Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jun 1949, p. 8

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:‘009000090000¢¢¢ 60009069000000.00000660000066060909 6 10¢O...090000¢0009000000OOOOOOOOOQQOOQOO0000900000900 6 0.00000000000.0000000000QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00060000090 900000000060099.99OGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO‘? Q owmoowmow¢ooe4+wo¢¢oeso Eyes Examinej, Glasses Fitted i OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED \ Prescriptions for Glasses Filled Fur Appomtmonl Phone Richmond Hill 33 0000000900006.0660060000000069900009600000060600... AAAAAAAAA‘AA 0 :OCQOOOOOQOOQOOOOOOOOO 60009$OOOOOQQQOW0“O¢OOOOOOOQ 99000000090600006 ; ooowvvw, VVVOOOOOOOOOO¢OOOOOOOOOOOQ FOR WAITING CLIENTS " 0 s“..00900009009000OOOOOOOéOOQGOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO.60000 PHONE THORNHILI. 177W 5.00000.9690000O0096.99.009009000990000900909060009f ANNUAL STREET DANCE THURNHILL, WEUNESDAY. JUNE 2Lth, 1949 n'ce let 6 Roam Bungnlo 50 Acre Farm ‘around Stoufivillb. Markham or Unionvilk‘. barn not necessary. 88.000 cash. cash 4 Room House in district on large lot with or with- out conveniences. up to $6.500 cash. 5 Bedroom house on good size lot. uD to L 5 Room House 01° Cali at Office, Yonge at Steele’s HH'C Everything Eiecirical House and Farm Wiring a Specialty Work done by Licensed Electricians. Thomhiil District Lions ( lub Wanted Now ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Plumbing and Heating Contractor THE LIBERAL. R'chmond Hill. Thursd in aid of (he wimming p001. n.n::'- 20!)“ H. JENNINGQ JACK BALE CITY AND SUBURBAN LICENSE Phone Thornhill 168 0.000 t Real Estate Broker {3 CARNIVAL Alterations and Repairs so in the Richmond Hill district. must room. $3.000 down. AUSI‘IN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, June 22nd Steam or Hot Water THORNHILL, ONT. and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 IVUON EL. LOWRIE, R.O. or stern)" and a half. must have 0 815.000 cash. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST . FENN 27 JOHN ST.. THOHNHALL WILL BE lot. up to 822.000 RESIDENCE 194123 C A 'l‘ June 16. 1940 Another hike has been arranged for the guides next Saturday. All guides and leaders to meet at the Scout Hut at 10 21.211. Thirty new books borrowed from the Richmond Hill Public Library we now on the shelves of the Thorn- hiil Library. Residents are urged to join the library and enjoy reading the manv books available. The Doncaster Ladies Club held a meeting June 7, at the home of Mrs. Russell, Proctor Ave., with 17 memâ€" bers present. Mrs. Cole, Sr., was in- troduced as 'a new member. The July meeting will :e held at the |home of Mrs. Coodchild. Henderson IAve. On June 1 a bazaar and White Elephant Sale was held. Mrs. An- gels of Clark Ave., loaned her 'homp for this occasion. Proceed: amounted to $23.40 and those in Charge of ar- Mrs. Gunn, division commissioner, Mrs. McNeil, district commissioner, and the Oak Ridges Brown 0w] at- tended the meeting. 75'/( or over. The programme took the form of \ regular weekly meeting with a number of parents present to witnes: the prize-giving ceremony. Elaine Bond won the prize for friendliest guide. Ann Lippett was chos’en the best guide with Betty Rouxel in sec- ond place. Margaret McArthur was the most loyal guide. A friendship pin was presented to Joan Sander- son who is leaving the troop to live in Montreal. Mrs. Gunn, division commissioner, Mrs. McNeil, district commissioner, and the Oak Ridges Brown Owl at- The Girl Guides held their annual meeting in the Scout Hut last Thursâ€" "lay evening. The Brownies were also present to bid farewell to five of their members who were flying up to guides. Eleven service stars were presented to the guides who had earned them by an attendance of The W.M.S. bale was packed and delivered to the W.M.S. office in the College St. United Church last Wed- nesday. The Young Ladies Guild of the Thorn'hill United Church held its final meeting of the season in the form of a picnic at the home of Mrs. Herâ€" on. Mrs. E. Jacques who will be leaving soon to live in Ontario, Cal- ifornia was presented with a beauti- ful pearl brooch. Mrs. N. Findlay won the cosmetic ease for which tic- kets were sold at previous meetings. A delicious dinner was enjoyed and the programme consisted of games ‘ed by Mrs. A. Martindale and Mrs. H. Craig. Jeen a teacher and leader in childâ€" ren’s work for many years. Her subject was “Light.” The Junior Choir sang very acceptably their anthems and during the ofiertory combined with the Senior Choir for the rendering of the Prayer of Thanksgiving arranged by Kremser. The Thornhill United Church b‘un-I day School celebrated its 110th an-' niversary last Sunday morning. The guest speaker was Miss Nellie '30ynes of St. Paul’s Avenue Rd. United Church, Toronto, who has 10 plan ahead. Order your fall supply of red frademarked Famous Reading Hard Coal now â€" and you’ll be certain of having it when you need if. It’s good sense Thornhill District News RI( J O N E S COAL CO. Far out in the stormy North Atlantic Ocean sea- men (1) aboard the Canadian weather ship H.M.C.S. St. Stephen, prepare to release a radio- equipped balloon which will radio back reports on weather conditions in the upper atmosphere. The St. Stephen (2) is one of 13 weather ships, supplied by eight countries and financed by 10, which make up a network arranged by the Inter- PHONE 18S ‘H MONI) HILL Doing Something About the Weather and his wife, two daughters three sons were at the bedside. ally his wife bent over him and bed: “Can you hear, father? We all here. Your dal and old Mary prayi However, the statistics from the returns are ‘ government department; government departments, banks. far- mm' and farm organizations, railway companies and many industries in planning operations. International groups such as world food and a2- In addition to this the farmer is protected against wrong use of his return by any department. However. the statistir-s mmnilar! large number of farms, it is no“ worth a great deal.’It is pointed out that the information sought has nothing to do with taxation and re- turns ahe only seen by statistical office-workers. Success of the survey depends on cooperation of farmers in filling out the desired information. Officials of the Ontario_ Department of Agricul- ture are urging that all farmers 3‘45- sist. Unless the survey covers 2 large number of farms, it is no“ The questionnaire has been sent out by the Agricultural Division, Dominion Bureau of:Statistics, in co-operation with the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture, Toronto. Ontario farmers will have received from rural school teachers the an- nual June questionnaire regarding acreages sown to field crops, the number of live stock on hand and their disposition. Ask Farmers’ Aid For June Survey Of Ontario Farms The funeral service was held at Thornhill United Chin-ch, with a large congregation in attendance. It was conducted by Rev..J. J. Kent, as- sisted by Rev. H. E. Wellwood of Richmond Hill. ' part of her life, until movingr to Thornhill, in Midland. She was an active member of the Women’s In- stitute. Surviving her are her hus- band and five sons, Earl, Hazen, Verne, Lorne and Sam, and one daughter, Vera. In addition there are thirteen grandchildren. A resident of Thornhill for the past twenty-six years, Matthew J. Johnson died on Wednesday, June 8, in her seventyâ€"ninth year. Born at Ing‘ersoll, Mrs. Johnson lived a great Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Emmanuel who were mar- ried in the United Church on Satur- day. The Ibride is the former Eileen Gertrude Durie. Mrs. Matthew Johnson Dies Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jack- son on May 21 in the Toronto Wes- tern Hospital, \a son. This completes the regular schedâ€" ule in these sections and the playâ€" offs will take place this week. Junior Boys: Thornhill 32, Thorn lea 21; Langstaff 11, Concord 3. Girls: Thornlea 31, Thornhill 9 Richvale defaulted to Langstafl’. The Langstaff Sphool team defeat- ed Thornhill 28-17 on Thursday night to take the Nels Findlay tro- phy. Langstafl” piled up a comman- ding lead in the first three innings, and though Thornhill tried hard they could not overtake the lead. The results in the other divisions were: rangements wish to thank all who so kindly contributed to the success of this venture. The ladies of this very active group 'are hoping to 'hold a Straw- berry Festival later this month. tura such as world f: '31 gl‘OUpS depend ures to provide n Ontario‘s ao-ri a screan ll n bed merchant was aymg, two daughters and Bar, father? We are daughters and sons of anguish the old I. “VVho‘s looking national Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a specialized agency of the United Nations. The ICAO weather ships are on constant duty, ready to radio passing aircraft late weather informa- tion. and to participate in search and rescue operations. A specialist (3) maps weather data coming from a weather balloon and prepares it for broadcast to passing planes and shore-stations. ; compiled valuable to JD ,Iltura ely on ) date ~aI in- Professor: Who discovered Am- erica? Student: Ohio. Professor: No it was Columbus. Student: Yes sir, I know, but I didn’t think it necessary to mention his first name. Congratulations. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDowell who were married recently and are living on the Far- quharson farm. We welcome them tn our community. Mrs. J. Sharbach, Nancy and Pat- sy of Midland spent the week end in the Henderson home. Mrs. Eva Hammond and Isobel of Port Colborne called on Mrs. E. Jones on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baker of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bowyer of Moose Jaw, visited their cousins, Mrs. E. Jones and Mr. J. Stevens on Sunday. Mrs. Ida Robinson of Toronto is spending two weeks’ holidays with Mrs. A. Hoover. A. will he held in the church base- ment on Wednesday, June 29th, be- ginning at 5.30 p.m.‘until 8 o’clock, Enjoyable entertainment will be af- terwards and everyone is- cordially invited. A Garden Party and Strawberry Festival' (if berries available) under the auspices of the J.W.I. and J.F. The Victoria Square Club were victors again in the baseball tourn- ament at the annual picnic held at Musselman’s‘Lake last Friday. The J.W.I. held a very enjoyable meeting at the home of Mrs. Stan Defoe on Tuesday, June 7th, when members of the club, Marion Case- ley, Edna Sanderson, Norma Wilson, Pauline Eade, and little Anne Buch- anan, ’Marion Sandie, Grace and Helen Boynton, Margaret Mortson. Marjorie Sanderson and Jean Brum- well modelled wedding trousseau and Bertie Forster gave a talk on hints on how to conduct a wedding. Coral Perkins played wedding music and Kathleen Barber gave a report re the District Annual. A joint meet- ing‘ was held in the hall later and games were played. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton and baby twins spent Sunliay with Mrs. Burton’s sister, Mrs. J. McAvoy and Mr. McAvoy at Big Bay Point on Lake Simcoe. We are sorry to report that Miss Margaret Moi‘tson had the misfor- tune to break her leg while playing ball. We all wish her a speedy re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Perkins had dinner Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Brown of Richmond Hill. A number of young people attend- ed the anniversary services last Sun- day at Mimosa where the Rev. Erla Currey is pastor. All who attend- ed repo'rted a very enjoyable time. The annual Sunday School anniv- ersary services will be on Sunday, June 19th at 2.30 p.m. D.S.T. and 7.30 p.m. The guest speakers in the afternoon will be the Rev. Mr. San- derson of Dentonia Park Churc‘h and Mr. Bell of Dentonia Park. In the evening the message will be given by the Rev. N. Rowan and musical numbers will be given by the “Baâ€" ker Hill Ladies Octette. Plan now to attend. Meet Arthur Walwa Party 1& Big Stage Show AT BUTTONVILLE HALL TUESDAY, JUNE mm, aw Ema. VICTORIA S‘QUAR E GORMLEY COME AND MEET YOUR CANDID In the case of bacterial ring-rot, the disease may increase in a single year from a mere trace, up to as high as 30 per cent. As many as 50 sets may become infected from a knife used to cut the potato. The knife should be thoroughly disin- fected and all bags should also be treated with disinfectant. If planting machinery is used on different farms, it should also be thoroughly disinfected before going- from one farm to another. .5ne pint of formalin to 30 gallons of water is recommended as a dis- infectant or a two per cent Lysol solution. Ontario Department of Agricul- 1ure officials point out that one 01' ;wo of the infested potatoes may be )laced in a match-box 01' other small container and sent to the Ontario \gricultural College, Guelph, or the )ominion Botanist, Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa. Full partic- ulars about ways and means of cor- recting the trouble will be supplied in a few days. It is pointed out by crop special- :ts that if the cause is brown streaks, the tubers may be affected with “net necrosis” caused by “leaf roll.” If this disease is suspected, all potatoes should be examined by cutting off a thin slice of the stem end and all affected seed should be discarded at once. If seyeral are found in a bag, the seed should cer- tainly not be used. Don’t Plant Spuds if Disgase Signs Found On Cutting): may may be par stonag‘e rot, ‘ acterial rin For safety's sake pota are warned, it is better to :ause of the trouble than 1 .nd find trouble after t'n growing. Dratic Member of “'11 en HOME $EEKING or HOME SELLEN$ ? show It will pay you to consult us. We houses and biisiness properties to se ing list of clients, some with all ca buy in this district. Valuations ch l'O\VEl‘ Lafirove' Beauty fiafion at- the wn st: parlia‘lly rot, late rc VACUUM PACK ttin THORNHILL OFFICE â€" PHONE DAVID McLEAN the Ontario rot TOWN & COUNTRY REALTORS stinct find REO€ other cayec end the W l JO (now t ant the growe ASSOC] 0th l‘Ot 01 iuo ,- Shamnoo and Fingcrwave 1 Phone Thornhill 102 for ED I ALWAYS FRESH Specializing in all typs of Permanent Wave's (‘old Waves. Machine and Machinelcss FROM $5.50 at 00000.66060060066090006000 90¢099009000€>¢@OOO'OOOOOOOO KING CITY MOTORS Agents, for Chore-Boy Milkers 000 0¢¢OOOOOQO¢¢O 090000609. 900¢NO& ‘9 O“ 0‘069000”60N ally, she states. her- labors wéi;e rewarded â€"- a new cup was bought and attached to the same chain! CARL E. HILL, I\‘I.D., M.O.H. and had discussions wit school authorities, th nurse and the county officer to gain her mr English public seho to a Kansas teache for a year in a sch miles of London on basis. The Kansas C Stair recently publis view in which this how horrified she v cup chained in pos "rmmr‘n 1159 of the the school. She wa: undaunted in her 9 rid_of that common English to a K for a, y miles 0 DEPAR’I‘MEN'I‘ ()I‘V HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK General Farm Implemenis, Washing); Machines, Refrigerators â€" Domestic, Heep-freeze, Walk-ins & INT appointment NTERNATIONAL K I} 1 PANEL TRUCK ‘ TIIORNHILL GARAGE Phone Thornbill 81 We have desirabl For Information PHONE 117W, KING Triumph of Sanitation scll, also a wait- lfl eerf FOR SALE ,‘ram V15 Counter nxious to state Boards ons with the local 95, the visiting founty educational ligr purpose. Fin- on an exchange 5 City, Missouri, Jlished an inter- his teacher told a was to find a position for the he 250 pupils at was tireless and efforts to get on drinking cup, mad '1 fl

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