Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Aug 1949, p. 6

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"90.00909.‘ JAY’S iAfiHES WEAR HURRY N HURRY !! DAVID MCLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE oOO0.0000000000QOQOOOOOOOOOH00.060090000000006... Music by Glenn Smith &- the Merrymakers Centre St. HOUSES WANTED â€" 5. 6', 7, and 3 roomed houses in Thornhill and Richmond Hill, immediately. Unionville Junior Farmers Association AT UNIONVILLE THURSDAY, August 11th Jenny’s Dress Shop 3429 YONGE ST. In case of rain dance will be held in Rainbow Gardens SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM 8: FILL The Selection Is Still Good Anzl The Prices Just Right SILK PRINT DRESSES, LINENS, COTTONS, COATS, SHORTIES, SUITS AND GOWNS ARE ALL VERY GEN- ' ‘ EROUSLY REDUCED. SPECIAL COTTONS CLEARING AT THESE MUST BE CLEAR'SD TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR FALL STOCK WHICH IS EXPECTED WITHIN TWO A WEEKS. THORNHILL, ONTARIO , . Latlies’ and Children’s Wear ALL SUMMER DRESSES OFFERED AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES BATHING SUITS AT COST THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, August 4, 1949 THORNHILL OFFICE, PHONE 12 Member Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards §0LE§ OUT! STREET DANCE firms in â€" we may iust have the Dress for You at an Amazingly Low Price Our Selection is Still Good and Prices are Very Low CHARGE AND BUDGET ACCOUNTS INVITED No Extra Charge for Charge Accounts TELEPHONE THORN H ILL 162M CARNfiVAE. L. W. REID Town and Country Realtors PHONE 'l‘I'IORNHILL 217 DAVID McLEAN amfl AT THE TOP OF THE TOWN $4-93 TORONTO Thornhill Seventy-five men, women and chil- dren gathered to help make this day a successful one. There were many races for the children five years and older and all the children attending the picnic took home a small gift presented by the ladies of the Donâ€" caster Club. when they dammed up the stream which flows through their grounds. The picnic came to an end at seven o'clock with everyone agreeing that tliev had had a wonderful time. On Tuesday, August 2, a meeting" A shoe-kicking for the ladies and test 101‘ the men. Ice cream, soft drinks and choco- late milk were served to the child- ren with tea being served to the ad- ults. While the older folks relaxed in the shade of the many trees the youn- ger set were able to keep cool by swimming and paddling in a small pcol made by Mr. Mizen and his son nu; death of their mother. The funeral took place Saturday, July 30, from St. Mary’s Anglican Church at Rich- mond Hill. The All Star Baseball team has been having a streak of bad luck with the following scores. The Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Kent will be spending the month of August at Woodland Beach. During the holi- day absence of Mr. Kent his brother, Mr. A. Kent of Toronto, will be takâ€" ing the Sunday services at the Thorn- niil United Church. Sunday, July 31, the Rev. S. A. R. Wood ofl’iciated at the christening of William James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Garland. Arnold Avenue. Mr. Garland’s s;ster, Frances is the baby’s godmother, with Mr. Lloyd nlackett, Arnold Avenue, \as godfath- 81'. rexrtended to Miss Syl- via McCreedy and her sister on the With lots of ice cream, candy and milk the children really enjoyed themâ€" selves and a wonderful time was had “y all the members. In private cars Lhe picknickers arrived home around ten o’clock. On Monday, August 1, the Rev. and Mrs. S. A. R. Wood and family mot- ored to Brock’s Beach, Georgian Bay, .or a short holiday. At Trinity Anglican Church on Arriving at the lake in the after- noon everyone made for the water and enjoyed a swim 'before supper. After supper the many sports. races and novelty races, got underway with ipts of cheering from the onlookers urging the contestants on to the fin- ishing line. Everyone participating in the races received five cents with the winners receiving ten cents. (‘é‘rrcspondenh Mrs. C. H. Bolton. Phone 'l‘hornhill 239.1 The annual Sunday School picnic of Trinity Anglican Church was held Monday, July 25, at Musselman's Thornhill District News HU. 0898 contest was held a nail driving con- The lunch conveners are: Hare, Mrs. G. Baldwin, Mrs and Mrs. D. Gunn. ified ads will help Telephone the Libe The W51. will hold its monthly mating at the home of Mrs. D. Chalk on Wednesday, August 10. The top- ic for the meeting is Historical Re- search, under the convenorship of Mrs. Roy Jennings. The roll call “How many generations are you a Canadian," The Current Events are to be given by Mrs. Nelson Thompson. This meeting is our “Grandmothers Meeting” and we hope to have many of the grandmothers in our commun- ity with us. Moddle’s vacation. However on the 18th service will be held at 7.30. Mrs. H. Moddlé‘ being the speaker. Sunday School will be held as. us- ual. We miss you children when you The animal is the property of a Thornhill resident, Mrs. h’ilda Skip- pen of John Street, Thornhill. Nam- ed Ymir of Valhalla, the two-year-old German Shepherd dog is the winner of many trophies and prizes, among which are about thirty ribbons bear- ing the magic word “First.” When Ymir does his stint at 'the Exhibition he will be one of a group of sixtfien dogs which, accompanied by their owners, will perform a pre- cision drill which will emphasize the obedience which has been drilled into the animals. As the owners go through complicated manOeuvres the dogs are placed in certain fOrmations, and, from movement to movement, follow the commands which are giv- en them. Similar demonstrations in Canada, says Mrs. Skippen, have been given, but these have been by dogs trained in the United States, until recently. Now, with the development of the German Shepherd Breeders’ Assoc- iation, which has a membership of 82, Canadian trained dogs are com- ing to the fore. Exhibitions have MissElma Coker, Hamilton, was theg‘uest of Mr. and Mrs. John Beal, Arnold Avenue, over the holiday week end. Miss Coker and Mrs. Beal served together in the C.W.A.C. dur- ing‘ the war years. Nick Tang'uiy, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Tanguiy, Arnold Avenue. was srtuck by a car on No. 7 Highway on Saturdav morning and suffered cuts and bruises but was fortunate in hav- ing no bones broken. Nick was crossing at the intersec- tion of No. 7 and Yonge St., with the light but failed to notice a car making a left-hand turn off Yonge Street and therefore darted in front of the oncoming car. Nick was taken to Dr. Wesley’s office for treatment and then allowed to go home. As it was proved to be Nick‘s fault. the driver of the car was not held. It is felt that due to the quick reaction of the driver the accident was not as serious as it could have been. Our church service on 7th will be omitted due Moddle’s vacation. Ho“ Jack Garnett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnett of Morgan Avenue, arrived home on Monday, A‘ugust 1, from Springfield, 11]., bringing with him his recent bride, the former Anne Marsh of Springfield. This is Jack‘s first visit home in two years. When the Canadian National Ex- hibition stages its big displays this year a local dog will play a part in entertaining thé thousands of visâ€" itms. TEMPERAN CEV ILLE At the home of the bride‘s parents a reception was held on the lawn with the \bride’s mother receiVing in a powder blue dress with navy access- ories and the groom’s mother receiv- ing in a grey d1'eSs with "mauve ac- cessories. Both wore corsag'es of white carnations and roses. For a honeymoon at Gravenhurst the bride travelled in a loganberry wine g‘abardine suit with white ac- '-essories and a corsage of sweet peas. On their return the couple will re- side at 119 Ascot AVenue, Toronto. ‘Among' the eighty guests attend‘ ing the weddng were Mr. and Mrs We wish to welcome Mr YW-zvis to Arnold Avenue. Cecil Wood and their two daughters, Mary and Joyce of Woodbridge and Mr. and Mrs. R. Townsend from St. Catharines, Ontario. 1"101'nhill Dog To Take Part In Exhibition of the Doncast held at the hon ock. Garden Aw Goodchild “'edd Thornhil] Un‘ max-Re me of ceremony. ),3 given in marriage 11d wore a floor length embroidered organdy veil caught to a tiara and carried a bou- ladioli. roses and car- n? ral Chu an Sunday the and Mrs 0V6 ate The considerable crowd which oc- cupied the lawn bowling greens at Unionville recently was not there‘o ‘watch or take part in a tournament but instead to watch Prentice and Prentice, auctioneers, dispose of _the 1 property. Mrs. William Coulson, on whose farm the bowling greens were lo- cated, was the highest bidder, paying $1,275. for the lot, which measures 145 x 160 feet. The power roller was bought by the Tottenham Bowling Club for a little over 8200, while other equipâ€" ment went to Stouffville and other clubs in the district. Unionville Bowling Club Grounds Sold Ymir of Valhalla, Mrs. Skippen’s dog, is rated as “CD.” â€" “Compan- ion Dog” and 1is. at present in training- for the rating of “C.D.X.” ion Dog” and ‘is at present in training for the rating of “C.D.)Ԥ.” ~ “Companion Dog Excellent.” The Skippen family expects to move soon to a larger property near Stop 24 and then, states Mrs. Skip- pen, it is expected that many shows will be given, to which members of the association will bring their dogs. and exhibit the high degree of obed- ience to which these animals have been trained. lems from the rural part of the township. Mr. James McDonald, township clerk for Vaughan, outlined|present by-laws covering the district, which provide for the building of detached one-family dwellings only, Attention was drawn to the fact that while there has been a large population in- crease in the area there had not been a comparative increase in stores and industries, and that provision should be made for such by the planning board. The well-attended meeting elected S. Tobias, Yonge Street; R. Byford, Arnold Avenue, Thornhill; S. Kirk- man, Thornbank Road, J. Konsmo, Jackes Avenue and IR. Fisher, Steele’s Avenue, as members of the planning board. . Messrs. lurkm December, 1951 December, 1952 lready been given in Guelph, St. éatharines and Streetsville and inâ€" vitations to show in large US. cities have also been received. ' Liberal Classified Advts. Get Results The new board, which is subsidiary to the main planning board of Vaugh- an Township, will cover the area from Steele’s Corners to Langstafi' side road and from Yonge Street west to Bathurst Street. Purpose of the establishment of the additional board is to give special and direct repres- entation to the area in question, which has somewhat different prob- lems from the rural part of the Terms of office are to be staggered, with Mr. Fisher and Mr. Konsmo serving until December, 1950, Messrs. Kirkman and Byford until to the mam plannmg an Township, will from Steele’s Come side road and from Y to Bathurst Street. Thsmhill Voters Choose Five Man Planning Board A five man ll W549 Accidents demonstrate again and again,-â€"The folly of leaving your traffic lane the and Mr. Tobias until tht when 11] e voter han 'I The "cut in" driver is a menace to life and property. PLAY FAIRâ€"PLAY SAFE. Follow the road lines laid out for your guidance. mnin )\V]l Vic g Phone 438W 0 009900006064 Eyes Examined, Glasses’FItted OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions fur Glasses Fillet! Fur Appointment l’hono Richmond Hill 33 00099069oomwoeoooo¢ooooo¢o¢eeoooooooooooooo0009940 0.0090909000OOOQOOOOOOOOOQOGQ60.0QOOOOOVOOOOOOOOOOQQ fOOOOQOO 0V601‘00009000000009000069 WOOQOVQOOOOOOMO'D ‘0‘ O9060....O.GOOOOOMOwaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO‘OOOO; 000006609900000.09990690990699090000069900060990009. ‘ 090069000000 “OWO0OOW0900009096VMQOQOOOOOOOOWQQ 6 3OMOOOOO¢OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOO 600‘90 O 0000060000006: I’HUN E 209W PHONE THORNHILL 069I“0‘00650060900606006600099996000(‘00‘90 6 QOOOOOOOOO; Outstanding Quality - Delicious Flavour Everything Electrical House and Farm Wiring a Specialty Work done by Licensed Electricians. Plumbing and Heating Contractor GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minislor ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Clean and Fine Work PAINTER â€" DECORATOR H. JENNING§ CITY AND SUBURBAN LICENSE JACK BALE Alterations and Repairs Steam or Hot Water AUD’TIN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, Aug. 10th THORNIIILL, ONT. and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 INUON EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT . TONNER 77W 27 JOHN ST.. 'I‘IIORNIIILL Richmond Hill 9” It ck: 45/ 16W

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