Brick House in fair condition. six to eight rooms. west of Yonge St.. vithin town limits of Richmond Hill.. .Will pay up to $12,000. Phone Richmond Hill 455\\‘ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed â€"â€" Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office, Tel. 9, Richmond Hill White Leghorns $34.95. Assorted Heavies: Non-sexed $19.95. pullers $29.95, cockerels $20.75. Three week old add 5c per chick. Older pullets 10 weeks to laying. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick“ Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. " LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds. aluminum or steel baked en- amel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, free estimates and inï¬allations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario St. West. Newmarket, Ont. tfc32 BLACK MARE the children rode at the Thornhill Street Dance, 7 years old, excellent with children and on scuffler, heavy enough to do a day‘s work. Phone 187M or 62 Thornhill. - c1w2 30 YOUNG PIGS, 6 weks old; choice team of work horses. Apply Jack Cruickshank, 3rd con., lot 14, Mark- ham Twp., phone Unionville 30J4. ATTENTION â€" Soft wood slabs, $12.00 cord; Hardwood slabs, $17.00 cord. All wood is dry and clean. Wil- son’s Wiood Supply. Phone Richmond Hill 441J. tfcl floor model drill press, Buï¬alo; 1 body sander and many other machim ist’s tools. Apply 38 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill, phone 347W. clw2 NO PAIN from corn or callous you’ll have, if you’re sure to use Lloyd‘s (830m Salve. 50c at Scotchmer’s Drug tore. RANGE, combination Essotane and coal, modern, Mofl’at, white enamel, good. Apply 400 Hollywood Ave.. Lansing. "1w2 Thornhill 169. 1; STEEL LATHE, South Bend EOR REA‘IiESTATE, phone Fenn, 1 NEW OLIVER 77 TRACTOR, Standard, has run oyy a few hours. Robson‘s Garage, Maple, phone 102., Res; 76M. *1w2 RADIO, Westinghouse, cabinet, push button, 1942 model, good condition, reasonable. Phone Richmond Hill 122.]. *1w2 ’33 MASTER CHEV., no knee action, good tires, (best cash‘ offer, phone anytime after 7 p.m., Thornhill 108 r23. ’ c1w2 SHALLOW WELL pumping equip- ment, soft water cistern complete, pump, {motor and pressure tank, $50.00. Phone Thornhill 12. clw2 RANGETTE, heavy wiring and all reconditioned and good baker; Gurney range, almost new. Apply phone Ma- ple 82. c2wl PUPPIES, pure bred cocker Spaniel, 6 weeks old. Apply Hugh B. Todd, 9 Edgar Ave., Richvale. Phone Thornhill 2181‘2. clwl cu. ft., immediate 'delivery. Phone King 261'5. c4w1 CRUSHED and screened 51 inch stone. Stoufl‘ville Sand and Gravel Ltd., phone Office 370, plant 125J. c4w52 REFRIGERATORShGrrcu. ft. and 10 GOOD WORK HORSE, nine years old. Apply Harry Bradley, phone Richmond Hill 3721'15, evenings. c1w2 Thornhill 168 139R RVEALVESTATE. phone thnn, 2 LARGE and 1 small crib, in very good condition. Phone Richmond Hill 486W. c1w2 UNFINISHED PRE-FABRICATED CABIN, 8 x 10; reasonable. Phone Maple 801*13. c1w2 Phone Maple 71M L61 SINGER Industrial Power Ma- chine, without motor. $50.00 or best offer. Phone Thornhill 12. Uu‘iwu‘. n, “us, vv LAVUII» McCDARy QUEBEC RANGE, NO' USL 10. Xgply Geo. Foster, 9, warming closet, resenvou, good. phone Maple 621.12_\ *lwz “LA‘A I!.....IA F11“! ,.1...r) CAR RADIO, good, phone Richmond Hill 499W! or 49 Mill St. c1w2 FEDERAL TRUCK.’ Panel . body? CHERRIES. Apply 3 Centre St. w., $250. Apply The leeral Offlce. [Richmond Hill. *lwz PIANO TUNING and Repairing RATES-Five lines or less, 35 cents for ï¬rst insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over ï¬ve lines 7 cents per line gktra each insertion. If charged to account nme cents per line. Telephone Richmond Hill 9. Classified Sale 85 Want Ads S. Hotfman WANTED FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, July 14, 1949 c1w2 tfc46 tfc46 c1w2 ._-_...- , . C. half ton pié'kliï¬). Apply; Motors, phone Unionville 18J. 40 DODGE SEDAN, perfect in every way; 39 Plymout coach; ideal for the familyman who can't afford repair bills; 37 Chrysler 6, overdrive, heat- er and defrosters; 36 Ford sedan. good transportation; 34 Chrysler 6, true Value for‘your dollar; 40 G.M. FENCING MATERIAL for immed- iate delivery: Barb wire, 7 ft. Tee Rail steel posts, 8 and 9 line farm fence; 3 ft. hog fence light and hea- vy weight; 4 and 5 ft. poultry fence; 12, 14 and 16 ft. farm gates; 4, 10 and 12 ft. garden gates; 4 ft. chain link fabric both 1†and 11,42†mesh; geglir gosgs all sizes. Norman Bone, 2 Elizébeth SE, ‘Iï¬c‘ï¬hmhï¬â€˜ï¬â€˜iï¬; 533% 259.1. tfc51 MOTORBIKE, Francis Barnett, 2 cycle engine reasonably priced for quick sale. w mileage. 2 months old. Bicycle may be‘seen after 5.30 p.m. at 127 Harlandale St., Lansing. or phone Wï¬llowdale 2782. Tom Sutclifl‘e, 127 Harlandale St., Lansing PJO., Box 499. *1w2 _ _ . _ . v- nun“. yunc, a,u, 0.0; 4,0; 6,8; 2, 10; 6,10; less glass, less screen $7.95 each; also a few 1% solid ply- wood doors, $6.95 each. 19 Centre St. E., Richmond Hill, phone 485. FEET HURT? Fi'eez-Of‘f for corns callouses, warts, ingrown toe nails â€"-il: really works magic. Follow directions on back of bottle. You’ll be amazed how easy your corns have disappeared. Box 380 Richmond Hill. address, Freez-Ofl‘. *10w50 FACTORY SECONDS. combination gonors of white; pine, 2,6; 6.6; 2,8; 481‘23 SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double re- sillts; new healthy flesh; new Vigor. New “get acquainted†size only 60c. All druggists. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE to order a beautiful registered collie pup while there is a choice. We are offering 6 pups of excellent Bellhaven blood lines, ready in two weeks. Phone write or visit D. R. McIntOSh, R. R. 2 Gormley. Phone Richmond Hill .n .~.n used one year; 1 No. 2 McCormick- Deering corn harvester, complete, on rubber, used one year. Apply phone Unionville 56J4. c1w2 BRAY CHICKS. Dayold, started, and some 2-3 weeks. Mixed, pullets, cockerel‘s. ‘Maybe just what ,you need right now. Contact us for pri- ces, order soon, agent Fred Wise, Richmond Hill. c1w2 TRUCK,1 ton, model A Ford, stake body, good working order. Apply ’Stewart Rumble. Phone Richmond 'Hill 471'32. c1w2 IMO‘DERN KITCHEN RANGE with _S}(I_I_\INY‘_MEN, WOMEN? 1940 FORD CEACH, new car condi- tion; 1946 Plymouth sedan, new car condition; 3 h.p. Waterloo No. 30 Garden tractor, complete with culti- vator, plow and snow plow, sacriï¬ce. Apply ,McMullen Motors, Richmond Hill, phone 74M. c1w2 HOUSE, 4 rooms, in NewmarketZFâ€" sulated, hot air furnace, oak floors, modern bath, built-in cupboards, heavy wiring. Apply 27 Anderson St., Newmarket. / *1w2 ICOCKSHkUTT BINDER, 6 ft. cut; Woods Milking Machine, good con- dition. Apply Jas. McMorrin, phone Aurora 9413. 3rd con. King Twp. 3 MALE AND 2 FEMALE PUP PIES, 8 weeks old, brown and white spaniel, reasonable. Apply R. Mack, Clo W. J. Lawson, 1A2 mile north of Concord P.O. c1w2 1 SMALLEY BLOWER with pulley WORK BENCH; electric water cans; iron posts; brooder; snow fence; 10g- ging chains; wire fencing; lawn mow- er; electric fence. Apply J. Arm- strong, Concord, Ont. c1w2 )RNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS} stair hand rails, fire doge, fire sch'eeng, fiye s_(eisiz_z_r}d acetylene weld- A'GE'NT- for Moffats New Electric Range; also Essotane Gas Ranges and Electric Pails; Crossley Shelvador Befriggrators and Hinman Milkers. mg. Apply T. Elliott, oék’xven'ï¬Ã©, Richvale. tfc35 RAN-GE, National electric, 110-220, 4- burner side oven and warming closet, good condition cheap. Apply 18 Benson Ave. *1w2, l2 COTTAGES at Lake Wilcox. Im- mediate posession. Apply Percy Ash, Lake Wilcox. c1w2 FARMALL Hydraulic Pump Lift, all new, cheap. $35.00, phone Ju. 4776. Phipson, 1 Grant Ave., Mt. Dennis. oil burner installed, will Sell veiy reasonable; also two 45 gallon drums. Phone Maple 91J after 7 pm. clw2 RASPBERRIES. Apply Wilbert Cole Oxford St, Richmond Hill, phone 309W‘,. *1w2 lELECTRIC RANGETTE, good con- idition. Phone Maple 541'11. c1w2 CABIN TRAILER in A1 condition, ready for road, size 7x18 ft. Apply phone Thornhill 155. c2w2 beam lights, good tires. Apply Station, Elgin Mills. GOOD BRED SOW, due to fan'ow ï¬rst litter end of August. Phone Richmond Hill 4503. c1w2 1936 PLYMOUTH COACH, JERSEY COW, due to freshen Augâ€" EASY WASHER, as it is. Phone Richmond Hill 511W. c1w2 RASPBERIRES for sale Richmond Hill 309J Rose, Maple, 71;}{6717176773437-tnfc38v Myr c1w2 *lw2 *1w2 c1w2 Phone seal SheH *1w2 Phone 74M 144 Yonge St. Rich Entire Stock of Parts and Accessories including BATTERIES. TIRES. FUEL PUMPS, FAN BELTS. ETC. Must Be Sold This Month Prices Slashed McMULLEN MOTORS KITCHEN CABINETS a specialty, general trim work, plastic tile set- ting. Apply S. J. Freshwater, Ox [ford St., Elgin Mills. * *3w1 TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, separate side entrance on ground floor, sink, hot and cold water, inside conveniences, newly renovated, near Richmond Hill, transportation avail- able to' Toronto. "Phone Richmond Hill 471‘24, after 7.30 p.m. *lwz at 7.15 3.111. 6 rhdrrniriés "2.1-? Leaves Yonge and Gerrard 5.30 Phone Thornhill 1081‘23, after p.m. CUSTOM PJLOU‘GHING, discing, cul- tivating, tilling. W. H. Gooderham, 39 Elmwood Ave., Lansing, telephone Willowdale 2508. c28w43 ,,,V_.. - v--.‘;¢vn,u :uyauay upholstermg‘, cabmet work, wood carvmg. Estlmates ngen. N S VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richï¬lonci Hill. tfc CAR LEAVING Stop 22 Yonge St at 7.15 3.111. 6 mornian a weak LAWN MOW’ERS sharpened and repaired by experienced workman. Phone Jos. Winger, Maple 621‘21. PLASTERING, ï¬rst class workman- ship. Will give estimates. Adam Pohl, Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill. 3461‘21. *25w41 LAWN MOWERS and saws sharpen- ed; folding lawn chairs made; inside panel doors. Apply C. B. Stouen- burg, 11 Richmond 8., Richmond Hill, phone 392W. tfc42 CUSTOM ROTARY TILLING. Have your land completely prepared by the new scientiï¬c one op nah-on. method. W. Hutchinson Elg‘in Mllis, phone I‘ichmond Hill 282W. tf::41 DRESSMAKING â€" Ladies and miss es dresses, blouses, lingerie, infant’s and children’s wear a specialty. Phone Richmond Hill 377W. *4w53 ALL KINDS FURNITURE? repairs -.â€"\‘_A‘,L,r‘ - CUSTOM PICK-UP BALING and combining; reasonable rates. Apply Harold Heise, Victoria Square, pnone Stouï¬'ville 661105. *3wl BRICK AND BLOCK CONTRAC TORS, chimneys a specialty. J Jordon, phone Richmond Hill 1361'6. *4w53 ATTENTION HOME BUILDERS! for plastering satisfaction phone Karsh, Richmond Hill 63W. *3w53 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 37'21‘5. tfc42 3 unfurnished rooms or house. Mrs. IH. Megdonal, Box 209, Richmond Hill. c1w2 LOT WANTED for English couple building home, 100 ft. to 150 ft. fron- tage (depth at least same) in Maple, King, Teston and Concord districts. All replies will be answered and set- tled up by end of July latest. Replies to Maple P.O., Box 12. c3w52 YOUNG COUPLE would like to bor- row $1700. Can give ï¬rst mortgage on home for security, pay back mon- thly at a good rate of interest, Rich- mond Hill district. Apply Box 14, The Liberal. c1w2 HOW ABOUT THOSE HENS that have stopped laying. Highest prices paid. Bring them in or phone King 59114. W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Grading Station. tfc39 UNFURNISHED DUPLEX, flat or rooms, quiet business woman, vicin- ity Thornhill, close to Yonge St., also storage accommodation. Mrs. Howâ€" ard, phone Richmond Hill 2IO8M. c1w2 MAN with light truck or car for an established route in this district, 35% commission, year round job. Apply Log Cabins Products, 55 Drewry Ave., Newtonbrook. *lw2 sion April lst. Apply Geoi‘gé Fos- ter, R. R. Maple, phone Maple 621‘12. *1w2 YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE desires FARM TO RENT OR BUY, posses CAPABLE WOMAN to do housework and cleaning from 1 to 8 p.m. Days off will be arranged, good wages. Mrs. Shepard, Maple Villa, Maple. cle OLD HORSES, $15.00. We will pay you $15.00 fOr your old horse at your farm. Campbell Mink, phone Agin- court 18'J12 Collect. tfc2 ALL KINDS of poultry wanted, best market prices, will call immediately upon request. A. Magee, King, phone 35114. *28w52 RASPBERRY P‘ICKERS, rear hot 51, Con. 1 Vaughan Twp. MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL TO RENT WANTED mornings a vweek Richmond Hill c18w44 p.111. 6.30 c1w2 Phone 174 1946 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN Radio, heater, new tires Wâ€â€œOQWW 1948 FORD '/z TON PICK-UP $1,550.00 1947 FORD FORDOR SEDAN â€" Radio, heater, very nice Col. the Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture for Ontario will be Guest Speaker and W. H. Waddeli, wheat research specialist at the Ontario Agricultural College, will outline the results of the win- ter wheat variety tests following which the various companies will proceed to demonstrate their com- bines, swathers, rota-tillers, forage harvesters, pick-up balers and other power machinery associated with wheat growing. Ten acres adjoin- ing the equipment exhibit and wheat ï¬eld will be used for all types of cul- ’WWWWOWMMQOOOGOO OMMOMMQNOWQQOOOQOOOOOOOMOOWOOâ€NMW on. The machinery displays will be open from 1-0 a.m. including weed Sprayers operating at 11 a.m. Lunch will be served on the grounds with the addresses commencing at 1 pm. The various farm machinery com- panies‘are co-operating by display- ing: and demonstrating modern ma- chinery for the wheat grower and the machines will be in action in- cluding the combines which will have ten acres of wheat to demonstrate LITTLE BROTHERS Ford & Monarch Sales & Service owmmmowmmmnomoâ€Â«09000999099» «nowwooeooooeoooooooooooonooouoounouo in Markham Township on Wednes- day, July 27, to climax ï¬ve years of winter wheat variety testing under the direction of the Ontario Agricul- tural College. Each year the York County Crop Improvement Associa- tion has had twilight ï¬eld meetings here to give the wheat growers an opportunity to see the results of the trials. This year the plots are on a much larger acreage, and it is ï¬tâ€" ting that this monster demonstration is to be held on a farm growing 120 acres of the new Cornell 595 winter wheat. Expect 5,000 At Leitchcroft Farm For Wheatland Day Demonstration A Wheatland Day for. the counties of central Ontario is being organiz- ed to be held at Leitchcroft Farm REL] ABLE USED CARS Ringside 750. General 50c. TUESDAY, July 1% 8:30 RM. 3 ALL STAR BOUTS 3 RICHMOND HILL ARENA AND CLEVE BURTON BOBBY JORDAN RED GARNER $1,525.00 $1350.00 Good Value. AL ORLANDO BOBBY OLSEN PROF ESSIONAi East Vaughan Ratepayers RICHVALE Richmond Hill VS. MAIN EVENT TEAM MATCH ’Traffic along Don Mills Rd. this yaer sems to be especially heavy. On Sunday evening there was a solid line of cars for 11/2 miles awaiting the traffic light. This lasted about two hours. Then Monday morning around 6 a.m. the rush of cars com- mences once more, apparently mences once more, apparently those who prefer the early morning Browns Corners church was ï¬lled on Sunday morning to hear Rev. E. Currey on the occasion of the Scout and Cub church parade. The topic was “Safe Anchors, Faith, Prayer, Worship, Witness,†3 ï¬ne one for all and especially for a boys group. Flowers to decorate the Church came from the Smith-Gohn wedding. Visitors noted on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown of Tor- onto at the Reids. Mrs. 0. Brooks enjoyed a trip to Detroit with friends over the holi- day week end. is going ahead speedily. Miss Norma Brumweil has been holidaying with her aunt in Belleâ€" Ville for the past week. by the teaching staff of the Sunday School at Brown’s Corners where she has been an active worker. Work on the i1er service station being built by Mr. James McQuay is going ahead speedily. Miss Betty Hamilton has accepteu a position on the teaching stafl" of the Port Arthur schools. Betty will be greatly missed in the choir and Miss Florence Craig accompanied Mrs. Howard Stark back to Lockâ€" port N.Y., where she will visit fOr the coming week. ,Miss Heather Burns is holidaying“ at a summer camp near Stayner. Mrs. J. Miller visited her daughter, Rliena, for a few days last week.‘ Rhena is stay- ing near Miners Bay in Haliburtom Correspondent: Mrs. Walter ('ruig Phone Agincourt 358.†The ounoay school picnic was quite a succes.. The children turned out in numbers and holding ofl" supâ€" per until 6.30 brought out a great number of the p‘arents who also thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The many friends and former neighbours of Miss Ruth Gohn ga- thered at the home of Miss Hazel Clarke to shower Ruth with a great variety of useful and practical gifts. All joined in wishing her a long life full of happiness in the years ahead. ganized “hay rack tours†will be made of the farm throughout the day under the direction of the farm manager, J. D. Lanthier and his staff; The farm is eight miles north of Toronto on number seven highway, two miles east of Yonge St. In view of the early wheat harvest the com- mittee is making provision for an attendance of somewhere near the 5000 mark from Guelph to Peterboro and north to Georgian Bay. tivation machinery to demonstrate. Leitchcmt't Farm, famous for its Ayrshire herd and Yorkshire hogs: also operates a poultry department, specializing in turkeys and has a substantial fox and mink ranch. Or- ganized “hay rack tours†will be made of the farm throughout the BUTTONVILLE ED MANGOTICH GLE RED [DEVIL ssociation SNN YOE farm throughout the direction of the farm Lanthier and his staï¬l rm, famous for it: ml Yorkshire hogs poultry department AND V's. Kids 25C. Mr. and Mrs. John Leece of Mapl'e celebrated their tenth wedding an- niversary by marching in the parade. Smart social stationery appeals The Liberal’s Job Printing Depart ment can supply it for| you. Tele- phone Richmond Hill 9. DANCING Opening summer dances Casino, Saturday, July 16 makel‘s’ 9-piece orchestra sion 50c. LOL. t’nzes were won as follows: Best men’s lodge, Woodbridge LOL 28; Best juvenile lodge, Wbodbridge JOL 129; Best ladies’ lodge, Alliston LOBA 1136; Best ï¬fe band, Beeton L.O.L.;’ Best‘ pipe band, Northview .mount, Alliston, Pal killen, Newton Robi Bond Head, Beeton, Rich Hill, Northview Mt. Albert, Aurora .' Over four thousand were prcst when local Orangemen and won: celebrated July 12th at Nobleton Lodges were present from Ro‘ Orangemen, WOmen Parade at Nobleton 511111110118; Elizabeth, Irwir Survival, Vogt; It Gives Pleasure, Kinrbrougt'h; Se Mountain, Merton; Fire in Buckmaster; Country Lovz 1 Capture The Castle, S Fish Us Do Part, Cook; I Me, Hahn; Doctor W’e Faces, Bard; Kinfolk, Buck ilicen added to our collec How to Stop Worryin Green Mountain Farn Rousevelt and Hopkins, Wild Country, Bromï¬clil Road, Dickens; Laughter stairs, Orinonde; Young age, Stevenson; Kissing; Miss Nightingale’s ‘Lud Three to Make Ready, Point of No Return, Mai Man, Kreisel; Strom Champlain, 'Bishop; Va] Callaghan; Outside of I ther; Their Finest Hour How to Retire and Enjc Picture Gallery of Can. } ferys; Hearth and Ea; Wreath of Roses, Taylor Tree, Bates; Golden War: Sports Stories; Laughter Room, Sitwell; Bright I. and mysteries 1'01 would be a pcrso who could not Ii to his liking, eve) crman can learn The following; ' CVGI’ dou )ves to ever ldOd Richmond Hill Library Notes Eliza 11‘ Eolden Warrior, . ; Laughter in th ; Bright Leaf, Labeth. Irwin: R arson ditficul‘ t ï¬nd somct even the pra new bool‘ and nson old an grave )IUE {rm 1'( HG Mt are 1d dic H lVC 1V0 I“: ; Koatl to Me Great :en Story the Heart, a). 1:111 nith lflnms- Bradford Arrax‘at 11 1t M 1 few in [H leton hurchill )1'y present women Merl Adm (I; Rich tewart; Seton; taranst Muntz: and to Three iin .iuiton, \; Till 1‘ h Stm Gilt Fitz 1t( w 2 htt 11 LII] Nn ll] 1V on at m Romance! Action! Sure-fire Entertainment! George Raft Eleanor Parker Wed,. Thurs.) July 20, 21 Proud Winner of Two Acad- emy Awards! , . Montgomery Clift Aline McMahon ‘Outpost in Morocco’ 00000009660009000NOOOOO¢4 a OOOOOOOOOOOâ€O†O .Oâ€Q.m FOR SALE 1947 Dodge Coach ‘v’ionday, Tuesd >( 'riday, Saturday, July 15, 16 Two ï¬ne features! uzzy Knight Aubrey Long “Song of Rusty†Bradshaw Motors to order your fa" supply of red trademarked Famous Reading Hard Coal. There will be a big demand for fhis good coal. Play it safe. Get yours now. It’s _ none. foo _eu_r|y MARKHAM “Adventureg of G-ailant Bess’ “VI Plus 'l‘ed Donaldson in Excellent Condition The Search†144 PHONE 188 RICHMOND l-IlLI J 0 N E S COAL CO. 14 Yonge Street Richmond Hill 111 111 31y, July 18, 19 v.