WWOQMNWMWWQWGW WWW‘W ELGlN RlltlFEllS é’z i‘ltlSMlIl-lS ELGIN Mil. S P.O. SlilNGlES. METAL é: FLAT ROOFS HOUSE 8; BARN Er‘tVE-TROI'GH \loi'k guaranteed â€" L’ll years expcricnce Richmond Hill 3721'! (Reverse charge) 606 “96900606.†(OOOOOOQOQOOOOOGQ .ooom009«wooouoooowooooooooooooooo009090909“. For All Year E EASY â€" FLOOR POLISHERS. VACUUM CLFANERS, WASHERS ()IL-O-MAGIC FURNACE on. DURNERS QUAKER â€" on. BURNING SPACE HEATERS STROMBERG-CARLSON â€" RADIOS AND (YOMBINATIONS l Supplied and Guaranteed by FERGUSON % 6 Elizabeth St., RichmondHill, phone 148 NOTICE Water Conservation Water consumers in the Village of Richmond nioyment l MWï¬â€"ï¬ï¬w. . s,;Â¥ Hill are requested to discontinue the use of water for watering lawns and gardens be- tween the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 pm. during the summer months. of water will be The cooperation users appreciated. LESLIE BAKER, Waterworks Superintendent. o \. v a r\â€"â€"â€"\,~\ï¬,.7\â€"â€".A,â€"\~a/7vâ€"vâ€" i SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LIMITED SERVING RICHMOND HILL AND DISTRICT FOR 19 YEARS IN LUMBER, TRIM, SASH, DOORS, ASPHALT PRODUCTS, GYPROC, TEN TEST, INSULATION RICHMOND HILL )5 PHONE 27 " s -L ESTE ‘~’. '. . .“' ..\'J Confinement Growing Mash or Pellets, This has been a very dry, hot month. thus most poultry ranges are dried up with little or no tender grass available for the birds. I'nder these conditions birds will not do well if fed on ordinary growing mash. Therefore we recommend changing 'to MASTER CONFINE- MENT GROWING MASH or PEI.l.ETS. which have been built to meet the special requirements of vitamins. minerals. proteins and carbohydrates. when good range is not available. W. R. DEAN Telephone 54 MASTER BALANCED FE EDS All CLASSES OE POULTRY FARM LIVE STOCK F U R B E ARIN G ANIMALS En DOGS Thornhill, Ont. II , HMMMMM .- †MMMMM “II-DIN [MRS UNIT“ We Deliver 3333333333333332 3223332333333333 'Esosns wao‘ yup RECORDS Ev’s’muutv' at" MASTER â€".â€".â€".â€"â€"â€"._ mm ’WAY BACK WHEN (lixccipts from the LIBERAL l‘ilcs of June I. 1596 __§‘ "(Jur Ottawa Lettci" reported Lli‘that the rct'rc~hmcnts Wt-l'c taste- l'ollo'.\'s:»~ l'it.l_\ appropriate. The programme "The time is drawing near when: was excellent throughout and was you will be given an oppoitiinity ()li‘t‘oiitllbtllc'tl by local talent with the saying with your vote whether or exception of two numbers and an not we are to be governed for anâ€"‘ont-oie which was given by RM; 11, olhci tivc years by the combination‘S. .‘cht-e of Toronto. Miss Mary you see sitting oil the TI'HHUII' Tiench. Mr. A. .l. Home and Mr. l'l. bcncltcs at Ottawa enjoying the Mason also won loud applause by Willi" “f WITH“ illld lflufl‘lllll‘s" iii .YUUI" their songs and thc instrumentals ot' i‘lcdulity. Miss Ii. Switzer and Mr. R. Glass "Everything points to a Ssll't‘t‘}lillfs‘“ received equal demonstrations of ap- l.ibcral but cause to stop minute until the polls A very few votes might turn the the other way. the elections of lSlll there were Conservatives elected with major- itics ranging from 1 to 77: ‘11 Conâ€" clccted with victory tor the party, this working .ii‘c (‘l()>l‘(l. should not. you (llll‘ scale at) .v.) scrvativcs ianging from 101 to 200; 2;! Liberals elected with majorities ranging from i to SN. and l.\' Liberals elected with majorities ranging from ltll to 195‘. Keep up the ï¬ght and you will surely After working for eighteen years to burst the combin- w in. ation of corruptionists you would feel like hanging yourself if the government's majority turned on ballots were counted it was found you had elected the Conservative candidate by a major- ity of one or two." that when the The Village Council following accounts:â€" John Thompson. on ï¬re engine, $1.00; Levi Gaby. gravel and sewer pipes. $14.00; Band, playing at skating rink. $24.01); W. J. Mortâ€" son, teaming gravel. 31.00; R. Ruin- ble. 26 loads of gravel. 82.60; W. A. Sanderson. treasurer. Public Library. tax levy. $50.00. * #- “Lord \Vindsor. a very rich Eng- lish nobleman. has started a model saloon on one of his estates. where he guarantees that only the best beer. wine and Slil‘lts are sold.†passed the repairs Atkinson and Switzer advertised: “Good hams for ten cents a pound." “Saturday next our lacrosse team meets the Tecumseh twelve. There can be tie-doubt that this will be the fastest game of the season . . The team will be chosen from the followingzâ€"P. Powell, J. McConâ€" aghy, J. Glass. F. Sims. A. Powell. \\'. Savage, G. Cooper. J. Ough, W. Trench, A. Shierk. W‘. Powell. R. Glass, C. Chamberlain, C. Lyons.†“The following directors were pre- sent at a meeting of the Agricultur- al Society yesterday: IV. H. Clubine, T. Lloyd, J. Palmer, P. Boynton, J. T. McElroy, T. Crosby, T. F. Mc- Mahon, T. Palmer. W. H. Pugsley, John Clark; J. H. Sanderson and the secretary, J. H. Nicholls. The secâ€" retary read a statement showing the receipts for subscriptions, gate. inembers' tickets. etc.. for fair and concert to be $685.th and the ex- penditures for prizes, etc.. to be ab- out the same." >1: >1: 3: “According to announcement the Epworth League gave its last enter- tainment for the season on Friday evening. It was a unique affair in many respects. The school room was tastefully decorated with pink tissue paper. pink flowers and pink drapings. The pink lamps, through their pink shades. cast a pink light. The pink ties of many of the gentle- men harmonized with the surroundâ€" ings; and the pink icing on the cakes and pink ice cream made all agree .DAILY SERVICE TO ALL CANADIAN AND U.S.A.POINTS OCHARTERED BUSES OFFER IDEAL SERVICE FOR ALL GROUP TRAVEL TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT E. J. ROBERTS, RADIAL STATION Phone I77 __ Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrllll Bony limbs all out: utly hollows all up: neck no longer srrawny. burly loses halt- starved. sickly "beanâ€"pole" look. Thousands 0! girls women. men. who never could gain before. are how proud of shapely. healthyâ€"looking bodlcs. 'l‘hey thank the special Vigor-building. ilahhulldlni: tonic, Ostrex. Its tomes. stlmulanls. luvigoratorx iron. vitamin Bi, calcium. enrich blood. improve appetite and digestion so food gives you more strength and nourishment: DU! flesh on bare bones. Don‘t fear stairan (no int. $109 when you've gained the 6. I", 15 or to lbl. you need to? normal weight. Costs little. New "1M acquainted" size only our. ‘l‘ry famous (\sirev Tonic Tablets for new vlgoi and added pounds. iltzs very «lapat all druggisii OOOOOOOOOOOONOQQOWW†R. S. W. HUNTER King City, Ont. BRICKLAYING CONTRACTOR Chimneys built and repaired l’IIONF. KING 73M MOOOMMW WOO In; ‘tcst styles." majorities t contributing 1| pi'oval H Lime. tailor, advertised: pleasure to bury yourself in A . .I. “ t‘s a a nobby suit made by its in the laâ€" RICHV ALE Correspondent â€" Norm ll’cl)ermott. Spruce Ave.. Phone 3t‘l-II‘I3 This week the news seems to be dominated by the business which oc- (upied the time of those residents who attended the regular monthly meeting of the East Vaughan Rate- payers Association. The meeting was held last Thursday evening in Richvale school and many interesting facts were revealed to your corres- 7ondent. The most amazing of the revela- tions was the astounding way the entertainment committee is steadily money to the building fund of the community hall. The proceeds from their last raffle were in excess of one hundred dollars and they already have a raffle under way which has as prize one of those Eng- lish cars. the Hillmanâ€"Minx. This car is to be drawn for in the latter part of September. The ladies of the entertainment committee have even gone into business to make the hall a reality in the not too distant future. The ratepayers sponsor a wrestling match every other Tuesday evening at the Richmond Hill arena, so the enterprising ladies bid for and reâ€" ceived the refreshment concession in the building. They are doing quite well and the ladies concerned. Mrs. Perrin. Mrs. LeClare and Mrs. Franks deserve a vote of thanks for their resourcefulness. “Red†Garner, the children's idol of Richvale is promoting the wrest- ling show and he was aided on the preliminary work by Mr. B. Bailey and Mr. A. Baskerville with Mr. Franks doing a good turn by donatâ€" ing his services to putting the ring in shape for the season. To all these earliest persons we wish to give our heartfelt thanks. Surely efl’ort given so unstintingly deserves some reward. All the re- muneration these few ask is that the residents show their interest and ap- preciation by volunteering to help erect the materials for the hall which is being purchased with the monies earned by the efforts of the com- mitee. A work schedule will come into effect during the next two weeks and volunteers will be notiï¬ed with this column giving a running com- ment on progress made. Probably the ï¬rst donation which will see use in the hall upon its com- pletion was made at the association meeting. The Edgar Ave. Euchre Club made the presentation of four lovely and serviceable card tables and four decks of cards. This gift will be used in the school building at the weekly Wednesday night euchre unâ€" til such time as the ratepayers move into the new ball. The members of the Edgar Ave. Club are: Mrs. Jar- vis, Mrs. \Vebb. Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. White, Mrs. Jordan. Mrs. Robson, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. Broad, Le- Clair. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Einboden of Spruce Avenue became the proud parents of a bouncing; baby boy last Saturday when Mrs. Einboden gave birth to a son at the Toronto General Hospital. The robins were a very welcome sight a few months ago as harbingers of spring, but lately they appear to have set their hearts on destroying the goodwill accorded them. Cherries are in season and the birds are look- ing upon worms with a disdainful mein. This year jthey are so bold they will pick one side of a tree while a person is harvesting the other. Oh well. such is life. Ancient Bible Given To Sharon Temple By D. C. and Miss Burr Back in the days when Markham Township. parts of which now fast becoming urbanized, was almost solid bush two brothers, David and Daniel Leek. settled on what is now the 3rd Concession of Markham. That was around 1837 and, about that time. there came into the pos- session of David Leek an old Bible, printed in lT‘JI}. .That Bible has re- mained in the possession of the fain- ily until just recently when it was added to the collection of York Coun- ty antiquities which are housed in Sharon Temple. north of Ncwmar- hot. The Cline Burr. ‘d 1'6 David as the brother, therein of her appears loizor. Miss Olive Burr of til Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. who states that David Leek was llel‘ llillllt‘ S:l)'> :randi’athcr. After David and Daniel Leek had some if the lllt‘lilllillzllX Miss Burr to New when they came them iitto the brides. armpit-ted '.\ r-rk on also. land. says York v v 3136K. iliczi :hcy returned and. it with wilderâ€" (Ivo ELLS ESTATE inviii iici.2.Rico. .Langstafl Public School Promotionslune 1949 tirade l to 2 he Jean Blackburn. Frances Charles. Kenneth Foster. Thomas Greenfield. Terry Julil. Paula Norma Millet. Simpson. Roi-â€" Win» Knowles. Kay .lalic Raymond terticld. Patricia Kramer (lit-c.) tirade Courtney Ablett. Janette Banks. Richard Charles. Gre- gory Harley. Lorna Lansdownc. Anil Page. Marilyn Page. Barbara Sitter. Sydney Pankhurst. Joe West. Teddy White. Harry Larson. Bruce ()tl'en. June (larrow tRcc.) Grade :: to 4 a t'l’ts. 3to$l-~ Patricia Carter. Frank Foster. Ian Ross, Roberta Sanders. Raymond Thirgood. Catherâ€" ine Wood, Gary Essex (rec. from Toronto), Gwenda Gari'ow (reel. Douglas Suter (rec). Grade 4 to .3 â€" Nicky Callwood. Barbara Carson. James Chapman. Donald Glenn. Alan Harrison. Gail Heathcotc. Ronald Hicks. Stephanie Kramer. Bob Lansdowne. Peter Lc- Masurier. Bob Poole, Bernard San- ders. (larol Thirg‘ood. Leonard Tutt, Ross White. Bill Wood. Grade 5 to ti 7â€". Ian Anderson. Ger- lad Bowen. Erik Campbell-Smith. Robert Doig. Elsie George. Mary Hillis. Beverley Lansdowne. Jane Loverock. Margaret McArthur. Glor- ia Page. Donna Palmer. Jean Rob- erts, Phyllis Russell, Juliet Sara- bura. Nancy Simpson. Paul Spence- ley. Shirley Tyte. James Wood, Bob Clarke (rec.), David Ellison (rec), Gretel Gates tree.) Grade 6 to T â€" Carl Beeston, Hel- en Boyes. Hilary Cobuirn, George Doig. Patricia Doig, Edward Ellison. Tonis Laar. Robert Lovell, Ronald Pankhurst, Isabell Reaman, Billy Suter. Bernice Tutt. Frank Jones (rec), Michael Oddy (rec.). Grade 7 to R â€"â€" Barbara Ablett, Donald Chapman, Margaret Chen- ery. Duncan Clark. Ruth Cudmore, Donald George, Mary Harrison, Gayle Nicholson, Doreen Palmer, Charles Roberts, George Ross, Char- les Smith. Tom White. Ethel Will- iams (Ree) OWWW ROOFING EAVESTRDUGHING Phone Richmond Hill 136-r-33 M00“0â€OOOO-OWOOOC l I THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. 'l‘hursday. July 14. 1949 D, GRAV i, muslin) LOAM & FILL siii l .; L. w. REID Centre St. Amendment To Previous Regulation Re Kindergarten and Grade 1 Pupils ’ entering Richmond Hill Public School. Due to the overcrowded conditions of the Richmond Hill Public School in the lower grades, it has been necess- ary to raise the age for children starting school: Kinder- garten. 5 on or before the starting day of school which is September Gth; Grade 1. 6 on or before September 6th, with the exception of children who attended school last year. It will be necessary for each pupil. regardless whether regis- tered or not. to supply deï¬nite proof of age. Richmond Hill Public School Board JAS. POLLARD, Chairman JAS GRAINGER, Secretary NONWOMW©WOOOOWOOMO¢OOOOOO 7~-â€"\ W‘v’ Vâ€"V V. _â€"_â€" STONE.7 S) O“mâ€...Oâ€â€â€œOM§Wâ€MOOâ€O*â€OO“OMM 00090000996090“0000WOOâ€0â€099â€0000000099.09†WHEATLAND DAY ' Large Scale Demonstration of Improved Wheat Production Practices _. at‘ _ LEITCHCROFT FARM No. 7 Highway. 8 milesnorth of Toronto 2 Miles east of Yonge St. . Displays open 10 am. Weed Spraying 11 am. WEDNESDAY, July 17th Addresses 1 pm. Speakers: Hon. T. L. Kennedy. Minister of Agriculture W. H. Waddell. Wheat Specialist. 0.A.C. Combining of Test Plots (20 acres) Modern Machinery in Action Sponsored by Crop Improvement Association Clifl" Wallwork. President W. M. C'ockburn. Secretary , Stoufl‘ville, Ont. Newmarket MOONNOMOOOO90â€â€6WNOOOOOOMOOONN 000O.“00.009000000909000900900000000....â€â€œ99â€... “monocoooooowooouooooo OOOOOOONNO"0â€.Mâ€WOâ€Oâ€MONOONâ€Wâ€â€˜ PEAS CORN oomomomnom WOOWWWOW “Q “9W0.†OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOW OOOOOWOOOOOOOO Week-End Specials We deliver anywhere, anytime. Eggs picked up in any quantity. Tes’ton GeneralStore R. HAMM - MAPLE 45r62 WHILE WE ARE SERVING YOU FOOD FOR YOUR FAM- ILY, LET US SERVICE YOUR CAR WITH: SUPERTEST PRODUCTS Gas, Oil, Tires and Batteries Dunlop Tires - 10% Discount During July 2002. Tin, 2 for 21c 2002. Tin, 2 for 39¢ TOMATOES 2802. Tin, 2 for 37¢ Store and Gas Pumps open daily 8 am. to 10 pm. Highest prices paid. Free Gift With Every .Five and Ten Dollar Order WWWOWAONQOW“WO ~ AAA‘AAAAA ...-A..¢