Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jul 1949, p. 4

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fiifig él‘der $225.00. Phoné Richmond Hill 4503. clw3 HOLSTEIN cow, fresh. Apply Al- CABIN TRAILER in A1 condition, ready for road, size 7x18 ft. Apply phone Thornhill 155. c2w2 'REFRIGERATORS, 6 cu. ft. and 10 cu. ft., immediate delivery. Phone King 2616. c4wl STUDIO COUCH,. good condition, solid oak desk, piano, Upright Grand, reasonable. Phone Thornhili 248J. c2w3 FORD SEDAN, 31 Model A. good tires, brakes, seal beam lightS, Dust cash offer takes it. Blacketr. Arâ€" nold Ave., Thornhill. c1w3 $7600, 5 ROOM Masonry Bungalow on 1 acre, hardwood throughout, hot water heating, private, Phone Thornhill 195113. c l “'3 FOR. REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Tnornhill 169. tfc46 ATTENTION â€" Soft wood slabs, $12.00 cord; Hardwood slabs, $17.00 cprd. All wood is dry and clean. Wil- son’s W'ood Supply. Phone Richmond Hill 441J. tfcl 31 MODEL A COUPE, excellent con- dition, $275.00. Phone Maple 60111. ’1wa 25 BAGS good Table Potatoes, phone Aurora 429r2. Bolter’s Gas Station at CFRB sideroad. *1w3 1929.NASH SEDAN, in running 01'- der, good tires and battery. $50.00. Phone Maple 661‘11. *1w3 bert Middleton, Sfop 23, 1 n‘liilc' west 9n Carrville Rd. *1w3 GOOD WORK HORSE, nine years old. Apply Harry Bradley. phone Richmond Hill 3721-15, evenings. c1w2 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tfc46 6 YEAR OLD Grey Wagon Horse, well broken, $75.00. Phone Maple 60r11. *1w3 1931 FORD 11/2 ton truck, g'ood run- LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds. aluminum or steel baked enâ€" amel finish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. tfc32 3 MALE, 2 FEMALE PUPPIESLT AGElNT for Moffats New Electric Range; also Essutanc Gus Ranges and Electric Pails; Cl'OSSle Shelvador Refrigerators and Hinman Milkers. J. A. Rose, Maple, phone 34J. tfc38 weeks, brown and white spaniels, reasonable. Apply R. Mack, 010 W. J. Lawson, 1/5 mile north Concord Post Office. *1w3 4 MONTH OLD Police ptlppy‘ dog; plate glass aquarium 30x12x12; baby carriage, blue convertible, good con- dition. Apply Mrs. Zl'yd, 44 Spruce ‘Ave.,‘ Richvale, phone Richmond Hill 248r22. : 1 w 3 ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails. fire doge, fire scveens, fire sets and acetylene weld- ing. Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Richvule. tfc35 BATTERY RADIO, in good running order, Serenader, used only 1 year; 2 low wooden wagon wheels, lst class condition, 1 with hay rack; 1 Surge milking machine, in perfect condition. Reason for selling, quitting milk bus- iness. Phone Maple 731-15. *1w3 WANT 2-3 WYEEK CHICKS? Or dayolds, and started? Mixed, pull- ets, cockerels. Bray has them im- mediate shipment. Take stock, let’s have your order. Agent, Fred Wise, Richmond Hill. c1w3 by using “TARN-OFF” â€" no washâ€" ing, no polishing. Just rub on, and wipe off. 16 oz. tin 600; 36 oz. tin $’.‘00. At Mabley’s Garage. 41 DODGE BLACK SEDAN. Phone Thornhill 161‘3. *1w3 FEET HURT? Freez-Ofi for corns callouses. warts, ingrown toe nails --‘â€"it really works magic. Follow directions on back of bottle. You'll be amazed how easy your corns have disappeared. Box 380 Richmond Hill. address, Freez-Ofl‘. *10w50 JO‘ FEET HURT? Freez-Ofi for c TOR, 20 cubic feet, $575.00; recondiâ€" tioned box with brand new unit, 30 cubic ft., $395.00; General Motors Terms. RK 20 Range, 3:329:00; RR 4 Range, $209.00. Apply Paris Auto §ppply Ltd., Richmond Hill, phone 86 40 DODGE SEDAN. reconditioned motor, clean inside and out, reduced to sell, $875.00; 39 Plymouth coach, positively a car for famin man who can’t afford a large repair bill; 37 Chrysler Royal “I was driven all my life by a drunkard, I can hardly move and my body shakes all over. but don’t believe me, see for your- self”; 36 Ford Sedan, giving away to highest bidder; 33 Chrysler, will stand strict examination: 25) Over- land, is not a hotrod. all parts are in good working order. Terms, Trade, Cash. Mryl Motors, Unionâ€" ville, phone 18J. clw‘S F. I. 20 FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERA- IIIIIIIIIIIIIBIHIII Work Guaranteed III-llllllllllllllll | Hill 3553' Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman ______________.__â€"r RATESâ€"Five lines _or less, 35 cents for first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over five lines 7 cents per line extra each insertion. If charged to account mne cents per line. Telephone Richmond Hill 9. Classified Sale 85 Want Ads PIANO TUNING and Repairing Tel Phone THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, July FOR SALE S. Hoffman Liberal Office, Richmond Hill Free Estimates good best c1\v3 c1w3 GOOD 2% ACRE building lot on I Proctor Ave., Doncaster, phone Thornhill 296J. c1w3 window, uséd only 2 weeks. Price $25.00. Phone Richmond Hill 3§Z3WJ HOUSE, 4 rooms in Newmarket, in- sulated, hot air furnace, oak floors, modern bath,,bui1t-in' cupboards, heavy wiring. Apply S. L. Stephens, 27 Andrew. St., NeWmarket. 40 YOUNG FIGS, 6 weeks old; choice team work horses. Jack Cruickshank, 3rd con. Markham, lot 14. Phone Unionville 30J4. cma MASSEYJHJARRIS 3 h.p. Gasoline Engine; motor generator battery charger, for 1 or more batteries, complete with charging panel. Apply 1 Yonge St.,.Richmond Hill, phone 211. c1w3 ICE BOX, used, good condition cheap. Apply 47 Church St., finish: MAN’S LANGMUIR travelling: with zipper top, new condition, er used. Applx Liberal Office. SMALL FINDLAY, coal and w00d range, good condition. Apply Thi- bert, R.R. 1, Richmond H111, phone Richmond Hill 44r6. *1w3 of the Carrville United Church shed, approx. 18’ x 50', steel roof. Ad- dress all tenders to W. George, 116 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. *1w3 headlights, 6 ply tires, "almost new, ring job 2 weeks ago, $135 or ,best offer. Phone Richmond Hlll 37214. mona Hill.â€" TENT'9x9, sewn-in floor, Slrl'C‘Qn evenings. TENDERS ARE CALLED for 5.110 1 VENETIAN BLIND for door, .ap- prox. 28x38; 1 Venetian blind for window, 6’ 6” x 4’; some panelling suitable for cupboard doors; 1 man’s bicycle; 1 ditch light; 2 pieces of glass, approx. 17x38 (frosted); 1 sash. Apply Stan Ransom; Barber, 63 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. *1w3 Thornhill 296J. METAL ICE BOX, 25 1b,“;- 1930 BUICK 6 SEDAN, seal be FURNISHED HOME overlooking Preston Lake, beautiful wooded lot with outside fireplace, 6 rooms, hardwood throughout, large (l'ning room, and living room, panelled walls and ceiling with open fireplace, electric stove, immediate posemsion. Price $3.950. Terms arranged. Phone Aurora 811'22. c1w3 Apply 1935 FORD. Apply Charlie White, Elgin Mills. Rhone Richmond Hill 1341-12. c1w3 1341'12‘ SAND AlN'D GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 37216. tfc42 CUSTOM PICK-UP BALING and combining; reasonable rates. Apply Harold heise, Victoria Square, phone Stoufi‘ville 66105. *3wl KITCHEN CABINETS a specialty, general trim work, plastic tile set- ting. Apply S. J.~1<‘1‘eshwater, 0x ford 812., Elgin Mills. *3w1 TORS, chimneys a specialty. J Jordon, phone Richmond Hill 1361'6. *4w53 DRESSMAKING â€" Ladies and miss es dresses, blouses, lingerie, infant’s and children’s wear a specialty. Phone Richmond Hill 377W. *4w53 LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired by experienced workman. Phone Jos. Winger, Maple 621'21. tivating, tilling. W. H'. Goode'fham, 39 Elmwood Ave., Lansing, telephone Willowdale 2508. c28w43 BRICK AND BLOCK CONTRAC CU STOM PLOUGIjING, djscipg‘,_ cul- PLASTERING, first class workman- ship. Will give estimates. Adam Pohl, Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill. 3461-21. *25w41 LAWN MOWERS and saws sharpen- ed; folding lawn chairs made; inside panel doors. Apply C. B. Stouen- burg, 11 Richmond 8., Richmond Hill, phone 392W. tfc42 CUSTOM ROTARY TILLING. Have your land completely prepared by the new scientific one operahow method. W. Hutchinson Elzin Mllis, pnone Pichmond Hill 28HV. tf341 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. . tfc BUDGIE BIRD, lime green with broken beak, answers to Chum. Lost in Thornhill. Mrs. Snider, Arnold Ave.,Thornhill, phone 256M. c1w3 MAN’S WRIST WATCH found on Yonge St. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advertisement. Phone Richmond taming driver’s 1n papers, approx. Sunday morning, ‘ Road in Richvale phone New Toror charges. LOST THURSDAY. July LUST THURSDAY, July 7, sma gold air force brooch, small, betwee Garden Ave., Langstaf‘r‘ P.O.. and Elgin Mills or the 10.20 bus, City Limits to Richmond Hill. Reward. Mrs. E. Rollinson, phone Thornhill 1921‘13. c1w3 VWALLET with initials J.D.F., conâ€" taining driver’s license and personal papers, approx. $70.00 cash early Sunday morning, July 17 on Avenue Road in Richvale. Liberal reward, phone New Toronto 2894M, reverse charges. *1w3 MISCELLANEOUS phone Richmond Hill FOUND LOST 21, 194E) pacity. [34134. clw3 c18w44 *lwa bag nev- clw3 1W3 a In OLD HORSES, $15.00. We will pay you $15.00 for your old horse at your farm. Campbell Mink, phone Agin- court 18.112 Collect. tfc2 TRANSPORTATION to and from Bloor St. and Yonge District, hours 9-5. Phone Richmond Hill 284.137 ALL KINDS of poultry wanted, best market prices, will call immediately upon request. A. Magee, King, phone 35r14. *28w52 HOW ABOUT THOSE HENS that have stopped laying. Highest prices paid. Bring them in or phone King 59114. W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Grading Station. tfc39 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS for Thoynhill Golf Club. Phone Thorn- hill 8. c1w3 UNEURNISHED living aceomlmoda- tion of any kind urgently required by veteran, wife and 2 children, best of references. Apply Mrs. F. Roman- ovitch, 20 Yonge St., Aurora. c1w3 MIDDLE AGE LADY requires two unfurnished rooms with cooking facilities within reach of shopping district and transportation. Apply 94 Rosehill Ave., Toronto, phone KI. 2378, reverse charges. *1w3 WANTED URGENTLY, unfurnished house to rent, couple with 2 children, reasonable rent, good references. Phone Thornhill 289r3. c1w3 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, suitable FLOOR POLISHER for rent, heavy duty, $2.00 per day. Pick-up and de- livery $1.00 extra. Modern Kitchens Installations, phone Richmond Hill 443. th3 for light housekeeping, suit young business couple. Apply Box 41 The Liberal. c1w3 USED SET of draqghting instru- ments. Phone Richmond Hill 284J. *1w3 LAIKE SIMCOE near Keswick, In- dianola Beach. Cottage by week or month, hydro, bedding supplied, housekeeping ‘or meals supplied if deâ€" sired. Mrs. Von Besser, telephone Roche’s Point 80J. *lw3 .0.00..0000.00.0.00000.0.0 Gunnar’s Tailor Shop '“MNONMOOOONOOOOOOOC BATTERIES, TIRES, FUEL PUMPS, FAN BELTS, ETC. McMULLEN MOTORS Phone 74M 144 Yonge St. Richmond Hill OOOOWWQO Geo. Wade and His Corn Huskers Tuesday night Prices: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, $1.00 per person. Wednesday and Thursday Nights â€" Jack Fowler and His Orchestra Friday and Saturday Nights Entire Stock of Parts and Accessories including July 25 to August 2 Dancing Under The Stars Mart Kenny and His Western Must Be Sold This Month Gentlemen, featuring Norm Locke and Roy Roberts. SPECIAL MART KENNY’s . . RANCH . . Saturday, $2.00 per' per Randolph 6102, Toronto Friday $1.50 per person ($1.00 Students). Prices Slashed 25’; Miles North of will be closed COUPLES ONLY WANTED Reservations â€" T0 RENT WOODBRIDGE Hoe Down to *1w3 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Carter and family are leaving Ruggles Avenue this week to live in Northern Ontar- io. Bob, an active member of the local Lions Club, has worked very hard in the interests of the com- munity, and will certainly be missed. On behalf of their friends and neighbours in Langstafl", we wish them good fortune and much happi- ness in their new home. At the time of writing, Mrs. Boyes of Garden Avenue, is expected home from hospital, having had a finger amputated. We are glad to learn that the operation was successful. we are glad to report. However, Aurora came here Thursday and our loss to them was 7 to 3. Next week‘s game is scheduled for Saturday, July 23, at Langstaff against Newmarket. Correspondent: Mrs. SL Worsdali Phone Thornhill 2571'12 Having just returned from a moâ€" tor trip to Winnipeg, via Michigan, Wisconsin and North Dakota, this correspondent '1'egrets that this week's news is sketchy. She would be glad to report your own holiday experiences, so let‘s hear from you please. Our girls in the York Centre La- dies Softball League, lost their game at Victoria Square on Thursday. Their next game is Thursday, July 28, at Aurora. Congratulations to our successful High School Entrance candidates and to Mr. David Smith, Principal, on an almost perfect result, there being only one failure. We are ‘proud to publish the names of Harry Ablett, Barbara Baker, Donna Banks, Joan Boyes, Harry LeMasurier, Roger Mat- thews, June Ross (Honours), Gwen Smith and Vance Wlorsdale (Hvon- ours without writing). The Home and School Club plans to honour the graduating class at the Third Annual Commencement in the school Tues- day evening, September 13, when Mr. A. S. Elson, Principal of Richmond Hill High School, will give the ad- 'In the North York Major Softball League last Tuesday Langstafl= visâ€"‘ ited Newmarket and defeated them, A. S. Elson, Principal of Richmond Hill High School, will give the ad- dress. ‘More details will be given later. Mr. Ronald Baker of arden Ave. has been appointed assistant swim- .ming instructor at the Princess Alice Sea Cadet Camp, Georgian Bay, where he will spend the remainder of the summer. About 200 attended the animalâ€"bi?- nic last Saturday at Woodland Park. Everybody reported having a good time. Rev. A. R. Jones is spending three weeks at Muskoka Baptist Camp near Huntsville. Services at Lang- stafl’ will remain the same. Bible School at 11 am. every Sunday with classes for all. Teen-age, Bible Study at 3 p.m. Evening Service 7 p.m. Mr. Foster is in charge of the serâ€" vices .during Mr. Jones’ absence. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 8 p.m. Church News The Women’s Fellowship will be held this week at the home ,of‘Mrs. J. Marritt, Richmond St., Richmond Hill at 2 Congratulations to the men of the Langstaff Baptist Church who de- feated the men of Elgin Mills in a baseball game at Elgin Mills last Monday evening. OWOOOOOO”OOO”“M“O HELP WANTED m“. WWOWO Richmond Hill WWWW Phone 174 1946 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN Radio, heater, new tires $1,550.00 1947 FORD FORDOR SEDAN â€" Radio, heater, very nice 1948 FORD '/2 TON PICK-UP â€"â€" LITTLE BROTHERS Ford & Monarch Sales & Service Blouses, Children’s Dresses Experienced Operators on RELIABLE USED CARS Mayfair Mfg. Co. LANGSTAFF Yonge Street $1,525.00 $1350.00 Good Value. Richmond Hill Phone 495 Rev. and Mrs. C. Berry of Mark- ham had supper last Thursday even- ing in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunt, Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoover of Torbnto, and Mis Jean Hoover of Kitchener, visitâ€" ed over last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hunking at Birchview Haven, Kinmount. Welcome home to Mr. E. Roberts who has spent several weeks in the hospital. We hape he will soon re- gain his strength. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Jones are away for a week’s holidays. Mrs. John Bond is visiting Rev. and Mrs. C. Brown and family of Miss Ella Baker of Collingwood and Miss Minnie Long of Stayner and Mr. A. D. Baker of Winnipeg are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cober. Miss Cheryl Cook entertained sev- eral of. her little friends at her sixth birthday party last Saturday. Last Friday evening twenty-five friends of Mrs. R. Brillinger gathered to surprise her on the occasion of her birthday. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. Mr. D. Rumney, Victoria Square, wsihes to thank his many friends and neighbours for their cards, fruit and all visitors during his recent illness. Mrs. John and Mrs. C. Port El‘gin. EXPRESSES THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Orval Heise had sup- per Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Winger of Queensville. Mrs. Martha Edmonds of Toronto and Mrs. Agnes Olsen of Detroit, M chigantvisited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Doner last week end. Mrs. Victor Stover of Markham visited last week end wth Mr. and Mrs. C. Doner. Mr. and Mrs. Hawke of Tor0nto have 'been spending this last few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Biddicombe. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson of Tor- onto have been visiting 1'ecentiy in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Empringham. Mr. and Mrs. E. Klinck and family and Mr. and Mrs. F. Bennett and family enjoyed a picnic dinner to- gether last Friday atiPreston Lake. Mrs. Mable Thompson is spending a week in Toronto with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mansbridge, Carol and Mrs. Agar had supper Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Doner. Liberal Classified Advts. Get Results Mrs. Wm. Bruce and Genevieve spent last week holidaying near Bobcaygeon. Fish Pond 4 Midway . Bingo ‘ Clowns LUCKY DRAW WILL BE MADE AT 11:30 RM. AT THE DANCE FOR A 1949 FORD & OUTBOARD MOTOR AND BOAT. GORMLEY I MONDAY, August Est Aunt Jemima 8 Her Famous Pancakes ' Modern and Olde Tyme Dancing RICHMOND HILL ARENA To DICK WALKER and His Orchestra FROM 9 RM. T0 1 A.M. RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB A N N U A L Admission to Grounds 25 Cents SAFE DRIVING EXHIBIT PROCEEDS TO BE USED FOR CARNEVAL c1w3 OOOQOOOOOOOOOOOONOOWOQOO Paris Auto Suppiy Ltd. Last Thursday the girls defeated Woodlbridge with an overwhelming score of 26â€"2. We also defeated Vic- toria Square girls last Wedneglay by 15-9. This was an exhibition On Tuesday, July 19. the boys played Teston at the home diamond. The visitors defeated Elgin Mills by 1 run, 10-9. There is a big league game at Elg‘in Mills playgound with Stoufi’ville girls next Monday, July 25. We have been invited to play at Richmond Hill Lions Carnival on Aug. 1. s n ling Mrs. Eric Martyn and daughter, Heather, of Port Arthur, and Mr. Ar- thur Locke of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Locke and family over the week end. Gold mines are scax'qe â€" but you can “cash in” with a L‘Jlberal Classi- fied Ad. Telephone yours to Rich- mond Hill 9. game. Monday night the ball park was the scene of an exciting game. The Aur- ora girls lost by 1 run. .We were neck and neck throughout the game until Irene Mashinter got the win- ning run in the last inning. Rena Morrison drove her in. The final score was 6-5. Mr. and Mrs. J. Macalpine and son Malcolm of Thornhill and Mrs. Frank Correa and daughter Eleanor of Tor- onto visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Locke Sunday. We are very glad to hear Joanne McLean is progressing nicely in the Sick Children’s Hospital in Toronto and expects to go to Thistletown in a few days to Iconvalesce. ‘ Miss Dorothy Wilcox, Bedfm'd England, is spending a few weeks with her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs Jas. Bowdery. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dyke, Gordon and Mrs. Dyke of Vancouver motored to the United States over the week end. Miss Norma Stewart, Brampton is spending a few plays with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Crawford. GOOOWOMWOO”. Correspondent: Barbara Jones Phone Richmond Hill «182 Richmond Hill, Phone ‘86 ELGIN MILLS 45 Gallon Drums AT 1:30 P.M. $5.00 EACH AND LIONS WELFARE WORK WOOONMMWW Applications will be received by the undersigned for the pos- ition of assistant caretaker of the Village of Richmond Hill. Refrigerators. Domestic, Deep Freezers. Walk-ins and Counters in stock 00666090066900”. $0699.96. REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE .090.000090600600066066660 Phone 2(ir5 NOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOQOOQOOOC ch.. Thurs., July 27, 28 A' Stirring, Romantic Drama Lofetla Young Robert Mitchum in Fri., Silk, July 22, 23 It's Their Best Fiesta Bud Abbott, Lou Costello in “Mexican Hayride” Mon., Tues., July 25, 26 In Technicolor Glenn Ford, Terry Moore in Commercial and Domestic G. G. “Don” Chalk MARKHAM “Rachel and the Stranger” All makes guaranteed. “The Return of October” \\' IL LYN E'l‘T. Clerk. ash NOTICE! in}: Machines KING

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