husband and family A N.Y. City plumber wrote to the Bureau of Standards in Washington: I ï¬nd hydrochloric acid good for cleaning out clogged drains.†The Bureau wrote back: “The efficacy of hydrochloric acid is indisputable, but the corrosive residue is incom- patible with metallic permanence." The plumber replied: “So glad you agree.†The Bureau sent another note: “We cannot assume responsi- bility for the production of toxic and noxious residue with hydrochloric acid and suggest you use an alterna- tive procedure.†The plumber an- swered that he was pleased that the Bureau agreed with him. Finally, the Bureau Wrote. “Don’t use hydro- chloric acid â€"â€" it eats hell out of the pipes!†â€"â€" Everybody’s Weekly. Women‘s Institute IN MEMORIAM *1w51 Banking Head manager ‘of the Bank and in a director. J. U. Boyer, newly elected presiâ€" dent of The Canadian_ Bankers’ As- sociation was born 'on a farm at St. Andre Avellin, Quebec, July 30, 1899. He started his banking career in 1918, entering the services of the Provincial Bank of Canada direct ,from school. Today he is general manager 'of the Bank and in addition it‘is almost a tradition in Canad- ian- banking for the top of the charâ€" tered~banks to come up the ladder from junior ranks. Mr. Boyer was no ekception. He held various posi- tions in Montreal, Ottawa and Wind- sor, Ontario, before his appointment in 193\0_as manager of the Bank’s main oï¬icejn Montreal. Six years later, in January 1936, he was made genei‘al manager of his Bank, and, as such, a member of The Canadian Bankers’ Association. He became a vice-president of the Association in November 1945. Mr. Boyer always has shown a keen interest in social welfare. He is honoraryâ€"treasurer of L’Institut Bruchesi de Montreal, Inc. and: of Les Champs de Sante Bruchesi. He is also a director of The Family Wel- fare Bureau of which he is a char- ter member._ In 1946 he became a director of the Public Health Nursing School of the University of Montreal. He takes an active part in the annual campaigns of La Federation des Oeuvres de charite canadiennes- francaises. In recognition of his 'devotion to the welfare of his felloW-men Pope Pius XII saw ï¬t to decorate him with the medal “Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice†in April 1949. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade and his favourite sports are hunting and golf. TOMATO JUICE 2 23c QUALITY ‘- M AXWELL HOUSE Coffee Puddings Tomato Juicé 3 25c I Tailet Tissue 3 32c WE“ P E A C H E S . . 29c Q l' A L [T Y Wax Beans Sardines . . . 3 GARDEN PATCH BRUNSWICK JELL-O IP E ' AND SUN JOY STOK LEY‘S ONTARIO New Cabbage . LOCAL Asparagus . 2 29c | New Potatoes 31c E??? T O M A T O E S . . “L 19C TASTY KIN (x‘ SOAP WHITE NAPHTHA THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill “0900000000000060909.000000fOGbOOOOOOOOOQOONOONOO‘: 20 oz. Tins g PHONE 128W RICHMOND HILL § 00009699900699“)ooo¢ooooaoao®ooooooooooooooooooooooe :009600000099000909900006$OOOOOOOOâ€O°OOOOOOCâ€OOOO§ Pk gs. 1 1b. Pkg. Tins DAVID MCLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE Qwoo‘eowooooowwwwuwoooboooounon§noonwd T111112, Fri, Sat. â€" 3 Days â€"â€" June 16, 17, 18 Mon, Tues. â€"â€" 2 Days â€"â€" June 20, 21 ‘ CARY GRANT ‘ ‘EV'ERY GIRL SHOULD BE MARRIED’ REP MONDAY TO FRIDAY Co-starring Franc-hot Tone, Diana Lynn, Betsy Drake Sh’owing at 7.85 â€" 9.30 ' EARQLD PATTON Wed. & Thurs. â€" 2 Days â€"â€" June 22', 23. S'I‘Exmm' GRAINGER, VALERIE ILIOBSON" ‘ “BLANCHE FURY†ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ' Royal T heatre é AURORA é 27c 616 25c 17c \II‘LS TO ALL MAKES. COMMERCIAL. DOMESTIC ALSO ELECTRIC RANGE REPAIRS WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED REFREGERATIGN SERVICE 7c In Richmond Hill and District Office Opens Free Parking Bars Your All Fun Show for the Week Bud ABBOTT and Lou COSTELLO “MEXICAN IIAYRIDE†Tomato Catsup Pineapple . . . WHITE SWM N Salad Dressing Pork 8: Beans 29c G LEN V A LLEY MIRACLE WHIP Showing at 7.40 and 9.40 â€" Plus â€" A Y LMER FANCY TID-BITS AYLMER 19c Floor Gloss #32" 59c LONG “'IIITI \RRIVING DAILY FOOTBALL MAGIC PLAYTIME IN RIO Matinee at 2.00 Saturday In Glorious Technicqlor Showing“ at 7.20 â€"' 9.20 24 Hour Service 73 FANCY QL‘ ALI’I‘Y WRIGHT ST. HA WES’ Fresh Strawberries L'mu Sfâ€" T (a HOLIDAYS 20 oz Tin June 16 1] 0: DH. 8 oz .lar 19c 25c 25c 19c