Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Jul 1949, p. 7

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\9 i .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 9'0 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 LAKE MARIE & KING ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Carnival dc Dance King Memorial Park WEDNESDAY, JULY 20th lilODERN & OLD TYME DANCING LEO PAXTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA Lucky Draw for Electric Refrigerator, Vacuum Cleaner, Bicycle (boy’s or girl’s) and several other prizes FUN AND FROLIC FOR ALL I Confidence In Your Community (EDITOR'S NO'I‘I‘IviOur ucltiiu\\"'|;.l‘t‘ toirstalitlff on the alert for iriâ€" ledgements to the “Markham Iicorrw onrist and Sun" for the following article â€"~ .1 report of a speech (châ€" i‘vered in that town which we believe will be of interest to citizens of this area also.) The following is text of address given by Mr. Harvey M. Dagg, sup- ervisor of Business Development for the Bank of Nova Scotia, at the gerr- eral meeting of Markham District Chamber of Commerce, last week. The subject of his address was “Confidence In Your Community". Ile sai dconfidence according to Web- set. is deiined iir part as “That in which faith is put" whereas the sante dictionary has this to say about “Community” * “A body of people living in the same place under the same laws.” One subject therefore, means in effect, that “Faith must be put in the people living in one Corn- munity." Faith implies understand- r'ormLition of value and Chambers of Commerce. Industrial Commissioners. ('rtrrrcillors and others interested in civic development keep in steady touch with us exchanging leads whiL‘Ii may be of value. l’i‘ogrcss lirings Responsibility Here let me point out most deliri- itely that industrial progress brings rcsponsibdity. IJrcreased population rerguircs increased i'ac'rlitcs, more schools, better water supplcs. adeâ€" quate tire and police protection, in short more taxes. What must be re- membered. however, is that enlarged payrolls, greater population, more industries will soon compensate for the higher taxes. Coiiimnnities on the nrarch must make arrangements to supply these irecessities in ad- vance since industry requires ade- quate services before it will decide on airy one locality. Another necessity in our modern you have to oiTer to companies seekâ€" ing irew locations. Perhaps you think I am wandering from my :Lilti‘t‘i. I do not thiirk so. I feel strongly that in order to be really etl'ective. Confidence in your Community means also confidence in your country, and gentlemen. we have at Dominion in which we can have coniidciice, a country of which we should be proud. not given to tlag waving but at times We Canadians are I think we should consider some of the blessings which we have and give grateful thanks to God for the Comâ€" munity in which we live and the Country of which it-is a part. We should also cherish the free- dom which is ours and be constantly on the alert to defend that freedom from philosophies of government which would slowly but gradually, like a creeping vine, smother indiv- idual initiative and regiment our lives. I make no apologies for my views that this community, this coun- try of ours will best grow under a system of free enterprise where our citizens by the use of their imagin- ations and individual eITOi'ts will ex- TIIE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thursday. Jilly 14, 1949 T ‘ ELECTRIC WIRING and' REPAIRS GILSON HOT AIR FURNACES AND OIL BURNERS RICHMOND HILL ELECTRICAL SHOP 82 YONGE _ PHONE 296W J. Carl Saigeon Agency MAPLE, ONTARIO . ERNIE BROCK. Telephone Maple 11 000...... ' ' in“ tolerance, neighborliiiess. “Vin ,. -. . 1 t. v...“ t' .1 f‘1-.. , .. i . ' . . ~ . _ . . . . . cw V . y g is .uequa e ltclcd rona (c press trcri confidence in tllLli com AdmlSSlon to Park cents A Community 15 llke ‘1 home Con“ ilities. A few months ago a large rnunities and continue in the future insurance matters Will receive Proceeds in Aid of Memorial Hall 00000000 000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000 _ DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE FOR YOUR /M6%77W ire/P Dress-up discussmn is Of paramount impor' United States who, disgusted with ti0n, water and sewers, recreational : WORKIVTANSHIP GUARANTEED iance In fOI'mUIatin‘J Plans for your the unsin'hliness of her village startâ€" facilities. ' Your Community: 01109 those Plans are ed a one woman crusade for Cleanli- 3. To grow industl'i‘dlly you mUSt Hour servlce AT lflW 803T 3/! _ . . _' [/9 '. . fella/7*" ‘ 4 Handsomely Styledâ€"Tailored-to-Fit Your Car Here‘s luxririous beauty (or your carâ€"at» Canadian Tire's SETS FOB FRONT common-sense Driccsl Protectiaew car upholstery: irn- SEATSâ€"as low as prove the appearance 0! shabby. travel-stained seats with ' glistening. new C,T.C. seat -covcrs . that are a 'co‘ol ' 103' in drive. Mind you. these are not ordinary teat. I covers. Every set is individually tailored to car'manu- ‘ ' lacturers' original equipment specificationsâ€"Jhat's why they hurt your car scars with a smooth. wrinkle-tree fit . . . that‘s why they are so easy to install! Select from the inmost vnrrciv of new patterns and choice fabrics. Most. sizes in stock. others to order. at huge savlnizs from ren'ilnr list. prices. SETS FUR FRONT AND REARâ€"from 9.95 7-PIECE SOCKET SET For car or home tool kit. This 1/." hexagon drive set includes six 12 :‘t. sorkcts from 1,5" to "3.". With handle a; a \and metal container MAM: tour um SPARKLING CLEAN 33'”; "“" DR'VE 300‘” WRENCH SETâ€"A super-vniue ior mechanics and in half the time. A little Wonder Wnsr ., , added to the water used in cleaning car handym‘n‘ Tms 599°!“ “"3155” “my . istcei set in .lu . . “"mmmes Chamomm" and “Ol‘smng “"rarts. including?s uiililvetigilnigirtit.nevedl:g causi- -t is self-dryiniz without streak: “mach Speeder handle etc or snnts .24 Complete . g. N.“ c‘. ,‘ ~‘\\*. t \‘A ‘swwaw . u \ c y. -_II*R in Tunis RPI KlTSPntchinl Cemnt and u . . . . . . . . . ' ' b“ "I ' .19 . . . iields in Alberta, such as the Leduc, PATCHING CEMENT. tub” ~ ~ . i . i V I 11 opinent. Complete information on ) d t d (.Uldfln Sfik di “Rb - I ' c w- cr 'lli ‘ c 5 - 5" Pk“ .33 I 9"" .45 1 0‘ .75 your community should also be onI ‘ ‘1 ‘ ' I TIRE SHOES>-Nfr rcpairinc breaks in casings. Cemented. ready or use .7, .12, .21 VULL‘ANIZINU KITS. including clamp. it) matches with neat. units and buffer. Every- thlns to properly vulcanize a natural or syn- thetic rubber tuba TIRE RELINERsâ€"Ail passenzer rises in stock It. each .. TIRE PRESSURE GAUGESâ€"There is only one correct pressure for your tires. Be sure with one of these accurate. euy-io-read 1.1g taining many relatives. Harmony and progress can only be achieved by each individual in that home subju- gating themselves in some measure to the good of all. I do not mean that all must agree on all subjects. Progress comes only from full and free discussion of all matters relat- ing to the Community. Yes men are little help in making plans and car- rying them to fruition. Communities are in effect semi- iiidependent states, governed demo- cratically and Democracy is “Gov- ernment by the People" or majority control. Hence, while free and open decided upon every resident should get behind them and support them to the fullest possible extent even though in the early stages of con- sideration your ideas may have dif- fered from those finally decided upâ€" on. We are not always right and once a decision has beed made thel will of the majority should prevail.I Community pride is an essential‘ factor in developing any town 01' city and pride in oiie's own town must be fostred if that town is to grow and progress. In this fostering of pride, the members of the Chamber of Commerce take a foremost part ably assisted, I have no doubt, by your service club, women‘s organizâ€" ations and your churches. Province Helps The Government of the Province of Ontario is to be congatulated on the steps it has taken to assist the small- er communities of Ontario. The Trade and Industry Branch of thel Department of Planning and Devel- opment located at 145 Yonge Street rn Toronto under the Minister, Will- iam Greisinger, and under the cap- able guidance of Col. F. J. Lyle, the Director, is willing and anxious to assist you in any way possible in Seâ€" cuiing new industries for your town. You also have responsibilities inl this connection. You must be able to supply full and complete informa- tion on your available facilities â€" factory sites, power, water, labour, housing, recreational facilities andl other features which would make Markham a desirable place in which to locate. To assist you in this, the Province has prepared a small book- let entitled “Guide to Industrial Planning for the Smaller Commun- ities of Ontario”. may be obtained by applying to the Department of Planning and Devel- file iii the Department since it is in direct touch with concerns both in Canada, England and the United States who are seeking new oppor- tunities of expansion. The chartered banks can also as- sist municipalities in industrial de- velopment by providing them with These booklets‘ industry finally decided on an Easâ€" tern Ontario Town and the factor that led to the decision was the pro- vision which the towrr had made to provide playing fields and an indoor skating and hockey arena. No long- er caii labour be ignored and with shorter working hours more time is spent outside the factory hence the need for adequate facilities. Much can be accomplished in beauâ€" tifying a town by a gr-Oup such as yours with very little expenditure of funds. A recent issue of the “Readâ€" er’s Digest” tells the story of a woâ€" man in a mid-western State of the iress and beauty. Flower seeds testing but a few cents a package were scattered at dusty corners of the roadway. Litter was gathered tip and burned or bur- ied. Tlie_idea caught on, other cit- izens took a hand and her village is lit\\' a model of beauty and cleanli- ness. The effects of her work have spread far beyond the boundaries of her own settlement and she has been called to assist and advise many other communities in similar plans. I am not for a moment suggesting that Markham needs any such plan; I merely use the illustration to dem- onstrate what one woman did â€"â€" she had confidence in 'her community. Confidence in your community should be extended to confidence in your county, your province, and your Dominion. I do not need to tell you that we in Ontariv'are very fortunate people. We live in the most pros- perous province of Canada and are blessed with virtually everything needed to supply the materials of liV- ing. You here, are in a district not- ed for its mixed farming and dairy- ing. You are close to your markets and also to your requirements of manufactured goods. You are inâ€" deed fortunate that through your industry and that of your father‘s. you have helped to create the condiâ€" tions which you now enjoy. To go farther afield we are partâ€" ners in a country whose future is second to none. Canada is on the threshold of an era of expansion which will carry our Dominion to great heights. Most other countries are already heavily populated, with natural resources developed almost to the saturation point. \Vle are only beginning. As one example, I have only to mention the opening of the new oil- Tlie search is spreading to Saskatâ€" chewan and now that the Provincial Government has given assurance that there will be no expropriation or soâ€" cialization of the oil and gas indusâ€" try, two large companies have anâ€" nounced their intention to re-extend their operations in that province. IAUKFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . - ‘ - - - . nc’ ' ii'crent )1 re lines are laid mm VALVE msmfis ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' 5 I" .25 confidential information concerning t O L bilhl .1 t I II} 1 1 h i ‘ ‘ - v o carrv e or 0 re ‘1 'e car, we VAL"; cps . . . . , . . . , . , s (or _19 prospective concerns. Lse your bank. .11 l ‘ It. Do 1. ( \nd 1 f)“, VALVE REPAIR 1001.. a in r. for repairing Th . . . . . . . -. '. . - “‘l Jt‘ st‘ -='UP 1' In: 21 W i _ , e manaeei h is at his dis rosil in- . and re threading all tire valves . .. . .19 t- < I ‘ ) too long we 5bould be m the export TIRE RIM BANDSâ€"Saves inner tubes by pro- tectin: them atainst rim rust and rou':h< neu . . . . . '23 rI 97 YCNGE ST. Richmond Hill, Ont. P. C. Hill. T‘rnD. I'Ht‘N F. 404 llIlIllilllII-Illlllllill fermation from all sections of the :ountry. from the United States and abroad throuin branches and corresâ€" pondents. Your bank manager is a citizen of your community and shares with you in the growth and progress .vhicli your town makes. In order to assist industry and communities most Canadian banks have established Business Develop- ment Departments. The principal functions of these departments are to assist both municipalities and iii- dustries in bringing them together. in furnishing both with authentic ac- curate information which is necess- ary to both sides. The staff of these Business Development Departments market. Following this oil development, will come the opening of the mineral areas of the Great Slave regions which, I venture to predict. will par- allel the Northern Ontario mineral Belt. Municipalities Share This future development of Canada will he shared by aggressive municâ€" ipalities and if Markham desires to participate. the Council, the Chamber of Commerce. tile Service Club and all other social organizations must your community and to publicize the which attractions and advantages lie ever- alcrt to sing tiie praises of, as in the past as partners in a free and democratic way of life. “Musts” Necessary To summarize, may I say: 1. To grow industrially, you must be able to furnish quickly and ac- curately full information covering the advantages and facilities your town has to offer concerns seeking factory location. 2. To grow industrially you must be prepared to furnish the increased services required to take care of more population. The services in- clude schools, fire and police protecâ€" he prepared to co-operate with in- dustry, to understand their problems, to help them in many ways, even to the extent of providing at times “risk capital.” 4. To grow industrially you must believe in the future of your town, your province, your country. : § E i i t t 3 2 t z t t l YON GE STREET r i 000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000 x 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 VACATIONING? RT RE-UPHOLSTERING the usual prompt attention and service. . ' I ; ,_._______________â€".._ 0000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000” REFRIGERATION SERVICE In Richmond Hill and District REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES, COMMERCIAL, DOMESTIC ALSO ELECTRIC RANGE REPAIRS HAROLD Farrow 85 WRIGHT ST. PHONE 428W RICHMOND HILL “0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000“ Phillips Designed This Portable For You Plug It Into The Wall Outlet If You Like The Comforts Of Home Or Play It On The Batteries If You Are The Rugged Individual THE HILLTOP ELECTRIC t RICHMOND HILL BACKED BY 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE â€" COMPLETE LINE OF ALL FABRICS -â€" “ DU BARRY ” ONLY “DC BARRY" FEAT'L'RES GENCINE MARSHALL CI'SHIONS. STYLES AVAILABLE INCLI'DE: CHARLES OF LONDON. BIRCH OF ENGLAND. SWED- ISH. MODERN. SECTIONAIS. LAWSON AND S. PROMPT SERVICE â€" FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY. WHY TAKE A CHANCE ON AMATEURS â€" WHEN YOU CALLING CAN HAVE THE BEST BY DYER’S FUR L:i.i.';...;~..._-.-;<-â€"» r'..- " L. ’ {7'1 .-..4

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