fELECTRIC WIRING and REPAIRS GILSON HOT AIR FURNACES AND OIL BURNERS RICHMOND HILL ELECTRICAL SHOP 32 YONGE __ PHONE 296W SHEPPARD & Gin LUMBER co. i LIMITED SERVING RICHMOND HILL ANI) DISTRICT FOR 19 YEARS IN LUMBER, TRIM, SASH, DOORS, ASPHALT PRODUCTS, GYPROC, TEN TEST, INSULATION PHONE 27 , Propose to co.i,;ider The establishment of Two Township School Areas TO ADMINISTER PUBLIC SCHOOL MATTERS IN THE OWNSHIP The necessary Ryâ€"law is being prepared and will be considered by the Council at a meeting before June 30, 1949. ALL Ratepayers, Trustees, Parents, or other interested persons are hereby advised. All persons interested, in support of or opposing the By-law. are requested to make their views. known before Friday, June :24, 1919. JOHN HOSTRAWSER, Reeve AT MULIIBK FARMS (YONGE ST.. ARMI'I'AGE) SATURDAY, JUNE 18 FROM 3 RM. TO 7 RM. I'lveryone Cordially Invited to Attend and Meet ‘ JACK SMIT LIBERAL CANDIDATE . . . . King City District News Mr. James Snclgrovc has ‘J'l'tttltt:t«l ted with second class honors in hon- or chemistry at the l'nivcrsiiy ot' Toronto ccremonics which \vcro tended by his wife. Ilc will teach chemistry at the I'iiivcrsity this tall as he enters on a thrctuycar ciitli‘sc tor a doctcn.‘ of philosophy dcurcc. lle is at present engaged in special work at the school. The alterâ€"gradâ€" uation dance was attcndcl by Mr. and Mrs. Snclgrove at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burt were presâ€" ent I'or ceremonies held in ('onvoca- tion “all last. Friday evening when their son, Terence, attained his ho.i- or history course, completing two years in one. He will teach that sub- jcct in a Toronto school. Mr. Burt, who is an accomplished musician. is again substituting tor Mr. John \I'czithersccd, organist at Deer Park Anglican church. Toronto, who takcs leave of absence at this time of year. Miss Jean IIadwcii OI" Maple was given a shower at the home of Mrs. Mervin Wilson at King one evening~ last week and other proâ€"wedding showers were held on a large scale at Teston and Toronto. The popu- larity ot' the brideâ€"elect whose mar- riage to Mr. Harold Kirby, Vaughan township takes place on June 25th. was clearly shown by appreciative friends over a wide district. The couple will live in King after their marriage where Mr. Kirby has alâ€" . most completed their new home. For Miss Doris Hollinshead. dauâ€" ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hollin- shead of King. a tea and gift shower was held at the home of Mrs. J. L. Grew last week when the l94ti dramâ€" atic club presented the bride to be with tour lovely cups and saucers and a framed painting done by Miss M. Jarvis. Miss Hollinshead will be- come the bride of Mr. Willouby who is now at Washago. where they will make their home. Doris has been a star in the dramaâ€" tic presentations given by King Wo- men’s Institute for the past two seaâ€" sons. A still greater event was held on Wednesday evening, June 13'), at King United Church when the bride-elect was given a community shower attended by a large number of friends. Mrs. S. Armitage of Maple enter- tained a number of ladies from King and Maple for luncheon and bridge held at Maple Villa Monday afterv noon. Mrs. A. E. Kelley of King won the high gift prize. Announcement The strawberry festival dated for Wednesday. June 29th, at All Saints Church. King. has been cancelled. Mrs. Ivan Specht. president of the W.A. has announced. The reasons are now obvious, as the drv season has made such inroads on the prosâ€" pects for the strawberry crop, the W.‘. A. considered it unwise to run the risk of entertaining the public in this form. Those tickets which have already been sold will be refunded. A congregational picnic will suï¬â€˜ice under the circumstances. While engaged in a Y.P.U. ball game recently. Miss Audrev Eves, teacher of Strange school had the iiiâ€"i William J.‘ misfortune to sprain ligaments and is being motored to the school by Mrs. Alfred Gillham, in whose home Miss Eves resides. King IV. I. euchre and bridge, on June 17, at Mrs. Kyle‘s. The water tankI in its silver coat makes an imposing structure viewed by motorists approaching King vill- age. The opening of new streets and construction of new homes, are deï¬nite signs of growth. Alex Campbell is making: progress with his house. . The evidence of an increase in population for the village brings out in clearer relief the value of the communitv park. New Look For I’ark Site As seen at present Kine: Memorial Park is rapidly approaching the reâ€" creation centre anticipated. A new Newmarket Citizens†Band will be present. Special attractions for children; teacup reading; other features. Auspices York North Women's Liberal Association strolling troubadors; Refreshments. II IIIIICI'OII S __â€"â€"â€"â€" .. Garden Party r.‘.oie than enough inteirst. Thcs: carnival attiaciions. games, ono int big open air dance to l’axton's 0r» torm part oi' the big- where everyone has fun and Littltul The Late Oliver l\crr The tragic death caused by tiic. of Oliver iverr. TU. living at .\ltl!‘l.l. Siding. is recorded in ihc lluntsvilh wcekiy newspaper. liain Saturday morning. May 25th. tire ot' unknowi oiigin destroyed the Douglas tir cab~ in occupied by Mr. Kerr. who wa: apparently asleep in the small build- ing at the time. In ï¬fteen minutes the cabin burned to the ground as power mower is doing good work in 51â€â€ trimming the grounds to a smooth giass surface. A new and substanâ€" tial picket t'cnce t'accs the main street ad swings and tectcis are now being completed. SLUUO has been spciit toward improved taciliiics and still there is much to be done l‘eI’orc the playground has become equipped to the full satisfaction of the coin» iiiuiiity and district. There is need of virilc support and visible demons stration of assistance to the society cncstia THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thursday. June 16. 194:) 7 Use International sponsoring the project. The park neighoburs called frantically to ai- can and will become the source of ouse Mr. Kerr, whose partially bur» sports and recreation achievement. ned body was found in the siiiokiiiw Table and benches will be set up for ruins. iThe heavy door was locked picnics. on the inside. Ciowbars were used to break in. The remains were placed in a sealed casket and sent to King cem- etery for burial. Mrs. Emma Far» rcn and Mr. A. Farreii, brother ainl sister, of King township are survi~ vors. Mr. Kerr was unmarried. Described as “every inch a tleman" the Huntsville paper states deceased had left his “native town of Aurora. for Elbow, Sask., where he engaged in farming for a number of years. He later came east and settled in Muskoka living at Aliens- ville. His later years were spent at Martin's Siding community. During the past year he had lived in a neat cabin on the shore of West Lake. also known as Round Lake. He was a man of clean habits. a non-drinker. a man of kind and generous nature." Once Lived at King The death of Frank H. Latchfoi'd. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Latchford of King, which occurreil on May 29th, removed one of Walâ€" kerton's oldest and most highly cs- teemed citizens. He was 93, the el- dest of a family of eight children As a small bov he moved with his parents near Walkerville and when a young man became employed with the, Grand Trunk Railway. now the C.N.R. He retired from this service ‘26 years ago. His wife died several years ago. Deceased is survived bv his daughter, Mrs. Emma Mchail of Walkerton and a brother, Wesley Latchford, of Souris. Man, who is 85 years old. The family name (it Latchford will be rememberd by old- er residents at King. Teston S. S. Anniversary and Supper At Teston United Church. Sunday. June 19th, anniversary services for the Sunday School will be hold both morning and evening, Rev. C. E. Fockler of Maple preachincr in the morning and Dr. Archer Wallace of Maple in the evening. Thn straivv berry festival will be, held in the church, Tuesdav, June 21st. followâ€" ed by a play given by a group 1"rmr Caledon East at the Vellore Comâ€" munity Hall. The abovo announce- ment was made last Sunday by Rev M. R. Jenkinson, minister. Laska" and King churches of the charge will be closed June 19th. Street Dance and ("arnival In aid of King Memorial Hall, for which a fund has been started, the Lake Marie and King Athletic As~ sociation will sponsor this event on July 20, in the customary well or- ganized manner. the Street Dance and Carnival at which lucky draws will be made. Last year everyone wanted the Bermuda ticket, and this year they may stay at home whereâ€" ver it is and try for the. electric reâ€" frigerator, electric vacuum cleaner and attachments; boys or girls bi» cycle, and so on down through sev- en amazing draws. President George Agar, the exec- utive and committees understand how to organize for a street dance and carnival where Leo Paxton's orchestra will play, and they are Lisâ€" ing the third week in July as has been their custom for several years It has become an established fact that King street dance will be held at this time in July each year, and always on a “’ednesday night. The Women's Institute sponsor the reâ€" freshment booth each vear. Strawberry Supper at Laskay At Laskay Institute Hall ground: on Friday. June ‘24, the Women‘s Institute will sponsor a strawberry festival and entertainment. Supper from 5 to 8 p.m. If weather is in- clement supper will be served in tin spacious hall. An entertainment of unusual variety will be given to in- clude a ï¬lm and personal narration Given by Dr. R. A. Bigford and Mrs Bigford of Maple showingr views oF Nassau and Jamaica where they vis- ited this year. Musical talent from the communitv, ballet dances, etc. will feature the entertainment. June 19-19 marks the 41st anniversary year of Laskay W. I. Red Shield Canvass Lieut. Ivany, Aurora Salvation Army headquarters has expressed his appreciation for collections for the annual Red Shield Appeal madc in this district by six members of King W. I. branch, amounting to 8126.90. Funds were turned over to the Lieutenant by Miss Annie Mcâ€" Rride, one of those canvassing. Laskay Field Day The annual Field Day. sponsored by Laskay Old Boys’ Association will he ‘held in Taffy Hollow Park, proâ€" ceeds in aid of Women’s Institute Hall. with a full program of sports events to include a baseball tourna- ment, swims, horseâ€"shoe pitching. wrestling on raft, tug of war, old time ï¬ddling contest and other ev- ents of equal importance. The oldâ€" est couple on grounds and the larg- est family will be selected. In the evening Taï¬â€˜y Hollow will be the setting for an open air dance to Leo Paxton’s orchestra. Laskav W. I. hall is being improved, with base- ment, paint job. and other jobs. and the whole community has banded to undertake the project. Everyone is enthusiastic. realiizng the need for greater facilities. Fergus Lawson is president: Neil Grav. secretary; and Pearson Smeltzer the treasurer. At the recent re-opening services held in Laskay United Church the flowers were outstanding. Besides large baskets of choice flowers there were boxes in colorful arrangement donated from George Williams' greenhouse by Mr. and Mrs. Willâ€" iams. After the services these boxâ€" es were sold and proceeds turned over to the church. They were eagâ€" erly sought after. Show Winners In the \Vomen’s Division of Aurora Horse Sh0\v,~lield June 11th, many prizes came to King Township. Snowball Women’s Institute won the most points in the W.I. special, an award of $5.00 to the organization whose members take the highest number of points in the show. Tem- peranceville Branch was runner-up in this class. To Mrs. George Hzitely. King. R R. 3. Eaton Hall Farm, went the Robert Simpson (‘0. special for sweepstakes in the domestic science section of the show. The award was a silver plated tray valued at $11.00 plus tax. Mrs. Hatelv won second prize. :1 china cake plate, the Aurora Belle special for the birthdov cake. also the miscellaneous special. Mrs. William Gould of Snowball took the Marshall Rank silver platv for the contestant winning the nms‘ points in a large section of the La gen- DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE Will give them a head start in life. JAS. W. GRAINGER Richmond Hill Phone 197m 11»! Yonge St. Represenling 'I'HE IMPERIAL lIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY dies' work. Mrs. John .Iennin"S 0' ized a nice saving last year TemperanceVil‘F‘ Won the P- 1‘“ by buying on the ‘blue coal‘ Q v- , . ~ . Sf . , . Thompons Fuinituie oie tai When Prices Budget Plan. lamp award to the lady winnimr mos' popits in certain classes of hand worl Thorn :ii-e numbeis of other< ir the district who took prizes \I'hos’ names we do not have. (‘zirole Hate amounts. l\'. 11. made three ï¬rsts to the valliK of $3.00 in all in three c'l‘Iszé‘s‘ iV‘ _ ‘ home economics. and nylon lin<o fn‘ And II S 50 easy, tooâ€"you the junior girl winning hiwhcst ir choose you own terms. home economics. .Iovce Hate“: “"3" There's no red tape. ’Phone BUDGET TERMS_JUST ’the] SPFF;OI: girlsflhom? economic aw- us ‘Odav for complete in- l I A ~ s ~ wry“ ~' ,I ~u'u_ ~ n c . t . _ ML it“, ‘9‘. t‘“ formation about this eaSIer AS lM DOING Now ' second place for “nod lathe at nl‘ ‘ _ , In industrial art; sin-rum rm- hm».- way to buy blue coal. , .‘Ilsi Jessie Cnllfltli' tool: foivv ï¬l';f: and two seconds in ladie=‘ work Mrs Del Patton took ï¬rst prizo for P sir-N-kcd dress. M 7-69 Mrs. Nelson Thompson. Tompci- ‘anccvillc. won the soccial for a). guarantee: lls.-iiits: Mrs. Everett Pi:il',ip<, Tcin ‘v‘gweal' (ï¬e peranccville. the T. Eaton ("o. I.t4I , Special in lii'i'..cl'io':d lilii‘ll<2 Mrs. I" (“zipsin Si‘o‘v\"‘-iill. <pcciz‘il in past! cla Mrs. J. D, Stor ‘. S‘H'A- b birthday colic sin-rial. \I‘» Phillips won Women's ('lot,..z._ Special. King Legion Frolic WwIncsday. -IUi‘e find is tth date- oi‘ King Legion Car “I and Dancc in Kipvr Memorial Park: at 6 p.m. D. O. .Iudd is legion president a"d .i ceidial ‘i! 'ifation extended to atâ€" tend this attractive t-vunt, xvi-ll stir» I‘l‘\'l.\t’tl :ilitl 'll'l"lll‘.""II. Tl‘w :\itl<lit‘ Sheep Dog in action will crcaic i; jumped, it didn’t bother them. Their bins were already ï¬lledâ€" paid for in small monthly It’s as convenient as paying for telephone service. Baler Twine Dont delayâ€"Order from us Today! PERKINS FARM & HOME EQUIPMENT if } PHONE 21w RICHMOND HILL 000000 99000000000090.0000...OOOOOOQOOQQOOOOOOQOQOâ€. R C A VICTOR g You’ve never SEEN anything like it! i You've never HEARD anything like in 3 ' THE NEW RCA VICTOR CHANGER i THE NEW RCA VICTOR RECORDS 3 Once more RCA Victor, pioneer in music reéording, 3 o 3 3 3 9 0 presents the latest development in sound reproduction. We inite you to visit our store to see and hear this sensational new Record Playing System. You will be thrilled of with the wonderful quality tone. . You will be charmed with the colourful records of pen- i 3 O O 0 O O O breakable vinyl-plastic. At Your Nearest Record Centre YEREX ELECTRIC 00m.“OOMâ€OOOOOONOOâ€OOOOâ€MOOOOOMOO’Ml Jay’sSuggest - '-‘* WASHABLES EUR SUMMER Be set for travelling light and cool to that happy holi- i i 9 day spot you’ve been‘ dreaming about'hll these'months. Shantung‘, Chambray, Ginghams, Cottons, Meshes and.» Sheers, Uncrushable and Butcher Linens, in a multitude of colours, styles and sizes from - $4.98 Or perhaps you prefer Silk Jerseys or Silk Prints. WIIY NOT DROP IN \AND BROWSE AROUND Under No Obligations I’ S â€"- All Suits, Cowns, Coats, Raincoats and Shorties CHARGE AND BUDGETl ACCOUNTS INVITED _.,? (No Extra Charge for Charge Accounts) Jay’s Ladies’ Wear HU. 0898 3429 Yonge Street Toronto At the top of the town. I 3 I O 3 O o O o o O 2 o g are now Generously Reduced. ‘ o g o i i o o o o o o MWOWWOWO SAVED REAL MONEY ON LAST YEAR’S COAL BlLI..I 0 GI E .7155, many wise families real- i BEAT LAST YEAR'S PRICE RISES (BY FILLING ,MY 3m WITH 'blue coal'